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NormalHuman and 30 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
Doom: The Middle Ages31 points -
Hello, everybody! I'm happy to present to you a texture pack that I've been compiling mainly out of hyperfixation known as PyddTex. It is a compilation of almost every texture ever posted on the Post Your Doom Textures thread. The original criteria I went by was that it had to be specifically Doom styled (so no Heretic / Hexen / doodle style textures are here), the textures had to be still downloadable / viewable somehow, and the textures were only put in if the author did not state anything regarding limiting usage. There are over 8,000+ textures and flats from over 160+ contributors packed into this WAD. It's a bit difficult to show such a large scale of textures, so I have provided a couple of screenshots showing just a small selection. You can download PyddTex here (152.7mb). Currently this pack has almost every texture going up to Page 140 (last updated 06/09/2024). However, sharing this compilation is not the main reason I am making this thread. When going through the thread, there were several posts that only had dead links. As the main goal of this project is to save these textures in a usable format for many to use past the original posting date, it is also here for historic purposes. I have managed to get most of the old textures from the previously posted MISCTEX by an_mutt, and @DoomGappy has also been a huge help putting together a spreadsheet of members and the missing textures, but this is a big endeavor for just the two of us to take on. Through this thread, I wish to have this as a holding space for these "lost textures" and to have a complete, comprehensive archive of the artistic contributions from the Doomworld community specifically. TLDR: I'm making this public now for historic interest and collection. Having these textures usable is a fun side effect of said project and ensures that these textures are actually being noticed and used! I did my best with using SWANTBLS, but do let me know if I missed any quirks with importing!23 points
NormalHuman and 18 others reacted to Craneo for a topic
Toxisploder and 14 others reacted to EraserheadBaby for a topic
I think they were trying to make a new Hexen and accidentally used guns. The gameplay looks great, but this is becoming a parody of itself. This feels like it's gonna be a cringy extension of the terrible Eternal lore. A stain on a great game. That opening line made me puke in my mouth. I think they should wait longer and try again with the thematic elements. The cape, shield, firearms combo feels like "and then" fan fic. Also, I'm tired of rage monster, indestructible doom slayer. It was cute and campy at first, but I like DOOMguy better. If they want to be this over the top, they should just go full Duke Nukem with it and be outright funny. As it stands, this feels a bit like shadow the hedgehog was on the dev team. Let it be known that I've liked every DOOM game, even 3 and I'm sure this one will be fun. I'm not a belligerent hater, I just see pointless, embarrassing, boring writing on the horizon.15 points -
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
Andrea Rovenski and 14 others reacted to kuckkuck for a topic
E2M8 UV-Max 0:28.49 https://youtu.be/0gdPJAGcSS0 e2m8m028.zip E2M9 UV-Max 0:41.77 https://youtu.be/rirEDG1i03Q e2m9m041.zip15 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
ant and 13 others reacted to Cacodemon187 for a topic
Early WIPs of yet another megawad I'm trying to get off the ground! Nevermind the other two or three megawad promises I've shared here. This time I've set myself a deadline of 5 years, which surely is enough time, right?14 points -
13 points
Made a little Doomguy absolutely by mistake, but will work on it more now Update on this little guy:13 points
I recently obtained these floppy disks from Jeff Hughes, former product manager of Sculptured Software. I reached out to former programmer Randy Linden, who responded excitedly as he saw his handwriting on the disks. It took some tinkering, but I managed to restore this Amiga HDBackup set, and extract the contents. Randy uploaded the source about 4 years ago, but it was missing some xband multiplayer code, and assets such as levels, music, art, etc. AFAIK, this backup is complete with all code and assets! I have uploaded for all to enjoy here (source.zip is what you want): https://archive.org/details/jeffs-doom-snes-disk-images12 points
Doomguy with a fur cape? Doom is now officially Skyrim With Guns.12 points
AtomIsTired and 10 others reacted to Grungo for a topic
11 points -
10 points
Hey folks, just a quick bump to announce that we've updated the wad to RC2. Just some small fixes and balancing tweaks. Thanks to everyone for the kind comments, we are glad you're enjoying the set!10 points
10 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
horselessheadsman and 9 others reacted to Darsycho for a topic
pretty stars10 points -
Since there is already a thread on DOOM 6 in general, let's keep this discussion strictly about the trailer and what we can learn from it! Highlighted posts:9 points
