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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/24 in all areas

  1. Been tinkering away at an idea I got a few months ago. Curently working on the decorative sprites you see here. I'm using a modified dbp 47 color palette.
    17 points
  2. doodle by me :3 Hello guys! i figured it was as good of a time as any to post all the musical pieces i've written over the past 4 or so years, its been mostly hiding on my profiles and bio's for a while but it would suit better to be its own post at this point. The archive is almost always constantly updated, and new stuff of varying styles and moods are regularly coming up every month or so. Everything is 100% free to use for and reuse non-commercial works as long as credit is given. Anyhow, i hope you find something of interest or worth using on your projects, thanks! DOWNLOAD LINK
    15 points
  3. neubejiita

    Rate my Doom PC.

    Intel i9. 128 GiB of RAM. 2000 TB SSD. Windows 10.
    15 points
  4. Found this interesting skybox and just had to use it somewhere :) EDIT: here you go - credits to Mr.Who at gamebanana.com skybox.zip
    15 points
  5. WAD File: REVENGE of the Speeddemons.pk3 Port: GZDoom Resources: Rowdy Rudy by Doomkid, Duke Nukem, Cagetex, and several 667 decorations. IWAD: Doom II Notes: Uhhh... late! The Speeddemons, once thought dead, have clawed their terrible talons across our beautiful world! There's only one mercenary that can stop them (that we can afford)... ROWDY RUDY! REVENGE of the Speeddemons is the... um... eightteenth Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping series event. Mapping began in July 2022. No, this thread wasn't necrobumped: I took around two years to patch this bad boy up. This event was run as a sequel to the previous year's March of the Speeddemons. Much like that event, we utilized @Doomkid's phenomenal Rowdy Rudy resource pack for our mapping, though we upped the ante in ROTS with several fun GZDoomisms and decorations and such that I got off the internet. Featuring 7 maps, each from a unique author, ROTS promises to throw the player headfirst into an action movie of their own starring. Fit snuggly into the lead role as you blast your way through hundreds of demons mercenaries across an occupied Earth. The Rowdy Rudy resource pack replaces nearly all of the monster beastiary as well as the majority of the weapons. Known Bugs: Textscreens don't have backgrouns rn. Change Log: N/A Maplist: TITLEMAP - "Reckoning" - @BluePineapple72 MAP01 - "Fight Another Day" - @Death Bear MAP02 - "Rudy Goes to Hell" - @muumi MAP03 - "Houston Station" - @MemeMind MAP04 - "Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood" - @myolden MAP05 - "Woodland Workshop" - @DynamiteKaitorn AKA Heich MAP06 - "Seaside Demolition" - @Engired MAP07 - "Skyscraping" - @horselessheadsman MAP08 - "Better Late than Never!" (credits) Screenshots: I don't necessarily have any excuses for why this is so late. PUSS series II stands now as a very interesting learning experience for me both as a Doom mapper and a creative. For one, I've learned that (at least for super quick projects) I honestly don't like GZDoom all that much. UDMF speedmapping is kind of a chore. Boom feels much much more natural to me in terms of just getting lines onto a wad. Likewise, having infinite freedom for new features naturally lends itself to the feature creep of wanting to do everything in the world (in a month no less!) I had delayed this for so long partially due to my wanting to make a map for this but never making the time for it as well as my hopes for building something more "impressive" or larger than what we ended up with (scope creep much!!). This project should also stand as an educational forewarning as to why you should not do a monthly series of releases: you will burn yourself out, you will overwhelm yourself, and you will create a huge backlog of shit you're gonna put off for a long time. I could say a lot of negative things about this event and bemoan my management of it having delayed it for such a long time, but I don't want that to be the focus here. There are seven maps in here made by seven very talented people (most of whom I've had the pleasure of working with multiple times), so it brings me great pleasure to finally muster up the final bits and pieces to share this work as a "completed" RC1. I had intended on finishing a level for this project, but I figured it best to just finally clear this off my TODO list. If there is enough interest I am open to the idea of potentially accepting more maps. But I am very unlikely to entertain that idea. Special thanks to the PUSS community as always. Even with every misstep you end up moving towards something better. Original Project Thread Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping Die Rowdy ~~~~~~~~~ Until Next Time ,o7 ~~~~~~~~~
    14 points
  6. Hello. I recently posted the first map of my little project, which was tyson, now are you a bad enough dude to do slaughter, with a SUPER SHOTGUN!@?!?!? This is shotgun surgeon!! >map02, so idclev to map02 >Boom format, compat 9 >edit: difficulties implemented!!!! >tested on gzdoom and dsda doom >boom boom boom boom FINAL EDIT: >added in some lighting and fixed an issue with difficulty implementation big thanks to @Amaruψ for all the help with learning slade and UDB !! Shotgun Surgeon.rar
    12 points
  7. Sigil Intermission Screen
    12 points
  8. I'm down with having critical chats/analyses of the nu dooms but the way that the merest mention of any game made after 2004 consistently calls down the horde of folks who REALLY performatively want you to hear a bunch of bad game design takes they picked up off YouTube, is, like, really tiresome and uninteresting.
    9 points
  9. a small update on the Doom 64 Trite sheet, he has a home now :)
    8 points
  10. i have felt bereft, BEREFT i tell you, without the DWMC. thank you @dobu gabu maru! first demo attempts linked below: pistol starts, uv, cl-1, saving when i feel like it map01 far too much pistol-ing for my liking. i enjoyed the shooty switch secrets map02 i like the central conceit; go to each teleporter and return with key, but the scale doesnt feel right; why have they set up all this (admittedly very nice looking core) to go to these piddly places? lacking! map03 an example where extreme linearity doesnt harm gameplay i think. very happy to see a waterfall secret after the first waterfall in the map betrayed me :D map04 excellent frantic start and then sort of peters out... the secrets are quite entertainingly accidental. my kind of secret to be honest!
    8 points
  11. Craneo

