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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/24 in all areas

  1. In the future, a mysterious infection is spreading throughout the city, and demons are running amok. The UAC’s sentient AI has gone rogue, corrupted by Hell’s influence. It’s up to you to save the future, but you’ll have to face the past first… Format DOOM2.WAD + intercep3_res.wad MBF21-format [-complevel 21] Single-player & co-op compatibility UMAPINFO for map ordering & text screens >> Download the Resource Pack (v005) << Not all of the sounds and graphics are final. Some may need to be tweaked or reworked. Please check back for any updates to the resource wad. MAP DEADLINE: AUGUST 1, 2025 Target Ports DSDA-Doom Woof! Odamex Please, do not playtest with GZDoom. GZDoom mostly works, but MBF21 splash groups are handled inconsistently compared to the other MBF21-compatible ports. I've opened an issue on GitHub for this. Project Guidelines Make an adventurous MBF21 map using only the resources provided. Each mapper can submit a maximum of 6 maps total. Collabs count separately from individual submissions, so please feel free to team up. There are no slots to claim. Simply map according to one of the episode themes listed in the following post. Feel free to mix & match themes in your maps as long as it makes sense given the story and theme(s) of the episode. All mappers are welcome, but not all maps may be accepted. But don’t worry, rejected maps can be tweaked until they are acceptable. As a general rule, I tend to accept maps that are fun, detailed, and original. Bonus points for strong environmental storytelling. And please, do not copy others’ works without permission. What does it mean to be done? No bugs or glitches. Good use of space. Each area should have a clear purpose. Polished texture usage. Good monster usage. Interesting scenarios. Each map should have something unique and memorable about it. Detailed Mapper’s Guide The Story So Far Be sure to check out my concurrent community project, Embryo! Special Thanks A big thanks to @galileo31dos01, @DFF, @valkiriforce, @General Rainbow Bacon, & @Pottus for providing valuable feedback during development! And a big thanks to all who have played herschel.wad & hovercab.wad, since those act as little pilots for this. And a very, very special thanks to @Darman Macray for composing three awesome tracks for the title, text, & intermission screens! Please go listen to these, even if you don't play a second of the wad!
    25 points
  2. Start making some good threads or you're getting permabanned on this website too.
    24 points
  3. Kinsie

    Wisdom Tooth

    If your dentist says you need it removed, you need it removed. Why the fuck do people insist on asking an internet forum dedicated to hacking a three-decade old videogame for medical advice?
    23 points
  4. Thanks for giving me the excuse I needed to nuke this.
    17 points
  5. IWAD: Doom 2 Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Not Implemented Music: Andrew Sega - The Traveler (Crusader: No Remorse Main Theme) Tested with: DSDA Doom, Woof, GZDoom DOWNLOAD
    15 points
  6. yeah I guess it tracks someone would use AI to spit out dogshit box room after box room and call that a megawad. make something with your own hands.
    14 points
  7. Spectres as-is are pretty interesting, but IMO they only work "by accident". Sounds weird, but lemme explain. Pinkies are a flawed monster in hindsight, since you can just back up a couple of inches when they start to bite and you'll take no damage. They're really only a threat if you let them surround you or box you into a corner, and even then you can be like goku and avoid damage anyway. They really only work if you mix in other dangerous peeps that deal the actual damage, with the pinkies themselves serving as a sort of "space denier" that restricts player movement. Bit of a self plug, but MAP28 of MAYhem 2020 ("The Scar") shows this technique off in its first big fight. They're certainly not useless, but they're pretty bad at main role you'd think they would fill (i.e. "get too close and take damage"). Spectres are much more interesting, though -- since they're hard to see in dark areas, they can sneak up on the player to great effect. That said, the player always has a chance to back up if they hear the bite sound or realize they've hit an ""invisible wall"" in time -- i.e. the pinky's biggest weakness is one of the spectres' biggest strengths; it provides the player a reliable method of defense. If you "fix" the pinky by making them attack faster, or charge forward when attacking, or other techniques to make their bite more potent, then spectres suddenly become way too annoying since you can't avoid damage unless you're lucky enough to see them first. You'd basically have to make their attack different than the pinky... which isn't too hard to do, just not very intuitive. ;)
    13 points
  8. Free to use just credit me and well Bungie/343
    13 points
  9. "Made" Quoting the text file so others can save themselves a download: That this has a text file giving credit is about the only good thing I can say about it. Didn't even run OBSIDIAN yourself, these are just the SLIGE-generated WADs from Fraggle's site (and SLIGE isn't AI). You wrote that all the files are taken from there, and then contradicted yourself right after saying that you also threw in The Lost Episodes of Doom and Nuts... If you want to write a Doom fanfic, I won't stop you, but you don't have to package it with a bunch of WADs you didn't make.
