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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/24 in all areas

  1. I don't want to derail the various threads about the new Doom game that had its trailer come out today but I did want to facilitate discussion in a different light than most are talking about it right now, because I think it's important to address the industry politics that's brought us to this point. You can read my full article here about it but here's the main points: Layoffs have been happening a lot Particular layoffs in the Microsoft family of studios have allowed Bethesda/iD to continue the Doom franchise (directly or indirectly, I can only speculate) We've been stuck in sequel/prequel/remake loop for over a decade now because it's become the only way game studios are allowed to live, and even that's shaky Games critique has been and likely will continue to be impacted by layoff fatigue and journalists will have nothing to critique if games stop being made Overall, my short time in the industry has seen a lot of sad stuff and the announcement of a new Doom game has kind of managed to bring all of these thoughts to a head. I'm curious to hear your guys' thoughts on it.
    23 points
  2. Hi Fai here Finally! after half of years of gruelling developement, went and come of mappers, it's finally finished!! Welcome to DOOMIUM II, a Community Project where we seek the purest element of DOOM! A sequel to DOOMIUM I, This project aim to create a megawad worth of maps that are Short, Straight Forward, and with Frantic Action, from industrial compounds, concrete cities, mountain ranges, fragments of realities, and many more! The project contain 6 episode of 5 map each with the addion of a secret for each episode, each episode have it's unique theme, including industry, brutalism, and natures, and the classic void levels for the finale episode. This project was originally intended to release in early March and as a late birthday gift to Doom's 30 years of glory! but well it's a extremely late gift now, but better late then never I suppose. MEDIAFIRE v1.2.0 GOOGLE DRIVE v1.2.0 IDGAME coming soon Make sure you have: Require DOOM2 IWAD Require UMAPINFO+BOOM compatible sourceports (DSDA-DOOM and GZDOOM recommanded) Jumping+Crouching disabled Free mouselook optional, but discouraged Default Complevel should suffice To play our project: Load DMIUM2_RES.wad and DMIUM2_LEV.wad together, order doesn't matter Load NON-WIDESCREEN STBAR.wad if you are playing in 4:3 aspect ratio Check DMIUM2.txt and READ ME.txt for more infomations Other info about the project: Pistol startable Singleplayer only, some mapper had implemet Co-op spawns but I do not garantee it'll work What happened to Map24? I dunno, it's gone, like last time, almost like a tradition @stochastic @Li'l devil @Beubeu @JackDBS @Raith138 @Heretic926 @EagerBeaver @Logamuffin @JacaCaca @Steve D @Kuro_mahoh @MFG38 @SilverMiner @Gothic @DoctorNuriel @Bochnik Chleba @MoiraHeart @dmh094 @Pottus @Super Mighty G @Sneezy McGlassFace @knifeworld @DankMetal PLEASE REPORT ANY BUG FOR MORE INFOMATION PLEASE CONSULT THE TXT FILES AND PLEASE ENJOY OUR HARD WORK :)) DEVELOPEMENT PAGE: DOOMIUM I: - by Fai :)
    22 points
  3. I like the new mancubus
    19 points
  4. I personally enjoy playing video games.
    13 points
  5. Oh no, I guess there's no point to anything anymore. Especially not posting on an internet forum.
    12 points
  6. Hello, everybody! I'm happy to present to you a texture pack that I've been compiling mainly out of hyperfixation known as PyddTex. It is a compilation of almost every texture ever posted on the Post Your Doom Textures thread. The original criteria I went by was that it had to be specifically Doom styled (so no Heretic / Hexen / doodle style textures are here), the textures had to be still downloadable / viewable somehow, and the textures were only put in if the author did not state anything regarding limiting usage. There are over 8,000+ textures and flats from over 160+ contributors packed into this WAD. It's a bit difficult to show such a large scale of textures, so I have provided a couple of screenshots showing just a small selection. You can download PyddTex here (152.7mb). Currently this pack has almost every texture going up to Page 140 (last updated 06/09/2024). However, sharing this compilation is not the main reason I am making this thread. When going through the thread, there were several posts that only had dead links. As the main goal of this project is to save these textures in a usable format for many to use past the original posting date, it is also here for historic purposes. I have managed to get most of the old textures from the previously posted MISCTEX by an_mutt, and @DoomGappy has also been a huge help putting together a spreadsheet of members and the missing textures, but this is a big endeavor for just the two of us to take on. Through this thread, I wish to have this as a holding space for these "lost textures" and to have a complete, comprehensive archive of the artistic contributions from the Doomworld community specifically. TLDR: I'm making this public now for historic interest and collection. Having these textures usable is a fun side effect of said project and ensures that these textures are actually being noticed and used! I did my best with using SWANTBLS, but do let me know if I missed any quirks with importing!