    Share Your Sprites!

    a sorta "fatality" on Adolf Hitler, kinda jank, I am not that good of an animator lol. EDIT: Doom 64 Trite, not my best work tho...
    8 points
  12. 7 points
  13. Map 04 "The Arrival" "The Arrival" resembles to a small tribute to "The Focus" from Doom 2 as they occupy the same slot and both map manage to deliver quick pump-action among cramped places. Moreover, you can find a SSG in a secret and several chaingunners taking cover behind a moving window, those things allude to Doom 2's map 04. Unlike map 03, combats win over adventure and it makes map 04 a lot less memorable. Nevertheless, I have to admit that Biowar is quite rich in panels and pictograms, bringing a little innovation to an ordinary base like this. And like map 01, the doomcute vehicle is... cute. Grade : C+ (11/20)
    7 points
  14. MAP04 - The Arrival Another change of pace as we're back into a purely techbasey setting. With the player literally starting on a Berserk I was half-tempted to try and tyson my way through this, though kinda glad I didn't. Though not as much as MAP02 I still found it a little cramped in places, with Hell Knights acting as obstacles, including one who didn't seem to be able to get past the barriers that lowered. I got the secret SSG which made them much less of a potential speedbump, however. The Cacos rising out of the nukage was a nice effect, and so was the map of the level at the start, and the cool little screens with displays of the enemies on them - the environmental storytelling and setpieces in Biowar continues to be its strongest points for me so far. Combat was a little underwhelming as it felt somewhat railroaded due to the tighter quarters, but as always, we're spoiled beyond reason at this stage and you should really consider this wad in its historical context. It was a good little map, with another nice bouncy Klem tune.
    7 points
  15. Map 04: The Arrival by Chris Harbin Crispy Doom, UV, pistol-start Another short map, this one probably feels less substantive than the last one, with the exception of a higher enemy density per square footage. The Super Shotgun secret was located essentially through instinct, although a scrolling window in that room opens when returning from a particular key. The title seemingly rips from Charlie Sheen's best movie as it certainly fits the theme of a lab with aliens, though not academically. I don't really understand why we start in a vehicle given the last map's continuity but this makes plenty of sense otherwise. Highlight include the map listing other sections of the facility, like the one we're in right now and naturally, the labs where it seems as if there are zombie experiements of sorts from the sergeant pictures stapled here. It's only one room but it leaves a greater impact than anything else in the map. Though one more thing: spare shells are pretty spare so maybe have the regular shotgun out half the time.
    7 points
  16. Level 4: The Arrival Small cool looking techbase. I generally like dilapidated/corrupted techbases like this. Other than that, not much to say aside from that I wish the wad gave me an SSG by this point, as fighting multiple tomatoes and hell knights with a shotgun isn't much fun.
    7 points
  17. MAP04 - “The Arrival” by Chris Harbin Visually, this reminds me of various Team TNT maps but significantly more cramped. That's the biggest issue with this level. There isn't much room to move around for you or the enemies, so the incidental combat turns into a shooting gallery where you pick off hitscanners from behind cover. Now, that can be interesting in more complex environments, but these rooms are very simple and there's little challenge here. On the positive side, I like the visuals in the starting room and the implication that the player landed the ship through the opening above. The new textures like the map and the animated one with the Imp are also a nice touch.
    7 points
  18. I did a 5th round of random deathmatch mapping - this time on Twitch! It went a lot better there than YT. I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and got FoxTex this time! This too is a pack that I've used before, so this was a nice easy session also. The map took me 3.5 hours to complete this time. Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 5): MAP05 - 'Destiny: Dusk': I went w/ a heckbase theme in this one - I'm still having trouble w/ this texture pack in Zandronum, so I took these shots in GZ. Anyway, was a lot of fun! Excited to see what texture pack I'll get next - there's some really obscure ones in my randomizer! :D
    7 points
  19. Some attempts at trying to evoke Sunder on a smaller scale. Still got over 15k sidedefs to go through but I think this is shaping up nicely.
    7 points
  20. jesuiscrespo

