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⛧SIGIL INTERMISSION SCREEN MAP v1.2⛧ (An Add-on for Sigil)
Kan3 and 42 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
Hey everyone, today i'm releasing my custom Sigil Intermission screen, hope you like it. Some notes (v1.2): -sigilint.pk3 (gzdoom,zandronum,zdoom) has the animated version of the intermission screen -sigilintercompat.wad is a version compatible with boom-ports, it's static, although I will try to make them animated in the future -The M_SKULL from the menu has been replaced by the Baphomet Icon of SI6IL -Be sure to load either sigilint.pk3 or sigilintercompat.wad first and then Sigil v1.21 Don't combine any of the files, you only need one of them to run with SIGIL_v1_21 Changelog (v.1.2): -SIGFIRE texture fix -Widescren patch (428x200) -Added the ultrawide screen patch (640x200) Credits goes to Skunk for making the IN_E4 from his thyinterpic , that's how I did most of the scripting and animations for this episode, also shoutout to @Arsinikk, this post has been inspired by RUST 's structure. Thanks to @Terraformer9x for making the Widescreen patch. Check out other intermissions screens made by me here: Anathema 243 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
horselessheadsman and 10 others reacted to Matt Eldrydge for a topic
Surprised at how much changes with some greenery. Bonus footage showing the rain in action.11 points -
AtomIsTired and 8 others reacted to Man of Doom for a topic
Honestly, that’s what all that discourse seems to boil down to. Not only that, it’s worth noting that the whole “X weapon is required to kill this enemy” is absolute BS; while certain strategies are certainly encouraged, they’re not outright required. If anything, it’s even more encouraged to try different weapon combos and techniques just to experiment with how you can kill enemies differently. Why else do you have entire montages dedicated to how one can just instagib the Marauder with different weapons (including the Combat Shotgun’s full auto mod)? Hell, even with the one enemy that actually does require a specific weapon mod to kill (specifically, using the Microwave Beam to kill the Spirit), you can just get rid of it by killing all other enemies so that it doesn’t have any more enemies to possess in the first place. In any case, the official Doom Twitter account made the perfect response years ago (especially given what it was a reply to): Put simply, Doom Eternal’s style is simply a different style of Doom; that doesn’t make it any less valid.9 points -
Speed Map Every (other) Day! (The Comeback)
suzerduzer and 8 others reacted to Bobby :D for a topic
Oh fuck I forgot9 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
ctwoafiveb and 7 others reacted to DRON12261 for a topic
I finally got it. A fully working Unmaker from Doom 64 in the Eternity Engine. Which can also be upgraded by collecting demon keys. The firing mechanics are slightly different and slightly randomized (port limitations), but the way it works is roughly the same. Ammo is not spent for test reasons, it is very easy to fix.8 points -
A while ago I made a short, punchy map called "Frantic" and it received a fairly positive response. So I sat down and thought, why not make another one? Ladies and gentleman I present to you: 2FAST 2FRANTIC A sequel with more punch, more monsters and more vine textures! I hope you all enjoy! I tried to think outside the box with this one in both terms of design and monster encounters. I hope it paid off well! let me know! Feedback is Greatly appreciated! =========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : Boom Compatible Source port Primary purpose : Single play/co-op/deathmatch =========================================================================== Title: 2Fast 2Frantic Filename: 2F2F.wad Author : DMH094 Other Files By Author : Exodus (Ongoing) - The Baptism - De-Purified Tales From the Graveyard - Back to Formula - In the Blood - Meltdown - King of the Hill Deep Space VI Frantic Here's to Thirty Technophobia The Darklands Desolation Stagnation Additional Credits to : ASHTRALFIEND for plasmaball sprites Plasma rifle sound from Doom 3 Secret and teleporter sounds from "Quake" (1996) Midi: "Trigger" by "Mr Freeze" & "Bucket" Additional textures: 32in24-15tex Wolfhound =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels: 1 Sounds: Yes Music: Yes Graphics: Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch: Yes * Play Information * Game: Doom II (Map01) Single Player: Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player: Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes Other game styles: Pistol Start Difficulty Settings: All * Construction * Base: New from scratch Build Time: 27/5/2024 - 5/6/2024 Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, WhackEd May Not Run With: non-boom compatible ports Tested With: GZdoom and DSDA * Copyright / Permissions * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; and remix, transform, and build upon the material. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Link to Frantic 1: LINK TO WAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18DWA005uBRgVCjhN4rjz0YTx7zFJMhFX/view?usp=sharing7 points
Okay, I will be releasing the map tomorrow on June 6, 2024. It's a very straight forward map designed for Ultimate Doom E1M1. I have thought of adding more detail to the map but have decided against it. I believe it is very playable. It's not a huge map and I have really geared it for Ultra Violence but it can be played at wussy level as well. It does have secrets so look for those. I have already started on a second map which will be much larger and more detailed. This map was more of me getting back into the game and I hope you guys and gals enjoy it. It does have deathmatch starts as well...so have at it. Also, this is more old school design than anything else, remember I'm an "old guy" from the 90's....(snicker) Cadman - Member TeamTNT / Doom2 Grandmaster DHT5 Standards7 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 6 others reacted to Spectre01 for a topic
