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The state of Doom on Linux
CyberosLeopard and 12 others reacted to RataUnderground for a topic
It's been a while since I posted a new map, and I've unfortunately missed the dates for some community projects I joined late last year. And it's a shame, because having been mentioned in the Cacowards, I started 2024 with great desire and energy to carry out projects. A big part of this is due to one simple reason: Not wanting to waste even one more second using Windows on my personal PC, I have made a complete migration to Linux without looking back. I am an experienced Linux user, but the difference is that this time I don't even have windows in dual boot. Why has this stopped me from creating maps? The reason is simple. It is not possible to use Ultimate Doom Builder (nor GzDoom Builder, nor Doom Builder X) on Linux with my current setup. Not with the Wine compatibility layer, nor by compiling it myself, nor using a virtual machine (Each of these methods presents problems and incompatibilities that make real use impossible). The only way I've seen it be feasible (theoretically) would be to get a second graphics card and boot it into a KVM virtual machine with GPU passthrough. I don't want to create misunderstandings, my experience in Linux is fantastic and it is a step that I recommend everyone take in order to maintain some independence and some human dignity. However, it is not Linux's fault that some programs, especially those that are made without profit like UDB, understandably do not provide good support given that its users are still a minority and due to the absence of means, either human or economic. (I don't want to bother Boris or the rest of the collaborators with requests that could be a bit selfish on my part, since I understand that if UDB is not native to Linux it is mainly because none of them use this OS, but if They are interested in it, I can report in detail the problems that I have encountered, test new versions, report bugs and whatever is necessary) I could talk about the alternatives that are available in Linux such as Slade or Eureka, but although they have their virtues, as map editing applications I am simply unable to adapt to their workflow. For me, they lack absolutely essential tools and I find it so frustrating to use them that, if I had to map with them, I would abandon the hobby completely. Now I am going back to making maps using a setup that, without being ideal, is at least usable, using an old laptop running Windows. I would like to have avoided this if possible, but at the moment I don't have much of a choice. This situation has made me think about writing this thread about the situation of Doom in Linux, in order to list the status of the most important projects and applications and the support they have today, try to give information and guidance to those who also want to migrate, and encourage devs to support Linux. I invite anyone who wants to complete this information and talk about their experience. If I forget something or have said something wrong, tell me and I will add it to this header post. Everything in the following list has been tested by me personally. Sourceports supported distributed in binary form Chocolate Doom (debian, aur, apk, dnf, snaps... ) https://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_Chocolate_Doom_on_Linux Crispy Doom (debian repositories, aur repositories) https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/crispy-doom Doomsday (tarball, debian repositories, rpm, flatpak...) https://dengine.net/ DSDA (deb package, debian repositories) https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/dsda-doom GzDoom (deb packages, snaps, flatpak) https://zdoom.org/downloads Nugget Doom (App image) https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/125256-nugget-doom-310-updated-may-16th-24/ Odamex Debian packages in the DRDteam repository for it and other cool things) PrBoom+ (apt repositories, aur repositories) Woof (appimage) https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/112333-this-is-woof-1450-apr-30-2024/ Zandronum (tarball) https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/126262-zandronum-31-released/ Helion (Binary) (https://github.com/Helion-Engine/Helion) Sourceports supported distributed only in source code ChocoRenderLimits https://github.com/JNechaevsky/CRL EDGE https://github.com/edge-classic/EDGE-classic Eternity engine https://github.com/team-eternity/eternity International Doom https://github.com/JNechaevsky/international-doom Doom Legacy (Binary in an zip file, I couldn't get it to work despite following the instructions in the readme and despite searching and installing the libraries it asks for by hand.) Doom Retro https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/ Editing tools Slade - Supported (Flatpak) Eureka - Supported (Snap, apt repositories, tarball) Doom Builder x- Not supported GzDoomBuilder - Not supported Ultimate Doom Builder - Not supported Launchers ZDL - Supported (Tarball) twad - Supported (cool terminal launcher, binary and sourcecode: https://github.com/zmnpl/twad ) Doom Runner (Binary) https://github.com/Youda008/DoomRunner/releases/tag/v1.8.2 ) (Also, has a flatpak, but does some weird things) Doom Launcher - Not Supported Rocket Launcher - Not Supported (Compilable, didn't test it) DSDA Launcher - Not Supported (Compilable, didn't test it) Resources: Microsoft midi soundfont https://musical-artifacts.com/artifacts/724 Threads of interest [2024-05-26] In short, I find that the options to play are more than enough to keep any Linux user satisfied and not miss anything from the experience. (The only aspect where I consider that playing on Linux has a weak point is in the sound and midi emulation. Fluidsynth, opl and Timidity++ sound strange and foreign to me after having played for so many years in sourceports on Windows, but it is a minor complaint.) Unfortunately, I think the platform is behind in terms of editor and launcher support, which for creators and modders is far from ideal.13 points -
12 points
re: UDB on Linux, what it really needs right now is a developer who uses Linux to dive in and fix up some things. Running it with Mono (i.e. no Wine) is very close to boing in a working state, but there are some UI bugs and crashes that need fixing up before it becomes properly usable (I've tried it several times and the issues are intrusive enough to halt the mapping process entirely unfortunately). The amount of effort needed to get it working 100% is probably not as big as people think -- all the hard stuff that was blocking DB2 from being Linux-viable back in the day (e.g. switching from SlimDX to OpenGL) has been done.9 points
One of the great strengths of Doom (2)'s bestiary is that you can use the environment to greatly shape the gameplay, since monster behavior is simple enough that a mapper can precisely control their behavior with map geometry alone. Talking about monster behavior without considering the environment is a bit like trying to figure out how fast Usain Bolt could run with only one leg.8 points
8 points
Thirty Years with Doom - now on idgames
TheGreenZap and 6 others reacted to Michael63 for a topic
Ladies and Gentlemen! We are pleased to inform you that all the bugs known to us are finally fixed. We apologize for the delay, but better late than never. Here is the link to download the final, I hope, version of our megawad. Have a good game! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eB_GVNs3cW0dE6vy9NRyo3C27m8PCaii/view?usp=sharing7 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Geniraul and 6 others reacted to ViolentBeetle for a topic
7 points -
Beta releases for MAP02 and MAP03 are up! Some notes: The names I got for MAP03 were Doomguy's Cozy Mansion, Die a Death, Unity! Duty! Destiny! and Worst Dinner Party Ever: lemme know in here which one you like, else I'll see if I can set up a straw poll or something. On the other hand, the only name I got for MAP02 was Duct Tales. :P If any of the other mappers involved want to pitch an alternate name, speak quickly or forever hold your piece. As an aside, I got a suggestion of Frigid Domain as a name for MAP01, which I'm fine to go with if people prefer it to Cold Open. I got five pieces of music as suggestions for MAP02 and two for MAP03: the music occupying D_RUNNIN in each map is the one I chose out of the selections, but I've included the other ones as music for MAP02 and onward and you can IDMUS## to play them in the map and see how they feel. Again, lemme know which tracks resonate with you. Had to make a couple of executive decisions for the sake of map progression and such: I added a player-only teleport to CrazedCleric's piece that takes you back to the start of the map (as the map configuration prevented the player from escaping the bottom row of pieces) and the teleporter in Logamuffin's piece now deposits the player into the middle of Egregor's piece (as opposed to in the red key path, which is inescapable without said red key). If people are okay with it, I'd be keen to do some detailing outside of the map pieces to unify the external decoration and make the maps more cohesive. Should I go ahead with this or do people think it goes against the spirit of the whole Exquisite Corpse idea? Comment down below! And of course, we'll need some gameplay testing and such to make sure all the pieces play nicely together. I think that covers everything. Looking forward to the next lot of map pieces for MAP04!6 points
This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)
