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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/24 in all areas

  1. What the point on grades not being important had me thinking: Something I've seen a bunch is critical convo that comes down to simply "this wad is better than that other wad." That includes tier lists that are shared without elaboration, and discussion about which wads are overrated or underrated, again without any elaboration. So, when you're talking in a server about wads, that feels like the only option right? Actual "criticism" (which requires more length) is too deep for a chat, right? I don't think so. Let's say you simply open up a wad, in-game or even in the editor, and go to one area of one map, and casually talk about something in that area -- whether it's a design of some kind, an encounter, the overall mood, or whatever. Anything that area makes you feel or think. If you do that, you're already so many steps ahead of pure "criticism as evaluation" in having something interesting to say. You don't have to make a larger point of some kind or tie it into a neatly structured essay. You can just...chat. (I also once jokingly suggested in a server that every tier list someone posted has to come up with a 1000-word essay. Then a few people actually did that -- which is why I try not to make requests of people lightly :P. They did it not with a neatly structured review or essay but with casual freeform support of their placements.) The other day we were talking about drawing rocks and how there are so many different ways to do it. It started out as a discussion of Dannebubinga's rock style, these single-row borders of uniformly sized rocks that have become one of the most popular rock-drawing styles in challenge wads (Ribbiks would also try that in some of Crumpets's maps, and people who have joined the community recently sometimes don't even realize it's Danne specifically that really popularized that style in these wads). Then I talked about AD_79's style and their penchant for these well crafted arches, where rocks on both sides build up to a highest point over a path of some kind... ... and also highlighting pseudo-3D by going out of their way to place a thing prop of some kind on top of the structure, which makes it look like the part above the arch has space up there even when it doesn't. Terminal Stages of Nostalgia shows that, but even as far back as Violence it was a thing. Then we discussed Darkwave0000's style and we got into so much, like how he kinda improvs with all the shapes, doesn't worry about whether they're pretty or ugly, even sometimes draws in ways that most people would consider sloppy. So many examples, but there's this bit in Speed of Doom map02 where a rock is a literal rectangle. You don't really notice in-game. This part of map06, because of how the ceiling architecture juts down, has these convex jagged shapes that would be taboo from many other authors, but it looks weird and surreal. We talked about map10 and how this vista has so much character to it. Rather than drawing this careful and tidy set of rocks like many other authors, Darkwave's loose, more improvised shapes evoke the wear and tear of a world falling apart. That fits what he's going for thematically with the familiar Mucus Flow acid-wear style look. And this isn't even played experience. Since I was chatting, I was casually opening up wads to -nomonsters through them and talk about design. Played experience is all of that, and then some. (I would happily talk about that too, but usually when I'm playing I don't stop to write notes.) Doom wads are a wondrous world of interesting things to say, do, and feel. I joked about writing a long essay about Wow.wad once, and then I outlined it for fun, and saw how shockingly reasonable that was -- even if chapters would have to be topics like "the history of lazy jokewads" and "an analysis of Doom's gore props" and "a description of Decay and El Juancho's UV-Max fight along with a literary analysis of the demo text file beef" and "the use of HOM as an intentional aesthetic choice" (50 Shades of Gray map06, along with Maribo's work, would make this one a genuinely interesting chapter to write -- but if I did it, I would want to write that chapter as a standalone piece to not tie their work to Wow.wad). Something I've felt is that as good as critical formats like reviews or other write-ups are, you open up a lot by simply allowing yourself to talk about wads somewhere, to say whatever is on your mind about one thing at the time. There's a lot of space for even more informal writing. Thinking about all the times I tried to participate in a DWMC and felt I didn't have the energy, but it was because I was trying to do "an overview" instead of just blabbing without structure. Blabbing without structure, like I'm doing now... I think the larger point is we shouldn't accidentally wall ourselves away from good things because we force ourselves to do it in a way that requires a lot of effort -- because we shy away from forms that allow us to do it very casually. This applies to a lot of things. It's one of those reasons that speedmapping or less-serious projects can be a good thing to turn to after working on something very ambitious.
    20 points
  2. And we're done. 8 Days To Die. Ensure you have adequate food and water, and do not exit your shelter until given the all clear.
