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Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
lunchlunch and 73 others reacted to myolden for a topic
>>>>>>>>[Download RC2]<<<<<<<< Simulacrum is a set of 32 maps in MBF21 format by @muumi and @myolden. This set starts modestly but steadily climbs into challenge and slaughter territory in the later maps. Difficulties and Coop are implemented. Target source port is DSDA-Doom, your mileage may vary in other ports. No jumping/crouching. Map Order MIDIs Screenshots Credits Bonus Content:74 points -
Ashtralfiend's Palette Selection
Macross+ and 14 others reacted to AshtralFiend for a topic
Color palettes often play a significant role in setting the mood and atmosphere of a map and making both scenery and enemies unique in their own way. And while it's true that the classic DOOM color palette evokes a nostalgic and cozy feeling, it may feel a bit dull at times. Here are some of the custom palettes I've used in my projects thus far. A vibrant color palette that emphasizes saturated yellows, reds, pinks, and purples. Reminiscent of a nostalgic, hot summer sunset. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/idu9l4qrq1v455cmviwaw/Sunset.wad?rlkey=x3z2lv7n328xgko6e7xp91low&st=cycpils8&dl=0 A vibrant and contrasting color palette with smooth transitions between colors. From bright reds to purples, and yellows into acid greens, this palette will add a burst of color to your maps. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nc7m4vjeaovxmxss2tk1t/Dual.wad?rlkey=1chf80rbvarr61zcgx0wtm3mf&st=8b4mcx0d&dl=0 A dusty palette where the browns and greens reign supreme. Looking to create a cave or a forest? Maybe try earthbound. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/acih6n6vzltl4kfur5wq3/EarthBound.wad?rlkey=inrlt353tcfba6affd03y24a2&st=lgjxn2xi&dl=0 Muted and desaturated colors with crisp shadows and highlights. Like an old VHS recording that has seen better days. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3xkltqmlftwvqsj4p64rk/Retrorough.wad?rlkey=mg5gsfdrmgcbrkarnuiotj3l1&st=fv7i0bdv&dl=0 A saturated palette of intense red and golden colors. Its hues illuminate the landscape like the hot and hazy desert sun. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jktglxwkavupygdw1mzbb/Wasteland.wad?rlkey=jspikajemyrrhk4bijosllqzq&st=2zyepwrw&dl=015 points -
⛧SIGIL INTERMISSION SCREEN MAP v1.2⛧ (An Add-on for Sigil)
Kan3 and 11 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
Hey everyone, today i'm releasing my custom Sigil Intermission screen, hope you like it. Some notes (v1.2): -sigilint.pk3 (gzdoom,zandronum,zdoom) has the animated version of the intermission screen -sigilintercompat.wad is a version compatible with boom-ports, it's static, although I will try to make them animated in the future -The M_SKULL from the menu has been replaced by the Baphomet Icon of SI6IL -Be sure to load either sigilint.pk3 or sigilintercompat.wad first and then Sigil v1.21 Don't combine any of the files, you only need one of them to run with SIGIL_v1_21 Changelog (v.1.2): -SIGFIRE texture fix -Widescren patch (428x200) -Added the ultrawide screen patch (640x200) Credits goes to Skunk for making the IN_E4 from his thyinterpic , that's how I did most of the scripting and animations for this episode, also shoutout to @Arsinikk, this post has been inspired by RUST 's structure. Thanks to @Terraformer9x for making the Widescreen patch. Check out other intermissions screens made by me here: Anathema 212 points -
No, the problem isn't so much a question of the lore's writing quality; the problem is that Doom is a game that does better without lore. I think I've said it before, but basically, Doom lore is always going to be stupid. And that's fine! It's not inherently a problem to have stupid lore in a video game. I mean, some of the most beloved games have a lore that is basically that a pot-bellied plumber keeps having to rescue a mushroom princess that keeps getting captured by an evil turtle. That's incredibly stupid, and that's okay, that's actually part of the charm. The problem is not in the stupidity of the lore, it's in having a try-hard, in-your-face approach to cramming some stupid lore down your throat. The best part of Doom 2016's lore was when it relied purely on environmental storytelling. The worst part were when it locked you with a monologuing robot that you couldn't even shoot. Doom is a game where environmental storytelling should basically be the only storytelling. Because, let's be honest, the story is stupid (and again, that's not a bad thing in itself) so it should remain in the background. While the story is stupid, the setting is cool. There's a lot of potential to have very moody set pieces, be they some some decaying brutalist industrial complex, some gothic hell temple or some surreal voidscape. Where Doom excels is at ambience and vista. Desperate, frantic fights for survival, alternating with foreboding exploration of sinister places, no one cares about the story anymore when what matters is what you feel while playing. Doom should make you feel anguish before a fight, stress during, and exhilaration of having survived it after, then repeat. So that's where the narrative focus should be, IMO, not in writing some fan-fiction about how the Night Sentinels went forth to Taras Nabad in Argent D'nur by Shor Ethra Regalion, to the house of Samur-Maykr-Betheul-Bazda, he who brought the butter dish to Maligog and the tent peg to the house of Deag Ranak, and there slew they the imps, yea, and placed they the bits in little pots. No, it should be on having simple pretexts for visiting impressive environments and tense situations.12 points
Share Your Sprites!
