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Puzzles and Pieces - 8 Tiny Puzzles for Vanilla
Grain of Salt and 24 others reacted to Christophine Place for a topic
Hello there! Puzzles and Pieces is very small set of monsterless vanilla puzzle maps made by me, and makes use of Patchtex (by Gothic) and plenty of mapping tricks and exploits. Each map is set in a small comfy environment to walk around and solve little brain teasers in. So what's the story of this wad? Well, last night you got home feeling incredibly tired and wanted to immediately go to bed, but oh no you silly sod! You left your door unlocked and now those pesky revenants and hell knights have taken you away, and now you must find your way home. Extra screenshots: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAD INFO: IWAD: DOOM2 Complevel: 2 (Vanilla Doom) New Maps: MAP01-08 Singleplayer: Designed for Co-op/Deathmatch: Player Starts only Known bugs: MAP04 doesn't work in ZDoom derived ports. Please play in Woof or DSDA etc. >>> Download Link <<<25 points -
21 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Xyzzу and 14 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
15 points -
Bloodsport is a 6 map WAD designed specifically for multiplayer deathmatch mode. The maps feature architectures inspired by gothic design elements, vanilla weapons reworked to be much more satisfying and powerful, 21:9 graphic assets and a soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails. Developed upon exclusively by me (with the always appreciated assistance from those I'll later mention in the special thanks), Bloodsport was inspired by WADS like Eternal Doom and GothicDM, and has taken me four months to develop. As mentioned before, it exclusively targets online deathmatch, but can still be enjoyed offline with bots on source ports that support them. Story so far: "Two years have come to pass since the U.A.C. disaster occurred, which left their research and military bases on Phobos in shambles with all of the personnel killed, and Deimos lost completely; its teleportation technology used by the demons to slingshot a full-scale invasion on Earth. Since then, U.A.C. has been reformed, re-establishing their facilities on the moons of Jupiter this time, with their research division based on Callisto and their military bases and facilities on Europa. With the data collected from the invasion, the research team has prepared a virtual training program to help marines at stand-by on Europa familiarize themselves with combat tactics and firearms, a project that has been dubbed "Operation Skulltag". In this training course, marines are put into a simulation, which transports their virtual likings, known as "icons" by the research team into a set of six arenas designed specifically to represent hellish architecture. Marines can engage with each other in these virtualized skirmishes with other marines to improve their tactics, or alternatively, a lone marine is able to practice against computer-based opponents controlled by a central mainframe, with their AI tailored specifically to mimic almost human-like behavior in combat. The research team are in high hopes to see the results of how much this course affect a marine's capabilities, and that they'll be able to withstand against the forces of darkness in case another invasion breaks out in the future." This WAD makes extensive use of DeHackEd Extended, so the source ports that doesn't support it wouldn't be able to run the WAD properly (i.e, Zandronum.) It's been tested on both Crispy Doom and GZDoom, and hasn't exhibited any sort of problems so far. I haven't been able to test it on any other source ports due to time constraints, so please let me know if you come across any bugs. Special Thanks to the following very special people: Devieus - Helped me name quite a few of the maps @elf-alchemist - Playtesting / General feedback Jack Vermont - Assisted with the sounds @Scuba Steve - Gloved fist sprites Ravage - Flamethrower-turned-Rocket launcher sprites @Geqoph - Playtesting / General feedback @LadyMistDragon - Playtesting / General feedback @WorldMachine - Helmet mugshot graphics in his Vanilla Plus wad (don't know who the original author is) Chris .J Roy - Music @Hellbilly - Music This WAD wouldn't have become a reality without the assistance and the resources provided by you people :) thanks Version 1.1 Changelog: Rockets now have an animation. New sounds for BFG's projectile impact and teleportation Overhauled DEHEXTRA's additional actors Bugfixes across the maps New demo files to replace the vanilla ones I came