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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/24 in all areas

  1. Can you believe it's June again already?! That means the fourth round of RAMP, the Rabbit's All-comers Mapping Project, is now open for business! This is an event to encourage people who are curious about the Doom community to give mapping a try and to be part of a wider project. If you're looking for a place to get off the ground, or you know people in your other communities who might enjoy mapping - or if you've been wanting to try something in mapping that you haven't before - please point them this way and I'd be delighted to see what they can create. The submitted levels will be compiled into a hub where your map gets showcased alongside the other submissions and becomes part of a wider sort of meta-game. The goal is simple: make a map. Any theme, any level of skill, it doesn't matter - just try something out, experiment and enjoy! If you're not new to Doom you're still welcome to join - try out something that you haven't before, like experimenting with ZScript (or the other way around, limit yourself to vanilla). There are some more details, tutorials and a link to the RAMP Discord at https://ramp2024.doomproject.com to help people who have never so much as played Doom before get up and running quickly. Like in previous years, the project will run on GZDoom and DOOM2.WAD. A pack of editors and resources is available on the project site. https://ramp2024.doomproject.com
    42 points
  2. good thread, rate my pyramid
    21 points
  3. Nothing is left. Nothing but single-segment. This run beats Okuplok's slaughter map and its 23 thousand monsters in 7 hours on Ultra-Violence while using nothing but ONE save-state. This double segment completion was over 4 times harder than the ITYTD run; and incorporates several different strategies due to the fact that ammo is halved, and damage is doubled. Segment 1 from the start until the Archie Condo (hardest segment because of length) Segment 2 from the Archie Condo until the exit (hardest fights are here, but it's shorter) I still don't know if I'll get the single-segment before my patience runs out. But even if I do get it, I hope this 2-segment video is entertaining to watch in the meantime. Enjoy. Happy Facerockets. oku2seg.zip
    14 points
  4. At Womb's Gate The Pimp Song Tight Halls Lickin' Ace (And Taking Numbers) On the Hunt for Ass Cougars on the Prey The Demon in Adrian's Pants I ^#&@ed the Demons Nobody Told Me About id's Cocaine Sex Party Untouched Hiding the Penis They're Going to %@^$ You Donna to the Rescue Deep in the Hoes @%&$ing the Spider Sweet Little ^#&# Bunny Waiting for Romero to Play With Me The Dave D. Taylor Blueballs D_CUMMIN (Underballs Edition) Adiran's Asleep Next to Me Hello Hello American Pie Getting Too Tense, Think About Baseball
    12 points
  5. turned 14 a while ago and wanted to make a map to celebrate. playtesting it, should be out fully sometime soon
    11 points
  6. Some screenshots from my soon-to-be released (RC1) 10-map doom2.exe compatible episode.
    11 points
  7. BLIGHT is an original DOOM episode, set as Episode 7, meant to take place after the SIGIL series and right before DOOM II: Hell on Earth. Initially, my goal was to commemorate DOOM's 30th anniversary, but the release took nearly six months longer than planned. Watching John Romero stream his SIGIL II map-building inspired me to try my hand at creating my own maps. This is my first released WAD, and I haven't played many releases from DoomWorld. I don't know if that earns me brownie points, or if I lose all my gold stars for already having to create a v1.1. So, while I strive to include unique elements in each map, it doesn't mean my ideas are unique to the entire community. I definitely drew inspiration from Romero's SIGIL II, incorporating those special secrets he loves. Each map includes the infamous FIREBLU secret, a 30-second room (though not marked as a secret), and my own unique take on his "Baphomet Eyes" with designs like "Blood Sacrifices" and "Death Idols." I realize opinions on SIGIL seem