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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/24 in all areas

  1. This is a FULL 32 MAP MEGAWAD of funky, gimmicky and mostly small limit-removing maps with a wide variety of themes, ideas, and gameplay styles. It's not a jokewad, don't worry—I put genuine effort into making the maps fun and interesting and haven't set out to troll the player (not on purpose, anyway). There's a bit of something in here for everybody: run-and-gun action, suspense and atmosphere, slaughter, indoor maps, outdoor maps, hell maps, space maps, classic-style, '94-style and a lot of whackadoo shit I can't even give a description to, to name just a sampling. You'll just have to grab a spoon and can opener and see for yourself! Why "Extra Beany Canned Doom"? Because: 🫘Like beans, the maps are small and proteiny 🫘Also like beans, there are exactly 32 of them 🫘Like canned food, the maps are quick to make and play 🫘Like Doom, the maps are full of Doom enemies and textures 🫘"Beany" is a funny word lol beany 🫘I actually hate beans so I'm motivated to make the maps extra good to compensate Make sure to check the "how to play" and especially the big conspicuous "READ THIS" sections below. Beyond that, enjoy, and let me know if anything is broken so that I can unbreak it for everyone. I'll fix anything that's egregiously busted and maybe do some rebalancing if something is off from the difficulty intended (maybe start with Hurt Me Plenty if it's your first time), but for the most part this should be done and ready to deliver torture a rollicking good time Behold, the miracle of birth! Today we are witness to the hatching of the doomguy from its egg, truly one of the wonders of nature. Watch as it eats the gibs left behind by its mother, made of the remains of her mate. What lies ahead for this young doomguy as it emerges from its nest? Most likely, ripping and tearing, and the struggle for survival that all beasts must face. The little doomguy wastes no time: look, a chainsaw left behind by loggers! Time for him to go gather some tasty, juicy gibs of his own, before the next mating season commences. 🫘Play with any limit-removing source port — it's mostly tested in Crispy but they all should work in GZDoom, DSDA-Doom, Eternity and the other limit-removing ports, and each map has been tested in them (but see below) 🫘Single player 🫘Freelook permitted, that's how I tested it 🚫No jumping or crouching The difficulty levels are loosely balanced as such (noting that I am bad at Doom and that limits my ability to properly balance for UV): 🫘ITYTD: Go for it! A nice way to casually experience the maps with minimal pressure or frustration. 🫘HNTR: Same as HMP, but with fewer monsters. Balanced to be a gentle challenge for people who are new or just want a relaxed time 🫘HMP: The "default" difficulty, recommended for first time playthrough unless you're looking for a super extra challenge. Same monster count as UV but with more kit. 🫘UV: It will get pretty hard sometimes but definitely not god level. Same monster count as HMP but with less health/ammo/arms ☠️N!: lol no All maps are tested from pistol start—you can play them continuous, but if your port supports the -pistolstart flag or equivalent then I recommend it (see below). The maps are a hodgepodge of ideas with only the barest progression in theme or difficulty. So if you aren't enjoying a map go ahead and skip it! That's what God made idclev for (but I hope you enjoy most of the maps at least) (more) 🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘 🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘
    30 points
  2. Don’t you make this same thread every month?
    23 points
  3. I'm excited for the next Hovertank 3D game.
    17 points
  4. mfw they're trying to gaslight me into thinking the prequels are good again
    14 points
  5. I generally agree that Doom has gone in a direction that isn't terribly interesting. I'd really rather just have a Quake 1 sequel at last.
