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StormCatcher.77 and 16 others reacted to Scorpio for a topic
A singleplayer map made for the GZDoom port. Hardware rendering and dynamic lightning must be enabled. Mouselook is recommended, but not required. Special thanks to @sirjuddington for SLADE, @ukiro for OTEX and @Biodegradable for testing. Sky texture by Makkon. Music by Sebastian Ramirez Avila. >>>DOWNLOAD<<< My other works: SHADOW ZONE OUTER BASE DISINTEGRATION TEMPLE OF BLOOD REFINERY COMPLEX DEAD SIMPLE REMAKE PUMPING STATION NIGHTFALL Enjoy!17 points -
I'm finally done all 12 levels' primary mapping for Antiquated Extraterrestrials! I've since had an M_DOOM made: Here are some screenshots: Antiquated Extraterrestrials: MAP12: PULSAR PLAZA: Thanks to @AshtralFiend for the green+yellow/gold color combo suggestion! So, yeah - I'll get this out soon, now that I have almost everything I need! Then it's on to new things - after I wrap up and release a couple loose-end projects! :D15 points
oh, so they're going from doom eternal to eternal doom, okay15 points
12 points
Deep Space VI | A SPACE STATION HORROR | Boom Format (Complvl 9)
netcurse2000 and 9 others reacted to dmh094 for a topic
You are working on the Space Station "Deep Space VI" The last stop before entering "Free Space", the unknown regions of the galaxy. As usual, your boss decided to give you the security shift for the Storage and Data sector. The furthest possible place on the station one can get from the hustle of UAC social life. Not that it matters though. Your more of the quiet type. Today however, the work hours are going by even slower than normal. As a result, your mind has begun to wander into the land of the imagination. What would happen if the rift had been open on "Deep Space VI" instead of Phobos? What if you were the savior of human kind instead of the Doom Slayer? What if the UAC has given you an assignment worth your time rather than a position serving security on a station at the end of the universe? The image fills your end, you see demons at every turn. The boredom has taken you... NOTE: Several behaviors have been changed for this wad through DEHACKED 1. The pistol fires faster 2. Cacodemon balls move at greater speed 3. Lost Soul HP reduced to 30 LINK TO WAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zYmdvqIRYPyLYXnLmtAJaLlLm2F1xnYH/view?usp=sharing _______________________________________________________________________________ This map was made in order to practice with Voodoo dolls in Boom format, as well as try out some textures. CREDITS: SOUNDS: DSTELEPT taken from "Quake" (1996) TEXTURES: 32in24-15tex q1text DOOM II COLOUR PALLETTE: KK1PAL (Cryocolours pack) MIDI: Decent into Cerberon by Sonic Mayhem (MIDI COVER) TAKEN FROM: https://www.khinsider.com/midi/windows/quake-ii _______________________________________________________________________________ Title: Deep Space VI Filename: DSVI.zip Release Date: 26/05/2024 Completion Date" 26/5/2024 Author: Dmh094 Email Address:Danmhill02@gmail.com _______________________________________________________________________________ * What's included * New Levels: Map01 Sounds: Yes Graphics: Yes Music: Yes _______________________________________________________________________________ * Play Information * Game: Doom II Map #: Map01 Single Player: Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player: Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes Difficulty Setting: All Other Game Styles: No ________________________________________________________________________________ * Construction * Base : From Scratch Editor(s) used : Ultimate Doom Builder Build Time : 19/5/24 - to 26/5/24 Tested With : DSDA, GZDOOM * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this PWAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, USB, etc) as long as you include this file intact.10 points -
Which map has the most linedefs and sectors?
