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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/24 in all areas

  1. I recently obtained these floppy disks from Jeff Hughes, former product manager of Sculptured Software. I reached out to former programmer Randy Linden, who responded excitedly as he saw his handwriting on the disks. It took some tinkering, but I managed to restore this Amiga HDBackup set, and extract the contents. Randy uploaded the source about 4 years ago, but it was missing some xband multiplayer code, and assets such as levels, music, art, etc. AFAIK, this backup is complete with all code and assets! I have uploaded for all to enjoy here (source.zip is what you want): https://archive.org/details/jeffs-doom-snes-disk-images
    44 points
  2. Map03 UV-Max in 11:08 dmn03m1108.zip
    24 points
  3. im gonna be using this post as a dumping ground for all my pixel art, which for the sake of being mildly on-topic, uses PLAYPAL exclusively (except when i feel like it ig.) i find PLAYPAL to be a very nice palette despite what the hecklers say; i like using its big gradienty ramps to do more painterly stuff. if anyone's wondering, i use aseprite, a laptop, and a mouse :) find my links here : https://bsharp.neocities.org/ 2024/06/08 2024/04/23 2024/05/25 2024/05/27
    15 points
  4. Building a small map to test out some ideas.
    10 points
  5. Liberation

    Moon Man

    Call me a cynic, but I suspect you know well enough about Moon man. Regardless, you will find what you want to know via a google search.
    9 points
  6. Rooftop Redemption, now in RAMP2024. I have a habit of making Rooftop maps for community projects (DUMP, Party Garage). Each has gotten more elaborate than the last, and this is no exception. I have time for making more maps, so keep your eyes peeled.
    9 points
  7. costadevale

    [-cl3] Abruma

    Abruma Abruma is a small map made for the Ultimate Doom. Initially I was going to delete this one due to my lack of motivation but I ended up finishing it! I then shared it in a Doom server and people seemed to like it, so... I'm now sharing it here! This is also the first map I publish on the internet, so please give feedback if you play it. Tested with Woof! and Chocolate Doom (it somehow worked!!) MIDI is "Introducing Mrs. Tier F" by Peter, from the TNT MIDI Pack. Here are some screenshots:
    8 points
  8. Thanks for the report, this will be fixed in the next release. The underlying issue actually affects most source ports, although it's not always apparent because they all handle sound trimming differently. Woof now matches vanilla Doom's method. There's also some additional click prevention which is unique to Woof I believe: Some additional details:
    8 points
  9. its a flanderization of the memeified cultural zeitgeist surrounding doom resulting from the comics, brootal d00m, that 4chan post, etc. Funnily enough Doom 2016 does it well because its sorta adrenaline horror, the subtle hints that you've been through this before, the highly surgical and "get out of my f&$*ing face* nature of how you deal with enemies almost like its a job you're sick of, and the existential horror of basically being trapped to constantly war against the forces of hell that is combined with the subtle hints at this being a continuation of where 64 left off make for a genuinely cool atmosphere where there is this meta "looks like i'm on the job again, rip and tear until its done", it still feels like you but with this meta commentary of "looks like the demon killing never stops ay?", this is also why the cyberdemon fight works well in 2016 tonally because its like "yeah you think you can defeat me again? try me". 2016's tone is a reflection of its mechanics and the cultural context of Doom as an embodiment of pure mechanical prowess, and thus the doomslayer represents surgically precise demon slaying. When those codex and testaments talk about the slayer, they're talking about doom as a game, this exercise in brutally efficient demon killing. The threadbare environmental storytelling was also really powerful, and the doomguy's reactions to it reflect us, "i get it, the UAC messed up again, and i've got to clean it up, get out of my way". This is embodied in a single character design choice, 2016 doomslayer doesn't have his guns out, eternal slayer does, because 2016 slayer and you have sorta become professionals, FPS have been around a lot, Doom is 23 years old at the point of release, no frills necessary, his actions speak louder than his costume. In Eternal he becomes the DOOM SLAYER, he's not a meta commentary on playing an action fps, he's flanderized. He has all kinds of frills, he shows off his guns, his armor is elaborate and he's got a BIG SWORD, he, not you, he wants to rip the demons guts. You see cutscenes of him being all cool and badass. Also the bad lore writing. Idunno, I liked 2016's doomguy, the self awareness of 2016 is what makes it so tonally perfect, you can't make it "survival horror" because you're insanely powerful, but you can make it "adrenaline horror" by making it like "they.. don't.. stop.. coming..", Eternal's power fantasy tone doesn't ever convey the existential horror of being metaphysically trapped in eternal war with hell the way 2016 does.