horselessheadsman and 10 others reacted to Amaruψ for a topic
Wolfenstein 3D-esque difficulty level mugshots that I created a while back. Didn't implement them for some reason, but here they are. If you want to use them, here's them in appropriate size.11 points -
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
Tango and 8 others reacted to Scuba Steve for a topic
I'm placing a moratorium on new megawads. All releases must be five maps or less.9 points -
Everything in this post is 100% true.9 points
Fun fact - myolden toyed with the names "Conjure Celestial" and "Finger of Death" for this WAD as well but ran into copyright issues when WOTC showed up to his house and threatened to pin him to the wall with an immovable rod if he didn't change the name. He stuck it to them by choosing "Simulacrum" which is too generic to copyright, ultimately having the last laugh and apparently creating what looks to be an absolute banger of a WAD that I, as it so happens, can't fucking wait to play.9 points
RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!
NeilForshaw and 8 others reacted to SpaceGrass for a topic
I've submitted 2 maps this year. Map 10 Ex Mortis and Map 11 Outpost Zero. Neither are quite ready to play yet as of this post. I'm hoping to have Map 11 ready to play in the next week or so. Map 10 is technically finished but most of the people who tried it complained that the main bulk of the map was making the frame rate drop. My plan is to go back in once Map 11 is complete and see if I can add some walls to break up the scenery so it's not trying to load a ton of details all at once.9 points -
RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!
knifeworld and 7 others reacted to Matt Eldrydge for a topic
Since I've been mapping for a while, I took up the challenge of making a map in the 10x10 stye: 10 textures, 10 flats - not counting some essential textures like doors and switches, as well the odd midtexture here and there. Sky's placeholder until I get one that fits the vibe of the map. I've been making this in the Boom format, so I imagine I'd have to make it UDMF in order to submit? I'm not too sure if I saw anything regarding complevels (or formats, for that matter) anywhere.8 points -
I almost forgot to give you a react because I was trying to put my eyeballs back in my head.8 points
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
Searcher and 7 others reacted to Death Bear for a topic
A year and a half in the making. Hope y'all enjoy this! Hell yeah! LET'S GO!!! HYPE!!!8 points -
Doom Core Trilogy: An Overlooked Classic
RaRu Des2122 and 6 others reacted to DSC for a topic
Not too long ago there was this thread where someone was criticizing some modern self-described "90's inspired" maps for not feeling very much like actual levels from the early days of Doom. And you know what? I can definitely see why they would say that. I too enjoy some gameplay quirks and oddities that are all too absent in modern "retro" maps, and it kinda bothers me some mappers don't seem to fully grasp these qualities (something I hope to fix myself by improving my mapping abilities and one day build a decent wad of mine). And it's in this context that I would like to mention @valkiriforce's Doom Core Trilogy. Comprised of Doom Core Delta, Reverie and Eternally Yours (haven't actually played through this one yet, but I'm pretty sure it's as good as the others), it offers a lot of content made in (relatively) recent times that still contains a lot of that sweet magic of the beginnings of the modding scene. It features an huge variety of very different maps to play, of all shapes and sizes, bringing fresh new ideas all the way through all the while still feeling very cohesive and coherent by virtue of all of it being made by the same man. Even though it's old-school inspired, and the levels aren't too over-detailed, they still look nice enough and play very well too, something that gives it a big edge over the jank of some of the material it is inspired by. Doom Core Delta is my favorite one so far, but I've just finished Reverie and I can see why it won a Cacoaward all the way back, specially the ending. Very unusually for Doom, instead of an epic atmosphere you had this very soothing, peaceful and hopeful ambience. If you only want to try a single map from those sets, this one is definitely a big contender (Reverie MAP 30). So yeah, just wanted to bring some extra attention to, IMO, this pretty rock-solid trilogy and potentially make some people aware of it's existence. Hope it was a decent read!7 points -