I just finished my 8th round of random deathmatch mapping! I decided to make 2 maps in 1 sitting today. The entire session took me 8 hours, 40 minutes. The randomizer selected 'NMN Corp. Tex 2', and 'Darkbase' for the two texture packs. NMN Corp. Tex 2 was a lot of fun to work w, and was a fully sized texture pack, unlike Darkbase - which was from 1998, made by a 15 year-old, and only had 20 total textures and flats. Needless to say, the latter map was much more difficult. All things considered, Darkbase textures are actually quite nice - I was pleased w/ them, just wish there was more! I supplemented it w/ Doom 2 textures, limiting myself to only 5 textures from the original game. It was a lot of fun having to work w/ such a restriction! Anyway, here are screenshots from both: Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 8): MAP08: Vertical Violence: Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 8): MAP09: Grim Chambers: List of packs used in streams so far: My first 'long' stream went well! I'm very glad! My goal in this whole streaming thing right now, is to construct an entire 32 map megaWAD, and record every second of it - so far so good, I'm like a third of the way through, and it's only been a week! Will be my 6th DM megaWAD! :D9 points
AtomIsTired and 7 others reacted to Astar for a topic
Holy shit, whoever came up with the skull crusher gun deserves a medal8 points -
yep, unfortunately. just gonna quote a previous post of mine:8 points
inkoalawetrust and 7 others reacted to Wad overdose for a topic
The close up look to New mancubus design8 points -
Can't discuss nuDooM in the DooM discord because it's all memelord teenagers. Can't discuss nuDooM on Doomworld because much of the userbase is traditionalist and any amount of geometric curves or narrative turns y'all into curmudgeons. Dark Ages mostly looked great from the trailer. The weapon concepts are cool as hell and the game looks like it kept the speed while ditching all the acrobatics. They continue to improve on the design of the Mancubus and like someone else said I'm glad that it at least looks like there will be swarms of enemies. I could do without whatever the dragon/mount is going to bring to the game and the story is likely take or leave, but overall this seems like it'll be another solid entry for the IP. Plus it'll give me an excuse to upgrade my GPU.7 points
inkoalawetrust and 6 others reacted to Caffeine Freak for a topic
Guess the rumors were true. Here's my immediate reactions after having just watched the trailer once: awesome visual style with the medieval take on the weapons and enemies. Gameplay looks pretty rock-solid, and if they really plan on slowing it down from Eternal's pace, I'm personally all for it. In terms of the story and setting, it's a pretty ballsy move to switch it entirely away from Earth and Mars and pivot it to the worlds that have only been recently touched on in the series. I can totally understand it though---even if Earth and Mars have been central to the series since its inception, you don't want to just keep rehashing the same settings and stories, even if a sizeable chunk of your audience probably wants it. I can respect that. Flying footage was kinda meh. I dunno, just not terribly interesting to me. But I'll have to wait and see when they reveal more of it. All in all, I'm psyched and looking forward to seeing what sort of bold new direction they can take the series in. :D7 points -
Budoka and 6 others reacted to Downcologo one for a topic
why is quake now called doom?7 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
horselessheadsman and 6 others reacted to dmh094 for a topic
7 points -
Stupid Bunny and 5 others reacted to dasho for a topic
Finally, the Doom game with create-a-character tier Doomguy looks, Drakengard looking flight, and Knack II giant robot mechanics that I've been begging for6 points -
Gravepicker and 5 others reacted to Gifty for a topic
As someone who wasn't that bothered by the dumbass lore in Eternal (not because it isn't stupid but because it's pretty easy to ignore), I would really like to see them attempt a more Fromsoft-style approach where you're dumped into a weird sprawling hellworld with a lot of mysterious names and locations that are almost totally unexplained. Going from place to place and seeing titlecards like "Blood Swamps" or "Necropolis" and letting imagination and inference fill in the gaps without anyone explicitly telling you. Not unlike how the original game's levels were always in surreal locales whose in-universe function was usually totally abstract and unexplained. That way when you meet characters with vague-ass names like "The Betrayer" or whatever, you could let the name and aesthetic play their suggestive role and conjure up stories in the player's mind without having to lore dump a bunch of dumb proper-noun shit onto the player.6 points -
6 points
VICE and 5 others reacted to Man of Doom for a topic
For those worried that “Doomhammer 40K” is somehow going to be the foreseeable future of the Doom franchise, it was mentioned that Dark Ages will be part of a trilogy (the other two entries being 2016 and Eternal). More than likely, this is a one-game detour. Besides, multiple versions of Doom are allowed to exist anyway. I mean, we did get multiple versions of Doom that didn’t actually involve any demons whatsoever (though it’s mainly just extended universe stuff). Onto my thoughts regarding the Dark Ages: This should feel like a refreshing title to play, especially as it does seem like that “monster truck” gameplay is in full effect (for those out of the loop, Hugo Martin mentioned that while Eternal would be like a “sports car”, Dark Ages would be more like a “monster truck”). Plus, the more medieval designs of the demons are very interesting (especially the more Grim Reaper aesthetic of the Revenant, and the Mancubus having a cross between its Doom 64 incarnation and its Doom 3 incarnation). Also, it’s nice to see them return to the grittier style of 2016.6 points -
Toxisploder and 5 others reacted to fruity lerlups for a topic
should've called this Doom: Valiant, to make a trend of them confusingly using megawad names like Doom Eternal6 points -
im curious How do you play your 32 mega level Wads?
