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Morituri Te Salutant - Roman-themed Single Adventure Map (cl9 - RC1.3 Out Now!)
rita remton and 32 others reacted to EduardoAndFriends for a topic
Hi there! It's time to test your mettle in a Grecco-Roman-ish single adventure map, Morituri Te Salutant! DOWNLOAD LINK: (MTS-RC1.3 8/6/24) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ujvqssnjssnh784531l26/MTS-RC1.3.zip?rlkey=guj863fmr3clzw2k7whdihg90&st=fsop956x&dl=1 THE DEETS: - Single Map (Map01) with Thank You map as Map02. - Comp level 9 (Boom) - Sourceports (IMPORTANT): Tested in DSDA, Woof, Nugget, and GzDoom. IF YOU PLAY WITH GZDOOM IT'S RECOMMENDED YOU USE HARDWARE RENDERING OR YOU MAY HAVE SOME MINOR GRAPHICAL GLITCHING. Eternity is not recommended as it gave some issues with actions for reasons. - Difficulties implemented. Overall difficulty is subjectively somewhere mid Eviternity. Hopefully more fun than nasty. THE STORY: Doomguy has found himself summoned to an ancient, crumbling villa - the court of the Red Emperor. The Emperor is conspicuously absent, but he and his cronies watch with great interest from afar as you rip and tear your way through his tests. Will you make it through the trials, or will you be split from nose to navel? Play and find out. "Morituri te salutant - those who are about to die, salute you!" SNAPPIES: CREDITS: - First and foremost, a massive THANK YOU to tester extraordinaire @DreadWanderer without whom things would not be as smooth or refined. Cheers, bloke. :) Your hard work is, as always, massively appreciated. - Textures from OTEX. - Plasma gun sound and certain sprites from Eviternity II. - Tunes by Jimmy and myself. - Blue cyber sprites from Fractured Worlds. - Additional sprites from Hexen. Any and all feedback is most welcome and appreciated. Stay tuned for updates and fixes. Even with extreme precision there'll probably be a few mis-alignments lol. Stay excellent. -Edz xoxo33 points -
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
lunchlunch and 10 others reacted to myolden for a topic
>>>>>>>>[Download RC2]<<<<<<<< Simulacrum is a set of 32 maps in MBF21 format by @muumi and @myolden. This set starts modestly but steadily climbs into challenge and slaughter territory in the later maps. Difficulties and Coop are implemented. Target source port is DSDA-Doom, your mileage may vary in other ports. No jumping/crouching. Map Order MIDIs Screenshots Credits Bonus Content:11 points -
Cacowards 2024 Mentionation Thread
netcurse2000 and 7 others reacted to Firedust for a topic
+++myolden for creator of the year. For someone who joined the community only a few years ago, he's made/led/co-authored an INSANE number of top-shelf mapsets. I hope he doesn't fall victim to a burnout at the rate he's going, because I don't remember anyone being THIS prolific without sacrificing quality for quantity.8 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 7 others reacted to Horus for a topic
This piqued my curiosity since once I (finally) located where the blue key was, I just bumped straight into it and picked it up instantly without issue. The pillar that the blue key sits on is 56 pixels high, which is the same height as Doomguy. It seems to be a source port thing because on DSDA you can just grab it without problem, but on GZDoom you can't and need to strafe run into it as you did. I assume you played on GZDoom? Curious though as I wasn't aware GZDoom did anything differently with regards to player height / height at which you can pick up items. MAP07 - “Apparatus” by Chris Harbin The symmetrical opening teases a Dead Simple clone, and yet to its credit that isn’t what transpires. Instead of mancubi, we are rather greeted by a bunch of hitscanners, with automatic weapon switching causing me to make a bit more of a meal out of it than I otherwise would. Now whilst I praised the map for not being a Dead Simple clone, I don’t praise it for the symmetry which is prevalent throughout the map, not just in terms of geometry but also in terms of monster placement, leading to an element of predictability. Later on, we see the mapset’s first boss monster so far, the spider mastermind. This is what I remembered of when I played this map on Ironeagle – rushing it with the BFG and barely living to tell the tale. But I did live then and I did live again now, even if I somehow didn’t manage to kill it with my 2 BFG shots! One other moment that stuck in my mind if the two archviles that pop-up when you grab the yellow key, which are actually quite challenging to deal with due to the lack of easily accessible cover (and the fact that I didn't have any BFG left). EDIT: I didn’t realise you could hide behind the terminal either! Overall, despite the symmetry I still enjoyed the map. I think I was just in an easily pleased mood when I played this one!8 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 7 others reacted to RHhe82 for a topic
