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Das Teufelswad
Artyoman and 19 others reacted to Lazlo Panaflex for a topic
HELLO! Das Teufelswad is a 3 map pk3 with a hub level. You can play the levels in any order, but the chronological order they were made in is thus: 1. Die Teufelsmaschine (originally released in RAMP2021) 2. Die Teufelsbrücke (originally released in RAMP2022) 3. Der Teufelsturm (Brand new - fresh out of the oven) (there is also a bonus redux version of Die Teufelsmachine - it is far better-looking, with streamlined gameplay and navigation) SO, WHAT ARE THESE MAPS ABOUT? I was heavily inspired by a map in the first RAMP called 'Temple of the Ancient Techlords' by Pixelfox. The title and premise alone got me very excited. I took that title (and a few visual tricks) from the map and decided to build an ancient-yet-technically-advanced alien temple of my own, fuse it with a techbase, and see where things went. Die Teufelsmaschine was that first map and, as such, is the most thematically inconsistent map and the most esoteric of the three. The visual style of the Teufels maps was established in Die Teufelsmaschine, and further developed in the two maps that followed it, Die Teufelsbrücke and Der Teufelsturm. So that's essentially what this pk3 is all about. All 3 maps are variations on the same theme. All the maps take place in an old tech base which has been constructed around excavated ruins of an advanced alien structure or installation. Maps 2 and 3 actually include a portal in the ruins that take you to where the aliens came from. GAMEPLAY TIPS: 1. These maps feature a lot of verticality, as well as a lot of target/hitscan puzzles and secrets. I strongly recommend you enable mouselook/freelook and the crosshair for these maps, even if you don't normally use them. 2. My maps tend to emphasize exploration and experimentation. These dungeons, bases and caverns are your primary antagonist and are a puzzle in themselves. They will try to confuse you. Progress is non-linear, so for the love of god USE YOUR MAP. Just take your time, look all around you, be mindful of things that stand out in the environment, as they could be clues. Whenever you hit a switch, stop moving and take a good look around. Generally the effects of a switch are visible from the switch or very close to it. I use security camera screens next to switches for this very reason. I try to establish a strong sense of place and punctuate areas with recognizable landmarks to help you navigate. I believe you enjoy maps more when you feel like you are gradually mastering them and bending them to your will. 3. Every encounter is doable. There are easy ways to deal with these nerds and hard ways. If you find that they are pushing your stool back in, reevaluate your strategy. There is always a way through. I hope you have fun playing! DOWNLOAD HERE Gamplay video of Die Teufelsmaschine REDUX The pk3 has everything you need. drag it onto the latest GZDoom and away you go. IWAD - Doom 2. Doom2 UDMF !!!Please use video acceleration!!! Tested in and designed for GZDoom. Each map has its own forced sector lighting mode for optimal visuals. I recommend the following display settings in to get the full experience: Gamma - 1.27 Brightness - 0.00 Contrast - 1.0 Saturation - 1.0120 points -
Scorching Earth (32 Level Megawad)
BeachThunder and 15 others reacted to Astro for a topic
Scorching Earth is a 32 level megawad made for DOOM2.wad. 50MB of complex level design and detail. Thanks to anyone who supported RTH.wad (Alpha/Beta of SCORCH.wad) back in the day. I remember every single one of you. Download link: https://archive.org/download/scorching-earth/Scorching Earth.rar Included with a README file. If you have any questions or comments i will read/answer them all. ENJOY! EDIT: For the people who want to play this on Crispy Doom and Chocolate Doom make sure to follow this post for any updates. BUGFIXES: No return path to MAP32 exit teleporter (FIXED) Added a missing blue key in MAP05 (FIXED, Thank you SportsterV90!) MAP32 Exit teleporter skipping a map (FIXED) MAP31 Unreachable invulnerability sphere (FIXED) MAP31 Exit teleporter skipping a map (FIXED) MAP26 Broken switch to exit area (FIXED) MAP30 Added a missing rocket launcher (FIXED, Thanks morningstars10!) If u find any bugs please let me know and they will be fixed ASAP! Screenshots from the wad:16 points -
Will the next doom game release this year or next year?
