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32 points
One of the great strengths of Doom (2)'s bestiary is that you can use the environment to greatly shape the gameplay, since monster behavior is simple enough that a mapper can precisely control their behavior with map geometry alone. Talking about monster behavior without considering the environment is a bit like trying to figure out how fast Usain Bolt could run with only one leg.31 points
Revenant Hallway dot wad [Boom/cl9]
76shombones and 20 others reacted to JackDBS for a topic
More revenant traps, boring.21 points -
Hey, idk if you're still looking for maps like this, but we made some:17 points
Antiquated Extraterrestrials - a NEW 12-Map Zandronum:UDMF Deathmatch Pack
Berubaretto and 15 others reacted to Arrowhead for a topic
***DOWNLOAD LINK***: https://www.mediafire.com/file/odbic0rfrtdyzpb/AntiquatedExtraterrestrialsv1.zip/file What is Antiquated Extraterrestrials? Antiquated Extraterrestrials is a 12-map deathmatch pack that is primarily FFA focused. I aimed for 4-8+ player FFA style gameplay, but duels work just fine in this pack also. The maps are around the same size as those found in the previous set, Frantik DM 3. Some 'advanced' features are utilized in this pack, such as 3D floors, sector-linked 3D floors, slopes, jump-pads, and no-stop teleporters. This pack has levels that take place in many different colorful locations. Each map has been designed to give a diverse variety of gameplay styles to choose from - each map should feel like a different experience; at least, this was my goal w/ this set. Location themes are similar to what can be expected from Ancient Aliens, as this of course uses the Ancient Aliens resources pack and pallete. You can expect to encounter many sci-fi styled levels, ranging from space-bases, to a futuristic temple set in a canyon, to even ancient Egypt! I started this set a couple weeks ago, as I really wanted to try working w/ some new texture packs! Specifications: MAP LIST: TITLEPIC by @4MaTC : Here is a screenshot from each of the dozen levels in this pack: Nebula Center: Sandy Sanctuary: Galaxy Base: Hazard Havoc: Fray: Redux (a thematic re-make of FDM1's MAP25) Molten Murder: Supernova Station: Null Frontier: Teal Temple: Dynamo Engine: Deepest Space: Pulsar Plaza: Thanks so much to everyone who gave me feedback and encouragement along the way - including those of you that follow my statuses, hang around my Discord, or check my stuff out in the 'what are you working on' thread. Very much appreciated! Thanks to @DoomGappy for suggesting MAP10's color scheme, and @AshtralFiend for suggesting MAP12's color scheme. Thanks to all the MIDI composers, as well as my brother, guardianz13, for all the playtime he did in these maps w/ me. Thanks to @SkeletronMK667 for seeing some areas that should have definitely been set to 'impassable', big help. Please see the attached readme, for ALL other credits - this includes credits for the MIDIs used, the skies used, the Realm667 weapon I modified, the sounds I used, and my playtesters! Upcoming Projects: But yeah, had to get this released - I'm gonna try to have things sit on my hard drive less, and get things released in a more efficient fashion! As w/ all of my releases, if you notice an issue, or bug, ping me here, and I will quickly resolve it. ***DOWNLOAD LINK***: https://www.mediafire.com/file/odbic0rfrtdyzpb/AntiquatedExtraterrestrialsv1.zip/file :D16 points -
plutonia map32 max 2:15 pl32-215.zip14 points
tbf every person on earth is the wrong person for this wad12 points
[idgames!] Hardfest 2 - Boom Community Project with 40 challenging levels
SharkyChip and 11 others reacted to finnks13 for a topic
Hello again, I wanted to let everyone know that @SharkyChip has just finished editing the soundtrack video (which is on @LPad's channel), so if you're wanting to listen to the nearly 4(!!) hour long soundtrack that was created for Hardfest 2 without having to rip the midis yourself, then now is a fantastic time to do that!12 points -
finally a terrible fucking wad11 points
e2m1 max in 1:16.66 e2m1-11666.zip10 points
Post your Doom textures!