    12 points
  10. Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP08: Null Frontier: Finished! Here are some GIFs - gonna make this a 10 or 12 map pack: Main atrium w/ BFG: Railgun room: Back hallway: Might do some kind of mayan theme coming up, or some kind of weird color combo, not sure yet... Onto MAP09! :D
    11 points
  11. Yes, it's just you. Nobody in the world could possible hold such an opinion. Also, I love 'em. One of DOOM's more iconic and intelligently-designed enemies IMO.
    10 points
  12. Messing around with detailing and lighting. Don't think reversed-lighting works but I think it looks kinda funky. :3
    9 points
  13. I don't think it's enough to warrant its own thread, so here are some textures I made that were inspired by the racing game Wipeout and use SHAWN as a base. These were originally created for a new UDM that was in the works years ago, but that fizzled out and I made R!Zone instead. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7y2oqb4b1edwpmol02cnd/WSHAWN.zip?rlkey=229n8lyin7rc3h3ffevjgdlzt&amp;dl=0
    9 points
  14. Minor art update: 1kUD_art_V2.zip Add @Windy to ENDOOM (sorry!) Switch E3M2 and E3M3 WILV lumps Add WILV for E3M8 Updated version of E2M8 with difficulty settings: Db1k_E2M8_V2.zip And, since I forgot to post it last time, here's the custom status bar:
    9 points
  15. Map 24 Pacifist in 7:23 s224p723.zip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqBOt55yw4A
    9 points
  16. Port? Screens? Lenght? This is a pretty "light" (if any) presentation and will not encourage people to download/play your wad. Also, posting a link like that and essentially saying "please click" is quite fishy if you ask me.
    9 points
  17. Trying to get back into the groove of a project I've left hanging for a couple months.
    9 points
  18. First topic, so "Hi!" I had a thought recently when doing no-damage runs - what is the longest you can go without damage in a map without doing anything? Looking at Ultimate Doom hot-starts, I've logged the time when you first take damage and your time of death in this sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQfa5QDVXcwKrW2fCcsYC3IIRgMcoR9GZ_Gk_6yi9iZkJ4lVReow9IPW9jNP_R-Yc7Qu_GBX5va0vV6/pubhtml I've also included "warm-starts" where I fire the pistol on the first tic, to wake up enemies. Some findings: E1M2 is where you go the longest without damage (49s), and is a true hotstart. You even win the fight! This can be watched here. It's quite a silly show. E4 is pretty brutal for taking damage quickly. It also has the most true hot-starts at 4. 8 out of 9 maps in this episode are hot-starts or warm-starts. Despite having the same opening, E3M1 and E3M9 have different timings thanks to RNG. E3M9 also has the longest time to death, partly thanks to being in a pit and harder for the Imps to target you. However if you only count true hot-starts then E4M5 is where you survive the longest. Several maps have first damage in 1s and death in 5s. I have no idea if this is of interest to anyone but I did the research so thought I'd share. I hope it is not a repeat of someone else's research. I may do other Iwads if I get the time and inclination.
