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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/24 in all areas

  1. Spectrum Descent is an MBF21-compatible project with a colorful, gothic aesthetic by The Afternoon Crew, led by Ludi. The wad features a fully bespoke soundtrack, lots of custom textures, and a wide variety of gameplay styles. >>>>>>>>HERE!<<<<<<<< Soundtrack on Bandcamp OTHER AFTERNOON CREW WADS
    51 points
  2. Slowly working on a map submission for "Tropic Hell" community project
    19 points
  3. Nothing is left. Nothing but single-segment. This run beats Okuplok's slaughter map and its 23 thousand monsters in 7 hours on Ultra-Violence while using nothing but ONE save-state. This double segment completion was over 4 times harder than the ITYTD run; and incorporates several different strategies due to the fact that ammo is halved, and damage is doubled. Segment 1 from the start until the Archie Condo (hardest segment because of length) Segment 2 from the Archie Condo until the exit (hardest fights are here, but it's shorter) I still don't know if I'll get the single-segment before my patience runs out. But even if I do get it, I hope this 2-segment video is entertaining to watch in the meantime. Enjoy. Happy Facerockets. oku2seg.zip
    19 points
  4. Hi guys! I'm very happy to announce today two great special guests who are part of the Amalgoom project. They're two people I never imagined I'd be working with, and I'm as thrilled as ever to share that they're part of this crazy journey. The first is Dial-up For Murder (@dial-up), a fabulous artist who has composed songs for projects such as Eviternity, Atonement, Sign of Torment, among many others. I've done a lot of mapping listening to his songs, and for me it's incredible to be able to say that we're going to launch a project that he is part of. Check out Dial Up's website and available albums here: https://dialupformurder.bandcamp.com/ Finally, I'm immensely honored to announce that the music for map 30 has been done by Lee Jackson (@leejacksonaudio). Yes, Lee Jackson himself. The guy. However, given the circumstances that Lee is going through, this will be the only OGG song on the project, and it's being done in partnership with the my dear friend @minimedals, member and talented composer of the Amalgoom project, who is receiving the proper guidance from our dear Lee. That being said, the music for map 30 is a remix of the songs "Facing the Spider" and "Opening to Hell" with Lee Jackson's song "Planet Forbidden" - a discarded track from Duke Nukem Forever based on the 1956 movie Forbidden Planet, the first film to have a completely electronic soundtrack, and which also served as inspiration for our map 30, “Monsters from the id”. I can already tell you that the composition is coming along beautifully and will bring Amalgoom to a fitting, beautiful close. Support the composer of our childhood soundtrack by buying his material here: https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com/music/ (Off topic, but please! Also listen to the magnificent arrangement he recently did of Anton Bruckner. Listen with the lights off, eyes closed, and the volume up: it's magnificent). We still have some amazing new announcements to make in the future, but that's it for now. We look forward to sharing what's next with you. Cheers to everyone who has been following the project. Now, the end is near!
    19 points
  5. METAL DRAGON is a 5 map episode for doom2.wad using primarily metallic and industrial textures sourced from otex with some relatively difficult, but not extremely intense gameplay. The music is also my first complete soundtrack for a wad so far, so I hope you like it. I made this set as a quick derust and also wanted to get something out on my birthday :) Let me know if anything catastrophically horrible occurs, if not, this should be finalish. This wad uses UMAPINFO, tested with dsda-doom in software mode. Build time is 7 days total. DOWNLOAD :: METLDRGN.zip !! This wad is limit-removing, which means intercepts overflow and others should be disabled !! Load in dsda-doom, like this: -iwad doom2.wad -complevel 2 -file METLDRGN.WAD Honorific Titles Metal Dragon Warrior (pantheon) Complete the game without dying a single time (UV) Metal Dragon Hero Complete the game with fast monsters enabled without dying a single time (UV) Metal Dragon Champion (pantheon) (mmjp08) Complete the game with all monsters dead and all secrets found (UV) Special Operation Kill every monster in the game with fist, pistol, and chainsaw only. No other weapons allowed (UV) Covert Operation Complete the game in less than 5 minutes (UV) Sloppy D2ALL UV Speed in 4:41 Other possibly interesting wads: Existential Dread (2022) A War On Christmas (2022) I Hate Slaughter (2023) Autophagy (2023) PLUTORIUM (wip) The Delirium Dimension (2023) A War On Christmas: Part 2 (2023) Chex Quest: The Penultimate Breakfast (2023) 24TIMEBOM.WAD (2024)
    17 points
  6. I DID IT I'll need a bit of a breather before I can get stuck into tweaking the maps for a proper release candidate, but I will at least try to get a rough beta of MAP04 out in the next couple of days. Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, we made it. ✊
    17 points
  7. Some screenshots from my soon-to-be released (RC1) 10-map doom2.exe compatible episode.
    16 points
  8. Are yall in need of HUDS? I made these Pride Bars ages ago and haven’t really found a use for them. Wanted to do a Pride Bar community project but never came around to it.
