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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/24 in all areas

  1. Previously on... >>>GET YOUR BETA HERE<<< Most recent update: June 19th TODO: Automap name Credit lump Intermission backgroun Probably better titlepic too Probably intermission music Likely sector author names Get feedback, improve balance further Rules for submissions that are no longer relevant, but worth keeping for reference:
    19 points
  2. I've been fiddling around with the concept of marrying industrial themes with gothic as of late. I cooked this one up just this morning.
    13 points
  3. I think the average light level is 128 for this map. Idk how to make a normal map anymore. It's either super dark or super colorful haha.
    12 points
  4. I did a 4th round of random deathmatch mapping! By some insane stroke of luck, I rolled the exact same texture pack I last used (5th Episode Textures) from the 40 I had added to the randomizer! Not sure what the odds of that are. Regardless, I re-rolled the randomizer, and got GothicDM1+2Tex! This is a pack that I've used before, so this was a nice easy session. The map took me 3.5 hours to complete this time. Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 4): MAP04: Deathly Domain: So yeah, was a fun time! I'm gonna develop some kind of a semi-consistent streaming schedule, and begin streaming on Twitch instead of YT. I'll announce on my DW status page when I'm doing that - I'll be streaming tomorrow again, most likely. So far, I've been able to complete 4/4 DM maps from beginning to end on stream, so off to a good start! Sorry for spamming this thread so much recently, I've just been really productive! :D
    12 points
  5. 4 days before the "DBP66" deadline... I feel like Joel Goodsen from "Risky Business"...
    10 points
  6. Some attempts at trying to evoke Sunder on a smaller scale. Still got over 15k sidedefs to go through but I think this is shaping up nicely.
    9 points
  7. I can't see any problem with releasing a 24 map mega-wad. Move the maps to the open slots and release a RC so the community can do another/final bug review. Or, are there any other mappers that had initially expressed an interest in a a slot that did not get one? Perhaps someone of them would like to take an empty slot. There is no reason this project has to die.
    9 points
  8. tl;dr doom2, complevel 9, kinda hard, play on uv, 1 map!, tested on dsda&woof&nugget, ~20min playtime to max? download : link to wad (updated 2024/08/06: minor adjustments to final area) i turned 14 recently, so i wanted to celebrate by making myself a map. it took a few weeks, but it's done ! id like to thank stephyesterday, ilker, beeswithchainsaws, numsoic, and anothernameforsnow for playtesting this on the entryway discord server. y'all rock was inspired by 10x10 map01 visually, and uses only stock d2 textures. thanks adrian combat is a little frenzied, and not particularly easy. i havent balanced this on hmp or lower as of current, so for the best experience play on uv. dont play this on nightmare lmfao not my *first* map, but this is my first public one! (besides that one mega-beginner thing i uploaded to idgames for some reason) no jumping or crouching, silly midi is "Grosstown Traffic" by zan-zan-zawa-veia. you should check out their stuff more screenies : updates:
    8 points
  9. Last bump hopefully. Now on Idgames and I can stop thinking about it for a while lol. Thanks for everyone who played and enjoyed it.
    8 points
  10. E3M1 UV-Speed in 27,86 e3m1.zip
    8 points
  11. Sigil Intermission Screen
    7 points
  12. Biowar -- MAP03: Onslaught Map review: At this point I've started replaying BW in my free time with a couple gameplay mods (Smooth Doom and Corruption Cards, not recorded) so I can get a better feel for the levels, and as a result I kind of appreciate this one more. It's a very dark map atmospherically, helped by the literal darkness and the music. I really like some of the sector lighting here on repeat playthroughs, it really lends to the map's overall mood. It's certainly longer than MAP01 and 02, and with a higher enemy count even on HMP, which is welcome imo, and they start throwing cacodemons and hell knights at you. But even then this map feels somewhat empty, particularly in that basin where you enter into the base. I'm assuming this isn't a problem on UV, but I'm playing on HMP so that's what I'm going off of. The last room is smaller and has a couple fights with imps before the exit, which is a decent little ending. Tea review: N/A. I did not drink my tea this map until the end and did not comment on it. Opinion remains the same from MAP02. Map: 4/5 - enjoy the atmosphere quite a bit Tea: 3/5 - please refer to previous tea review from MAP02
    7 points
  13. Biowar : Map 03, Onslaught. UVmax, pistol start, single segment. A map more in the spirit of the opening one still more adventurous (despite the small scale), also with that special feeling of having, for the slot, just enough enemies and where everything seems to be in its right place (a feeling which depends on the player unfortunatly, but it worked for me). It's a bit paradoxal since this add an "autopilot" aspect to the map that may contradict the adventurous one, but I liked it. Well placed just after a map with four easy but tight fights, it's a welcome breath of fresh air. The attention to details to make areas expressive while not overloaded, the changes of heights, the dramatic midi, all this made a pretty good map 03 !