    17 points
  3. Can you believe it's June again already?! That means the fourth round of RAMP, the Rabbit's All-comers Mapping Project, is now open for business! This is an event to encourage people who are curious about the Doom community to give mapping a try and to be part of a wider project. If you're looking for a place to get off the ground, or you know people in your other communities who might enjoy mapping - or if you've been wanting to try something in mapping that you haven't before - please point them this way and I'd be delighted to see what they can create. The submitted levels will be compiled into a hub where your map gets showcased alongside the other submissions and becomes part of a wider sort of meta-game. The goal is simple: make a map. Any theme, any level of skill, it doesn't matter - just try something out, experiment and enjoy! If you're not new to Doom you're still welcome to join - try out something that you haven't before, like experimenting with ZScript (or the other way around, limit yourself to vanilla). There are some more details, tutorials and a link to the RAMP Discord at https://ramp2024.doomproject.com to help people who have never so much as played Doom before get up and running quickly. Like in previous years, the project will run on GZDoom and DOOM2.WAD. A pack of editors and resources is available on the project site. https://ramp2024.doomproject.com
    15 points
  4. tl;dr doom2, complevel 9, kinda hard, play on uv, 1 map!, tested on dsda&woof&nugget, ~20min playtime to max? download : link to wad (updated 2024/08/06: minor adjustments to final area) i turned 14 recently, so i wanted to celebrate by making myself a map. it took a few weeks, but it's done ! id like to thank stephyesterday, ilker, beeswithchainsaws, numsoic, and anothernameforsnow for playtesting this on the entryway discord server. y'all rock was inspired by 10x10 map01 visually, and uses only stock d2 textures. thanks adrian combat is a little frenzied, and not particularly easy. i havent balanced this on hmp or lower as of current, so for the best experience play on uv. dont play this on nightmare lmfao not my *first* map, but this is my first public one! (besides that one mega-beginner thing i uploaded to idgames for some reason) no jumping or crouching, silly midi is "Grosstown Traffic" by zan-zan-zawa-veia. you should check out their stuff more screenies : updates:
    10 points
  5. The Secret History of Mac Gaming is an excellent tome on this exact subject. I have the original, pre-expanded version. It's excellent, full of information and also probably thick enough to concuss someone with. Perhaps a pinch pricy in physical form, but there's a text-only digital version that's a very reasonable ten bucks. It has The Kinsie Endorsement, for what little that's worth. Throw it on your favorite tablet or ebook reader, pair with a dash of Mini VMac and SheepShaver and you've got a fascinating little hike through an alternate history on your hands.
    10 points
  6. I did another round of random deathmatch mapping! This time the randomizer landed on '5th Episode Textures.' Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 3): MAP03: Crimson Core: Apologies for posting again so soon! But, I've been very productive today! :D
    10 points
  7. Imitation is the unironic-est form of flattery. Little Italo is a tribute wad featuring ten maps each from @raddicted and myself. Generally these maps are a little shorter or easier than the original's, but don't expect a beginner-friendly wad... these are still challenge maps directly inspired by Italo Doom's general philosophy. Odd-numbered maps authored by raddicted Even-numbered maps authored by lunchlunch Screenshots - Many thanks to our playtesters: @Arbys550, @knifeworld, @RedBoule, @suzerduzer, @Xulgonoth, @besus, and @Meowgi Download - LittleItaloRC1.zip
    8 points
  8. woah no way its been 3 months since i posted something. but i promise im working on something>:) - 26/05/24 - my part for an epic art trade with @stephyesterday
    8 points
  9. This was almost two years in the making which means almost two years of chatting with Rocky, sharing notes, ideas, progress, etc. I'd just like to publicly state how good it was to work with him and that I don't think I could have gotten to the end of this project working with anyone else. He has been consistently very hard working, level-headed in the often huge set-backs we encountered, never had any ego attached to work of his that needed to be scrapped or improved upon, and was always totally understanding whenever I needed to take a step away for a while due to burnout or whatever else. When I would send over progress of mine, the majority of the time he would go to the effort of scrutinizing it and finding valuable improvements to my work instead of taking the easy route of just accepting whatever I threw his way and moving on. He's been unfailingly kind, mature and extremely easy to work with for years of collaboration. Mix that with how freakishly good at TASing he is, and there is no-one I could have had a better time working on a demo like this with. It's awesome that one of the best Doom TASers to ever do it also happens to be one of the most solid people I've ever met online and I'm grateful he's around.
    8 points
  10. Operation: BIOWAR MAP02: Terror Core (terrified to the core!) Ultra-Violence / Pistol Start / Nugget Doom / Vanilla compatibility K: 36/36 I: 35/35 S: 1/1 T: 4:35 Some quick violent romps through four rooms accessible by teleporters at the start in any order, well barring that one leads to the exit which requires all three keys. It's nothing crazy but the tune is nice. Absolutely adore the new nukage flat that is unique to this wad and wish to see it used elsewhere. The secret used to elude me back in the day but if you've had some experience with "double-binded" teleporters as I call them you will find it, offering a chainsaw I didn't need and more shells than is realistically required to clear the few foes on offer. I like that shadow cast by the tech pillar as well as the hanging vegetation. Other than that not much else to really say, it's inoffensive but relatively unremarkable.
