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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/24 in all areas

  1. Liminal Doom 2: Crossing The Threshold is a set of seven MBF21 maps that are themed around the liminal space aesthetic. With a more elaborated and ambitious scope compared to its prequel, these maps hopefully will offer a different and unique experience. Each map has a different kind of atmosphere and purpose, and high attention was put into balancing the high energy gameplay moments with the quiet ones. Combat varies a lot in terms of encounters and enemy placement, and progression its mostly non linear with an emphasis on exploration and resource starvation if you are playing on UV. I recommend playing map05 on normal difficulty for blind playthroughs. There are two bonus maps on slot 31 and 32. All maps were tested using DSDA Doom. Credits to Lhyntel, Ribbiks and MasterMedi for playtesting. Download: LDOOM2.zip More screenshots:
    30 points
  2. I agree, Doom General has been very braindead recently, take a look at this shit:
    23 points
  3. I've been around long enough to observe multiple cycles of this. Couple of observations here, as bullet points because I'm a NERD: This isn't a "Gen Alpha" / "Zoomer" thing, it's a "young people*" thing. It's very important to realize the distinction here, for a bunch of reasons: Any healthy community will always have a stream of new posters coming in. If new posters frequently include younger folks, that's a good sign since that means the artform isn't dying out. People (sometimes) grow up, so that awful spammy poster might eventually turn into a semi-productive member of society. :P Most critically, this isn't some sort of permanent generational divide, i.e. "oh no Zoomers are all Weird(tm) and they're never gonna get it!" or whatnot. Ten years ago, everyone was saying that about millennials, before that it was Gen X, and so on. Same story. We're at a "local minimum" right now, i.e. posting quality is lower than it was ~5 years ago, but much better than it was ~15 years ago. Doomworld sucked back then, and then _got better_. If it can recover from that, it can certainly recover from where we are now. [*and even then, it's not so clear cut, 'cause sometimes you have younger folks with excellent "internet etiquette" and older folks who are dogshit at it. It's more a general "internet maturity" thing that somewhat, but not completely, correlates with age.] To be clear, it's good to be critical of the amount of crap being posted right now, 'cause yeah, there's a lot of it. My main takeaway here is that this problem is far from unfixable.
    20 points
  4. There are quite a few people on this website who see a thread they deem as trash, pointless, useless, whatever, and their instant reaction to this low quality thread is to post in said thread about how bad it is, or they drop a one-liner joke, or they say "mods will close this soon". These people also don't bother to report the thread themselves, and their post actually pushes the thread towards more eyes since more posts in a shorter time frame means it will show up on the Popular Now sidebar (this thread is at the top, right now!). I would really keep this in mind next time you see a low effort or shitpost-tier thread, because engaging with it to point out to its OP that it is a shit thread (beyond reasonable circumstances) or piling onto it with others just pushes the thread into even more people's view, for a longer period of time.
    13 points
  5. Plutonia Map10 UVMax in 2:24 Zip: pl10m224.zip Video: https://youtu.be/FbvfH9knjmg?si=Aoyok8oNufrHNBZN Plutonia Map26 UVMax in 5:06 Zip: pl26m506.zip Video: https://youtu.be/tbhbzMVE3Hw?si=36HlhOM-DlH3F0ru Plutonia Map26 NoMo100S in 0:52 Zip: pl26os052.zip
    11 points
  6. IDgames link https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/megawads/uhadron The only change is the implementation of demos for each episode. Thank you everyone and enjoy.
    10 points
  7. It served as a repository for all the worst posts, a kind of cringe peanut gallery for people to laugh at. It still exists, it's just not public anymore and still used as a bin for garbage threads. Some people are nostalgic for it, others literally only visited this website because of it. Ling decided years ago back in 2017 after the forum update that it was no longer necessary and he wanted DW to move on from that kind of toxic mindset and to stop playing in the filth.
    9 points
  8. I mentioned this in another thread, but this sort of thing could be mitigated to some degree if people used their status updates: if you have errant thoughts you'd like to share that honestly don't deserve an entire thread, you can post on your profile and get responses from the people that actually follow you for your content. It's possible that their usage dropped off some once status updates were no longer visible on the forum homepage and I will admit that I don't use my own nearly as much as I should: maybe I should pop some game reviews on mine, I remember doing that a few years ago when I first played Dead Space. But I digress. It'd be cool to see more folks use their status updates and get into the habit of blogging a little to alleviate the sorts of tendencies we're seeing expressed in forum threads these days.
    9 points
  9. A compilation of maps I'd made previously, mostly redone from scratch, with a few new ones thrown in. Contains 14 maps. (12 + 2 secret) This was made with the Remaster (Steam, GoG, EGS) in mind. Ports based on Doom 64 EX will likely encounter issues. Current Version: 1.2 Download Mirror Screenshots:
    8 points
  10. 8 points
  11. Craneo