Very true, but everyone needs to start somewhere and the Doom equivalent of "playing with legos" (creating single combat scenarios, short maps, speed mapping, etc) is a great one.7 points
That's a nice opinion you've got there. It'd be a shame if someone were to recognize it as such.7 points
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
muumi and 6 others reacted to BluePineapple72 for a topic
Not to take up more space on this thread, but I have to take the time to get a little sappy with my feelings towards this mapset here: Although I have yet to finish it, I feel like this is a doom collaboration that was just meant to be. Myolden and Muumi's mapping styles compliment eachother so well that a full megawad from both is to my perspective a championship-belt worthy arena match of face punchingly beautiful maps. Myolden's very poignant and carefully unfolding maps contrast so well with Muumi's adventurous and freeform levels that this wad should prove to be a very remarkable experience (and as I've played several of these levels, I'm not wrong).7 points -
Share Your Sprites!
Fletcher` and 6 others reacted to PortuGueseCat67 for a topic
7 points -
Share Your Sprites!
horselessheadsman and 6 others reacted to PortuGueseCat67 for a topic
7 points -
TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2
A_D_M_E_R_A_L and 6 others reacted to grapes for a topic
Junkfood 3: Wow Wow West D2ALL UV-Speed (MAP01-80) in 3:15:31 jf3xall-19531.zip Video: https://youtu.be/51jBgvwovDQ7 points -
I Think Doom's Edge Went the Wrong Way
suzerduzer and 5 others reacted to mrthejoshmon for a topic
I think classic Doom is edgy in a great way. I think New Doom is edgy in a bad way. What the fuck do I mean by this? Let me explain: Older entries in the Doom series, all the way up to and including Doom 3/ROE were edgy. The game series at this point is what I would describe more as pulp sci-fi action horror. You had a brave macho lone survivor space marine fighting off horrors beyond mortal comprehension caused by ill explained sci-fi nonsense, portals opened to literal hell filled with blood hungry malicious terrors and unholy fusions of tech and flesh hellbent on tearing everyone and everything to pieces, everywhere you went there was the aftermath of violence and the horrors that committed it. Classic Doom was terrifying, eerie, gory and just slightly over the top in the right places, it can be best compared to Aliens and Predator. But classic Doom also kept itself somewhat restrained, whilst the violence was indeed ultra the crux of it all was that despite the fact you just tore a shaved muscle gorilla a new arsehole with a chainsaw, you were still just a soldier. There is something infinitely appealing to me about mortal men fighting against not only impossible odds but also demented horrors, dealing with gruesome sights that no normal man should see and committing acts of violence that would traumatise any normal person. It's visceral, nasty, yet just ever so slightly grounded. The tone is grim, it is dark and this is further and wonderfully realised in the latter console ports and both third entries in the series (those being Doom 64 and 3, respectively). I find Doom so much more compelling as a gritty, grimy, pulpy horror adjacent affair where at no point are you the scariest thing in the room, the demons are twisted creatures or towering behemoths, forever stronger and more sadistic than you will ever be. One of my favourite demons will forever be Doom 3 ROE's Bruiser, a horrific fusion of tech and muscle that has one of the most unnerving designs in the series which absolutely bounds towards you, full of anger and hate with equally imposing sounds to match, horrific and cool in all the best ways. In comparison, I feel such a disconnect on why I dislike Doom 2016/Eternal's overall vibe (less so in Doom 2016 mind you). Newer Doom titles put the player in the shoes of the threat, you are malice, you are destruction, you are the overwhelming