ChopBlock223 and 8 others reacted to Taw Tu'lki for a topic
Textures from casual game Astrobatics. Original: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Cd4n5ak7yocFPA9 points -
Revenant Hallway dot wad [Boom/cl9]
76shombones and 7 others reacted to Peccatum Mihzamiz for a topic
The pyramids, Michelangelo's David, Shakespeare's Hamlet, van Gogh's Sunflowers, and now: Revenant Hallway.8 points -
FWIW, there definitely are a ton of "unfulfilled" niches in Doom's bestiary, and there's all sorts of cool stuff you can do when creating a new monster. If you're approaching monster design from a "what can I make that's different from all Doom's existing cast?" angle, you're doing it right.8 points
https://gitlab.com/NY00123/pango-re Pango is a clone of the arcade game Pengo (note the differing 2nd letter). As in the original game, you play the role of a penguin, named Pango in this clone. Your goal is clearing the field of bees. You can do so by squashing them with blocks. Additionally, you may capture bees after shocking them by kicking nearby walls. For more details, including bonus points, check "How to Play ?" in the game's menu. The original arcade game was released in 1982, from what I can see. The covered DOS version was (probably) released in 1983. The linked repository includes reconstructed assembly sources. It is my assumption that the sources were originally written in assembly, given the lack of an equivalent of C library initialization routines or standard calling conventions. Also, outside of using a call stack for function calls and pushed register values, stack memory does not appear to be used for local variables at all. With the right tools, I could recreate the original executable, byte-by-byte. Namely, these would be The Microsoft MACRO Assembler (MASM) Version 1.10 (5.10 is another option) and the IBM Personal Computer Link Version 1.10. As usual, your mileage may vary. While optional, the Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility (NMAKE) Version 1.00.05 should be useful.7 points
Your Level Start Designs
Cacodemon187 and 6 others reacted to Xaser for a topic
One question I always ask is "what's the first thing the player is going to see?", and then do my best to make the answer "something cool." There's a ton of different ways to open a map, gameplay-wise, but a really nerdy lesson I learned in the DTWID days (thanks to E1M1's iconic start room) is you don't want to bury the lede when it comes to showing off the interesting parts of your map -- whether that be architecture/visuals, atmosphere, a preview of the massive slaughterfight you're about to get into, and so forth. Couple of random visual examples of mine (thumbnails clickable for higher-res): While I'm waxing poetic, this is something we talked about a bunch for Supplice's first episode -- the game's story kinda necessitated starting you underground somewhere, but I really didn't want the first thing the player sees to be a boring old cave. Doom's approach to this was "show some interesting architecture", Duke3D went with "show a cool scripted sequence", so I figured, "why not both?", and the crane drop was born.7 points -
Map32 UV Max in 2:16-rc2532-216.zip f this after 300+ attempts and getting 2m17s 3 times :(7 points
diand.wad [cl9]
netcurse2000 and 6 others reacted to raddicted for a topic
7 points -
7 points
Doomcute thread
Optimus and 5 others reacted to Toxisploder for a topic
6 points -
Ancient Aliens proofs [-complevel 9]
Poncho1 and 5 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
map10 UV-Max in 4:34 aa10-434.zip6 points -
my process is "first, draw a tortoise" I like messing with the rotation tool but not in order to make anything beautiful from above <3 changing the amount of detail i'm using from place to place, being economical with the lines so that if yr not in a small, deliberately well-decorated room, then all the lines are describing height and light differences. lately i like sandboxes which have one quest, and you can fall off that quest's path back into the outskirts of the level in various ways6 points
Exactly this. We ported UDB to OpenGL and we ported the codebase/project files to support Mono's winforms implementation. The remaining issues requires someone daily driving Linux to be willing to look into doing the final adjustments. Boris isn't running Linux and while I did the work for the initial port, I don't daily drive Linux either. I'm also not a mapper, so I didn't even notice the problem with the node builders. This is one of those unfortunate situations where we need just the right kind of person that has the interest in Linux, Doom mapping with UDB and enough coding skills to debug each of the crashes/issues and find a workaround. We also could need someone with package management experience that will know how to properly build packages for the mono winforms build. Building it from source shouldn't really be something end users should be required to do.6 points
I made the midi that was chosen for map 3, it was originally made for a shorter map for a personal project, so i didn't bother to make it loop. I was already thinking of extending it when i was making my part of the map, but i didn't have time to do so. If @Obsidian allows it, i can make an extended version that doesn't fade in and out and that actually loops.6 points
Is there a lack of complex combatants in doom's bestiary?