    14 points
  6. At long, long last, Realm of Chaos: 25th Anniversary Edition is available on idgames! Download it here!! Sorry to those of you who've been waiting on this for a while - hope you enjoy the wad. :)
    13 points
  7. Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP07: Supernova Station: I re-textured that FoxTex map, because I couldn't get that pack to render correctly in Zandronum! I think this type of geometry fits better w/ the Ancient Aliens texture pack, anyway - so i think it worked out. I'll def use FoxTex in the future, still, if I can get it to work correctly in Zandro! Onto MAP08! Not sure what I'll do yet, kind of feeling like making something predominately red, maybe some purple, too. Could be an interesting combo. :D
    13 points
  8. Hello Doomworld! Long have I awaited this day! My newest map Cathedral is now ready. I feel like most my posts are generally mini essays, so I'll keep this short and sweet and let the map do most of the talking... Just like last time there is a brand new completely original soundtrack for this map. Unlike last time this map was developed from day 1 with custom textures and the supercharge gameplay mod. (My compression skills are getting better, 3mb less than my last map even with all that extra crap packed in lol) PORT: GZDoom MAP FORMAT: UDMF Freelook: YES Jump: Disabled Crouch: Disabled Difficulties Implemented: ALL Content: 1 map w/ secret ending DOWNLOAD: Google Drive CATHEDRAL.pk3 As always thank you to @Tango for developing the Supercharge gameplay mod this WAD relies on. Additional Credits for the custom textures/content procured from Realm667: -GOTHIC TEXTURE PACK // Author: GothicDM Team -NOIR PACK // Author: Textures made by FuzzballFox and compiled by TheGreenHerring -DARKBASE TEXTURE PACK // Author: David Gevert -DRDOCTOR'S TEXTURE PACK// Author: DrDoctor Please criticize, comment, and leave feedback as I really do want to learn as much as I can about the experiences I'm creating. As an aspiring game developer this is vital information I really take to heart and try to learn and grow from - those who left feedback on UAC Blacksite had direct impact in how this map reached its final state and I cannot thank you enough. All that being said, please enjoy Cathedral ***README*** In the realm where darkness casts its veil, Amidst the canyon's haunting tale, There stands but a single thriving tree, Given life by something yet unseen. Through halls where realms collide and bend, Half in light, half in end, Elements twine, energies brew, One grants solace, one abuse. Where shadows whisper and secrets hide, In the embrace where opposites abide, A transformation, unseen, unknown, A gift bestowed, but never shown. As crimson flows, I meet my fate, But illuminated, no pain awaits, With one deep breath, new strength, new power, To endure the trials, to survive this hour. Check out my previous release: UAC BLACKSITE [Supercharged]
    11 points
  9. Love how any mention of Star Wars is enough to totally derail a thread on Doomworld
    11 points
  10. Some stuff I made in the past few months:
    11 points
  11. After almost 500 hours of work over almost two years @almostmatt1 and I are thrilled to finally share this TAS. We worked on this collaboratively, sharing the demo file back and forth and making gradual progress until this was done. We often had to return to earlier points in the demo, scrapping old work to implement new discoveries or improvements - a very time-consuming process, but one that was worth it in the end. Plenty more comments in the text file. We hope you enjoy! This is a fully built tool-assisted demo; all inputs for each frame was entered manually in XDRE. Special thanks to: @ZeroMaster010, for his helpful ideas on maps 23 and 26. @ClumsyDoomer and @abyrvalg, for their older Plutonia TASes which paved the way and have been great sources of inspiration. @dsda-dev, for the DSDA-Doom source port and its brute forcing features which were invaluable throughout the building process. @vita, whose unfinished D2All demo set a standard that forced us to push ourselves as hard as we could. 30plx854.zip YouTube: Edit: Here I've linked an unlisted playlist to some old twitch streams of me working on the demo I did a while ago. There's not much, and they are pretty old, but in case you want to catch a glimpse of what some of the development was like, check it out! I've also put the text file on pastebin.
