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  1. Bloodsport is a 6 map WAD designed specifically for multiplayer deathmatch mode. The maps feature architectures inspired by gothic design elements, vanilla weapons reworked to be much more satisfying and powerful, 21:9 graphic assets and a soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails. Developed upon exclusively by me (with the always appreciated assistance from those I'll later mention in the special thanks), Bloodsport was inspired by WADS like Eternal Doom and GothicDM, and has taken me four months to develop. As mentioned before, it exclusively targets online deathmatch, but can still be enjoyed offline with bots on source ports that support them. Story so far: "Two years have come to pass since the U.A.C. disaster occurred, which left their research and military bases on Phobos in shambles with all of the personnel killed, and Deimos lost completely; its teleportation technology used by the demons to slingshot a full-scale invasion on Earth. Since then, U.A.C. has been reformed, re-establishing their facilities on the moons of Jupiter this time, with their research division based on Callisto and their military bases and facilities on Europa. With the data collected from the invasion, the research team has prepared a virtual training program to help marines at stand-by on Europa familiarize themselves with combat tactics and firearms, a project that has been dubbed "Operation Skulltag". In this training course, marines are put into a simulation, which transports their virtual likings, known as "icons" by the research team into a set of six arenas designed specifically to represent hellish architecture. Marines can engage with each other in these virtualized skirmishes with other marines to improve their tactics, or alternatively, a lone marine is able to practice against computer-based opponents controlled by a central mainframe, with their AI tailored specifically to mimic almost human-like behavior in combat. The research team are in high hopes to see the results of how much this course affect a marine's capabilities, and that they'll be able to withstand against the forces of darkness in case another invasion breaks out in the future." This WAD makes extensive use of DeHackEd Extended, so the source ports that doesn't support it wouldn't be able to run the WAD properly (i.e, Zandronum.) It's been tested on both Crispy Doom and GZDoom, and hasn't exhibited any sort of problems so far. I haven't been able to test it on any other source ports due to time constraints, so please let me know if you come across any bugs. Special Thanks to the following very special people: Devieus - Helped me name quite a few of the maps @elf-alchemist - Playtesting / General feedback Jack Vermont - Assisted with the sounds @Scuba Steve - Gloved fist sprites Ravage - Flamethrower-turned-Rocket launcher sprites @Geqoph - Playtesting / General feedback @LadyMistDragon - Playtesting / General feedback @WorldMachine - Helmet mugshot graphics in his Vanilla Plus wad (don't know who the original author is) Chris .J Roy - Music @Hellbilly - Music This WAD wouldn't have become a reality without the assistance and the resources provided by you people :) thanks Version 1.1 Changelog: Rockets now have an animation. New sounds for BFG's projectile impact and teleportation Overhauled DEHEXTRA's additional actors Bugfixes across the maps New demo files to replace the vanilla ones I came across a handful of oddities in my DEHEXTRA patch and my WAD file the other night as I was reviewing them, and decided to correct them. First oddity was the presence of two SS_START and SS_END lumps. Not sure how'd I end up creating two, but I had one pair removed. Second, I've had created an animation for the rockets in flight, but accidentally forgot to include it. The rockets are now properly animated. Third one is a bit of a botch on my end. When I was adding in new decorative things, I forgot that I could use DEHEXTRA's additional things to create new ones, so I ended up replacing a lot of existing ones like the pillars, lamps, etc. New decoration objects now have their own unique IDs and do not replace anything vanilla. Apart from those, there were some minor bugfixes across all of the maps. BFG 9000 now have new sprites and a new sound for its projectile impact, as well as teleportation, and three new demos recorded to replace the default vanilla ones. The file on ModDB has been updated, but if you're to use Gamebanana, please make sure to download the updated version, titled Bloodsport Version 1.1 Downloads: Download from Gamebanana Download from ModDB
    12 points
  2. None of those words are in the bible
    10 points
  3. Another Sky for my collection
    9 points
  4. "Would DOOM be in the same genre as Garten of BanBan?"
    9 points
  5. Hey everyone, just another small update. dt_ has recently finished a new map 04, so that leaves only map 30 as being yet unfinished. The plan is still to release this project before 2025, so that gives us 7 months to finish things up. In the meantime is there anyone who would like to make a few midis for this project? There needs to be some rearranging of the current track list & we are still about 10 midis short of a completely original soundtrack.