"JL" was too short and 12 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
You might wanna see a doctor my man.13 points -
Speaking as someone with diagnosed neurodiversity, I can definitely empathize with the difficulty of carving out a living through conventional means: the modern job market is constructed with a very specific ideal employee in mind and that ideal does not take into account the ways in which neurochemistry can alter an individual's capacity to interact with the working world. It's also definitely not helped by the external symptoms of these conditions being almost indistinguishable from society's indicators of an individual lack of moral fiber: ASD becomes rudeness and ADHD (more specifically executive dysfunction) becomes laziness, both of which don't encourage people to be sympathetic. I can't offer a solution to these problems as they are very much ingrained in modern society (and especially westernized societies), but I will echo some of the sentiments in this thread and say that you should try and find a career path that incites some passion in you: study towards it if you need to and are able to do so, but find something. If you don't pick a direction for your life, the world will pick it for you and that direction it picks will be straight down. Gets off his soapbox As an aside, status updates exist and they are quite good for these sorts of things. Closing this thread before we get people at each other's throats.10 points
I bought an used PC, and it only gives black screen
Redneckerz and 9 others reacted to Kinsie for a topic
LegendaryEevee, are you just copy-pasting random Google results?10 points -
@Doomkid plays with saves on his channel, and I find his content to be super enjoyable due to how laidback he is. Not everything has to be single-segmented and adrenaline riddled to the max, in fact I'd love to see more people take a more laidback approach where they're actually enjoying themselves. So yeah, I wouldn't just "watch", I'd binge on that stuff.10 points
I believe you should prioritize having fun with what you're doing and not worry about what's popular at the time. Personally, I find the whole single segment UV trend boring. It's more interesting seeing people actually playing the maps and show casing the ups and downs of it all.10 points
Will the next doom game release this year or next year?
Gothic and 9 others reacted to Lila Feuer for a topic
10 points -
Once and Forever (single map wad)
rita remton and 8 others reacted to UmiLobJoc for a topic
this isn't my first map, but it is my first time posting one publicly, so sorry if i'm doing anything wrong. IWAD: Plutonia Map slot: 21 Tested with: Odamex and DSDA-Doom Requires: Any limit removing sourceport File size: 3.6MB i'd say it's around the later half of plutonia's difficulty, and is around 30-50 minutes long. this is my 6th map i've finished so far, and 2nd midi i've finished, so all feedback, positive and negative is helpful and appreciated. DOWNLOAD9 points -
Post your Doom textures!
ChopBlock223 and 8 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
some D64 SP_Face1 edit credits to DrDoctor, Id Software and Midway9 points -
Share Your Sprites!
fishy and 8 others reacted to SquigRattlehead for a topic
Even more stuff. This will be it for a while (unless I make something new), it's not even close to all the stuff I made, but I can't really access my old drive for the time being, so... it'll have to do. Some of these (like the 2005 movie rifle) aren't even the final versions that I had made, some had additional variations as well, but it's what I was able to recover.9 points -
Lazy zoomer doesnt want to work TW: light mention of Sui
insertwackynamehere and 8 others reacted to dasho for a topic
Sounds like you have deeper issues than being lazy, which is pretty normal for anyone who is young. Where are your parents in all this? This whole thread sounds like you've been raised by the Internet.9 points -
Usually I'm very skeptical of modern indie game devs who claim their game has retro aesthetics (due to reasons such as less limited technical limitations, rendering such aesthetics not exactly accurate), but this one just nails the C64 aesthetics well enough to be different from other such titles, at least to me. You can still pre-order the game and have your name included in credits (158 slots remaining as of when this was written). Planned (main) features include the following. 16 missions to complete. 5 Boss fights. Mission Editor to share custom missions.8 points
Plutonia Map19 UVMax in 1:31 Zip: pl19m131.zip Video: https://youtu.be/02eRb_RWqU4?si=Zblio_JkBtgaaZet8 points