    8 points
  11. Got an idea for a forcefield texture, not sure if a good idea. Frames: Update, thinner grid, fewer frames. I forgot to save gif and don't really care to redo: (This actually looks badly in the game, I have some ideas about it though) Swirly thing I cut it out of (Formerly was a FIRELAVA texture):
    7 points
  12. im unretiring lol MAP20 UV Max in 1:49.60 rvh20m149.zip Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ7Y2TaDLc8
    7 points
  13. Biowar - map 02 "Terror Core" A mediocre "Tricks and Traps" wanna be. You start in a hub containing several teleportation pads and those transport you in clearly distinct sections. You have to collect three keys in order to unlock the exit. The problem here is that all sections don't have much to offer and, despite being a sort of exploration map, Terror Core can still be completed under 3 minutes. However, you're likely to spend a little more time by taking the wrong teleporters as it's difficult to recognize the different teleporters, except for the one leading the exit, which is in gray. Finally, I'd like to add my voice to the others: the title of the map doesn't seem to mean anything. Grade : C (9/20)
    7 points
  14. Operation: Biowar MAP02: Terror Core (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) Not much terror to be found here, despite the name, as we're in for another two minute breeze. Pick a teleporter, get a key, repeat thrice, and that's a wrap. The only real threat here is the chaingunner duo appearing in an open room, who might ventilate you if you get unlucky with RNG. From a visual design standpoint the map is less impressive than the first due to taking place entirely in cramped interiors, but at least you don't have to spend a lot of time there. Hopefully the following maps get a little bit more ambitious.
    7 points
  15. I can't entirely agree with this. Because modern gaming PCs are exceptionally powerful, they are also quite expensive at the high end. This makes us forget that back in the day, gaming computers tended to be inexpensive models. The early IBM PCs were expensive business machines, and the top gaming computers of that era were things like the Apple II, ZX Spectrum, Atari 400 and 800, and the Commodore 64. In 1987, they would all be eclipsed by the Amiga 500, which hit the market at $699 with a set of custom chips that gave it sound and graphic capabilities well beyond those of Macs and PCs of similar and even greater price. The Amiga custom chips gave it hardware sprites that guaranteed a 50fps frame-rate in the side-scrolling shooters and platformers that dominated the scene in those days—all this with a Motorola 68000 running at 7.14Mhz. The Amiga 500 was central to the early success of Electronic Arts, which Trip Hawkins and other former Apple employees founded in 1982. So as we can see, Apple was in various ways important to the gaming industry in the early days. As for Macs themselves, it's not so much that they weren't built to play games, but that their high cost meant relatively few were sold, and with few sold, the market wasn't there to draw game developers. By the late '80s, it was clear that the top game machines of the time -- the Amiga 500 and Atari ST -- would soon be surpassed by a new generation of PCs of similar price and much greater sales volume, so game developers abandoned the Amiga and Atari in favor of PCs, and by 1990 or so the PC was the leading game computer. A big advantage of PCs was the ability to customize their configuration, so you could get a good spec for less money, especially if you could build one yourself. Doom was obviously a demanding game when it first appeared, but my PowerMac Performa 5200 handled it well enough. It was inexpensive for a Mac, and with a PowerPC 603/75Mhz, it outperformed 486 PCs. Even better was my Power Computing PowerWave 604/132, which was a PowerMac 9500 clone costing over $3,700, much too expensive for a gaming machine in the classic sense. IMO, the era of modern gaming PCs began with the first 3DFX Voodoo cards. By the time they appeared, I had already bought a PC with a Pentium 166 in order to play Quake, and I soon added a Voodoo card. Once Voodoo cards became available for the Mac and Amiga, I bought them for those platforms, too. By this time, PCs were outselling Macs by a vast margin, and Commodore, the company that manufactured Amigas, was out of business. Once Nvidia took over as the primary developer of 3D accelerators, the Mac fell even farther behind in the world of modern gaming, because for the longest time, Nvidia wasn't available on Apple products, though the ATI Rage and Radeon series was. Ultimately, it wasn't so much the spec as the price and the limited population of Macs in the wild that doomed the machine as a game platform.
    7 points
  16. My old cardboard drawing of Hissy that's sitting on my desk wanted me to tell you that she wishes you all a Happy Pride Month! (Also, I'm curious: Is the original Hissy still in @Scuba Steve's possession? If so, I wonder who it will go to next...Maybe she could meet her cardboard self? Nah, who am I kidding, I'm not worthy. I am curious where she will travel to next though...)
    6 points
  17. Hey so I've gotten into mapping. This is a little tyson gimmick map, for map01, I made, its part of a bigger set i'm planning called Slaughter School which will just be some short punchy levels involving slaughter scenarios using a single weapon (e.g. fists, super shotgun, rocket launcher, etc.) but this was a test of me trying to get boom functionalities working, including a timed combat scenario!! some quick notes >boom format, tested in dsda and gzdoom, works well, compat 9 >difficulty levels implemented, you get a shotguns on lower levels, if you're a wimp who can't punch out revenants jks jks >the final timed scenario will sometimes not spawn all the monsters because the monsters block the teleport destinations, i decided i'm ok with that so if you don't get 100% kills at the end its for that reason, in future i'll design timed scenarios with that in mind but i was mostly focused on getting the timed encounter working! VIDEO!! SCREENSHOTS!! LINK!!: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qx28cnnPFfugY2ebKq1Cq0z0VlYiUsfQ/view?usp=sharing TYSON!!