MAP05 - “Skybase” by Chris Harbin After some very quick maps with small monster counts, we arrive at something more sizeable. The main issue here is the backtracking. It's like the author intentionally placed the keys as far as possible from their corresponding doors. And the layout isn't very interconnected, so you can't really cut across or take shortcuts to get back quicker. Combat continues to be low-energy. It's still mostly fodder, despite the early SSG, and there's no real pressure unless you play sloppy and take hitscanner damage. It's really lacking when it comes to traps or interesting setups. At least Revenants make their appearance, who are more engaging to dodge than the basic projectile monsters. The visuals are generally good for the time, and I like the use of that animated flat pictured above.7 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
Votterbin and 6 others reacted to General Roasterock for a topic
I'm very happy to see this continue onwards thanks to the extra defibrillation, and doubly so for the possibility presented by having classics come to light once again. Map 01: The End Being such an outsider to the technology of the late 90s and early 2000s, there’s just something so adorable about the construction of so many of the boisterous releases of that time. Obviously every sound needs an update to the much more rich and recognizable libraries created after Doom, and there needs to be a story that is presented as far more involved than Doom’s while somehow also being less involved than what was written on the games’ booklets. Hell, apparently Doomguy is canonically dead in Operation: Biowar and whoever you’re playing as is an entirely new actor, how uplifting. The illusory stuff was fun too, like seeing tiny ships in the sky to attempt perspective and giant midtex holes blown out of the sides of walls. It’s creative, but everything else in the map ends up looking so comparatively dull. The horizon line outside feels like it’s at arm’s length, and areas that should be bustling hubs of shipping/receiving are basically flat rooms with gritty crate textures. Another storage bay with scattered crates to throw onto the pile I guess. The secrets were cool for 90s, actually having me stumped for a while due to my inability to simply turn around and observe the armor bonus pillars lowering opposite of one another. This map can be churned out in just under a minute if you play with mania for the shotguns, and frankly that’s all it needs. Map 02: Terror Core On paper, this should be one of the most boring maps presented to mankind, but somehow, due to its confidence, brevity, and simplistic action, I love it. Putting a shell into an Imp with full health and watching it crumble under the pressure never gets dull, and that’s essentially what the entire map is. Three different arenas to chew through with the shotgun, each supplying just enough ammo and adversity to keep you on your toes, are so much fun to speed through with reckless abandon. I can give or take the aesthetics, including the single attempt secret surrounding the outside of the hub, but the chaos of emerging from a teleport landing and immediately diving into another one with a fresh array of foes has never failed in being a rush. It’s not complicated, it’s not even good by a lot of standards now, but it’s a singular shot of adrenaline that is meant to be taken as fast as possible, and I can’t find it in me to detract it. Map 03: Onslaught Thank the heavens, I thought there wouldn’t be any mountain-dug slop in this set. Chipping at Cacodemons with a single barrel, incredibly dark Chaingunner alcoves, the singular Imp stuck inside of a cage that was somehow rigged into the side of the ravine, yeah we’re back to Earth after the gameplay success of Terror Core. This feels like one of those levels that are arbitrarily dark so they can make the Light Amp goggles useful, but they do not appear anywhere in the very small path through this level, so I can only assume the extreme darkness is a feature meant to be absorbed as atmosphere, and not abrasion against the enemies that are selected for the map. Oh well. Map 04: The Arrival Sometimes I have to put aside all of my appreciation for the abstraction that sets provide when it comes to the worlds they create and simply take in the facts around me. I watched five Cacodemons rise out of a vat of acid, and then escaped on a promising “teleport pad”, once again mimicking the design The Plutonia Experiment popularized. I do like charging through The Arrival, breaking my neck to reach the Super Shotgun, and then turning the slow marches into paste as fast as I can. I can definitely compliment the set on allowing that to remain in my grasp. Its simplicity and lack of grandiosity plays into its strengths as something played outside of its release year, and I truly do respect that. Still, I’m scared to even view what the Cacodemon closet looks like, and the tight corridors of the immortal techbase are starting to wear on me. Map 05: Skybase Well played Biowar, you almost convinced me that you wouldn’t be crusty enough to have a ton of incidentally spiced backtracking, train of thought computer laboratories, lifts that are so stupidly long that Chris just said “fuck it, I’ll teleport the player back up”, and anything else sub-Evilution. I got softlocked from simply trying to close the door to the Red Key behind myself, because that was a line that got left it despite the door being operated on an S1 switch. Truly ingenious. I have no way to truly classify this as a base in the sky, outside of seeing a couple of skyboxes out the windows, and even then it puts even less effort at establishing a setting than The End did. God bless the merciful shortness that these maps continue to display, because I will bring no blessings of the sort.7 points -
Post a picture of yourself!