    7 points
  14. Level 2: Terror Core Basically just a room with 4 teleporters, 3 of which take you to a small area with a key, and the last takes you to the door which you unlock with these keys. Very small and simple, but mean! Upon teleporting to one of the areas you get immediately destroyed by several shotgunners and imps because there's no cover, so just git lucky! Nothing much else to say, aside from that the center room also serves as a health refill hub, which is neat. Level 3: Onslaught Upon seeing the name, I had a 'Nam flashback to Plutonia's Onslaught, but this one is much easier. This level has Doom 3 level of lighting, it's almost like it was designed to be played with GZDoom's dynamic lights on, but that didn't exist yet. 60% of the time I had to shoot in the general direction of the enemies, because I couldn't see anything. The music is one of my favorites from Mark Klem, although I think it'd fit a hell-themed level much more. This level is slightly more elaborate than the previous two, but still short and not difficult. All levels have been rather easy so far mostly due to their short length. I do like the overall level of detail and mood of the levels. Pretty cool. Also, imps make dog noises, which is dumb. Demons, however, make fiend (from Quake) noises, which kinda makes them sound almost the same, lol.
    7 points
  15. Craneo

    Best status bar

    I made these Windows-themed status bars some time ago doom windows themed huds.zip
    7 points
  16. A scientific facility where cutting-edge technology meets demonic experimentation. Medium size tech base with alternative routes designed for vanilla Doom II with custom textures intended to fit in along with original Doom 1|2 style. Watch the trailer! ✔ Single map ✔ Pistol start ✔ Doom 2 vanilla (complevel 2) ✔ UV tested (Chocolate, DSDA, PrBoomPlus, Crispy Doom... and others) ✔ "Original" soundtrack (suno.ai generated) (.OGG format) ✔ Easy difficulty setup. Avg. completion time: ~17 mins. (110) Monsters, (93) Items, (5) Secrets. ❌ multiplayer: No. Download PWAD: dri.zip Design notes: Screenshots: Every horror story start in a mysterious town dark in the night.... They say the locals were former employees of the DRI... Hope you enjoy it as much as I'm enjoyed making it and still fine-tuning. All feedback is very appreciated, more playtesting is always welcomed! Thanks to @Zahid for the valuable playtests! Download PWAD: dri.zip
    6 points
  17. Biowar - map 03 "Onslaught" Shit gets a bit real here. The darkness becomes your worst enemy once combined with viciously placed chaingunners. The midi composed by Mark Klem creates suspense and the ambiant thunder you already heared in map 01 seems much more threatening here. Like the previous maps , "Onslaught" is brief, specifically when you already played the mapset but the linearity, the lights shining in the middle of this darkness and the whole unwelcoming atmosphere make me feel like I'm on a real adventure in which I take a certain interest. Sidenote, I also like when mappers uses teleporters sparingly, if at all. This makes for a more natural, less video-game-like progression. The previous map had too many teleporters, this one doesn't, as far as I know. Grade : B- (12/20)
    6 points
  18. MAP03 - Onslaught A marked improvement over MAP02 as we're back to the outdoor scenery and more open space, though I found it a bit too dark in places. A nice custom waterfall texture (okay, its just the flat done as a patch but still) shows up along with some heavier enemies. Despite the essentially "straight line" layout and progression the map does convey the feeling of moving through a canyon and there's some moderately imposing architecture. Almost got wrecked in the last room as a teleporting Chaingunner caught me off-guard. The spinning cube thing is really cool but basically neuters the last fight, as you can just plink the imps without even needing to raise it. Still, I liked this map and the dramatic sounding MIDI that goes with it.
    6 points
  19. MAP03: Onslaught This one definitely has more meat to sink your teeth in. Onslaught opens in a dark, brooding base, with some quality lighting (such as the lamps outside), followed by a hill climb to the nearby facility. The bulk of monsters here are imps and chaingunners, with bigger demons added in more open spaces (the pond by the "restricted area" and red key fight). Since bullets are rather scarce, shotgun is the main weapon here, I think holding down fire and maneuvering around hell knights or cacodemons was a fun excercise.