Arno and 8 others reacted to antares031 for a topic
MyHouse.pk3 has 164,452 linedefs, with 298,798 sidedefs. It's no wonder why it takes so long to load that cute little simple house.9 points -
St. Anger isn't bad
inkoalawetrust and 8 others reacted to esselfortium for a topic
I have no strong feelings on Metallica, but I am sad you stopped posting in-character.9 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Geniraul and 7 others reacted to ViolentBeetle for a topic
8 points -
JustAthel and 7 others reacted to kevansevans for a topic
It would be really funny if the internal code name was "Doom: The Dark Ages" and it's really a Quake game. A medieval setting makes more sense in the context of Quake than it does Doom, and it's pretty often companies will use codenames for internal projects to obfuscate leaks.8 points -
7 points
6 points
Duskztar and 5 others reacted to Grain of Salt for a topic
Before this goes too off topic, I think we can all agree this sounds even more uninspired than the previous doom cash-in, and that latterday Id should just throw in the towel 👍6 points -
Demos for miscellaneous Ribbiks maps
Billa and 5 others reacted to siege cunt for a topic
stuff2.wad "morkian mishap" UV-MAX in 17:32 yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJyo3gE8qao fun maps, like easy italo doom + gggmork combat inspiration. LOL I forgot to attach demo: stuff2allm1732.zip6 points -
St. Anger isn't bad
Guff dotD and 5 others reacted to esselfortium for a topic
6 points -
Plutonia Map16 UVMax in 1:49 Zip: pl16m149.zip Video: https://youtu.be/RKBAQM5V3E0?si=1Eu-ywEYbsw0b75S6 points
Magical Ettin Phantom. Lower half is made of particles, so I had to make a gif to show it moving - there is none of the 'shimmer' in game. Static sprite for comparison (made with editor - there are no lower half sprites after all). Gave it +FLOAT and Lost Soul attack - looks cool when charging, leaving a trail and changing particle colour to red :)6 points
Share Your Sprites!
ChopBlock223 and 5 others reacted to hell2slay for a topic
6 points -
Dear amalgoom, clippy crew, and doomworld. I would like to make a formal apology when i was 16, I joined doomworld because I enjoyed making maps. As I grew I met people, got around, had ideas, some failed, some went chaotic and the people I crossed, most of the time left a bad impression. I write this to say, I apologize for all the grief I have caused while as "Johnny Cruelty" I will *not bullshit and try to excuse my behavior. I was a dickhead, not because I was young, but because I was acting stupid and didn't think to stop. I was a terrible Project leader, I often was too bossy and got too obsessed over the smallest issues of a map, and thought every bit of critiscism was a personal attack. i was foolish very foolish. I took people's kindness for weakness, I didn't stop to think "hey these are people with lives and feelings, these aren't employees, these are PEOPLE" I did value these people but not enough, as my rude attitude outshined my respect for them, and in turn people casted me out, a pariah. One such individual I pissed off the most was @doomgappy he was a nice guy, and when the last straw was hit, when I got mad at him making "big" changes to small stuff, he couldn't take it, he lost his cool, he got so mad he was just done trying to help me and wanted me no more. at the time, out of guilt, even at my peak assholishness, a fragment of me realized how much of a asshole I was, and I passed the torch to him, and was exiled. sometime after that, I tried reaching out again, but I still was not quite... in good terms and he told me to get away from him, I was sad and mad but after a bit I understood and moved on. However some advice he told me before he exiled me, was "Just make a new fresh start and maybe one day things will be better again." so I did, I made grungo as not just a new fresh skin, but something more... something you might call... a "Gimmick" I spoke like Torr from fallout 2, and donned a blue velvet suit. My motto was "What would grungo do" which was the opposite of Johnny Cruelty... While some elements of JC leaked, I tried to maintain this new persona, by being nice as much as I could and aspired to be a better person, saying nice things on wads, making nice jokes, trying to do better in art. at first it was a suit, akin to a wolf in sheep's clothing, but I felt better being Grungo so I embraced it. Instead of me pretending to be someone I am not, I shaped myself to something I wanna be. But I must admit, even when I am trying to change, I admit I am not perfect, and sometimes I am a ass, I cannot lie, But I try and I understand if I keep trying to change, I will be like pinnocho, Grungo won't be a persona to me anymore, but more of a reality of what's me. I'd also like to apologize for being annoying, that's on me and I should learn to control myself more, I am getting older and no longer a kid anymore. In short I wanna say sorry for my misdeeds, and I don't expect forgiveness nor a slap on the wrist, I understand I left scars on people, scars that may not heal. and I understand some people just don't wanna do anything with me, and that's ok. I just gotta take it easy day by day.. as for the persona, I might keep it up, because some people like it, and that outburst last night was me angered by some, and I understand some people take offense to the persona and see it as a sign of not taking up responsilibility and I understand it. But I take total responsiblity for my childish behavior and just hope for the best signing off, Grungo.6 points
