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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/24 in all areas

  1. ================================================================== DOWNLOAD ================================================================== Idgames.txt Be sure to check the help screens for each individual map in ZDoom ports!
    46 points
  2. I'm not worried because Doom and Doom II will still be around regardless.
    27 points
  3. Hi Fai here Finally! after half of years of gruelling developement, went and come of mappers, it's finally finished!! Welcome to DOOMIUM II, a Community Project where we seek the purest element of DOOM! A sequel to DOOMIUM I, This project aim to create a megawad worth of maps that are Short, Straight Forward, and with Frantic Action, from industrial compounds, concrete cities, mountain ranges, fragments of realities, and many more! The project contain 6 episode of 5 map each with the addion of a secret for each episode, each episode have it's unique theme, including industry, brutalism, and natures, and the classic void levels for the finale episode. This project was originally intended to release in early March and as a late birthday gift to Doom's 30 years of glory! but well it's a extremely late gift now, but better late then never I suppose. MEDIAFIRE v1.2.0 GOOGLE DRIVE v1.2.0 IDGAME coming soon Make sure you have: Require DOOM2 IWAD Require UMAPINFO+BOOM compatible sourceports (DSDA-DOOM and GZDOOM recommanded) Jumping+Crouching disabled Free mouselook optional, but discouraged Default Complevel should suffice To play our project: Load DMIUM2_RES.wad and DMIUM2_LEV.wad together, order doesn't matter Load NON-WIDESCREEN STBAR.wad if you are playing in 4:3 aspect ratio Check DMIUM2.txt and READ ME.txt for more infomations Other info about the project: Pistol startable Singleplayer only, some mapper had implemet Co-op spawns but I do not garantee it'll work What happened to Map24? I dunno, it's gone, like last time, almost like a tradition @stochastic @Li'l devil @Beubeu @JackDBS @Raith138 @Heretic926 @EagerBeaver @Logamuffin @JacaCaca @Steve D @Kuro_mahoh @MFG38 @SilverMiner @Gothic @DoctorNuriel @Bochnik Chleba @MoiraHeart @dmh094 @Pottus @Super Mighty G @Sneezy McGlassFace @knifeworld @DankMetal PLEASE REPORT ANY BUG FOR MORE INFOMATION PLEASE CONSULT THE TXT FILES AND PLEASE ENJOY OUR HARD WORK :)) DEVELOPEMENT PAGE: DOOMIUM I: - by Fai :)
    17 points
  4. Newerdewm (Dark ages) plasma "Accelerator"
    16 points
  5. I am working on... I hope some my maps will be a contribution to the sequel of the past year megawad Thirty Years with Doom.
    13 points
  6. I appreciate Hugo clarifying that Dark Ages was a Doom game from the beginning and not a Quake title that got rebranded. If Dark Ages does well, I can see them using the metrics to justify going all-in on Quake. The entertainment industry as a whole is becoming more risk-averse and while I like Quake Champions, it obviously failed to achieve to what it was set out to do. I can imagine the powers that be looking at the IP with some trepidation as a result. Dark Ages doing well can help elevate those concerns and maybe even reduce costs if they reuse assets. Like others have mentioned though, the comments that Hugo made regarding projectiles and map exploration has me excited. Really seems like their going for a Classic feel this time around which is great to see. I love 2016 and Eternal, and I can understand there being some temptation to just reiterate on that formula some more, but to go back and start from scratch is very commendable. Like even the imp looks like the OG version with its power stance. Love it.
    12 points
  7. I'm worried we're gonna get a lot more threads like this.
    10 points
  8. Corporations suck for doing corporate things. Consumers are equally to blame for paying for it. Vocal minorities on social media don't weigh the same as unit sales. If the pigs are happy enough eating shit, why give quality feed? If you want to see change, you need a movement.
    10 points
  9. Working on my RAMP 2024 map. Decent progress so far, with the main challenge coming from making my map in the 10x10 style, evoking Sunder's scale and using more light wherever possible. Only two fights are done at the moment, kinda shooting for a fun, slaughterlite kinda thing. Also challenged myself to use a midi by Ribbiks, since that felt really hard for me to justify - but I think I'm capable of living up to the choice.