MAP07: Apparatus. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 47/47, S: 3/3, I: 2/2. Comp. time 7:06 Bonus points for not being a simple Dead Simple! In fact, there are no mancubi or arachnotrons around. The map itself is on the simple side again. Difficulty-wise it's a small bump; I even had to reload a save once when the big spidey wouldn't die of single BFG blast, and I met my fate on 4% health and a face-on with a lost soul that took interest in me. There was also a surprising amount of pain elementals at play, although we are given plenty of supplies, even on pistol start. The encounter with two archviles seemed dangerous, but only because I didn't realize I could hide behind IoS Cube terminal, d'oh.8 points -
Doomcute thread
JoeyKelastiof and 7 others reacted to stochastic for a topic
8 points -
⛧SIGIL INTERMISSION SCREEN MAP v1.2⛧ (An Add-on for Sigil)
Kan3 and 6 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
Hey everyone, today i'm releasing my custom Sigil Intermission screen, hope you like it. Some notes (v1.2): -sigilint.pk3 (gzdoom,zandronum,zdoom) has the animated version of the intermission screen -sigilintercompat.wad is a version compatible with boom-ports, it's static, although I will try to make them animated in the future -The M_SKULL from the menu has been replaced by the Baphomet Icon of SI6IL -Be sure to load either sigilint.pk3 or sigilintercompat.wad first and then Sigil v1.21 Don't combine any of the files, you only need one of them to run with SIGIL_v1_21 Changelog (v.1.2): -SIGFIRE texture fix -Widescren patch (428x200) -Added the ultrawide screen patch (640x200) Credits goes to Skunk for making the IN_E4 from his thyinterpic , that's how I did most of the scripting and animations for this episode, also shoutout to @Arsinikk, this post has been inspired by RUST 's structure. Thanks to @Terraformer9x for making the Widescreen patch. Check out other intermissions screens made by me here: Anathema 27 points -
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
Insaneprophet and 6 others reacted to TJG1289 for a topic
You had me at "Simulacrum is a set of 32 maps in MBF21 format by muumi and myolden." Seriously tho, you 2 are some of my favorite mappers out there currently. Some of the most creative maps I've played in a while have been by you guys, so seeing a full collab megawad from you two makes this an instant play. Even if I am suffering a bit of Doom burnout, this will make that take a backseat. Very excited to try it!7 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 6 others reacted to NiGHTS108 for a topic
MAP07: Apparatus By Chris Harbin Kills: 100% Items: 50% Secrets: 66% Time: 4:16 Despite its meek monster count, Apparatus actually is probably the most thrilling map so far, not that that's a particularly high bar in this wad. I mean, I certainly wasn't expecting a Spider Mastermind boss battle, even if you do get a BFG and a bunch of cells which does somewhat neuter it a little bit. Weirdly, for a symmetrical MAP07 in the 90's, this map has nothing to do with Mancubi or Arachnotrons. I was going to say this map reminded me a bit of Onslaught from Plutonia, it does certainly bring back the Plutonia-ish aesthetic we saw back in MAP03 at large, though really only the first 15 seconds are kind of like Onslaught, the rest of the map just happens to carry the Plutonia look. I was also impressed by the amount of Doom II monsters there are, there's . . . I believe 4 Pain Elementals, then TWO whole Arch-Viles, then another 4 Revenants. That Arch-Vile fight can get a little bit messy because of the flashing lights and if you open the secret that removes two pillars from the fight. Really wish the flashing lights weren't here to be honest. Apparatus isn't the hardest map in the world by any stretch of the definition, but honestly, after 6 maps, I appreciate the gesture. Some might criticise the lack of cute details we saw back in MAP04, but it turns out when it comes down to the wire, I think Chris Harbin is at least slightly better at combat than this wad's opening lets on. Grade: B Difficulty: C7 points -
Scythe demos [-complevel 2]
Searcher and 6 others reacted to 4shockblast for a topic
More Scythe epic. 2P co-op UV-Maxes (player 1: me, player 2: @GarrettChan) Map 11 UV-Max in 0:48. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdVqkhbPG0Y Map 11 NM-Speed in 0:02.49. Map 12 UV-Max in 0:24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP5kCiUes0s sc11mc048.zip sc11nc002.zip sc12mc024.zip7 points -
Share Your Sprites!