    11 points
  7. A little burning animation I made using (very) compressed sprites from UMK3 And here it is in action:
    11 points
  8. Working on Sigil 2's Intermission Screen, what do you think so far?
    11 points
  9. It all sounds rather like Hollywood; lack of originality, sequelitis, and so on. Not that the sequalization of film is always bad. I very much enjoy the Jurassic Park/World series, even though I realize they are money-making products rather than great films. That said . . . I have never been excited about AAA games. That's because I'm a Doomer, not a gamer per se. Further, I'm a mapper rather than a player, though as I near retirement I plan to do a lot more playing than before. Still, you can't map for AAA games, thus my lack of interest. And to go one step further, I'm an Amiga guy, not a PC guy, so I have a lot of interest in Amiga FPS games from the '90s, and in wonderful TCs like Project Osiris by @Arcturus, a fellow I've seen on AmigaBill twitchstreams a few times. I played Project Osiris over the past week, and it was a magical experience for me. Top-tier work from beginning to end. Would a AAA game give me such a thrill? That said, I plan to buy DoomQuake, The Dark Ages of Conan at The Hexen Bar & Grill, because it showcases what we love about AAA games -- awesome visuals, wonderful gibs, incredible animations -- alla dat. And this time I might buy an Xbox to play it on. I do appreciate the troubles of the game industry and its employees that you write about so eloquently. At some point, there will be a shake-out and a new equilibrium will be found -- one hopes. Until then, I'll keep hoping that someone does a TC of the Amiga FPS Breathless, my personal fave, and I'll mess around with my A500 Mini. :)
    11 points
  10. my dark ages weird shotgun
    11 points
  11. 11 points
  12. That part really hit me as well. I think supporting these giants will be counter-productive in the end. The id Software that produced the best FPS ever was still a very small company, staffed primarily by people who actually wanted to make cool games. It is a completely different company today and there is no reason to believe it will put out anything worthwhile. Their main accomplishment was creating a modern FPS with a few scraps of oldschool gameplay. When you give money to the employees executives of these companies, you're basically saying "thank you Sir and may I please have another." Sometimes you really have to take two steps back in order to take one step forward. In my opinion the best way to proceed as a player is to spend more time on finding games you like from smaller companies. (I'm starting to dislike the "indie" title because pretty much anything that isn't a manybilliondollar corporation is now "indie" simply because they don't have those hundreds of unnecessary employees). Once found, buy them, share them, talk about them in blog posts or review sites rather than transient YT videos that will never resurface. I spend a lot of time on itch.io but one thing I don't like about it is the lack of a "center." We need websites that support the Good Companies with real articles and meaningful social interaction. Probably they are out there (still) but Google doesn't want to tell me. You see, the video games industry is just one facet of a greater problem, which is that all internetting is becoming more and more streamlined. Or rather just Streamed. And most people are just kinda going along with it, which is understandable since many people aren't techy enough to even see what is happening. Hell, I AM techy enough and still I'm dragging my feet... I've been planning to completely de-google/de-microsoft my virtual life, yet I continue with the same habits. It takes effort to break out of the stream, no effort to just float along with it. But the good news is that we DO have a choice and we can act in a constructive way by supporting the companies whose philosophy matches with ours.
    10 points
  13. Edward850


    It really isn't, Doom 3 always looked like Doom. Whomever this is, is attempting revisionist history.
    10 points
  14. So far those mixed reactions seem to only really be coming from places like here, which are more invested in the older games. You look everywhere else and the game is being hyped to hell and back (pun intended) because, on the whole, people really loved Eternal. And hey, even if I didn't love Eternal like most people, I see its appeal and in moments I do find the game fun, so I totally get why people are super excited for any new Doom release.