    6 points
  18. Happy Pride Month! I spontaneously decided to make a texture wad with a bunch of pride flags in it, all converted to the Doom's original color palette. Some flags definitely made the transition better than others. Feel free to download the wad and make your maps a bit gayer. At the time of posting the following 11 flags are in the wad. Pride Progress Progress with Intersex Bi Lesbian Gay Men Trans Non-Binary Aromantic Asexual Intersex If you want to download the wad, you can find it at this link. If you make anything with these textures, I'd love to see it. In the future I would also like to make flat versions of the textures.
    6 points
  19. Hello there! Puzzles and Pieces is very small set of monsterless vanilla puzzle maps made by me, and makes use of Patchtex (by Gothic) and plenty of mapping tricks and exploits. Each map is set in a small comfy environment to walk around and solve little brain teasers in. So what's the story of this wad? Well, last night you got home feeling incredibly tired and wanted to immediately go to bed, but oh no you silly sod! You left your door unlocked and now those pesky revenants and hell knights have taken you away, and now you must find your way home. Extra screenshots: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAD INFO: IWAD: DOOM2 Complevel: 2 (Vanilla Doom) New Maps: MAP01-08 Singleplayer: Designed for Co-op/Deathmatch: Player Starts only Known bugs: MAP04 doesn't work in ZDoom derived ports. Please play in Woof or DSDA etc. >>> Download Link <<<
    6 points
  20. Biowar -- MAP02: Terror Core Map review: You start to see one of the mappers' favorite level genres take root here: several keys hidden behind gauntlets. The fights are pretty easy, to the point I started wondering if I should've turned the difficulty up. Some of the level geometry was cool and I enjoyed the introduction with a lift bringing you down into a room with flashing lights. More new textures that are interesting, like the new nukage graphic. Despite the aesthetics and new graphics I found Terror Core to be somewhat forgettable, I had to rewatch my recording a couple times to take notes. I feel that's going to become a theme going forward. Tea review: The orange flavor came through a little more after having cooled down for a minute, and it's a very nice orange flavor. Mom says my grandma really liked this one, and I see why. I neglected to mention it has a nice dark red coloring to boot. (I did come to love the orange tea by the time I finished it, though.) Map: 3/5 - strong introduction, but falls down after that. More new textures that look really nice, though, like the nukage Tea: 3/5 - very good taste now
    6 points
  21. MAP02 - “Terror Core” by Chris Harbin Played With Nugget Doom, Smooth Doom 21, UV, Pistol start This map provides you a shotgun from the start which I think is a plus compared to the previous map where you had to play the majority of it with the pistol. The design of this map is very much like a shorter and much more easier Tricks and Traps where you are given 4 teleporters which all brings you to different rooms with 3 of them having different colored keys and one having the exit. Looks wise, I think this level is much more bland when compared to the visuals of the previous level. All the areas were also just one or two rooms big without any particularly standout design in them. The length of these maps combined with the difficulty are not doing it for me personally since I want more of an okay-ish length adventure in easier maps. Speaking of easy, most of the map is just filled with 2 enemy types, imps and shotgunners, which are easy enough to deal with. But for some reason, the red key room very much feels out of place when compared to the difficulty of the rest of the level. At the start it is absolutely filled with imps and 2 shotgunners, normal enough to deal with, but (and this doesn't happen with any other key) picking up the red key spawns 2 chaingunners behind you which are easy to deal with if you know about them but can be lethal if you, like me, weren't paying much attention in the first run. To be honest, this map feels a bit more cheap compared to the previous map. Not cheap as in the fights were badly designed, most of them were ok (maybe apart from the surprise chaingunners) but it just feels like much less care was put into this map and the mapper just spun together a quick map to just fill up an empty slot with it. Overall, it's mediocre and definitely worse than what the first map made me expect. Also, the run time for each map can be longer. GRADE: D+ (Note: I did die to the surprise chaingunners but I was also playing like pretty horribly on the first run)
    6 points
  22. MAP02 - Terror Core Not much to say other than that I found it pretty cramped and underwhelming, but in contrast, it was largely breezy and inoffensive. Just not very memorable. MAP01 was better. Getting the shotgun straight off the bat helps, and those Chaingunners might have spiced it up if they'd actually done much of anything, but I think if they had I would have taken it as a cheap death given the lack of appropriate space. I hope things pick up with MAP03 onwards. The MIDI was another good one though, with goofy fretless bass and a nice propulsive rhythm.
    6 points
  23. Map02: Terror Core The shotgun provided from the start immediately produces more excitement than the previous level. The opposition mostly consists of imps and zombies, with the claustrophobia of each situation providing some pressure. It's felt most strongly in the exit room, with barely any space as pinkies corner you, but the shotgun eliminates them quickly enough that the challenge is still mild. Depending on the RNG you get, the dual chaingunner ambush might be the most lethal part of the map. There's also a trick to get the secret by straferunning off the starting platform while it lowers (SR50 isn't needed), but it's much easier to run off the teleport pads later. I really appreciate the sort of brainless fun that Terror Core supplies, even if it isn't the most creative or complicated map.