    6 points
  20. MAP03: Onslaught. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 63/63, S: 2/2, I: 13/13. Comp. time 5:24 Slightly longer map this time: we traverse through a bigger outdoor area that connects tech base areas. The opposing force gets notably stronger, too: chaingunners are more prevalent, and we meet cacos and hell knights, too. I like the smaller details: the sector art lamps near the first area, the look of the final room (it's very simple, but effective). The first two maps had a sort of speedmappy feel to them -- although with the tools available at the time, they most certainly were not -- but this time feels more like a complete level, or it has a sense of adventure while still being mostly linear, and speedrunners won't be spending very many minutes here.
    6 points
  21. Operation: Biowar MAP03: Onslaught (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) MAP03 roughly doubles the runtime and monster count of the previous maps in the set, but we're still in sub-five-minute territory here, and the map design is almost completely linear. We're starting to see a few mid tier demons, like cacos and HKs, but most of the challenge again comes from inconveniently placed chaingunners. Overall, though, I kinda like the map. Missing waterfall textures aside, I enjoyed the visuals, the dark overcast vibes, and the classic Mark Klem track. I really wouldn't mind if the maps started getting a bit meatier. It's not that I hate short maps - I recently enjoyed playing through Demonfear, for instance. It's just that maps like these are a poor fit for the club's one-map-a-day format, in my opinion.
    6 points
  22. Operation: BIOWAR MAP03: Onslaught (on the path to slaughter, as it were) Ultra-Violence / Pistol Start / Nugget Doom / Vanilla compatibility K: 63/63 I: 13/13 S: 2/2 T: 6:44 A dark map, both tonally and literally. The music is especially fitting here, as it feels like your mission is urgent and you are on the move to your next objective as night falls, the darkness threatening to impede your progress. The resistance however is still quite light, with the biggest player around being a lonely Hell Knight with a Cacodemon buddy and a sprinkling of significantly less powerful friends to assist in guarding the red key. All in all there is a short trip through the natural surroundings before stopping at the admittedly imposing looking building, but it houses only a single room with the final battle before leaving which in itself isn't anything grandiose. That said it's an enjoyable enough trip that could throw the less cautious player off guard if they're too hasty.
    6 points
  23. To be honest, Doom is at its best when its "lore" is as generic, ambiguous, and undetailed as possible. Everything that Doom Eternal made to turn Doom into Warhammer-40000-but-with-even-less-coherence has been too ridiculous to keep around, IMO.
    6 points
  24. I'm just about to finish up my first DM map. It's a Doom II map in a classic style. I plan to make more. I love DM.
    6 points
  25. I've spent some time over the last week developing a compatibility patch for Lunar Catastrophe including bug fixes mentioned since version 1.3 release and a few I found on my own. I am releasing it for the public with approval from @Miss Bubbles and @Count651 and I'm happy to share it. This patch is intended to make Lunar.wad fully compatible with -cl3 and strict vanilla ports, albiet without the hard-coded secret exits. Simply load Lunar.wad with LunarCompat.wad loaded after to apply the changes. A new UMAPINFO is provided to allow these to work as intended in ports that accept it. Full changelog are contained in the readme file and spoilered below. Tested and maxed in dsda-doom 0.27.5 -cl3. LunarCompat.zip
    6 points
  26. June, 2024 > The yearly standings > The Ironman Discord Server Standard Leaderboard [2] E4M8: Asbadagba [1] E4M8: joe-ilya [1] E4M8: dt_ [1] E4M8: Beginner [2] E4M8: Hitherto [1] E4M5: NaZa [1] E4M5: Anima Zero [1] E4M4: Suitepee [1] E4M4: Horus [1] E4M3: Andromeda [1] E4M3: purple_ruberoid [1] E4M2: Doomy__Doom [1] E4M2: Detour.Inc [1] E4M2: ArchvileHunter [1] E4M2: LadyMistDragon [1] E4M2: PBeGood [1] E4M1: SCF [1] E4M1: SleepyVelvet [1] E4M1: Li'l devil Prepared Leaderboard ... What is the Doomworld Ironman League? The DWIronman League is a monthly competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag at the bottom of the post for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome. It could change the way you play Doom! In June 2024 the DWIronman League dies to Death Tormention 3 (-complevel 9*) by @pcorf and @Kristian Nebula, starting from E4. I'm of firm belief that the League should arguably play at least one (Ultimate) Doom feature every year, because that's a different challenge to the regular Doom II sets. Usually this pick would be Hadron E2 or Draft Excluder, but it's been barely over a year since the last cannonball feature, so there's that. Dawn of the Dead was also in the running but warning about the death teleporter on M3 and being prepared for the cyber surprise on M7, it's really not difficult. Such, I settled on this; a set I've not played before, but which looks promising and also quite tasty from the two-minute dabbles I've had on a few maps. Besides, it's PCorf. Have fun! I can't say whether this one would be hard or easy. Next month we might be looking at a one-off in terms of how the competition is structured, anyway, so I wanted something a bit more traditional before that. Essential Info The Ultimate Doom (doom.wad); regular Doom won't suffice, as we're playing an Episode 4 replacement. Compatibility level 9, or "Boom (strict)" for ZDoom derivative ports. Read below. 