Hi there. I recently uploaded my first finished PWAD, and thought I'd advertise it here, with some piccie-wics. Context; a close friend of mine suggested I get back into mapping at a time I was in a depressive funk, and, after downloading Doom Builder 2, the end result is this map. It was going to be part of a megawad for Ultimate Doom, but since I realised that the limited monster roster and the lack of super shotty made the game somewhat dull after a while, I abandoned the idea, but decided to upload the map for archival purposes, and to show off what I can do design-wise. The WAD: I fell in love with The Shores Of Hell for its mix of techbase and hellish corruption, and wanted to start with E2M1 as a result, and tried my best to emulate that idea in my own way. Admittedly, some of the rooms are a wee bit cramped, but it's a learning experience. I added extra details, such as missing tiles in floors and geometry around lights and such, just to give it a bit more flair. Difficulty wise, I'd say it's somewhere between OG E2M1 and E4M1. There is a nasty surprise or two, and I've made the secrets quite difficult to find (inspired by the likes of BTSX and such WADs). Specifics: Doom Format (Vanilla) Tested in Chocolate Doom (Feel free to use something crisper looking) Ultimate Doom E2M1 (Single map) Screenshots The WAD can be found here. Hope you enjoy. :)7 points
Moustachio and 6 others reacted to thestarrover for a topic
Hi Everyone! On the archived site Sarge Baldy's Hardass Doom Reviews, Sarge Baldy (Owen Lloyd) talks about an audio clip he received from John Romero many years ago. The file is called "KickHisAss.wav" This is the exact text as it appears on the site: JOHN ROMERO SAYING "KICK HIS ASS" Back in '98 or so, I was working on a level set, and, dreamer that I am, I wanted to have the end boss (a John Romero head surrounded by guards) say "Kick his ass!" in John Romero's actual voice. I've talked on and off with him for probably 5 years now, and I asked him to do the sound for me. He said his voice wasn't really that cool, but I told him I didn't care, I just wanted it in there. The genuinely great guy supplied me with this sound clip. I think he modified it to make his voice more high-pitched though :) Sadly, I never completed my level, but I figure now that I have a site I may as well make it available to the Doom Community. Enjoy! The download link is dead and the audio file has not been preserved by Wayback Machine. I wonder if anyone still has it or if anyone knows if it was included in a wad. Thank in advance!7 points -
Will the next doom game release this year or next year?
Plerb and 6 others reacted to kevansevans for a topic
I'm going to break my NDA. I, as a matter of fact, do have access to Bethesda's inner bowels, and I do in fact have the ability to make it come out faster. I've grown restless like Young Nathan here has, and my ire knows very few bounds. I will sacrifice my noble prestige of being a Bethesda Corporate lackey and spill the beans. For context, I am under a contractual obligation to not talk about these things thanks to my role as the supreme overseer of the official Doom Discord. Frankly, this whole community should be sucking my toes as their overlord keeping the normies from finding out about us, but I am a humble internet janitor. Now can we please stop enabling threads like this?7 points -
Will the next doom game release this year or next year?
AtomIsTired and 6 others reacted to MFG38 for a topic
@nathanB404 I hate to be the one to say this, but I know a lot of us are thinking it at this point and someone has to vocalize it: you have a problem. I get being excited about the prospect of a new Doom game. Trust me, I do. But there's a line beyond which that excitement becomes disruptive at best and downright unhealthy at worst. And you, my friend, stepped over that line a long time ago. If we'd at least seen some kind of reveal about a new Doom game at this point, I'd understand being this hyped up, but the fact of the matter is that you're obsessing over something that probably doesn't even exist and, even if it does, realistically won't be released anytime soon. What I would whole-heartedly recommend you do is take some time off all of your electronic devices and put your energy into something else. A week or so at least. Take a nice, long walk. Hit the gym. Go bird-watching. Re-evaluate your priorities. And when you come back, make a thread about something else. Anything else.7 points -
Found some time earlier and finally hammered away at an RC1 of the map! MAP: Cyb's Spice Melange Laboratory SLOT: E3M8 MIDI: "Nucleus" by Psyrus (unlikely to change, but might find one that fits even more) NOTES: This map started life as a sketch in the editor that was inspired by stuff like Erkatanne, and various maps from the dashlet's Box of Maps series by dashlet, inevitably it took on more of my own style of combat and wild texturing and aesthetics toward the end. Map ZIP: (includes the MIDI) Db1KLines E3M8 KW.zip Some screens:7 points
Will the next doom game release this year or next year?