    8 points
  10. MAP04: The Arrival Doom (Quake?) Guy seemed to have found himself some sort of flying contraption in between levels. I do have to question the safety of it being open cockpit though. The first level that felt closer to being an actual place rather than a bunch of random geometry thrown together. There's some sort of lab here where they seem to be doing exams on shotgunners if the custom textures are anything to go off of. Not too difficult as long as you put a wall between you and the hitscanners whenever necessary. MAP05: Skybase Might as well call it Pong, because this one has you bouncing back and forth between both sides of the level constantly. Not helped by the fact that most of the elevators in this map felt longer than they needed to be. I'm no Doom architect, though. Maybe there's a good reason they're the way that they are. They give you a rocket launcher and a few bigger monsters like Barons and revenants, but they don't add much to the experience. Not bad, but not something worth going back to anytime soon. MAP06: Last Call Sense of scale might be a little off for my personal tastes. The hallways in this map are so tight you can barely move left to right in them, and that starts to become a problem when 90% of the map is comprised of hallways. You do get a plasma gun. though, so that's nice. Skipped a fair portion of the level first time through when I dumbassed my way out of a raising bar trap before I was supposed to. Couldn't find the soulsphere secret on my own, either, so thanks to Pseudonaut for showing me the way on that one. bio4-6.zip
    6 points
  11. Gossip Update #12 --------------------------------------- I don't feel like writing a detailed update this time so I'll just give you the essentials. 1. For reasons I won't talk about I can't be bothered to work on Gossip right now (or do anything else, for that matter). As a result I have removed the "coming 2024" from the title. It may still happen but I can already tell where this is going. 2. MAP02 is finished. 4 more levels to go. 3. Some work has been done on MAP03. I've updated the background mechanisms and monster teleporters + tweaked some of the early sections but that's about it. 4. No progress on the soundtrack. 5. If I don't have anything to say next month then you can start worrying about the project. I won't cancel or abandon it but if I can't get back to it this month then it'll most likely suffer an extended delay (again).
    6 points
  12. hey guys hey busy times, only now getting to sit at computer and reply. Everything in my house and garage is breaking and I hurt my head doing renos lol anywho @Dubbag Sears amirite, that map and video was a great time bud - legit, miss our hangout sessions @lirui1001 Thanks for sharing here and pulling these off. As a creator it's fun to see blind reactions but also very fun to see a map you made mastered and played at peak performance like this, you did techniques I never even thought of haha - great vids bud @ipaqmaster Thanks for stopping by and glad you got entertainment out of my silly maps bud @Stupid Bunny Nice to see ya, I hope to play more of your maps too some day just time constraints are a bitch - 17: I tried to make the key spirals not trappable just sticky, I tested in crispy, dsda and gz and was never able to completely stuck myself, I always fish flopped out of there somehow - wonder if u were truly absolutely stucked. 18: good stuff, yeah this could be my most confusing map just how it ended up haha - and as for what is optional, well.. the entire map can be skipped :P 19. A map that could only exist in this set as large cat said, the blue ones were introduced here to add to the "cognitive load" 20: is a map Im most happy about, once you hit exit button you will eventually blow up romero regardless. Try to survive if you can, nobody has been able to do it yet (except freelook rocket jumping which is kind of illegal haha) Always fun to see your feedback man thanks so much and @plums I'll never forget you made demos for me, its just finding time to watch em is hard as I need our shared computer. My wife and mom going to paint pottery or something stupid so Im going to take this time to work on RAMP map, only have this month to do it I'll be back later with more time to resume my reveal series, I missed this week Take care all and thanks for the support!!!