    13 points
  9. It wasn't planned, but... yeah Nice effect!
    13 points
  10. WIP Mesoamerican pyramid structure built in middle of lake, serving as the map's final dungeon. Also a view from the shoreline jungle.
    13 points
  11. This is a community project created to celebrate the LGBTQ+ Doom community. The aim is to create a full 32-map megawad celebrating (Gender)Queer Doom mappers and modders for helping build the Doom community as we know it today. Inspired by this topic. CREDITS OTEX by ukiro 32in24-15tex by the 32in24 team JackDBS for fixing resource wad our mappers :3 Join our discord server!: https://discord.gg/dCvGgFwgnd Use the MBF21: Doom 2 format. (UMAPINFO skies encouraged) Use Gaytex (linked in discord) Custom music files (midi, mp3, ogg, mod) are allowed. Design a complete map, with secrets, difficulty flags, and multiplayer starts. Mappers are allowed to make multiple maps. Maps should be possible as a pistol-start Anything you say can be interpreted as the worst possible message, so be careful about anything negative you have to say, as it can and will be misinterpreted as hateful. EXAMPLES: Instead of saying "strange" you should say "This looks like a unique community project!" If you're playtesting any of the maps, give solid advice, instead of saying "This map sucks." No hate allowed towards the LGBTQIA+ community please!
    12 points
  12. My frozen hell/abyss map for the Scythe-inspired community project, "Rusty Drill" - very much still WIP, of course :)
    12 points
  13. Spider mastermind BLOCKMAP bug is actually imp stealing spider’s catalytic converter out from under it
    11 points
  14. OKAY, so good news and bad news. The good news is that three of the last four participants have gotten their work to me! The bad news is that the fourth one didn't. And there is no time left in the month to do another round. ... Sighs and rolls up his sleeves Looks like I have to finish the fight. See y'all in June.
    9 points
  15. Rule of thumb for loading mods with MyHouse is "don't." MyHouse is elaborate enough that you can't expect it to play nicely with other mods, and you're on your own if you want to wrangle some semblance of compatibility from it.
    9 points
  16. Jaska

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    More nature.
    9 points
  17. either as a hobby or as a profession? which demon would be the most efficient at it it? the archvile seems like they would steal catalytic converters as a profession, i don't trust anything that has a laugh like that. while the imp would probably just steal catalytic converters for fun, but might need some assistance from a few friends, imp or otherwise. as far as i can tell, the cacodemon is exempt from such an activity, as they would have a hard time fitting under the vehicle. but their exemption status is mostly because they do not have any hands to assist in activities like opening doors or stealing catalytic converters, although a bite might suffice for catalytic converter removal.
    8 points
  18. Eraser's final update draws near. After nearly having a heart attack when I found out UDB's standard nodebuilder couldn't handle the sheer amount of segs in the map, my mood to keep mapping tonight certainly soured - but you can keep this! This part is very WIP but it should hopefully help illustrate the scale I'm going for.
    8 points
  19. I like how the screenshots are in italics too
    8 points
  20. If a mapset is like a main dish, a gameplay mod is like a sauce. I wouldn't pour a buldak sauce on a frosty chocolate milkshake.
