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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/24 in all areas

  1. Don't try and use folks' lists of dislikes as a guideline for making your maps -- these sorts of threads tend to collect a lot of very bizarre complaints, and you'll never please everyone anyway unless you literally make Nothing... and even then, that might be disappointing to someone anyway. :P
    22 points
  2. What would you say your Doom mapping philosophy is? As in at large how would you describe your style? I was having this conversation in a server, and I'm always interested in what mappers tend to think of their own creations, so I figured I'd get a broader range of answers here. For me, I like to think of my maps as very arcade-ish with a high emphasis on movement and spatial awareness with rather vibrant visuals, more in touch with Doom's inspirations themselves (i.e F-Zero or Super Mario Bros. 3) than what came in its wake (Quake or Duke Nukem). Some of my most prominent non-Doom inspirations would probably be Katamari Damacy, Crazy Taxi, Super Monkey Ball 2, Space Invaders Extreme or Pac-Man Championship Edition. Also, ideally I wouldn't mind some serious answers here. Go in as much honest detail as you want, as I said, mappers' ideas about their own creations are always very fascinating to me. :)
    14 points
  3. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOWNLOAD WAD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 10 Line Puzzlebox is the teaser for a full megawad consisting of only 10 line maps. The 6-map mapset targets MBF21 (complevel 21), but was primarily tested in DSDA Doom. The mapset is heavily inspired by @NiGHTS108's 10 Line Genocide community project, but is more focused on fair combat puzzles and interesting setups. The mapset includes a few dehacked weaponry and a heavily tweaked palette / colourmap. Note that while these maps are of short length, they are quite difficult. All maps are forced pistol start. Depending on y'all's feedback, I may tweak the direction of the rest of the megawad. Maplist 1: Toxic Dreams 2: The Slottering 3: Tri-Hard 4: Goldrust 5: Lifeline 6: Bitrate Killer Special thanks to @Rayziik and @besus for helping find a technique to force pistol start every map (especially for the future megawad).
    14 points
  4. Gotta drop the usual advice here: If you're having a miserable time going for 100%, then don't go for 100%. If that doesn't do the trick, try lowering the difficulty level. And if that doesn't work either, you may be best off finding a new wad to play. I want to zero in on that last point: you don't have to play Scythe 2 if you're not jiving with it. It's totally fine to not enjoy something even if it's something folks tend to rave about, and you're far from the only one who thinks Scythe 2 gets a bit Much(tm) in its final act. There's really not much to gain by forcing yourself through it -- I'm sure there's another wad just around the corner that you'll end up having way more fun with, and you have the power to skip ahead past the frustrating part. [FWIW, I also prefer it when 100% is attainable in maps without any sneaky "point of no return"s, but it sounds more like this case is a symptom of a greater frustration, rather than the root cause.]
    13 points
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD: ryona.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lala is having a bad time again. An abstract ero-guro experience. 3 experimental maps featuring red and pain. Includes platforming, difficult slaughter, abstract hell environments, and emotional trauma. Not for the faint of heart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS: semi follow-up to:
    12 points
  6. Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP11: Deepest Space: Just finished this purple + yellow map! Hopefully doesn't look too WarioWorld-ish! 1 map left, and I'll likely wrap this project up! I plan on getting this released soon - I'm just waiting for a couple art assets - and to finish that final map! :D
    12 points
  7. D5DA4b Map 54 Tyson 10:09:58 d5da4b54t60958.zip https://youtu.be/C8ePh01y3Rg
    11 points
  8. >OP has a problem >Successfully identifies the behaviour that is the root of the problem >Needs someone to tell them to abstain from the behaviour Just play without using save files dude.
    11 points
  9. The kind of WAD that bores me is one that does nothing unusual and plays things safe for fear of triggering someone's pet peeve.
    10 points
  10. I wonder if there's, like, a food forum out there where threads about least favorite ingredients always get a ton of comments that are like "I hate garlic", "I hate chocolate", "I hate salt".
    9 points
  11. Guess what's back Back Again Build a map for PSX Doom, 6 hours limit (excluding play testing) Mapping time can be non consecutive Use psydoom for testing purpose: Use this Doom Builder fork for making your maps: https://github.com/Erick194/DoomBuilderPSX If you can't run Psydoom on your computer, you can use Doom CE as a substitute: https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-ce Deadline: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20240603T00&p0=2500&msg=Fastest+Shovels+13&font=cursive
    8 points
  12. some people give themselves rules for exactly where or how often they can save. like at major objectives (keys, weapons), or a certain amount of times per level. habits that are just "stop doing something" can be hard to break. "do something different instead" usually works more easily. so try seeing if rules like that work for you. be flexible with whatever you go with, because any rules will have levels that are a very poor fit for them.