    10 points
  12. I made a quick little duel map set in a park! Unnamed RK PhotoTex DM Pack: MAP01: Panic Park: This was made using RK PhotoTex ! Be sure to check it out in this thread, if you're interested in using it: So yeah, a lot of fun to make stuff w/! I might make a larger pack, or this may stay as a single park level for now. Either way, this is a great new set to make natural environments w/, IMO!! :D
    10 points
  13. No they are not and no they were not. Are you 12? Stop posting before you dig yourself deeper.
    10 points
  14. 10 points
  15. It's time for Commander Keen 3D.
    10 points
  16. RottKing

    RK Photo Tex

    Here's a texture set I've been slowly picking away at for many years now, and I decided it's time to stop sitting on it and just push it out the door already. Whenever I'd see something interesting while out and about I'd take a picture with my phone camera and then modify it later for use in Doom. There's a few textures that have Doom resources mixed in, but for the most part it's 95% photo sourced stuff. It's still a bit incomplete, and the naming convention for the textures is kinda sloppy and all over the place, but I hope it's something people will get some use out of! Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mzlhho4nmqk2k0gz9f58g/RKPHTEX.zip?rlkey=6qumwud6n8d2htjsvnbgctcod&dl=0
    9 points
  17. FINALLY, after many, many months, 10 Line Genocide is on IdGames! Only differences between this and RC2.1 is now there’s multiplayer starts for every single map, and I went into the UMAPINFOs and added the author for every map. Sorry it took so long! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/10line Also, if you come at me with any updates for any maps at this point, you will be permanently banned from ever working with me on anything Doom related. You had almost 18 months to find that. I’m only half kidding. Jokes aside though, I hope you all enjoy! 😄
    9 points
  18. we're on idgames now! can i get some moths in chat :moth: :moth: :moth: :moth: :moth: :moth: :moth: link in the main post has been updated accordingly. :) ty for enjoying our little wad
    9 points
  19. Hey, I'm going to be compiling everything we have so far within the next few days, posting it, and getting the ball rolling with fixing up the existing maps as much as necessary to have it released before the end of the year. I appreciate the bump, I needed it to catch t.v.'s post!
    9 points
  20. I'm more excited for Marathon, Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity being released to Steam (soontm) tbh. Courtesy of the crafty fellows in Aleph One :) Also, they're free.
    8 points
  21. I keep trying to reply to this and the thread keeps updating because the fury of your bullshit has attracted a lot of attention, but this really needs to be addressed: this is an extremely insulting post. For starters, anyone who calls me a "boomer" will get a sharp swift punch in the tit. I'm 41, firmly millennial. Boomers are the people who ruined any chance for my generation to get ahead in life. Second, your history of the Star Wars movies and fan reaction to them is laughably wrong and completely misunderstands why anyone liked or disliked those films. (I'm an outsider to Star Wars in that I dislike the entire franchise, so I see things fans often don't.) And of course you're kidding yourself if you think there's any sort of generational connection to who likes what -- there are plenty of older fans who love the prequels. And quite frankly, at 41 I love Doom 2016/Eternal for what they are (even if I think lorewise they kind of wrote themselves into a corner.) This whole post reeks of a teenager trying to tell himself that he's smarter and hipper than us crusty old "boomers" (again: don't call me that.) Grow up.
