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Crystal Cliffs -single level- [RC1]
StormCatcher.77 and 22 others reacted to CynicalSin for a topic
Hi! I've been lurking here a while gathering inspo and finally have a map to show for it~ This is a medium to hard difficulty single map mixing up puzzles and small scale slaughter~ Tested mainly on UV but does have difficulties implemented~ Maps: 1 (MAP01) Port: GZDoom 4.10+ Format: UDMF IWAD: Doom II Freelook enabled, no crouching or jumping pls This contains some new textures I made (quality not guaranteed) [Download] Screenshots~23 points -
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inkoalawetrust and 14 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
15 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
EXERT.VOC and 12 others reacted to ShiroiAkuma51 for a topic
13 points -
13 points
Miscellaneous demos (part 5)
Monsieur E and 11 others reacted to Kinetic for a topic
Chord1 UV-Max in 3:55 chrd25m355.zip12 points -
Miscellaneous demos (part 5)
Monsieur E and 8 others reacted to Kinetic for a topic
Chord2 UV-Max in 7:34 chrd226m734.zip Chord3 UV-Max in 5:10 chrd327m510.zip9 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
Lila Feuer and 7 others reacted to General Roasterock for a topic
Map 13: UAC Prison I am entirely realizing my mistake. I invoked the beast. I called out for more John Bishop while knee deep in the 90s, and I am now looking at the color of sound. What the fuck just happened? For a time, I felt my impact on cause and effect had lessened. Not only did this map feel like 40% switch, but every interaction with one, whether it was a lift or otherwise, would send a wave of Shotgunners to flood the room I was currently in. This happened at least half a dozen times, not even considering the main room in front of the exit that repopulates three times as well, enough to start another useless conversation on slaughter. I didn’t feel like I was making progress, but rather that I was simply pushing through one more horde to the next “release the shotgunners” button ad nauseum until the map somehow finished. The only other notable piece of combat I can remember is the pit of lava, in a prison mind you, that had Pinkies charging single file out of the tiniest room like a clown car. I had a pretty short fit of psychotic laughter just staring at the visual of all those Demons somehow perfectly in line before getting back to throwing bullets at whatever was in front of me. Making sense of the contraptions around me was completely out of the picture. I’ve always found the concept of a demon, a being of malice normally personified as only wishing to torture human souls, being held in captivity to be incredibly silly, and the only true blooded prison section requires jehova’s witness style door to door clearing of every cell before dumping another Shotgunner Shitflood on top of you. They’re not even hard, because having one hard corner to duck behind allows for half the group to die to infighting without threat. UAC Prison is a bloated map, high above the monster count of just about anything else here, and so manically layered together that I doubt I’ll forget it anytime soon. Now I know I’m excited for anything else John Bishop has in his discography.8 points -
8 points
Miscellaneous demos (part 5)
Monsieur E and 7 others reacted to Kinetic for a topic
I should've just posted these all at once instead of 3 separate posts but I didn't think I would just keep demoing tonight. ChordG UV-Max in 4:53 chrdg29m453.zip8 points -
Otherworldly Ossuary [MBF21]
StormCatcher.77 and 6 others reacted to AshtralFiend for a topic