as divisive as those on Eternal (perhaps I'm wrong), but I'm not Romero—I don't have his rock star hair, his extensive knowledge of coding languages, or have I made anyone my ... well we all remember the ad. After almost ten months, it's finally done. So modeled after the SIGIL series, my maps are intended to be more challenging than typical ones. It's perfectly fine to play on HNTR or HMP. I appreciate good architecture and finding ways to use it against enemies. Enjoy, fellow Doomers! Several players have asked about the design choices for specific maps. Here’s some trivia to shed light on that. These maps are loosely based on university campus buildings. What began as a simple project turned into a fun challenge after my colleagues jokingly suggested I model the maps after work. I walked around the campus, selected buildings I wanted to include, and based the maps on them. I've obviously had to modify the buildings since DOOM doesn't natively support multi-floor structures, but it was exciting to create maps inspired by buildings with 2-3 floors. As a result, all the maps form a single, continuous series, where the end of one map is the beginning of the next. Below is a list of the buildings that inspired each map: E7M1 - Art and Woodworking Center E7M2 - Facility Garage and Workshop E7M3 - Library E7M4 - Lunch and Student Activity Lounge E7M5 - Basement Storage E7M6 - Science Hall E7M7 - Administration Hall E7M8 - Chapel E7M9 - Gymnasium and Athletic Administration Known Issues: I had some issues in Software Rendering modes, where certain required switches had their THINGs rendered below the floor making it impossible to see them, so you may want to try OpenGL or Vulkan. ====================================== Primary purpose : Single play, Deathmatch Advanced engine needed : Limit-removing, Boom Compatible ====================================== Description: As you step through the portal, it feels as if your body is being ripped in two. Like a two-edged sword, ‘piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow’. But the pain of Baphomet’s sigil is fleeting, and having narrowly slipped through his clutches and arriving through the portal back to Earth, you find your respite is short-lived as the military commandeers your fate. Aboard the chopper, the scorched tapestry of a once-thriving metropolis unfolds beneath you—flames ravage, smoke chokes the heavens, and the remnants of humanity crumble. The demonic deceit was masterful; while you battled in the bowels of hell, they invaded. Now, hellish spires, totems crowned with the skulls of the demons’ victims, puncture the Earth, channeling argent energy skywards, knitting a portal for Baphomet’s earthbound ascendancy. As Earth’s solitary sentinel who has weathered the infernal storm, you are cast once again into the heart of darkness to shatter these pillars and thwart the coming of the beast. ====================================== * What is included * New levels: 18 (Single-player and Deathmatch areas in each level WAD) Sounds: No Music: Yes Graphics: Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch: No Demos: No Other: No Other files required: None * Play Information * Game: DOOM Map #: E7M1-E7M9 Single Player: Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player: No Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes Other game styles: None Difficulty Settings: Yes Requirements: OpenGL or non-Software renderer Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder / Slade 3 Known Bugs : There are known sector leaks and incorrectly rendered exit rooms in SOFTWARE rendering May Not Run With: N/A Tested With: GZDOOM / PrBOOM+ / DSDA DOOM DOWNLOAD - BLIGHT v1.0 - 05/31/24 DOWNLOAD - BLIGHT v1.2 - 06/13/24 (HOTFIX)
    10 points
  8. The POISON and RADIATION signs use the menu font from Commander Keen 4-6 and Catacombs 3D (with added anti-aliasing). This is the oldest ID graphic to end up in Doom that I've found (not counting the end of MAP32 of course. GRAYDANG resembles a graphic from Keen 5 but I compared them and they're different). This could be useful for anyone making custom signs in the style of these.