    8 points
  22. Isn't this just you doing the same thing you're complaining about, but regarding the prequels versus sequels?
    8 points
  23. id Software introduced something like 8 new game franchises in their first 5 years of existence, and has introduced 1 in the 28 years since. I know game development was very different then but wouldn’t it be fun to imagine them doing something new? Also how many threads are you going to make pining for a new Doom game? I know you’re excited and all but it’s starting to feel like a weird unhealthy thing at this point
    8 points
  24. What are you confused by, here, exactly? Anyway as long as we're talking shit about Star Wars movies I really do think the entire franchise is mediocre at best. It's eleven middling-to-terrible movies with a bunch of spinoffs, TV shows, video games, comic book lines, et cetera that all spun out of George Lucas making an extended toy commercial out of a bunch of stuff he was really into in the 1950s and 60s. The only reason the first movie is even watchable is because his wife edited it into something coherent. I just don't find the setting compelling because it's a weird mishmash of ideas that don't really gel together. It has no cohesive vision so it just comes off as schizophrenic. It couldn't be more generic if it tried, and in so doing it's become the generic sci-fi thing that stereotypical nerds are supposed to be into. If you're at all into nerdy things, or "fannish" things (fandom culture is something all its own -- think the kind of people who like Supernatural, Doctor Who, BBC Sherlock, etc. and posted on tumblr about 10-15 years ago) you're expected to like Star Wars, and I just don't fit into any of that. And it's everywhere; it's embedded itself into the cultural fabric in a way no other IP has. If you like Star Wars, seeing Star Wars everywhere is cool. If you hate Star Wars, it's basically living in a nightmare. Everywhere I turn, here's Darth Vader graffiti, someone makes an "it's a trap!" joke (often in reference to trans women,) oh it's an election? here comes the GOP=Empire memes! For the love of Palutena watch something else. I really only like Empire and The Last Jedi. Empire would be good if it got rid of the puppet and Force nonsense and basically just was a completely different IP, it deserves to stand on its own. The Last Jedi did two things: one, it upended a lot of the series' favorite tropes, such as the one where the hotshot does something crazy and is actually successful and rewarded for it, in this movie reality ensues, though it could ensue a little harder on Poe for how badly he fucked up; or the way it sort of pokes at the franchise's weird relationship with violence by using subtle color cues in place of the blood that any other franchise would be more realistic about, such as the red-robed guys getting their robes torn to shreds when they fall into the big fan. From a pure filmmaking perspective, TLJ is an excellent subversion of a series that's deeply up its own ass. Two: it pisses off all the right people. Yes, there are folks with legitimate grievances about how TLJ ignores a lot of the technical "rules" of the setting -- my partner is one -- but I'm going to be honest, it's Star Wars, the whole thing has coasted on vibes since 1977. Asking Star Wars to make sense is a losing game. Every argument about the writing feels hollow when all the movies have bad dialogue, plot holes you could walk an AT-AT through and thin characterization. But that's not what chuds are really mad about, is it? You know, I know it. I don't know where I was going with this. Clearly this thread has no direction anymore anyway. I guess I'm just mad that nothing I like is popular like Star Wars is popular while its fans act like they're this poor abused minority and anyone saying they don't like Star Wars is committing a hate crime. It must be nice to have a hundred god damn books with your favorite movie franchise's logo on them. Why can't shit I like get a hundred books?
    7 points
  25. Honestly I wouldn't have a problem with never getting a new official Doom game if it meant that NuDoom fans would live in agony until they decide to leave the fanbase for lack of content.
    7 points
  26. i'll never have a good enough PC to run a modern FPS \o/ if the next id release is a puzzle game created in games factory count me in
    7 points
  27. I'm slowly cobbling together a cave map, which is a direct continuation of the jungle map I was previously showcasing earlier in this thread. The textures are all still from the OTEX texture pack. There's also an area that has several fast moving river currents coming from an underground waterfall which is still being worked on at the moment. It was kind of a pain to figure out how to make fast moving currents with moving textures. Also, doors are somehow weirdly annoying to make with GZDoom Doom 2 (UDMF) compared to how it's done in MBF21 and ZDoom in Doom 2.
    6 points
  28. Desfar

    Share Your Sprites!

    Heres another critter. Bat. Simple as. Sounds from Clive Barkers Undying Sprites initially from Blood Batty.zip
    6 points
  29. I always end up making some kind of doomcute structures while mapping. Here are some of my favorites: Hell's latest fad in interior design - meat sofas! A cozy little library with comfy armchairs. Shotgun guy in his bedroom with a barrel of demonic gamer juice (and naughty magazines under his bed). A decidedly less cute bedroom. It's owner is a sadistic arch-vile who's favorite pastime is torturing the guy on the wall to death. Then ressurrecting him. Then torturing again... This is where the arch-vile sleeps.
    6 points
  30. You joke but I'd pay for that to be a reality. That, and/or a new Dangerous Dave/Catacomb 3D game. They came up with RAGE and its sequel a while ago, but it's safe to say most didn't really like it.