force of violence and terror and it just isn't as appealing to be the thing that is feared, you ARE the Bruiser. They're fine games but the newer titles do not restrain themselves, whilst there was some "ludonarrative dissonance" with Classic Doom's horror themes yet the gameplay itself being so fast paced the horror was still a factor, in Doom Eternal especially the tone absolutely shifts, the sci-fi/gothic/eldritch horror of the originals is played more for a badass "metal as fuck" kind of effect as you charge around utterly crushing any and all opposition, any horror that was possible takes a back seat to utter carnage. It's a "look how cool this is" approach, I'd go so far as to compare it to something like a comic book superhero kind of approach, you are no longer the last marine fighting horrors but instead the horror tearing down lesser terrors, the gory visuals having less of an impact from "this could be my fate" to "I could make a bigger mess" as an equal amount of carnage is summoned from basic combat, the cruelty of the demons shifts from an imposing force of malice to a comical evil villain who our new superman "must fight for righteousness and hated" instead of "desperately struggle against to save his species". The wall of screaming faces stops being a well of tortured human souls caused by monsters to a fucking metal album cover. The biggest offender for me is the amount of time the games spend hyping you up to be some turbo violent ultra murder machine (resulting in some of the hardest edgy cringe I have endured since Jeff the Killer), it just isn't appealing in the slightest to me, it comes across as a goofy edgy power fantasy in a world I had established as an edgy grim dark universe and is just so unfitting. I've probably not said everything I want in here and it probably doesn't make sense but it is long enough, the main point I'm saying is that I wish Doom went with a more subtle approach and embraced its more horrifying elements, the fast gameplay can work (as it did in the originals). There's nothing wrong with liking the newer titles and I will stand by the fact that 2016 is one of the best playing games in recent memory but all in all the tone and vibe is just no longer for me. TL;DR: I haven't aged passed 136 points -
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
OverflowingMocha and 5 others reacted to ProfBloom for a topic
I'm excited to play this! The screenshots look gorgeous.6 points -
Have you never made a DOOM map before??
DavidN and 5 others reacted to Skullzrawk9 for a topic
You know, I thought the same thing, but I very recently decided to download Ultimate Doom Builder on a whim to see what garbage I could come up with. To my surprise though, making quality maps is actually very easy. UDB has a lot of nice features like that make mapping feel more like playing with legos than filling out a spreadsheet. My first map, while far from the best was received well despite some mistakes (which are now obvious in hindsight). This video also inspired me to an extent: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c4-5d10dCyQ&pp=ygUJRG9vbSBtb2Rz6 points -
MAP06: Last Call By John Bishop Kills: 96% Items: 100% Secrets: 66% Time: 4:53 The first guest map of the wad and what I suppose is the end of "Episode 1" of this wad, I can't really decide if Last Call, which has nothing to do with TNT: Evilution compared to what MAP03 had to do with Plutonia as far as I'm concerned, is either very different or very similar from what we've seen before. I mean there's certainly a different texture to it, literally and figuratively. This map blends its Quake textures better than you'd think with Doom and generally feels less disparate than MAP05 did, and most of the map takes place in cramped hallways while Chris Harbin seemingly has more of a knack for more open rooms and courtyards. I enjoy this map's progression in the same sense I enjoy specifically the start of Scythe II MAP03. Shoutouts to maps where most of the progression beats feel like secrets, but they're just obvious enough and just obscure enough to make you feel smart for finding them without causing frustration, even if they're not particularly super difficult to find. Makes you feel smart. The combat itself Sure Is There again. Just a lot of shooting through hallways without much resistance. Between MAP05 and this one I suppose I could take or leave the Shotgunner count, though I appreciated the partial invisibility right before a whole bunch of them. Another Doom II monster has been introduced, the Mancubus, but much like the Revenant last map, he's all by himself and no threat at all. Another half-decent map. Grade: C+ Difficulty: D (I really do not have much to say about the individual quality of every map, they've all been Fine.)6 points