    10 points
  9. What is the DWmegawad Club? This is a place where we settle down, have a cup of tea (or drink of your choice) and take a month to play through a megawad on our own, together! Any keen observations, criticisms, or frustrated ranting about it goes here in the discussion. As long as you want to say something about what you've played, feel free to speak your mind. Can I join? Sure. The only rule is that you have to play at least some of the levels in our monthly megawad to contribute, but you're generally encouraged to finish the whole thing, even if you've played it before. What levels am I allowed to post about? Whatever day of the month it is, is the upper limit for the map you can post on. So if it’s the 6th, you may discuss up to MAP06. Do I have to post an entry every day? Nope, not at all. This is only for our more enthusiastic members. As long as you play through it with us you’re part of the club. When do we vote on the next month’s megawad? Voting begins on the 25th of the current month. Remember to add one “+++” before your vote to make it easier to count. For example: +++ Ultimate Doom Note that you can vote for up to three separate nominations in a single month, and every wad must contain at least three maps each. The winning nomination must receive at least four votes for a thread to be made. Ties will be decided by RNG. ---------- >>>DOWNLOAD OPERATION: BIOWAR HERE<<< >>>DOWNLOAD EQUINOX HERE<<< After a brief hiatus, we’re back with two classic wads! First up is Operation: BIOWAR, a megawad mostly created by Chris Harbin that follows in the footsteps of projects like Icarus: Alien Vanguard and Memento Mori. After that is B.P.R.D.’s Equinox, a mighty adventure through some glittering silver space stations. Note that we’ll begin playing Equinox on the 18th, meaning that the last two maps of Biowar will be played on the same day. Author & Maplist for Operation: Biowar: MAP01 - “The End” by Chris Harbin MAP02 - “Terror Core” by Chris Harbin MAP03 - “Onslaught” by Chris Harbin MAP04 - “The Arrival” by Chris Harbin MAP05 - “Skybase” by Chris Harbin MAP06 - “Last Call” by John Bishop MAP07 - “Apparatus” by Chris Harbin MAP08 - “Biolabs” by Chris Harbin MAP09 - “Security” by Paul Corfiatis MAP10 - “Dark Woods” by Chris Harbin MAP11 - “Frozen Terror” by Chris Harbin MAP12 - “Military Center” by Chris Harbin MAP13 - “UAC Prison” by John Bishop MAP14 - “Absolution” by Chris Harbin MAP15 - “Heat” by Chris Harbin MAP31 - “Juggelo Funhouse” by Chris Harbin MAP16 - “The Killing Fields” by Chris Harbin MAP17 - “Sacrilege” by Chris Harbin MAP18 - “Die Heuschrecke” by Chris Harbin Maplist for Equinox: MAP01 MAP02 MAP03 MAP04 MAP05 MAP06 MAP07 MAP08 MAP09 MAP10 MAP11 MAP12 MAP13 BONUS CONTENT Doomwiki: Operation: Biowar | Equinox DSDA: Operation: Biowar | Equinox Kmxexii reviews: Operation: Biowar | Equinox Devalaous Quality of Life Patches -------- OLD THREADS
    9 points
  10. My first mapping livestream went fairly well, considering I set things up on a whim! This map was made in 3 hours 50 minutes, during a live stream. It is a sequel to a much smaller map I made in Frantik DM 2. The texture pack was randomly selected via a spinning wheel from 15 other texture packs. Luckily, I got Otex1.1 for my first go at this - a pack I'm very familiar w/. Here are the texture packs that I picked to be randomly selected from: Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping: MAP01: Wetworks 2: But yeah, not sure when I'll go live next, (possibly tomorrow afternoon) but this was fun, and something I hope to repeat again sometime soon! I'm hoping to get a texture pack I'm less familiar w/ next time! :D
    9 points
  11. Frankly, I didn't expect at all to figure among the hall of fame ! Brilliant conclusion for a brillant season !
    9 points
  12. We all know what happened to the Doomslayer during the events known as "Project Doom", but what about other marines? What was going on inside the UAC military while the invasion on Phobos was being dealt with? Recently, four marines have returned from their time lost on the battlefield, bringing with them helmet cam records, revealing only a smidgen of the true nature of the devastation that occurred during the events of those dark days. These records have been entered into the databank at the headquarters of the UAC, awaiting their time to be used as evidence in a future enquiry finding out exactly what caused the rift to tear in the first place. You, the leading analyst for this future enquiry, has been given full security clearance to view these records in an attempt to get ahead of the workload that could take years to fully complete. One night you decide to stay late at the office and dive into the evidence. It couldn't hurt to do some overtime, right? Little do you know, you are nowhere