across a handful of oddities in my DEHEXTRA patch and my WAD file the other night as I was reviewing them, and decided to correct them. First oddity was the presence of two SS_START and SS_END lumps. Not sure how'd I end up creating two, but I had one pair removed. Second, I've had created an animation for the rockets in flight, but accidentally forgot to include it. The rockets are now properly animated. Third one is a bit of a botch on my end. When I was adding in new decorative things, I forgot that I could use DEHEXTRA's additional things to create new ones, so I ended up replacing a lot of existing ones like the pillars, lamps, etc. New decoration objects now have their own unique IDs and do not replace anything vanilla. Apart from those, there were some minor bugfixes across all of the maps. BFG 9000 now have new sprites and a new sound for its projectile impact, as well as teleportation, and three new demos recorded to replace the default vanilla ones. The file on ModDB has been updated, but if you're to use Gamebanana, please make sure to download the updated version, titled Bloodsport Version 1.1 Downloads: Download from Gamebanana Download from ModDB9 points
Gentlemen, behold! My map. It will probably be the opening map, although I couldn't resist putting 127 monsters there. Still, it's very forgiving with its pickups and barely any arch-viles. I haven't settled on the name yet, I put one into UMAPINFO, but I'm having second thoughts. MIDI is Shoot the Pianist by stewboy. It has difficulty and everything, I would appreciate playtesting, bug reports and other feedback. Edit: And screenshot has a slime trail, of course. I'll hunt it down later, no need to re-upload just for this. Update: Quickly monsterproofed the edges of the map to keep cacos from floating too far and changed heights of some stuff at the gas station to improve visibility. May or may not have fixed at least some slime trails. waterfront_v3.zip9 points
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Xyzzу and 8 others reacted to DynamiteKaitorn for a topic
Decided to name my upcoming DooM project thing: Let The Bunny Sleep!9 points -
GAYhem 2024 - The (Gender)Queer Doomer's Community Project! (Recruiting)
doomunmaker23 and 7 others reacted to 8088mph for a topic
This is a community project created to celebrate the LGBTQ+ Doom community. The aim is to create a full 32-map megawad celebrating (Gender)Queer Doom mappers and modders for helping build the Doom community as we know it today. Inspired by this topic. CREDITS OTEX by ukiro 32in24-15tex by the 32in24 team JackDBS for fixing resource wad our mappers :3 Join our discord server!: https://discord.gg/dCvGgFwgnd Use the MBF21: Doom 2 format. (UMAPINFO skies encouraged) Use Gaytex (linked in discord) Custom music files (midi, mp3, ogg, mod) are allowed. Design a complete map, with secrets, difficulty flags, and multiplayer starts. Mappers are allowed to make multiple maps. Maps should be possible as a pistol-start Anything you say can be interpreted as the worst possible message, so be careful about anything negative you have to say, as it can and will be misinterpreted as hateful. EXAMPLES: Instead of saying "strange" you should say "This looks like a unique community project!" If you're playtesting any of the maps, give solid advice, instead of saying "This map sucks." No hate allowed towards the LGBTQIA+ community please!8 points -
My House.. Actually - Tiny DOOM II map
ipaqmaster and 7 others reacted to retzilience for a topic
Very cool. That would do for a nice community megawad, just actual people houses.8 points -
"My House.. Actually" This is a map for DOOM II containing a small rendition of my house in DOOM. No, it isn't the mind-bending, reality-warping WAD of the same name. Just my house. But anyways, I put this together pretty quick. Its a pretty small map, so don't expect anything beautiful. Format: DOOM 2 Tested in: GZDoom, PrBoom+ More info in the README.txt file. Download "My House.. Actually"7 points
Share Your Sprites!
ChopBlock223 and 6 others reacted to Taw Tu'lki for a topic
From casual game Spacetripper https://disk.yandex.ru/d/-2lmWzDhHQ5MMg7 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Gothic Box and 5 others reacted to NoOne for a topic
6 points -
Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]
Bryan T and 5 others reacted to El Juancho for a topic
Bro is having an aneurysm for trying to press 2 keys at once6 points -
Post your Doom textures!
Walter confetti and 5 others reacted to Snaxalotl for a topic
Another Sky for my collection6 points -
Pride themed wads?