8 (+1) maps starting from E4M1. Time estimate (total, if survival): 2.5 - 4 hours If you stumble upon a secret exit on E4M9, DO NOT USE IT. It is a secret level (M10) only accesible through ZDoom. SOFTLOCKS AND DISCLAIMERS: On E4M2, do not jump into the red-stone lava pits behind one of the exit doors in the map. They're inescapable. On E4M9, despite the arrow pointing to a marble face with green torches at one point, unless you're well prepared, DO NOT PRESS IT. There's a more secret way of handling the potential encounter. Normally I wouldn't warn about that, but it will more than likely kill everyone who didn't stumble upon a secret prior to that. Especially considering it's metres away from the actual exit. On E4M8, if you go into the super dark, blackened, areas (first seen during a downward venture through red rocks), you die immediately. *From what I've read, the version in Death Tormention: Complete Pack is the final version + the sky on M8 displays properly. Each map also loads on prB+, so I reckon it's compatible. However, as the demos are recorded both in cl3 and cl9, and considering a few instances where that led to confusion and map breakage (Ironeagle's Whitemare comes to mind), it's best if we assume cl9. Nothing should break; the demo thread on this forum uses cl9. > Download Death Tormention: The Complete Trilogy (playing only E4!) prboom-plus.exe -iwad doom.wad -file dtpack.wad -complevel 9 -skill 4 -record demo_name.lmp -warp 4 1 Rules: Previous threads:
    5 points
  27. Hey DooMers! Do you like vanilla themed Doom 2 WADs? Well you're in luck because the first episode to my Doom 2 WAD "Earth Assault 2" is now available for beta testing! Upon completion, Earth Assault 2 is going to be a total of 4 episodes and over 40 levels! Progress has been slow but steady since 2017, and the project has undergone a major revamp in the past couple years. Levels have been reworked and redesigned. Some have even been scrapped altogether and replaced. A lot of time, effort, and imagination has gone into this work of mine and it is going to be my ultimate creation once it is done. Most of the levels are complete. The bulk of episodes 2-4 are finished, with a handful of maps still needing to be finished, and some secret levels and boss maps having yet to be started. The story of Earth Assault 2 leaves off where the original Earth Assault ended. After killing the barons of hell and hitting the exit switch, you find yourself being given a new mission. Your orders are to fight your way through the Yucca Flat Military Installation and use your clearance to gain access to the nuclear missile command center. There you will launch a salvo of ICBMs straight through the portal leading into hell and give those demonic motherfuckers a taste of our terrestrial might. If you're a graphics artist: I NEED YOU! I am currently in need of graphic work done for this WAD which includes sky textures, Doom 1 style intermission maps, a menu logo, and a title screen. While I currently have more mapping to finish before the WAD is complete, if you want to be a part of this project, I would love to have your help, provided it fits the theme of this WAD. Feel free to post feedback here! Those who provide quality feedback for the first episode will be asked to playtest the other episodes when they are complete. Compatible with Brutal Doom and other gameplay mods! This WAD requires GZDoom or another ZDoom based source port. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOWNLOAD EARTH ASSAULT 2 BETA <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Check out the original here: ERTHASLT.zip Have a BEAUTIFUL day!
    5 points
  28. I did a 5th round of random deathmatch mapping - this time on Twitch! It went a lot better there than YT. I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and got FoxTex this time! This too is a pack that I've used before, so this was a nice easy session also. The map took me 3.5 hours to complete this time. Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 5): MAP05 - 'Destiny: Dusk': I went w/ a heckbase theme in this one - I'm still having trouble w/ this texture pack in Zandronum, so I took these shots in GZ. Anyway, was a lot of fun! Excited to see what texture pack I'll get next - there's some really obscure ones in my randomizer! :D
    5 points
  29. Craneo

    Share Your Sprites!