near ready to view the records in their full, uncensored state... -------------------------------------------------- Tales from the Graveyard is a 4- map Ultimate Doom miniwad made in boom format. Each map in the set is placed At the start of an episode, and requires selection from the episode list to play. -------------------------------------------------- Map List: E1M1 - Back to Formula - Midi: - "The Knives that Carved the Megalith" by Cammy E2M1 - In the Blood - Midi: "Sign of Evil" by Bobby Prince E3M1 - Meltdown - Midi: "The St. Louis Slammer" by Cammy E4M1 - King of the Hill - Midi: "The Doom World is Flat" by Decino Additional Credits to : ASHTRALFIEND for Black glove/plasmaball sprites and M_DOOM Plasma rifle sound from PSX version of doom Huge Thanks to ASHTRALFIEND for feedback and playtesting LINK TO WAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nc_uiWtl5JWlChsKoK9TyQcto1-aEpaU/view?usp=sharing =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels: 4 Sounds: Yes Music: Yes Graphics: Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch: Yes Demos: No Other: No Other files required: None * Play Information * Game: The Ultimate Doom (E1M1, E2M1, E3M1, E4M1) Single Player: Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player: Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes Other game styles: Pistol Start Difficulty Settings: All * Construction * Base: New from scratch Build Time: 22/4/2024 - 2/6/2024 Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, WhackEd May Not Run With: non-boom compatible ports Tested With: GZdoom and DSDA * Copyright / Permissions * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; and remix, transform, and build upon the material. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Advanced engine needed : Boom Compatible Source port Primary purpose : Single play/co-op/deathmatch =========================================================================== Title: Tales from the Graveyard Filename: TFTG.wad Author: DMH094 Other Files By Author: Exodus (Ongoing) - The Baptism - De-Purified Deep Space VI Frantic Here's to Thirty Technophobia The Darklands Desolation Stagnation
    8 points
  13. My 2nd mapping stream went well - a bit less technical hiccups today, than my first day! This entire deathmatch map was made in 3 hours 33 minutes, during a live stream earlier today. The texture pack was randomly selected via a spinning wheel from 40 other texture packs. This time I got AquaTex, (a smaller pack I found trickier to use than Otex) - there are obviously far fewer resources in AquaTex, so it made me think more outside the box. It definitely was a fun challenge to do on the fly. I only ended up needing to supplement it w/ two additional Doom2 textures (slimefall, and ceil5_2). A little bit of colored sector lighting definitely helped, too. Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 2): MAP02: Acid Vats: I'll likely hop on later today (maybe only tomorrow) for another 3+ hour stream - gonna try my hand at a third random map - in a productive mood! Some of those texture packs are definitely more challenging to use than others - excited to see what I'll get next! Definitely recommend this type of challenge for others - helps you think about making maps in ways I hadn't thought before! :D
    8 points
  14. Underwater (maybe) skybox Nightsky And this is cool planet
    8 points
  15. Slowly working on a map submission for "Tropic Hell" community project
    8 points
  16. Like clockwork, here is a new bi-monthly round-up of wiki happenings, yet it seemed the clock ticked a little slower this period, with the number of new articles and edits slackening especially in May, as shown on the chart site. But that's okay, several active editors took well-deserved wiki breathers or at least reduced their activity, and of course the Doom community (and the world at large) keeps on moving anyway. Still, a few notable data points are the number of map pages in need of soundtrack information dropping below 3,400; Gauss-ian walkthroughs getting added for (most of) Doom 2 Reloaded; and GF/NMM contributing secrets for another 30+ WADs. Did I forgot anything else worth mentioning? Entirely possible, so feel free to add a comment. Meanwhile, here is the (still sizable, due to April) list of new articles: Core Content 3D Game Alchemy Adding custom sounds ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024 Game mode The Sentinel's Playground Tools CleanWAD Hexen Hack Editor SeHackEd Mods Alley Cat Artifact: Land of Cursed Behemoth (WAD) Bella Bermuda Triangle Brotherhood of Ruin: The Lost Temple Crimson Liberation DBP65: Sanguine Holy Land Deadliest Dem(o(li)ti)on Disrepair 2 DOOM PSX: Damnation of Eternity Doomed: By the Hour Elysion Endless Frontier Energy Control Fall of Triton