BetelgeuseSupergiant and 4 others reacted to DoomGappy for a topic
This is map31 from Fore/vr/ Alone. I think it's pretty.5 points -
Okay, hopefully this is the last version. Only updating this if a softlock or graphical glitch its found, otherwise after some time ill be uploading this to idgames. Credits to taviow and stxvile for playing through map05 fully and finding bunch of clunky things and for general feedback. RC4 Map05 changes:5 points
SINERGY - A Vanilla Ultimate Doom Megawad - Now on idgames!
Searcher and 4 others reacted to RaRu Des2122 for a topic
Today are presented: E1M6: Sinister Complex E1M7: Ghost Mountain E1M8: The Haunting of Hilltown *** *** The white cliffs that spread everywhere on this map make me associate more with the second episode than with the first. Perhaps we are witnessing a smooth transition from one of them to the other... By the way, on the next map the attributes of the second episode are also presented in large numbers and will naturally rush at us! :)) *** A very hot final battle in which it is highly discouraged to keep the BFG9000 in the backpack!5 points -
Liminal Doom 2 [RC4]
Demon of the Well and 3 others reacted to dashlet for a topic
Liminal Doom 2: Crossing The Threshold is a set of seven MBF21 maps that are themed around the liminal space aesthetic. With a more elaborated and ambitious scope compared to its prequel, these maps hopefully will offer a different and unique experience. Each map has a different kind of atmosphere and purpose, and high attention was put into balancing the high energy gameplay moments with the quiet ones. Combat varies a lot in terms of encounters and enemy placement, and progression its mostly non linear with an emphasis on exploration and resource starvation if you are playing on UV. I recommend playing map05 on normal difficulty for blind playthroughs. There are two bonus maps on slot 31 and 32. All maps were tested using DSDA Doom. Credits to Lhyntel, Ribbiks and MasterMedi for playtesting. Download: LDOOM2.zip More screenshots:4 points -
Eureka fountains [MBF21]
Michael63 and 3 others reacted to RataUnderground for a topic
Eureka Fountains This is a map I started last week to test if I was able to map in Eureka. The result of the experiment was frustrating to say the least, as this editor lacks many of the tools I'm used to in the Ultimate Doom builder. But finally and by fixing some of the problems I had in UDB, I have finished it. Lost in another place, in another time... The fountains of Eureka were a citadel that could only be accessed through portals. An MBF21 map no longer than 15 minutes of gameplay, full of secrets, panoramic views and with some lethal moments. I hope you enjoy it. The music is a midi version of one of the tracks from Unreal Tournament 99'. All the new textures have been made by me. Additionally, the map contains spawn points for up to four players in cooperative mode, extra monsters and ammo, and an arena specially made for deathmatch. Have fun! Format: MBF21 Testing done in: Nugget Doom, DSDA Edit: New versión! some fixes and changes added in v2.0! Download: https://mega.nz/file/EbJBQYSY#6epYUreEJQH7fnGCp-bmsT86HIjCy9kkiBZ_GExVp60 Screenshots:4 points -
Dimensions demos [-complevel 9]
El Juancho and 3 others reacted to Crusador560 for a topic
map01 max in 11:50 map31 max in 3:37 dmn01m1150.zip dmn31m337.zip4 points -
Inscryption Card game with a twist. If you thought myhouse.wad was wild, you've seen nothing yet.4 points
I have now started Doom mapping for Ultimate Doom
97th Century Fox and 3 others reacted to Cadman for a topic
Putting some final touches on the map to ensure it's playability. Been playtesting it extensively, so far so good. Adding some details here and there and then I'll be uploading it for your enjoyment. Wanna make sure it's right, it's just an old habit of mine from my old TeamTNT days! You'll see it soon! BTW, I've already started an a second map as well. Cadman - Member TeamTNT / Doom2 Grandmaster DHT5 Standards4 points -