    9 points
  10. esselfortium


    It was posted because people were not letting the mystery be a mystery, and were invading the author's privacy by treating their actual life as part of an ARG. It's not "gatekeeping" to forward a message from the author kindly asking people to stop.
    9 points
  11. Shepardus


    Frankly, if someone telling you to stop pushing against the author's privacy "ruins" it for you, I don't think it was ever meant for you.
    9 points
  12. I'm getting ready to drop RC1 of a vanilla Heretic level set titled Your Journey Begins. Here is the picture preview:
    9 points
  13. id isn't id. The indies making retro-styled FPS games have far more in common with old id than id itself does. The id that made Wolfenstein, Doom and Quake is long dead.
    9 points
  14. id no longer exists but for a corporate entity that just happened to have bought the rights to the best game series of all time. I'd argue any random GZDoom game is more akin to id than whatever the corporate entity with the copyright wants to do, but thats just my opinion. Being mega rich enough to buy copyright doesn't automatically make what you do with that copyright valuable in my eyes, I care more about the actual talent and conditions of development.
    8 points
  15. Here is my third map of the new deathmatch pack I'm working on. I've been working hard on these. I have some music to add to the last two maps and more testing to do. Then I have two more maps to create.
    8 points
  16. Working on Sigil 2's Intermission Screen, what do you think so far?
    8 points
  17. act

    I love my job [unironically]

    I get to work great hours (7 to 3), keep myself in good health, and basically play IRL multiplayer minecraft shooting the shit with some of the funniest, most considerate, and wise people I've ever met. [im a landscaper]
    7 points
  18. Map 01 Tyson 0:59 jf301t5954.zip https://youtu.be/8ttEPl9jCfQ
    7 points
  19. roadworx


    okay then, in that case, quit whining about not jabba rightfully telling people to stop digging into things they shouldn't be digging into. if it ruins the mystery for you, whoop-de-fuckin-doo, that's better than someone's life getting ruined because a bunch of nosy 14y/os can't let shit go untouched. this isn't some story where all the aspects need to be uncovered. soft-doxxing people has consequences.
    7 points
  20. MAP11 - “Frozen Terror” by Chris Harbin Having successfully navigated the dark woods, we now find ourself in a wintry scene of rock and ice. I can’t help but be reminded of Eviternity when I hear this midi - although that wad was far from its first use, being used in the opening map of such an iconic megawad, the association has stuck with me. Thankfully the change in scenery is also paired with a change in generosity in providing heavier weapons (especially if you creep around the thin ledge to pick up the secret plasma gun at the start), and as a result is far less grindy. Complementing this is some ambush scenarios here that provide for a bit more exciting combat than the previous map. What it can’t shake off though is the egregiously long lifts, especially given this one you have to wait for both the descent and ascent. The final time I dropped down here after grabbing the second secret (which I was hoping was accessible via straferunning, sadly its a more simple affair of dropping down from a bridge in an adjacent room), I just noclipped up again. The descent finale teases a challenging time, but tapers off before it gets interesting, and we simply exit to the next map with only an arachnotron in the way.
    7 points
  21. About the only sin of Capstone's that can be attributed to nu-3D Realms is the quality of the end products and the lack of QA (or at least, lack of ability to act on QA's findings) Capstone hired inexperienced people straight out of high school, while 3DR racked up a fairly impressive headcount of industry and modding veterans. Capstone allotted only ~6 months or so of development time per game (not even enough to create design docs!), while seemingly every 3DR game wallowed in the mire of development hell for years before occasionally wallowing in a second, even murkier mire of Early Access. Capstone had terminally low budgets while their management was too busy desperately hustling for investors to go public, while 3DR was tied to a gargantuan megacorp hustling for a multi-billion dollar investment while the leadership was too busy demanding the making of dogshit public access TV to actually manage staff or projects properly. History didn't repeat, and I'd hesitate to say it rhymed, but it was in a similar time signature. History dictates that Scott Miller is an unreliable narrator, to put it politely. Nu-Apogee seems to be doing well and he seems like a nice enough guy to grab a beer and trade war stories with, but like, maybe don't put immediate faith in his word and definitely get a lawyer involved before you sign anything.