    6 points
  13. I did my 7th round of random deathmatch mapping on Twitch! I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and this time I got 'Too Much Brown'! The map took me 3.5 hours to complete from beginning to end, this time.It's really an underrated texture pack - it's amazing for making a nukage base of some kind - which is exactly what I made this time around! Great textures, glad I was able to use them. Here are some screenshots from tonight's session! Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 7): MAP07: Slippery Sludge: List of packs used in streams so far: So yeah, a lot of fun making this one! My first 6+ hour stream is tomorrow, so I'm planning on trying to get two maps done in one sitting - but we'll see how that goes! :D
    6 points
  14. Finally, after quite some long time i have compiled all the "30 years doomed" sessions into one "megawad" of 22 maps of classic ultimate doom action! Everything you want to know is in the text file in the zip: IDGAMES Screenshots:
    5 points
  15. Istvan Pataki's version that you mention is from 2000 (2003 was the upload date to the current archive), and is the one you find most places. I have a version from 1997 (attached), at least, assuming the date-stamp of the file is correct. Looking at the binary file, this was made by someone called "Deity". Offhand, I don't recall that handle, though it might be someone we've heard of, or that someone can remember. I wouldn't be too surprised if someone had made a similar utility at an earlier point, but the most likely place to find it would have been the file libraries of the CompuServe Action Games forum, or the usenet groups. I don't have a file of that name among the stuff I downloaded back then, but it's not the sort of file I probably would have downloaded at the time. Of course, it might have had a different name, but it probably would have been a .com file, and I don't see any others that look promising. Edit: well OK, duh, "Deity" is Istvan Pataki (email address given in 2000 was deity@sch.bme.hu ), so it looks like he made a version of it at least as far back as 1997. Note: the 1997 and 2000 binary files are not identical. novert.zip
    5 points
  16. Update: New project map now in main file. -- Ultimate Doom, E1M6 I built it using Crispy Doom, but I have to recommend PrBoom ports, because the high number of monsters and items might trigger blockmap overflow. Video recordings welcome! Cheers, Sectorslayer
    5 points
  17. Plutonia map01 UV-Max + Reality in 2:30 pl01reality230.zip
    5 points
  18. Map 08: Biolabs The benefit of calling Doom a horror game is that it allows for authors to really dig into the scenarios they want to present. They can go beyond making a handful of brown and gray shooting galleries, and put together real scenes of grotesque venture. From what little story we get in Biowar, it’s enough to put together an explicit, extensive gene splicing supercenter that continues to engineer and iterate on demons. The entire building glows with rancid energy of multiple colors, the demons are engrained enough in the functionality to have diagrams and studies on their operating tables, larger creatures are trapped in pits and behind cages, everything reeks of enslavement and death. The ambushes are all meant to overwhelm, such as the Pinky jump after the Red Key and the Knights guarding the laser control. My favorite moment in the map goes against all that though, as you take the Rocket Launcher from the holding pen of a Mancubus after being drip fed so many individual rockets to stockpile, and overwhelm yourself with catharsis as it mulches a wave of Imps and Cacodemons that arrive to answer you. It definitely helps that the music stays out of the way for the most part, with very few plucks and strings to keep the tone together. It sounds like something I’d expect Snaxolotl to produce, but a good 20 years before any of those tracks would come to light. I’m even happy with getting a look at the outside of the building. Even with it being as bland and one note as it is, just the size of it is enough to suggest something about the operations the UAC are conducting in this timeline. I kind of love this map, I love its contribution to the emotional aspects of Doom mapping, and I love that it suffers none in completing its goals. It’s brilliant.