Yousuf Anik and 4 others reacted to Terrcraft for a topic
Tom Henderson at Insider Gaming has reported that on June 9th at the Xbox Showcase. The next game in the Doom series will be revealed as Doom The Dark Ages though it was previously known as Doom Year Zero internally. The Insider states that this game has been in development for around 4 years. and was described as a "medieval-inspired doom world." This is an assumption from my end but this may take place between Doom 64 and 2016 when the Doomslayer worked with the night sentinels. And it will be more like Army of Darkness to Doom Eternals Evil Dead 2 here is the article describing this, the reporter is very accurate and others have been pointing to a new doom to be at the Xbox showcase. https://insider-gaming.com/doom-the-dark-ages/ So, if Doom 6 is next in line for ID, what do you hope or expect to see? Other than that, ID may be stuck in the doom mines for years instead of making a quake reboot to attempt to prevent Microsoft from closing them like Tango Gameworks and Arcane Austin.5 points -
Favorite Doom Pyramids?
slugger and 4 others reacted to Logamuffin for a topic
I really really REALLY like pyramids. I think it's like a human instinct or something where we just like big triangular thingy for no reason. And the Doom engine is particularly well suited for pyramids.. Which is why I'm going to go over some of the most memorable and best Doom pyramids in my opinion. Feel free to also post screenshots of pyramids that you like, I'd really like to see them! Of course we all know the obvious answer for a question like this, so I'll get it out of the way: Alien Vendetta Map20: Misri Halek Even though its famous it's kinda cut off at the top, so not technically a pyramid? Though I suspect that's due to limitations with having the player be able to go inside the pyramid. There is an actual pyramid right behind you when you spawn in so I won't complain too much. Of course we all know what's inside that pyramid, and that should count for something. Rating (out of 5): ▲▲▲½ Auger;Zenith Map10: Photon Geyser This one sort of has that Las Vegas Luxor Casino vibe with the lights, which I really dig! On top of that, this part is probably the most memorable arena in the entirety of Auger;Zenith (At least for me). This pyramid has it all, it's snazzy, it has bruteforced slopes, and it's not Egypt themed for a change! Rating: ▲▲▲▲ Lost Civilization Map19: Division. These pyramids are just awesome. They jut out of the sky, they're steep, they're varied and there's tons of them. Jaaska also put pyramids all over LostCiv, most notably the sky pyramids in Map01, which make no sense but they sure do look cool as hell. It's clear Jaaska is a pyramid aficionado like myself, and that on top of how unique and visually striking these pyramids are make them without a doubt my favorite. Rating: ▲▲▲▲▲5 points -
inkoalawetrust and 4 others reacted to DNSKILL5 for a topic
Inb4 it’s actually Quake but they want us to think it’s Doom until it’s revealed. Wishful thinking anyways. But really, I just want something for Doom that takes away the over the top power trip stuff and makes you feel more like a space marine action hero, with some horror elements, less arena shooting BS, actual deathmatch that feels like they actually gave a shit, stop calling him Doomslayer, etc. Maybe medieval ruins of another planet that the demons have infested that Doomguy has crash landed on. Edit: Yeah nope. Not what I was hoping for but oh well.5 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Zerofuchs and 4 others reacted to ThatKidBobo for a topic
5 points -
5 points
Thanks so much to everyone here for the congratulations, and for having so much nice to say about the wad! To even be in the discussion of anyone's top 10 megawads - let alone someone who's been at it since 2000 - is an insane accomplishment, and a level of praise that frankly boggles the mind. Thank you so, so much, @Jayextee - I'm very glad you enjoyed the wad. :D And take care of yourself, @Steve D! Very sorry to hear about your foot and leg issues, hopefully they can be fixed or alleviated good and quick. Take as much time as you need to start that playthrough - lord knows you're the very last person who needs to prove loyalty to Realm of Chaos. ;)5 points
St. Anger isn't bad
Lila Feuer and 4 others reacted to Devalaous for a topic
Ive always called him an angry gremlin/goblin myself. Also, you know your a doom nut when 'Mustaine' in your head automatically means Tom Mustaine, not THAT one.5 points -
5 points
Favorite Doom Pyramids?