    8 points
  19. Ah yes, Doomworld has infamously strong political connections, our cabal will be sure to set it straight. Also, literally how?
    8 points
  20. asked craneo's help on process for making a computer texture out of an real computer chip pic i took (since i had COMP04_6 in mind) if you want to use it please cred both craneo and me i'm doing my own texture with this, will probably finish it the 19th or the 20th depends of my productivity
    8 points
  21. Got a bit annoyed at curvy map segments causing weird nodes, so made a map section only using curves. Hilariously inefficient
    8 points
  22. Submissions EPISODE 1: A futuristic Earth city at sunset (Main sky: CITYSKY1) Subway (or hovercraft) stations, ruined streets, fiery high-rises, and infested parks start off the adventure. Station to Station by Moustachio – a transit station in a futuristic city. The Stairwell by @valkiriforce – a climb through an overrun high-rise with a fun way down. valkiri has asked me to touch things up here, so I'll be tweaking this map as we go along. -Moustachio EPISODE 2: A futuristic UAC lab at the bottom of the ocean (Main sky: SKY-B06) Sealabs underneath the sea. Pressurized chambers, underwater machinery, oil digging contraptions, and aquariums lie beneath. EPISODE 3: Earth in the distant past (Main sky: SKYM1) Around 250 CE. Ancient cities, temples, demon-infested villages, Romans, and lost wonders of the ancient world await you. EPISODE 4: A demon city underneath Ancient Earth (Main sky: SKY5) Hidden demon outposts, uncovered tombs, necropolis, and hell portals go here. EPISODE 5: An endless green void with floating islands throughout (Main sky: SKY6) Voidspace, eldritch flesh structures, floating castles & temples, and floating hellish nature are all welcome here. Terminated Bliss by @Treehouseminis — “Dark Eldritch Prison, Set piece combat that can get difficult at times. Make your escape, just dont fall into the void.” EPISODE 6: Enceladus, a moon of Saturn (Main sky: SKY4) Moon bases, airlocks, digging sites, underground hell hives for the final leg of the trip. Feel free to use any of the extra skies provided in the wad as well, as long as it fits with the episode's story and theme. Multiple skies are encouraged, and can be a great tool for environmental storytelling. The campaign will be a continuous set of maps. Maps will be ordered based on their length, difficulty, monsters, weapons, and story. The episode themes are a framework for the story I want to tell.
    8 points
  23. As always, I can't believe I have to actually explain this, but: this community is not a school-shooter fandom. Don't post about spree killers' wads here.
    8 points
  24. 4bwad D2ALL Pacifist in 0:37. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg1IUS_HFeY Map 01 Pacifist in 0:03.71. Map 02 UV-Max in 0:03.91. Map 02 Pacifist in 0:00.06. Map 03 UV-Max in 0:18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Rcoq0r-5SY Map 04 UV-Max in 0:06.83. Map 04 Pacifist in 0:01.11. Map 05 Pacifist in 0:05.11. Map 06 UV-Speed in 0:08.91. Map 07 UV-Speed in 0:00.74. 4bwadallp037.zip 4bwad01p371.zip 4bwad02-391.zip 4bwad02p006.zip 4bwad03-018.zip 4bwad04-683.zip 4bwad04p111.zip 4bwad05p511.zip 4bwad06-891.zip 4bwad07-074.zip
    8 points
  25. This is such a banger mapset, maps are compact but full of calculated intense combat! Bloody elegant genre which reminds me of Haste! As for some technical feedback, I'm currently stuck in MAP08: after tysoning all the archies I don't see any way to progress further. Doesn't seem like I had to do any archjumps either because I played the whole map on 1 hp and believe it was intended to do so. Playing in DSDA-0.27.3
    8 points
  26. "Hey, Mario! Look what I made!" "It's a SLIGE-wad, Luigi! You didn't make it!"