    5 points
  19. I've tweaked it a bit: - adapted it to the Doom palette - fixed some of the pixels that were dropping out - changed the exhaust animation - made it all as a finished set of sprites in wad (including offsets). Credits: Amuscaria, PortuGueseCat67, Dron12261 (maybe someone else, let me know if I missed) Wad: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NgQba7FLS4_40Pr-tss7xAz87_0KGRpQ/view?usp=sharing
    5 points
  20. Martin

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    So nice to see what you are working on! Screenshots number 5 and 7-8 make me think of something Japanese, almost pagoda-inspired. Very interesting to see this in Doom as well as the sector trees!
    5 points
  21. MAP08 - “Biolabs” by Chris Harbin Not sure if it was just me but the MIDI on this one was barely audible / silent for me for most of the time, which is a shame. Anyway, this is another quick map where it didn’t feel like there was an awful lot to do – a fairly meaty one if you take the approach of killing everything as soon as you see it, albeit not so much if you hold fire until you get a better weapon. Even so, it feels like the combat is ordinary, by-the-numbers at best. In terms of secrets, this map is pretty odd because it has two secrets that are basically not secrets because they are just monster closets, one hiding an SSG and the other hiding an item I forget. Whilst the other secret that’s actually a hidden secret (by virtue of requiring wall-humping) can’t be triggered due to the way it’s set up – even if you still get the reward, which is a soulsphere. Thematically it’s mostly on point and I do think the custom textures add character here to what is otherwise a bland-looking map. I think my easily pleased mood expired by this point (I did play it the day after map 7 to be fair) and it’s my probably my least favourite map so far.
    5 points
  22. Playing my video games. Hear a faint ticking noise coming from my PC. Take a quick look through the sidepanel, doesn't seem like there's an issue. Was that something moving? Lighting's not great. Ticking noise returns, almost like something hitting a fanblade, caught wire maybe? Open up case, squint a little, see something weird by the GPU. Shine a light into the case, realise GODDAMN ANTS ARE ALL OVER THE INSIDE OF MY COMPUTER. Ants like confined and warm spaces when the rain starts flooding their nests. Guess they found one. Never shut down and disassembled a computer so fast in my life. 2 mins from shutdown to everything out the case. Open up the GPU. EGGS. SO MANY EGGS. AND SO MANY LITTLE BLACK BUGGERS MOVING THEM AROUND. Also got into one of my SSDs. Still amazed nothing fried during the process of their... immigration. Still not sure when they managed to crawl in. I am now paranoid about even a single stray ant coming anywhere near my desk. I've also switched from a mesh sidepanel to perspex. Still got the pics too:
    5 points
  23. +++ myolden for creator of the year. I nominated him last year and hes probably produced/participated in more this year already than last, and we are only half way through it.
    5 points
  24. +++myolden for creator of the year. For someone who joined the community only a few years ago, he's made/led/co-authored an INSANE number of top-shelf mapsets. I hope he doesn't fall victim to a burnout at the rate he's going, because I don't remember anyone being THIS prolific without sacrificing quality for quantity.
    5 points
  25. Found this interesting skybox and just had to use it somewhere :) EDIT: here you go - credits to Mr.Who at gamebanana.com skybox.zip
    5 points
  26. Lost between dimensions, you know not where you are nor where you've been. Time has passed. Death has passed. Hell has passed. Your form has passed and been reforged again and again and again. You don't know where, when or who you are, but one thing is for certain: When you make every hell personal you will eventually find yours. Featuring: -3 massive maps! -revamped combat, movement and GIBS -over 100 player skins! -New AI! -Weather effects! -Updated weapon animation and sound effects -And much more! Get it here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-64-aetherbound-episode-1 Thanks to everyone who helped playtest and thank you for playing! I hope you enjoy! -Reddest Rosie
    4 points
  27. Bunch of crates I made for thumbnails for playthroughs of @Clippy's Crate Expectations. Exact same pallet as the vanilla UAC crate of course. This should give you enough digits to make any kind of crate you want.