UV-Max Clarification for an Existing Map
DoomGappy and 3 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
the pain elemental is now officially named Zeromaster4 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
knifeworld and 3 others reacted to Jaska for a topic
Thanks, nice to hear! Yes, I'm working on something but it's sloow. I'll keep that in mind!4 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Broadsword Jim and 3 others reacted to LegendaryEevee for a topic
You're Lost Civilization WAD is still one of my favorites ever made so far! Are you working on a new one? If so let me know if you want any Playtesting or Advertising for it. You do outstanding work my friend!4 points -
Hardfest 2 demos [-complevel 9]
Monsieur E and 3 others reacted to Orii for a topic
Map21 UVMax in 1:58 Zip: hf221m158.zip Video: https://youtu.be/bDhrPoDI0YY?si=Au_r3CzEx3wPSZ07 Map25 UVMax in 5:26 Zip: hf225m526.zip Video: https://youtu.be/aHRzvXDlkzg?si=M5787QBhd5TOgAKO4 points -
Antiquated Extraterrestrials - a NEW 12-Map Zandronum:UDMF Deathmatch Pack
Berubaretto and 3 others reacted to Arrowhead for a topic
***DOWNLOAD LINK***: https://www.mediafire.com/file/odbic0rfrtdyzpb/AntiquatedExtraterrestrialsv1.zip/file What is Antiquated Extraterrestrials? Antiquated Extraterrestrials is a 12-map deathmatch pack that is primarily FFA focused. I aimed for 4-8+ player FFA style gameplay, but duels work just fine in this pack also. The maps are around the same size as those found in the previous set, Frantik DM 3. Some 'advanced' features are utilized in this pack, such as 3D floors, sector-linked 3D floors, slopes, jump-pads, and no-stop teleporters. This pack has levels that take place in many different colorful locations. Each map has been designed to give a diverse variety of gameplay styles to choose from - each map should feel like a different experience; at least, this was my goal w/ this set. Location themes are similar to what can be expected from Ancient Aliens, as this of course uses the Ancient Aliens resources pack and pallete. You can expect to encounter many sci-fi styled levels, ranging from space-bases, to a futuristic temple set in a canyon, to even ancient Egypt! I started this set a couple weeks ago, as I really wanted to try working w/ some new texture packs! Specifications: MAP LIST: TITLEPIC by @4MaTC : Here is a screenshot from each of the dozen levels in this pack: Nebula Center: Sandy Sanctuary: Galaxy Base: Hazard Havoc: Fray: Redux (a thematic re-make of FDM1's MAP25) Molten Murder: Supernova Station: Null Frontier: Teal Temple: Dynamo Engine: Deepest Space: Pulsar Plaza: Thanks so much to everyone who gave me feedback and encouragement along the way - including those of you that follow my statuses, hang around my Discord, or check my stuff out in the 'what are you working on' thread. Very much appreciated! Thanks to @DoomGappy for suggesting MAP10's color scheme, and @AshtralFiend for suggesting MAP12's color scheme. Thanks to all the MIDI composers, as well as my brother, guardianz13, for all the playtime he did in these maps w/ me. Thanks to @SkeletronMK667 for seeing some areas that should have definitely been set to 'impassable', big help. Please see the attached readme, for ALL other credits - this includes credits for the MIDIs used, the skies used, the Realm667 weapon I modified, the sounds I used, and my playtesters! Upcoming Projects: But yeah, had to get this released - I'm gonna try to have things sit on my hard drive less, and get things released in a more efficient fashion! As w/ all of my releases, if you notice an issue, or bug, ping me here, and I will quickly resolve it. ***DOWNLOAD LINK***: https://www.mediafire.com/file/odbic0rfrtdyzpb/AntiquatedExtraterrestrialsv1.zip/file :D4 points -
No worries, I've done it already :)4 points
The Doom Wiki and/or ZDoom Wiki are probably good places for an overview and links to other resources.4 points
Phobos AEternum - Add some spice to Your Vanilla Experience!