Lila Feuer and 5 others reacted to TwinBeast for a topic
Was waking up from a nap.6 points -
⛧SIGIL INTERMISSION SCREEN MAP v1.2⛧ (An Add-on for Sigil)
silentzorah and 5 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
There's actually a Intermission screen for thy flesh consumed here, but I'm planning to work on a Sigil 2 Intermission Screen someday.6 points -
AtomIsTired and 5 others reacted to mrthejoshmon for a topic
I've already gone into detail explaining my inability to enjoy the tone set by newer entries, so no point getting into that now (TL;DR, it's the difference between the Punisher and Spawn, if that makes sense). There is not enough for me to go off of outside of vague outlines, however said outlines are immensely unappealing. Hot take but I think they could do a great game if they made something like Halo 3 ODST, the one where you see the events of the series through the eyes of a regular dude instead of the buffed up super soldier. Make the player a grunt of ARC or the UAC and if you want your bombastic dumb shit then just hand us one of those weird ass mech suits lying around.6 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 5 others reacted to Somniac for a topic
MAP05 - Skybase I had a bit of a rough time with this one, suffering from low health and several obnoxiously cheap deaths due to low health and low visibility before the above playthrough. If you don't get the green armour at the start and the secret berserk, this map could be pretty mean. A lot of the time I either forget to save or just don't want to, admittedly I could have saved myself some frustration that way. While there are more cool machinery setpieces (and a nice "switching the lights on" moment that I always really like seeing) I found the layout kind of a drag to be honest, and although it wasn't exactly cramped, the only time I felt really able to let loose was the blue key room.6 points -
Junkfood 3 demos [-complevel 21]
Monsieur E and 5 others reacted to A_D_M_E_R_A_L for a topic
Map 30 Pacifist in 8:09.80 jf3m30p-80980.zip (video)6 points -
AtomIsTired and 5 others reacted to oneselfSelf for a topic
I loath the term "bad game design" because it's usage nowadays does not usually have any meaningful weight to it and more often than not I've seen it be used on things that aren't "bad game design" but rather the person just didn't get the rules of the game and blamed it for being bad rather than acknowledging their own faults. With Eternal I think literally most people just don't want to admit that they don't vibe with the game or just that they weren't suited for the type of gameplay Eternal has, so they up the ante just blame the game instead and act like they have vast knowledge of the DOs and DONTs in game development. They just make an ass of themselves in the process and never learn.6 points -
This is generally also how I feel on this -- but at the same time, the real "issue" here is that the new Doom games are, fundamentally, off-topic. Lemme explain: Doomworld is fundamentally a community centered around the original games. We're all gathered here to make maps and mods, play 'em, speedrun 'em, all that good business. The amount of traffic the "Newfangled Doom" subforums get is tiny compared to the rest, and you rarely find users who think all the old games are trash, 'cause if they did, why are they even here? And even if one of those folks finds their way here anyway (which happens once in a blue moon), there's not much of a reason for them to stick around, assuming the community doesn't give them the boot in advance. :P But when it comes to topics that aren't classic Doom? Well, all bets are off -- there's no unifying factor on Random Topic X if it doesn't happen to align with community demographics, so you get a random mix of people who love/hate Topic X as well as a ton of folks who don't give a shit at all, and thus don't post. So inevitably threads about Topic X just kinda turn into low-quality bickering between the two sides who feel strongly enough about it to even post -- and this sort of suck is just a universal constant on The Internets(tm). It's been a meme for ages that you should just perma-mute the Everything Else subforum to get the best Doomworld experience, and it's much better now than it was 10 years ago, believe it or not. :P Doom 2016, on the other hand, is a bit of an outlier -- its gameplay is much closer to the original games than either Doom 3 or Eternal, so you're naturally going to get a lot more interest overlap, much in the same way you'll find a lot more Quake and DUSK fans here than you would in [insert random other gaming community], 'cause the genres are similar. The stars aligned for a bit with 2016, then Eternal went and did its own thing and the status quo was returned. It's really not much different than the sort of complaining you'd hear about Halo back when that was the hot modern shooter that everybody on these boards loved to hate. :P I'm not necessarily excusing all the weird takes as much as I'm rolling my eyes and moving on, but yeah, the new Doom games just aren't what Doomworld account holders are here for.6 points
I Think Doom's Edge Went the Wrong Way
suzerduzer and 4 others reacted to mrthejoshmon for a topic
I think classic Doom is edgy in a great way. I think New Doom is edgy in a bad way. What the fuck do I mean by this? Let me explain: Older entries in the Doom series, all the way up to and including Doom 3/ROE were edgy. The game series at this point is what I would describe more as pulp sci-fi action horror. You had a brave macho lone survivor space marine fighting off horrors beyond mortal comprehension caused by ill explained sci-fi nonsense, portals opened to literal hell filled with blood hungry malicious terrors and unholy fusions of tech and flesh hellbent on tearing everyone and everything to pieces, everywhere you went there was the aftermath of violence and the horrors that committed it. Classic Doom was terrifying, eerie, gory and just slightly over the top in the right places, it can be best compared to Aliens and Predator. But classic Doom also kept itself somewhat restrained, whilst the violence was indeed ultra the crux of it all was that despite the fact you just tore a shaved muscle gorilla a new arsehole with a chainsaw, you were still just a soldier. There is something infinitely appealing to me about mortal men fighting against not only impossible odds but also demented horrors, dealing with gruesome sights that no normal man should see and committing acts of violence that would traumatise any normal person. It's visceral, nasty, yet just ever so slightly grounded. The tone is grim, it is dark and this is further and wonderfully realised in the latter console ports and both third entries in the series (those being Doom 64 and 3, respectively). I find Doom so much more compelling as a gritty, grimy, pulpy horror adjacent affair where at no point are you the scariest thing in the room, the demons are twisted creatures or towering behemoths, forever stronger and more sadistic than you will ever