    10 points
  15. I've been long disillusioned from them as well, but for less cynical reasons I guess. Not that yours are less valid. Most of the top game dev studios in the industry no longer have the sort of room to make games with personality and risk making things that are different. Trend chasing has become so normalized in these mutli-billion dollar studios that it's incentivized those in charge to do what Microsoft has done. They don't want to fund game studios, they want to fund money printers. I can't get excited for what anyone makes if I know there's no soul.
    10 points
  16. They said in an interview that they are making movement similar to Doom 1, when a huge number of large projectiles forced the player to move in special way. In addition, I think they will add new interactive things to the environments that will add variety to the "flat" levels
    8 points
  17. map22 max 8:32 m222-832.zip
    8 points
  18. MAP10: Dark Woods. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 83/83, S: 1/1, I: 20/20. Comp. time 9:35 A change of scenery, and again a change of pace -- latter for the worse. I think this is an issue of pistol starting; Dark Woods doesn't feel long as such, but its monster density is low, and yet it feels very tedious to get through. Unless I missed something, there's only the pistol, shotgun (single barrel) and the chaingun to work your way through a handful barons, some arachnotrons and a couple of mancubi along with the usual lower tier riff-raff. Then again, it might not have been a pistol start issue, either, because I can't remember picking up any ammo for rocket launcher or plasma weaponry. SSG was sorely missed. * * * Discovered upon posting: WISH I HAD FOUND THAT
    8 points
  19. I'll go on a limb here and say that if you are conisdering posting on this thread BUT your only interest is criticizing this game because of how much it doesn't resemble E1M1, then take your salt elsewhere and Let People Enjoy The Shiny New Game. Any other kind of valid criticism is welcome of course. For example I didn't see any Cacodemons in the trailer, 0/10
    8 points
  20. Just an FYI for folks who post in these types of threads, you can't just go "this thread is about hating stuff so you aren't allowed to call me out on anything I say". If you post something that's way out of line or not grounded in reality, someone's going to protest. That's just how it works.
    8 points
  21. Looks like sprite grungo made is now relevant
    8 points
  22. Tango Gameworks and others were shut down in service of making this game possible. Regardless of what they're doing with this game, and stuff that I mostly hate anyways, I hate more that other studios were shut down so that we could have yet another Doom game instead of something new.
    8 points
  23. I started working on the 4th map in my Jungle mapset. It's a mountain base that's hidden deep in the jungles. I have no idea how big this map is going to be but I'm most likely going to incorporate some of the same concepts I had from my MAYhem 2022 Memento Moron map along with a few other stuff from my recent maps. I also had made a force-field at the start of the level, but I still have no idea how to create a proper one. Shooting the switch works, but I can still walk through it even before deactivating it.
    8 points
  24. Early WIPs of yet another megawad I'm trying to get off the ground! Nevermind the other two or three megawad promises I've shared here. This time I've set myself a deadline of 5 years, which surely is enough time, right?