horselessheadsman and 6 others reacted to Amaruψ for a topic
Wolfenstein 3D-esque difficulty level mugshots that I created a while back. Didn't implement them for some reason, but here they are. If you want to use them, here's them in appropriate size.7 points -
A Doom 2 I made few days ago , that runs on DOOM2.EXE. Have fun ! BRIQUE.zip6 points
Doom 64: Aetherbound Total Conversion is out now!
Redneckerz and 5 others reacted to Reddest Rosies for a topic
Lost between dimensions, you know not where you are nor where you've been. Time has passed. Death has passed. Hell has passed. Your form has passed and been reforged again and again and again. You don't know where, when or who you are, but one thing is for certain: When you make every hell personal you will eventually find yours. Featuring: -3 massive maps! -revamped combat, movement and GIBS -over 100 player skins! -New AI! -Weather effects! -Updated weapon animation and sound effects -And much more! Get it here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-64-aetherbound-episode-1 Thanks to everyone who helped playtest and thank you for playing! I hope you enjoy! -Reddest Rosie6 points -
Ashtralfiend's Palette Selection
Macross+ and 5 others reacted to AshtralFiend for a topic
Color palettes often play a significant role in setting the mood and atmosphere of a map and making both scenery and enemies unique in their own way. And while it's true that the classic DOOM color palette evokes a nostalgic and cozy feeling, it may feel a bit dull at times. Here are some of the custom palettes I've used in my projects thus far. A vibrant color palette that emphasizes saturated yellows, reds, pinks, and purples. Reminiscent of a nostalgic, hot summer sunset. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/idu9l4qrq1v455cmviwaw/Sunset.wad?rlkey=x3z2lv7n328xgko6e7xp91low&st=cycpils8&dl=0 A vibrant and contrasting color palette with smooth transitions between colors. From bright reds to purples, and yellows into acid greens, this palette will add a burst of color to your maps. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nc7m4vjeaovxmxss2tk1t/Dual.wad?rlkey=1chf80rbvarr61zcgx0wtm3mf&st=8b4mcx0d&dl=0 A dusty palette where the browns and greens reign supreme. Looking to create a cave or a forest? Maybe try earthbound. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/acih6n6vzltl4kfur5wq3/EarthBound.wad?rlkey=inrlt353tcfba6affd03y24a2&st=lgjxn2xi&dl=0 Muted and desaturated colors with crisp shadows and highlights. Like an old VHS recording that has seen better days. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3xkltqmlftwvqsj4p64rk/Retrorough.wad?rlkey=mg5gsfdrmgcbrkarnuiotj3l1&st=fv7i0bdv&dl=0 A saturated palette of intense red and golden colors. Its hues illuminate the landscape like the hot and hazy desert sun. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jktglxwkavupygdw1mzbb/Wasteland.wad?rlkey=jspikajemyrrhk4bijosllqzq&st=2zyepwrw&dl=06 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 5 others reacted to Roofi for a topic
Map 07 : Apparatus I have the regret to say that Apparatus is a poor map 07 while it seems to not be an unpopular opinion. Actually, the combats turned fine and I'm glad its author didn't follow the overused Mancs+Arachno formula. I love killing small groups of pain elementals with my SSG in vanilla Doom because they become quickly harmless due to the 20 lost souls limits. The Mastermind serve no other purpose than demonstrating how powerful the BFG is. Killing a Spider Moma with one BFG-shot is always a reliable source of satisfaction. The main reason I don't like this map is its progression, which is both simplistic and unnecessarily complex. This map suffers of unnecessary steps that actually aggravate the experience for no real justification. For exemple, At the northern part of the map, you have to press specific switches in order to lower the cobblestone walls. The southern part of the map forces you take damaging floor that still hurt you when the radsuit is equipped. Moreover, the map itself is nothing to write home about. It may even be the ugliest of the wad at this point. To be honest, Doom map 07 isn't much prettier, but its concept is so simply executed and brief that I could tolerate its modesty more. "Apparatus" plays like a mediocre filler to me. Grade : C- (8/20)6 points -
6 points
God Machine.6 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 5 others reacted to Pseudonaut for a topic
Map07: Apparatus I'm glad to see tough monsters finally thrown into the mix. You're also handed a BFG and with few shots, enough to kill plenty, but not enough to spam. There are a couple of opportunities to let monsters bunch up for efficient mass murder with just a few shots, which is cool. Unfortunately, the room full of spectres is just awful. Oh well.6 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
veevil and 5 others reacted to Crusader No Regret for a topic