Deadwing and 4 others reacted to antares031 for a topic
Ancient Aliens MAP18. Bonus point for the rotating pyramidion hologram.5 points -
Avactor is chock-full of pyramids, I just had a quick run through and counted more pyramids than maps in the WAD. A few highlights: MAP01, the first pyramid in the WAD: MAP08, an imposing sight right at the start of the map (and yes, you do go inside it): MAP09, two pyramids outside the playable area of the map, purely for decoration. I didn't even notice these until I was running through the maps looking for pyramid-like structures on the automap: MAP10; I particularly like this under-construction pyramid, it's a fresh take on the theme after so many other pyramids in the WAD, and it makes for a great centerpiece as you ascend the scaffolding and fight at different levels: Since we've covered Misri Halek, I'd be remiss not to mention MAP29 from Struggle: Antaresian Legacy, which is heavily inspired by Misri Halek:5 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Surreily and 4 others reacted to ivymagnapinna for a topic
5 points -
hey, i get that you're kind of upset that people are trying to dig into your history...but doing this isn't gonna help. i suggest just forgetting about this whole thing and carrying on as though nothing happened. also, to everyone being mean to him in that thread - fuck you. people can change and get their shit together, so knock it off and quit being assholes. he's trying to be better and is clearly ashamed of his past, so instead of dogpiling on him like a bunch of shitheads, congratulate him for doing better.5 points
grungo Q&A - ask grungo anything
lokbustam257 and 4 others reacted to Mordeth for a topic
IP matches.5 points -
Liminal Doom 2 [RC4]
Demon of the Well and 3 others reacted to dashlet for a topic
Liminal Doom 2: Crossing The Threshold is a set of seven MBF21 maps that are themed around the liminal space aesthetic. With a more elaborated and ambitious scope compared to its prequel, these maps hopefully will offer a different and unique experience. Each map has a different kind of atmosphere and purpose, and high attention was put into balancing the high energy gameplay moments with the quiet ones. Combat varies a lot in terms of encounters and enemy placement, and progression its mostly non linear with an emphasis on exploration and resource starvation if you are playing on UV. I recommend playing map05 on normal difficulty for blind playthroughs. There are two bonus maps on slot 31 and 32. All maps were tested using DSDA Doom. Credits to Lhyntel, Ribbiks and MasterMedi for playtesting. Download: LDOOM2.zip More screenshots:4 points -
MAP 88 UV-MAX in 2:27:28 zip:4 points
Damn that's a tiny monitor4 points
St. Anger isn't bad
TheUltimateDoomer666 and 3 others reacted to esselfortium for a topic
This thread got me to listen to the opening track from St Anger for the first time and while I kinda laughed at the snare tone I was more stunned by the way they sidechained it to the kick so it just cuts out very abruptly in a bunch of places. I had to double check that I was hearing an official upload on Youtube and not some fan mix. Also the lyrics and songwriting are hilariously terrible. FRAN TICK TICK TICK TOCK KEEP ON SEARRCHINNNN. Sorry Grungo, this is just embarrassing.4 points -
modified doom2 rpg sky (great for space/moon maps)
VL2M STUDIO and 3 others reacted to hell2slay for a topic
4 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
CrocMagnum and 3 others reacted to realjohnmadden for a topic
After 9 years in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait. I hope you all have fun with Episode 2! I know I had fun making a map for it. Probably my favorite episode so far.. (I'm totally not biased or anything.)4 points -