The Fireworks Factory Hell Revealations I.C.T.O.A.N. Icerial 2 Junkfood 3: Wow Wow West Kill the Cybie Laitos MAP07 Deadly Sins Master Jumps Memorial The NEW DOOM OMGMAPS One Bloody Night One Week Contest Plutonia: The Way We Remember It Protoslayer React Real World Real World 2 Rebel Sky RJSpace31 RJSpace9f RJumpq Running Late Rust Point RustPoint Map2 Switcheroom Uroboros Vogel im Käfig Void Terra Firma Waste Vats What lies beneath titan-426 People Gregory Dick JD Herrera Jonathan Hoof (Hunter) Martin Howe Sven Huth (Dasa) IvanDobsky Benjamin Moir (The Zombie Killer) Monsieur E William Mull (Phoebus) PRO-RC Raddicted RHG45 RileyXY1 Ryan Mallon (ryiron) Ralf Schreivogel Scroton Frank Siebers (Jesus) Andrey Skochko (DRON12261) Frank Stajano SuperPecanMan Synami Blake Wilfong (The Wondersmith) Index of previous issues
    7 points
  17. Hey there, I figured it was about time I gave Doom 1 some love. So this. No baron/cyber slaughter. Health/ammo is very scarce in UV in the beginning (although there's a free berserk pack - use it wisely!). I kinda wanted to highlight the SMM making it threatening, without making it annoying. Map is packed with secrets, but is beatable without them. Aimed for a shorter "main path" length of map, so I made extra optional sections for otherwise lengthy gameplay enjoyers and secret hunters! doom.wad; all difficulties implemented; no jumping/crouching; tested in GZDoom and DSDA-Doom. I felt a bit limited regarding hellish and wooden textures - I missed some of the Doom II ones! But that's okay. Gameplay-wise I didn't feel like the map was missing Doom II monsters - imo at least. DOWNLOAD SCREENSHOTS:
    7 points
  18. OH you guys actually added "CRT mode" already. Somehow completely missed this. Thanks a ton! Game's looking spiffy and running smooth as hell now at a blistering 100hz.
    7 points
  19. Hi, folks! I'm gonna pull the trigger this time and join in. The club threads have been a great source of perspective while playing various wads over the years, been reading them as a lurker long before I made this account, so I'll toss my hat in the ring since there seems to have been a dip in participation numbers lately. Hopefully this'll also give me the kick in the butt I need to actually finish Equinox. Operation: Biowar MAP01: The End (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) The first level of Biowar is a fairly classic warmup map that'll only take you more than two minutes if you stop to admire. The opposition consists of a few basic zombos, imps, and pinkies, and even though you only get a shotgun if you find one of the (admittedly easy) secrets, you'll have no trouble pew-pewing them to death with just the pistol. The layout is very... orthogonal, as is not uncommon for 90s maps, but the new textures and doomcute details like the dropship hovering outside the starting room window go a long way to liven the place up. There's even an environmental sound effect in the opening room, in vanilla! Wow! I don't remember hearing about the WAD before, and my research beforehand consisted of having a peek at the README file. Playing it this way, the strongest impression didn't come from the gameplay or level design, but the replacement audio and graphics. A bunch of them seem to be from Quake II, if I'm not mistaken. The new HUD face looks a bit like a very angry potato, but also familiar somehow. Can't quite place it, though.
    7 points
  20. Playing on UV unless otherwise noted. Operation: Biowar Map01: The End I'm not necessarily against maps withholding the basic weapons. In this case, the balance practically requires the player to do a lot of work with the pistol: health is scarce, and many weak hitscan enemies have you in their sights much of the time. The resulting gameplay is pretty lame, but I don't often encounter maps that lean on the unmodified pistol so much. You could interpret it as refreshing. Either way, there's an incentive to check out the secret rooms containing shotgunnners, the most dangerous enemies in the map, to take their weapons. Without them, you may be harassed by a pinky or two while defenseless (happened to me at first).
    7 points
  21. Turns out bro was waffling about hitscanners, plasma-based combat, reality Tyson, and tribute micro-maps. Cute and silly Doom made for cute and silly people. wafflehouse-maribo.zip - v0.27.5 UV playthroughs, idgames version.
    6 points
  22. While Misri Halek will always be the one that comes to mind first, another that comes to mind is a map inspired by Malde's magnum opus: Eternal's MAP31 from Epic 2, Osirion. As to be expected from Alexander S, his construction is clean and carefully lit. There's a sense of grandeur that pulls you in... a grand mausoleum, standing proud under the gentle gaze of the moon, and a boundless starry sky.