be. One of my favourite demons will forever be Doom 3 ROE's Bruiser, a horrific fusion of tech and muscle that has one of the most unnerving designs in the series which absolutely bounds towards you, full of anger and hate with equally imposing sounds to match, horrific and cool in all the best ways. In comparison, I feel such a disconnect on why I dislike Doom 2016/Eternal's overall vibe (less so in Doom 2016 mind you). Newer Doom titles put the player in the shoes of the threat, you are malice, you are destruction, you are the overwhelming force of violence and terror and it just isn't as appealing to be the thing that is feared, you ARE the Bruiser. They're fine games but the newer titles do not restrain themselves, whilst there was some "ludonarrative dissonance" with Classic Doom's horror themes yet the gameplay itself being so fast paced the horror was still a factor, in Doom Eternal especially the tone absolutely shifts, the sci-fi/gothic/eldritch horror of the originals is played more for a badass "metal as fuck" kind of effect as you charge around utterly crushing any and all opposition, any horror that was possible takes a back seat to utter carnage. It's a "look how cool this is" approach, I'd go so far as to compare it to something like a comic book superhero kind of approach, you are no longer the last marine fighting horrors but instead the horror tearing down lesser terrors, the gory visuals having less of an impact from "this could be my fate" to "I could make a bigger mess" as an equal amount of carnage is summoned from basic combat, the cruelty of the demons shifts from an imposing force of malice to a comical evil villain who our new superman "must fight for righteousness and hated" instead of "desperately struggle against to save his species". The wall of screaming faces stops being a well of tortured human souls caused by monsters to a fucking metal album cover. The biggest offender for me is the amount of time the games spend hyping you up to be some turbo violent ultra murder machine (resulting in some of the hardest edgy cringe I have endured since Jeff the Killer), it just isn't appealing in the slightest to me, it comes across as a goofy edgy power fantasy in a world I had established as an edgy grim dark universe and is just so unfitting. I've probably not said everything I want in here and it probably doesn't make sense but it is long enough, the main point I'm saying is that I wish Doom went with a more subtle approach and embraced its more horrifying elements, the fast gameplay can work (as it did in the originals). There's nothing wrong with liking the newer titles and I will stand by the fact that 2016 is one of the best playing games in recent memory but all in all the tone and vibe is just no longer for me. TL;DR: I haven't aged passed 135 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
MarketAnarchy and 4 others reacted to Arrowhead for a topic
I did my 6th round of random deathmatch mapping on Twitch! I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and got 'Vanilla Doom 2'! The map only took me 3 hours to complete from beginning to end, this time. Partly because I'm so familiar w/ the pack's resources, of course. Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 6): MAP06 - 'Deep Heck': I'm really hoping I get one of the more obscure texture packs from the randomizer next time - I've been getting a few that I've been familiar w/ in a row now! List of packs used in streams so far: The streams have been going well so far - I've been able to complete my map each time w/ no issues. :D5 points -
I was able to successfully complete my 6th map on stream! This time, I got lucky - it
Daytime Waitress and 4 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
I was able to successfully complete my 6th map on stream! This time, I got lucky - it selected 'Vanilla Doom 2' as my pack! I made a cool hell level! I'll post screenshots shortly! :D5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to Horus for a topic
Indeed you aren't, it's the map's fault not the source port! MAP06 - “Last Call” by John Bishop This map very much reminded me of Map 5 of TNT, Hanger, especially the starting area where you are in a narrow corridor, from which little offshoots open up bit-by-bit. I think the use of ambushes, teleporting monsters and this mapset’s custom sound effects are really to this map’s credit here, increasing the sense of creepiness, and even making me feel a little nervous whilst playing parts of the map! It also increased the challenge too, and whilst I didn’t die, I was very close and probably would have done were it not for the secret soulsphere. Another thing I appreciate about this map, and in fact I appreciate when any map that does this, is that one of the secrets wasn’t simply a secret closet with extra power-ups/ammo/health etc, but actual extra content, hiding a fair amount of the map’s enemies – even if the secret wasn’t exactly obscure. Somehow I managed to get stuck in this tiny map, the blue key eluding me despite it very clearly showing itself in one of the monster closets! It always take a little bit of the immersion of the map away for me when this happens, even when in this case it was 100% my fault, as opposed to poor telegraphing. However, I wasn’t stuck long enough to get truly frustrated and this is still my favourite map so far by some distance. Which is interesting because it’s also the map I remember the least so far from my previous playthrough!5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
apichatpong and 4 others reacted to Votterbin for a topic
Biowar -- MAP05: Skybase Oh boy, I have some thoughts. This one's completely forgettable as it is, but a softlock I got hit with just made all the flaws that much more glaring. There's a door that only opens with a switch near the yellow key. That's also where the exit is, and you can operate the door like normal from the other side. Somehow, and I don't know if it was me on accident or a monster, activated that particular linedef on the door and made it close. The switch to open it only seems to work once, so I had to restart to complete this. For brevity's sake I've cut out the entire first run from the video, and the run where I test the door. The map has a lot of backtracking and going back and forth. And there's a lot of plain busywork to pad out the runtime, like switches to open doors that shouldn't really need switches (not even including the aforementioned door to the red key). There's a cave where you get the red key, which has interesting implications. There's a mishmash of hallways at a certain point that, somehow, even on repeat playthroughs I find difficult to navigate without the automap until I have a chaingunner shooting at me from the top of the stairs. Damn shame because this reminds me a lot of E2M2: Containment Area, which is probably my favorite map of the original Doom. Tea review: On the bright side, I actually loved the tea! I did finish it on the third attempt, and the orange flavor was very strong at the end. Orange-y and sweet. Love it. Map - 1/5: Love some of the new textures and a couple sec, but for the most part please god never make me do this again. Especially if that fucking door closes on me again. Tea - 5/5: A really nice, strong flavor to finish it off On a side note, if anyone can tell me if the door isn't supposed to have that linedef on the other side, if this is a GZDoom fault, whatever, please tell me because I never want to play this map again after all that5 points -