    4 points
  28. I'd feel remiss not joining in, especially since the maps look relatively on the short and sweet side this month. Gonna just do some quick capsule reviews as I catch up. Biowar UV, pistol start, mouselook, save/reload as I like. The sound replacements are very much a "as was the style at the time" 90s thing, though it feels a bit cringey now. Stuff like the door/switch replacements are fine, but the Quake sounds stick out too much as, well, Quake, and stuff like the zombies' overly loud breathing and the imp dog noises are really annoying. I am a bit intrigued by the potato-faced protagonist replacement, though I barely see it playing with the modern ZDoom HUD. MAP01: The End I like the opening room here, some nice details with the ship in the sky, custom textured computer, and custom environmental sound effects (I'm guessing with thing replacements ala Aliens TC). After that it's pretty banal though, just a lot of pistol work with no armor, actually kinda dangerous (not sure if the secrets help, only found the two shotgun rooms at the end). MAP02: Terror Core This might be one of the smallest 3-key hub levels I've played. This one nicely provides a lot of health supplies in the starting hub, which is good because there's a lot of blind drops/teleports into hitscanner ambushes and its quite easy to get ripped up. It's also very short, which helps make it feel nice and punchy though instead of too punishing. MAP03: Onslaught This one gives you a green armor and chaingun at the start (and an easily found secret blue armor later), as well as a lot more room to maneuver, so it plays a lot easier than the two preceding maps despite 'larger' monsters like cacos and chaingunners. Still decent enough, there's a nice little teleport ambush near the end. MAP04: The Arrival Nice little Doomcute ship at the start (including dangerous thruster exhaust!) and a nice custom texture map. Lots of somewhat vague switch-hitting here, but the map is pretty small (cramped, even) so getting lost isn't much of a problem. The cacos coming out of the sludge were actually a bit dangerous since they teleport on top of you. MAP05: Skybase An actual full-sized map! All three keys, with a lot of backtracking as well, probably too much. Lots of variation in texturing, but in a good 90s way that keeps things fresh and interesting. Like many others, I got locked out by a poorly-designed door on the way back to the blue key and had to IDCLIP my way through. MAP06: Last Call On the flip side, this one is what I would call "bad 90s" with a lot of ugly texturing and schizo theming. Also lots of vague switches and skinny corridors. I even had trouble grabbing the blue key off the column and wandered around confused for awhile before finally succeeding. I do like all of the moving engine parts, though walkover lines to turn them off (when the player isn't present) should be a lot farther away. MAP07: Apparatus Big upswing in difficulty here, possibly intended as a 'boss map'? Pain Elementals, a Spider Mastermind, and a decently difficult AV encounter. I ended up just running by a lot of the enemies at the end, didn't feel like sticking around to spend time clearing skulls and Barons. MAP08: Biolabs This one feels more in line with the rest of the WAD so far. This one feels a bit easy to begin, but this might just be to lull the player into a sense of safety as there's a couple of tough traps, at least on pistol start - the tango with the two hell knights while I still only had the single shotgun was tough. Thematically it's pretty nice with the UAC labs motif.
    4 points
  29. MAP09: Security by pcorf "Organic Gods" is a great track, though I feel it fits an atmospheric map more. This is because Security is a non-stop action, throwing corridors of monsters at the player. I'd prefer the SSG to be available a bit sooner, as teleporting into a small platform with two revenants was rude when you only have a basic shotgun and the clump of mid-tier demons (including a pain elemental) was a chore, but with them dead, you can finally get your hands on a super shotgun. That's not all, there's a secret BFG here, one of two in Security, which make anything left trivial. The map is loaded with secrets, you'll likely bump into a few of them. Security is another quick map with a constant combat.