esselfortium and 5 others reacted to Pseudonaut for a topic
1 vs 1 combat just isn't very relevant in singleplayer Doom. It's more of an interaction with the mapper than with any of the braindead enemies.6 points -
Individual enemies in Doom don't do very much, and I think that's fine. There are of course exceptions (you can simply throw a bunch of revenants in a hallway and still get engaging gameplay), but the strength in Doom's bestiary comes from how flexibly they can be combined with each other and the environment. The simplicity of each enemy type actually aids with this; they're like Lego bricks that can be built into many different shapes, rather than purpose-molded parts built for a specific purpose. That's not to say there aren't gaps that can be filled with new enemy types (the 1000HP cyberdemon is one that mappers commonly adopt), but I would be cautious of trying to design an enemy that tries to do too much, it's easy to end up with something that's too inflexible to be used anywhere except an arena designed specifically for it (fine for bosses), or something that's just a massive pain to fight. I'm also going to nitpick your statements about hitscanners and homers: I think you underestimate the nuance in fighting hitscanners if you think the only way to deal with them is to bum-rush them (which is often the worst way to deal with them). You can't sock enemies with their own homing missiles because missiles go through the enemy who fired them, and don't do damage to other enemies of the same type.6 points
The Master Levels II is a small project of mine that attempts to recreate the same overall feeling of the original Master Levels (albeit with slight more quality in terms of gameplay and visuals). It is a (planned) 11 vanilla-compatible mapset, designed to have small action-packed difficult levels. The visuals are meant to be on par with what you'd see in the official IWADS, so nothing fancy but also nothing ugly. So far, only the first map has been completed, and it is in an untested state, so any feedback is welcome! This small map features all difficulty settings, COOP and DM support (it has its own DM arena - that is just a copy of the map with modifications to fit deathmatch). IWAD: DOOM II Here are some screenshots of the Demo map: Download the file here (wad + dehacked patch): ML2Demo.zip5 points
play this to instantly die irl5 points
Some actual bad maps in here despite the premise xD5 points
E3M4 UV MAX in 6:48 I did not succeed the SR over the pit but I think this run is good nonetheless n3e4-648.zip5 points
Doomworld Maximum Project 2024
Walter confetti and 4 others reacted to Berubaretto for a topic
Author: Berubaretto Map title: Starport Entrance MIDI credits: "Dear Onion" by Lippeth Compatibility: Vanilla Description: A small map that was initially made in DCK 2.2f. Later on the map was finished in UDB instead. Screenshot: Download: beru_starport.zip5 points -
The state of Doom on Linux
CyberosLeopard and 3 others reacted to RataUnderground for a topic
It's been a while since I posted a new map, and I've unfortunately missed the dates for some community projects I joined late last year. And it's a shame, because having been mentioned in the Cacowards, I started 2024 with great desire and energy to carry out projects. A big part of this is due to one simple reason: Not wanting to waste even one more second using Windows on my personal PC, I have made a complete migration to Linux without looking back. I am an experienced Linux user, but the difference is that this time I don't even have windows in dual boot. Why has this stopped me from creating maps? The reason is simple. It is not possible to use Ultimate Doom Builder (nor GzDoom Builder, nor Doom Builder X) on Linux with my current setup. Not with the Wine compatibility layer, nor by compiling it myself, nor using a virtual machine (Each of these methods presents problems and incompatibilities that make real use impossible). The only way I've seen it be feasible (theoretically) would be to get a second graphics card and boot it into a KVM virtual machine with GPU passthrough. I don't want to create misunderstandings, my experience in Linux is fantastic and it is a step that I recommend everyone take in order to maintain some independence and some human dignity. However, it is not Linux's fault that some programs, especially those that are made without profit like UDB, understandably do not provide good support given that its users are still a minority and due to the absence of means, either human or economic. (I don't want to bother Boris or the rest of the collaborators with requests that could be a bit selfish on my part, since I understand that if UDB is not native to Linux it is mainly because none of them use this OS, but if They are interested in it, I can report in detail the problems that I have encountered, test new versions, report bugs and whatever is necessary) I could talk about the