Operation: Biowar MAP06: Last Call (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) A cramped and stressful map from the word go, cramming over a hundred demons into narrow and twisty maintenance passages. Health allotment is again almost desperately thin - I don't think I was at max health at any point between the start and end of the map. Needless to say, very careful play is required here. Strangely, the map has four green armor pickups in it, despite only having enough health recovery to fully deplete one of them. A good amount of enemies still remained when I first reached the exit. Turns out there's a fairly expansive secret area where they were all tucked away, but thankfully it wasn't too difficult to find when I went looking. Speaking of secrets: the one with a soulsphere and rocket launcher in it would've been very helpful if I'd found it at any point before I already killed everything. But hey, being topped up on health would've also killed the tension. The various sector machines thumping and whirring away in the map's passages were pretty cool. Neat use of the wad's environmental sound gimmick, too.6 points
AtomIsTired and 5 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
Even if it was open source I doubt the modding community would be all that interesting. What makes you think it'll ever be open source to begin with? And why would it help this discussion at all? Personally I just hope they tone down the silliness and that they hire a writer who doesn't jerk off to WoW Elves while playing Warhammer in the id bathroom. DOOM Eternal: >You're a badass!! >Keep being a badass!! >meme moment >You're still a badass!! >"WAIT!!! Please read this page from Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring that someone left laying around on a floating card for some reason because we couldn't figure out a way to naturally implement our story, so you just have to stop and read some text to understand what's going on in this badass power fantasy where the action never stops!" >Wow, you're a badass.6 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
veevil and 5 others reacted to Pseudonaut for a topic
Map06: Last Call I wish I'd recorded my first playthrough. This map is full of surprises, such as unexpected elevators lowering when you walk onto them, or enemies quietly trickling in behind you; I was convinced early on that I was never safe, and would probably be attacked from angles I didn't expect. The map also stays fresh on repeat playthroughs, as monsters wander into places they didn't before. The first revenant is an example of this, as he might stay in his room where you can easily kill him from the doorway, but he also might wander out into the narrow hallways where he is most threatening. Best map so far, I'd say.6 points -
I have uploaded the map to idgames the file is Cad1.zip...hopefully it clears. Cadman - Member TeamTNT / Doom2 Grandmaster DHT5 Standards6 points
AtomIsTired and 5 others reacted to mrthejoshmon for a topic
I've already gone into detail explaining my inability to enjoy the tone set by newer entries, so no point getting into that now (TL;DR, it's the difference between the Punisher and Spawn, if that makes sense). There is not enough for me to go off of outside of vague outlines, however said outlines are immensely unappealing. Hot take but I think they could do a great game if they made something like Halo 3 ODST, the one where you see the events of the series through the eyes of a regular dude instead of the buffed up super soldier. Make the player a grunt of ARC or the UAC and if you want your bombastic dumb shit then just hand us one of those weird ass mech suits lying around.6 points -
Korp's MIDI Library - Over 200+ Free-to-Use Pieces!