    8 points
  25. Made plasma gun replacement sprites for GAYhem 2024.
    7 points
  26. Due to this short hiatus of a few days, my videos are in spoiler to avoid taking up too much space. Map 08 : Biolab I like the more depressing tone of this map, mostly caused by the darkness at some places and the music from Memento Mori but yes, it's still more generic complexes to explore and the combats stay ridiculously easy on UV, while some traps might cause some surprise such as the teleporter that transport you to a pool, in front of two pinkies. I also appreciate the colorful animated textures that contribute to give a more sci-fi aesthetic to the map. I would have enjoyed this level even more if it had looked more like the first corridors: dark rooms lit only by high-tech neon lights. Grade : B- (12/20) Map 09 : Security Just another level that shows how masterful "The Organic Gods" by Mark Klem is. Probably one of the best midis ever composed. The “Security” theme lacks harmony, and the rooms follow one another with no real logic, but the music and the fairly high enemy density manage to give the map a slightly heroic feel. I feel like a hero trying to survive in a fortified base. The yellow key's trap is my favourite part of the level as it's oddly well designed for a wad of that date. The arch-vile can be quickly be dangerous by reviving its teammates. I also have a soft spot for those all school secrets such as the shootable torches. Those really reward the player when found. Who doesn't love finding a megasphere in a secret? Grade: B (13/20) Map 10 : Dark Woods Needless to say that combats are unengaging here but you guess what? I don't care , "Dark Woods" figures as my favourite level in Biowar at this point. It plays like map 03, with its deliberately linear progression through natural settings, except that it's longer, prettier and the music is a perfect accompaniment to this rather risky ride. I'm also a big sectors trees addict, and there's no doubt that I'll find my paradise here, but I also appreciate the little beach made with the CRATOP texture at the start and the transition to the ice theme at the end. What I particularly like about BIOWAR is the simplicity with which the ideas are executed. “Dark Woods” seems grandiose to me, without going on forever or using a mass of sectors. I also feel that the author wanted to create a story in which the character travels through different biomes, something that makes me travel a bit too. Grade : B+ (15/20) VIDEOS :
    7 points
  27. MAP10: Dark Woods I think the general concept of a map set in a forest isn't a bad one and I wish it was explored more, but this one just doesn't cut it. Issue number one: Dark Woods is very flat. The rocky cliffsides that connect several parts of the map are the worst offender, but the forest sections could use more height variation. Issue number two: monotonous texture choice. Besides the sector trees, everything is either gray or brown. Issue number three: the map is underpopulated for its size. You could stage some large battles here, making effective use of ambushes, but nope, it's just a handful of basic monsters. I can't say I like this one, Dark Woods is just wasted potential.
    7 points
  28. MAP10: Dark Woods Kills: 80% Items: 100% Secrets: 100% Time: 5:38 I actually think Dark Woods is pretty sweet, at least by this wad's somewhat timid standards. We're back to Chris Harbin again, and he's building on his atmospheric skills again. We start in a . . . something that has a crate flat for a floor for some reason, but quickly transition to the woods, which is the main area of the level before a little rocky and snowy area at the end. I don't know if this was just me, but I was kinda surprised this map actually had woods in it. 90's maps were just named stuff, man. What part of TNT MAP18 looks like a mill to you anyway? The woods themselves are barren, sure, though again this is a map where I appreciate the gesture more than actually playing it if I'm being perfectly honest. For the time and even now honestly, I'd call it some inspired work. Also, I complained before about these maps having very little continuity, so I do appreciate here how the mountain area foreshadows the incoming snowy map. I think the gameplay, compared to what we've seen so far, is perfectly adequate. It still doesn't thrill me, though, MAP09 didn't thrill me either, so maybe my tastes are just kinda skewed in that regard. This map's huge, wide open natural areas certainly reminded me of Turok a little bit, I don't mean that as a compliment though it didn't bother me either I suppose. Also, I don't exactly see how pistol starting is a problem here. I ran past everyone and gained the shotgun in exactly 37 seconds. Now, I didn't end up going back to kill the opening crowd, but I did get 80% kills in an 84 monster map, and I didn't find ammo particularly strenuous. In fact, the only part of this I found kind of annoying from a pistol start were the two Mancubi near the end, although it seems I missed a Super Shotgun somewhere along the way. As a whole though, if you don't want to pistol the opening crowd like how I didn't, then you don't have to. (If you noticed I'm running out of talking points here.) All in all, fine map. Doesn't differ too significantly from what we've already seen in my opinion. Grade: C+ Difficulty: D+
    7 points
  29. Operation: Biowar MAP10: Dark Woods (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) The first map in the set that goes for large outdoor areas and long sight lines. Have to say, I'm a little bit charmed by the attempt at a forest environment here, even if it looks very little like an actual forest. Exploring the map could be great fun. Could be, if the progression was less linear and the combat didn't absolutely stink. I see I'm not even close to the only one here who feels this way... but man, does the combat in this level drag ass. First you get to pistol imps and zombies to death for a while. Then it's standard shotgun and chaingun time against a variety of mid-tiers, but never in a large group or any sort of threatening (or interesting) formation. Yeah, you can also sign me up for the "missed the SSG" club. I blame that on the map for putting my brain to sleep. A shame how it turned out. An outdoor map with some space could've been just the ticket here, considering how cramped many of the previous maps were.
