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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/24 in all areas

  1. Imitation is the unironic-est form of flattery. Little Italo is a tribute wad featuring ten maps each from @raddicted and myself. Generally these maps are a little shorter or easier than the original's, but don't expect a beginner-friendly wad... these are still challenge maps directly inspired by Italo Doom's general philosophy. Odd-numbered maps authored by raddicted Even-numbered maps authored by lunchlunch Screenshots - Many thanks to our playtesters: @Arbys550, @knifeworld, @RedBoule, @suzerduzer, @Xulgonoth, @besus, and @Meowgi Download - LittleItaloRC1.zip
    47 points
  2. This is a community project created to celebrate the LGBTQ+ Doom community. The aim is to create a full 32-map megawad celebrating (Gender)Queer Doom mappers and modders for helping build the Doom community as we know it today. Inspired by this topic. CREDITS OTEX by ukiro 32in24-15tex by the 32in24 team JackDBS for fixing resource wad our mappers :3 Join our discord server!: https://discord.gg/dCvGgFwgnd Use the MBF21: Doom 2 format. (UMAPINFO skies encouraged) Use Gaytex (linked in discord) Custom music files (midi, mp3, ogg, mod) are allowed. Design a complete map, with secrets, difficulty flags, and multiplayer starts. Mappers are allowed to make multiple maps. Maps should be possible as a pistol-start Anything you say can be interpreted as the worst possible message, so be careful about anything negative you have to say, as it can and will be misinterpreted as hateful. EXAMPLES: Instead of saying "strange" you should say "This looks like a unique community project!" If you're playtesting any of the maps, give solid advice, instead of saying "This map sucks." No hate allowed towards the LGBTQIA+ community please!
    36 points
  3. 24 points
  4. Spectrum Descent is an MBF21-compatible project with a colorful, gothic aesthetic by The Afternoon Crew, led by Ludi. The wad features a fully bespoke soundtrack, lots of custom textures, and a wide variety of gameplay styles. >>>>>>>>HERE!<<<<<<<< Soundtrack on Bandcamp OTHER AFTERNOON CREW WADS
    19 points
  5. Hello there! Puzzles and Pieces is very small set of monsterless vanilla puzzle maps made by me, and makes use of Patchtex (by Gothic) and plenty of mapping tricks and exploits. Each map is set in a small comfy environment to walk around and solve little brain teasers in. So what's the story of this wad? Well, last night you got home feeling incredibly tired and wanted to immediately go to bed, but oh no you silly sod! You left your door unlocked and now those pesky revenants and hell knights have taken you away, and now you must find your way home. Extra screenshots: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAD INFO: IWAD: DOOM2 Complevel: 2 (Vanilla Doom) New Maps: MAP01-08 Singleplayer: Designed for Co-op/Deathmatch: Player Starts only Known bugs: MAP04 doesn't work in ZDoom derived ports. Please play in Woof or DSDA etc. >>> Download Link <<<
    17 points
  6. Nobody "bashed" you, just pointed out that this isn't a discovery and has been documented on the wiki. Furthermore, it's just a secret in the video game DooM II by id software.
    17 points
  7. It's with a great deal of excitement and relief that I present to you Episode 3 of Phobos: https://www.moddb.com/mods/phobos/downloads/phobos-episode-3-v30 I'm more proud of this episode than either of our first two releases, as I think it represents significant advancements from all of us in terms of level and combat design, visuals, story-telling, atmosphere and pacing. There is a tremendous amount of new content in here, and even some old stuff that had been placed on the backburner for years. For me, this episode represents some of the hardest work I've ever done in my life---scarcely a day has passed in the last 3 1/2+ years since our Episode 2 release that I haven't worked on one aspect of this project or another, and I think the same could likely be said for my team mates. The beginning of 2024 in particular has marked a period of constant work and relentlessly stringent testing. This isn't to say there aren't still bugs in this release, but I'm confident that those who've enjoyed our past work will love this even more. I hold a great deal of satisfaction now that it's finally out, and that we all can present it to a community as creative, innovative and inspiring as the Doom community. Personally, it's an honor for me to give something back to the community that has given me so many countless hours of gaming enjoyment over so many years, and undoubtedly has many more of the same to give. Have fun.
    16 points
  8. Gonna say this once and once only. Any further off topic shittery will result in action being taken against disruptive people.
    15 points
  9. It's been known that you can trigger the secret by saving and loading (it's documented on the wiki); Zero Master's trick is significant because it enables triggering the secret in a demo recording, which does not allow for saving/loading.
    14 points
  10. Heh, if anything this is the project to ditch conservative limits and go hog wild!
    13 points
  11. Nobody's throwing you down for it--it's cool you discovered this on your own--the only point is that this is a known thing. Also that a demo is not a screen capture--a screen capture is a recorded video that just captures the monitor output, a demo is a Doom-specific file that can only be played back by the game engine itself by way of some sorcery. The distinction is mostly relevant for "formal" runs and records and such.