    6 points
  23. Oh shit I've been called out.
    6 points
  24. Biowar is a familiar wad to me because I recorded a longplay on DOOM2.exe 2 years ago. I will revisit the maps on DOOM2.EXE but I will play them on pistol start instead. I don't aim 100% kills and secrets because it's not really worth it in this type of wad. Map 01 : "The End" Vanilla effects such as the sound of thunder or the broken wall created with middle-textures give meaning to this all-too-common base. This map is made up of square rooms and rectangular corridors, and the secrets are equally symmetrical, which remove all the pleasure to discover them. Combat also relies heavily on the use of pistols, which can be quite uncomfortable in Map 01, especially when accessing the small warehouse before the exit. I can't decide which took longer to design, the doomcute plane or the map itself. In any case, don't expect anything extravagant in terms of level design in Operation:Biowar. Grade : C+ (11/20)
    6 points
  25. MAP01: The End. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 37/37, S: 2/4, I: 20/40. Comp. time 3:39 (on 2nd play -> S: 4/4, I: 40/40. Comp. time 2:13) Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan of old wads despite being old fart myself, but I'm in the mood of playing old school stuff right now. Something presumably easier (we'll see about that), or at least shorter. I'll be doing pistol starts despite that's one thing these older wads may not be well-suited to (still healing wounds from Rebirth's later maps). The wad starts with relatively simple tech base; a couple of rooms, couple of corridors and a courtyard connecting two areas. Simple combat from simpler times against zombiemen (with a replaced dying growl -- on replay I realized these sound very much like they're borrowed from Quake), imps and pinkies. The spaceship floating outside the starting room is a nice touch, and the situation screen in the starting room sets up the mission. Intruder (not doomguy, I suppose) detected. This sort of story telling is something I don't see that often in Doom, and I wonder if it was more prevalent back in late 90s/early 00s, with Doom trying to compete with other games doing narratives better within gameplay? I don't know. I couldn't figure out a way to obtain the armor bonus secrets on my first playthrough. The shootable switches were easy to spot, but I didn't realize something was happening in the other room. When I finally figured to look in the other room, I did a quick replay, hence double stats above.
    6 points
  26. stuff2.wad map02 UV-MAX in 4:04 stuff202m404.zip Nefelibeta posted a much faster 3:32 demo earlier in the thread but with a wrong complevel. This made me realize I completely removed the fun of this map by playing continuous, and did a quick scuffed run to get the ball rolling. I didn't think about routing at all, just held down the fire key until a demo was obtained; Nefeli says low 2:xx is possible. I'm not uploading a video because this run is bad except for a few unhinged 2-shots. My dsda install has some glitch which forces me to only play stuff2, and actually never exit doom entirely. it's not so bad, not being able to eat means i've finally lost the weight i built up over the years, but unfortunately I'm still trash at doom.
    6 points
  27. Eraser's final update draws near. After nearly having a heart attack when I found out UDB's standard nodebuilder couldn't handle the sheer amount of segs in the map, my mood to keep mapping tonight certainly soured - but you can keep this! This part is very WIP but it should hopefully help illustrate the scale I'm going for.
    6 points
  28. My frozen hell/abyss map for the Scythe-inspired community project, "Rusty Drill" - very much still WIP, of course :)
    6 points
  29. Are yall in need of HUDS? I made these Pride Bars ages ago and haven’t really found a use for them. Wanted to do a Pride Bar community project but never came around to it.
    6 points
  30. 6 points
  31. This is a community project created to celebrate the LGBTQ+ Doom community. The aim is to create a full 32-map megawad celebrating (Gender)Queer Doom mappers and modders for helping build the Doom community as we know it today. Inspired by this topic. CREDITS OTEX by ukiro 32in24-15tex by the 32in24 team JackDBS for fixing resource wad our mappers :3 Join our discord server!: https://discord.gg/dCvGgFwgnd Use the MBF21: Doom 2 format. (UMAPINFO skies encouraged) Use Gaytex (linked in discord) Custom music files (midi, mp3, ogg, mod) are allowed. Design a complete map, with secrets, difficulty flags, and multiplayer starts. Mappers are allowed to make multiple maps. Maps should be possible as a pistol-start Anything you say can be interpreted as the worst possible message, so be careful about anything negative you have to say, as it can and will be misinterpreted as hateful. EXAMPLES: Instead of saying "strange" you should say "This looks like a unique community project!" If you're playtesting any of the maps, give solid advice, instead of saying "This map sucks." No hate allowed towards the LGBTQIA+ community please!