    6 points
  24. MAP02: Terror Core By Chris Harbin Kills: 100% Items: 97% Secrets: 100% Time: 2:25 Another pretty basic map, though I imagine that's going to apply to the whole wad so I won't keep saying it. The little visual flourishes in this map impressed me more than MAP01's bomber plane. I dig the minor quality of life addition of teleporters turning red when you step into them (I don't even know how they did that! Probably dummy sectors.) and the cool moment where the yellow key appears only when you backtrack through that area (I do know how they did that.) I was gonna say the map in general looks pretty cool and has some good verticality, but really it's only the central hub area. The three little challenge rooms all look and play rather basic. This map is probably even easier than MAP01, by proxy of immediately getting a shotgun. Grade: C+ Difficulty: E
    6 points
  25. turned 14 a while ago and wanted to make a map to celebrate. playtesting it, should be out fully sometime soon
    6 points
  26. This is a community project created to celebrate the LGBTQ+ Doom community. The aim is to create a full 32-map megawad celebrating (Gender)Queer Doom mappers and modders for helping build the Doom community as we know it today. Inspired by this topic. CREDITS OTEX by ukiro 32in24-15tex by the 32in24 team JackDBS for fixing resource wad our mappers :3 Join our discord server!: https://discord.gg/dCvGgFwgnd Use the MBF21: Doom 2 format. (UMAPINFO skies encouraged) Use Gaytex (linked in discord) Custom music files (midi, mp3, ogg, mod) are allowed. Design a complete map, with secrets, difficulty flags, and multiplayer starts. Mappers are allowed to make multiple maps. Maps should be possible as a pistol-start Anything you say can be interpreted as the worst possible message, so be careful about anything negative you have to say, as it can and will be misinterpreted as hateful. EXAMPLES: Instead of saying "strange" you should say "This looks like a unique community project!" If you're playtesting any of the maps, give solid advice, instead of saying "This map sucks." No hate allowed towards the LGBTQIA+ community please!
    5 points
  27. A scientific facility where cutting-edge technology meets demonic experimentation. Medium size tech base with alternative routes designed for vanilla Doom II with custom textures intended to fit in along with original Doom 1|2 style. Watch the trailer! ✔ Single map ✔ Pistol start ✔ Doom 2 vanilla (complevel 2) ✔ UV tested (Chocolate, DSDA, PrBoomPlus, Crispy Doom... and others) ✔ "Original" soundtrack (suno.ai generated) (.OGG format) ✔ Easy difficulty setup. Avg. completion time: ~17 mins. (110) Monsters, (93) Items, (5) Secrets. ❌ multiplayer: No. Download PWAD: dri.zip Design notes: Screenshots: Every horror story start in a mysterious town dark in the night.... They say the locals were former employees of the DRI... Hope you enjoy it as much as I'm enjoyed making it and still fine-tuning. All feedback is very appreciated, more playtesting is always welcomed! Thanks to @Zahid for the valuable playtests! Download PWAD: dri.zip
    5 points
  28. I'm just about to finish up my first DM map. It's a Doom II map in a classic style. I plan to make more. I love DM.
    5 points
  29. @apichatpong It’s not against the rules of the club to play ahead, many people do that - and I do this myself from time to time, especially if I foresee a period ahead where I’ll be busy. We simply should ensure not to post about the maps in this thread ahead of time.
    5 points
  30. Map 02 - Terror core UVmax pistol start Four small fights related to a central area by teleporters, that's pretty much it. Though, the lightning was quite nice and the high-tempo midi, while not the best among midis, set up a speedy mood and a desire to replay this little candy to go as fast as possible (at least for "beginners" like me). The central area design is, at first sight, OK but finding the secret enhance its quality. Among others areas, my favorites were : the blue key one for design and the red key one for combat. Two "negative" things : - it's a bit early but the quick and prononced change of atmosphere with map 01 disturb me a bit. - I don't like the new doomguy face (reminded me some french over-testosteroned heroic fantasy comics I read in the nineties that I, nowadays, deny). PS : for some reasons I'll expose, I already played the full mapset UVmax single segment between yesterday and today, though I'll be careful on my writings, only evoking maps with a slot less or equal to the date. Why i did this : - because I wanted to play the full thing then replay the daily map on date to have a bit more hindsight. - I already played Equinox one year ago with cheats, I want to finish it UV with saves now and I know that one day/one map, for this set, will be a rhythm very hard to follow for me. It's my first time here and I already don't really play by the rules... sorry for that, if there is any problem, I'll make sure next month will be legit. The positive side of this infrigement of the rules is that now I diiscovered at least two reasons to couple Biowar and Equinox, in this order.