Night Dive Remastering The Greatest FPS Ever Made*
Man Q. Bus and 4 others reacted to Kinsie for a topic
so about that5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
Votterbin and 4 others reacted to LadyMistDragon for a topic
Map 05: Skybase by Chris Harbin Crispy Doom, UV, pistol start A map that's....probably not a whole lot better than the previous ones, but more expansive, although this also comes with lots and lots of backtracking. And other than the windows, there's few clues as to the map's name. Starting in a darkened warehouse and transitioning between the different wings through hallways of SHAWN, there's also some darkened experimental labs with a series of consoles arranged in a semi-circle near the yellow key, an underground tunnel that's ice for no discernable reason, one particular power room leading to yet another underground section with green storage, then finally, a room with large red power collectors close to the exit. Combat-wise, despite the presence of a Requiem-era Mark Klem track, there isn't too much happening here and the stuff encountered whilst backtracking is hardly more substantive than the ambushes in typical custom wads which also featured backtracking. Although at the same time, this is just small enough that it doesn't really take lots of time. Still, despite an undoubtedly cool and more abstract presentation, not to mention a fairly respectable if modest Cacodemon ambush in the computer bank blue key roo, to say nothing of a Baron ambush at the rocket launcher's location, it's just fine.5 points -
AtomIsTired and 4 others reacted to Gifty for a topic
(I don't kill cacos with the grenades hardly ever anymore. I use the ballista's destroyer beam) (Just because the hint screen tells you of one monster combo doesn't mean it's the only good way!)5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to apichatpong for a topic
Biowar Map 05 : Skybase UVmax, pistol start, single segment The big thing here was already evoked by almost everyone : backtracking. But, it didn't bother me that much since, except for the bunch of imps freed on your return to the blue door room, all the traps put on the map to make the player feel an evolution when he revisits some rooms or corridors are significant (and I must say I was close to die to the second revenant appearance after finishing the yellow door's adventure). Of course, the interconnection is not very elaborate but, the map being not that big, I never felt I was wasting my time (though, to be honest, I'm biased because I usually like backtracking). Once again on a low-key note (because, with all due respect, the artistic vision of this mapset is less delirious and powerful than BPRD's one), the attention to details here, some rooms with big tech structures, some brutal and frank changes of textures, some going-deep elevators... gave me some flavours of my distant first (cheated) playthrough of equinox and, from there, I tried to found links between Biowar and Equinox (yeah, sometimes I like Law and Order, even if it implies to force things a little bit). Well, this map has a good rhythm and all the encounters were very pleasant (with a special mention for the wing going from red key area to the end). Like in map 03, you really get a strong depth-variation feeling and, with a bit of exaggeration and the next map as target, it's like a "goodbye sober days" moment..5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to SuyaSSS for a topic
MAP03 - “Onslaught” by Chris Harbin Played With Nugget Doom, Smooth Doom 21, UV, Pistol start A much more fun map when compared to the previous map. Although, I think that a night sky would've fit better with the amount of darkness in this map. This maps despite still being pretty short actually feels much more substantial and my death due to a chaingunner actually felt a bit more fairer than the previous map's bs. Also, the last part with the surprise enemy fight was really fun. Overall, seems like this set is improving as we are progressing. But, I still think that this map is just ok. My main issue is mostly that it isn't that visually appealing (still visually better than MAP02) . GRADE: C+ MAP04 - “The Arrival” by Chris Harbin Played With Nugget Doom, Smooth Doom 21, UV, Pistol start Hell yeah! This map is much more my style. Quick but still substantial and most importantly fun. This map now takes place inside a base and here we see a much better usage of the new custom textures than any of the previous maps. This map has some fun fights and by the end of it I was really happy without any frustration. Visually, as I have stated, it is the best looking map and it also has the best fights when compared to the others. Again, this level is pretty short but thankfully, just like the previous map, it felt much more substantial. But, I would have loved more of this. Also, I'm more and more believing my theory that MAP02 was just a throwaway map made at the last minute because these maps shows that there are good maps in this set. GRADE: B+ (sorry for a bit of choppiness) CURRENT RANKINGS5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to Insaneprophet for a topic
Map 05: Skybase I really enjoyed this level. This feels exactly like something I would have drawn up on a sketchpad back in the 90s when I was a teenager. My brain has always liked the idea of re-using areas and doesnt think of backtracking as a bad word. With the proper ammount of monster closets opening up in the right spots it not only makes previously visited areas not just empty but capable of catching you by surprise when you are off guard. I also tend to remember maps better and get a much better feel for the area and scope of the play space when made to traverse back and forth while constantly seeing areas I cant get to yet and opening up new routes. It most likely stems from my preference for dungeon crawlers, exploration, secret hunting and environmental story telling but Im rarely going to have a bad time when Im forced to memorize areas and return later. Levels like this feel more like a metroidvania and less like an arena shooter all while still being able to retain the run and gun playstyle that Doom is known and loved for. 😀5 points -
Damn, I've been catching up on the near-month's worth of posts here since I took a bi
JonExMachina and 4 others reacted to Biodegradable for a status update
Damn, I've been catching up on the near-month's worth of posts here since I took a bit of a sabbatical from Doom and holy shit; you guys have been getting wacky. Never change, Doomworld!5 points -
RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!