    8 points
  6. here's my later attempt of a restoration of the Doom 64 beta unmaker/lasergun og magazine rip the restoration darker but less colour acurate less dark more punchy the silver one
    8 points
  7. The Master Levels II is a small project of mine that attempts to recreate the same overall feeling of the original Master Levels (albeit with slight more quality in terms of gameplay and visuals). It is a (planned) 11 vanilla-compatible mapset, designed to have small action-packed difficult levels. The visuals are meant to be on par with what you'd see in the official IWADS, so nothing fancy but also nothing ugly. So far, only the first map has been completed, and it is in an untested state, so any feedback is welcome! This small map features all difficulty settings, COOP and DM support (it has its own DM arena - that is just a copy of the map with modifications to fit deathmatch). IWAD: DOOM II Here are some screenshots of the Demo map: Download the file here (wad + dehacked patch): ML2Demo.zip
    7 points
  8. The ultimate doom (1995) https://www.dsdarchive.com/wads/doom?level=E4M1 e4m1 tyson 3:41 https://youtu.be/nTqNuxlTEZA e4m1tx341.zip
    7 points
  9. Nikamir

    Revenant Town

    PAR time: 18 min Features: - Secrets - No crouch - No jump - Freelook optional - Single map - Single player - Boss fight - no plasma nor BFG Screenshot: Of course, not a very good screenshot, since the map is more mysterious than visually satisfying. Only a couple of weeks have passed, and I started to feel melancholy again, I can’t play any games because all games are boring for me, so I just decided to make another map to brighten up these days. P.S.: I don't play other WADs from other mappers because the only thing I like to do is create, kind of like going back in time playing Minecraft. So I will make some maps from time to time when I have enough time and a rather gloomy but creative mood. Format: BOOM. DOOM2. Tested in PrBoom+ and GZDOOM. Made with Slade3 + ZDBSP. Download (327 Kb) I hope this map will surprise you with something and you will find something interesting in it.
    6 points
  10. Fortunately for us, Ahoy already established three weeks ago which genre Doom belongs to.
    6 points
  11. One question I always ask is "what's the first thing the player is going to see?", and then do my best to make the answer "something cool." There's a ton of different ways to open a map, gameplay-wise, but a really nerdy lesson I learned in the DTWID days (thanks to E1M1's iconic start room) is you don't want to bury the lede when it comes to showing off the interesting parts of your map -- whether that be architecture/visuals, atmosphere, a preview of the massive slaughterfight you're about to get into, and so forth. Couple of random visual examples of mine (thumbnails clickable for higher-res): While I'm waxing poetic, this is something we talked about a bunch for Supplice's first episode -- the game's story kinda necessitated starting you underground somewhere, but I really didn't want the first thing the player sees to be a boring old cave. Doom's approach to this was "show some interesting architecture", Duke3D went with "show a cool scripted sequence", so I figured, "why not both?", and the crane drop was born.
    6 points
  12. More specifically, it's what happens when people dredge up threads from close to a week ago that have already run their course. And this one's course was already not terribly amazing to begin with.
    5 points
  13. map06 max in 23:21 fw06m2321.zip
    5 points
  14. Hello, I want to inform that I had to reupload project again today, since map10 was crashing, but it was resolved. Fingers crossed it's the last time for this.
    5 points
  15. Welcome to Revhallway.wad! Maps must contain Revenants. Maps must contain a hallway. That's it.
    5 points
  16. Always entertaining to see a chaingunner stunlock a mancubus and win against an enemy with nearly 10x its hitpoints.
    5 points
  17. As a verdict, the only maps in this that really busted my balls were MAP20, MAP29 and MAP30. The latter because I couldn't figure out how it works, the other two because of their difficulty. At the end of the day, an enjoyable, even if sometimes kinda bumpy, ride. Some of the later maps also have a few issues with missing textures, especially one or two entries towards the end (can't remember exactly which ones right now), which seems a bit sloppy. Other than that, most of the time it's good entertainment. Slaughter maps are usually not my cup of tea, but here you normally stand a chance even if you aren't an expert in avoiding getting hit. I like that there's sometimes some strong vibes of classics like CC4, Eviternity or Ancient Aliens in it. Also I appreciate there's so many secret levels, and they really stick out theme-wise, so they are worth finding.
    4 points
  18. Mario brothers is a mascot horror game about two men from Brooklyn who get sucked into an inter-dimensional sewer system and wind up in a universe where sentient turtles rule the world. The mario brother's must then forever engage in the Sisyphean effort of rescuing a princess who never puts out. The horror. The horror.