    7 points
  22. I'm not worried about Bethesda. I'm worried about Microsoft.
    7 points
  23. The difference is that Capstone was trying to make games, Nu-3DR is a complete grift.
    7 points
  24. Made some pretty substantial progress with my map. I wanna say it's around 40% done? It's gonna be easier to finish now that I settled on a vibe and palette, though. Screenshots in spoiler to save some space:
    6 points
  25. Welp... The Blocked is out now! Thank you for being so patient with me.
    6 points
  26. "Is there anything really specific about DOOM 1 and 2, like that you- when you-" "Projectile speed." "You strafe to aim in 2016 and Eternal for sure, but it's mostly just like- keep moving, keep moving. I think in the original DOOM, in the opening hours, we all remember it." -- "Instead of constructing a multitiered arena to keep you moving, we ground it, slow down the projectiles, make them hit harder and create patterns in the space, that's the jungle gym you're gonna move through." "It's almost like a three dimensional shmup." "They did 20-30 years ago and it really worked." This is all so awesome to hear from them directly.
    6 points
  27. Map11: Frozen Terror Some of the action takes place on ridges or platforms, which is a nice way to make things a little more challenging, and I also like the plasma gun secret. What I don't like is the amount of waiting involved, especially with a particular long elevator that you have to use at least twice (three times if you grab a specific secret). There is an attempt to lock you into the red key room, but all you have to do is step back right after you step in, blocking the door and defanging the trap. It isn't a challenging fight anyway, the timed lock-in just results in more waiting. Still a decent map.
    6 points
  28. Biowar map 7 A practice attempt sees me going from 140% health to 8 from the opening hitscan army Very easy to get flanked by a chaingunner and torn up in seconds. Thankfully, there is a decent supply of heath around to patch up, for once. The pain elemental army is a sticky situation to deal with in an ironman attempt. There is a safe method of cheesing them at very little risk but it's also agonizingly slow so it will really test one's patience if pushed into resorting to that for survival purposes. I want to save the megaarmor for going into the next map with 200 which is a risky gambit and it can go wrong if reckless. map 8 Not very notable in an ironman attempt, I've found. There's only one green armor and scattered armor bonuses about with health being a little more common but coming in with all weapons, if not full ammo, and 200 armor tends to make that a non-issue. There's no cell ammo other than right at the start but shells and bullets are plentiful enough to not really need to worry about ammo otherwise. map 9 I regard this as a restock map in the ironman campaign. Coming in with carryover weapons takes the sting out of those surprise revenants, just have plasma out in advance. The red key pair might be easier to skip entirely, especially from pistol start. There's plentiful health but not very much armor so one can't afford to be too careless, even if there's more room for error. The central junction is prime for some door camping to bait infights. Sucks if a pain elemental behind the red key door gets aggroed and loose though; the ensuing cloud of skulls really drags out the runtime. I prefer to skip the rocket launcher area though the secret there does have some bulk cells and rocket boxes to reward a detour. The secret invulnerability is a welcome find in a multi-level recording attempt. Grab it, then the last key, and bolt for the exit. (topping off prior to this)
    6 points
  29. Finished my 9th round of random deathmatch mapping! The randomizer selected 'Silver Textures', and I paired this w/ the silver / grey textures from stock Doom 2. This was a bit challenging, but I think the map turned out well. It ended up being a nice combo in the end. Once I started pairing the new lights available in the silver pack w/ some sector lighting, things started coming together well! Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 9): MAP10: Silver Salvo: List of packs used in streams so far: Nice to be a third of the way through my new megaWAD already! :D
    6 points
  30. MAP09: Security Getting the red key is cumbersome - too many accidental teleports away. Lots of teleporting and 'gotchas' all around - but when combat pickings are slim, you can't complain too much about the spices. The body count has increased, at least, and the Arachno was sorely missed. The Pinky-Archvile combo fight might be the best in the set so far, from a pure design standpoint. It feels like linedefs are being placed down with more visual chops in these later maps, as well. Hopefully pcorf didn't raise my expectations too high. Curious to see where the other 10 secrets are in this map. MAP10: Dark Woods Were the maps rearranged at some point? This looks a bit like what the end of MAP06 was leading to. Come to think of it, this WAD has a habit of making distinctive start and end rooms that don't connect to adjacent maps whatsoever, even though it seems like they should. (The ending of this map is a notable exception.) This map is the slowest burn yet - combat could charitably be called 'incidental'. The environments are immersive and evocative, but feel conspicuously understaffed. I feel like I'm playing the first map of a more confident and fleshed-out megawad, but Biowar itself has so far been weighed down by the ways it seems to fall short of its lofty ambitions. Maybe this is the natural consequence of playing a WAD from 1999... but I feel like it's more down to style than era. MAP11: Frozen Terror We've seen bits of snow and ice crop up on our journey so far, so it's only natural that a map finally commits to the theme. This map feels relatively tightly designed, with its emphasis on verticality and returning to previous spaces. Yet the combat feels frozen, with the only sparks provided by inconveniently placed chaingunners. I was low on health for a while, but never felt in danger. The final fight on the lowering floor feels like it's supposed to be climactic, but it isn't. I had to double-check that I was playing on UV, but nope, Biowar is just like this I guess.