    8 points
  27. Hello DOOMers, I just got my hands on a copy of Ultimate DooM builder for my personal computer at home! I would like to share my 9 level W.A.D. for the Ultimate DooM(V. 1.9) game for the Computer. I put countless hours into this project. I followed many tutorials to make the perfect DooM experience. Today I would like to share my W.A.D. with rest of the world. Installation: To install the amazing DooM but Better; I have tested this W.A.D. with CheeszyDoom(GzDooM) & BoomPrPlus(PrBoom-Plus) so that I could support a wide selection of gamers to play this W.A.D. You must also OWN a copy of The Ultimate DooM for the P.C. if you do not own a copy of The Ultimate DooM for the P.C. you can use FreeDooM a project that is doom free. Once you download the W.A.D. and .DEH using the link posted you can run it in the source port of your choice. This W.A.D. also comes with a .DEH it is not required for lower end systems but it will enhance the experience!! This W.A.D. replaces the first episode (Knee-Deep in the DEAD) so if it looks familiar then it works!! Beware of I’m too young to Die! Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cK3bXvBTXua0ng47L4P2cgJxd0L0MyaZ?usp=drive_link
    7 points
  28. The sheer number of recent posts from users exhibiting odd behavior is making me wonder if AI has gained sentience.
    7 points
  29. GUNS BLAZING IS FINISHED A Knee Deep in the Dead themed 5 Level Mapset for DOOM II! this WAD took some time to make and I'm really proud how it turned out! Things in This WAD -No Sprites or Sounds for Original feel! -John Romero's Level Design Rules! -Backtracking, a lot of it, so look around the Map's when you press a button! -Weapons and Monsters that only appeared in Knee Deep in the Dead -Ultimate FUN! UDMF Format 5 Maps + Ending Run in GZDoom, No Freelook, Crouching or Jumping Not too difficult, if you want a little challenge you can pistol start these maps on UV! Make your way through the 5 Map's and get rid of those annoying and ugly Demons! find some secrets! grab the keycards, get to the exit and win! Screenshots! Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/rowq33hmqw63e8c/GunsBlazing.zip/file Download v1.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mj8vmnau3ih86lz/GunsBlazing_v1.1.zip/file Download v1.2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e8mtajbhewuudwo/GunsBlazing_v1.2.zip/file
    6 points
  30. Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP09: Valley Temple: Finished! Now onto MAP10! Onto the final map, likely! Not sure what color scheme it will be, yet! I might still do more than 10 levels, depends on the mood I'm in. :D
    6 points
  31. Yeah, making frequent mistakes like that can be a big downer and embarrassment. I just remember that the various forum legends and most big releases come out with some pretty big 'whoops' moments and that multiple sets of fresh eyes are needed to comb over any release. Its especially frustrating for me though, because I used to comb over developer's work and find inconsistencies and errors for a living, now im doing it myself :D Thankfully its all easy fixes, and I have all the time in the world to jump onto Slade and fix anything asap. Notably, most of the issues tend to pop up on the older ones, made before I had made the Templates, so I saved myself a lot of headaches by making those.