alternatives that are available in Linux such as Slade or Eureka, but although they have their virtues, as map editing applications I am simply unable to adapt to their workflow. For me, they lack absolutely essential tools and I find it so frustrating to use them that, if I had to map with them, I would abandon the hobby completely. Now I am going back to making maps using a setup that, without being ideal, is at least usable, using an old laptop running Windows. I would like to have avoided this if possible, but at the moment I don't have much of a choice. This situation has made me think about writing this thread about the situation of Doom in Linux, in order to list the status of the most important projects and applications and the support they have today, try to give information and guidance to those who also want to migrate, and encourage devs to support Linux. I invite anyone who wants to complete this information and talk about their experience. If I forget something or have said something wrong, tell me and I will add it to this header post. Everything in the following list has been tested by me personally. Sourceports supported distributed in binary form Chocolate Doom (debian, aur, apk, dnf, snaps... ) https://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_Chocolate_Doom_on_Linux Crispy Doom (debian repositories, aur repositories) https://github.com/fabiangreffrath/crispy-doom Doomsday (tarball, debian repositories, rpm, flatpak...) https://dengine.net/ DSDA (deb package, debian repositories) https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/dsda-doom GzDoom (deb packages, snaps, flatpak) https://zdoom.org/downloads Nugget Doom (App image) https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/125256-nugget-doom-310-updated-may-16th-24/ Odamex Debian packages in the DRDteam repository for it and other cool things) PrBoom+ (apt repositories, aur repositories) Woof (appimage) https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/112333-this-is-woof-1450-apr-30-2024/ Zandronum (tarball) https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/126262-zandronum-31-released/ Helion (Binary) (https://github.com/Helion-Engine/Helion) Sourceports supported distributed only in source code ChocoRenderLimits https://github.com/JNechaevsky/CRL EDGE https://github.com/edge-classic/EDGE-classic Eternity engine https://github.com/team-eternity/eternity International Doom https://github.com/JNechaevsky/international-doom Doom Legacy (Binary in an zip file, I couldn't get it to work despite following the instructions in the readme and despite searching and installing the libraries it asks for by hand.) Doom Retro https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/ Editing tools Slade - Supported (Flatpak) Eureka - Supported (Snap, apt repositories, tarball) Doom Builder x- Not supported GzDoomBuilder - Not supported Ultimate Doom Builder - Not supported Launchers ZDL - Supported (Tarball) twad - Supported (cool terminal launcher, binary and sourcecode: https://github.com/zmnpl/twad ) Doom Runner (Binary) https://github.com/Youda008/DoomRunner/releases/tag/v1.8.2 ) (Also, has a flatpak, but does some weird things) Doom Launcher - Not Supported Rocket Launcher - Not Supported (Compilable, didn't test it) DSDA Launcher - Not Supported (Compilable, didn't test it) Resources: Microsoft midi soundfont https://musical-artifacts.com/artifacts/724 Threads of interest [2024-05-26] In short, I find that the options to play are more than enough to keep any Linux user satisfied and not miss anything from the experience. (The only aspect where I consider that playing on Linux has a weak point is in the sound and midi emulation. Fluidsynth, opl and Timidity++ sound strange and foreign to me after having played for so many years in sourceports on Windows, but it is a minor complaint.) Unfortunately, I think the platform is behind in terms of editor and launcher support, which for creators and modders is far from ideal.4 points -
Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #086
Skronkidonk and 3 others reacted to ICID for a topic
(logo by @4MaTC) ICID, what the hell is this now? Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures is a small project of exploration, interaction, entertainment and reviews where we meet once every two weeks to select random WADs in search of hidden treasures, lost promises, or our worst nightmares! We use the /idgames archive’s special feature that lets us search for random files. Of course, sometimes the results are resources or unplayable stuff, so we focus on looking for WADs. So, what do we do here? Play at least one random WAD in a two-week period of time. WADs are selected using the Random File feature on /idgames or from the list below. Post a review of whatever you play. Always provide the name of the WAD, the name of the author, and a link to the file. Play however you want, on any skill level, and with any source port, as