    5 points
  31. Map 02: Terror Core by Chris Harbin Crispy Doom, pistol-start, UV Lol, Chris ripping titles from Doom 64 now? It was the 90s I guess. So anyway, we're presented with a series of 4 teleporters inside some vague experimental lab. The first one taken provides the stiffest challenge, set inside a concrete bunker throwing several hitscanners and Imps together in a tight space but a single shotgun should still be enough to make work of them. The chaingunner pair that appears on either side of the teleporter when the red key is acquired hardly measures up in comparison To get the other two keys, it's necessary to enter a series of vined-filled subterranean passages that are actually nicely atmospheric. One of these even has a symbol on the floor that should be familiar with a little creek nearby. Sorry I didn't seem too interested in the surrounding central room drainage btw - I should've probably realize there was a secret there but I actually don't care too much.
    5 points
  32. MAP01: The End The TITLEPIC calls to mind a film from the same year, but The Matrix this is not. This opener may have cinematic ambitions, but it's called Doomcute, not Doomserious. That's not a mark against it, though - it's creative and doesn't overstay its welcome. Neat little map. MAP02: Terror Core You know, I'm never quite sure what this blue texture is supposed to be. It looks kind of like cube glass, but that doesn't make a ton of sense in this context. Anyway, if you can survive the first teleport you take, the rest of them shouldn't put up too much of a fight. I think Underhalls is both longer and more difficult than this. I like short maps, and I'm starting to get attached to our Rob Liefeld-looking protagonist. I'm interested to see what the rest of the set is like.
    5 points
  33. Biowar MAP02 (UV, continuous, saves): It's alright, it has some nice custom textures, and it's pretty short and easy. I feel like the hub room should've been rotated 45 degrees to tell more easily which teleporter goes to which room.
    5 points
  34. Biowar -- MAP01: The End (Hurt Me Plenty) (please excuse the eye tracking blob, I just think it's fun to show where I'm looking so mistakes are more easily identifiable. Also please excuse the poor gameplay, this is the first time I've picked up classic Doom in a hot minute) Honestly a fun intro level, I liked the way you come out of the destroyed wall into the courtyard. There's a lot of pistol-ing though and you basically only get the shotgun through a secret, so the pinky is annoying. I got one of the secrets by complete accident, not entirely sure how. The courtyard is pretty basic but it helps you adjust to the new sounds and textures effectively. Edit: I also made a new kind of tea for playing this. You won't see the final verdict for a while but I'll add tea scores to my level reviews (as of recording) until the recording where I ran out. Map: 4/5, basic but fun Tea: 2/5, there was a hint of orange to begin with but mostly tasted like sweetener.
    5 points
  35. MAP02 - “Terror Core” by Chris Harbin This one is three micro-encounters in rather bland locations. You warp into a cramped area, fight a small group of enemies, and leave with the key. Pretty lame after the solid introduction in map01, but it's short and inoffensive. I do like the secret where you have to run off the teleporter to get over the barrier.
    5 points
  36. "Stuck between a box and hard place... ... yeah that how that saying goes." Behold! You find yourself in a maze of storage boxes, filled with hellbeasts and vermin. How did you get here? Why is there so many crates and boxes everywhere? Nobody knows and nobody cares! The only thing that matters is carnage and bloodshed! Get your UAC mandated chainsaw, and your trusty boom-stick, because... ...It's time for a storage depletion! This is a project I've been wanting to make for a while now, and now that I have recently been given some free-time over the month, I might as well start drawing some linedefs. I don't have an exact deadline, or an idea for how many levels I am going to make, but this is just something I want to work on from time to time for fun, so don't expect anything to big or amazing. Also, this is the first time posting about a project in Doomworld, so wish me luck... or at least wish me focus... ...yeah actually focus sounds much better, wish me focus please. This project was inspired by: UAC Storage Surplus. Format: MBF21 Testing Sourceport: Nugget Doom, DSDA-Doom Textures: OTEX MIDI: ??? Download: Currently unavailable. please excuse any bad grammar, I am making this post in the middle of midnight dead tired, thaaaank you.