    Share Your Sprites!

    some extra D64 gibs. credits to Sgt Mark IV for some intestine sprites I used for detail, and to Midway because ofcourse. (Blue blooded green eyed caco meant to go with DrDoctor's caco edit)
    8 points
  12. Oh fuck here we go again...
    7 points
  13. Actually not true. He's holding the grip in his right, the stock with his left, fires the shot(s), flicks open the lock with right thumb, takes the weight in his right hand, lets go of the stock and reaches for fresh shells while gravity pops the gun open. The custom eject mechanism I am making up launches the empty shells out which evaporate into nothingness because video game, all the while he is expertly grabbing two shells and slams them in. He then jerks the gun upward which locks the barrels back in place and catches the stock with his now free left hand in the process.
    7 points
  14. I think it's important to not stereotype newer generations. All of us had our silly phases on the internet and that's definitely not exclusive to one group or another. I had tons of interesting conversations with gen z people - on the other hand, I can count on my hands the amount of people of my age who wasn't a cynical, ignorant a-hole. So there's that.
    7 points
  15. It's not particularly uncommon, Dead Simple is the most glaring example.
    6 points
  16. Might as well give a small update. Made some progress on my map. It will be centered around teleporting and telefraging. Here are a couple of screens: The fights and layout are mostly in place. Now it needs some polish
    6 points
  17. Map 01 UV-Max 0:06 cyc01m691.zip https://youtu.be/Wh5sVYPO5IE and 10 UV-Max 0:24 cyc10m2409.zip https://youtu.be/F1PyexTdBoQ
    6 points
  18. Mostly unrelated to the topic, but with status updates broken.. Hospital visit went well, I do not actually have carpal tunnel it turns out, just a rather complex case of RSI, largely caused by...programming, aka this stuff alongside all the other modding things I do So I definitely will be laying off this thread for the time being (aside from fixing any reported errors of course), after I finish that last WIP patch. Actually play the stuff ive patched while im 'on vacation' :p I did want to make something for Dystopia 3 and Osiris, since both have been given widescreen graphics in the widescreen thread, but Dystopia 3 has no level names..
    6 points
  19. am i literally not allowed to discuss anything? wtf is with this automatic response to anything i post like "OHH GOD ITS TRYING TO START DRAMA", like is it ok to discuss maps that people found genuinnely cruel and unfair or not? can you just relax for once and let people discuss stuff
    6 points
  20. grungo host q&a so feel free to ask grungo questions me don't mind
    5 points
  21. grungo live in own cave with time machine no rent because me tip house man with shiny coins and playboy mags
    5 points
  22. 5 points
  23. "Circle of Death" seems about right.
    5 points
  24. plums

    Post your Doom textures!

    I made some 1024px wide skies from the electric and forest images here. In the case of the forest it's actually a ~341 px wide image, which tiles 3 times across 1024.
    5 points
  25. 5 points
  26. It's literally three lines of code and already unconditionally enabled in Crispy, so would anybody mind if we add this to Woof?
    5 points
  27. 5 points
  28. just close the forums already
    5 points
  29. I'm going to stop you right there. As the thread author, you set the baseline for the content that follows through both your topic and your conduct: you do something, people react to something, simple enough to grasp. Now, what impression do you think "genuinely BS maps thread" gives? Because to me it gives off the impression that the thread author just wants to complain about maps in a disparaging manner, which in turn will inform my responses that I give. The language that you pick matters and it isn't fair to put the onus on conducting a respectable conversation on others when you're trying to be that conversation's instigator.
    5 points
  30. baja blast rd.

    How to use MBF21?