Don't give up skeleton! Fight your way out of space purgatory. You are already dead, but everything here wants you 7 feet under. Info: Otherworldly Ossuary is a small MBF21 single map with cramped puzzle-like combat. - Completion time is about 8 minutes; - All difficulty skills implemented; - Tested in DSDA; - Map does not work correctly in GZDOOM (use it at your own risk); Dehacked Info: - Plasma rifle speed and damage slightly buffed; - Lost Souls have reduced health: 50HP; - Pain Elementals explode when killed (keep your distance) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: Music: Title Screen - "Fine Example" by Velvetic Map 01 - "Scavengers" by Velvetic Intermission - "Lethargic Eyes" by Velvetic Cast sequence - "Descent" by Isotype Color Palette - "WasteLand" by me Doom Eternal plasma rifle Sprite by Sonik.o.fan: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=1205754#p1205754 Sky texture by Mechadon - Doomworld Thread: Playtesting and Support: A huge thanks to the playtesters: @Matt Eldrydge @Treehouseminis @mancubian_candidate ___________________________________________________________________________________ Screenshots: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mrfitdegzn8yay6nhbka5/OO.zip?rlkey=2v3568rxmh1qwunfx2p4n65np&st=mmvzt0l5&dl=07 points -
This is a DOS port of HacX 1.2 based on Gerwin Broers' MBF Maintenance Release 2.04, with additional sound code for GENMIDI/OPL3 playback by @ludicrous_peridot. You will need the HacX 1.2 IWAD to play: hx12dos.zip -- binary executable package (alternate download: hx12dos.zip) hxmbf_s.zip -- source code (alternate download: hxmbf_s.zip) The port takes full advantage of MBF fixes and performance improvements. I've also made a few other, mostly cosmetic changes: restored the original title screen with a subtle change that it now says "made for DOOM II engine" instead of "made for DOOM II) restored the original invulnerability palette a custom automap colour scheme, based on that from Strife but with green instead of blue I think it works pretty well with HacX' status bar design. added full support for HUD font palswap to enable working menus and help screen The non-blue font colours (and the background tile) match the fonts used in the original HacX installer. since HacX does not have custom par times, I removed their display from the tally screen altogether I had to make a few other code tweaks to match HacX behaviour and logic. For example, while the original DOS version is based on DOOM II v1.9, player armour can go above 200% when you pick armour bonuses ("dampeners"), like in DOOM v1.2. This is reproduced when you play HacX v1.2 in ZDoom, although I've not found where exactly it is modified, but does not work automatically in MBF. Thankfully, MBF 2.04 has a v1.2 compatibility mode, so I only had the alter the code a bit to make it work. I also turned off item translucency (applied when translucency is enabled in MBF options) for pickups that are meant to be solid objects, such as the Body Armour (Megasphere) or Force Field (Invulnerability). Global translucency is still turned off by default to give the game a more vanilla look. Since neither the v1.1 nor v1.2 demos worked properly in MBF, I recorded new demos taking place in the same levels. The port takes advantage of @ludicrous_peridot's modified Allegro library that enables the use of the GENMIDI lump (DMXOPL is included) for OPL music playback. And yes, you can turn on the optional helper dogs to play around. The port uses the libre versions by @Nash from GZDoom. I also included multiplayer drivers IPXHACX.EXE and SERHACX.EXE, which are modified IPXBOOM.EXE and SERBOOM.EXE from the original BOOM 2.02 distribution that recognise HACX.EXE as a valid executable. I was able to start up a co-op multiplayer game using IPXHACX.EXE using two instances of DOSBox running on the same computer (as described here).6 points
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inkoalawetrust and 5 others reacted to Milkeno for a topic
6 points -
I remember it like this, I thought the marine was taunting the monsters. Like if you picked a difficulty setting, the marine would say it on the messages spot. Like a war cry. Man was I off by a mile, as a kid.. I didn’t see it as a way to play the game on hard or easy. Adding a exclamation “!” mark at the difficulty text did not help either.6 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
NecrumWarrior and 5 others reacted to Arrowhead for a topic