    4 points
  30. E2M8 UV-Max 0:28.49 https://youtu.be/0gdPJAGcSS0 e2m8m028.zip E2M9 UV-Max 0:41.77 https://youtu.be/rirEDG1i03Q e2m9m041.zip
    4 points
  31. MAP08: Biolabs The MIDI is inaudible, and the progression is fiddly, but this is the most substantial map yet. The ferocity and complexity of the combat remains firmly in the IWAD tier, feeling (and looking) like one of Sandy's retunings of a Tom Hall base - quite a lot of pizzaz for a single Manc, don't you think? - but I enjoyed stock Doom plenty, and I'm enjoying this too. I would say the SSG shouldn't be a secret, but I actually missed it my first time around, so I guess not.
    4 points
  32. Map 08: Biolabs by Chris Harbin Crispy Doom, UV, pistol start This is a very nice looking map, as evidenced by the flashy opening hallway and the numerous bright blue and green supports that can be found in certain locations probably powering their respective wings of the facility, but not too much above bog standard in the combat department. Before entering the labs proper, we have to fool around a rooftop, get transported to a circular and vertical room of wood....for some reason, then shortly afterwards, deal with two hell knights and grab a Super Shotgun sitting in one of the alcoves. The blue jelly blocking the way to the labs has lowered and we now find ourselves in a collection of rooms: an Imp foreman fooling around with some radioactive crap (why is that diagram show the Imp's head turning silver?), another room with some caged Cacodemons and yet another that probably observes animal behavior with a berserk pack that can only be accessed by pressing a switch sitting in the middle of the pack. At least the ambush coming back from the blue key door is cinematic in contrast with the horrors we've witnessed here so far and a fairly good excuse to use the recently-acquired rocket launcher. We'll have to take a point off for just throwing pinkies at the end. And the actual exit I suspect does not naturally lead to the next map any more than the previous exit did. Oh well, it still strikes a balance between realistic settings and perfectly acceptable abstract hallways so you have to give it that. But this is my least favorite Mark Klem track easily.
    4 points
  33. Level 7: Apparatus I didn't see any apparatus. This map has one of my fav Klem tracks, but at the start this track is completely drowned out by all these loud custom monster growls. Honestly, I'm getting really tired of this dog-like growling, it's so loud and annoying. This level looks like a dungeon, which is very different from the previous levels. As for gameplay... 6 pain elementals at once!? Come on. And then there's this moment where you grab a key, and if you don't immediately run back, you get killed by 2 arch-viles because there's no cover. Grade: F, difficulty: X-. Level 8: Biolabs Really almost nothing to say here. It's a decent lab level. It has gameplay and combat, and some keycard hunting. Actually, the music is once again unfitting, IMO. It'd fit much better in a Hell level or "Hell of Earth" type level.
    4 points
  34. The absolute easiest way is Nash's Standalone Game Template which gives you the bare functionality to be standalone so you can just use it as is. The thing is, you ask a lot of things all at once, so Edward's post is in general one to follow. What's the legality? -> Distributing standalone games is perfectly valid as long as you comply with the GPL (Which generally means releasing the source code to your engine) What am i allowed to do with GZ if i want to make my own game with it? -> Practically everything. Start with Nash's Standalone Template and replace any and all assets and you are good to go in releasing it, along with whatever the GPL license stipulates Can i make a game with it and upload it to itch.io just fine? Steam (if i had the money) -> I feel like i am constantly answering the same thing, but yes you can make a game and upload that to itch.io, along with whatever the GPL license stipulates what about the engine? -> You can both modify and not modify the engine, or you can fork it and make modifications. Either way, all modifications MUST be open sourced per what the GPL license stipulates Can i edit the exe name and icon? -> You may change the executables name and replace the asset for the icon. Do people make their own forks and build it that way, or do people only use the regular editors you'd expect (Slade3 and UDB)? -> Selaco uses its own custom fork (Pancake) whose source code (including its newfangled UI) must be open sourced per GPL. For level design, they use the same tools as everyone else. Some may modify UDB to suit their custom needs since its also a open source program how customizable is it w/o building from source (i.e., can you make your own settings menu, can you force certain things like antialiasing/resolution scaling or something to keep the game looking kinda crunchy?) -> In case of GZ, you can go far with ZScript, in addition to DECORATE, ACS. ZScript is the preferred method to modern day GZDooming. So yes, you can do all that without source. However if you want to include new engine effects that GZDoom does not natively support, editing the source is required So what questions about GZ in general aren't answered?