    8 points
  13. the issue I had with this, which is why I stopped caring much about it, is that simply getting every kill and secret is a pretty "soft" form of completionism. what about noticing every nuance of the detail/design (and in many wads there's a lot of non-obvious observations to make), doing everything that is meaningfully nonlinear in every possible way (like different routes or different ways of getting into an area), trying out fights more than once if they can play different ways even if you don't die, and all that? there's a lot like that. there's so much more to experience in any map beyond just 100%'ing it. okay, I don't do all of that either, because that would be impossible. but the point is it is possible to get much more out of an observant non-max playthrough that is curious/attentive (and maybe does more of the above) than a max playthrough that kinda goes through the motions and treats it like checking off a list. and when I commit to playing more attentively I suddenly don't need to track down that last imp to feel like I've gotten a "complete experience." Bob can stay. I try not to skip half the map either. (even if that can be a good intrigue builder, like the first time I 40%'d Sunlust map14 and for a while wondered what the rest of it was -- but normally I don't.) but leaving off some kills and a minor secret or two is nbd to me for all the above reasons. I found value in shifting to a more nuanced picture of what it means to have a full experience.
    8 points
  14. So I've done a few ENDOOMs in the last few months. Hell Revealations Original ENDOOM (before T.V. made their beautiful piece) RUST Original ENDOOM ( @zokum is currently working on a replacement ) 10 Line Puzzlebox (probably my laziest ENDOOM)
    7 points
  15. Desfar

    Share Your Sprites!

    Im gonna start transitioning into Blender sprites again to try and speed rush a couple projects out. Results cannot be denied, even if they lack some of the definitive pixel feel. (At least for the templates. the individual frames will always need touchups and love)
    7 points
  16. m04 - UV Speed - 1:21 rc2504-121.zip
    7 points
  17. My philosophy is making fun maps, but my definition of fun may be different than others. I follow some loose guidelines. - Make maps hard but not too hard - Quality of combat over quantity of enemies (less is more) - Craft each encounter with care and tweak if needed - Create a little "storyline" or "narrative" inside the map that the player can feel without too much exposure, otherwise it feels too boring - Always pay attention to texture usage, alignment, certify to have a transition between different types of texture, etc - Make the most out of the limitation of no room over room (which is my favorite limitation of the game), that is, make levels as 3D as possible with lots of ups and downs - Most important of all: Have fun
    6 points
  18. E4M1 Tyson Co-op in 3:49 with BFGandorf c4t1-349.zip https://youtu.be/oF8NPBmpptE
    6 points
  19. Pardon the rant, I'm writing this for the next time this comes up too. This is footage of id Software playing their own game during development. You can see that they are playing on a 4:3 display with the stretching that you would get when you enable aspect ratio correction in a modern source port. Am I supposed to believe that id was playing their own game wrong, and that Doom was intended to be played at a 16:10 aspect ratio which was rare to nonexistent at the time? People really need to stop cherry-picking the fireball sprites whenever this topic comes up, when there's so much evidence to the contrary (I don't mean just you, others have made this same argument too). Non-square pixels was common practice at the time; many other DOS games do this too, as well as arcade games where the standard configuration should be clear. Though it's strange in today's LCD world, this is something that CRTs handle just fine. The fireball sprites are tiny (which means not much room to adjust the dimensions and make them look good), always in motion (which means most players aren't going to stop and count the pixels on their 320x200 CRTs to make sure they're perfectly circular), and lack rotational sprites (which means they don't need to be consistent with themselves, like the mancubus example in the wiki). If you need another example that's not already in the wiki, take a look at the rocket explosion graphics; these are larger sprites, and are sized to appear circular with aspect ratio correction, but oval without, in direct contrast to the fireball sprites:
    6 points