AtomIsTired and 6 others reacted to Plerb for a topic
7 points -
EXTRA BEANY CANNED DOOM! 32 funky fun-sized maps in 32 fun flavors – now on /idgames
Valboom and 5 others reacted to Stupid Bunny for a topic
This is a FULL 32 MAP MEGAWAD of funky, gimmicky and mostly small limit-removing maps with a wide variety of themes, ideas, and gameplay styles. It's not a jokewad, don't worry—I put genuine effort into making the maps fun and interesting and haven't set out to troll the player (not on purpose, anyway). There's a bit of something in here for everybody: run-and-gun action, suspense and atmosphere, slaughter, indoor maps, outdoor maps, hell maps, space maps, classic-style, '94-style and a lot of whackadoo shit I can't even give a description to, to name just a sampling. You'll just have to grab a spoon and can opener and see for yourself! Why "Extra Beany Canned Doom"? Because: 🫘Like beans, the maps are small and proteiny 🫘Also like beans, there are exactly 32 of them 🫘Like canned food, the maps are quick to make and play 🫘Like Doom, the maps are full of Doom enemies and textures 🫘"Beany" is a funny word lol beany 🫘I actually hate beans so I'm motivated to make the maps extra good to compensate Make sure to check the "how to play" and especially the big conspicuous "READ THIS" sections below. Beyond that, enjoy, and let me know if anything is broken so that I can unbreak it for everyone. I'll fix anything that's egregiously busted and maybe do some rebalancing if something is off from the difficulty intended (maybe start with Hurt Me Plenty if it's your first time), but for the most part this should be done and ready to deliver torture a rollicking good time Behold, the miracle of birth! Today we are witness to the hatching of the doomguy from its egg, truly one of the wonders of nature. Watch as it eats the gibs left behind by its mother, made of the remains of her mate. What lies ahead for this young doomguy as it emerges from its nest? Most likely, ripping and tearing, and the struggle for survival that all beasts must face. The little doomguy wastes no time: look, a chainsaw left behind by loggers! Time for him to go gather some tasty, juicy gibs of his own, before the next mating season commences. 🫘Play with any limit-removing source port — it's mostly tested in Crispy but they all should work in GZDoom, DSDA-Doom, Eternity and the other limit-removing ports, and each map has been tested in them (but see below) 🫘Single player 🫘Freelook permitted, that's how I tested it 🚫No jumping or crouching The difficulty levels are loosely balanced as such (noting that I am bad at Doom and that limits my ability to properly balance for UV): 🫘ITYTD: Go for it! A nice way to casually experience the maps with minimal pressure or frustration. 🫘HNTR: Same as HMP, but with fewer monsters. Balanced to be a gentle challenge for people who are new or just want a relaxed time 🫘HMP: The "default" difficulty, recommended for first time playthrough unless you're looking for a super extra challenge. Same monster count as UV but with more kit. 🫘UV: It will get pretty hard sometimes but definitely not god level. Same monster count as HMP but with less health/ammo/arms ☠️N!: lol no All maps are tested from pistol start—you can play them continuous, but if your port supports the -pistolstart flag or equivalent then I recommend it (see below). The maps are a hodgepodge of ideas with only the barest progression in theme or difficulty. So if you aren't enjoying a map go ahead and skip it! That's what God made idclev for (but I hope you enjoy most of the maps at least) (more) 🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘 🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘6 points -
I bought an used PC, and it only gives black screen
Redneckerz and 5 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
Look mom I found an ironic sentence on Doomworld🤓☝️ Have you tried booting with a single RAM slot and then moving it to another slot? I had a strange issue where one of my RAM slots went bad and my PC wouldn't reach POST with anything in that slot. Is your heatsink secured properly?6 points -
would u watch normal playthroughs of levels with saves?
