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Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
doomdaniel95 and 16 others reacted to Gosu_Noob for a topic
E3M8 UV-Speed in 27 e3m8-027.zip https://youtu.be/OUnZDxSgkPA17 points -
Hi, I've never gotten too deep into source ports and custom WADs, but my friend and I had a "LAN party" in 2013 where we both installed Odamex and played a tiny bit of deathmatch and a lot of co-op with the two of us and whoever randomly joined our server (whichever one of us happened to be hosting). In Odamex, when you highlighted a server in the browser it would obviously show a bunch of info about the server. One of the data points it would show was the URL for where the server was hosted, and I'll never forget just randomly clicking through and seeing a server hosted at a URL called http://grandpachuck.org. I saw that and my mind was pretty blown. And in my disbelief, all I could do was look at my friend and say "dude....... look at this server's URL! It's freaking grandpachuck.org!!!!!!!!!" And we had a really good laugh. And even though I understood the danger at hand, I ended up visiting grandpachuck.org into my web browser just to sate my morbid curiosity. What I found was something that was not f*cked up at all—but rather somewhat wholesome. It was a(n old) dude hosting a Doom server from the back of his retro van parked out in the woods! The URL/server now seems to be down, but at the time this felt like discovering one of the deepest and most authentic corners of the internet. The text on the page read: Further below, it showed a list of the current servers being hosted, with pictures of the maps available As the URL is currently throwing a "403 forbidden" error when visited from a browser, the only way to see the facade of yore is via the Wayback Machine https://web.archive.org/web/20230609182955/http://grandpachuck.org/ So my question, and the reason why I posted this, is does anyone know Grandpa Chuck personally or has interacted with him online? Chuck III, are you a Doom fan bro? And if so, what can you tell us about your grandpa? We don't deserve him, but he's provided a platform for a lot of people to have a lot of fun! To anyone who knows him, how's his health? What's happened to The Hammer? And also normal users who may not know Grandpa Chuck personally, have you ever come across his servers/site, and what was your experience? And how did you react? Thanks for reading everyone! This post was mainly made to highlight something really cool I found a long time ago, but also to hear other folks' experiences with these servers. Peace!12 points
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
doomdaniel95 and 11 others reacted to Orii for a topic
E3M8 UVMax in 0:36 Zip: e3m8m036.zip Video: https://youtu.be/HDuKMnrEcek?si=T1Kn0Kw2P3D5_7Ny12 points -
Still have been working hard on that one WAD I posted some screenshots of here.12 points
12 points
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
doomdaniel95 and 9 others reacted to Gosu_Noob for a topic
E3M8 Pacifist in 56s e3m8p056.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-7HcD970tM10 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
Windowpain and 9 others reacted to erkyp3rky for a topic
10 points -
Alright WAD [WIP]
JackDBS and 8 others reacted to knifeworld for a topic
Putting your own work in a bad light isn't going to go very well if you want people to play it so they can see what you do have as far as complete levels go.9 points -
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inkoalawetrust and 8 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
9 points -
Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]
doomdaniel95 and 7 others reacted to megasphere308 for a topic
First demo with my son :) E1M1 NM100S Co-op in 0:12 Players : megasphere308 and Draw&play c1s1-012.zip https://youtu.be/8lZqzemghHM8 points -
Sunder demos [-complevel 9]
Searcher and 7 others reacted to Crusador560 for a topic
map19 max in 2:03:12 su19m20312.zip8 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
NecrumWarrior and 7 others reacted to Treehouseminis for a topic
I REALLY like high contrast Lighting8 points -
Doom Pictures Thread 2024
EXERT.VOC and 7 others reacted to ShiroiAkuma51 for a topic
8 points -
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DRON12261 and 6 others reacted to Sgt. Daniel mk. XII for a topic
7 points -
31, And Then Some (UMAPINFO / Boom-compatible)
stochastic and 5 others reacted to DoctorNuriel for a topic
The result of a map sketch I did a few days ago, on my 31st birthday. This Boom-based map uses UMAPINFO and was built using only 310 lines (and 31 monsters). The music is a MIDI rendition of Carpenter Brut's "347 Midnight Demons". Warp to MAP31! //// MAP31 replacement for Doom 2 Boom-compatible / UMAPINFO Author: DoctorNuriel Tested in: GZDoom Multiplayer support: Co-op Jumping: No Crouching: No Freelook: Allowed Size: Small Difficulty implemented: No Est. playtime: About 5 minutes //// Screenshot: Download here!6 points -