Big Ol Billy and 4 others reacted to Korp for a topic
doodle by me :3 Hello guys! i figured it was as good of a time as any to post all the musical pieces i've written over the past 4 or so years, its been mostly hiding on my profiles and bio's for a while but it would suit better to be its own post at this point. The archive is almost always constantly updated, and new stuff of varying styles and moods are regularly coming up every month or so. Everything is 100% free to use for and reuse non-commercial works as long as credit is given. Anyhow, i hope you find something of interest or worth using on your projects, thanks! DOWNLOAD LINK5 points -
Doom: Part 2 - Earth in Hell - Brand-new megawad from 1994
ctwoafiveb and 4 others reacted to Kam Tovalski for a topic
Imagine this scenario: It's mid-1994 and you get a copy of DOOM. You play this from beginning to end and with huge enjoyment of time well spent, you see an ending screen of episode 3, (you know, one with burning city and impaled Daisy). This is the moment you wonder 'Hey, actually how would the continuation of this look like?' Luckily, you have got a community-made editor, so you roll up your virtual sleeves and make your own vision of action located on Earth. You don't know about something called 'DOOM 2', because you live in a place, where internet connection is delivered in buckets, so any 'gaming news' is coming there as quite late. This story is a background for the answer nobody asked for. Welcome to Doom: Part 2 - Earth in Hell megawad, which brings back early- and mid-1994 visuals and action to current times (or takes designers back in time - sort of). Let the Visplane Megaflow Team (@Kam Tovalski and @Walter confetti) be the host of this journey. Don't let the megawad's name fool you - this is all Doom 1 content, made so you can play it with early versions of Doom IWAD (including DOS-Doom, mostly). Custom video and sfx content comes from such wads, like Galaxia, Eye of Beholder, JCM2-6.wad, Laura Beyer's Doom, and maybe more... SOME IMPORTANT INFO: MAPSET: MUSIC: SCREENSHOTS: DROPBOX LINK: VMT5 points -
Doomcute thread
JoeyKelastiof and 4 others reacted to stochastic for a topic
5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
Insaneprophet and 4 others reacted to Roofi for a topic
Map 05 : Skybase I prefer Skybase over the past maps for the simple fact it has more substance to offer. However, Skybase represents a perfect exemple of an adventure map with a procedural progression. As some people said, getting lost is hard because the layout has few interconnectivity, resulting to a lot of backtracks each time you obtain a key. This map is so easy on UV than killing enemies feel like following a procedure than actually trying to survive. They're just here to show you where to go. About the visuals, Sky Base looks like a pot-pourri of different themes from the most influential wads from the 90's era. The blue corridor leading to the exit seems to be inspired by "Time Gate" from Eternal Doom, and the snowy era in the south-eastern area could be a small part of Requiem map 03. Overall, it's a nice relaxing map and Mark Klem's midi enhance it. Grade : B- (12/20) Map 06 "Last Call" A ridiculously cramped factory but you have no time to get bored here as you have to kill small armies of zombies among tiny corridors and "Last Call" turns out to be full of small traps than may become deadly if you get a bit too reckless. But like LadyMistDragon said, there is more effort put on the visual coherence as you can hear the machinery between each gunshot and the lighting is more elaborated here. The vanilla format still allows lot of details as long the areas remain tight afterall. I also has a soft spot for all the hidden doors. This deliberately obscure progression makes me feel like a mouse venturing into partitions. In any case, “Last Call” is by far the most devious map to finish in pistol-start mode so far on this wad, but also the most aesthetically solid and the most exciting in terms of combat. Grade : B (13/20)5 points -
Doom Wiki says "The Twilight Zone Theme" by Markus Schille (The Wonder) (this map is also in LBDWANGO). "Twilight Zone" here is not the TV series, but rather a demo group: (speaking of which, that thread is a good place for questions like this)5 points
Ain't no fucking way. Another quality mapset? Already? Damn. Club Penguin never rests. You have excellent taste in metal btw, it feels nice to recognise so many not-so-well-known bands. Anyway LETS FUCKING GO5 points
Thanks as always for having me on! Have fun y'all, this one's a doozy.5 points
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
ebrl and 4 others reacted to BluePineapple72 for a topic