    Share Your Sprites!

    My first time drawing a weapon sprite, based on GTA 2's electrogun (original for comparison). Not good, but it's something at least. Also, some empty barrels that are sent flying when damaged.
    6 points
  21. MAP04: The Arrival. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 47/47, S: 3/3, I: 50/50. Comp. time 5:22 A solid tech base with all sorts of danger signs that smell faintly of DN3D influence. I'm thinking this is also a 90s things - when I was a teenager trying to do Doom maps, I too yearned for DN3D's "realistic signs" and that sort of textures. Nowadays maps feel content to do without "Doom killer" influences. I also feel the automap in the starting room is also a thing you rarely see these days, unless it's a very elaborate hint on finding a very well hidden secret, such as opening the entry to the secret map in BTSX2. Anyway, that's almost beside the point - The Arrival continues the trend of maps improving in quality, and also in difficulty. While I still haven't died once, a chaingunner ambush (guarding a secret SSG) almost got me this time.
    6 points
  22. Biowar map 04 : The arrival UVmax, pistol start, single segment Since I’m no specialist on Doom history, I begin to really ask myself about the 90’s style. Sometimes it’s associated to really unfair (unorganized) experimentation on gameplay, sometimes to the contrary (easy levels), sometimes to the infamous mix : huge areas with low monsters count, other to primitive but really cool doomcutes… Well, I’m overplaying naive here, of course, nineties are, first of all, a land-clearing and organizing era, with the unavoidable freedom (for best and worst) of the « Arts premiers ». While playing this map, we are mostly in the doomcute/not difficult aspect of the nineties. Nevertheless, I faced my first death here because of lack of instinct in the cacodemons trap. I played the map again and went through this fight, found after that the ssg secret and then reached the end. Replaying it today, I realized that, until now, I liked the low-key approach of this mapset : you find on the four first maps a nice, though limited, variety of easy fights and traps, you also genuinely and naturally develop the desire for speedrunning and, also, you get something as important as supposedly obvious : secrets have to be unnecessary to end the map but, when you find them, they may really simplify you run. And that’s exactly what this ssg secret do : It’s not too generous (a megasphere or megaarmor) but just make you life easier and, once again, it’s mostly the purpose of basic secrets. So… all this was pretty general stuff, what about the level ? It’s a small techbase/lab you land in with your spaceship. Some wall textures really fit the scientific experiment’s atmosphere of the lab and, helped by the simple but cool cacodemons teleporting room, make this (otherwise) standard layout of a map something you want to revisit. The midi induces, with its staccato, the feel of a cold threat and, at the same time, a still numbed but very existing need for action. Another really cool map !
    6 points
  23. I thought I was done for the day but decided to snag this one Map69 UV-speed (also Pacifist) in 00:03.17 - jf369-000317.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG0sv7DFRXw I totally forgot about Pacifist category so the run fits both of them. Was submitted as Speed but is also Pacifist
    6 points
  24. x box is better any way thats why i became addicted to drugs and pregnant at 16 now i only play doom on my phone fuck my life
    6 points
  25. Map 04: The Arrival Best map yet. Still easy fare but this standard doom facility gives you a little something to sink your teeth into and finally gives us our favorite utensil to do so with. Still thinking that this set would make the best meal if consumed all in one sitting but my multiple plays of each map strung out the way they are is making me appreciate the littler details that make this set feel like a comfort food as opposed to something to broaden ones pallet with. 😀
    6 points