    a sorta "fatality" on Adolf Hitler, kinda jank, I am not that good of an animator lol. EDIT: Doom 64 Trite, not my best work tho...
    5 points
  30. Map 03: Onslaught by Chris Harbin Crispy Doom, UV, pistol-start The enemy count picks up noticeably. We start inside a bunker but quickly end up in a darkened outside area mostly taking place in a canyon. Arguably this section is more difficult to handle than the multiple Cacodemons. The lights outside are a nice touch and while this probably drew from the Darkening to some degree, I can always appreciate a map that's non-fullbright. Enemies are thankfully scattered, which particularly helps at the point we have to drop down into a basin with a bunker at the other end. The waterfall secret that everyone likes so much is located right before that. And the red key that's on top of a mountain is sitting on top of a random platform for some reason. Don't consider the logic too thoroughly, just head for the bunker, deal with some teleporting chaingunners and Imps in a stark white lab room, then finally deal with a small mass of Imps to finish the map. Difficulty can probably be said to be picking up but combat at this point is still greatly unpolished.
    5 points
  31. Doom 3 had the right amount of lore without having to pretend it was bigger than itself.
    5 points
  32. that's enough community projects which are tributes to stuff that already exists please make things about yourself now
    5 points
  33. Map03: Onslaught A charming mini-adventure that reminds me of Alien Vendetta, particularly Beast Island, though this wad came out two years earlier. The spacious layout feels like a relief after the previous map. Gameplay is satisfying enough, if run-of-the-mill. Not much to complain about.
    5 points
  34. Some shots of from my upcoming map "By Any Means Necessary." I'm really proud of how much I've gotten done in a relatively brief amount of time without losing interest. Taking a break for a few days before I get to work on the next section.
    5 points
  35. PRE-RELEASE 0.4.0 Alright this would be the last pre-release builds, if there's no more bugs or changes I will release the wad as a new post, and uploaded on idgame. again thanks for all the works, we're finally done!!
    5 points
  36. What the point on grades not being important had me thinking: Something I've seen a bunch is critical convo that comes down to simply "this wad is better than that other wad." That includes tier lists that are shared without elaboration, and discussion about which wads are overrated or underrated, again without any elaboration. So, when you're talking in a server about wads, that feels like the only option right? Actual "criticism" (which requires more length) is too deep for a chat, right? I don't think so. Let's say you simply open up a wad, in-game or even in the editor, and go to one area of one map, and casually talk about something in that area -- whether it's a design of some kind, an encounter, the overall mood, or whatever. Anything that area makes you feel or think. If you do that, you're already so many steps ahead of pure "criticism as evaluation" in having something interesting to say. You don't have to make a larger point of some kind or tie it into a neatly structured essay. You can just...chat. (I also once jokingly suggested in a server that every tier list someone posted has to come up with a 1000-word essay. Then a few people actually did that -- which is why I try not to make requests of people lightly :P. They did it not with a neatly structured review or essay but with casual freeform support of their placements.) The other day we were talking about drawing rocks and how there are so many different ways to do it. It started out as a discussion of Dannebubinga's rock style, these single-row borders of uniformly sized rocks that have become one of the most popular rock-drawing styles in challenge wads (Ribbiks would also try that in some of Crumpets's maps, and people who have joined the community recently sometimes don't even realize it's Danne specifically that really popularized that style in these wads). Then I talked about AD_79's style and their penchant for these well crafted arches, where rocks on both sides build up to a highest point over a path of some kind... ... and also highlighting pseudo-3D by going out of their way to place a thing prop of some kind on top of the structure, which makes it look like the part above the arch has space up there even when it doesn't. Terminal Stages of Nostalgia shows that, but even as far back as Violence it was a thing. Then we discussed Darkwave0000's style and we got into so much, like how he kinda improvs with all the shapes, doesn't worry about whether they're pretty or ugly, even sometimes draws in ways that most people would consider sloppy. So many examples, but there's this bit in Speed of Doom map02 where a rock is a literal rectangle. You don't really notice in-game. This part of map06, because of how the ceiling architecture juts down, has these convex jagged shapes that would be taboo from many other authors, but it looks weird and surreal. We talked about map10 and how this vista has so much character to it. Rather than drawing this careful and tidy set of rocks like many other authors, Darkwave's loose, more