    6 points
  31. The West has a capitalism-first mindset, unlike the East and their over 130 Mega Man games.
    5 points
  32. Map21 Pacifist in 0:12 Zip: hf221p012.zip Map35 Pacifist in 1:55 Zip: hf235p155.zip Map35 UVMax in 14:08 Zip: hf235m1408.zip Video: https://youtu.be/iEV8ciygOvY?si=i4eQauCoijft7bgl
    5 points
  33. Map 10: Dark woods I think it's fairly safe to say by this point that Biowar is more interested in atmosphere and and light key/switch puzzles over the combat design. Continuing along this trend, Dark Woods is - as it's namesake implies - quite dark, and fairly woodsy by Doom standards. If you're pistol starting, you'll be plinking over a dozen imps before getting a hold of a shotgun, and honestly even that much is only really of benefit when you encounter the very few non-mook enemies on the map. The most "dangerous" encounter is... no there are none, every single encounter can be easily completed without a shred of damage if you're even slightly careful. It's not incongruous within it's lineup. But it's far from exciting and only mildly interesting. Map 11: Frozen Terror A definitely better map than at least 2 of the previous 3, for all it has half the colour palette to work with. It has 20 less enemies but uses them much better, resulting in a few actual fights. If you're feeling like a bit of bullying, doff thine supershotty and beat up the hellknights in the downward bound capstone encounter. That said it's got a few foibles like a certain pacebreaking lift, and it's snowy visuals would be plain if it wasn't so nicely compacted a map. Overall one of the WAD's better offerings, managing a better mix of combat with it's atmospherics.
    5 points
  34. Map 11: Frozen Terror by Chris Harbin Crispy Doom, UV, pistol-start A somewhat earlier Mark Klem midi (the classic low-key grower "Midnight Call") is finally paired with a map that fully deserves it, a surely oblique reference to that one ice planet map from Star Wars: Dark Forces. Just don't expect any slippery surfaces here, just open areas which push the limits of verticality. If not from the one mound with the yellow key on it, the far-off chaingunner would be too much. And in our case it kind of was, since unfortunately, some slight carelessness with monster placement at the top of a nearby lift might make proceeding there a matter of luck. But overall, this largely works to the map's benefit as very much unlike the last map, Chris seems more determined to group enemies into more threatening packs. Some mild exploring will also net some stronger weapons, though the amount of ammo available for them is miniscule. Hint: Hold on entirely to the cells until the Baron pair in the dead end cave. Regardless, despite a few overly open areas that are a result of this map's highly vertical design, the flow of encounters is quite nice. Get the blue key for the nearby blue door then be confronted by a swarm of Pinkies, Imps and a solitary Revenant that test the newly acquired SS. To get a rocket launcher, hit the nearby switch here than take the teleporter which leads right back to the start where we're confronted by a chaingunner and Imp pair on either side of the starting location. The RL is in the right alcove I believe. Anyway, we'll then go and trigger an Duke3D Abyss-style earthquake, engage in some more cool incidental things and blasting some Cacos coming out after getting the key with the Barons I believe, than handling some Arachnotrons in a narrow space, a la OG Map 11 from Doom 2 with some rockets explorers should've found in a deep chasm secret, then ending the map. If it wasn't for Map 09, this would be the best so far. A little bit of polish would have really taken this a long way, although perhaps the secret-finding is perhaps one of those 'out in the open' things, apart from the very last one.