I'll have to wait and see a trailer. To be honest, as much as I love and prefer Doom - I was really hoping for a Quake 1 reboot. There could be one by MachineGames, but I really wanted id to be the ones to do it. I'll still get hyped over anything Doom though - even if "The Dark Ages" is a very weird title for a Doom game to have. Also, as irrational as it is because it's likely a continuation from the "Year Zero" leak from a while ago, I do hope this is not a prequel set during the Slayer's time in Argent D'Nur. I do want to see what happens next after TAG2, a long-awaited follow-up being a prequel kinda bugs me - like how I felt about Serious Sam 3 being a prequel to Serious Sam 1, then somehow Serious Sam 4 being a prequel to Serious Sam 3. Alternatively though, perhaps "Dark Ages" is referring to the time of the Slayer being imprisoned - I don't really see why the Slayer's time during Argent D'Nur would be considered the "dark ages". There were some rumblings of Doom's ties to Quake, like with the Maykrs supposedly transforming into eldritch beings post-Transfiguration or Hugo wanting to go "monster truck" rather than Ferrari for their next title, and with the reported "medieval" setting of Dark Ages, that's something else Quake-adjacent. Maybe they'll combine that with the speculation of a female protagonist a while ago, Crash, to tie Doom and Quake together and it's about her during the "dark ages" of the Slayer's imprisonment. I'm just coping here though, safe bet is a Argent D'Nur-set prequel. Anyways, only two weeks left to go until we find out. I wonder if they'll ever address that (likely canceled) comic/codex that was supposedly close to completion ages ago and was meant to tie 2016 and Eternal together...4 points
St. Anger isn't bad
TheMagicMushroomMan and 3 others reacted to Sonikkumania for a topic
Metallica sucks anyway.4 points -
TNT: Threevilution (TNT3) demos [-iwad tnt.wad -complevel 9]
Terrarienn and 3 others reacted to lirui1001 for a topic
Map14 Tyson in 15:23-tnt314t1523.zip4 points -
Favorite Doom Pyramids?
Reigada and 3 others reacted to Mystic 256 for a topic
4 points -
AtomIsTired and 3 others reacted to taufan99 for a topic
Screw DOOM x Heretic crossover, I want a DOOM x Catacomb 3D crossover.4 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Arrowhead and 3 others reacted to Treehouseminis for a topic
4 points -
so a doom x heretic crossover?4 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Snikle and 3 others reacted to stochastic for a topic
4 points -
[idgames!] Hardfest 2 - Boom Community Project with 40 challenging levels
whybmonotacrab and 2 others reacted to Catpho for a topic
Really liked your map @akolai Love the non-standard progression, love the strange, kooky enemy placements, love the elaborate 3D enviroment (enviromental negotiation is my fav type of puzzle maps over purer "Sokoban in Doom" type of puzzles for me, but I''m open to being convinced otherwise) love the whole "fact-finding mission" vibe of the level. Fans of Flynn, Evans, yakfak, and BeeWen or the like should hop on this one.3 points -
Favorite Doom Pyramids?
Deadwing and 2 others reacted to galileo31dos01 for a topic
Always nice to see threads that put temporary focus on specific sector designs. Although I don't pay enough attention to doom pyramids, the Avactor shots that Shepardus posted are insanely beautiful, I kinda want to revisit them now (but I won't lol). I thought of these two: This is from Earth by Roger Ritenour. It's in the second map. And it's completely vanilla of course, there's nothing else around it. I really liked it when I first saw it, like one of the major highlights from a wad I otherwise wasn't a fan of. Seeing it now reminded me of other very old pyramid-esque/ish structures like TNT's map 31 or HacX map 15 but I didn't take pictures of them. This is from Deadly Ritual, the DBP number 51. Although I took the screenshot from an angle you normally could not reach (and it kinda spoils the trick behind it), there're other spots from where you can properly view it in all its greatness. This is mine and it's in the bonus wad in Hell Revealations. Of course I was gonna plug in something I made myself. It's humble and, well, truncated... I'm pretty sure I thought of Earth's one a few times while I was making this one. It was originally gonna have a tall staircase comprised of lots of short steps, as an obscure nod to a tall staircase in HR2 map 28. Vanilla drawsegs limit vehemently opposed to that plan. I like it for what it is.3 points -
Map32 NoMo in 0:19.89 sl32o1989.zip3 points