    6 points
  31. They should bring back Rescue Rover
    6 points
  32. I don't know, I feel like doom has become too much of a power fantasy game, especially with the lore? Doom and Doomguy kind of just became boring when Doomguy became some sort of god. Then there's Quake which is all over the place, kind of just ID's multiplayer shooter now. Honestly, just waiting for Wolfenstein 3.
    6 points
  33. With the final release of RoC25, heres the matching final release of the RoC96 patch Realm of Chaos (1996) Patch Backports the new wonderful Cammy music as well as the story text, fixes a bug in Map 21 stopping 100% kills and items (in ports that allow more than one automap to be collected), as well as backporting the UMAPINFO and stuff I wrote for RoC25. The old Map 6 music track from RC1/RC1.5 'Smoke Signals for the Pointillists' is still playable in the wad in GZDoom via the console command 'changemus d_smoke' To fully appreciate the changes, try playing RoC96 and RoC25 back to back, the old map then the new. With the new music and story text, the experience will be a lot smoother.
    5 points
  34. This wad's on idgames now!!! Download link has been updated.
    5 points
  35. And fixed. Version 0.4.1, "I really need to automate this process" Update Readded a whole missing file critical to it working :( Get it here: https://elf-alchemist.itch.io/masterpack Or here: https://github.com/elf-alchemist/masterpack/releases/tag/0.4.1 Installation instructions here: https://github.com/elf-alchemist/masterpack?tab=readme-ov-file#instructions
    5 points
  36. Honestly... I've seen too many IPs go down in flames to not look at every new entry with a sense of trepidation. Especially as AAA gaming steadily tries to claim the throne of corporate bullshittery. VR might pick up again at some point in the next decade, the tech has advanced significantly and it's a lot less clunky than the old Vive these days. The economics make it difficult to get into for now, but I think it'll have another time in the limelight when things start picking up again. If that were to happen, maybe a good time for Doom or Quake to get a full on VR remake. Assuming I have the budget for a decent VR kit at that time. Outside of that, I'm mostly... fine with what's already out there, still having a fine old time with the good old games. And even the new ones. There IS a part of me that wants an official ending to the Keen saga, while we're vaguely on the topic of id games, but Keen mobile kinda evidences why I have concerns.
    5 points
  37. We sincerely hope from the bottom our hearts that Grungo feels better soon! Take all the time you need to make a full recovery, you will need your strength in order to continue being the best Grungo can be.
    5 points
  38. 5 points
  39. Hello fellow zoomer here. The prequels suck as much dick as I do with a hot man, as in a lot. Nostalgia just got you good. End of story.
    4 points
  40. nah, "derail" implies clear direction, of which there was none
    4 points
    4 points
  42. @Walter confetti thank you, great map! BROVINE, the connoisseur's choice, one of my favourite textures actually. I softlocked myself by trying to pick up the berserk in sector 162, I can see how it is meant to raise now, but you might want to make the other linedefs on the triangular candle sectors also have the same action. Otherwise no complaints, this was good fun! @stochastic and @Blue Phoenix thank you for the updates, I'll get those added into the main wad ASAP :) ONE map to go before all submissions are in!
    4 points
  43. -------- Map24 Pacifist in 37 ap24p37.zip https://youtu.be/YQ8KYAyrqu4 -------- Map24 Stroller in 1:26 ap24str126.zip https://youtu.be/tabsRjdolxU --------
    4 points
  44. I will happily be proven wrong, but I just don't see a new major DOOM or Quake game being announced at the games showcase. There are only 7 months left in the year. There is no way id is announcing a new game and then releasing it in the same year. Take DOOM 2016 for example. The teaser trailer was released in 2014. Similarly, DOOM Eternal was announced in 2018 but did not release until 2020.
    4 points
  45. thank you , grungo appricate
    4 points
  46. Waterfalls around the landing pad (very much WIP):
    4 points
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