(downloads file) While doing an unrecorded practice attempt, I died on the first map. Wasn't kidding about it being scary and dangerous. Biowar map 3 Another quick one to run through. Chaingun obtained here and there's a secret megaarmor. Still got to be wary if entering at low health as the health is still limited and there are well placed hitscanners to whittle away your limited durability. The last room can be a bit dicey with chaingunners (or was it just chaingunner singular) and pretty much nil for cover. Small bit of good news, ending the map at low health isn't a big deal as the next one starts on top of a berserk. I save the megaarmor secret until the end to go into the next one with 200 armor. map 4 A bit of a breather in ironman context with starting on top of a berserk and a secret SSG to snag. I still try to be cautious and avoid damage to keep the blue armor intact longer. Really isn't any reason to stick around to fight cacodemons in the reactor chamber. Hitting switches there while they're still in the ground can save a few seconds.6 points -
The Classic Episode 1 + 2 demos [-complevel 3]
Searcher and 5 others reacted to kvothesixstring for a topic
https://dsdarchive.com/wads/class_ep E2M1 UV Pacifist in 26.29 ce2-1p26.zip https://youtu.be/f8JZcJQNKpE E2M1 Nomonsters in 18.40 ce21-1o18.zip6 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
DaRkWeZ and 4 others reacted to TheGreenZap for a topic
This is my 2nd Deathmatch map for the small pack I'm working on.5 points -
Doom: Part 2 - Earth in Hell - Brand-new megawad from 1994
Walter confetti and 4 others reacted to Kam Tovalski for a topic
WAD Update: - For some reason Cacodemons and Barons have got the same wake-up sound. I changed Cacos' sound to one from cringe.wad, - E2M1 received a difficulty variety, - I lowered windows in E2M4, so Cybers are more dangerous Dropbox link has been updated. End of PSA5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to Zerofuchs for a topic
Map06: Last Call Some nice visuals slightly marred by a few awkward doors, more maze shooter than 05, although it's not difficult to navigate there are multiple corridor fights and bottleneck battles. Quite stingy on health with lots of hit scanners but you do get multiple green armours to soak some plink damage. Plasma gun is nice for the crowd of lost souls in the room right next door and rapidly clear out the shotgunner crowd at the end. What mid tier enemies there are... are zero threat, couple overgrown imps and tomatoes, and all of one revenant who barely has room to swing an elbow. Focus on the hitscanners. Backpack at the end of the map is kinda superfluous for pistol starters. Difficulty is fairly low but, like a lite E4M1, incaution will wear you down. Maybe a D+ on the Dean's Difficulty scale. Map07: Apparatus Galactus is that you? Music is quite fun, letting the pain elemental crew get out of hand is not... much more generous than Map06 when it comes to health. In any case, almost every encounter is extremely easy to skip if you don't want to deal with it. Except maybe the specter room.5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to apichatpong for a topic
Biowar Map 07 : Apparatus UVmax So, this is not dead simple... but it's some anti-version of it. You almost face every kind of monsters from Doom except for mancubus and arachnotron. Did I die there ? Affirmatif (no comment). You quickly get this one is tougher than first 6 maps, the big bunch of pain elementals with their buddies chaingunners (faced with 4 rockets, ssg and chaingun not fully loaded) were lethal for me. After that, apart from a try to hide from archviles behind a not high enough obstacle that ended badly, it's more predictable although ammo-killing. The challenge was welcomed but felt a bit messy and I have mixed feelings on this map. I have to say that giving you ammo just to let you meet ten spectres...in order to kill your ammo... is not the kind of move I prefer (but it's the game... and also just me not liking harassing bunches of spectres/demons)(to be precise, I might like huge bunches of pinkies (when well equiped) but this one is annoying and of a mediocre size). Yeah, toughest map so far, with some good parts, but not my favorite.5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
veevil and 4 others reacted to LadyMistDragon for a topic
Map 07: Apparatus by Chris Harbin Crispy Doom, UV, pistol-start Not really certain what's going on here. I rather like to imagine the title is some oblique reference to the German electronic musical act Apparat. But anyway, here's something quite similar in form to a Memento Mori map, all dungeon brick and stone with some outdoor areas in the center and "Hidden Anger" pumping through the speakers in a most satisfying manner. The most notable bit here is naturally the Pain Elemental conflagration spreading out from the Mastermind in the main courtyard when the yellow key is acquired. There's not really tons of spare ammo outside secrets though so be careful where it's used. In addition to a Revenant murder that attacks when the exit's opened, there's also 2 Barons guarding the exit itself. The hardest one so far.5 points -
RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!