    7 points
  30. Personally the thing that worries me the most is online-only requirements for certain games, including single player ones. This was most notably seen recently with video game franchises from Ubisoft, The Crew and Assassin's Creed. Why should my ability to play a single player campaign depend on me being able to connect to some central server owned by a corporation that is going to get inevitably shut down? I absolutely do not trust, nor expect, most companies to be able to maintain them long term. And why should they? They are corporations acting to pursue profit, not preservation. I think this practice should end. Ross Scott of Accursed Farms fame recently launched a legal campaign to try and get this examined by the courts. Unfortuntely, this seems to be a phenomenon that will become more and more widespread in the AAA space, and it's definitely something that will dampen my excitement for virtually any game featuring such behavior.
    7 points
  31. Radiation door from Duke 3D, with middle seam erased, plus some sort of weird brass variant. They are 160 units wide, which isn't a power of 2. I have cropped them to 128 but you can probably expand them to 256 as well somehow since they seem to be mirrored.
    7 points
  32. Funny how you should mention Junkfood and then rant about how slaughtermaps turn away new players from the game, because many of those maps were made by people who only picked up Doom within the last couple years. Awesome, I've wanted to see the annotations for that run! Didn't know this existed - even works on my own videos where I thought the annotations had been long lost!
    7 points
  33. Ultimately people are going to make the kind of maps that they enjoy, not something different to please other people. With this game being around for 30 years it's not surprising that a lot of people's skills have risen to a very high level and they like to make hard maps. That being said, there are still plenty of easier maps and mapsets out there, and even the harder ones often have difficulty settings implemented. No shame in playing on ITYTD or HNTR.
    7 points
  34. Map10: Dark Woods It's surprising to see this map receive such negative reception - I originally wondered if I might be the only one who thinks it's bad. Aesthetically, it's a success, at least in part. There aren't a ton of maps that try to look like woods, and those parts of this map look pretty cool to me. The gameplay is what makes this map so inadequate. It's a whole lot of enemies that might as well be randomly chosen, scattered in a manner that might as well be random, across landscapes that might as well be flat. There just isn't anything to recommend here, combat-wise, and it's made worse by the start, where the placement of bullets without weapons suggests that you're supposed to kill imps and zombies with the pistol (a stubborn route can circumvent this and re-do the start with a shotgun, probably saving a little time in max runs). There is a non-secret SSG near the mid-point of the playthrough, but it's somewhat hidden in the dark forest and easy to miss, which could make things quite tedious later on.
    7 points
  35. Yonko


    This looks horrendous as a Doom title -- Mech fights, Dragon flying, Captain America shields? This isn't Doom, it's an R rated power rangers. the nuDoom enablers need to realize IP's have identities for a reason, when they lose them they are no longer said things and only bastardizations and in name only. There are plenty of existing IP's that evolve and stay true to what made the franchise great but not many are capable of that especially with corporatization. CS is still the same CS it was 25 years ago and is still the biggest multiplayer FPS for a reason.
    7 points
  36. 7 points
  37. A single teaser map from my 2nd WIP megawad. Techbase 37 is a slaughter style UDMF map. Game iwad - PLUTONIA - Run the game using PLUTONIA.wad Style - Single hardcore/slaughter map [IDCLEV37] Build software - Doom Builder 2 / Slade3 Sourceport used - gzdoom 4.7.1 Completed - 10/06/2024 No difficulties set; use ITYTD for easier gameplay etc Freelook is HIGHLY recommended NO jumping [Forced by MAPINFO] NO crouching [Forced by MAPINFO] Download link:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g2lnuekEpSkdvTXlXQo-gPAuYE3vAPQ4/view?usp=sharing Screenshots:- You can find may first 32 map megawad here:-
    6 points
  38. Corporations suck for doing corporate things. Consumers are equally to blame for paying for it. Vocal minorities on social media don't weigh the same as unit sales. If the pigs are happy enough eating shit, why give quality feed? If you want to see change, you need a movement.