    You should be able to find MBF21 in UDB's list of Game Configurations if it's not already showing up. Then set it up and use it like the other configurations. For someone who has done mapping in other formats like Boom, the MBF21 spec is worth looking at. With MBF21, you don't "have to" to use many features beyond what's in Boom in order to justify it being used. When I started using it, being able to set linedef flags to block land monsters and players specifically was already easily enough to justify it, before I started using other features. Even if you use no extra features, MBF21 fixes some bugs. and most modern source ports that support Boom also support MBF21. If you're new to mapping as a whole, it might make more sense to keep that link in mind as one resource of many, and play around with editing yourself, since you'll be learning mapping while working in MBF21, rather than learning MBF21 specifically. (Meaning you will be learning the underlying fundamentals that also apply to vanilla/Boom.) You also don't need to use DeHackEd yet if you don't want to modify enemies and weapons and such. (Clearing up a couple of facts from upthread: DECOHACK is something separate in that it is a very convenient way of generating DeHackEd files. It is not tied to MBF21 specifically; DECOHACK supports formats down to vanilla. And DSDA-Doom is a commonly targeted source port for wads, but most of that is through MBF21, not through the "DSDADoom UDMF" format.)
    5 points
  31. 5 points
  32. I suppose it depends upon what's being posted as a "shitpost". @Grungo for example, creates genuinely funny shitposts. Wholeheartedly appreciated content, in my opinion.
    5 points
  33. And what about these? They must be looped. Blue and red.
    5 points
  34. Photos for a map submission for my co-op community mapping project: Heres a map overview [Last post Vs. Now] Maximizing organic layout efficiency with all these curves
    5 points
  35. There's also this: I think I'd play a whole WAD of E1 in this style.
    5 points
  36. This rings true to a certain degree (be the change you want to see in the world and all that), but there is also a conversation to be had about general forum etiquette and the ways in which certain behaviours are fed on social media. You can pour all your effort into making high-quality threads and then just watch them sink while a thread where some poor sod gets relentlessly dunked on for their conduct stays at the top of the forum and maintains increased visibility as a result. It's a problem that's a lot bigger than a single forum or a single generation. Also for those wondering, I hid some posts that had the chance to derail the thread. Keep things civil! 👍
    5 points
  37. Some Doom 64 textures I MANUALLY upscale 3x the original resolution a couple of years ago https://mega.nz/file/pjFTBLgQ#HyrIR7mC6GgbulYtk0hD5rMUF7_Md6zc7ALFk4vm11s examples
    5 points
  38. Here's the final version: DOWNLOAD The main changes between this version and the latest beta are: - Witch Doctor and his minions' sprites recolored by @plums(big thanks!!) - Most secrets have been marked again - New grog bottle sprite and some additional decorations - MAP27 rebalanced to be quicker and easier - New Colormap by plums - Tons of texture alignments, graphic clean ups and slimetrails fixes. Also, big thanks to @Scuba Steve for improving all weapon graphics and animations, along with many other graphic enhancements. And many thanks to all beta testers! Have fun!
    5 points
  39. Get the WAD: from Doomshack from Idgames So, a bunch of Polish doomers have been lured by @Ordon to a Polish Discord server to create a bunch of maps with an end-goal to bundle them together into a Polish community single-player map pack. We've been working on this for over a year now (or two), and today, on May 21st, 2024, we're pleased to announce the public release! The mapping requirements for this pack were simple: stick to Boom complevel 9 and use the CC4 texture pack. This got us a total variety of 14 maps, that I compiled with a weapon progression in mind. Pierogis are included if you reach MAP07. Play Info Port: A Boom-compatible complevel 9 with UMAPINFO IWAD: Doom 2 Maps: MAP01 - MAP14 Game mode: Single-Player Cooperative: 2-4 player starts; untested Deathmatch: No Tested in: Doom Retro 5.0.7, DSDA-Doom, PrBoom+ 2.6.66, Nugget Doom 2.2.1, Nugget Doom 2.3.1 Release Trailer Screenshots Map Roster Our Discord https://discord.gg/bb5Cae5N - Polish DOOM Community
    4 points
  40. Embraced is small set of 3 maps focusing on combat puzzle and slaughter(4th map progress stopper). Adding again to the green techbase crowd but this time with a lot of wood textures! Also map names are song names. Difficulty is on the "medium" side if we compare this wad to the high standard of today's community. Dont be afraid to drop it down to HMP if UV is too rough. I will say this is probably the hardest maps Ive made but only slightly. So prepare to be Embraced! MBF21 DOOM2 IWAD Single Play only Map 01- Flourishing Map02- Deluminate Map03- The Cosmic Vein Map04- Embraced -Features- Green 1000 hp cyber mastermind replacement Some mp3 Tracks. Make sure you play in a port that supports mp3 playback. I mostly tested with DSDA and GZDOOM Eviternity1 Palette but edited pinks into purples. ---Idgames release--- Screens old Drop Box V3 Credits: Music : title : "Lower Maridia" - Super Metroid Inter : "Palace of Twilgiht" Zelda Twilight Princess Map01 - "PLasma" Lee Jackson Map02 - "Ambientdjent" by ninja.kitty Remix by Ribbiks Map03 - "D_AMPIE" by Snaxalotl Map04 - "The Infinite Labryinth" - Tristan Clark Textures : cc4 32x24-in-ver2 tex Otex Ribbiks Eviternity 1 Palette (slgihtly adjust by me) Jaded.wad NIGHTMARE hellish textures AA Textures Duketex mechadon skies hud by Daniel Testing: Big thanks too @AshtralFiend Old V2 buildEmbraced v2
    4 points
  41. grungo eat here
    4 points
  42. if you asked me i wish every little fix and modification was an option you could turn on and off at will (even if only in the options text file) so that i could recreate the vanilla/chocolate experience with all the wads i played if i wanted to, but i'm just crazy, who cares!!
    4 points
  43. mouldy