I did my 10th round of randomized deathmatch mapping! I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and this time I got 'MummyTex'! Today's texture pack was from 2001, and was created by Andy McKie - it comes from his WAD called 'Mummy Phuquers 2'. It claims to be an Egyptian-themed megaWAD, in the texture pack readme, but I can't find it on the /idgames archive. Anyway, for being so old, it has some nice features - lots of marble edits, arch midtextures, bricks, and Egyptian mural textures. Honestly, it's not bad at all, if you're wanting to make a WAD of this style - especially if you pair it w/ Doom 2, like I did in this session! The map only took me 1 hour, 58 minutes to complete beginning to end - for some reason, I was much quicker this time! Here are some screenshots from tonight's session! Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 10): MAP11: Pyramid Peril: List of packs used in streams so far: So yeah, didn't really intend for this to be a speedmap - but I'm not complaining! I've been really productive recently, getting a map done every second day! At this pace, it shouldn't take me very long to reach 32 levels! :D6 points -
The viewpoint that NATO is unnecessary is inherently a propagandist lie spread by Russian neo-imperialists. Russia claims there is no reason for an anti-Russia defense pact, while simultaneously viciously attacking and slaughtering anyone who is unlucky enough to not be in that very pact. Russia also clings to revisionist wolrdview where they're still a superpower in a multilateral world split into spheres of influence - and my country joining NATO was the only way to make sure we're no longer within that suffocating, poisonous grasp. I don't care whether you are a westerner or a russian, these days you don't fully know how important NATO is unless you live in Russia's shadow, wondering if you're the next invasion target. It is important to never bow down to Russia ever again.6 points
6 points
I get to work great hours (7 to 3), keep myself in good health, and basically play IRL multiplayer minecraft shooting the shit with some of the funniest, most considerate, and wise people I've ever met. [im a landscaper]5 points
Map 13 : UAC prison Old-school slaughtermaps cooked how I love. Actually, I don't think UAC prison can be defined as a slaughtermap but it's definitely way more surpopulated than what human rights may preconize. UAC prison gives me strong vibes from TNT map 11 and hectic Georges Fiffy's works and that's why it figures as my favourite map in the set. I don't care about the visuals here, killing endless armies of low-tiers enemies with my super shotgun is a reliable source of fun. I love how the central courtyard gets repetitively filled with teleported monsters so you take pleasure to blow them up and the path between the jails at the eastern part of the level prove that you're not a saver. Why releasing the prisoners while I can just shoot them and laughter while commiting sLAUGHTER? Sidenote, the caverns at the western part of the map also gives this map a more TNT allure than usual, probably because the rocks are drawn with simple and random shapes and there's an emphasis put on verticiality at this specific place. Grade : A (17/20)5 points
5 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
Celestin and 4 others reacted to Insaneprophet for a topic
Map 13: UAC Prison Anyone whos read any reviews Ive ever written is already going to be able to guess that this is by far my favorite map in the set yet. I havnt played ahead from here but seeing that someone has already stated that this is the last guest map, this is probably going to be my favorite of the whole wad. Is this a perfect level? No, far from it, but it has the length and monster density that makes it feel like Ive not only done something with my time but maybe even accomplished something while I was at it. I would have loved to get this size map with the aestetics of say map 2, 10 or 11. I dont need cohesive progression or difficult combat, just have a little more meat on the bones and Im a happy man. 😀5 points -
How can I imitate de 'wah' sound on MIDI guitar??