    4 points
  35. MAP07 - Apparatus Gets points for not being a Dead Simple remake and for featuring 0 Arachnos or Mancubus, and for the MM tune. This was another frustrating map for me that took a few attempts to get right, and by the time this playthrough was done I was sufficiently salty about it to go and punch out the remaining PEs and Lost Souls, which was quite cathartic. Eh, I was tired and the PE fight was just obnoxious. MAP08 - Biolabs I liked this one more, and I'm also a bit more "with it" today. Had I not saved some plasma and had to shotgun the Baron I would probably have been a bit peeved, but whatever. I kept thinking those blue laser bars would be glideable, but I don't really know how to do it. I liked the gloomy atmosphere in this map complimented by the MIDI. The ending was a little strange but it was cool to get an outside perspective of the building you've just blasted your way through.
    4 points
  36. MAP07 - “Apparatus” by Chris Harbin Hey, not bad! The layout is dead simple, flat, and visually unappealing, but there are some interesting gameplay surprises. The three Pain Elementals on both sides were most unexpected, though their ambush flag makes it so you don't have to alert all of them at once. Grabbing the BFG makes the Mastermind trivial, and you need it out for the following trap with the two caged Viles. Nice to hear that classic Memento Mori midi too.
    4 points
  37. Alright, I finally took the time (and liberty) of fixing up as many of the remaining issues as I could - including some UMAPINFO-related ones discovered embarrassingly late - and pushing out a final version of this thing. Downloadable from my website for the time being, link has been updated in the OP. /idgames will follow shortly.
    4 points
  38. Map 8, Biolabs, surprisingly kicked my butt compared to the other maps so far, spent a lot of the map in critical health from the sheer amount of tougher enemies present. The teleport trap after the red key was unexpected yet also expected. I died in an embarrassing way, the jump to the blue key, I got stopped by infinitely tall monsters, fell to the floor, then the imp in the biohazard containment killed me. Killed by an immobile grunt enemy! Sure I had the BFG and a full stock of plasma coming into the map, but I generally conserve that kind of thing The ending room was neat, big outdoors bit in a cage. Had to rush to get this map done today, been stuck doing No Man's Sky's 13th Expedition most of the day.
    4 points
  39. Forgot to play this yesterday, whoops. Biowar MAP07 (UV, continuous, saves): It's not horrible but it doesn't have what I liked the most about some of the earlier maps. MAP08: The corridors from the start are simple but look cool. The red key trap is very clever and I'll have to steal that concept sometime. Overall this might be my favorite map so far.
    4 points
  40. MAP08: Biolabs. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 80/80, S: 2/3, I: 26/26. Comp. time 12:57 We're back to solid maps. This time I did feel a bit pain from pistol starting: map had me single barrel shotgunning some barons, cacos and hell knights before supplying me with an SSG. I guess that's on me, but what's not on me that one of the secrets is tagged to a sector so narrow you can never trigger it :( (not without some doomgod-special trickery that's beyond me.) Boo. Some small touches I appreciate: in one of the corridors, you interrupt a pinky eating a marine corpse :P Details like that really work in favour of this sort of sets, where I feel mappers want to put emphasis on the story and adventure.