long as you play the WAD as intended/in working shape. Be respectful. It's okay to criticize a map, but remember that many mappers read these review threads and behave accordingly. Also, please don't tag mappers into a negative review of their work. What kind of WADs are we looking for? Any file on /idgames is fair game, but most of us choose to stick to singleplayer Doom or Heretic WADs that work in our sourceport(s) of choice. If you're worried about finding Terrywads or broken files, I also pull at least five random WADs for the event. Feel free to play them with me if you wish, or look for your own! The point of the event is to encourage you to explore this vast, random world. Recommendations for reviewing: Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures of this event: Fellowzdoomer's 1 Hour Map Minos Shrek vs Doomguy: A Battle of Ogre Proportions Stomping Grounds Community Chest 4 Join the Doom Master Wadazine community for more events like this! » https://discord.gg/Q2RKn4J And check the Doom wiki for the full list of past adventures.4 points -
Hello everyone. Don't know where to post such threads exactly, but it's definitely Doom related, yeah. About a month ago I've seen a post about running Doom on htop (linux process viewer), it looked like this: And I thought that the presence of many colors in IWAD causes such machines and systems to render the image with significant noise effects. Like here: So I decided to change the whole Doom palette to 8-bit colors with additional sprite & texture editing. I've got this so far: I'm planning to release this WAD anyway, but I need to finish it first. At the same time I'm still wondering how exactly my project goes on such displays with low-color rendering. Can anyone help me with that? I mean, to run my wad on htop or on the Playdate or on the pregnancy test, etc. (Thanks in advance!) I'm not sure it really helps the situation with displays, but I can't judge for sure before seeing it in action. P.S.: What do you think about my screenshots at all, btw?4 points
Your guys' mapping techniques
Lanie and 3 others reacted to Baron T. Mueriach for a topic
This question is directed to all walks of the Doom mapping community, but I would definitely like to hear from people who have a couple of big hits under their belts. What do you do to keep inspiration flowing? I have no end to my inspiration flow, I could map for hours, but I sometimes get frustrated that my maps aren't as good as they maybe could be. The way I do it is by instantly starting off by making a large, nonlinear room, because perfect linearity kills any and all inspiration for me. Then, I don't change anything be it textures, ceiling/floor heights, functions, etc. because I'll end up becoming obsessed with the little details and forget about the larger task at hand, which ends any motivation I have left. Here are a few screenies from maps I've been making. On the top is E1M3 for my Knee-Deep in the Dead style episode (I'm still adding onto the level, it will be larger), and on the bottom is a Spawning Vats remake I did a while ago for the hell of it but never finished. I always find myself trying to connect my maps better, it can become an issue sometimes because I'll force myself to redo large spaces to add more connections or just abandon the map altogether. Also, if this has been asked a thousand times on the forum, my bad. If you want to be a dick and lock the thread or tell me to go elsewhere then have at it.4 points -
4 points
Year 2 Month 11 Day 28 I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped. [1] dumb.WAD by William Roeben (Net- Johnny Nugnug) (1995) One room, one cyberdemon. Will you pass this insurmountable challenge? Killing the cyberdemon is way harder than it looks though because the author didn't give enough bullets and shells to kill him with your guns, so you must either punch him to death (very dangerous) or using the unmarked teleportation line in order to telefrag him (you must be very lucky). Or you can just be like me by leaving the cybie alone, rushing to the small door and exit the level. Maybe a tad better than wow.wad since you can exit the level without cheats but yes, this is dumb. Grade : F (3/20) [2] Mercury Rain (v1.1) by @Jimmy (2016) Weather is an often neglected aspect of Doom maps due to engine limitations but the exquisite usage of zdoom features of Mercury Rain will show all of its importance ! Jimmy lets you explore a grimy tech-base set in a greenish canyon. The pouring rain and the thunder you can hear in the distance act as pure ASMR, you rarely see in Doom. Moreover, the map name's comes from the name of the music, which is a module track composed by Skaven. The very techno sound typical of module tracks always gives me a strong sense of nostalgia and, for the level in question, fits perfectly with gzdoom's exclusive new features. It's very classy to hear this music with a level featuring supernatural rain and force