    6 points
  39. map05 fda this is a lot of running around a slightly dull techbase without much action. i found the layout quite confusing; why are the keys all over the place far away from where they are meant to be used? im not the most observant but i got no sense of place here. the blue room/corridor teleporter thing is nice. map06 fda what an absolute contrast with 05; i had no idea what was going on, almost constant action in this one, with a subversion of expectation from the start. you dont need to know whats going on as you stumble from pathway to pathway, you cant really get lost. finished with a lovely vision of the exit of the base. excellent mapping! map07 fda i was really looking forwards to that lush jungle looking place after 06's exit; instead we get some weird prison with a spiderdemon. quite fun, apart from epilepsy-cavern with the viles. that amount of PEs is quite scary, i guess more so than with the vanilla lost souls limit. luckily i had just enough ammo to deal with them all. map08 fda a contrast to map05; a biolab, with the keys unlocking various deeper parts of the lab - makes sense. the combat ramps up a bit here, with mancs, barons, hell knights etc. in more cramped conditions. not bad. map09 fda enjoyable run through a sort of hub map thingy. distinct lack of any sort of heavy weaponry made this a bit of a slog. i wonder if i missed a secret or something obvious? map10 fda an exercise in running away. there didnt seem to be any weaponry that would make fighting the various medium sized beasts worth my time. i feel like this map shouldve led on directly from 05, the woods seem to be hinted at there. whew - caught up.
    6 points
  40. It's true that sequel/prequel/remake loop is very pervasive, but I'd argue it's been going on for way longer than a decade. Look at the global top 10 selling games of 2004 (according to Wikipedia), twenty years ago: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Pokémon FireRed / LeafGreen FIFA Football 2005 Halo 2 Madden NFL 2005 Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himegimi ESPN NFL 2K5 Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Need For Speed: Underground 2 Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald Literally not a single new IP, they're all sequels and remakes. I wonder if it's less that the big AAA titles are becoming more unoriginal, and it's more the relative lack of new IP to fill in gaps is making the whole industry feel less creative.
    6 points
  41. MAP10 - Dark Woods Wait, did bro actually use CRATOP as a SAND texture!?!?! Bold choice, but ultimately it looks quite ugly and reminiscent of the floors/ceilings in WOLF3D which didn't use texture mapping. Its nice to see a return to a more natural setting as seen previously in MAP03, and there is potential here, but this map does stretch my personal capacity to overlook crudeness given the vintage of the material pretty far. Its just very blocky, flat and not that interesting. I'm not gonna hate, because for all I know Chris Harbin was a kid when this was made, and would have been using tools far more primitive than we have today, the same kind of tools I couldn't wrap my head around as a kid trying (and failing) to make maps with, in a similar time period. I think if there'd been more monsters and more engaging combat, it'd be a better map. The snow-topped peak at the end has me thinking this is leading into something new.
    6 points
  42. whatup876


    Most of my thoughts/observations on The Dark Ages' trailer * "BEFORE HE BECAME A HERO", He always was, though this unintentionally gives a point to people who think Slayer could've been a seperate character from Doomguy * Sentinel Prime on fire, i see floating rocks and castles. Could be Sentinel related like the Fortress in DE and we also see a pentagram in the sky * Sentinel ship hits a building, i also think that ship shooting stuff is demonic * Giant demonic castle with skull. Hope that thing is both a location and "alive" * Floating place reminds me of 2016 MP Empyrian. Maybe the Sentinels either build it as a tribute to or got it from the Maykrs * Slayer has a fur cape. Always expected this to happen, whether it's a superhero thing or even a Berserk reference * The new base also has Maykr tech * SSG has no meathook * Maykr ship attacking, seems to be demons/possessed and Imps it's targetting * I LIKE that Doomguy has gray colors in the helmet. Also almost thought some details resembled a crown * Helmet has no Slayer mark this time * Mancubi shoot 2 fireballs per cannon, which is an ability i always thought they deserve (It's like a mix of both modern Mancs shooting the cannons individually and the classics shooting 2 fireballs at once) * Fireballs look solid, like magma. Possible D64 homage * Their