    7 points
  21. Happy Fried Chicken Friday everyone Here's an earlier map that I made that I'm pretty happy with who doesn't love a good series of barrel explosions and also I figured out how to teleport monster corpses which was pretty fun Aliens @Dubbag remember those lights? From SEARS
    7 points
  22. 7 points
  23. BLIGHT is an original DOOM episode, set as Episode 7, meant to take place after the SIGIL series and right before DOOM II: Hell on Earth. Initially, my goal was to commemorate DOOM's 30th anniversary, but the release took nearly six months longer than planned. Watching John Romero stream his SIGIL II map-building inspired me to try my hand at creating my own maps. This is my first released WAD, and I haven't played many releases from DoomWorld. I don't know if that earns me brownie points, or if I lose all my gold stars for already having to create a v1.1. So, while I strive to include unique elements in each map, it doesn't mean my ideas are unique to the entire community. I definitely drew inspiration from Romero's SIGIL II, incorporating those special secrets he loves. Each map includes the infamous FIREBLU secret, a 30-second room (though not marked as a secret), and my own unique take on his "Baphomet Eyes" with designs like "Blood Sacrifices" and "Death Idols." I realize opinions on SIGIL seem as divisive as those on Eternal (perhaps I'm wrong), but I'm not Romero—I don't have his rock star hair, his extensive knowledge of coding languages, or have I made anyone my ... well we all remember the ad. After almost ten months, it's finally done. So modeled after the SIGIL series, my maps are intended to be more challenging than typical ones. It's perfectly fine to play on HNTR or HMP. I appreciate good architecture and finding ways to use it against enemies. Enjoy, fellow Doomers! Several players have asked about the design choices for specific maps. Here’s some trivia to shed light on that. These maps are loosely based on university campus buildings. What began as a simple project turned into a fun challenge after my colleagues jokingly suggested I model the maps after work. I walked around the campus, selected buildings I wanted to include, and based the maps on them. I've obviously had to modify the buildings since DOOM doesn't natively support multi-floor structures, but it was exciting to create maps inspired by buildings with 2-3 floors. As a result, all the maps form a single, continuous series, where the end of one map is the beginning of the next. Below is a list of the buildings that inspired each map: E7M1 - Art and Woodworking Center E7M2 - Facility Garage and Workshop E7M3 - Library E7M4 - Lunch and Student Activity Lounge E7M5 - Basement Storage E7M6 - Science Hall E7M7 - Administration Hall E7M8 - Chapel E7M9 - Gymnasium and Athletic Administration Known Issues: I had some issues in Software Rendering modes, where certain required switches had their THINGs rendered below the floor making it impossible to see them, so you may want to try OpenGL or Vulkan. ====================================== Primary purpose : Single play, Deathmatch Advanced engine needed : Limit-removing, Boom Compatible ====================================== Description: As you step through the portal, it feels as if your body is being ripped in two. Like a two-edged sword, ‘piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow’. But the pain of Baphomet’s sigil is fleeting, and having narrowly slipped through his clutches and arriving through the portal back to Earth, you find your respite is short-lived as the military commandeers your fate. Aboard the chopper, the scorched tapestry of a once-thriving metropolis unfolds beneath you—flames ravage, smoke chokes the heavens, and the remnants of humanity crumble. The demonic deceit was masterful; while you battled in the bowels of hell, they invaded. Now, hellish spires, totems crowned with the skulls of the demons’ victims, puncture the Earth, channeling argent energy skywards, knitting a portal for Baphomet’s earthbound ascendancy. As Earth’s solitary sentinel who has weathered the infernal storm, you are cast once again into the heart of darkness to shatter these pillars and thwart the coming of the beast. ====================================== * What is included * New levels: 18 (Single-player and Deathmatch areas in each level WAD) Sounds: No Music: Yes Graphics: Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch: No Demos: No Other: No Other files required: None * Play Information * Game: DOOM Map #: E7M1-E7M9 Single Player: Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player: No Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes Other game styles: None Difficulty Settings: Yes Requirements: OpenGL or non-Software renderer Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder / Slade 3 Known Bugs : There are known sector leaks and incorrectly rendered exit rooms in SOFTWARE rendering May Not Run With: N/A Tested With: GZDOOM / PrBOOM+ / DSDA DOOM DOWNLOAD - BLIGHT v1.0 - 05/31/24 DOWNLOAD - BLIGHT v1.2 - 06/13/24 (HOTFIX)
    6 points
  24. Fun elevator that probably took too long to make.
    6 points
  25. I've done a few different kinds of starts over time--I use hot starts sparingly, but I find it fun to encounter one every so often and so I have done a few here and there. The music and opening visuals really complement each other and should both set the tone for what the map will be like--a suspenseful slow burn? Frenetic action? Epic? Lots of traps? A few examples I suppose
    6 points
  26. Really loving this wad so far, especially the amazing music. Well done Afternoon Crew
    6 points
  27. There is an Imp in The Inmost Dens that tried to sell me some really shady performance enhancing "medicine". Not saying he's stealing catalytic converters but I think there might be a criminal ring going on behind the scenes that also steals them. I swear ever since I moved to Downtown I see demons on the regular trying to break into comically blocky sector cars and try to get away with it. Man I hate Episode 2 city.
    6 points
  28. Mandatory Doom Wiki article on this subject. This likely explains your answer: Unrelated, but i got scared back into existence realizing that the threaded Doom Fandom has a quicker search hit than our lord and savior The DoomWiki.