SilentD00mer and 5 others reacted to fruity lerlups for a topic
I've started a new series on my channel after i found myself not enjoying the struggle of trying to get single segment UV-Maxes on every level, I found even when I could successfully do it it felt more frustrating than rewarding, and i discovered that I enjoy just playing through a map and trying to get 100% secrets and kills without needing to make it a single segment. Is this the kind of content anyone would be interested in, i'm doing scythe 2 rn and will do stuff like alien vendetta and other classics down the line!6 points -
Lazy zoomer doesnt want to work TW: light mention of Sui
Redneckerz and 5 others reacted to inkoalawetrust for a topic
Okay honestly, you seem to need actual help, like a therapist or something. I also recall you posted something about your teeth before, about how they've started hurting and how you don't trust the dentist. So uh, jesus christ go visit the damn dentist before your teeth fucking rot and it's too late, everyone else has already told you that in that thread and it's clearly still relevant. That thread was what finally pushed me over the edge and made me go to the dentist for my own teeth IMMEDIATELY, which I had planned to do eventually but ended up doing ASAP because it made me paranoid that my teeth might already be fucked, thankfully mine were just really yellowed. You should go to a dentist too before it's too late for you. Also, ask a moderator to delete that fucking post you made on the selfie thread you are a 16 year old FFS, that thread is a already a horrendous idea as is. And again, please see a goddamn therapist.6 points -
I don't have a request, just popped in to say good luck and hope you have fun with it!6 points
If anyone was wondering about that Vaporwave-themed wad I announced some months ago..
Geniraul and 5 others reacted to AshtralFiend for a status update
If anyone was wondering about that Vaporwave-themed wad I announced some months ago... It's not canceled! And it will still be released sometime in the future. It's mostly ready at this moment, and just waiting on the resolution of some small technical problems. Hope you are looking forward to playing it!6 points -
Will the next doom game release this year or next year?
AtomIsTired and 5 others reacted to Dynamo for a topic
Not as hard as it has been for us Thread Reading fans during these times, having to put up with threads like these.6 points -
Will the next doom game release this year or next year?
Novaseer and 5 others reacted to Major Arlene for a topic
you can have a job and be excited about a Doom game, those are not mutually exclusive things anyways, the answer is no, don't count on it6 points -
Share Your Sprites!
NaliSeed and 5 others reacted to SquigRattlehead for a topic
I did use D64 guns as the base for two of them and tried to keep the 64 style on the other parts I added. The BFG was a mod for Team Fortress 2 and I used the 64 muzzle flash (and gave the whole thing a purplish-blue tint for that D64 vibe). Always liked that game's aesthetics and color choices, so I often make variations of my guns for that. And now for some more extras lmao6 points -
Map Math dilemma[MAP release]
Stupid Bunny and 4 others reacted to Volter/Voltage for a topic
after work, it was hard to make the maps I was used to. And so I decided to make this something, just to relax and put it into the speedmapping project. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Screenshots: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- info IWAD: DOOM 1 map: E1M1 compatibility: BOOM import: only texture port: DSDA, or another -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Download the map https://drive.google.com/file/d/19X20H5ObXs2Bcj1JmJbEPeDuV_LRaVY0/view?usp=sharing -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Enjoy and Thanks for playing! P.S.5 points -
Hi, Hypnos! From the outset, the project is aimed at bringing all of the Master Levels together from all of the authors involved in a single megawad, for this purpose I was creatively and technically interested in keeping these episodes with a higher degree of consistency that wasn't present in their original release, so one detail I kept in mind was to keep each episode associated with 1 sky texture only, again to emphasize the consistency of the whole package. For the Doctor's episode, I made the decision to use SKY4, as it was most fitting in this scenario to my creative goal, it felt best like it could be present in all maps, from Dante's Gate to Chiron and in Xaser's homage, the unofficial Waters of Lethe. Perhaps it is a divergence, yes, but it helps keep everything together. Not only in Inferno, but also for Jim Flynn's Titan as well, which had two skies, for Chris Klie's maps most of which lacked a new sky entirely, and so on.5 points