design has differences from Eternal, like a different species of fat humanoid beings * Their tech has an HR Giger look, as if they're biological: Possibly a middleground between 2016 and Eternal * It looks cool but still comes from a place of "Hell had no metallic tech until the UAC" * SSG seems lever based, probably because of the shield * New weapon crushes skulls so it shoots bits of them. Maybe skulls will be an ammo pickup * Hell factory place? * I wonder if the Possessed Soldiers, no longer being UAC, are either Sentinel or still Hell related. Maybe they're based on that 2016 concept art of the Hell razer, who knows * Shield = chainsaw * Sentinel Plasma Rifle, i knew they'd get an equivalent * Revenant looks like a grim reaper. clever * Its multi skull attack is also cool * A pink demon with horns shooting verticle stuff. Is it Pinky related? Those are usually melee * There's also someone riding them * Arachnotrons look more twisted even if their model is still Eternal inspired * Flying brain creatures. Reminds me of Duke's Octobrains and D3 Cacos. And of course, those things from Valiant (Likewise, the Mancs reminded me of Hellforged) * Shield used to block attacks (hope it can reflect them too) * Boomerang shield. Always said Doom could use a boomerang item and even be it Sentinel related * Classic imp? Is cool but i like when demons get new looks and abilities. Maybe this imp has something more going on * A weapon that shoots nails? Doom's Nail Gun? * Shield dash * The Imp fireball being charged looked green. Could mean they have a new attack type. Maybe a poison projectile, inspired by the Cursed Prowler * Said Imp is literally "nailed" to the wall * Hellknight looks like it has new details on their skin, like a bit of Giger * Demonic cyberknight, probably to keep up with Marauders and the Gladiator * Insert Castlevania reference here * You can kick too * Seems melee is reworked, so maybe no Glory Kills. I guess that would happen since you need to think of like 5 animations for each demon and maybe design them around that mechanic * A tiny thing on this demon knight's chest looks like an eye. Remember the lore for the Gladiator saying his shield had the soul of his master? * Cable connected to red part of Doomguy's armor. Different from Eternal having it light blue to open that thing in Exultia * Mech finally pilotable * Titan with melee weapon, gets punched * This location looks different, is it even the same Sentinel planet? Could be that one city on Mars before it vanished and became Mars Core's final area * Mech Dragon, background looks like a giant ribcage * Insert Panzer Dragoon reference * Also, is the thing shooting purple orbs a demonic ship? * This section also makes me wonder how much vehicle stuff will be in game or in the series in general * Wonder if this "kiss of death" is a reference to that 2014 Godzilla scene Regardless, lots of good stuff. It will obviously have that prequel issue of "cool new stuff that will not be addressed in the follow ups that came later" but Doom is also a series i think is fun because the setting is a mess, so at that point you start to think more of "is cool" than "is logical". The game seems solid and it shows they did suddenly start making it after being done with TAG2, even if i still worry about the dev cycicles and think the release of a new Doom should be special. So after this game, id should calm down. It's also lot more Sentinel focused, probably the least UAC presence in a Doom game. A weird idea i had was if they could still use the name "Year Zero" for a small campaign with an ARC guy during Hell's invasion on Earth. Basically, if id makes a campaign that is like half the lenght of Dark Ages (If the main game itself is also like 13 chapters) but about a UAC soldier with new weapons and cool locations on Earth, maybe that could balance the Sentinel focus due to the UAC always being more prominent. Some say the gameplay could be closer to classic Doom, which can mean a lot because personally, i associate some of old Doom's traits with even engine stuff and also on why the new games play differently. What matters is that the new stuff is good. Also, with all these debates about "what is Doom", i'll throw this: Classic Doom had a slow default moving speed and people associate Doom with speed because of ALWAYS_RUN. Expect Decino to make a video about how Doom's movement works and older fans will pretend ALWAYS_RUN is a "Doom Zoomer" thing.
    6 points
  43. I empathise with you, believe me. I can spend weeks or months on a map, and sometimes twenty people ever play it and give feedback. That's a pain every creator feels, in Doom or anything else. But the thing is - they don't have to. We're not entitled to praise for making something. That's not how that works.