improvised shapes evoke the wear and tear of a world falling apart. That fits what he's going for thematically with the familiar Mucus Flow acid-wear style look. And this isn't even played experience. Since I was chatting, I was casually opening up wads to -nomonsters through them and talk about design. Played experience is all of that, and then some. (I would happily talk about that too, but usually when I'm playing I don't stop to write notes.) Doom wads are a wondrous world of interesting things to say, do, and feel. I joked about writing a long essay about Wow.wad once, and then I outlined it for fun, and saw how shockingly reasonable that was -- even if chapters would have to be topics like "the history of lazy jokewads" and "an analysis of Doom's gore props" and "a description of Decay and El Juancho's UV-Max fight along with a literary analysis of the demo text file beef" and "the use of HOM as an intentional aesthetic choice" (50 Shades of Gray map06, along with Maribo's work, would make this one a genuinely interesting chapter to write -- but if I did it, I would want to write that chapter as a standalone piece to not tie their work to Wow.wad). Something I've felt is that as good as critical formats like reviews or other write-ups are, you open up a lot by simply allowing yourself to talk about wads somewhere, to say whatever is on your mind about one thing at the time. There's a lot of space for even more informal writing. Thinking about all the times I tried to participate in a DWMC and felt I didn't have the energy, but it was because I was trying to do "an overview" instead of just blabbing without structure. Blabbing without structure, like I'm doing now... I think the larger point is we shouldn't accidentally wall ourselves away from good things because we force ourselves to do it in a way that requires a lot of effort -- because we shy away from forms that allow us to do it very casually. This applies to a lot of things. It's one of those reasons that speedmapping or less-serious projects can be a good thing to turn to after working on something very ambitious.
    5 points
  37. And we're done. 8 Days To Die. Ensure you have adequate food and water, and do not exit your shelter until given the all clear.
    5 points
  38. I actually finished a modern megawad for once, and the final fight I survived with a ton of powerups still remaining. I definitely am improving at the game.
    5 points
  39. The POISON and RADIATION signs use the menu font from Commander Keen 4-6 and Catacombs 3D (with added anti-aliasing). This is the oldest ID graphic to end up in Doom that I've found (not counting the end of MAP32 of course. GRAYDANG resembles a graphic from Keen 5 but I compared them and they're different). This could be useful for anyone making custom signs in the style of these.
    5 points
  40. Some screenshots from my soon-to-be released (RC1) 10-map doom2.exe compatible episode.
    5 points
  41. Pluggeing away Lol: I am going to get ahold of the hardware renderer eventually, dammit.
    4 points
  42. nice! map21 pacifist 27.00 https://youtu.be/Xy3vnEfG3GU ap21p2700.zip
    4 points
  43. 4 points
  44. Map 69 NoMo in 0:03.46 jf3m69nomo-346.zip
    4 points
  45. Map 03: Onslaught I liked this map, its straight forward and simple but feels like an idyllic little doom locale. We fight our way through a picturesque canyon to get to the next structure that needs cleanout and the little things like waterfalls and the accompanying splashing sound effects affect a wholesome feel about the whole place. 😀
    4 points
  46. briefly: running in dsda-doom cl9 doesn't help much tldr: I won't even try to load dmium in gzdoom ever gzdoom isn't zdoom calling people idiots in the name of the gif is rude readme states gzdoom is among recommended ports to play the wad
    4 points
  47. Map 3 was still short, but kind of fun, being largely outdoors. I think I had a small bit of trouble with one of the fights, and one of the secrets was a bitch to find. Im really not any good at commentary :D
    4 points
  48. Progress on my map which I'm calling "Unauthorized Fusion". Trying to keep the TNT storytelling feel! Should be done in the next couple of days or so if I don't go super OCD mode.
    4 points
  49. MAP03 - “Onslaught” by Chris Harbin A return back to surface-level brings us to another cute little map, mostly consisting of outdoor areas, with neat little touches such as the square sector lights and spinning spawner-cube texture which I found endearing :P Plus an instantly recognisable Mark Klem midi as the cherry on top. If you play with ‘show secrets only after entering’ disabled as I do, the secrets are basically given away to you and can be found just by looking at the automap. Which I appreciate definitely gives an advantage in certain situations, but I generally enjoy playing this way as it incentivises me more to try and find how to get the secret when I actually see it. Overall, I found this map fun and relaxing, and I approached it in a laid-back way, almost to my cost as I was a bit careless with the chaingunners :P
    4 points
  50. Map 02: Fat Boy Frontier | UV-Max in 5:06.91 jf302m50691.zip Map 03: Open Michael Night | UV-Max in 2:08.34 jf303m20834.zip
    4 points
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