IDDQDtheCacodemon and 4 others reacted to leejacksonaudio for a topic
The "wah" sound is caused by a change in the EQ filter cutoff frequency (I'm not the best at explaining this stuff, that's why I'm not a teacher in the field. But, I shall try.) To "open up" the "wah" sound, increase the frequency cutoff number, and vice versa. To get this to work on a MIDI guitar, you'll need to affect General MIDI patch 30 or 31 (whichever one your MIDI editor says is the Distortion Guitar) and figure out which MIDI command to send to it which will change the envelope cutoff frequency. Experiment with that until you get it right, and that *should* get you going. Good luck!5 points -
Map13: UAC Prison An austere aesthetic of stone and metal, but it flows in a fairly fun fashion and it's nice to get a map that's not afraid of a few proper fights. Although that said, it's still the kind of map you can blind run in a single try with but a modicum of caution. Sometimes it's not clear what the switch you've pressed has just changed or you need to go over a linedef that isn't really signposted, and that door you need to shoot to open just seems a bizarre decision to me, but overall it's a castle crawl I wouldn't mind playing through again. Does a good job of reusing areas when you backtrack, which helps keep things fresh.5 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to Celestin for a topic
MAP13: UAC Prison by John Bishop The last of three maps by guest authors and it's a complete change of style. Pretty much anything you do or anywhere you go, UAC Prison spawns hordes of imps and hitscanners. Fighting this many enemies was a shock at first in a wad that tend to prefer smaller groups of monsters, but damn, it was fun. I stopped my no-save run here, as shotgunners up-close can melt your health and there might not be enough to recover, though the map gives 3 blurspheres that are particularly helpful here. The visual style is one aspect I'm not sure what to think about. I like the courtyard at the start with a curious metal structure (which also serves as an intense finale, where you run with a plasma, pushing back the teleporting spam of monsters) and the fiery caves the complex sits over, but the actual prison is a box of gray rocks and a corridor with cages. I know I shouldn't expect much from a jail, but it could have done better. Despite this, UAC Prison was one hell of a ride, providing a challenge Biowar so far lacked.5 points -
[v1.2.0] DOOMIUM II: A Megawad Worth of Frantic Actions! [BOOM+UMAPINFO]
Bochnik Chleba and 4 others reacted to Keyboard_Doomer for a topic
Hello, we're going to play part 1 (about one third to one half of the maps) for Thursday Night Survival today. The session starts 9 hours from the time of this post and you can expect it to be fairly active for 4+ hours.5 points -
Have you read it? It's saying that russia is committing these crimes, not Ukraine. The one thing it complains about Ukraine doing is having its military within the cities it's trying to defend, which is an incredibly stupid complaint; and even then they do note that russia's thugs are doing the same thing anyway. Also, quick reminder, none of that would have happened if russia didn't try to take over Ukraine.5 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
Votterbin and 4 others reacted to Pseudonaut for a topic
Map13: UAC Prison An action-packed level with a constant influx of things to shoot. Like map06 (both maps are by John Bishop), UAC Prison frequently repopulates previously-visited areas with mostly weak enemies. I'm pretty sure many of them died from infighting while I was ignoring them. Not everything is great; killing caged enemies in the prison is pretty lame, and there's a definite case of "Missing Monster Syndrome" with UV-Max speedrunning. Not a big deal with typical completionist gameplay, though, since all parts of the map can be revisited if need be. One of the better maps.5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to Magnusblitz for a topic
MAP12: Military Center 100% kills, 2/2 secrets I can see the comparison others are making to MAP02, in that both have a center hub with blind teleports to each of the four key areas. I actually liked the center hub area of this one the most, as the design allows the monsters to roam and flank the player, wish more was done with it. The rest of the map is pretty ho-hum though, lots of rote SSG work. There is some slight weirdness in the progression that two of the wings unlock the red and yellow keys in the center, but the blue key's unlock is hidden behind the other key doors rather than just being a third un-keyed wing. I suppose this is the sort of thing that sticks out when the rest of the map is so mentally unstimulating.5 points -
Finished this tonight, had a total blast with it. Map 13, holy smokes. What a beginning and what an ending! I thoroughly loved the animated texture for the shifting colors, too. Great job, everyone!5 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 4 others reacted to veevil for a topic