    4 points
  19. Whoever gets rid of the revenants first.
    4 points
  20. Map 14 Tyson in 14:45 tnt314t-1445.zip
    4 points
  21. tbf every person on earth is the wrong person for this wad
    4 points
  22. More revenant traps, boring.
    4 points
  23. One of the great strengths of Doom (2)'s bestiary is that you can use the environment to greatly shape the gameplay, since monster behavior is simple enough that a mapper can precisely control their behavior with map geometry alone. Talking about monster behavior without considering the environment is a bit like trying to figure out how fast Usain Bolt could run with only one leg.
    4 points
  24. plutonia map32 max 2:15 pl32-215.zip
    4 points
  25. I have created another Doom map, this time for Ultimate Doom E3M1. This map is focused more on action rather than huge empty areas, this should be a fun map to play. This map requires Boom to work, this is less open but still fun, the navigation is more clear and there is more verticality in the last areas of the map when it transitions from tech base to hell. Download: https://securitronlinux.com/doomstuff/helix.zip
    3 points
  26. Decided to name my upcoming DooM project thing: Let The Bunny Sleep!
    3 points
  27. As you know, most DOOM players don't just play DOOM, and I am a part of this list. As a serious gamer, I sometimes look into other series and genres, and the one that has been interesting to me, a professional autist, is this whole wave of "Mascot Horror" games. Not that they are good or promising, though that could be debated with some of them (*Ahem, Indigo Park), but because the garbage ones are so insane that its hard to NOT laugh at them (Garten of BanBan is a perfect example). With this knowledge, I am surprised that it took me this long to actually notice this. The main characteristics of these games would be of the following: The game follows an episodic structure, with the first episode being for free, and the rest behind a paywall. The game must have a gimmick, and have relatively simple game-play. The game must have a monster that is marketable and can be sold in stores with hundreds recognizing it. Now, we both know that Garten of BanBan follows these rules nicely, but there is a glaring issue; DOOM (Specifically the first entry) follows these rules as well. Hear me out: DOOM has an obvious episodic structure, with the first episode being free to play. DOOM has the gimmick of having 6 devastating weapons, and the fact that it is a maze game with monsters. DOOM has several iconic demons, from the Hell Knights to the Cyberdemon, an it has been proven that yes, you can make money off of selling merch of them. Is this all? No. As we know, these games are completely different. BanBan tries to tell its story via its environments and characters, and BanBan has a completely different approach to horror that DOOM doesn't follow. However, if DOOM isn't mascot horror, how is DOOM a first-person shooter? Is DOOM like Quake? Quake does its horror completely differently, and although DOOM and Quake have a familiar philosophy in terms of game-play, they both play completely differently. What about DOOM and Call of Duty? They both are first-person shooters, but to say they are the same is like saying that Drake is as close to quality as Beyonce (it's not close). If we are going to hold DOOM by this thread, then whats stopping us from strengthening that thread by adding another one? So, in summary, DOOM is the best mascot horror game ever.
    3 points
  28. This thread is what happens when you have hair follicles growing out of your goddamn iris.
    3 points
  29. I played through the whole futuristic city (@muumi, Map10 is a truly masterpiece!) and started the Egyptian one. It's good that first two maps of it are quite short and not very difficult because after such four consecutive maps as Map08, Map32, Map09 and Map10, I was in dire need of a little respite :)) So far, all the secrets are found without any problems. At the moment I have totally completed 14 maps, there are still 22 ahead.
    3 points
  30. I'll do it for you. This is like saying the sky is made of water, because the sky is blue like the reflection of water under the sky. Or that sunflowers are made of cheese, since their petals are reminiscent of processed cheese product due to coloration. Does anyone else see the fundamental problems with these very loose points of comparison based on extremely surface-level, hardly relevant factors somehow being used to establish some kind of a meaningful link between the two brands? I get that this whole topic was created to do nothing but rustle our jimmies but the whole premise of this topic just consumed 473.176 ml of adhesive product in the first argument.
    3 points
  31. Yes! There's like 4 or 5 of us ;) Excited to see this project come to fruition.
    3 points
  32. Hardly notice them most of the time, but when Imps get up close & personal, and start loudly tearing up whomever, its always an extra treat
    3 points
  33. Gez


    It's been over a year and 67 pages of obsessive nerding out about it. Of course it's been noticed. It's even been put in the wiki, so you can solve your mystery right over there.
    3 points
  34. 3 points
  35. The sprite lump needs to be named HPLAA0 (0 here means same sprite from all directions)
    3 points
  36. Someone do Diogenes' ''Plato's Man'' equivalent of this argument on this mf already. Edit: Nvm, I'll do it. Pacman is mascot horror.