costadevale and 5 others reacted to fabian for a topic
The next release will have a Crispy automap color scheme.6 points -
AtomIsTired and 5 others reacted to Stupid Bunny for a topic
Doom Eviternal-volution: The Ancient Alien Gods Vendetta6 points -
Ludicrium and The Revenant Problem. There's also a sort of "high-effort jokewad" genre where some sort of absolutely ludicrous gag concept is played out overa set of actually-well-designed proper maps. You've already mentioned SNDR and D2ISO, but I'd also like to toss out Tarnsman's Projectile Hell as another must-play in the "genre."6 points
diand.wad [cl9]
netcurse2000 and 4 others reacted to raddicted for a topic
5 points -
e2m1 max in 1:16.66 e2m1-11666.zip5 points
plutonia map32 max 2:15 pl32-215.zip5 points
5 points
5 points
5 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Snikle and 4 others reacted to stochastic for a topic
5 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Snikle and 4 others reacted to dobu gabu maru for a topic
Three nasty maps for sickos only5 points -
Ossuary - 1 Level WAD
RaRu Des2122 and 3 others reacted to Gavimator for a topic
My first time uploading here, so feel free to correct me on anything I get wrong (copied from the .txt) =========================================================================== Title : Ossuary Filename : ossuary.WAD Advanced engine needed : GZDoom/ZDoom Primary purpose : Singleplayer Author : Gavimator (Gavin) Email Address : gavindevaney13@gmail.com Misc. Author Info : This isn't my first map. I've been mapping on and off for around a year now, I'm no genius when it comes to mapping, but i know how to work a Doom editor. Description : Travel though an ancient catacombs, while on your way to the UAC base. Additional Credits to : =========================================================================== * Information * Game : DOOM 2 Map # : Map01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 2-3 days Editor(s) used : Ultimate Doom Builder Known Bugs : May Not Run With : Anything non-UDMF compatible * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may do whatever you want with this file. DOWNLOAD: ossuary.zip Screenshots:4 points -
Questions for possible interview with John Romero [collection of questions is completed]
AshtralFiend and 3 others reacted to UnknDoomer for a topic
Some time ago, one of my side activities was an attempt to make a several interviews with the people whose names had once made their mark in the gaming industry. Originally it was related to CIS regions and also places located there, three in particular: 1. Old-Games.Ru - mostly known in Russia and CIS countries, but there are some users from Eastern Europe, Middle East and other countries, who visit it as well. It has a long history starting way back in the early 00's. Personally I'm a part of the local team. 2. DTF.RU. Originally sort of, as a closest example, a local "Rock, Paper, Shotgun" resource. Nowadays, with some optional things, many users can write here. Exist all the way back from 1999. 3. Habr.com. A large, professional IT platform related to many topics, games including. Based on the hub system. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habr. Recently I've got a chance to speak with a lead stage director from Blue Byte. Translated interview can be found here: https://habr.com/ru/articles/809573/. But today one is the special one, in case it's related to a guy you all well know. So. By this reason I've decide to open an additional topic to collect some questions, i.e. Doomworld will be point four point in the list this time. Three conditions applied: 1. No joke questions. 2. 1 person - 1 question. Subquestions allowed. 3. Total amount will be limited to 30. Slots left: 0. Questions are no longer accepted. Will be waiting for your offers. -- Current questions list: 1. Let's talk a bit about 80's and arcade titles. It's a well known fact that "id" has been involved in many projects, for example a lot of requests from Softdisk in the early 90's, but there is not that much information about most early works. In particular, I've heard that you worked on "Tower Toppler II" (1988) port to Apple II and Commodore 64, which, among others, was cancelled. Can you tell a few facts about this version in comparison to DOS one? Perhaps it stood out in some way? Maybe something is still left around and you can share some related screenshots? 2. Dimouse asked: "I would like to know the details of how John got into Origin Systems, what kind of game / prototype he made then, and how difficult it was. It seems, as I understand it, there was some kind of special graphic mode for the Apple II. How did he actually work for them, was it interesting to work under the Commodore 64, what did he learn then?". 