Map 26: Mouse | UV-Max in 50:39.31 sf1126m503931.zip6 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
Roofi and 5 others reacted to General Roasterock for a topic
Map 14: Absolution Every now and again, I love a map that feels evil. The Memento Mori II OST has done a lot of lifting for this set, but Absolution is more than capable of walking side by side with it. The oppressive coverage by the Chaingunners, the scale in the outdoor sections being the most believable thus far, the multitudes of demonic iconography, everything bleeds. Ambushes are actually a surprise here due to the fact that everything else is dripped in so slowly after that first initial rush through foes to the pretty blatant River Styx reference. Man, Habin liked Evilution. A replay definitely improved my experience with it even further, as I was able to choose the correct of the two secret teleporters to get to the Super Shotgun, giving new life to the shells I had collected previously. The second by second is nothing terribly impressive, but the ebb and flow of working your way to a significant fight like the church or the courtyard is about the best in terms of navigation that Biowar has. It’s thrilling enough.6 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
Roofi and 5 others reacted to Lila Feuer for a topic
Operation: BIOWAR MAP13: UAC Prison (Post Hell in playable form) Ultra-Violence / Pistol Start / Nugget Doom / Vanilla compatibility K: 364/364 I: 38/38 S: 2/2 T: 25:20 I'm honestly kinda at a loss for words here, this is simultaneously the "best" and "worst" thing in the WAD so far. A huge spike in monster count and very strong TNT vibes lends to a sort of whiplash compared to everything else up to this point. It's not bad though. The opening area has cool shadow work from the Event Horizon-esque architecture and once again we have HR Giger art for some reason but sure, it's the 90s. I managed to kill 54 enemies in less than five minutes due to repeatedly triggering ambushes. An honestly handy secret can be found near the SSG's resting place that gives you the plasma gun and blue armor which will come in handy for rapidly mowing down the literal mobs that will be dumped on you. Hexen's lava flat is nice in Doom but this was cheaply converted to the Doom palette and thus has some stray yellow pixels that could've been filled in easily enough (Scythe II does this.) Despite the start the level's title means something here eventually with a silly amount of caged monsters, which is certainly my least favorite part as caged monsters feel like a waste of time (and ammo.) That said you won't be hurting for any as there's shells and cells for days, I left with the latter at 146. So yeah, this was quite the detour! Operation: BIOWAR MAP14: Absolution (a solution for better abs?) Ultra-Violence / Pistol Start / Nugget Doom / Vanilla compatibility K: 147/148 I: 34/38 S: 2/2 T: 18:26 My first death! Thanks to a Baron that springs up out of the floor in front of the blue key as I tried to blindly charge forth only to have my entire groin region torn out. Was actually a rougher first try than I'd anticipated also as I ended up copping too many blows from hitscanners which left me deprived of badly needed health by the time I got to the TNT MAP29 rip-off tribute area at 16 hit points which dwindled down to a measly six. I was somehow able to hold on with no ammo as I got the Imps removed by a lonely Hell Knight before rushing up to grab the rocket launcher to finish him off, even somehow survived against the Pain Elemental too, but not that Baron at 51 health and 16 armor! Cool starting room and outdoor area, honestly some visually striking areas all-around, using the lava flat as a wall behind a grate with the dark silhouettes of Imps was particularly effective. There's a particularly neat part where you get to look through windows out into the red key area, which provides a nice fight. On the bad side of things the SSG is relegated to a secret and it's locked by the blue key and it's hidden in plain sight. Yeesh! Thankfully I had it with me during the red key battle but I spent almost 16 minutes of my playtime without it and; yeah, it kinda sucked, but other than that it was a pretty good level I'd say. Somehow missed a monster and four items but got all the secrets, so no idea what happened there. Be sure to make a donation to the Church of FIREBLU or Caci will fart on you in your sleep.6 points -
What is the Doom monster who would benefit the most from the Spectre transparency effect?