Lazy zoomer doesnt want to work TW: light mention of Sui
Daytime Waitress and 4 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
The only advice I can give you is that the longer you wait to try to get a job, the less likely you are to get a well-paying job that you enjoy, and the scarier it's going to be. I'm not a psychiatrist, but like I said in your previous thread, it seems to me that your biggest problem is likely depression. I think you should seek help in whatever way is available to you. I can tell you that having a purpose in life has prevented me from committing suicide. It doesn't even have to be a purpose with a paycheck, just one that contributes something to somebody and puts a roof over your head.5 points -
Waffle House [9 MBF21 Maps] [Idgames Release]
Death Bear and 4 others reacted to Ludi for a topic
no more teeth for prishpreed5 points -
Hexen is a hard game to accurately judge from a modern perspective because it's sort of a wall-to-wall checklist of things that were considered acceptable fps design in the 90s but are NOT anymore. Is it a good game that's just contrary to contemporary fashion? Is it a game full of flaws we just didn't reckon with until standards had shifted? Probly a little of both. Raven had some off the hook texture artists, though.5 points
One small favour - a midi request
Moustachio and 4 others reacted to Xaser for a topic
Oh hey, I know that one. :P So, normally the answer would indeed be "sorry, no midi unless someone makes one", but... turns out, someone made one :D Midi is by @DCG Retrowave, also thanks to @Bobby :D for commissioning it. May want to double-check with those two before sneaking it into a wad, but I'm cool with it at least. Chaos_Theory.mid.zip5 points -
@knifeworld that was worth the wait, really fun map! I could have sworn I spotted a slimetrail somewhere, but I couldn't find it when I went looking for it again with -nomonsters on. Its not a huge deal anyway. Loved the bizarre visuals and curvy geometry. Alright, that's all the maps now in! We did it! Thank you to everyone who participated and made this project possible, its been a fun learning experience and I really enjoyed seeing how everyone interpreted the episode themes. I'll get everything packaged up as soon as I'm able, most likely tomorrow. I would like to get RC1 ready to go over this weekend, so if you're able to get any last-minute changes in before saturday/sunday, please do. If not, there will be time afterwards of course, as we head towards the final release and iron out any remaining kinks. I'm considering starting a new thread when RC1 is ready to go, but I will keep this one open for now until the release candidate is packaged up and ready to drop.5 points
would u watch normal playthroughs of levels with saves?
RHhe82 and 4 others reacted to Stupid Bunny for a topic
I’d much rather watch someone play with saves than force themselves to do the same shit over and over for a single segment run. It doesn’t need to be played in UV either. Most of my favorite Doom video type people save anyway and aren’t all hung up on this kind of thing so absolutely you don’t need to be either.5 points -
Will the next doom game release this year or next year?
Gothic and 4 others reacted to Major Arlene for a topic
asking a bunch of people who don't have access to Bethesda's inner bowels isn't going to make a new game come out faster :) also, buddy, it's a fucking game, if I can be so blunt, there's a literal billion other ones you can play in the mean time.5 points -
Will the next doom game release this year or next year?
AtomIsTired and 4 others reacted to JackDBS for a topic
Motherfucker get an original thread idea instead "oh gee willickers i wonder what da noo dooooom game gonna be" every week In fact here's a thread idea: "How do I make good threads?"5 points -
Will the next doom game release this year or next year?
AtomIsTired and 4 others reacted to Lila Feuer for a topic
My brother in christ, you are literally on Doomworld.5 points -
My very first 'texture'. Frankenstein'd from some Amuscaria bits and an Astral Dreadnought that someone kindly shared. I can't remember who did it (bloody ADHD) so if anyone knows lemme know and I'll add the credit. It's palettised ready for Doom if anyone cares. Just did it for myself as I'm bored of the OG Icon and thought I should probably put myself out there. :)5 points
What are your favourite "Thanks for playing!" maps?