whybmonotacrab and 2 others reacted to Average for a topic
Eternal Doomguy is back on the job facing FEAR EVERLASTING. It's a dark and grimy graphic and sound featuring music created by BouncyTEM. Evoking the atmosphere of Doom 64 and Doom 3, the gameplay remains the same but the mood is much more brooding and oppressive. Embrace your inner emo! Essentially a compilation of the hard work of others with lots of edits, tweaks and bits and pieces by me. I wanted to make something that worked with my favourite maps and WAD's but gave everything a fresh coat of paint. Let's face it, vanilla Doom is awesome but it can get a bit boring to look at after a couple of decades! Download here: https://mega.nz/file/AbsxmJJR#tSXh_AWsOcsZu6_6qu79WIxuBtF7p2C3nLLPYIRxVJI Bonus dehacked tweak that adds smoother flowing liquid falls and a double punch which makes the Eternal Doomguy's punch a bit more useful. It doesn't break anything as far as I'm aware but I've kept it separate for those who prefer a wholly vanilla experience though I do recommend it for the full vibe of the mod. :) https://mega.nz/file/wWERiDYA#qmgOJnx6llI8lJBKdEh_dYFytROoVQa72cs8xCB-bFY CREDITS: The Freedoom guys - Textures Team Eternal - HUD elements and player sounds Midway - Weapon sprites Cascade - Elec Amuscaria - Monsters and loads of bits and pieces Ben2k9, mattbratt11, Ganbare-Lucifer - Cyber Hellknight Sprite Edits Vader - Caco sprites Melvinflynt - Flesh Wizard Captain Toenail - Forgotten One Sprite Edit NMN - Various sprites Jimmy - Square font BouncyTEM and Aubrey Hodges - Music Me (Average) - Lots of sprites, textures and edits of the above credited work, brightmaps, dehacked and compilation. If I've missed anyone please let me know. It'll work in any port as there are no code changes but for best results I strongly recommend Woof! or Nugget-Doom as I have created lots of brightmaps specifically for them. I recommend you load it first to avoid any graphical conflicts with other mods and WAD's (I actually have it in my Woof! autoload folder and it hasn't caused my any issues.) This is my first proper project and I'm pretty pleased with it. I hope someone has fun with it. :)3 points -
New Map. Military Station.
BunnyBun and 2 others reacted to neubejiita for a topic
I have created another Doom map, this time for Ultimate Doom E3M1. This map is focused more on action rather than huge empty areas, this should be a fun map to play. This map requires Boom to work, this is less open but still fun, the navigation is more clear and there is more verticality in the last areas of the map when it transitions from tech base to hell. Download: https://securitronlinux.com/doomstuff/helix.zip3 points -
Pride themed wads?
8088mph and 2 others reacted to Logamuffin for a topic
Pride Month is fast approaching and I was wondering if there are any pride/LGBTQ themed Doom wads that y'all would recommend? I know the Doom community has a lot of queer/trans members (at least from what I've seen), so I'm hoping for some wads that reflect that, with rainbows and bright pride flag-like colors hopefully. I googled, but I haven't been able to find much, but I'm hoping for some I swear, if there hasn't been a pride themed community project already, someone needs to get on that.3 points -
Pride themed wads?
Toxisploder and 2 others reacted to WASFDDDDD for a topic
I don't really like the tradition of slapping rainbows on everything during Pride Month. It's just the kind of thing executives do to appeal to people like me, without really understanding or caring about the meaning behind it. The colors on the pride flag mean something, the colors plastered on the Apple logo from June 1st to July 1st do not That's just a personal preference though, I understand there are people who do that genuinely I always just thought that generally being accepting was enough. No one should feel forced to make a big show out of something if they're not passionate about it, and honestly it's usually better to let us tell our own stories anyways. Then you'll have more time to tell yours3 points -
Cacowards 2024 Mentionation Thread
ctwoafiveb and 2 others reacted to TheGreenZap for a topic
I would like to nominate Frantik DM 3 by Arrowhead. Great DM layouts, beautiful maps, and smooth game play. The music is really good as well.3 points -
Obscure Games That Deserve More Attention?