fields. We're entering the future! As many (or all?) Jimmy maps' , the level of detail remains parsimonious but efficient, and the emphasis is on a fluid flow and interconnected layout, making for pleasant navigation. The choice of textures is consistent with the theme. The rust and "dirt" give the impression that the base has been deteriorated by the constant downpour of mercury. About the gameplay's department, Jimmy has made sure that you have a great time in the first place, and that you can enjoy this rather unique atmosphere. The laidback combats are unlikely to kill you but beware of the poisonous plants that consist of a combination between the barrel from Doom and the poisonous mushroom from Hexen. Shooting on them will blew them up, and releasing a deadly gas near them which can even kill all kind of monsters ! Very fun to use in case you want to save some ammo , even if it's even not needed. In any case, the very conventional gameplay easily appeals to all audiences, making Mercury Rain a great showcase for what's possible on Zdoom. I haven't played all maps from Jimmy's rich repertoire but Mercury Rain easily figures as own of my favourite maps from him. Great Job ! This map is worth spending a quarter of an hour on. Grade : A (17/20) [3] Hell Keep Remake by Paul Corfiatis (2007) Forgot to take screenshots of that one, sorry, but keep in mind this is just the first level of the third episode with more details, notably more detailed lighting and remparts. Paul Corfiatis has done his best to do justice to this opener, but this remake proves that the problem is far from just aesthetics, since the combat is as uninvolving as ever, with a pair of cacodemons to kill with a pistol and 64-pixel-wide corridors leading to the exit. I'm far from hating E3M1, but I find it hard to make a good map out of it without substantially modifying the level. Grade : C (10/20) [4] PANDORA'S BOX by Simon Manton (2011) Pandora's box felt like a cursed ultimate Doom. When I say "cursed", I don't mean scary or such but rather a perceptible feeling that something is wrong.This map replaces E1M2 and I had the strange sensation that it was a map from episode 2 and 3, but disguised as a map from episode 1. First of all, the core layout of the map takes the shape of an abstract base and the laidback music from E1M2 prepared me for a sort of "Doom the way id did" tribute, like Fava Beans, for example. Instead of that, the author used the dull-colored textures such as grey concrete, beige rusty startan or BROWNWALL most of the time, resulting to a lot less welcoming apparence. Moreover, the rooms tend to get more oversized and some areas just consist to labryinths built for no reason, reinforcing the feeling that a kind of corruption is setting in along with the enemies, without the atmosphere being as gloomy as in some of the maps in Episode 2. And the icing on the cake resides in the Limbo-like progression where you have to take multiple teleporters in order to reach switches that allow you to build a bridge over a pool of damaging water. Damaging water and abundance of teleporting pads aren't a sign that I'm playing a map from Knee-Deep in the Dead. I can also mention the presence of lost souls, cacodemons and several barons in the hellish rocky outdoors or the serie of slow crushers you have to crush in order to reach on the switch for the bridge. This map looks haunted to me without being too haunted. However, If I put all those elements aside, PANDORA'S BOX was a good map, offering lot of exploration and quite an unexpected dose of challenge as the medikits aren't that prolific until you obtain an armor and a soulsphere later in the map. As I alluded in my previous paragraph, this map contains several hazards such as harmful water , slow crushers or just... darkness. Those generate an uncomfortable feeling of insecurity that prevent the map from being dull. The map can also gets harder if you're blind enough to not the find the blatantly misaligned startan texture hiding several critical weapons and ammo. I like Pandora Box too, because although I don't like the iwad's "Limbo" map, its concept is still effective for creating exploration. Pandora's progression was less confusing as the zones were more different, and this bizarre aspect makes it a little memorable for me. This map could be a kind of connection between episode 1 and 2 (and 3). Too corrupt to be in episode 1, but not haunted and hellish enough to be in 2 and 3. Grade : B (14/20) I stop here for today.4 points
Revenant Hallway dot wad [Boom/cl9]
Ravendesk and 3 others reacted to Soul_Runner for a topic
Some actual good maps in here despite the premise xD4 points -
Revenant Hallway dot wad [Boom/cl9]
Bank and 3 others reacted to stephyesterday for a topic
very few people closely followed my extremely detailed blueprint i provided. sad! (good wad play all 53 maps now)4 points -
Is there a lack of complex combatants in doom's bestiary?