Catpho and 5 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
Responding to the title question, not the poll question. This goes for longer mapsets in general, but I try to avoid burning out on them by being willing to take breaks and not force myself to play them day after day until I'm done with them. It isn't uncommon for me to take a weeks-long or even months-long break in the middle of playing a wad. I find that doesn't hurt my sense of progression or immersion at all. If anything it strengthens it because the mapset "lives" with me for a longer time. This doesn't happen because I get tired of wads. It's more just a fundamental rejection of playing constantly day after day as the "proper rhythm of playing". It's kind of like in making art, sometimes you take days or even weeks off from what you're working on because that's just...what you do, that's how it's meant to be worked on, the rhythm isn't "do this every day." Rushing through a set out of obligation has pretty much always been a bad experience for me. I try to avoid using playlists for myself because I find they encourage that "checking something off a list" mentality that I want to avoid. A couple recent notable examples: - Eviternity 2 (very good megawad obviously, still haven't played map30 or all the secret maps) - 10x10 Project (one of my favorite wads ever, I took a 3-month break after map07) - name redacted (the author and I have been friends for a few years, and I find her so wonderful that it kinda makes playing her wads in a timely fashion feel besides the point -- would rather talk to her :P)6 points -
6 points
The way they were arguably intended to be played. For whatever that's worth.6 points
Simulacrum RC2 | 32 MBF21 maps by muumi and myolden
lunchlunch and 4 others reacted to myolden for a topic
>>>>>>>>[Download RC2]<<<<<<<< Simulacrum is a set of 32 maps in MBF21 format by @muumi and @myolden. This set starts modestly but steadily climbs into challenge and slaughter territory in the later maps. Difficulties and Coop are implemented. Target source port is DSDA-Doom, your mileage may vary in other ports. No jumping/crouching. Map Order MIDIs Screenshots Credits Bonus Content:5 points -
AtomIsTired and 4 others reacted to Major Arlene for a topic
Tango Gameworks and others were shut down in service of making this game possible. Regardless of what they're doing with this game, and stuff that I mostly hate anyways, I hate more that other studios were shut down so that we could have yet another Doom game instead of something new.5 points -
You've just described every scene ever. Literally. Every. Fucking. Scene. And like all the other scenesters, I will have my say. Personally, I'm not heavily into any game I can't map for, which basically describes every game since 2004 or so. As for Doom, its story and concept has always been incoherent. The mix of sci-fi elements with Hell and goat-footed demons was an open invitation to absurd story elements such as all the ridiculous lore attached to the game since 2016, especially since Doom Eternal. Quake is the same way. It mixes Ogres, futuristic soldiers and even sword-wielding knights in ways that make little or no sense. Then you have Quake 2 which is more of a sci-fi Doom game and has literally nothing to do with the original Quake, and Quake 4 followed in that direction. And tell me that big turreted 4-barrel gun in the Dark Ages trailer doesn't remind you of Quake 4. IOW, the Doom and Quake franchises are tied together in strange ways, with maybe a Hexen wrapper. So I reckon Dark Ages represents the ultimate melding of Doom with Quake 1, and we should just accept that's the way it is. I plan to buy it myself. Btw, if you look at the Quake mapping community, it's basically 100% Quake 1. There is no love for Quake 2 or 4. They like the original medieval mosh pit with a sprinkling of futuristic soldiers and the occasional robot. No Doom masquerading as Quake over there! ;D Last note: I unironically enjoyed Doom 3. It was IMO an excellent take on the creepier side of Doom as was exemplified in E2 of Doom 1. Oozing atmosphere more than action, turning Doom into survival horror, was just fine in my book.5 points
"Doom music" to me will always be Jimmy, stewboy, Klem, and company, and their output encompasses way to many genres to try and even list. With apologies to the heaps of skilled community musicians I haven't mentioned; if I tried to list 'em all, I'd be here all day. :P There's such a wide gulf between the new and old games, musically (even without factoring in mods) that I dunno if it makes sense to try and lump them together at all. That said, my answer is still "Other" even if I consider the new games only, 'cause Mick's 2016/Eternal soundtracks sound like nothing else that came before it.5 points