Operation: Biowar MAP13: UAC Prison (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) Now we're talking! Finally, some good [frag]ing Doom! I asked for some challenge and I got it. Over 360 enemies, almost triple the previous maximum, and the map isn't shy about dropping them behind you in droves when you least expect it. The map seems to especially love sergeants: going by the wiki, almost half of the population is lugging shotguns around. Suits me just fine, means you're never short on shells and blasting groups of squishy foes with the boomstick never gets old. The combat setups here are also leagues ahead the preceding maps, with a nice variety of enemy formations at different ranges, and a good amount of traps to keep you on your toes. Early progression is similar to MAP05 in that you often need to go as far as you can in one direction, then backtrack the other way to find that a new area has opened up. I didn't mind this too much, since Bishop keeps it fresh by warping in enemies each time. In the visuals department, that center room with free refills on enemies and Giger artwork on the walls (from Dark Seed, maybe?) and the dark lava cave you descend into from above stood out. The titular prison tried to avoid monotony by switching up the contents of each cell, but didn't quite manage to do that since the general layout is so simple. I appreciated the effort anyway. The music track is certified Mark Klem quality, no further comment needed. Some criticism: the map is slightly too fond of putting enemy formations right in front of lifts, which results in almost unavoidable damage. The lift-camping revenants especially could really ruin your health if you're unlucky. I got a good chuckle out of the mancubus closets after the yellow key door, though. Specifically, the part where I fell for an identical trap twice in a row. "You think you're fine now, after you survived the trap? Psych! Have another!" I fully expect that I wouldn't have enjoyed the map as much if there wasn't such a clear contrast between it and the previous entries, but this is exactly the kind of thing Biowar needed to grab my attention again. Well done.5 points -
TheGreenZap and 4 others reacted to Cadman for a topic
Well, it may be a "good game" but it will lack that magic touch that came with the original games. To me, there is no more ID Software as it is now all a part of Microsoft Gaming...the original games had that personal touch and feel to them. Doom3 still had some of that feel and it slowly started to dissipate with Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. Don't get me wrong, I have all the Doom games and have enjoyed playing all of them, but call me old fashioned but nothing beats the originals! All the Quake games are in their own genre. It's just a personal opinion here nothing more...I hope that Doom Dark Ages turns out to be a great game and I may or may not get it, but by then it'll probably cost more than I can afford anyway (ha!) Cadman - Member TeamTNT / Doom2 Grandmaster DHT5 Standards5 points -
Pointers for a new mapper
rita remton and 4 others reacted to baja blast rd. for a topic
Good mapping is all about what you want to see in a map. Coming to a better understanding of that and just asking yourself "What do I want?" a bunch, whether about the map as a whole or individual areas in that map, can be pretty powerful. Play wads and pay attention to what you like. Other games can be good sources of inspiration too. Be careful about tips like "inescapable pits are bad" or "platforming is bad" if you've ever come across those, because avoiding specific people's pet peeves is not a good way of improving at mapping, and a lot of good ideas intersect with people's pet peeves. People who rant are not worth appealing to either; there's better demographics to appeal to than angry dudes on the internet, like cute girls. I don't know what stages of design these screenshots are taken or what exactly you're going for, but it seems like you have lighting in at least one of them, so maybe try playing up the lighting contrast more. Don't be shy about mixing darker (128 and below) and brighter (176+) in a room, with or without ramping up between dark and bright. You're in a wall in screenshot #4 -- I thought the sky was glitching out first. Those Doomguy hedges (?) are incredible. Guessing these areas are unfinished, but I like how some motifs seem to recur in different areas, like those 'pools' and storage areas. Having some design motifs that show up in various places, maybe with some variations between them, is pretty good for cohesion and sense of place.5 points -
Making slow progress on Monuments.wad map035 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Scorcher and 4 others reacted to Matt Eldrydge for a topic
Working on my RAMP 2024 map. Decent progress so far, with the main challenge coming from making my map in the 10x10 style, evoking Sunder's scale and using more light wherever possible. Only two fights are done at the moment, kinda shooting for a fun, slaughterlite kinda thing. Also challenged myself to use a midi by Ribbiks, since that felt really hard for me to justify - but I think I'm capable of living up to the choice.5 points -
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WorldMachine and 4 others reacted to Cascade for a topic