    4 points
  37. E3M1 UV-Speed in 27,86 e3m1.zip
    4 points
  38. Doom 64 Former Colonel/Plasma Zombie with player 1's palette (for recolors only) CREDITS: Id Software, Midway, Footman/SteelPH and PresidentPeople frankensprite by Craneo (me)
    4 points
  39. AtimZarr1

    Doom 3: Phobos

    Spoilers/Thoughts: I recorded long-form non-commentary gameplay of Phobos Episode 3 for those interested in seeing someone's approach to the encounters and levels. I played the previous episodes (but never recorded them) on Ultra-Violence years ago, but decided to do Hurt Me Plenty for this one to make sure I could finish the campaign without embarassing myself while recording - but LOL, I wasn't expecting nearly 7 hours, most of which felt like I got lost and confused trying to figure out the puzzle solutions (or dying a lot more near the end). I did feel quite proud that I didn't look up the solutions to any puzzles (unlike episode 2 iirc), but I do admit I started feeling frustrated after a while. Could be because I got exhausted playing continuously, but it did sometimes feel like I was fighting for 10 minutes to follow with 30 minutes of head-scratching back-and-forths. I had a similar impression with the Darksiders franchise - I enjoyed the combat but would get annoyed by the puzzles since I could never intuit most of them on the first go. That being said, it was satisfying to solve them all eventually with time. It could be like a Doom 64 thing where I didn't like the leaning into puzzles but when I replayed it later, I ended up enjoying it a lot more since I knew the general solution pattern to look for. The recording is interesting from that perspective of seeing where I miss things and what it takes for me to figure out the solution for that unspoken eureka moment. I really quite enjoyed almost all of the combat encounters, it's been a while since I played the earlier two episodes so I couldn't remember if they were in there too - but the modified enemies are really refreshing as someone who plays/played a lot of Doom 3. The enemies being faster, less predictable, and having new abilities just makes the gameplay a lot more engaging. Plus even on Hurt Me Plenty, it's tough. I was doing well enough early on in the video but could feel the pressure building near the end. Some of the fights are maybe a bit too claustrophobic. You generally need a good understanding of the enemies to dispatch them as quickly as possible, but because of Doom 3's extreme headshaking-on-being-damaged quirk, getting hit once by something like a Pinky or even a Wraith/Maggot here is generally going to get you killed most of the time, especially with the added enemy aggression and greater quantities in Phobos. I kinda wish the Rocket Launcher didn't do splash damage, or there was a new type of heavy weapon (think Gauss Cannon from 2016), that can give me a "fuck off hellspawn" option for close-range - because the best ones currently are Chaingun and Plasma Gun but both are automatic weapons and are risky to depend on in a close encounter if caught off-guard. Maybe I could've used the SSG more often (fits the definition at least) but I always felt low on Shell ammo, that I felt compelled to conserve for the regular Shotgun in case the Machine Gun ran out (which it rarely did tbh). That being said, I actually liked the ammo economy in Phobos - it's very, very easy for Doom 3 ammunition to spiral out of control but I actually felt that Phobos was a perfect balance between "just enough" and "not enough". It encouraged me to look around but I didn't feel like I was starving either. Good stuff. The only thing I disliked about the combat really was probably that Arch-Vile boss battle - I didn't get it and began worrying I'd soft-lock myself into running out of ammo. I couldn't get a good hit on the spiraling Souls at first, but managed to figure it out relatively quick - and it's a decent gimmick for a boss. Then when the six of them appear, I had no idea what to look for. They were seemingly invulnerable so I thought maybe it was a timed thing. Nope, apparently one of them are glowing at a time and I have to shoot that one. I couldn't really tell I was damaging it though, or if it was meaningful, because it spawned Zombies - and it took me a (long) moment to realize the "glowing" effect had shifted to another Arch-Vile and I was supposed to damage that one, but the glowing effects are kind of difficult to notice, or any feedback by damaging them. And during one such attempt, they ended up dying and to be honest, I don't really know what I did differently other than live/shoot for a bit longer. As an aside, their flame explosion attacks feel a bit too wide - it's reliable to jump away but that gets tricky with the spawns and pillars, getting kinda claustrophobic quickly for a fiery demise. I could feel my heart sink when two Hell Knights (I don't know what these new variants are called) spawn in right after that - and I had basically only Rocket ammo left. Or my heart sinking even further when one seemingly respawned shortly after dying - I thought it was another puzzle I had to figure out. But thank god the bastards finally died. Granted, this was the final encounter of the episode so it makes sense for it to be difficult - but holy heck, I'm on Hurt Me Plenty lol The actual level and world design continues to be impressively immersive across all three episodes. There's so much detail packed into the world and I appreciate how some of the levels loop back into themselves, or make clever use of their geometry - like that sequence where you use the tram/lift/thing to access a floor, then ascend the floor out a vent shaft to crawl across the top of the tram/lift/thing to get to the other side of the facility and into another vent shaft. Very satisfying. Some of the looping about can definitely make it confusing where I'm supposed to go, especially if I'm on a puzzle sequence and I can't tell if I'm going the right way or not. For example I discovered that vent/lift/crawling moment before it was supposed to be important for your progression - so I spent a long time on the other side wondering what I missed. That's compounded by having some "stuck" solutions often involving interacting with a small maintenance shaft's GUI tucked in a corner, or a well-hidden set of ladders in a corner the eye would pass by generally - these mandatory solutions would just encourage me try to inspect every nook and cranny for way longer than I probably should be at any given moment I felt unsure. Which likely contributed to my feeling of "fighting 10 mins, then looking around for 30 mins" feeling I had. Story (some spoilers + Firewatch?) Overall though, I enjoyed Episode 3 and look forward to seeing whatever's made next. I had some issues with pacing and story but the combat sequences, level, and world design held their own well enough. I did play 7 hours of it non-stop after all. I do think some of my opinion is probably influenced by playing for that long in a single sitting lol. Hope the gameplay is interesting to comb through and that my thoughts/feedback were enjoyable to read. P.S. - There's a bug at 48:00 in the video where you can fall into the slime pool without taking damage and walk around. Also the interact and biohelm keys were unbound for me at the start, which led to confusion pre-recording when I couldn't figure out what to press at the start of the game.