Nefelibeta and 3 others reacted to Not Jabba for a topic
The simplicity of Doom's monsters is good, but complex monsters can work well as part of larger fight designs too. The Maulotaur from Heretic is a good example. It chooses randomly between three attacks; one is a simple projectile spray, but the other two are more interesting. It has a charge attack where it both attacks you and changes location at the same time, and ground-crawler attack that causes area denial by creating a long, impassable, slow-moving line of damaging fire. It can be an interesting enemy to fight alone, if the space is right for it. It can be much more interesting to fight a few of them at a time, if the space is right for it. But they also can work as a piece of much bigger fights, particularly since the ground crawler can pass up or down ledges and both attacks somewhat help to break up herding/circling dynamics. Compared to the simpler Cyberdemon, it has advantages and disadvantages; it's nowhere near as useful for infighting as the Cyberdemon, and the Cyberdemon's splash damage also creates interesting spatial considerations that the Maulotaur doesn't have. Everything has pros and cons. The Heresiarch individually is too weak to be anything more than a flavor boss, but you could imagine that its big projectile sprays, bouncing homing fireballs, and summoning could be interesting in the context of a larger fight. It's also hard to kill, so a situation where the mapper wants to keep it around for awhile as a key component of a longer endurance battle, and the player gradually whittles down its health while fighting other stuff, makes more sense. A teleporting, summoning D'Sparil could also be interesting as a piece of a bigger battle if it weren't for the fact that it kills all enemies in the map when it dies (this can be interesting too, you're just limited to only using it in the last fight of any map). I don't think I've seen a lot of people mentioning the Arch-Vile here, but it is Doom's most complex monster and one of the best monster designs I've ever encountered. It's not that hard individually, but it can be dangerous if you're not prepared for it, and it adds a lot of complexity to any fight that combines it with any other monsters. If you go much more boss-tier (i.e., more challenging) than that, you're probably working against yourself (if you're trying to use it as a recurring encounter that combines with other monsters). A really powerful boss enemy will quickly wreck every monster in the arena and will become the player's entire focus, or else you'll have to give them so much space that they can basically avoid it. There are ways around that too (resurrection, summoning, advanced homing attacks maybe), but the more individually deadly you make it, the less nicely it's going to play with any other fight dynamics.4 points -
Mid Texture Repository (v1.0 release)
Big Ol Billy and 3 others reacted to RonnieJamesDiner for a topic
Mid textures always seemed to present an issue for me whenever mapping. Sometimes I’d remember something I wanted to use, but I couldn’t remember where I saw it; other times I’d be stumped on finding something to fill a very particular need – or, I’d simply miss good options while skimming through packs because I’m blind, and there’s no way to filter for "mid textures" specifically. I ended up solving this problem by gradually compiling a 'mid texture resource'. Over time it became a bit of a hot mess, so I recently decided to recreate it properly. The end result is a rather lovely Mid Texture Repository, and I thought I’d share it here, in case other mappers found it useful! To be clear, I did not make any of these. Download Repository (.pk3 version) (google drive) Download Repository (.wad version) (google drive) This pack contains over 1400 mid textures sourced from a variety of places, including R667, Afterglow, community projects, and texture threads. Using a UDB config file, they’ve also been sorted into categories – Animated, City, Decoration, Fences, Flags, Foliage, Tech, Windows, and Other. This compilation does not include any type of step or support/beam texture, only ones featuring transparency that are clearly designed to be used as mid textures (or in some cases, as patches or sprites). - The pk3 includes all of the original truecolor PNG versions that many of these textures came in. This file is intended for any port that handles PNG textures. - The wad file has had the PNGs converted into Doom graphics (and consequently palletized), and all of the textures added to a single TEXTURES lump, for use with boom/limit removing ports. Some of the textures didn’t survive this process – roughly 70 turned to rubbish, mostly from Kingpin, Doom 3, and Doom 64 variants – and many of them got a little washed out looking, but still very usable in the right context. - Both files contain the UDB config (as well as a README explaining how to install it), and I strongly recommend using this. The vast majority of these textures kept their original names, so the full, uncategorized clump is a bit of a nightmare to look at. Obviously a lot of these