    6 points
  44. sorry for derailing the argument with a response to the topic, i wrote this like 8 hrs ago and forgot to post it. For the record hate is absolutely too strong of a word for the below words, "not a big fan of" works better for me imo. Not a big fan of tiny shoot/button switch secrets in huge maps where the sheer surface area of all the walls in the map just make trying to explore every nook and cranny and corner for a switch becomes extremely exhausting, since there isn't any tell, the secret is just something being really small and hard to find. The smaller the swtich/the bigger the map the more my eyebrow raises. Not a big fan of singular health bonus/armor bonus reward secrets. These can be both given in secrets and nonsecret secrets, and sometimes it is given after a long and arduous secret hunt or after some platforming section or some visual treat. Sometimes it is used for comedic effect, sometimes it is used as a simple communication method from mapper to player that the secret has ended. But if given the option of leaving it in vs. leaving it out, I will always leave it out. The singular bonus always comes off as direct communication with a player from the mapper since it's virtually always useless, and the trope has been established a long time ago as a silly "here is your reward for your exploration". I've gotten over the use of it as a joke a long time ago, and as far as being communication that the secret has ended, I find it a bit harmful to a map's atmosphere, unless the atmosphere is silly/shitposty.
    6 points
  45. Abolish capitalism. Nah but seriously, though. Have you seen just how many people work on a game nowadays? Between coders, concept artists, texture artists, 3D modelers, level designers, composers and sound designers, you can have hundreds of people, even thousands once you add in all the testers and other QA people. Game development takes time, about three years for an AAA title. So hundreds of wages multiplied by three years, plus of course the other functioning costs just to have a working office space for them, including taxes, utility bills, software licenses, hardware purchases, etc. That's really a lot of money. Money that they've got to recoup somehow. Since funding a studio to develop a game represents such a large investment, the investors will apply pressure to reduce risk, and that does mean less originality overall. Same reason, same result as to why Hollywood blockbusters are so formulaic and stale. So the way to avoid that would be, what, to fund studios to develop stuff regardless of expected market returns? That's possible if you happen to be a billionaire and you want to be a patron of the videoludical arts, but I doubt anyone around here fits that profile.
    6 points
  46. this is also how I feel! and I'm finding it very easy to not support modern microsoft, blizzard & ea stuff as a consequence another point I can't help noticing is the way that boxed engines like Unreal create a huge number of devs whose skillset is tied to that engine and will be stuck making very similar games to the one they entered the industry with. it's not just the expectation of a sequel that ties the hands of the developer, the tools themselves also do
    6 points
  47. Kinsie


    Not a huge fan of the overly desaturated and depressing color scheme compared to 2016's intense orange skies and Eternal's colorful environments full of glowing videogame powerups, but also it seems to by and large be mostly one area shown so far, so maybe other areas get weirder and funkier. Curious to see what falls out the other side, and witness how the community will inevitably pull from it for classic Doom modding projects. I pretty strongly disagree with you on this. Doom 3 had it's own very distinct visual identity separate from the DOS series, with a lot more grey, copper and chrome tones than the original game's fairly bright palette, and with monster designs pulling more from Hollywood sci-fi horror like Aliens than the goat-horned heavy metal album covers and airbrush fantasy artists that fueled the original art.
    6 points
  48. I think they were trying to make a new Hexen and accidentally used guns. The gameplay looks great, but this is becoming a parody of itself. This feels like it's gonna be a cringy extension of the terrible Eternal lore. A stain on a great game. That opening line made me puke in my mouth. I think they should wait longer and try again with the thematic elements. The cape, shield, firearms combo feels like "and then" fan fic. Also, I'm tired of rage monster, indestructible doom slayer. It was cute and campy at first, but I like DOOMguy better. If they want to be this over the top, they should just go full Duke Nukem with it and be outright funny. As it stands, this feels a bit like shadow the hedgehog was on the dev team. Let it be known that I've liked every DOOM game, even 3 and I'm sure this one will be fun. I'm not a belligerent hater, I just see pointless, embarrassing, boring writing on the horizon.
    6 points
  49. Burgish

    Share Your Sprites!

    Not enough orcs? I got you bro. Orc Hunter, melee, ranged, and dodge animations. Free to use wit credit!
    6 points
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