  20. DEATH BY 1000 LINES is a full megawad replacing all 36 maps of The Ultimate Doom, designed for limit-removing source ports. A sort of spiritual successor to the previous 1000 Lines community projects that can also be considered a fashionably late birthday present for the original game - or an early birthday present for the 1995 release of The Ultimate Doom. Your choice! The megawad was intially targeting Crispy Doom. This was later expanded to UMAPINFO-compatible ports at -cl3. A DEHACKED lump is included for Crispy Doom, however, be aware the UMAPINFO defines different backdrops for intertext and includes full automap names as some were too long for DEHACKED, so the UMAPINFO experience is to be considered definitive. Otherwise, there are no functional differences. A COMPLVL lump is also included to force the appropriate complevel. Around 30 mappers, both veteran and newer, came together to create an eclectic set of maps, from the oldschool & traditional to the modern and at times, outright weird, including some returning mappers from the previous 1000 Line projects. We have four distinct episode themes represented, offering a twist on the familiar UD themes that in some cases, takes them to strange places. This release is RC1 and is not yet final, but everything should largely be in working order. CREDITS: Full list of maps & mappers: ADDITIONAL CREDITS: @Blast_Brothers - graphics & widescreen adaptions @DankMetal, @Oxyde, @Clippy, @RaRu Des2122 (and anyone else I forgot atm) - playtesting/comments during build phase @JadingTsunami - UMAPINFO Designer, which was incredibly helpful during the assembly of this wad @Liberation - for letting me take the idea and run with it! E1 sky graphic from Scythe X E4 sky graphic by Mr. Pencil SCREENSHOTS: Finally, huge thanks to all the mappers who participated and made this happen. Couldn't have done it without all of you. There are some fantastic maps in this set that definitely outshine my own, relatively modest contributions. Please double-check your maps to make sure I've not accidentally broken anything / the correct version is there if you made updates. Bug reports and feedback welcome as we move towards the final release. Enjoy! DOWNLOAD (RC2) Demo lumps are included, recorded fairly fast and loose by me. Happy to replace them with better/longer ones if anyone wants to throw some in (any maps you like, I just picked at random) for the final release!
    5 points
  21. EP1 NM100S in 11:03 (12:12) E1NS1103.zip
    5 points
  22. Version 0.5.0, "Calm and Serene" Update Fixed various small and medium sized issues regarding TEXTURE1 definitions, xMAPINFO definitions, GZDoom et cetera. Separated the formerly named "patches" to a new 'masterpack-addons-alpha.zip' file, containing the Master Levels 25th Anniversary MIDI Pack, Freedoom TC and PSX TC. Of course it's an alpha release, they work, but there still some assets that need changing and fixing. Some texture issues are known to exist on certain Titan maps, caused by an overlook of mine. Completely playable, but very jarring to look at. Will fix for the next release. Get it here: https://elf-alchemist.itch.io/masterpack https://github.com/elf-alchemist/masterpack/releases/latest Installation instructions here: https://github.com/elf-alchemist/masterpack?tab=readme-ov-file#instructions EDIT: Also, remember to check out Aubrey Hodges' work. He has kindly provided his blessing to use his soundtrack as part of the PSX TC addon. https://aubreyhodges.bandcamp.com/ https://aubreyhodges.bandcamp.com/album/doom-playstation-official-soundtrack-20th-anniversary-extended-edition https://aubreyhodges.bandcamp.com/album/final-doom-playstation-official-soundtrack-20th-anniversary-extended-edition
    5 points
  23. E2M8 UV-Max in 30.03s e2m8m3003.zip Submitting this old for the timeline, and the slot machine memories. Congrats again to Meowgi for the 29 and Billa for the 28.
    5 points
  24. Sepia starts in the trenches of World War 1 and returns back there at the very end in its credits map "Christmas Truce", but this time setting up a melancholic mood of a temporary ceasefire where minefields are replaced with a football field with a friendly game happening - but you, the player, is aware that all of this will inevitably be followed by the resumption of meaningless war and millions more deaths. A very strong ending to a crazy journey that Sepia is. But the wad also makes sure not to end on a depressing note and therefore relieves the growing anguish with a light-hearted cinema credits and a cyber ass to punch. Could be the strongest and most touching ending map in all of the wads I played.
    5 points
  25. Take a break from the game.
    5 points
  26. Less is more. Architecture and space design is king. Evoque feelings and experimenting over making things by the book.
    5 points
  27. I tend to avoid heavy realism/Doomcute and go for more abstract architecture and geometry. I really try to create fantastical or dreamlike worlds that evoke a tangible atmosphere, starting with that "big picture" idea and filling in the details later. As for combat, my maps are pretty trap-heavy because I don't really enjoy more passive, incidental combat. Overall, I haven't been mapping for long, so I'm still shaping my style. All I really know is that Doom is cool, and making maps is even cooler.