  26. Map04: The Arrival One of the secret areas has a window that opens up later in the map, giving a hint for its location. However, this secret can be opened very early in the map, leading to a super shotgun and making repeat playthroughs fairly fast-paced. If you want to kill everything, the pace is interrupted by the helpless cacodemons in the reactor room, which conveniently teleport into the room one-by-one to be slaughtered, though they could be mildly threatening for those who haven't found the SSG. For UV-max runs, with the right route, players can do other things while waiting for the cacos to teleport in, but the wait time is inconsistent. Sometimes they've all arrived by the time you need them, and sometimes you have to wait; if it's a speedrun, that means resetting. Nonetheless, I like the level overall.
    6 points
  27. Biowar MAP04 (UV, continuous, saves): I love the fact that there's a map of the map in the starting room. One thing I appreciate a lot about 90s to early 2000s WADs (at least the ones I've played) is the usage of special sign textures for worldbuilding and making areas feel like they have a tangible purpose rather than being mostly abstract. I don't see this super often in newer WADs (again, at least the ones I've played). I've been thinking about making a thread about this sometime, I want to find more WADs that do this sort of thing. I probably spent more time writing this than playing the actual map.
    6 points
  28. I like those veggies from Icarus.
    6 points
  29. tl;dr doom2, complevel 9, kinda hard, play on uv, 1 map!, tested on dsda&woof&nugget, ~20min playtime to max? download : link to wad (updated 2024/08/06: minor adjustments to final area) i turned 14 recently, so i wanted to celebrate by making myself a map. it took a few weeks, but it's done ! id like to thank stephyesterday, ilker, beeswithchainsaws, numsoic, and anothernameforsnow for playtesting this on the entryway discord server. y'all rock was inspired by 10x10 map01 visually, and uses only stock d2 textures. thanks adrian combat is a little frenzied, and not particularly easy. i havent balanced this on hmp or lower as of current, so for the best experience play on uv. dont play this on nightmare lmfao not my *first* map, but this is my first public one! (besides that one mega-beginner thing i uploaded to idgames for some reason) no jumping or crouching, silly midi is "Grosstown Traffic" by zan-zan-zawa-veia. you should check out their stuff more screenies : updates:
    5 points
  30. I like and enjoy all the Doom games if that narrows it down
    5 points
  31. youre allowed to enjoy it. ive never once seen a youtube video essay criticizing doom eternal except people who found it too hard, i found it easy, thats my gripe with it. Once again if people criticizing the game makes you sad because you enjoyed it thats a you problem. Im under no obligation to hold my tongue because my issues with the game somehow might make someone who enjoys it upset, we all enjoy different things. And to add, the reason i bring up these criticisms is because I want the next doom game to be taken in a direction I like, but seeing how many people seem to enjoy push forward combat, i fear it might go even further in that direction.
    5 points
  32. put simply, when doom eternal requires resource management via constant use of the chainsaw and low ammo caps to incentivize using multiple weapons, its ass. when slaughter maps require resource management via relying on infighting and not wasting ammo its peak. when doom eternal has weakpoints that certain weapons and/or weapon mods are useful for so you constantly switch weapons, it "reduces creativity" because you cant W+M1+SSG the whole game. when pistol starting a slaughter map and they don't give you a bfg its "good, and cool because you have to use different weapons" I don't think doom eternal is that different then classic doom, just a refinement of the formula that id used till quake 2. But jfc this is a specuation thread about the next doom, not a doom eternal is bad thread, or even a doom eternal is good thread. if you want that, I recommend posting a thread there instead. Can people just talk about the topic?
    5 points
  33. DNSKILL5