5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
veevil and 3 others reacted to Magnusblitz for a topic
MAP13: UAC Prison 100% kills, 2/2 secrets Still a few maps left but I suspect when all is said and done this will be the one that stands out in my memory. It definitely has that 90's vibe to it, especially the somewhat obtuse switch progression at the start, but I never got lost or confused, just more kept in surprise as to what would happen next. I can also definitely see the TNT comparisons. The map is also notable for being loaded to the gills with monster meat (and probably two-thirds of it is shotgunners). I wouldn't want to play a whole megawad like this, but after the last few relatively empty maps, it's a nice change of pace. Things do threaten to get a little boring in the last run, especially making the way through the prison cell area, but thankfully the abundance of plasma helps the player move through things quickly. What's probably the most aggravating is there's a fair amount of blind ambushes due to the lifts, but there's also a decent amount of armor and invisibility spheres to help mitigate this.4 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
veevil and 3 others reacted to Blast_Brothers for a topic
MAP12: Military Center The last few maps have felt like prototypes, but this one feels more fleshed out. The central progression gimmick is a little stilted, but it gives the map more of a 'point' than previous ones. Combat feels tighter here too, though only a mite more threatening - I keep getting handed a plasma gun I don't need in this WAD. Hopefully future maps head more in this direction. MAP13: UAC Prison Let me tell you, when I went down that lift and heard a million things teleport in on the floor above me, I was elated. Somehow, the design strategy of "endless teleport ambushes" and "half the enemies are shotgunners" was extremely effective at creating engaging combat. It feels great to play fights that actually have a chance at killing you. And this map has tidy progression, both the best ominously long lift and extended switch-pressing sequence - and there's been quite a few of both in this set, I'm realizing - and pretty good visuals to tie it all together. Gives me a lot of hope for the rest of the set. Hopefully the fact that a guest mapper made this doesn't mean I have less to look forward to as the WAD nears its end.4 points -
Helion - C# ( 6/24 - Goodbye BSP tree rendering)
Shawn and 3 others reacted to hobomaster22 for a topic
Thanks! I just fixed the issue you reported. I've been testing for the next release and it has a lot of great things I'm excited for. Should be out this weekend.4 points -
Got through a sizeable chunk of the wad, only the last 2 maps to go but they seem massive so I think I'm gonna call it there tonight. Favorite maps so far: 01, 02, 04, 10, and 11.4 points
I obviously didn't know that IATYTD doubled ammo, split damage and had the same monsters as HNTR, and that HMP and UV only differed from the previous ones in that they had more monsters, and that N doubled ammo and monsters and these were faster. But when you see a difficulty selection you know that the first option is the easier one and the last is the harder one, there was no confusion on that aspect.4 points
You mean like Dmitri Utkin, founder of the Wagner PMC? When Putin shot down his airplane, that was the only act of actual denazification russia did. Or like members of Rusich? The far-right movement in Ukraine got 2% of the votes in the last elections before the war. Far right movements in western Europe have a lot more. Far right movements in Russia itself have even more. But even then, a tattoo, even a distasteful one, is not a war crime. You gotta find actual evidence of actual war crimes from Ukrainians. Meanwhile, the list of war crimes committed by Russians is extremely long. The russian state also worships Stalin, a man whose body count is even greater than his buddy Hitler. (Reminder: the Soviet Union entered WW2 on the side of the Nazis, by jointly invading Poland, following the secret agreement from the Molotov-Ribbentropp pact. They were allied until Hitler's sudden-yet-inevitable betrayal in 1941. Stalin spent the first several day of Barbarossa in complete denial about that, btw, not reacting at all. He had just finished purging the red army of every half-way competent officer they could find just to make sure nobody would threaten him, and now he needed them but they were all dead. The UK had warned him about Hitler's plans beforehand but he had dismissed it as the decadent capitalist west trying to shatter the ironclad alliance of the dictators.) "Both-side-ism" is so very fucking stupid. Noted place where everything is absolutely true 100% of the time, "the Web".4 points
Post a picture of yourself!
Biodegradable and 3 others reacted to Arrowhead for a topic
Need a haircut! :)4 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
ant and 3 others reacted to Cacodemon187 for a topic
Early WIPs of yet another megawad I'm trying to get off the ground! Nevermind the other two or three megawad promises I've shared here. This time I've set myself a deadline of 5 years, which surely is enough time, right?4 points