textures work best with their respective resource packs. This was intended to be a “pick and pull” to help flesh out the mapping/texturing process, and features wildly varying styles. There’s a handful of textures still on my list to add, but in a lot of cases they were still part of a sheet and (to be honest) I couldn’t be arsed to cut them up. I'll probably get around to that at some point in the future. A few examples include zrrion the insect's incredible mid textures here, a lovely quake edit marble arch by CherryPoptartzzz, some absolutely sexy arched windows by Nootrac4571 (that don't actually seem to be in demonastery.wad?, unless I'm super blind), and I still want to poke Insane_Gazebo about some of that delicious grass he has in Sunder. === F A Q === Q: How do I know who to credit for each texture? A: The textures are categorized by source in both files (within folders in the pk3, and divided by markers in the wad). The categories are laid out in the CREDITS text lump, with details including source, author, and a download link to the original file (or where to find it). Ultimately, the onus is on each mapper to look through the file and credit appropriately, but short of doing that, at least include the CREDITS lump in your release (please). Q: I see one of my textures, and I don’t want it included in this. A: Shoot me a message and I’ll remove it immediately. Q: Do you plan to add more? A: Yes! This will likely be a work-in-progress forever. If you find anything (or make anything) that feels like it belongs here, drop a link or a suggestion and I’ll add it to the list. Q: Does this work for DBX? A: Well.........I think? The config file does seem to work (although the installation is a bit different, because DBX doesn’t appear to have a Game_Doom.cfg). But, actually loading the resource in DBX was throwing up an error for me and refusing to load, so, until I figure out why that is, I can’t guarantee compatibility for this editor yet. Q: Should I use mid textures in my maps? A: Yes, always. Silly question. Thanks for stopping by, and happy mapping!4 points -
For those looking for the answer, it's the actor behavior compatibility flag "Spawn item drops on the floor" (compat_notossdrops).4 points
What's better game design: Simple pieces that allow complexity to be an emergent property of how you arrange the pieces together? Very complex pieces that as a consequence can only be fit together in pretty much always the same way?4 points
Your guys' mapping techniques
Baron T. Mueriach and 3 others reacted to Deadwing for a topic
I usually go with a batch of maps, usually 10 at a row - or an episode. I usually start with annoting in my cellphone some concepts I get over time, then start drawing in paper some layouts. With enough of them, I open doom builder and get the maps playable with simple detailing and thematic ideas to only then finally start detailing more in depth each one. Process is usually slow and takes weeks to get one small map done (most of my maps are small) but tbh it works for me. One of my challenges has been to keep up with enough unique ideas, be it from geometry, map-flow, type of battle setups or thematic as well, because it can be difficult to create maps with a strong sense of identity within a streamlined process. The results are definitely not on Eviternity/BTSX/AA levels, but it's a process I enjoy as I like to create multi-map interconnected journeys. Also, they never end in the same way as I initially envisioned, but that's part of the fun, although I try to not rework stuff much because I need to keep reducing scope so the work gets done. To reach next level of detailing I guess it becomes less about adding sectors over sectors and start thinking of the whole composition and layout, either with colors, creating custom textures ormore intricated shapes that is not something detached from the rest of the scene. But that's hard as fuck to me, and is something I'm learning but constantly fails to spot something weird detaching from the whole map. (you need to have a good artistic view I guess)4 points -
Cat: 1 Difficulty: UV Died: Map 3 Kills: 125/249 Ended up dying to a hell knight thanks to a careless mistake 0horus_ironeagle_2024_05.zip4 points
Which monster do you root for during infighting?
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to BeachThunder for a topic
It's not on the list, but I pick barrel: via @ChaingunChaCha4 points -
m32 - UV Speed - 0:43 rc2532-043.zip4 points
ZeroTheEro and 3 others reacted to Jello for a topic
I figured this screenshot would come in useful at some point: Still, 18 is really old for a dog, and despite how Kabosu's image may have been misused by humanity, I'm sure she was a very, very good girl.4 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Stupid Bunny and 3 others reacted to Lutz for a topic
4 points -
Revenant Hallway dot wad [Boom/cl9]
stephyesterday and 2 others reacted to Not Jabba for a topic
That is too many a number of Revenants.3 points -
Revenant Hallway dot wad [Boom/cl9]
Peccatum Mihzamiz and 2 others reacted to Hebonky for a topic
Teh Final Corridoor3 points