Man Q. Bus and 4 others reacted to JaySmithen for a topic
5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to NiGHTS108 for a topic
Oopsie Daisies it's been a while MAP03: Onslaught By Chris Harbin Kills: 100% Items: 23% Secrets: 0% Time: 3:28 More similarly to MAP01, we have a pretty linear map here with only one detour off the beaten path to get the red key. The map name does create some associations with Plutonia, which is reflected through this map's more natural aesthetic, between all the beautifully 90's waterfalls and vines. Even the last fight feels kinda Plutonia-ish I suppose. This map caused me my first two deaths of the run, with a Cacodemon projectile while entering the valley with the tech base, and the Chaingunner ambush in the tech base itself, but both of those could've been avoided if I was slightly less clumsy, other than that it's still the standard affair. Again not a thrilling map but hey, bonus points for looking vaguely Plutonia-ish I suppose. Grade: B- Difficulty: D+ - MAP04: The Arrival By Chris Harbin Kills: 100% Items: 24% Secrets: 33% Time: 3:30 The Arrival might be my favourite map in Operation Biowar so far, mainly because of its detail. I mean, there's certainly not a lot of continuity here, we just got out of a light, more natural setting and start this map on a spaceship out of nowhere, but Chris Harbin seems to have an eye for little creative details that make the maps feel a bit more lived in. I enjoy the map of the whole facility at the start, the fight with the Cacodemons emerging from the reactor core (Even if it doesn't amount to anything beyond holding the fire key down.) and the bio-labs room studying Imps and Shotgunners, complete with custom textures showing diagrams of the monsters and everything. None of this is really mind-blowing per se, but I appreciate expressions like this with the limited capabilities of a 90's wad. Gameplay wise, this map definitely doesn't put up much of a fight, but I think Chris Harbin has more of a knack for detail than combat, so I don't mind. Grade: B Difficulty: E - MAP05: Skybase By Chris Harbin Kills: 96% Items: 12% Secrets: 0% Time: 9:57 Easily this wad's first big adventure, Skybase is a much longer map than anything we've seen before it. It's a rather elaborate journey, going from a storage room to the bridge of the base to all kinds of strange areas. It's funny how disparate all these areas are. It's like, a stone hallway? A sewer? A snowy area with a furnace that has a long elevator ride to hype it up for some reason? Alien Vendetta MAP31? Despite this level's eccentricities, it's paced surprisingly well. I mean it's not the most complicated thing in the world, when you boil it down it's effectively two paths and every time you get a key you have to backtrack to the point you got up to with the other path, but what's neat is it doesn't really feel tedious. The map only makes you go through the long elevator once, as a teleporter opens up in the snowy area that'll instantly take you between the top and bottom of the lift, and more enemies and fights tend to pop up on your second or third time through an area. It ain't bad! The combat itself unfortunately still isn't really thrilling enough to make this map as fun as it could be. The best fight was the one for (I think?) the yellow key, where about 12 Imps ambush you in a computer room. I saved this maps Four (?) whole rockets for that fight, and had a decent time watching Imps explode. Skybase is alright, though I think I prefer this wad's more brisk and thoughtful affairs like MAP04. Also, I wouldn't mind a map that looked like the whole dungeon area where you get the red key and has the blue key door. Much like in MAP02, I think it looks very nice. Grade: C+ Difficulty: C-5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to veevil for a topic
Operation: Biowar MAP05: Skybase (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) Now we're getting somewhere! Biowar finally starts picking up steam in terms of difficulty and map complexity in level 5, though also starts veering closer to the oft-despised kind of 90s map design. Progression is fairly opaque, since sections of the map are often opened by triggers that are not obvious. This means that you need to frequently backtrack to look for things that might've changed. I didn't find this a big problem, though, considering the base is not large or complex enough to become a pain to navigate. Visually speaking, the map is decent enough, but not particularly impressive. Less than careful players (like myself) will soon be hurting for health, since recovery items are scarce and the map contains a respectable amount of hitscanners. Everybody's favorite skeleton boy and size XL imp also finally make appearances. Nevertheless, my deathless streak continues, although I did almost get scammed by the baron guarding the rocket launcher. Memorable detail: the long elevator ride down to the... boiler room? Cold storage? Sewer entrance? While it's not a "good" design element in isolation (it's just a longer-than-usual wait, after all), a little twist occasionally helps to anchor the map in memory.5 points -
Map04 UVMax in 1:38 Zip: dotw04m138.zip Video: https://youtu.be/AdgL81BAZOQ?si=e6Hvpn4Wwt6q-1le5 points