3. D&D. Basically the fact that it was a part of further inspiration for original Doom's development, has been covered in a book, made by Kushner David back in the early 00's. Aside from the general idea of a hellish invasion, are there other details about that game that directly inspired Doom? Also what do you remember of your personal D&D experience, even if it doesn't directly apply to Doom? 4. Kishmish asked: "The creativity of a level designer in a shooter is comparable to the role of a game master (leader) in a tabletop role-playing game. When it comes to setting traps and planning ambushes, what is the most fun in this process and how to achieve such a balance, so that the author also enjoys level when creating, and the player during the game?". 5. Did you read Lovecraft? If so, what exactly? 6. When Tom Hall created the first design for Doom, which is a well known text nowadays, mainly for its plot, were there aspects of it that you liked? And how much do you think the significance of the plot in those years could have shifted the balance in its direction? For example, In 1995 there was a title, called "Mortal Coil: Adrenalin Intelligence". It was not only on the "cutting edge" line in case of technologies and it also contained videos and, in its own way, a good presentation of the plot, which was about four mercenaries fighting alien invaders. At the same time, numerous technical flaws subsequently buried it. 7. Without belittling the importance of previous projects, released both before and in 1993. When you were just starting thinking about the Doom as overall, did you have a premonition that this title should or, well, will, radically change the game industry and create, in fact, a new genre direction itself as we know it now? Or was Doom just the result of a sort of "bold experiment"? 8. Your name is actually listed in front of many old shooters. Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (1993) - programmer. Corridor 7: Alien Invasion (1994) - engine tools. Despite that fact, how aware were you of other shooters of that time and did you play them yourself? 9. If you could go back to save in life, like you can do in the game, would you want to go back to some point in the past, make something different? 10. vanilla_d00m asking: "Do you have a map that you wished could have been improved before the official release? I like your "Against The Wickedly" map, it's so well made, and also the original E4M6. Thank you so much for your time.". 11. Did you consider adding Hi-Color DAC support to Doom during its early stage of development or was it a temporary decision? Did it work on your machines at the time or DOSBox glitches are the authentic behavior? 12. What influence, if any, do you think Adrian Carmack's art style had in the games industry? How do you look at the fact that today's fans continued to use this style, in particular?. 13. 1993. Back in that year, did the computer at home matter for you? Or did everything revolve around work? If first, then what were its technical specs? 14. There is an idea that Doom would not be what it is, if it was not accompanied by a certain degree of surrealism, especially when it goes for the case of the environment and music. It, in particular, distinguishes it from conventional military-style shooters and, no less, conventional horror works, that have more or less action elements. Doom 64 specifically was a major example. What do you think about this? 15. There are some mysterious stories going around the Doom during the years. As usual, the vast majority of them do not correspond to reality, but the appearance of what is called "Doom iceberg", "this thing iceberg" and so on continues. It can probably be noted that over the years, such a raid has become not what it once was - the world wide web has done its job. Still, perhaps you can give a couple of unusual stories or facts that are not far from the truth? 16. Inspiration. As we know Doom II M15 was loosely based on the original Doom E3M6 in its concept, which was the Sandy Peterson thing. Question. During the development of the specific maps, did you take as an "spiritual inspiration" some sort of the old titles? 17. The general design of the maps in Doom is relatively believable, while Doom II leans more towards an abstraction, concept or idea, as for example M23 - "Barrels O'Fun". Why has such a choice been made to lean Doom II more in this direction than it was in the original Doom? 18. B16B055 asking: "Hello, dear John Romero! I would like to ask you a question that has interested me for a long time. What did Quake look like at the very beginning of its journey, before 1994? As far as it knows, the game was already mentioned in 1990 in the promotional blurb for the "Commander Keen" trilogy. Thank you for your attention. Sincere admirer of your works, thanks for all the games, including the produced ones - Heretic, Hexen, Hexen II, Heretic II.". Few short insides would be enough here, I guess. 