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Finally got round to finishing this, great fun from beginning to end. Amazing adventure.
    4 points
  44. I have a widescreen statusbar done too, I removed it because some ports didn't support it. Here it is, in case someone want to use it: And I believe the image used for the background is this: edited with correct status bar graphic, the other one had an older font
    4 points
  45. I actually used to make threads like these unfortunately, i also used to make some Generally "Okay" Maps, but im trying to redeem my mapping quality and posting quality and it seems to have worked, even tho im still working on an large project for doom 2, I still have learned my ways to correctly post and map, so this is my reasoning as a person who has done this before, as to why the thread quality is declining: They (And/Or Past me) Are too lazy to read what ACTUAL good content is considered and read anything, so they just jump right ahead into posting anything thinking its considered "Okay", And thus the thread goes taken down Now keep in mind I myself have learned how to make good threads and posts, after a few bad threads i made 5-8 months back, Which leads me to: Although fairly annoying to have low quality threads, It has "Some" Benifit, The benefit being after the post goes down, the user will learn a bit more on what is considered an good thread, Now keep in mind this does not mean "Go ARoUnD PoStInG HOrRribLe ThrEads", All im saying is that Mods should close the threads, and they should try their best from the very start to not make bad threads, and just incase they actually do, they need to be closed again, so he can learn Again, this does not mean bad threads are good, but rather Atleast the poster can learn from them also Again again; dont take this as "New members go post bad threads" Dont do that, just go around the forums and see whats considered bad or good But if they happen to do post an bad thread, Atleast the poster can learn from them
    4 points
  46. See, now this is exactly the kind of topic that can make for interesting discussion. It's open ended and lets people talk about lots of different WADs, and it gets into the intricacies of combat in a way that's easy to understand. Kudos for having an original thought. I think it can be difficult to enforce a single set pattern unless you make a very large scale fight, since that takes a lot of the RNG and unpredictability out of play. Some setups inarguably do it though. Pretty often it's more a matter of figuring out how to survive long enough before you're finally able to manage a circle strafe or other pattern to make the fight completely consistent. Personally I like constricting movement in creative ways, whether by limiting space available or using hurtfloors or some other way to penalize the player. Forcing precise and well timed dodging can really make pretty small threats very concerning. You can make a pair of hell knights scarier than 100 hell knights in a big arena. I guess one slightly dumb example is in E3M3 where that first pinky can trap you at the start. If you're pistol starting it forces you to keep baiting out its melee to buy time for your peashooter to kill it. It's not an elaborate example but it's quite possible for casual players to die in that scenario, especially with fast monsters or no weapons. Of course if you have played the level before, you can "Just Leave". I really like when fights use the property that revenants have where they never fire projectiles if you're at close range. Sometimes you can immobilize the revenant (such as putting it on a platform) and it lets the player keep their back to it safely while dealing with another group of monsters, as long as you stay within a limited range of them yet outside of melee. I've had big rooms of monsters where the sniping revenants actually make a little safe space rather than being the priority target. If you go for them first, the rocket splash damage, retaliatory missiles, and lots of projectiles in your back that you can't see are your punishment. Another good one is in Sunlust Map 14, in the final fight. It's essentially a large figure 8 shaped room. 2 pillars contain a group of hell knights each on your sides, and a larger group of revenants comes out of the center. There isn't really room to rocket them in a straightforward way without exposing yourself to the HKs, it's easy to get cornered from behind, and doing the fight without the BFG is very tricky at times. One strat I found was to lure the revenants out; you hug them and slowly back up so they don't shoot or retaliate at you (and also you don't make noise). They'll tend to infight the hell knights to each side and the HKs won't spill out and block everything if you're slightly more patient. Then once you reach a corner you can use rockets and soon circlestrafe, and the crowd control is a ton better than if you try to just kill things quickly. It's pretty counterintuitive when usually we're taught to kill revenants on sight but doing the lure buys you a decent bit of extra space and compacts the mob of monsters just enough.
    4 points
  47. I love when people think they discovered something, and then it turns out to be them not understanding how a double-barreled shotgun works.
    4 points
  48. That's just how a double barrel shotgun is loaded. Albeit this example is showing how to do it fast, but it's usually how you reload it.
    4 points
  49. Zoomers think this shit's Discord.
    4 points
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