    5 points
  28. map25 max 2:51 https://youtu.be/V9cq-jKO5Mc z325-251.zip map24 max 1:50 https://youtu.be/m_zDysHYLAs z324-150.zip ep3 max 27:01 https://youtu.be/ub-CtSo47hc z3ep3-2701.zip map20 max 2:25.54 https://youtu.be/VVLGgah_TL8 z320-22554.zip map03 fast 1:25.86 https://youtu.be/YgkrmVZ9JRI z303f12586.zip map04 fast 1:27 https://youtu.be/d1TDgOhjt5Y z304f127.zip map09 fast 2:52 https://youtu.be/QZQH2aUSVbI z309f252.zip d2all max 68:43 https://youtu.be/D_BUyAMhcYE z3all-6843.zip
    5 points
  29. E1M22: Gonna Never Have to Die | UV-Max in 11:12.69 bx122m111269.zip
    5 points
  30. Practicing cave formations
    5 points
  31. Hey, I made a cover of map10's doom 2 song and I would be curious to know what you think. (more stuff like it on the channel) Here's the link:
    4 points
  32. Woo Hoo!!!!! Congratulations, Cammy! You have got the job done and done fabulously well. All the work, toil, and even ennui of putting out a megawad is behind you now, and for the rest of us, funtime begins! :))))) We will all profit from your hard work, and based on what @Jayextee has said, it will be a grand profit indeed. Top Ten of all time? Dayum! I knew long ago when I played the first full version that this project was coming along great, but thanks to your testers, it was improved still further. I look forward to playing it and thankfully, I have time to do it now since I'll be off work probably 2 months or more -- diabetic ulcer on my left foot and possibly a ruptured Achilles tendon on my right leg -- and after that, retirement is in my future, I'm guessing this time next year if not sooner. So many maps to play, so many to make! Muhaha. :D I'll start the playthrough by next Monday if not sooner.
    4 points
  33. I think my main philosophy is atmosphere and contrast. Coming from a semi tradiontal art in Miniature painting it makes sense lol. I use sector lighting a lot and I try to find textures that work well together. I often make a "pallete" of textures to start. Though it eventually evolves as I get geometry in place. Most of my maps have color schemes/themes. I try to not use a ton of different textures. As it's stressful enough flinding ones I want to use. Also try to he more abstract at time. I find it a little easier than trying to do something more grounded. Also I know it's not everyone's thing but combat puzzle lock in fights. Designing combat is incredibly fun for me. I saw someone skip a fight in the first ever map I made and I said never again! ;)
    4 points
  34. Mine is "Just keep throwing lines until the map looks interesting". I find myself drawn to making the absolute most out of negative space between large sectors, but most of the time I also don't like making claustrophobic places either so that's fun. Combat isn't really my strong suit but I do like making each encounter its own little challenge as much as I like tossing a bunch of monsters at the player and seeing what happens.
    4 points
  35. I didn't take too long with anything up until MAP13. MAP20 is also the longest so far with MAP21 close behind (this is because of all the lock-in traps mostly though). MAP22 I am currently on and hey author, I don't think I am supposed to go through the fence textures on the way to the blue key (linedefs 9494-9507). EDIT: I just went through another fence, linedef 5042. Don't think I'm supposed to be able to do any of these. Also in the inevitable future there will likely be a wiki page on this and I'm already writing secret descriptions for this all.
    4 points
  36. 4 points
  37. I'm new to mapping, but I've really enjoyed environmental storytelling. Doomcute is really fun. In the map I'm working on now, I used a cage texture to make a ladder leaning against a wall. I'd be interested to also make maps that are visually appealing mazes with no particular narratives, but that's what I've been focusing on for the moment.
    4 points
  38. 4 points
  39. Everytime this thread/topic pops up, there is always a huge arguement forming between completionists and non-completionists, neither can understand the other's mindset, neither will budge. I appreciate it, I've never liked it when a mapset has shades of a mapper watching over your shoulder, trying to enforce every movement and action. Part of why I am so enamoured with 90s/early 2000s 'wing it' style mapsets
    4 points
  40. PICNIC TABLES! i hate them
    4 points
  41. you completely missed my point. I didn't complain about the difficult fights, I complained about the softlocking out of secrets and kills.
    4 points
  42. Sunder For People Who Don't Have Time To Play Sunder: Tetraptykon: Junkfood series (earlier maps tend to be more accessible than later ones):
    4 points
  43. Murdoch

    Why android sucks.

    Dude, it's not Android's fault nobody has made an editor for it.
    4 points
  44. dasho


    It's shorter if you don't
    4 points
  45. Still making progress on that second spooky level
    4 points
  46. Alrighty folks, we're live on idgames!
    4 points
  47. Messing around with detailing and lighting. Don't think reversed-lighting works but I think it looks kinda funky. :3
    4 points
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