    3 points
  37. Brick | 4 wads | 5 maps Fellowzdoomer's 1 Hour Map (2014) by Fellowzdoomer. 1 SP map for vanilla Doom II. This was apparently a submission to Doomworld Mega Project 2013 that Fellowzdoomer then released separately. It's... a map. The shotgun is the only weapon. There's a mancubus. A demon ambush at the blue key that can be easily avoided. A bunch of PEs and an archvile and good luck doing this fight, I just ran past. That's it. Minos (2017) by Kloki38. 1 SP map for Doom II in Boom. I believe Kloki is a Czech author, also credited on Czechbox and Czequisite Corpse; there are two more wads mentioned in the text file but I can't find any sign of them. This is a large and complex map with intricate architecture and almost 500 enemies spread across its vast distances. The biggest problem I had with it is that weapon distribution is so incredibly unbalanced. I found the SSG about halfway into it, and while I had a chaingun and plasma rifle ammo for both was so limited I almost never had any. This meant having to go through 200 enemies with the shotgun, and that's way too many mancubi, nobles and archviles to go through. I've seen this design used and defended before, the idea being that you keep pushing ahead trying to find weapons, but making it through half a very large map with nothing but a weak weapon can go too easily from being challenging to just plain boring. It's a shame because the architecture is very cool and it's obvious that a ton of effort has gone into the map. shrek vs doomguy: a battle of orge proportions (2013) by chesse20. 2 SP maps for Doom II in GZDoom. The text file doesn't even have the decency to mention port requirements, I had to go digging through the wad lumps to figure out that it definitely needs ZDoom, and is probably made for GZDoom. Initially I was worried ICID had rerolled that horrible Shrek terrywad he made us play a couple of years ago, but I needn't have worried, this is a completely different and unrelated wad. It's not that much better mind you, the architecture is nonexistent, the texturing is awful, there are HOMs and softlocks everywhere, the console dislpays a bunch of errors in the scripting at startup (unknown if they break anything important), the only enemies are some insects that swarm but go down easily, and Shreks that can hurt a lot but (unlike the terrywad, where they were practically invincible) they go down reasonably easily. It doesn't help though because I don't think it's possible to end either of the maps, both have an exit wall with a door texture and that's marked as player-cross to activate, which naturally is impossible because, well, it's a one-sided linedef and there's nothing behind it. Stomping Grounds (2009) by Morpheus. 1 SP map for limit-removing Doom II. We thankfully end on a good note! Honestly compared to what we've been through here this one's great. Detailing and lighting are excellent, the layout is small but has a couple of interesting beats, and the map generally flows very well. Most of the opposition on HNTR is small fry, which is good because it's just shotgun and chaingun for the most part (there's an SSG in a secret but I didn't find it until later). The blue key room is a bit of a surprise, the key disappears before us and then a door with half a dozen barons appears, with no rocket or plasma weapons in sight. Maxers might find this annoying but I just herded the barons and ran past them all, into a cool looking little underground passage that goes to the blue key (and then ran past the barons again on the way out). The archvile surprise at the end is a bit mean, considering the lack of heavy weapons, absence of cover, and how much time the AV has to resurrect things before we can get to it, It's a fun little map with great visuals and definitely the highlight of the day. I don't know if I have the stamina for CC4, it's an excellent wad but they're long maps and it would probably take me most of the adventure's 2 weeks to go through it.
    3 points