    Rate my Doom PC.

    My CPU is a neural-net processor; a learning computer.
    5 points
  34. Operation: Biowar MAP04: The Arrival (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) The snackventure continues with another map under five minutes! This time we have a mini-techbase complete with shuttle bay, reactor, and bio-lab. Custom textures abound for various signs and displays, although if you're like me you'll fly right past them to find some demons to shoot. Gameplay here is very basic, and the only thing that stuck to my mind about it was the old-school (i.e. slow) caco teleporter in the reactor room. I recall from the README that Icarus was an inspiration for the wad, and sure, that checks out. This one does really give the same kind of feeling.
    5 points
  35. Stupid Bunny

    Rate my Doom PC.

    Today we're gonna see if Doom can run on al Intel i9 with 128 GiB of RAM and a 2000 TB SSD inside Windows 10 What we found out is absolutely gonna blow your mind But first let me tell you about NordVPN
    5 points
  36. doom eternals biggest limit is how it prevents the map designers from limiting the player, youre always going to kill things the META way because you always get to use whatever gun you want, you are never forced into a corner so the way you deal with every fight is to fly around, and because of the balance of everything you always choose the most optimal set of runes, like ALWAYS air control. I remember how refreshing classic mode felt because id be forced to deal with things in more novel manners, alas im sounding like a broken radio here. Also remember how in 2016 you could find secret weapons, like early plasma gun, early gauss gun? Secrets seemed to matter more. Idunno i just feel like, giving the player everything just means they always do the same thing they wanna do, youre never forced to get creative. Perfect example is the cyber mancubus, stun, blood punch, ssg, rinse and repeat.
    5 points
  37. The POISON and RADIATION signs use the menu font from Commander Keen 4-6 and Catacombs 3D (with added anti-aliasing). This is the oldest ID graphic to end up in Doom that I've found (not counting the end of MAP32 of course. GRAYDANG resembles a graphic from Keen 5 but I compared them and they're different). This could be useful for anyone making custom signs in the style of these.
    5 points
  38. I haven't mapped in a while now, so I decided to try my hand at a Knee-Deep in the Dead style map. I called it nucleolar because it's got a bit of nuclear waste, it's tiny,, minimalistic in texture usage (referring to me not using any textures aside from Knee-Deep in the Dead) and it that's the best I could think of in 2 minutes :) So yeah, don't take this too seriously and have fun. Careful of falling into inescapable pits, you can't escape from them! Replaces E1M1, DOOM.WAD. Limit-Removing, tested with GZDoom, Crispy Doom and PrBoom+. No textures or dehacked, as it was put together rather quickly. It's actually based on a map I made very very early on when I first started mapping ^_^ nucleolar.zip EDIT: This is the wrong subforum, innit?
    4 points
  39. I'm currently working on my first ever multi level wad for Doom 2 and these are some billboards I made in IBISPaintX as part of the texture pack.
    4 points
  40. More progress. Will I be done by the time Elden Ring dlc releases and I put all hold on mapping for a while? Probably not.
    4 points
  41. Map69 UV-Max in 13:47 - jf369m1347.zip YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxVUoosndM8
    4 points
  42. I like how this description does nothing at all to narrow down which side of the argument you're talking about.
    4 points
  43. Doom 6: The Search for More Money
    4 points
  44. All of this. It's honest-to-god so frustrating loving a game that you almost never want to talk about anymore (Doom Eternal specifically), because other people cannot let someone enjoy it. Mini-vent time: Admittedly, I’ve been more of a bad mood as of late, and I apologize in advance if it seems like I’m lashing out. Man, this thread has gone to some depressing places. Until we do indeed have hard confirmation that id’s next title is indeed a Doom game, it’s probably best not to drag this all out even further.
    4 points
  45. Map 14 UV-Max in 1:35 In the archive I also put a demo with a cool ending and where I got exactly the same time as Bredd YT link: junk14m135.zip
    4 points
  46. Just updating with some in-progress screenshots to show I'm alive and making strides. So far the working title is "Terminal Central", but it's slowly evolving more into a weapons development area.
    4 points
  47. I liked Doom Eternal and played through it twice, plus the DLC. However, for the most part, I much prefer Doom 2016. In fact, I think Doom 2016 is the best shooter of that decade, just as the OG Doom was the best shooter of the 90s. I preferred the art direction of 2016, and the more open gameplay. I find it endlessly replayable on both console and PC. Although Eternal added some good new aspects to the gameplay, it became too much about only have certain ways to fight certain enemies, and lost of some of the “fun” of 2016 even as it leaned into a lighter and more arcade-y tone. The lore became a lot less interesting, too, though for Doom gameplay is and always will be king. Anyway, I say that because I hope this new Doom is not taking the Eternal elements even further, but rather finds a middle ground between 2016 and Eternal. I’d also love if it’s actually a new IP (doubtful) or a Quake 1 reboot (possible) that focuses on melee combat a little more. Doom 2016 holds up 8 years later and I’d love to get more of *that*, with some of the improvements from Eternal.
    4 points
  48. MAP04: The Arrival First of all, the aircraft you start the map in is a cool piece of doomcute that holds up well. Check for a switch that lowers an armor, grab a shotgun and you are prepared to take on a small techbase, populated mostly by basic monsters. Two places stand out: a vat of toxic chemicals that releases cacodemons and an operating room, where I autopsies were performed on the demons (I like the new monitor textures). A secret SSG speeds up the fights against cacos and hell knights, but I don't think it's required. The Arrival is a brisk map with some nifty details that saves it from being yet another techbase.
    4 points
  49. Seemingly it's "fast water" and "splashing water", the SWATER flats are in the press release beta, but they're also in Romero's art dump:
    4 points
  50. I've been fiddling around with the concept of marrying industrial themes with gothic as of late. I cooked this one up just this morning.
    4 points
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