A Handsome Fridge and 4 others reacted to NenapoMinayuChtchiyasya for a topic
I manage to make 1-2 rooms per day, it takes about two hours. Since the general plan is already drawn up, I make rooms without thinking about what should be there, the only thing is that when you have a lot of textures, a lot of time is spent on choosing them, I spend about half the time for sure. Here I just put a chair, just because I got a little bored, and I decided to add a little coziness, although on the other hand there should be none at all in this map. But, as they say, I am an artist and this is my vision.5 points -
This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)
Uni Musuotankarep and 4 others reacted to pantheon for a topic
Essentially, it's just one of the classic problems caused by a bad fade. Things like headphones that produce sound don't like beginning or ending at non-zero amplitude, since it basically tells the stuff moving to emit sound to go from producing something back to nothing, instantly. The really bedeviling part is how the same exact sounding "pops" can come from "bad" sound effects themselves (pictured in that Github issue), or from the way even "perfect" audio files can be handled (i.e. SDL mixer instantly cutting interrupted sounds so spamming use on a wall starts popping). OpenAL has mitigations for the latter, Woof has some special fade handling for the former which, as far as I know, is still unique among Doom ports.5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
veevil and 4 others reacted to Insaneprophet for a topic
Map 07: Apparatus This one was definately more interesting on first play than on third or forth play. The opening trap catches you by surprise, the pain elementals (6 of em in compendium) are an unexpected mess, couldnt of seen a spidermama coming even if she is just showing up for show and the viles can quickly turn into a bitch to deal with. By the time youve run this a few times though it really just becomes a basic map with very little that makes it stand out in my eyes. Still, Ive got no complaints, ever level is competant and Ive played much much worse. 😀5 points -
Post your Doom textures!
bsharp and 4 others reacted to Taw Tu'lki for a topic
Exit signs in japanese/chinese, arabian and korean languages5 points -
Coming up on 350 made, 300 published soon - mostly deathmatch and CTF. Started Feb 2021 - but I should have realistically started earlier - I've been playing the game since 2000 - only in 2021 did I learn mapping finally. If you haven't mapped, you should at least give it a shot - you may really love it, and if you love doing something, then the learning part comes much easier - however daunting it may seem at first. :)5 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to Blast_Brothers for a topic
MAP04: The Arrival The first secret raises many questions. Does that armor belong to our protagonist? Is this his personal hangar? And if so, what compelled him to install crate lifts in it? Is this the sci-fi equivalent to a gun safe? And why are the lights on the back of his car so bright that they damage you if you stand too close to them? Seems like a road safety violation. Something about labeling live imps "biohazards" feels redundant. Isn't that kind of obvious, based on the fact that they're demons trying to kill you? Anyway, this map feels like the set's combat starts to feel like more than set dressing. Will that trend continue? We'll see! MAP05: Skybase Maybe it's just me, but this place seems awfully heavy (i.e. full of concrete and stucco) for a supposed skybase. Maybe this blue stuff has antigravity properties. Maybe it's not actually floating and is just on a high mountain. Whatever. The map is good. Nice to finally see a Revenant or two. MAP06: Last Call How many maps in this set are going to be named after beginnings or endings? This one gave me flashbacks to early Going Down maps, with its tight spaces and comic sequence of unfolding switches and passageways. This is one of those where everything you do feels like a secret, which only makes the actual secrets more fun to find. It also provides the best justification yet for the sound replacements - gaggles of imps have never sounded more threatening. This might also be the best-detailed map so far, as well. MAP07: Apparatus The end of the last map suggested a change of scenery was coming, but I didn't think the biggest change would be in the combat department. Pain Elementals? A swarm of Revenants? Archviles?!?! Finally! This map really makes you appreciate how Doom 2's enemies are much better at providing interesting combat through their presence alone. Also lol spider mastermind5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to Devalaous for a topic