19. Levels in the first two Doom games were tested to be completed with a pistol start. Has there been a similar test for Quake made? For example, E2M6 - "The Dismal Oubliette", yours, seems to be really rough on edges in this case. There are a lot of nails and rockets on it, but not a single machine gun or rocket weapon, which is why it's difficult to look harder in contrast to the rest of the other maps. It is inadequately high compared to those maps, where weapons are scattered in abundance. Does this mean that not all maps in Quake were tested with the initial weapon, or was such a jump in difficulty a sort of feature, intended by the specific map author? Similar thing happens in E3M6 - " Chambers of Torment", made by American McGee and Tim Willetts. 20. As far as we know, your original vision of the Heretic / Hexen series was a trilogy, consisting of Heretic, Hexen and Hecatomb. How much of Hecatomb ever got made and how much did the later parts of the series (Hexen 2, Portal of Praevus, Heretic 2) end up diverging from what your vision for the series was? If, perhaps, similar to the first question, you have some materials to share, then it will be a good addition to our material. 21. You were an executive producer on Raven Software's Heretic and Hexen, despite them having overall creative control. How much did you influence these games designs? I.e. weapons, monsters or lore? 22. In Catacomb 2, there is a "Tomb of Desparil" exist. Did that influence the name of Heretic's bad guy, D'Sparil? Or was that just a coincidence from rooting the villain's name in the word "despair" and applying a fantasy filter on it? 23. Is there a list of authorship for the levels in some of id's older games, especially Commander Keen? The Doom ones are well known, the Wolfenstein 3D ones are somewhat known, but have a few gaps, but there's only like three levels in the entire "Keen" series whose authorship is known. 24. If you could have remade earlier id Software games with the Doom engine, what would be the first thing you would have done differently? For example if we pick Wolfenstein, or the Catacomb series. 25. There are plenty of works, made by fans, that have been done during the past 30+ years. Wads, mods, drawings, music, literature, cosplay, other types of creativity. Perhaps you especially liked some of this at different times? If so, can you name a couple of examples? Some of which you have played, perhaps? Have you heard about something called "Wadazine"? 26. Redneckerz asked: "What's the earliest third party level id was aware of? Perhaps you have heard about David Simpson's work, which, it seems, predates "ORIGWAD"? Or maybe you even have a copy of it? And another sub question here. Alistair Brown's custom program, derived from NewDEU, that generated all the needed structures for the wad, is also a thing of high historical interest.". 27. Doom 3. Originally it was recognized for its technical achievements, but was met with controversy, in case of the atmosphere and the shift of the general vector towards horror. Nowadays, with all its ups and downs, it is considered by many as "modern classic". If things would set differently, and you would be involved in this project, let's say like it was in the old days, would it be closer to what Doom 2016 became later? Or maybe it would be something else? 28. For years now you have been hardly focused on the mobile market, if not count a few exceptions. Once there were some rumors regarding new Commander Keen, back in 2015 you released "Dangerous Dave in the Deserted Pirate’s Hideout", which, basically, seems to be a spiritual successor to the original IBM PC title. Are there any chances that some of the earlier titles will come back again in future? And, in particular, will they join the PC platform? 29. What do you think about recent innovations in mods for GZDoom and Zandronum such as voxels, 3D models, HD textures, and so on? Is it, in your opinion, a form of a pointless effort, or an interesting evolution of the game? Or something else? Are there some areas you would like to see modders invest in for modern source ports? 30. MAZter asked: "Does Romero get any percentage of sales on Steam / GOG?" 21. Sigil and not Sigil. Is there a reason for using "limit-removing" specifically for your current projects over more powerful, yet faithful standards like "Boom" and "MBF21"? Also, any plans to continue this series? 32. Any final words you would like to say to our readers?4 points -