Sunder demos [-complevel 9]
Jacek Bourne and 4 others reacted to Crusador560 for a topic
map17 max in 1:46:46 su17m14646.zip5 points -
5 points
CravenCoyote and 4 others reacted to MinisterOfChile41 for a topic
gameplay looks fine as hell, can't wait to play it, I just hope whoever the fuck is responsible for writing the ass-lore can be more restrained this time5 points -
Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #086
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to quakis for a topic
I've always wanted to join in on these from time to time, I might however have to be strict about what to play when rolling a random wad, probably sticking to single maps or short episodes unless a megawad takes my interest. That rules out a lot of stuff but time is limited and of course there can be exceptions. Since I write reviews primarily for my site, my thoughts will likely be posted up there if I have enough to say about a wad, otherwise those that don't quite fit the criteria these threads will be a perfect place to drop some lighter thoughts on something. I hope this first contribution counts however as it was covered twice during ER/IWA #79 which was what tempted me to download and check it out. Only recently got around to actually playing it though. The Secret Path (1996) by John Graham Crispy Doom / Ultra Violence I have a soft spot for older levels that try to put in their best effort, so although THEPATH is an unpolished experience, the environment does work well at establishing a sense of place. While linear there’s a kinetic flow across three distinct sections that paces itself well from key to key, returning you back to a central hub for ease into the next leg of your journey. Combat was too flat and simple without allowing monsters to perform to particular roles and become fodder to infighting, with a surplus of supplies or strange enemy behaviours making the whole process easier. THEPATH was Graham’s single output for DOOM and is a decent romp with fun showcase of effects and showed potential should they have continued their mapping career. Full review here: https://taw.duke4.net/2024/06/doom2/thepath/5 points -
Cantleylads and 4 others reacted to Wad overdose for a topic
Aggadon Hunter?5 points -
RC2 has been released with a ton of bug fixes (thanks @galileo31dos01 and @LVENdead!) RC3 will have completed eternity support (it wasn't finished in time for the deadline) and full coop support, so stay tuned for that.5 points
SovereignX9 and 4 others reacted to Mogul for a topic
How are they going to say "before he was a hero..." -- didn't this chapter of the Doomslayer's story happen after part 1, 2, and D64? Or am I misremembering?5 points -
Share Your Sprites!
ChopBlock223 and 4 others reacted to PortuGueseCat67 for a topic
5 points -
New picture of Caco gal by my gf (Her tumblr)5 points
5 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to Somniac for a topic
MAP09 - Security Oh hey, its Pcorf! I've played a bunch of his maps before and enjoyed them, and he's done some really good midis too. Perhaps not coincidentally, this was probably the first map in Biowar that really hit the mark for me. Of course, there are other variables to take into account (from "have I rolled a shit RNG" to "am I even really in the mood to play Doom right now"), but I mostly had an enjoyable time with this map. I had to endure a little bit of doorcamping, but I've dealt with worse. There was even a bit of this map that reminded me of one of my own maps (the yellow key area, there's a similar bit in Fire on the Mountain MAP03, which I ripped off from Alien Vendetta MAP14 IIRC), which got a chuckle out of me. The chosen midi is one of my favourite Klem tracks, with such a satisfying arrangement IMO. It suited this map very well. There are 11(!) secrets in this map, one of which includes a computer area map so you can get the rest of them if you want. Missed one kill, I think.5 points -
Now available on idgames5 points
Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]
Dogmachine and 4 others reacted to RockyGaming4725 for a topic
TNT Map05 No Monsters in 26.80 ev05o2680.zip Video -5 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
horselessheadsman and 4 others reacted to AshtralFiend for a topic
Building a small map to test out some ideas.5 points