    4 points
  40. Map 21 UV-MAX in 1:52 - hf221m152.zip
    4 points
  41. Year 2 Month 11 Day 30 I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped. [1] Lavacity by Marten Mellberg (2000) Just the idea of exploring large ancient cities encircled by dead pits give me strong Turok 1 vibes. Whereas I often dislike using the "jump" button in Doom, the concept hooks my attention. You need indeed zdoom to play this map, otherwise you'll be unable to progress in this map. However, its execution really leaves much to be desired as Lavacity suffers of blatant lack of details and visual glitches. Take a look at the glitchy lava bridge in the fourth screen !!! Despite how scary it looks, Lavacity was undemanding overall. The few jumps are easy to perform in case you're afraid of the platforming aspect. And as far as combat is concerned, monsters are placed in packs in a rather unstrategic way. Monsters tend to pile up and are easy to exterminate with a rocket launcher. Several dozens of nazis inhabit this place. Don't waste your time wondering why, just play the game. Grade : C- (8/20) [2] Party Base by Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri (2014) A gzdoom-compatible hi-tech base I already explored in Month 10 Day 24 (26th june 2022) . Here's my first review : "The action takes place in a simple tech-base using Zdoom features. First of all, a message tell you you were invited at a party. You hear a catchy trance music in the whole complex. I like how Walter added the gzdoom features. For instance, I can mention the blue key located under a floor made of glass or the lights surrounding the doors which glow in a way you feel more like in a "party". Concerning the difficulty, it was a piece of cake from the beginning to the end. The author added some new monsters which consist to variations of already existing ones but they don't represent a major threat despite being slightly tougher. For example, cyborg imps fire plasma projectiles and you can even meet imps firing baron's fireballs. However a specific part was a lot more stressfull than the others : the short section where you have to walk under fast crushers. Nothing hard but I suppose they can easily kill you if you don't have all your HP. After an ordinary adventure in a undistinguished tech base, you can now blow the candles ! Happy Birthday ! That's cute. Grade : B" Don't have much to say. It's a wholesome present for Mr Chris from Walter Confetti. Both mappers have in common a strong love to classic iwad-y doom bases. Grade : B (13/20) I stop here for today.
    4 points
  42. I decided to give this a second try and submit that as a prepared run. Suspended in Dusk Category 3 Exited MAP02 at 18:37 Died on MAP03 at 40:21 (245 kills) ironman_Shepardus_sid_prepared.zip Bauhaus Category 3 Exited MAP01 at 2:53.71 Softlocked on MAP02 at 3:08, quit at 4:23 (12 kills) ironman_Shepardus_bauhaus_prepared.zip I remembered that there was a straferun you could do to skip a bit of the map. Unfortunately, when doing so I also skipped a line and softlocked myself.
    4 points
  43. Here is a list of my max demos of this wad. Still in process.
    4 points
  44. I actually finished a modern megawad for once, and the final fight I survived with a ton of powerups still remaining. I definitely am improving at the game.
    4 points
  45. Hey everyone, this is my first demo submission! Map30 UV-Max in 1:34 - smax30m134.zip [World Record] Video of the run.
    4 points
  46. My 2nd mapping stream went well - a bit less technical hiccups today, than my first day! This entire deathmatch map was made in 3 hours 33 minutes, during a live stream earlier today. The texture pack was randomly selected via a spinning wheel from 40 other texture packs. This time I got AquaTex, (a smaller pack I found trickier to use than Otex) - there are obviously far fewer resources in AquaTex, so it made me think more outside the box. It definitely was a fun challenge to do on the fly. I only ended up needing to supplement it w/ two additional Doom2 textures (slimefall, and ceil5_2). A little bit of colored sector lighting definitely helped, too. Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 2): MAP02: Acid Vats: I'll likely hop on later today (maybe only tomorrow) for another 3+ hour stream - gonna try my hand at a third random map - in a productive mood! Some of those texture packs are definitely more challenging to use than others - excited to see what I'll get next! Definitely recommend this type of challenge for others - helps you think about making maps in ways I hadn't thought before! :D
    4 points
  47. Underwater (maybe) skybox Nightsky And this is cool planet
    4 points
  48. My frozen hell/abyss map for the Scythe-inspired community project, "Rusty Drill" - very much still WIP, of course :)
    4 points
  49. Some screenshots from my soon-to-be released (RC1) 10-map doom2.exe compatible episode.
    4 points
  50. Jaska

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    More nature.
    4 points
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