We call that a Tequlla Sunrise round these parts5 points -
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
alopecia_assassin and 4 others reacted to Peccatum Mihzamiz for a topic
The unholy crossover between Sunlust and Piña Colada is finally here! None shall escape the gravity of Simulacrum!5 points -
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
OverflowingMocha and 4 others reacted to HiMyNameIsChair for a topic
This looks siiick!! lets gooo!5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
RHhe82 and 4 others reacted to LadyMistDragon for a topic
Map 06: Last Call by John Bishop Crispy Doom, UV, pistol-start More thematically coherent than the last map, this one takes place in an underground power station, as evidenced by the many visible whirring machines in certain rooms and the brown tunnels linking everything. What's more, traps in this map feel exactly on point, even if combat is mostly corridor-crawling, as evidenced by the closing shotgunner ambush on the right. Or the little moment where Cacodemon and a Mancubus emerge from a tunnel opened when returning from that one room. Meaning the one with the Baron on the wall that I suppose describes the hideous experiments in which more soldiers are being bred for Hell's army. Though this facility is small enough, we can probably assume that work in that area is minimal. Surprisingly, we were able to access every single secret because doors, let alone secrets, aren't actually marked all that well. In some ways, this isn't too much different from some of John's later work. And it's certainly more enjoyable than some crap like Shrike 2 that was only released to /idgames in 2012. PS - I forgot to comment of the theft of the name of TNT's last map which...seems a little weird for a number of reasons.5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
RHhe82 and 4 others reacted to General Roasterock for a topic
Map 06: Last Call Everything about this map should be miserable to hack through, but I don’t hate it. The darkness is definitely much more digestible here than it was in Onslaught, and it doesn’t seek to be at all confusing. I was actually taken aback at the visceral nature of the Baron splattered on the wall, and so much of the map carried that same weight of gritty survival in such a tight space. That is, until I found the cell supply nested in another secret room and tore everything challenging apart in seconds. Atmosphere is still very tight, due also in part to the ambient noises ringing out throughout the caves that I failed to mention. Noise in general in this map feels well done, as all the custom sounds are crawling around you from active monsters that have yet to reveal themselves, making these nonsense computer halls really feel infested. It’s a really good showing, one that has me excited for the rest of John Bishop’s contributions.5 points -
MAP06 - Last Call First UV max of this wad for me and the first map by a different author. Once you get past the lousy start and those 64-wide corridors that killed me twice previously, the map becomes a bit more engaging and I liked it more than MAP05. Lots of moving machinery parts again, and you can go down to a spooky crypt at the bottom. There's more of an attempt at lighting in this map which increases the visual appeal. I recognise the MIDI from STRAIN, but it seems to be a different arrangement and it sounds a little weird at points. Not much else to add, really.5 points
MAP06 - “Last Call” by John Bishop The narrow hallways are lame, but aside from that this map is pretty good. The combat, when it's not happening in a 64 unit wide staircase, is more engaging than in the previous maps. There are more mid-tier monsters and plenty of cell ammo in the secrets. The roaming enemies that get teleported in also make the incidental encounters more dynamic. Visuals are good as well. It's very brown, but there is moody lighting and some nice bits of decorative detailing.5 points
MAYhem 2024 - EXEMPLARY CADAVER (Compiling mode engaged, please stand by)
ByRntStarOEI and 4 others reacted to DankMetal for a topic
Alright, sorry for taking so long Here's the extended version of Spinal Cord Waltz. Now it's 4 minutes long, which i still think it's not enough for map 3... But at least it loops, yay. Spinal Cord Waltz Extended And now i will take a moment to share some nerdy facts about the song. I hope y'all like it!5 points -
Doom: Part 2 - Earth in Hell - Brand-new megawad from 1994
Auron and 4 others reacted to Kam Tovalski for a topic
Ladies and Gentlemen, Doom: Part 2 - Earth in Hell is ready! Go check the intro of the thread out!5 points -
RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!