Volume 1 of Blood Deathmatch Maps is finally out! Blood Deathmatch Maps (aka. BloodDMMs), is a 8-level single episode for DOOM I. This is volume 1 of 3, so in total, when everything is finished, there will be 24 full maps for you and your non-existent friends to play with! To order the full version of BloodDMMs containing 52,000 new maps with over 550,000 new enemies and weapons, please send a 12-paragraph long rambling complaint about this WAD to the email provided in the README.TXT file. This WAD uses the basic DOOM format, so it should work on almost every port. Tested ports are PrBoom+, ZDoom, & GZDoom. Well... Theres not much else to say. Now get out there and; A. Fight normally like a normal person with your friends B. Spam the plasma rifle like a douchebag and reach the fraglimit in 2 seconds More info in the README.TXT file. Happy Deathmatching, Doomers! Download BloodDMMs VOLUME 14 points
Got some new blooms here! I was supposed to plant my entire garden today, but we had
Daytime Waitress and 3 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
Got some new blooms here! I was supposed to plant my entire garden today, but we had a storm w/ hail! So thank goodness I didn't do that yet! Here are some new shots of stuff that bloomed last night: Izmir Afghan Flame Poppy Lilac Ice Petunia: Pale orange dwarf zinnia: A pair of yellow/white+purple pansies: I really need to get these in the ground! The plants are starting to mature too quickly now, I don't want them to get root-bound. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better for that! :D4 points -
4 points
Sunlust + Summer of '69 demos [-complevel 9]
tmorrow and 3 others reacted to 4shockblast for a topic
Map 32 Nomo in 0:19.63. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfqunATdOhI sl32o1963.zip4 points -
Questions for possible interview with John Romero [collection of questions is completed]
Average and 3 others reacted to ETTiNGRiNDER for a topic
Your original vision of the Heretic/Hexen series was a trilogy consisting of Heretic-Hexen-Hecatomb. How much of Hecatomb ever got made and how much did the later parts of the series (Hexen 2, Portal of Praevus, Heretic 2) end up diverging from what your vision for the series was?4 points -
[DONE] DOOMIUM II: A Community Project focusing on Short and Frantic Maps (BOOM+UMAPINFO)
stochastic and 3 others reacted to Li'l devil for a topic
The DW Doomium Club Plays: Doomium II4 points -
Junkfood 3 demos [-complevel 21]
SleepyVelvet and 3 others reacted to grapes for a topic
MAP01 UV-Pacifist in 0:06.91 jf301p006.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Zn6eLaXywGQ MAP01 NM-Speed / Pacifist in 0:07 jf301n007.zip Video: https://youtu.be/NLy_5vqKb1s MAP07 UV-Pacifist in 0:45 jf307p045.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Usl-Xc4SoS8 MAP07 NM-Speed in 0:32 jf307n032.zip Video: https://youtu.be/YF0itZmjmXI MAP08 NM-Speed / Pacifist in 0:05 jf308n005.zip Video: https://youtu.be/IZk02ap6tBA MAP10 NM-Speed in 1:21 jf310n121.zip Video: https://youtu.be/nkpEGmvtz8U MAP13 NM-Speed in 0:30 jf313n030.zip Video: https://youtu.be/uLYkuSzl2U0 MAP16 UV-Pacifist in 0:13 jf316p013.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Qg2ptUObq94 MAP16 NM-Speed / Pacifist in 0:12 jf316n012.zip Video: https://youtu.be/JzaBM5995j0 MAP19 UV-Pacifist in 0:31 jf319p031.zip Video: https://youtu.be/yqtHLL9AnzA MAP19 NM-Speed / Pacifist in 0:28 jf319n028.zip Video: https://youtu.be/uLPxrYvijzw4 points -
Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]
Broadsword Jim and 3 others reacted to Treehouseminis for a topic
Shooting for a episode 5 map. Marble hell temples with tv screens, and flesh accents. Also the new weapons seem very strong, especially the fire shotgun. Im looking forward to making fights that make them feel like normal weapons.4 points -
Make a map in 1 hour & beat the map above you - speedmapping fun thread
SleepyVelvet and 3 others reacted to Axuris for a topic
Thread died again, oh well. I don't think the archvile at the exit was necessary, but besides that I don't have much to say about this map. timex.zip Now my map: Screenshots: Name: Static Force Map Format: Boom Ports Tested: DSDA-Doom, GZDoom, Woof IWAD: Doom 2 Map: MAP01 Music: "Mobility Battle" by Cyber-Rainforce Gameplay: Single-play/Coop Difficulty Settings: No Multiplayer Placement: Player starts only Build Time: 1h32min (not counting bugfixing and playtesting) Textures: Scythe, Scythe 2, Darkbase, GothicTX, NDCP2, Fifth Episode, Recoloured Doom and Doom 2 textures v2, Fredrik Johansson, Ultimate Doom, Espi, franckFRAG staticforce.zip4 points -
Favorite Doom Pyramids?
Arrowhead and 3 others reacted to Vosolokoviteh for a topic
4 points -
Most Hated Design Tropes in Wads?
Broadsword Jim and 3 others reacted to ebrl for a topic
I hate it when authors make the wad they think players want to play instead of making the wad they want to make4 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Zerofuchs and 3 others reacted to ThatKidBobo for a topic
4 points -
4 points
Favorite Doom Pyramids?