    4 points
  41. The year is 1999. In some ways the world is completely different and in others it's remarkably similar. As far as I'm concerned, it was so long ago it might as well have been a different life. The only thing I can remember about the year is my brothers parrot destroying out brand new copy of Twisted Metal 4. Don't worry, we got another one. Another copy of Twisted Metal 4, that is. Not another parrot. MAP01: The End You'll have to get a lot of mileage out of your pistol on this one. You'll also have to do some secret hunting if you want to get your hands on a shotgun. Other than that, not much too say. It's basically three rooms and two hallways. Trying my best not to overanalyze the fact this is from 1999 and just enjoy it for what it is instead. MAP02: Terror Core Already one of those maps where you have to travel down three separate branching paths to collect all three keys to open the exit. I typically enjoy maps like this. Gives a bit of replay value and opens up some more strategy on how you handle the level. Although this map's so short there's not much strategy to be had. The rooms are cramped enough where's there's a bit of danger at least. Especially when they drop two chaingunners on you with no cover to be had. Hope you didn't miss that secret at the beginning! Nice of them to put a secret down there and not a lava pit instead. MAP03: Onslaught You have a shotgun, a chaingun, a linear path, and a number of demons to slaughter. It doesn't get much simpler than this. All secrets can also easily be found along the way. One of the new sounds in this mod sounds like a demon biting you in the back and it's already freaked me out about five times by this point. bio1-3.zip
    4 points
  42. Exit signs in japanese/chinese, arabian and korean languages
    4 points
  43. Wolfenstein 3D-esque difficulty level mugshots that I created a while back. Didn't implement them for some reason, but here they are. If you want to use them, here's them in appropriate size.
    4 points
  44. Sigil Intermission Screen
    4 points
  45. Color palettes often play a significant role in setting the mood and atmosphere of a map and making both scenery and enemies unique in their own way. And while it's true that the classic DOOM color palette evokes a nostalgic and cozy feeling, it may feel a bit dull at times. Here are some of the custom palettes I've used in my projects thus far. A vibrant color palette that emphasizes saturated yellows, reds, pinks, and purples. Reminiscent of a nostalgic, hot summer sunset. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/idu9l4qrq1v455cmviwaw/Sunset.wad?rlkey=x3z2lv7n328xgko6e7xp91low&st=cycpils8&dl=0 A vibrant and contrasting color palette with smooth transitions between colors. From bright reds to purples, and yellows into acid greens, this palette will add a burst of color to your maps. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nc7m4vjeaovxmxss2tk1t/Dual.wad?rlkey=1chf80rbvarr61zcgx0wtm3mf&st=8b4mcx0d&dl=0 A dusty palette where the browns and greens reign supreme. Looking to create a cave or a forest? Maybe try earthbound. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/acih6n6vzltl4kfur5wq3/EarthBound.wad?rlkey=inrlt353tcfba6affd03y24a2&st=lgjxn2xi&dl=0 Muted and desaturated colors with crisp shadows and highlights. Like an old VHS recording that has seen better days. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3xkltqmlftwvqsj4p64rk/Retrorough.wad?rlkey=mg5gsfdrmgcbrkarnuiotj3l1&st=fv7i0bdv&dl=0 A saturated palette of intense red and golden colors. Its hues illuminate the landscape like the hot and hazy desert sun. Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jktglxwkavupygdw1mzbb/Wasteland.wad?rlkey=jspikajemyrrhk4bijosllqzq&st=2zyepwrw&dl=0
    3 points
  46. TNT Map05 No Monsters in 26.80 ev05o2680.zip Video -
    3 points
  47. help how do i close garrett's modification (i use it to test/chill in my source maps, pose models for art references, and make silly shitpost renders)
    3 points
  48. Map 08: Biolabs Stock little tech-lab with the only offensive thing being a broken secret. Not alot here to talk about but the quality is still here with decent design and story telling. At this point I wouldnt mind some more depth to the levels but Ive played ahead so I know I dont have to wait long. 😀
    3 points
  49. Me racing to my gun safe when I see a waterbug crawling up my shower drain
    3 points
  50. Map08: Biolabs A fairly run-of-the-mill level in the vein of map05, but even easier. There's even a lonely mancubus in a spacious room guarding a switch needed for progression, while the player has a plasma gun... am I playing on "Hey, not too rough" by mistake? You've got to feel bad for fatso in this case. Oh, and one of the secrets cannot be tagged, as far as I know.
    3 points
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