    5 points
  35. I really liked 10 and 11. The attempt at making a dark forest in the doom engine worked pretty well, given the limitations, and the tensest moment was a spot where chaingunners were hidden in the trees over a ravine, only visible when they fired. The two spots where you can look out onto decorative tree areas was also neat, its like a dark grove inside a cave. The ice level after it reminded me of Hexen in a way, Herian in others, and was good fun. Especially the final segment: Berserk Potatoman punches many demons while descending an elevator
    5 points
  36. Operation: Biowar MAP11: Frozen Terror (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) You've seen Terror Core. Now, get ready for... Frozen Terror! Somebody left it in the freezer! This one's better than MAP10, but I'm afraid I'm not exactly in love with it either. Might be a bit unfair to complain about an ice-themed map overusing ice textures, and even having ice textures at all is a point in the map's favor, but the starting area especially could've done with a little something to break the monochromatic whiteness. The combat is mostly flavorless, too, and unlikely to raise your heart rate as long as you don't waste your plasma or bumble into a teleporter completely unprepared. I do appreciate the repurposing of the starting area as a teleport trap after grabbing the blue key, though, and the ending elevator combat sequence wasn't unwelcome. A reference to Hell Revealed MAP31 or Quake E2M6 perhaps? I'm deducting some imaginary points for the long elevator in the yellow key zone, which can be clogged at the top by imps who will scratch you the whole way up, unless you waste the few rockets you have on unclogging it with splash damage. And you'll have to take that slow-ass lift a minimum of two times, more if you miss the key platform, plus one extra trip if you go for the secret. Eugh. Edit: whoops, wrong map number.
    5 points
  37. Funnily enough this is (one of) the ways the original doom was described as before the term first person shooter was invented. As someone who's into shmups and bullet hells, it's honestly not a bad description of doom compared to other 3d shooters...
    5 points
  38. The quotable tagline from a Hugo interview is that Doom 2016 was "run and shoot", Doom Eternal was "jump and shoot" while Doom The Dark Ages is "stand and fight" - verticality is being stripped away in favor of using the shield to exploit enemy weaknesses through blocking/throwing/parrying so you can slam them with a mace or SSG.
    5 points
  39. EvilDead | A. Gartland | 2008 A simplistic but effective short level that goes quite well with vanilla gameplay in all sense. Designed for Doom 2, it doesn't actually use any of the Doom 2 features and seems to stick to the rudimentary style of the OG; Few enemies, mostly zombies and imps, and a few surprising cacos near the end. It flows well and has a nice design. Marble textures are always going to be a win for me no matter what; they look and feel just downright doomy, and I love that, even if it could have been better detailed, and have more work taken into the lightning, it works good enough. The combat is super easy and there's nothing much to worry about, except perhaps low ammo, but other than that, a good fun of some 3 minutes. Oh, the ending seems to be slightly broken. It seems the intention was to lock you behind bars before you reach the exit, but if you strafe-run, you can bypass this. Hell 77 N°02 | Gillibert Raymond aka (Ramon_Demestre) | 2018 Hot damn, this one is an absolute monstrosity in every sense of the word. Gigantic, brutal in scope, devilish designed, extremely well detailed, and full of awesome combat. I started with UV but had to lower it down, it is quite the challenge but endurable if you have the patience. However, what truly makes it stand out is the awe-inspiring architecture, the great flow of transitions between different areas, and the innate creativity to its satanic presence. It is a powerful level and all aspects. My only problems with, as is usual with a lot of huge maps, is that it is very confusing to play at first; very open areas and multiple paths that seem to lead to even more paths that diverge more and more. While the overall layout is circular, it does take a while to find the right path. Still, the level is so awesome and beautiful to admire, it is worth it. Play it right fucking now. It is awesome.