I was distracted by certain addicting games with no respect for player time, so I forgot to post about the other two levels I previously completed. I was so distracted I didn't even get much of my hand therapy done >_> Map 5 was the first proper-length level and I was taken by surprise by it, I got complaints about the loud soundtrack and shooting because I was just doing a quick level before bed, only for it to be a long level. I enjoyed the more-normal length of the level, albeit playing with stress as a certain someone in my house goes apeshit berserk if noise carries on too long. Map 6 confused me, the 'ambient sound' hacks just don't do it for me, I just hear random deathscreams and crunchy low quality explosions. if they coincided with sector magic where its clear ive blown things up, sure, but when walking into rooms, its just 'what'. The progression on this was a bit confusing from what I remember Map 7 I completed just now, so its actually fresh in my memory. Rude start with chaingunners shooting me in the back, thaknfully thers a LOT of medikits in the starting room. Expected the usual Map 7 treatment, not a single mancubus or arachnotron to be found. The pain elemental swarm caught me by surprise, had to fight off 25 or so lost souls while hearing a Mastermind wake up and nervously expecting a chaingun in the back again. The BFG placed right in front of it made the one/two hit charge viable, so down it went in seconds. The double archvile caught me off guard, managed to get out of that flawless with an angry baron chasing me. The revenant attack was, as usual, the most lethal thing going on. Two barons at the exit was a joke. Brightmaps really make that nukage texture replacement glow like crazy btw.5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to E.M. for a topic
MAP07: Apparatus DSDA-Doom, UV, Pistol Start Visually, this map is hideous, but the gameplay is quite fun. I enjoyed the beginning where you gun down hitscanners, head down into a dungeon area, and blast specters with the SSG. I did not like the overabundance of pain elementals, though. To make things less painful (heh) for myself, I make them all infight with the spidermom. Luckily, the level gives you a BFG, which makes the later fights much easier. The revenant gang can be quite difficult without it. I make sure to save two BFG shots for the barons at the exit. This map is short and thrilling, and I enjoyed it despite its flaws. It also features one of my favorite songs from Memento Mori, so that's a plus.5 points -
Playing my video games. Hear a faint ticking noise coming from my PC. Take a quick look through the sidepanel, doesn't seem like there's an issue. Was that something moving? Lighting's not great. Ticking noise returns, almost like something hitting a fanblade, caught wire maybe? Open up case, squint a little, see something weird by the GPU. Shine a light into the case, realise GODDAMN ANTS ARE ALL OVER THE INSIDE OF MY COMPUTER. Ants like confined and warm spaces when the rain starts flooding their nests. Guess they found one. Never shut down and disassembled a computer so fast in my life. 2 mins from shutdown to everything out the case. Open up the GPU. EGGS. SO MANY EGGS. AND SO MANY LITTLE BLACK BUGGERS MOVING THEM AROUND. Also got into one of my SSDs. Still amazed nothing fried during the process of their... immigration. Still not sure when they managed to crawl in. I am now paranoid about even a single stray ant coming anywhere near my desk. I've also switched from a mesh sidepanel to perspex. Still got the pics too:4 points
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
Mr. Alexander and 3 others reacted to General Roasterock for a topic
The first eleven maps have been some of the best Doom I've played this year, possibly longer. Your formula on Doom core and quality (executed as fast as you do on top of that!) is a stalwart impenetrable defense, and Muumi's ideas have rocked what I believed to be tired tropes in the forms of big canyon maps (like holy shit Mirebough). So far, so fantastic.4 points -