Moustachio and 3 others reacted to BlueFandango for a topic
4 points -
I'm decent at troubleshooting PC's if they're right in front of me. I was having an issue with my current desktop last year, where it wouldn't turn on. Long story short, after checking everything I could possibly think of, I just located the pins on the connector that connect the power button to the motherboard, put a precision screwdriver in there to complete the circuit between the pins, and it turned on. Turned out it was a bad power switch, replaced that and it's been running fine. But what I'm most concerned about is that that you're repeatedly mentioning getting shocks from the case: "I also get a little shock from the casing when trying to unscrew the motherboard. Not sure if the casing comes contact into my old pc or nope." "The CPU casing has shocks when connected. I checked the PSU fan and it is spinning when the PC turned on. The motherboard LED also lit when it connected to a power source" Is this just a language barrier where "shock" means that the components are trying to start when you connect them to an electric receptacle, or are you literally feeling electricity discharge from the case into your body when you touch the case? Because you should never be getting shocked by the case of your PC, and if you are, there's a severe grounding issue, and it should probably be chalked up as a lost cause. It's possible it's an issue with the PSU, possibly a faulty capacitor, but don't dink around inside the PSU. So, have you tried replacing the PSU? Because that's where I would look first based on what you've said, but if it's having noticeable electric discharges just by touching the case, it's probably fried multiple components everywhere, and it's beyond repair. I mean, people are providing suggestions about issues with the CPU, RAM, GPU, BIOS, but if this device is literally discharging enough current just by being plugged in that a person notices being shocked by it, then it doesn't need any further work. The only further discussion should be how to best dispose of it.4 points
Just wanted to chime in and say thank you for doing this. There are some really interesting bits and pieces in The Master Levels. The way it was just thrown together and kicked out the door did everyone involved a great disservice. It's lovely to see someone with the vision pull this together. A slight tangent; I'd like to see a map project that took these classic old things and do them up a little. A few years ago there was the 1994 Tune Up release. People took good old but flawed maps and gave them a little polish and it was great fun to see. I'd love a Master Levels Tune Up. Nothing too much just maybe a little more detailing here and there and perhaps some more thoughtful texture choices... If I have to click on one more wall that turns out to be a door I'll go mad! :P Anyway, again, thanks for your hard work. :)4 points
m07 - UV Max - 2:38 This remake is surprisingly good, refreshing and fun, though I only on level 9 yet. rc2507-238.zip4 points
Besides the fact that it sounds like there may be a grounding issue, if you can at least get to where it beeps again you can typically look up the beep codes for the motherboard in question to maybe have a clue as to a potential problem. The "beep code" refers to the number and length of beeps you are hearing.4 points
Lazy zoomer doesnt want to work TW: light mention of Sui
BluePineapple72 and 3 others reacted to VICE for a topic
I'm not NT, but I am gifted with a high IQ, so my neurodivergence is an advantage in most workplaces. I found working with normies very annoying and psychologically draining, even though most of them seem to like me. I work and rent my own place, but I don't do a standard 9-5 job; I work security. Found an emplyer that will assign me shifts in different places every week so I don't get bored, and usually on nights, so I can manage my own environment and time as I see fit... As long as I do the rest of the job as required. NGL, de facto I get paid to meditate, read books and research whatever the fck interests me a big portion of the time. The only requirement is that I need to be attentive to my surroundings, and when I'm patroling or dealing with people I raise my seriousness up to 400% and strive to solve issues with outmost professionalism. I deal with any issue I see relentlessly, and then I can go back to doing whatever I want with a clean concience. I'm technically a wagie with benefits, but it doesn't feel like it 99% of the time. I'm essentially the guy that shows up to solve problems, works as a free agent within a larger company and is exempt from the burden of social workplace dynamics unless he actually wants to participate on a case-by-case basis. My point is, finding your niche is essential. Keep in mind that you may have to work a few different jobs in more than one industry before you figure out what that is.4 points -
Profile pages are frozen in December 1723
Toxisploder and 3 others reacted to Dark Pulse for a topic
Sir, you live in a country where spiders spin webs big enough to entrap humans. The bugs don't have a fuckin' prayer.4 points -
I think I'm going to release Dash CTF as an 8 map pack. It feels good as it is, I don
Daytime Waitress and 3 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
I think I'm going to release Dash CTF as an 8 map pack. It feels good as it is, I don't want to bloat the set too much. We're gonna be playing it for Wadazine Flag Fest this Sunday. It will be nice to get some games going in this new set! I've got a complete beta ready to go for then, and then I'll likely release the set shortly after that. Still working on Antiquated Extraterrestrials MAP08, and I'm just waiting on a TITLEPIC for Dogfight Deathmatch, and then that should be released soon too! Also, I haven't forgotten about Apprehension, either. I'll be getting back to that soon, but I've been on a small MP kick recently again - but I'll get back to it soon enough. Then it's onto more new projects! I've got a lot planned for the rest of the year, still! :D4 points