  38. MAP01 NoMo - 0:15.06 - rvh_nights108_01_nomo-00003.zip MAP02 NoMo - 0:09.46 - rvh_nights108_02_nomo-00003.zip MAP03 NoMo - 0:03.34 - rvh_nights108_03_nomo-00002.zip MAP04 NoMo - 0:04.69 - rvh_nights108_04_nomo-00002.zip MAP05 NoMo - 0:32.31 - rvh_nights108_05_nomo.zip MAP06 NoMo - 0:47.86 - rvh_nights108_06_nomo.zip MAP07 NoMo - 0:02.74 - rvh_nights108_07_nomo.zip MAP08 NoMo - 0:12.29 - rvh_nights108_08_nomo-00002.zip MAP09 NoMo - 0:01.26 - rvh_nights108_09_nomo-00004.zip MAP10 NoMo - 2:54.66 - rvh_nights108_10_nomo.zip MAP11 NoMo - 0:07.66 - rvh_nights108_11_nomo.zip MAP12 NoMo - 0:19.71 - rvh_nights108_12_nomo.zip MAP13 NoMo - 0:11.23 - rvh_nights108_13_nomo.zip MAP14 NoMo - 1:49.97 - rvh_nights108_14_nomo.zip MAP16 NoMo - 0:32.54 - rvh_nights108_16_nomo-00002.zip MAP17 NoMo - 0:00.43 - rvh_nights108_17_nomo-00002.zip MAP18 NoMo - 0:01.69 - rvh_nights108_18_nomo.zip MAP19 NoMo - 0:49.14 - rvh_nights108_19_nomo-00002.zip MAP21 NoMo - 0:04.06 - rvh_nights108_21_nomo-00002.zip MAP23 NoMo - 0:05.66 - rvh_nights108_23_nomo-00002.zip MAP25 NoMo - 0:57.29 - rvh_nights108_25_nomo-00016.zip MAP26 NoMo - 0:03.77 - rvh_nights108_26_nomo-00004.zip MAP27 NoMo - 0:05.31 - rvh_nights108_27_nomo.zip MAP28 NoMo - 0:08.57 - rvh_nights108_28_nomo.zip MAP29 NoMo - 0:22.26 - rvh_nights108_29_nomo.zip MAP30 NoMo - 1:09.43 - rvh_nights108_30_nomo.zip MAP31 NoMo - 0:02.57 - rvh_nights108_31_nomo-00002.zip MAP32 NoMo - 4:35.11 - rvh_nights108_32_nomo.zip MAP33 NoMo - 0:03.83 - rvh_nights108_33_nomo-00002.zip MAP34 NoMo - 1:56.29 - rvh_nights108_34_nomo.zip MAP35 NoMo - 0:13.40 - rvh_nights108_35_nomo-00003.zip MAP38 NoMo - 0:10.11 - rvh_nights108_38_nomo.zip MAP40 NoMo - 0:35.46 - rvh_nights108_40_nomo.zip MAP41 NoMo - 1:34.80 - rvh_nights108_41_nomo.zip MAP42 NoMo - 0:05.51 - rvh_nights108_42_nomo.zip MAP43 NoMo - 15:10.51 - rvh_nights108_43_nomo.zip MAP44 NoMo - 1:28.03 - rvh_nights108_44_nomo.zip MAP45 NoMo - 0:11.66 - rvh_nights108_45_nomo.zip MAP46 NoMo - 0:00.86 - rvh_nights108_46_nomo.zip MAP47 NoMo - 0:37.11 - rvh_nights108_47_nomo.zip MAP48 NoMo - 0:01.94 - rvh_nights108_48_nomo.zip MAP49 NoMo - 0:00.89 - rvh_nights108_49_nomo-00003.zip MAP51 NoMo - 0:30.29 - rvh_nights108_51_nomo.zip MAP52 NoMo - 0:06.51 - rvh_nights108_52_nomo.zip
    3 points
  39. I like a combination of all of them. 32 maps in a WAD that all start the same is kinda boring. Gotta mix it up.
    3 points
  40. So, somebody actually loves "The Master Levels", I'm not the only one, lmao. I'll play the demo and look forward for the full thing! =)
    3 points
  41. I always like to see the zombieman underdogs win, so that I can get an easy victory afterwards
    3 points
  42. Textures from casual game Astrobatics. Original: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Cd4n5ak7yocFPA
    3 points
  43. e2m1 max in 1:16.66 e2m1-11666.zip
    3 points
  44. Thanks for the likes folks. Here's another version that I'm still working on. It's obviously not a canon-style Doom monster but I think I might prefer it over my first attempt above. EDIT: To clarify, the baddie comes from Fears by Bomb Software. :)
    3 points
  45. 3 points
  46. https://gitlab.com/NY00123/pango-re Pango is a clone of the arcade game Pengo (note the differing 2nd letter). As in the original game, you play the role of a penguin, named Pango in this clone. Your goal is clearing the field of bees. You can do so by squashing them with blocks. Additionally, you may capture bees after shocking them by kicking nearby walls. For more details, including bonus points, check "How to Play ?" in the game's menu. The original arcade game was released in 1982, from what I can see. The covered DOS version was (probably) released in 1983. The linked repository includes reconstructed assembly sources. It is my assumption that the sources were originally written in assembly, given the lack of an equivalent of C library initialization routines or standard calling conventions. Also, outside of using a call stack for function calls and pushed register values, stack memory does not appear to be used for local variables at all. With the right tools, I could recreate the original executable, byte-by-byte. Namely, these would be The Microsoft MACRO Assembler (MASM) Version 1.10 (5.10 is another option) and the IBM Personal Computer Link Version 1.10. As usual, your mileage may vary. While optional, the Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility (NMAKE) Version 1.00.05 should be useful.
    2 points
  47. I kinda missed when doom became a horror game. or when it got any resemblance to dingdong barter or whatever the heck that other gaem is
    2 points
  48. revenant cause they make funny sounds whoop pssh
    2 points
  49. 2 points
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