    5 points
  32. My first map. There is no special plot here. Probably as Romero himself bequeathed, I am just not experienced enough to somehow reveal the plot in the gameplay. I didn't bother much with the name, in fact, you can put any name here, even blooming hellish gardens, since there is no hint of a plot. How do you give your maps names? What does it depend on? Well, here it is, my first public map, I have no experience at all in creating maps (I read some Doomworld guides and watched YouTube videos to get a rough idea), so judge as strictly as you think necessary. Probably the hardest part for me was creating screenshots 😅. lol idk Some screenshots: * Map info * Total levels: 1 Music: No music in level (I just damage d_running.mus by Notepad++ to turn it off😅. I don't know how to turn off the music in the map completely.) Dehacked/BEX Patch: I don't know what it is Files required: DOOM2.wad * Play Information * Game : DOOM II (it looks like DOOM, but I was making in DOOM2.wad base) Map #: MAP01 Single Player : Aha Difficulty Settings: Easy/medium Skill and Hard Skill are different Editor used: Slade 3 v3.2.5 Build Time: IDK, month maybe Format: Boom Tested With: GZDOOM (g4.6.0) and PrBOOM+ (I don't know how to run DSDA, so I haven't tested it on that) * Download * Dropbox
    5 points
  33. I'm working on a creepy mod for Doom 1 and I'm looking for ideas. I'm thinking of creating a level set in a dark graveyard, filled with disturbing sounds and demons, similar style to the Ghoul Doom mod series xd. That's why I'm searching for a graveyard-themed map (preferably a dark one, for Doom 1, but any will do). If any of you know of any good maps that fit this description, I would really appreciate it!
    5 points
  34. First four maps in the books. This is a fun WAD with a lot of character and everything comes together real well so far. Between the textures, color palette, music, custom monsters, and each mapper's own style, it's got a nice balance of cohesion and variety. Map 03's finale kicked my ass, and in the video below you'll see me go through various stages of frustration and feeling a bit defeated until I finally broke through. Bit of an incongruent difficulty spike IMO but it is what it is, if I had any recommendations it would just be slight tweaks if even that. Anyway, check this video out if you want. It's got timestamps if any of the mappers want to see a blind run of their map.
    5 points
  35. Thanks to everyone who came out this month and challenged themselves against KMega1. I hope to see everyone back for the next installment, and bring a few friends (new or otherwise) with you! Without further ado, here are the final standings for IronEagle 66. UV joe-ilya (Map 08) Suitepee (Map 08) Doomy__Doom (Map 06) capsaicin (Map 05) Austinado (Map 05) ByRntStarOEI (Map 05) purple_ruberoid (Map 04) Horus (Map 03) VICE (Map 03) SCF (Map 02) PBeGood (Map 02) Dimon12321 (Map 02) NaZa (Map 01) HMP LadyMistDragon (Map 06) Crusader No Regret (Map 03) HNTR Pegleg (Map 03) Andromeda (Map 01) SleepyVelvet (Map 01)
    5 points
  36. @SleepyVelvet The thread for June has been postponed a day or two because I've caught something and am a bit ill right now, so you have time, don't worry. Thank you all for the participations so far, if anyone else wants to submit in these few hours, you're welcome to do so!
    5 points
  37. I'm gonna try to join the club and finish the wads this month (wanted to on april but "In city only" felt too challenging for me). Operation : Biowar Map 01 : The end - UV, pistol start, all kills and secrets A nice, 90's style, opening map with only one small surprise which is the lowering to the final room. Due to this surprise I had to finish the map with pistol and then teleport back to find the (easy) secrets. I liked the opening with the doomcute spaceship in the sky and some attention to details like the exploded wall you have to go through to reach fresh air.
    5 points
  38. None cuz I'm a virgin 👌😎🛹🦖
    5 points
  39. Why the fuck do you need music to play while having sex damn zoomers these days i dont need to focus on prince fingering a guitar, id rather focus on... nevermind...
    5 points
  40. Map52 UV-Max in 1:49 jf352m149.zip
    5 points
  41. From impencse.txt:
    5 points
  42. Fun elevator that probably took too long to make.
    5 points
  43. Agree, the HUD also shouldn't be so bright/loud that it distracts from the maps.
    4 points
  44. 8pack.zip Judging from the location of the file on my backup disk, it seems Searcher did email it to me.
    4 points
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