tl;dr doom2, complevel 9, kinda hard, play on uv, 1 map!, tested on dsda&woof&nugget, ~20min playtime to max? download : link to wad (updated 2024/08/06: minor adjustments to final area) i turned 14 recently, so i wanted to celebrate by making myself a map. it took a few weeks, but it's done ! id like to thank stephyesterday, ilker, beeswithchainsaws, numsoic, and anothernameforsnow for playtesting this on the entryway discord server. y'all rock was inspired by 10x10 map01 visually, and uses only stock d2 textures. thanks adrian combat is a little frenzied, and not particularly easy. i havent balanced this on hmp or lower as of current, so for the best experience play on uv. dont play this on nightmare lmfao not my *first* map, but this is my first public one! (besides that one mega-beginner thing i uploaded to idgames for some reason) no jumping or crouching, silly midi is "Grosstown Traffic" by zan-zan-zawa-veia. you should check out their stuff more screenies : updates:4 points
Rate my Doom PC.
Gaia74 and 3 others reacted to neubejiita for a topic
4 points -
RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!
CravenCoyote and 3 others reacted to DavidN for a topic
I'm really enjoying all the screenshots and videos that are being posted so far!4 points -
Spectrum Descent | RC2 | 16 colorful gothic maps in MBF21
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to galileo31dos01 for a topic
Hello! I finnished this today and wanted to mention some few bug/issue-related things that you may find of help. I mentioned some of these to finnks13 already though I include them here so you have a properly tidy list. My setting was dsda-doom 0.27.3, HMP, pistol starts. I had a blast with this set, very good maps, very attractive visuals, and very fun execution of all the additional custom ideas - cybruiser with own projectiles, fire thingy, spitters, colorful pickups, colorful blood puffs, colorful plasma, thing actors representing the team members' avatars, that fugly creature in map 13 and the silence gimmick (in terms of execution it's great), and surely I'm missing something but I loved all of that stuff. I hope to see more from this team, I should try out Afternoon at some point too. Thanks for sharing!4 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
MarketAnarchy and 3 others reacted to pbldcttr for a topic
4 points -
yeah i know about the former but i dont really like it as it doesnt nail the adrian carmack pixelated artwork like your sigil one seriously i havent seen a pastiche this good since the lost episode by xaser and co!!!4 points
[DONE] DOOMIUM II: A Community Project focusing on Short and Frantic Maps (BOOM+UMAPINFO)
knifeworld and 3 others reacted to fai1025 for a topic
PRE-RELEASE 0.4.2 hopefully all fixed I want this wad out before June 10th4 points -
Doomcute thread
JoeyKelastiof and 3 others reacted to Turbulent for a topic
4 points -
RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!
GreyBeret and 3 others reacted to TwelvNighn for a topic
my map for ramp 2024 (slot 65)4 points -
Scorching Earth (32 Level Megawad)
Andromeda and 3 others reacted to NightFright for a topic
4 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
apichatpong and 3 others reacted to Pseudonaut for a topic
Map05: Skybase Significantly larger and more complicated than previous maps. There's a lot of backtracking, recycling of rooms, and waiting for elevators, but it's still action most of the time. The problem is that even the action is nothing special. The earlier maps were definitely more enjoyable, but this one is at least painless.4 points -
Gravepicker and 3 others reacted to Tony_Danza_the_boss for a topic
I am hoping this is a Quake reboot, and not a continuation or prequel of the Slayer's story. As another poster mentioned, the tone of Eternal and to a smaller extent 2016 has become senseless to me. Being the chosen deified weapon of a literal god who created you and killing everything in your path because you're basically all powerful seems just very boring to me. Story wise, there seems to be very little in my mind that can be explored past Eternal, and I could care less about the Slayer's time with the Night Sentinels and what happened pre-2016, which was I feel was explained well enough via the data log pickups anyways in 2016 and codex entries in Eternal. The lore just seems bloated and bogged down, and I'd rather see Id show love to (arguably) most atmospheric IP they have with Quake and give us a Lovecraftian-esque style shooter with an original story.4 points -
I've been working on compiling something big! I'm kind of trying to gauge the communi
TheGreenZap and 3 others reacted to Arrowhead for a status update
I've been working on compiling something big! I'm kind of trying to gauge the community's interest in something like this. So feel free to shoot this down as an idea, there's nothing concrete I've done w/ this, other than accumulate MIDIs for most of the composers I've found and listed thus far. I've been hunting down every doomer-made MIDI I can! Why? To make things 10 trillion times easier for people to find a desired MIDI file. I'm certainly not going to circumvent someone's ability to make money from their hard work / passion - that's not the intention of this potential project of course. By having a massive single-download compilation, lesser known doomers' MIDI works will become much more accessible, and thus far more used in today's WADs. There will be a masterlist, of which all composers' names are accessible - want to download a certain doomer's MIDIs? That's fine - but chances are you'll also come across another huge amount of composers you've never heard of while scrolling through the individually named file folders in the zip / archive / whatever this ends up being. You may say to yourself, "Hmmm I remember a similar idea, but for a repository website." I am not involved in this project, and it appears to have been on hiatus for a while now. However, if said project