    6 points
  32. LexiMax

    Odamex 10.5.0

    Odamex 10.5.0 has been released. Download it from Github or Sourceforge! This is a minor release with mostly quality of life fixes. The client has seen a number of useful updates. One of the more notable additions in 10.5.0, @loopfz improved the in-game wad downloader so that it can now download files with mixed case file names. That means server admins no longer have to host wads that are either all upper case or lower case. This will be incredibly useful for server admins looking to host servers with many wads. @ceski has improved controller support by improving analog stick deadzones, as well as flushing unused game controller events. @chewi has improved our general codebase by correcting some aliasing errors in multiple areas of the code, along with other general code fixes. @matoro has also helped update our CMake configuration. Also, a shout out to @bcahue for improving our demo testing suite, which helps us continue to strive toward full vanilla Doom compatibility. For a full list of changes and contributors, check out the list below: Added When a player becomes a spectator, display the number of kills & deaths they had in a message. Added Freedoom 0.13.0 support to the IWAD Loader. Thanks @GeorgePieVG! Added par times for Chex Quest. Thanks @Acts19quiz! Changed g_coopthingfilter is now g_thingfilter. This variable can be used to: 1) remove weapons flagged for cooperative; 2) remove all things flagged for cooperative; or 3) remove all things that can be picked up. Thanks @loopfz! Improvement to game controller support, via improved deadzones and flushing unused game controller events. Thanks @ceski-1! Updated the network connection error graphic to include text indicating there is a network issue. Improvements to SIMD flags in our CMake configuration. Thanks @matoro! Fixed The in-game wad downloader can now locate wad files with mixed case file names. Thanks @loopfz! MBF21 instakill sector no longer kills players in IDDQD mode. Thanks @Sbzro12345! Corrected aliasing errors in multiple areas of the code, along with other general code improvements. Thanks @chewi! Improved vanilla demo testing and accuracy over last release. Backed out changes to conveyor handling introduced in 10.4.0. These changes fixed thing behavior on conveyors, but caused some monsters to no longer spawn in-game. Fixed compiling on Mac OSX where internal system libraries for LIBPNG and ZLIB were being called. Fixed a crash when changing wads with different HORDEDEFs. Thanks @LexiMax!
    6 points
  33. some D64 SP_Face1 edit credits to DrDoctor, Id Software and Midway
    6 points
  34. Most maps i've played that include them just either put them at the bottom of damaging pits, in really dark places or heck, both scenarios at once, it's really annoying trying to run around dodging attacks only to bump into seemingly nothing and get a chomp right to the face. I don't find them to be the hardest enemies, i don't even find them the most annoying enemies (Pain elementals and Revenants take that spot), but i just find them to be a really sucky addition to Doom.
    5 points
  35. mods please please PLEASE ban this guy off Doomworld
    5 points
  36. Others have said it better than me, but I'll have a go. They're not just transparent are they? Certainly not in their original incarnation, where the 'fuzz' effect is pretty obvious against a clean or light-coloured texture in good light. However, put them in the dark, or against 'grainy' or dark texturing, and it's a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Everything Xaser has said above me rings true; pinkies are mere spacefillers, but spectres add a sprinkle of the unknown into the proceedings. In the right environment you can hear them but not so much see them. Personally speaking, any time a spectre has blindsided me with its lack of visibility; I like them more. Any time I notice one just as it crosses from noisy texture into a clean one and has a moment of good visibility allowing me to clean-shot it; I like them more. And any time I can hear one but not see clearly and I take a random SSG potshot in what I think is its direction, to hear it snort and hit the floor dead; I like them even more. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one here, but yeah, I'd say they're an iconic monster and one of DOOM's best. And, again as per Xaser before me, a huge improvement to the pinky by way of just one tiny visibility change.
    5 points
  37. Could be worse. You could have invisible Commander Keens, required for progression.
    5 points
  38. TheMagicMushroomMan

    Wisdom Tooth

    I've had nine teeth removed, through a volunteer service which means no anesthesia besides local numbing. The pain/discomfort having them pulled was about a 3/10 with very little pain afterwards. I did not even need OTC painkillers. Compared to the exploding, agonizing pain of infection, exposed nerves, and abcesses, the dentist was a walk in the park. The teeth aren't "nice and perfect" if they're telling you they need to be removed.
    5 points
  39. Map 04 WILD!-Max in 2:09 YT link: smax04-209.zip
    5 points
  40. origwad nightmare-stroller in 3.49 orignmstr349.zip This ties the fastest UV-stroller time. I had about 22070 attempts but I just couldn't get my time one tic shorter. At least I can say I tried my best. I think there is a shorter time in the mathematical space but I just couldn't get my hands on it. I'm not a precision runner so I was somewhat handicapped by my inability to recreate my best runs and analyze them tic by tic. Oh well, I'm glad I can move on to some other map!