    12 points
  12. Decided to mess around w/ Greenwar2Tex today on a whim. Lots of nice natural tones in that set, so I made a kinda waterlogged, grimy base! I might make a couple more maps w/ this, or I might just rattle this off, and move on to something else. Remains to be seen. Unnamed Greenwar2Tex Pack?: MAP01: Grimy Base: It's Zandronum:UDMF, and I've added a R667 railgun, too. :D
    12 points
  13. More nature.
    12 points
  14. If this is how you react to mild "pushback" about a secret everyone knows about then I have absolutely no idea how you manage to handle a Youtube channel in the first place.
    11 points
  15. Eureka Fountains This is a map I started last week to test if I was able to map in Eureka. The result of the experiment was frustrating to say the least, as this editor lacks many of the tools I'm used to in the Ultimate Doom builder. But finally and by fixing some of the problems I had in UDB, I have finished it. Lost in another place, in another time... The fountains of Eureka were a citadel that could only be accessed through portals. An MBF21 map no longer than 15 minutes of gameplay, full of secrets, panoramic views and with some lethal moments. I hope you enjoy it. The music is a midi version of one of the tracks from Unreal Tournament 99'. All the new textures have been made by me. Additionally, the map contains spawn points for up to four players in cooperative mode, extra monsters and ammo, and an arena specially made for deathmatch. Have fun! Format: MBF21 Testing done in: Nugget Doom, DSDA Edit: New versión! some fixes and changes added in v2.0! Download: https://mega.nz/file/EbJBQYSY#6epYUreEJQH7fnGCp-bmsT86HIjCy9kkiBZ_GExVp60 Screenshots:
    10 points
  16. Sorry but this doesn't make sense. You've been playing this game since 1994, and you had so much interest in this secret that you finally accidentally stumbled upon the "right" way of doing it, but between 1994 and the creation of this thread, you never bothered to search for "Doom2 map15 secret"?
    9 points
  17. Commissioned by TiberiumSoul Free to use Rest in peace
    9 points
  18. Demos in Doom don't and can't maintain the effects of loading a save. DSDA does not change this, and if it did it wouldn't be accepted or compatible. The reason why loading a save allows triggering the secret is because the save forgets exactly what sectors you're standing and drops you in the hole as it no longer sees the edge you're standing on. However a demo is just a continuous series of player inputs it doesn't know how to load a save, and there's no action to record your sectors being forgotten, it simply isn't in the template. Essentially demos are only ever technically single segment, even if an alternate tool allows recording the demo in different segments. Speedrunning rules for vanilla are rather set in stone, so any modification of the above would be void.
    8 points
  19. Hey! 🤗 Sad to hear that the project decided not to go with conservative vanilla limits, but come on, it didn't have to. I wish everyone involved good luck and all the best. You can do it! 💗
    7 points
  20. Sure this thing gained high popularity really fast! Good luck with the project, the premises are interesting! If this project also had neurodivergent awareness aspects over the LGBT ones, it could be cool to make a Autistic Pride map! Otherwise, i can try to do a speedmap with these themes, but in reality i really don't know if i can do It in time.
    7 points
  21. In case someone stumbling across this thread is genuinely wondering what a non-rainbow-y LGBTQ+ tribute map might look like, check out Eviternity MAP26.
    7 points
  22. D2 personal wad (Coração Preto)
    7 points
  23. Screenshots look incredible! Bloo told me about this recently - I love all the colors, I'll have to try it out! Congrats on your release! :)
    6 points
  24. Yes, I just got finished cleaning this up, a few posts with relatively on-topic messages ended up getting canned too since they also contained replies related to the mess but it was nothing important. Onward with mapmaking!
    6 points
  25. just ignore them, damn. do people these days really not understand that feeding the troll makes them even worse? anyways, i'll join up for this.
    6 points
  26. This is lovely! Even better as a vanilla-compatible project! s2 I'm discovering myself as a non-binary lately. Unfortunaly I'm too busy to enter on a community project right now (but I wish the best of luck on this)
    6 points
  27. Started another set of maps following on from my first megawad. Currently on map 5, as of yet no title. My first megawad [Spacial Doom] can be found here:-
    6 points
  28. This is by far the project I'm the most proud of associating with. It's an absolute killer WAD in every sense, and I'm indebted to @Ludi for allowing me to shake off my multi-decade mapper's block and make something I can have pride in. Congrats to the rest of the team!
    5 points
  29. Congrats on the release, played e1 before release and had a good time.
    5 points
  30. 5 points
  31. Take none of what I say here as definitive, as I wasn't involved nor do I have direct word from any people who were, but my understanding of the situation has always been that Aliens Quake (and other Quake mods that suffered a similar fate) was somewhat of a "wrong place, wrong time" type of deal where A) while early Doom modding was kind of a "gamer thing" that wasn't that well known outside of the scene, Quake was sort of in the spotlight and there was real concern among companies that user mods would compete with official products, and B) there was, in fact, such a product either recently released or in the works (that probably being Alien Trilogy?) so the legal teams were extra twitchy about it. If they were aware of the Doom mod at that time, they probably ignored it as old news and old tech, not worth stomping on when it had already been in circulation for a few years at that point. I do believe there were some Doom mods back in the day (specifically a Beavis & Butt-Head one?) that got hammered down similarly, but I'm vague on those details, maybe someone can fill me in. I think it was a similar case with the notorious "Beyond Wolfenstein" mod of Wolf3D as well that happened to be on time to attract ire right around when Return to Castle Wolfenstein was coming out. Theoretically, any TC based on a corporate franchise could suffer a similar takedown, but in most cases companies either aren't aware or have weighed the possible negative backlash as not worth what they'd gain out of it. It sometimes seems rather arbitrary what attracts that sort of attention and when.