goes live, I will simply hand over the existing MIDIs I was able to assemble in this pack, and that person (whoever it ends up being, likely the admin of the proposed website) will / can add them to their site. This should not be viewed as a duplicate project, or a copy of that project, but more a possible supplement to that website when it comes around. I'm not trying to replace or usurp anybody by assembling this. I haven't talked to anyone about this yet - I'm just expressing that the work I do here, may make that site's work a little easier in the future - possibly - like I said, this is all just an idea right now. I've come up w/ certain rules I intend to follow when constructing this potential zip file / array: So, what will this proposed pack possibly include, what will it not include? The Potential Ins and Outs of This: 1) ONLY music composed/created by members of the doom-community. 2) ONLY original MIDI compositions - there is to be no covers of existing popular songs / copyrighted material. The only exception is covers of pre-existing doomer-created music. 3) NO licensed / copyrighted video game music of any kind. 4) NO official Doom franchise music - this includes the D1 and D2 soundtrack, as well as anything else created for release w/ the official games. This includes stuff like Hexen, Heretic, Strife, etc. 5) NO MIDI tracks that explicitly disallow their distribution in this fashion, (a large zipped compilation, or as a download from a different source). 6) People will also be able to opt out of this - "Hey, I don't want my MIDIs in this compilation pack!" : *Poof!* it will be removed, as soon as I would see it. 7) NO incomplete / WIP MIDIs 8) NO MIDIs that have been made public, but the composer requests that they aren't used in other projects, until a certain project of theirs releases. 9) ALL music that is put behind a required payment, or requires you to pay a sum of money to access, will obviously NOT be included. 10) There would hypothetically be constant updates in the future main thread for this, where people can provide MIDI files for updates to the main zip folder. 11) ANY doomer MIDI can be included, provided it meets all 12 requirements - I'm not cutting out beginner works, or even 'poorly received' MIDIs. I aim for as close to complete of a single-download archive of our MIDI composer community as possible. 12) NO file types other than MIDI. No tracker music, no .MUS, no .IT, no .MP3, no .WAV, etc etc. This compilation will only be for MIDIs. Nothing wrong w/ the above formats, they're just beyond the scope of this project. Here's the list of composers I've accumulated so far (I may not include all of these if I find that 'distribution' from someone other than the composer is not permitted - this list is highly tentative): 153 composers so far listed above. But, there's still so many I need to add! So far, I've accumulated a few thousand or so MIDIs - I'm obviously going to go through them w/ a fine-toothed comb to assess for duplicates, to remove more unwanted files that don't meet the above 12 requirements I've listed, or to remove stuff that people don't want included in this. I'm trying to figure out the logistics of all of this currently. Remember, I'm not trying to be adversarial here - if you don't want something included, I will remove it - I'm not out to cause anybody any issues. Any feedback on an undertaking like this would be appreciated. Thanks for reading this novel of a post! I didn't want to make an official thread yet, as this is very much still just an idea. :D4 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 3 others reacted to E.M. for a topic
MAP04: The Arrival DSDA-Doom, UV, Pistol Start I like the Doomcute shuttle at the start. I also like how they give you a berserk upfront. It really comes in handy because ammo is tight here. I reached the exit with just 6 shells and 50 bullets. The Hellknights at the end can be a pain to deal with, but there's an SSG in a secret that isn't too hard to find. Said secret is an homage to Doom 2's MAP04. The whole thing is fast, energetic, and fun. MAP05: Skybase DSDA-Doom, UV, Pistol Start I think I broke the map the first time I played this because one of the doors you're supposed to go through in order to progress refused to open back up. My second playthrough went much more smoothly. It starts you off in a crate maze and then takes you to another tech base. I liked the look of the blue room, but I didn't like the part where hitscanners teleport onto a single platform. That fight was slow and boring. My favorite part was where you get the yellow key and you blow up a bunch of imps with rockets. I also enjoyed that one room beyond the yellow door where panels open up revealing hitscanners. It was quite the jumpscare the first time it happened. However, my biggest problem with the map was the backtracking. I really don't like backtracking.4 points -
Share Your Sprites!
horselessheadsman and 3 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
a small update on the Doom 64 Trite sheet, he has a home now :)4 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
horselessheadsman and 3 others reacted to 97th Century Fox for a topic
4 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Lanie and 3 others reacted to jesuiscrespo for a topic
My first time drawing a weapon sprite, based on GTA 2's electrogun (original for comparison). Not good, but it's something at least. Also, some empty barrels that are sent flying when damaged.4 points -
Also, Sandy made crosses with the lights in E2M7: Spawning Vats. At least I imagine this is something he would do.4 points