    5 points
  41. WizardWorks would have loved to hire you in '95
    5 points
  42. e1m21 max 6:35 https://youtu.be/Qn-PlClEVho bx121-635.zip :)
    5 points
  43. Even more stuff. This will be it for a while (unless I make something new), it's not even close to all the stuff I made, but I can't really access my old drive for the time being, so... it'll have to do. Some of these (like the 2005 movie rifle) aren't even the final versions that I had made, some had additional variations as well, but it's what I was able to recover.
    5 points
  44. This is a FULL 32 MAP MEGAWAD of funky, gimmicky and mostly small limit-removing maps with a wide variety of themes, ideas, and gameplay styles. It's not a jokewad, don't worry—I put genuine effort into making the maps fun and interesting and haven't set out to troll the player (not on purpose, anyway). There's a bit of something in here for everybody: run-and-gun action, suspense and atmosphere, slaughter, indoor maps, outdoor maps, hell maps, space maps, classic-style, '94-style and a lot of whackadoo shit I can't even give a description to, to name just a sampling. You'll just have to grab a spoon and can opener and see for yourself! Why "Extra Beany Canned Doom"? Because: 🫘Like beans, the maps are small and proteiny 🫘Also like beans, there are exactly 32 of them 🫘Like canned food, the maps are quick to make and play 🫘Like Doom, the maps are full of Doom enemies and textures 🫘"Beany" is a funny word lol beany 🫘I actually hate beans so I'm motivated to make the maps extra good to compensate Make sure to check the "how to play" and especially the big conspicuous "READ THIS" sections below. Beyond that, enjoy, and let me know if anything is broken so that I can unbreak it for everyone. I'll fix anything that's egregiously busted and maybe do some rebalancing if something is off from the difficulty intended (maybe start with Hurt Me Plenty if it's your first time), but for the most part this should be done and ready to deliver torture a rollicking good time Behold, the miracle of birth! Today we are witness to the hatching of the doomguy from its egg, truly one of the wonders of nature. Watch as it eats the gibs left behind by its mother, made of the remains of her mate. What lies ahead for this young doomguy as it emerges from its nest? Most likely, ripping and tearing, and the struggle for survival that all beasts must face. The little doomguy wastes no time: look, a chainsaw left behind by loggers! Time for him to go gather some tasty, juicy gibs of his own, before the next mating season commences. 🫘Play with any limit-removing source port — it's mostly tested in Crispy but they all should work in GZDoom, DSDA-Doom, Eternity and the other limit-removing ports, and each map has been tested in them (but see below) 🫘Single player 🫘Freelook permitted, that's how I tested it 🚫No jumping or crouching The difficulty levels are loosely balanced as such (noting that I am bad at Doom and that limits my ability to properly balance for UV): 🫘ITYTD: Go for it! A nice way to casually experience the maps with minimal pressure or frustration. 🫘HNTR: Same as HMP, but with fewer monsters. Balanced to be a gentle challenge for people who are new or just want a relaxed time 🫘HMP: The "default" difficulty, recommended for first time playthrough unless you're looking for a super extra challenge. Same monster count as UV but with more kit. 🫘UV: It will get pretty hard sometimes but definitely not god level. Same monster count as HMP but with less health/ammo/arms ☠️N!: lol no All maps are tested from pistol start—you can play them continuous, but if your port supports the -pistolstart flag or equivalent then I recommend it (see below). The maps are a hodgepodge of ideas with only the barest progression in theme or difficulty. So if you aren't enjoying a map go ahead and skip it! That's what God made idclev for (but I hope you enjoy most of the maps at least) (more) 🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘 🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘🫘
    4 points
  45. Lazlo Panaflex

    Das Teufelswad