    5 points
  32. I mean, the capitalization and tagging a bunch of people sound like a new thing to discover, but in reality, you don't know what's a demo, which is fine. However, when people pointed out this is known and can't work with a demo, then your attitude is like "I DO NOT DO SPEEDRUNS. I do not care about being the fastest", which is... a bit strange. I don't see how Shepardus throws you down by simply letting you know the fact.
    5 points
  33. Notes: - Avocado smoothie softlock after blue key switch, can run into back area with no way of getting out - Euro Sleaze: SSG would be nice :D, and crusher on first cyber - softlock in Total Douche Favorite Maps: - Avocado Smoothie - Euro-Sleaze - Pistol Gangbang - Dont Faze Me Bro - Absolutely Not - God is Deadass - Blow and Foreign Banknotes (Best map title, best map in the set, best music in set, prettiest map) - Mia Khalimba Overall it feels almost exactly like Italo, great job on making it feel like Italo DLC. Loved a lot of the transforming geometry, and reuse of space and the super low and small linedef counts on some maps.
    5 points
  34. @obake @Berubaretto @tonytheparrot @Dewzan I'm not avoiding your map, I just don't have the time to wrestle with a 1400+ demon-infested slaughtermap at this time. I'll try and tackle it over the weekend for ya.
    5 points
  35. I will actually play this
    5 points
  36. Should have read the Wiki first (although to be fair I probably would not have known to check the Wiki either).
    5 points
  37. Making good progress on MAP24 - should be done in a week.
    5 points
  38. kgsws

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    I have not seen this animated yet. This is related to https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Picture_format It also shows how doom does not store transparent pixels at all.
    5 points
  39. This was an incredible time to work on, I am impressed with what we managed to come out with! Nice work to everyone who had contributed to this project, you all did very well! :)
    4 points
  40. This was so fun to work on. everyone was awesome to work with!
    4 points
  41. Not released so it doesn't really count, left in limbo because of the strain it took on my rig (to the point of being too laggy to work with, with 1fps ingame). Current stats are for Part 1 and 2 of the same UDMF map, it got too laggy so I had to split it up for future work.
    4 points
  42. Finally got around to MAP03: My favourite of the maps so far. At least for me, it feels like a good level of difficulty. And there's a lot of really nice detailing/doomcute. I love the desk with the note and cup of blood(?). Also, nice sector hatchet in the top right. And dead marine for dinner. Yum. The big door in the first room can only be opened one direction because the linedefs on the other side are facing the wrong way: Maybe some indication that there are, in fact, three doors that need opening to get to the exit. The red key was the last one I got in my playthrough, and I had no idea that you were required to get the other keys to exit. I was very confused as to what the switches were doing. Is this intended to be climbable? Because it is. It feels like if this is climbable, then there should be something up there, otherwise, it should probably just be blocked off. Also, there's a missing texture. I love this bit of detailing so much. Really evocative and ominous. Looking in UDB though, there's a cage in there with a pool of blood - which seems impossible (or incredibly hard) to see. So, I guess move the crate into the light a bit, or adjust the lighting around the cage. Was the SLIME floor in the exit segment (bottom right) supposed to be damaging? It kinda feels like it should be, but it isn't. Also in that segment, a little sliver of missing texture on the railing:
    4 points
  43. Kinetic

    4 points
  44. Well played, I've enjoyed reading your feedback and watching how you tackle certain situations. I especially like that you saved the BFG for the last level as that was the intention when I put it there, to reward players who are doing a single playthroughs Looking forward to Episode 2!
    4 points
  45. Hi, I make some gay wads
    4 points
  46. map01 max in 3:16 map02 max in 1:06 map03 max in 1:13 map04 max in 1:00 map05 max in 2:48 map06 max in 2:52 map07 max in 2:04 map10 max in 4:22 map11 max in 1:59 (Reality) map12 max in 2:10 map13 max in 3:15 map14 max in 2:26 map17 max in 0:03 (Reality) map18 max in 0:32 map19 max in 1:06 rvh01m316.zip rvh02m106.zip rvh03m113.zip rvh04m100.zip rvh05m248.zip rvh06m252.zip rvh07m204.zip rvh10m422.zip rvh11m159.zip rvh12m210.zip rvh13m315.zip rvh14m226.zip rvh17m003.zip rvh18m032.zip rvh19m106.zip
    4 points
  47. I suppose it would just be faster to put a copy of them here, then to try and find the original spot CaptainToenail put them in. Both made by CaptainToenail.
    4 points
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