I had some time to dive back in for maps 9 and 10. I was hoping to round out the final episode in one video but it took me a while to work through these. These maps are at a challenge level that I like quite a bit, where it feels like it's approaching the cusp of when I'd have to start TRULY grinding it out with savescumming. These are the fights that I feel like make me better at the game. There are some effective combat puzzles here and some real harrowing slaughter, but it tends to be very pinned back and the flood gates don't actually open until the very end. My only regret is that I did not have more time set aside for this session today.4 points
Having trouble enjoying Blood (the game)
Captain red pants and 3 others reacted to Esperpento for a topic
This, Crispy is for cooperative I believe (or equivalent to Nightmare if you wish) and Well Done is really punishing. You have to take in consideration that this isn't Doom, it's absolutely hitscan heavy so you must use a different approach, more similar to modern fps in the sense that you have to take cover and pick corners, If you just run into rooms you'll get gunned down really fast. TNT is crucial, if you see a window or opening throw one (that's a neat skill to master, the throwing system is good once you get it) and enjoy the screams. Same before entering rooms, throw one inside as they bounce of walls and ambush the cultists. You can also drop them and shoot them to explode, baiting enemies is a must. Also crouching to make your hitbox smaller (I believe). And leave the autoaim on, some weapons don't work well without it (eg: the skull wand thing) I played it a couple of years ago and learned to love it. There are also great community maps for it (I remember one even resembled Bioshock, all underwater).4 points -
https://liquiddoom.net/upload/files/CT_v9.7.3.zip CT_v9.7.3 - Map 08 removed as it was moved to RAMP and mapper Impboy wanted it be removed. - I created a new map 08 called "Temple of Phallus" and I have added it. CWIL for map 08 added. Music for map 08 also replaced with FreeDoom v0.12 Phase 2 - Map 05 OST. Map name changed in DEHACKED and UMAPINFO. - Map 33 moved to Map 17 spot, including its CWIL and music. Data in DEHACKED and UMAPINFO changed for map 17. Sky texture changed to SKY1 for Map17. Also Map 17 was lil buggfixed. - I have fixed a ton of textures with width that is not power of two. Some remain, tho. - Map 34 moved to map 31 slot, including its music. Info edited in DEHACKED and UNMAPINFO. CWIL for this map added. Player starts 2, 3 and 4 added + some multiplayer starts. Also, a new secret ending added. - Pcorf maps removed as he wants. - A new map 09 by Andrea Rovenski added. Map named "Imp Gambling Den" in DEHACKED and UMAPINFO. CWIL for map 09 replaced with new one. Music for Map 09 kept the same, because it's ok. - Stop reading this changelist, lol.4 points
⛧SIGIL INTERMISSION SCREEN MAP v1.2⛧ (An Add-on for Sigil)
AmethystViper and 3 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
4 points -
Man of Doom and 3 others reacted to yakfak for a topic
playing doom 2 while shaking my head to show I don't like how unoptimized its encounters are4 points -
what the helllll scroll floor midair coop rocket boost death slide other two demos are also epic btw4 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
horselessheadsman and 3 others reacted to EyeBallTank for a topic
4 points -
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
muumi and 3 others reacted to DarkStormYT for a topic
Thank you for this myolden, can't wait to play this!!!4 points -
Share Your Sprites!
MObreck and 3 others reacted to CherubCorps for a topic
4 points -
Zone 400 demos [-complevel 2]
Searcher and 3 others reacted to Andrea Rovenski for a topic
map05 tyson 6:11 https://youtu.be/hLVqbDIAPM8 z405t611.zip ep1 max 26:49 https://youtu.be/BkrKB4VrKAc z4ep1-2649.zip map13 max 2:25 https://youtu.be/ya58DHiRCY4 z413-225.zip map07 max 3:11 https://youtu.be/5E9q6wmE-P0 z407-311.zip map14 max 2:22 https://youtu.be/xzVuNTyHQDw z414-222.zip map15 max 2:15 https://youtu.be/Ujkf8fvs0rE z415-215.zip map16 max 3:33 https://youtu.be/W-TdsZUPepE z416-333.zip map17 max 2:09 https://youtu.be/-v2QdY3l7Go z417-20906.zip map18 max 2:53 https://youtu.be/aYPZinnP0sM z418-25329.zip map19 max 4:12 https://youtu.be/qE-oL5TTSvs z419-412.zip map20 max 3:06 https://youtu.be/huCyksr5XBE z420-306.zip map21 max 1:44 https://youtu.be/iEVpmyJxNrc z421-144.zip map22 max 2:07 https://youtu.be/akpV2YlvxFk z422-207.zip4 points