SirPootis and 2 others reacted to Skullzrawk9 for a topic
Squirrel Stapler is a short, surreal horror game. It’s created by David Szymanski, who also made Dusk, Iron Lung, and Gloomwood. The game is based around quietly hunting squirrels in a forest and stapling them to your wife who may or may not be dead. Also, God is coming in 5 days. Cruelty Squad is an immersive sim that is also surreal and is known for its strange, psychedelic graphics and wonky controls. If you can get past its deliberate assault on the senses, strange control scheme, and poor balance, it’s a genuinely fun shooter, with a wide variety of character upgrades (some are useless jokes, others are powerful enough to break the game), off-the-walls story, and fully interactive stock market (which fluctuates based on actions you take throughout).3 points -
[Community Project] VANITY
Searcher and 2 others reacted to BlazingStarlight for a topic
As you can see, it's still a work in progress, but I assure you that I'm going to give my all for this map. I tried to do something a little different but still in the theme of the chapter. So the idea is that after passing through facilities and parts of a city consumed by magma, the player arrives at an area where he must pass through a cathedral to continue. The idea is that in some areas the cathedral is collapsed and the player has to advance through the exterior which continues the concept of complexes consumed by lava and melting technology. I don't know if you like the idea, if not, I can redo it from the beginning. Tell me what you think.3 points -
A town/city hub map with people's houses, that would be cool!3 points
I started a new Doom Commentary Channel!
lokbustam257 and 2 others reacted to BunnyBun for a topic
Thank you! Its been fun so far! I like doing this for the interaction with the community, the comments, as well as learning about new map makers and their work! Makes me feel connected to this community haha.3 points -
🇵🇱 Polish Community Project - Public Release!
Zalewa and 2 others reacted to princetontiger for a topic
Thank you so much for uploading this excellent mapset to idgames.... I've enjoyed the heck out of the first four maps. Despite a low monster count, they pack a punch! Excited to play the rest over the next couple days.3 points -
big mysterious levels I can fail at in a variety of ways and return for another attempt the next time I think of it mega anti-magnum opuses n stuff3 points
Get a job. Preferably one that is outdoors and physical enough that you actually get tired. You clearly don't actually need the money so you could work on literally any farm and get paid in vegetables. I won't tell you the purpose of life but I can tell you that the purpose of your body is not to just hold up your brain while you think about nothing all day. Also, when you learn first-hand the energy it takes to create your food, you might gain a better appreciation for just being able to eat.3 points
It was completed in December, so it's an appropriate mentionation for the current award cycle.3 points
What is your favorite types of Maps ?
LamaRoux34 and 2 others reacted to Doom Wads for a topic
Like not big maps, about 10 minutes of gameplay, mostly technobases hehe. Love when author try to do some experiments in the map, maybe some new kind of gameplay or interesting gimmick. And I really hate mandatory long platforming sections. I even love grind type wads from time to time. That's why I beat half of Grindfest.3 points -
A little test with horror atmosphere around march last year.3 points
My House.. Actually - Tiny DOOM II map
LOD42 and 2 others reacted to DoctorNuriel for a topic
OurHouse.wad3 points -
MAYhem 2024 - EXEMPLARY CADAVER (Compiling mode engaged, please stand by)
Walter confetti and 2 others reacted to Obsidian for a topic
FINAL ROUND FIGHT! ...not really, heh. Here's your last four mappers! @Boss @Salmon @DoctorNuriel @NeedHealth Check your DMs for details and your 48 hours starts about now. If you aren't able to contribute for any reason, please let me know as soon as possible so I can organize a replacement before the month is out!3 points -
MAP01 Tyson in 6:20.20 tqc01t620.zip3 points
Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}
Geniraul and 2 others reacted to elbuengonzo for a topic
map22 pacifist in 15.20s ap22p1520.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSwn46j8cxM ----------------------- map23 pacifist in 13.37s ap23p1337.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PapecjSLIQc ----------------------- map24 pacifist in 35s ap24p3549.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nynj6W8VlPs ----------------------- map25 pacifist in 17.06s ap25p1706.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVBeJQhavg0 ----------------------- map27 pacifist in 37s ap27p3771.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNZ4CWOb5Xs ----------------------- map28 pacifist in 17s ap28p1780.zip https://youtu.be/LLTHMooMsmQ3 points -
Share Your Sprites!
ChopBlock223 and 2 others reacted to Mach 7 for a topic
3 points