Deadwing and 3 others reacted to antares031 for a topic
Ancient Aliens MAP18. Bonus point for the rotating pyramidion hologram.4 points -
StormCatcher.77 and 2 others reacted to Scorpio for a topic
A singleplayer map made for the GZDoom port. Hardware rendering and dynamic lightning must be enabled. Mouselook is recommended, but not required. Special thanks to @sirjuddington for SLADE, @ukiro for OTEX and @Biodegradable for testing. Sky texture by Makkon. Music by Sebastian Ramirez Avila. >>>DOWNLOAD<<< My other works: SHADOW ZONE OUTER BASE DISINTEGRATION TEMPLE OF BLOOD REFINERY COMPLEX DEAD SIMPLE REMAKE PUMPING STATION NIGHTFALL Enjoy!3 points -
MAYhem 2024 - EXEMPLARY CADAVER (Compiling mode engaged, please stand by)
Egregor and 2 others reacted to TheV1perK1ller for a topic
I'm certainly okay with additional edits, especially in terms of cohesion between pieces, thematic-wise.3 points -
All too many times we find submissions of self-described "jokewads" that are about as funny as watching LiveLeak or an Adam Sandler movie. Jokewad has pretty much became synonymous with "shittiest lowest-effort, bottom-of-the-barrel junk", but I do wonder... What are the fabled, almost mythical good jokewads out there that actually can get a chuckle out of someone? They must be exceedingly rare, I only know a few, so I ask my fellow Doomworld members: what are some of those good jokewads out there? Personally, one I enjoyed very much was Plutonia 7. I also know about Mock 2 and it's status as a classic, but I don't know how well it might have aged. Some slightly more serious ones like that "Sunder for people who don't have time to play Sunder", or "Doom 2 In Spain Only" are actually pretty kickass, but they might not fit completely in the jokewad mould.3 points
inkoalawetrust and 2 others reacted to Scorcher for a topic
In that case they would have to bring back the darker, more grounded atmosphere and heavily tone down the over-the-top fanfic lore as well, and based on what we've heard, I don't think that's gonna happen.3 points -
Junkfood 3 demos [-complevel 21]
Terrarienn and 2 others reacted to Vortale for a topic
MAP12 UV-Max in 1:53.60 - jf312m15360.zip MAP17 UV-Max in 5:13.77 - jf317m51377.zip MAP27 UV-Max in 2:25.29 - jf327m22529.zip3 points -
Monuments: Download available (v6)
CblBOPOTKA and 2 others reacted to Laocoön for a topic
Man, map 3 is taking forever. It's going to be very big!3 points -
In Catacomb 2, there is a "Tomb of Desparil". Did that influence the name of Heretic's bad guy D'Sparil? Or was that just a coincidence from rooting the villain's name in the word "despair" and applying a fantasy filter on it?3 points
I'm liking what i'm seeing so far with this beta. Great variety in map setting, tone, combat, and aesthetics. Some bugs here and there with death exits not working properly. Some very talented mappers in this one. The machine map (map26) was the first one that I really had to focus all my effort into optimizing my movements, and Deliverance (map 28) was just good fun. But I enjoyed all the maps. You definitely start to feel the squeeze around map 20, as the levels start to get more and more cramped. Leading up to map 20, the maps getting smaller is less noticeable. Looking forward to the final release.3 points
houston and 2 others reacted to TheUltimateDoomer666 for a topic
The trailer is pretty bad, but what really doomed the game was the absolutely horrendous gameplay:3 points -
ZeroTheEro and 2 others reacted to Jello for a topic
I figured this screenshot would come in useful at some point: Still, 18 is really old for a dog, and despite how Kabosu's image may have been misused by humanity, I'm sure she was a very, very good girl.3 points -
TheMagicMushroomMan and 2 others reacted to dasho for a topic
Jumping Flash but with Commander Keen3 points -
Made a weird new 3D render, it's been a while since I made one. And the status update
mrthejoshmon and 2 others reacted to Plerb for a status update
Made a weird new 3D render, it's been a while since I made one. And the status update feature works again so I might as well use it for something. I'll also use it for plugging my webcomic(s) whenever I make more of that stuff. More 3D stuff here: https://plerb-tech.neocities.org/art/3d_art (just 3 images for now but I'll make and add more to my site later)3 points -
Avactor is chock-full of pyramids, I just had a quick run through and counted more pyramids than maps in the WAD. A few highlights: MAP01, the first pyramid in the WAD: MAP08, an imposing sight right at the start of the map (and yes, you do go inside it): MAP09, two pyramids outside the playable area of the map, purely for decoration. I didn't even notice these until I was running through the maps looking for pyramid-like structures on the automap: MAP10; I particularly like this under-construction pyramid, it's a fresh take on the theme after so many other pyramids in the WAD, and it makes for a great centerpiece as you ascend the scaffolding and fight at different levels: Since we've covered Misri Halek, I'd be remiss not to mention MAP29 from Struggle: Antaresian Legacy, which is heavily inspired by Misri Halek:3 points
3 points