    5 points
  40. I'm not worried because a game being good or not in no way affects my life. I have enough games and mods to play to keep me busy till 20 years after my death. If it's bad, I don't buy and move on. Quite simple.
    5 points
  41. One thing I will say is that Hugo Martin's direction is--to a significant degree--what has made modern DOOM the success it is. Just look at the direction DOOM 4 was going in before he came onboard and resurrected it from development hell. (pun intended) The thing about Hugo is that he is intelligent, always looking for inspiration in other media, and most importantly in the classic DOOM games. He understands how to innovate, but staying mostly true to the core of what DOOM is. That being said, there will always be risks that Id Software will take to push the franchise, and inevitably there will be unhappy fans. You can't please everyone. I say we should keep an open mind. I think a more grounded DOOM game is a welcome change of pace. The addition of new weapons, the new melee combat system that synergizes with the gunplay & shield mechanics looks pretty bad-ass. I understand the concerns. I share some of them with you, but for now I remain very optimistic. Have a look at this.
    5 points
  42. MAP11: Frozen Terror. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 65/65, S: 2/2, I: 62/62. Comp. time 9:24 Frozen Terror continues the theme of natural landscapes, although this time covered in ice. This one is remarkably better affair, though -- monster density is appropriate and the map equips the player -- especially if they find the secret plasma which I did, but saved cells for the "Descent" part of the map. Decent map! (... that I seem to have little to say about).
    5 points
  43. Gamers love being shocked about AAA publishers pulling the same shit they always have and always will Also it helps to actually watch the trailer because nothing about it suggested CoD other than the fact that you are a soldier that shoots things with guns
    5 points
  44. MAP11: Frozen Terror DSDA-Doom, UV, Pistol Start This level was leagues better than the previous. It takes place in frozen caves, which is a refreshing change of scenery. It also puts up a lot more resistance. Some fights are tough but fair, like the one involving an imp/pinkie/revenant pack after you grab the blue key. Some are dickish, like the chaingunner ambush after you enter the red key arena. You'll die instantly if you're not expecting that one. My favorite was the one on the descending elevator. This map was a nice challenge and it's pleasing to look at, making it one of my favorite maps in the wad.
    5 points
  45. Things are sounding more promising, so perhaps my fears at the beginning of this thread were unfounded, it sounds like id are going for a "best of both worlds" approach to this one, possibly acknowledging the criticisms of Eternal, what made 2016 work as well as it did, and also having their lore cake with a prequel. I can dig it.
    5 points
  46. Dissension II: The Hell That Followed [WIP]
    4 points
  47. @Mr. Meanor Thanks a lot for your feedback! Unfortunately, placing ten radsuits would make the damaging floor pointless. Limiting the player to only two radsuits (not counting the one you get for cleanup) was a deliberate decision, since the map is meant to be rushed. If you find that kind of playstyle is not your cup of tea, you'll be excited to hear that the map contains a whopping 8 radsuits on HNTR :)
    4 points
  48. really appreciate this mate :D I did one in the previous version as a one-off, but I don't have any plans to do this regularly at the moment. partially because, well, I've not been making any updates on the regular at the moment hah. if any other folks are keen on making a version like that, I'd be happy to add a download link in the OP though! yeah that's a really cool idea! I think it maintains a little bit of use as a sniping weapon but it does get overshadowed. I think it's unlikely I'll be making any major updates to the mod for a while though - what I'd really like to do is a sort of soft reset of Supercharge, with an arsenal reset to remove all the new weapons and maybe even make the base weapon roster a little more lean. if I ever do get to this, it would be primarily for the purpose of use in my own mapset, with its use as a gameplay mod as a bonus. but there's a lot of work to make that happen still D: @Ether thanks for reporting this! and Novarain for fixing it in your edited versions! I still plan to make a small update to the mod to fix that and add some of the changes I made for Godless Night, but first I still gotta finalize that mapset 😬
    4 points
  49. So you have faith in ID but also fear it will be a COD clone down the line. That really makes very little sense. You fear something that only exists in your own head.
    4 points
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