    6 points
  29. I made a prototype SW Railgun sprite, (Needs help Decorating, Animating, Find a Sound, and Editing a sprite,)
    6 points
  30. Really digging the colour choices here, looks like a cool wad!
    6 points
  31. Might be a stupid pic but god damnit this gave me a laugh when you realise you can make a CWILV image this large. XD
    6 points
  32. Imitation is the unironic-est form of flattery. Little Italo is a tribute wad featuring ten maps each from @raddicted and myself. Generally these maps are a little shorter or easier than the original's, but don't expect a beginner-friendly wad... these are still challenge maps directly inspired by Italo Doom's general philosophy. Odd-numbered maps authored by raddicted Even-numbered maps authored by lunchlunch Screenshots - Many thanks to our playtesters: @Arbys550, @knifeworld, @RedBoule, @suzerduzer, @Xulgonoth, @besus, and @Meowgi Download - LittleItaloRC1.zip
    5 points
  33. Dynamic & light-sourcing lights in Doom make me happy. =) & (From a short map set of 6-7 I've been working on.)
    5 points
  34. oh and because he seems to be found of those, have those opening shots of my favorite levels from mister xaser
    5 points
  35. Congrats on the release, I'll add it to my list ASAP!
    5 points
  36. Very nice. 4 maps is a tidy little set. Congrats everybody!
    5 points
  37. Some minor corrections here: The spawns (as in, what enemies spawn and when, visible here) for the game are 100% deterministic, but their locations are "randomized" to a degree. They follow a rough pattern of alternating what "side" of the arena they spawn on, with some amount of offset. This is most noticeable in later loop waves, because Thorns pop up in a distinct Y pattern (unless they have a wonky extreme offset). World record is just shy of 21 minutes, visible here. And the spiritual successor by the same team is HYPER DEMON, which is an inversion of Devil Daggers' "survive as long as possible" goal: "kill everything as quickly as possible". Wonderful games by a wonderful team.
    5 points
  38. Got four patches 99% ready, just needing the readme and final quick 'did I forget a comma again?' explosion testing. Survive in Hell now has its Map 33 working properly in ports, Map 28 doesnt use 33's name, and theres the usual presentation touchup. I did not change the broken english text screens though :p 180 Minutes Pour Vivre has a patch that aims to fuse the bonus wad with the main one; the bonus Map 30 is now the finale, with the old Map 30 now a Map 33 that still occurs at the same point, it just leads to the new finale now. Since that bonus wad also actually had a story for the levels, the wad now has a story at all times with the patch :p (Im not sure why the story was entirely removed; if people didn't like the princess thing, the lines referencing her can be removed and the text still makes sense..). The old Map 30 may be a bit weird now though; the bonus wad had a DECORATE lump to do with heartbeats. Lastly, I found out two really old Doom episodes all over Maximum Doom and various shovelware discs, AS Doom and AS Doom II have map names (unofficial in the former's case, but better than nothing!) so ive generated graphics for those and done the usual stuff. This also fixes the secret exit nonsense of AS Doom, no longer will anyone have to repeat E1M4. As its my birthday tomorrow, I wont be here to finish them till late in the day, but keep an eye out for new links in the OP just in case I get time due to delays etc.
    5 points
  39. This is by far the project I'm the most proud of associating with. It's an absolute killer WAD in every sense, and I'm indebted to @Ludi for allowing me to shake off my multi-decade mapper's block and make something I can have pride in. Congrats to the rest of the team!
    5 points
  40. Decided to mess around w/ Greenwar2Tex today on a whim. Lots of nice natural tones in that set, so I made a kinda waterlogged, grimy base! I might make a couple more maps w/ this, or I might just rattle this off, and move on to something else. Remains to be seen. Unnamed Greenwar2Tex Pack?: MAP01: Grimy Base: It's Zandronum:UDMF, and I've added a R667 railgun, too. :D
    5 points
  41. Having all these magnificent artists in this project is already the best award we could ever have. And I mean that from my heart
    4 points
  42. Just finished watching it, I got to say that season 3 was the best so far but man i feel really bad for Mt. Pain for having burnout and being in ruts for making videos. If Mt. Pain dose read this i wish him the best of luck and i hope he can get out of the burden of getting burned out and being stuck in the rut of trying to get stuff done for the show. With that i can't wait to see what he brings to the table next season.
    4 points
  43. Update: The map is now fully functional. I'm still working on balancing the fights, detailing and adding some structures outside the play area.
    4 points
  44. Hey y'all big congrats on the release! I know this project was a labor of love so I'm very excited to dive in when I have a chance.
    4 points
  45. Not super obscure, but some stuff you may have overlooked that I quite like. Amnesia: the Bunker Bomb Rush Cyberfunk N++ Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Custom Robo (childhood classic, probably not actually that good)
    4 points
  46. This is a story about a man, who asked for a pill. He have been offered a red pill. Instead, he took a black pill, but actually he would have liked a blue one.
    4 points
  47. It's been known that you can trigger the secret by saving and loading (it's documented on the wiki); Zero Master's trick is significant because it enables triggering the secret in a demo recording, which does not allow for saving/loading.
    4 points
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