    HELLO! Das Teufelswad is a 3 map pk3 with a hub level. You can play the levels in any order, but the chronological order they were made in is thus: 1. Die Teufelsmaschine (originally released in RAMP2021) 2. Die Teufelsbrücke (originally released in RAMP2022) 3. Der Teufelsturm (Brand new - fresh out of the oven) (there is also a bonus redux version of Die Teufelsmachine - it is far better-looking, with streamlined gameplay and navigation) SO, WHAT ARE THESE MAPS ABOUT? I was heavily inspired by a map in the first RAMP called 'Temple of the Ancient Techlords' by Pixelfox. The title and premise alone got me very excited. I took that title (and a few visual tricks) from the map and decided to build an ancient-yet-technically-advanced alien temple of my own, fuse it with a techbase, and see where things went. Die Teufelsmaschine was that first map and, as such, is the most thematically inconsistent map and the most esoteric of the three. The visual style of the Teufels maps was established in Die Teufelsmaschine, and further developed in the two maps that followed it, Die Teufelsbrücke and Der Teufelsturm. So that's essentially what this pk3 is all about. All 3 maps are variations on the same theme. All the maps take place in an old tech base which has been constructed around excavated ruins of an advanced alien structure or installation. Maps 2 and 3 actually include a portal in the ruins that take you to where the aliens came from. GAMEPLAY TIPS: 1. These maps feature a lot of verticality, as well as a lot of target/hitscan puzzles and secrets. I strongly recommend you enable mouselook/freelook and the crosshair for these maps, even if you don't normally use them. 2. My maps tend to emphasize exploration and experimentation. These dungeons, bases and caverns are your primary antagonist and are a puzzle in themselves. They will try to confuse you. Progress is non-linear, so for the love of god USE YOUR MAP. Just take your time, look all around you, be mindful of things that stand out in the environment, as they could be clues. Whenever you hit a switch, stop moving and take a good look around. Generally the effects of a switch are visible from the switch or very close to it. I use security camera screens next to switches for this very reason. I try to establish a strong sense of place and punctuate areas with recognizable landmarks to help you navigate. I believe you enjoy maps more when you feel like you are gradually mastering them and bending them to your will. 3. Every encounter is doable. There are easy ways to deal with these nerds and hard ways. If you find that they are pushing your stool back in, reevaluate your strategy. There is always a way through. I hope you have fun playing! DOWNLOAD HERE Gamplay video of Die Teufelsmaschine REDUX The pk3 has everything you need. drag it onto the latest GZDoom and away you go. IWAD - Doom 2. Doom2 UDMF !!!Please use video acceleration!!! Tested in and designed for GZDoom. Each map has its own forced sector lighting mode for optimal visuals. I recommend the following display settings in to get the full experience: Gamma - 1.27 Brightness - 0.00 Contrast - 1.0 Saturation - 1.01
    4 points
  46. Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP09: Valley Temple: Geometry is nearly all done, so is lighting - onto texturing now! I should be done this later today - maybe in a couple hours! :)
    4 points
  47. I see we've entered the "good posts" part of the year.
    4 points
  48. Arcade Doom Pt. 1 is finally finished! The initial map is a part of four showcasing the decline and subsequent rise of a local arcade area that managed to transport from a remote, closed-off area to the shores of hell, a city suspended in the future, and hell itself! Stay tuned for more explorations of this theme! [Replaces E1M6] Map Name: Arcade Doom Pt. 1 Around 2 Weeks Typical Playtime: 7 - 10 Minutes Credits: Midi Track by Zan-zan-zawa-veia ADMAP06.zip New menu graphics are included in the wad in tandem with the map's exclusive set of textures that will be fully utilized in future iterations. Below is an example: Additionally, the final episode names are included as well. They are as follows: (Episode 1) (Episode 2) (Episode 3) (Episode 4)
    4 points
  49. Slayer map07 UV speed in 0:41 https://youtu.be/wT-5UCj3IEU sl07x041.zip
    4 points
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