Lizardcommando and 4 others reacted to KitKatrina for a topic
5 points -
Spectrum Descent | RC2 | 16 colorful gothic maps in MBF21
Yumheart and 4 others reacted to SleepyVelvet for a topic
HNTR FDAs for Maps01-09. Fun enough stuff, maps aren't too long, etc. The animated rainpow SPROCK is excellent. I like pretty colors :) noisy_SPCTRMDSCNT_RC1_m1-9.zip I think that's it for my session tonight. Might pick back up tomorrow.5 points -
give me scenarios where stupid dumbass barons don't completely suck
Nefelibeta and 4 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
A lot of them. Barons can be good enemies. Was playing Mayhem 2016 map02 recently and this is one of my favorite uses of a baron. At the blue key, there's a baron ominously standing guard over it, which first off is a cool-looking setup. You drop down, and the main threat reveals itself to be not the barons, but two archviles meatwalled by a few spectres. (The spectres being partially invisible lets you see the archies more easily, so this is also a good example of one reason you might use spectres instead of regular pinkies beyond simply making them harder to see.) What the baron does is bully you around while you're trying to desperately take out the viles. While you're lobbing rockets at them, the baron is always either on your side somewhere out of view, forcing you to account for it and move around while trying to doing something that is very urgent -- or it's in your way and you have to try to aim your rockets around it. Some baron setups might run into the criticism "but two HKs would be more effective." But this fight makes a great illustration of another concept -- which is that Doom setups are not necessarily trying to maximize the "effectiveness" of threats in an abstract "make threat level go up" way. They are trying to create a dynamic that has character to it and is fun. The exact dynamic of one baron in this fight is that the baron pushes you around but you can keep slipping around it to focus on the archies. If there were two HKs instead, they would be far more overbearing about getting in your way, and you would start to be more inclined to simply kill one or both first. (With the rocket launcher, you can take out two HKs with four rockets compared to the barons' five -- so you would have an even bigger incentive.) That would turn the fight into something with a lot less individual character to it. It would still be a fun encounter, but it would be a much more common "try to kill everything quickly" race. Another neat thing about this setup is that the baron can be potshotted from below...once. Then it'll wander down to the ledge below you and become a real nuisance. And that is telegraphed from the area's architecture. This is cool because it's rare that a lock-in setup can get away with freely letting you attack an important enemy without entering first. Also I did try out this setup while trying to take out the baron first and that becomes much more dangerous, because the spectres and viles get to spill out of their chokepoint. It also eats up a lot more rockets. Not to mention usually requiring a vile dodge without looking at where there vile is.5 points -
This is generally also how I feel on this -- but at the same time, the real "issue" here is that the new Doom games are, fundamentally, off-topic. Lemme explain: Doomworld is fundamentally a community centered around the original games. We're all gathered here to make maps and mods, play 'em, speedrun 'em, all that good business. The amount of traffic the "Newfangled Doom" subforums get is tiny compared to the rest, and you rarely find users who think all the old games are trash, 'cause if they did, why are they even here? And even if one of those folks finds their way here anyway (which happens once in a blue moon), there's not much of a reason for them to stick around, assuming the community doesn't give them the boot in advance. :P But when it comes to topics that aren't classic Doom? Well, all bets are off -- there's no unifying factor on Random Topic X if it doesn't happen to align with community demographics, so you get a random mix of people who love/hate Topic X as well as a ton of folks who don't give a shit at all, and thus don't post. So inevitably threads about Topic X just kinda turn into low-quality bickering between the two sides who feel strongly enough about it to even post -- and this sort of suck is just a universal constant on The Internets(tm). It's been a meme for ages that you should just perma-mute the Everything Else subforum to get the best Doomworld experience, and it's much better now than it was 10 years ago, believe it or not. :P Doom 2016, on the other hand, is a bit of an outlier -- its gameplay is much closer to the original games than either Doom 3 or Eternal, so you're naturally going to get a lot more interest overlap, much in the same way you'll find a lot more Quake and DUSK fans here than you would in [insert random other gaming community], 'cause the genres are similar. The stars aligned for a bit with 2016, then Eternal went and did its own thing and the status quo was returned. It's really not much different than the sort of complaining you'd hear about Halo back when that was the hot modern shooter that everybody on these boards loved to hate. :P I'm not necessarily excusing all the weird takes as much as I'm rolling my eyes and moving on, but yeah, the new Doom games just aren't what Doomworld account holders are here for.5 points
Spectrum Descent | RC2 | 16 colorful gothic maps in MBF21
SleepyVelvet and 3 others reacted to Shepardus for a topic
I really like how colorful this is while still being easy on the eyes. I think this is the first time I've seen multicolored blood and health bonuses in a WAD. Too bad it doesn't work with Nash Gore - that would be really cool to see, but I'm not going to be the one to hack it in.4 points -
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
S022anti and 3 others reacted to HitelbeVettBor for a topic
The Shores of Hell full episode UvSpeed run in 7:14 The zip: ep2-714.zip The video: https://youtu.be/56FUvawRFxU4 points