bsharp and 5 others reacted to heliumlamb for a topic
the arch-vile, to assist in their Sneaky Platinum Extraction (by way of catalytic converter)6 points -
6 points
Update: Have actually beaten God Machine.5 points
Share Your Sprites!
Lizardcommando and 4 others reacted to DoomGappy for a topic
I made this a long time ago, and I would like to pitch a suggestion for anyone that is better than me at spriting. How about making a bunch of sprites for a microbial mod? This one is the cacovirus. There could be others based on other types of microbes. I'm throwing it out there if anyone likes it.5 points -
5 points
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
NecrumWarrior and 4 others reacted to SkeletronMK666 for a topic
5 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
Milkeno and 4 others reacted to SkeletronMK666 for a topic
5 points -
what are your favorite/least favorite doom enemies?
ptrdoom and 4 others reacted to TheMagicMushroomMan for a topic
*opens locket* revnant5 points -
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
Roofi and 4 others reacted to Pseudonaut for a topic
Map14: Absolution Speedrunning this seemed like it would be a chore, so I only played it once. The atmospheric midi does a lot to improve the experience. A few moments stood out to me: the pop-up baron in front of the blue key was cheap, but amusing. You also get ambushed by two revenants in an uncomfortably small room after the yellow key, and escaping into the hallway seems effective. Of course, at the end, a couple dozen unlucky demons are thrown at you and your rocket launcher.5 points -
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Burgish and 4 others reacted to PortuGueseCat67 for a topic
Sure! I will do it tomorrow , because today is my birthday!5 points -
what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.
NecrumWarrior and 3 others reacted to Arrowhead for a topic
I did my 11th round of randomized deathmatch mapping! I rolled the randomizer at the start of the stream, and this time I got 'GothMash'! The map only took me 2 hours, 30 minutes to complete beginning to end. Here are some screenshots from tonight's session! Random Doom2 Deathmatch Mapping (STREAM 11): MAP12: Keep of the Damned: List of packs used in streams so far: I'm more than a third done this new megaWAD already! :D4 points -
4 points
Otherworldly Ossuary [MBF21]
StormCatcher.77 and 3 others reacted to AshtralFiend for a topic
Don't give up skeleton! Fight your way out of space purgatory. You are already dead, but everything here wants you 7 feet under. Info: Otherworldly Ossuary is a small MBF21 single map with cramped puzzle-like combat. - Completion time is about 8 minutes; - All difficulty skills implemented; - Tested in DSDA; - Map does not work correctly in GZDOOM (use it at your own risk); Dehacked Info: - Plasma rifle speed and damage slightly buffed; - Lost Souls have reduced health: 50HP; - Pain Elementals explode when killed (keep your distance) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: Music: Title Screen - "Fine Example" by Velvetic Map 01 - "Scavengers" by Velvetic Intermission - "Lethargic Eyes" by Velvetic Cast sequence - "Descent" by Isotype Color Palette - "WasteLand" by me Doom Eternal plasma rifle Sprite by Sonik.o.fan: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=1205754#p1205754 Sky texture by Mechadon - Doomworld Thread: Playtesting and Support: A huge thanks to the playtesters: @Matt Eldrydge @Treehouseminis @mancubian_candidate ___________________________________________________________________________________ Screenshots: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mrfitdegzn8yay6nhbka5/OO.zip?rlkey=2v3568rxmh1qwunfx2p4n65np&st=mmvzt0l5&dl=04 points -
Operation: Biowar MAP14: Absolution (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) Absolution is a slightly by-the-numbers map that, regardless, keeps my interest better than many of the preceding Harbin maps due to increases in complexity and combat difficulty. A certain Plutonia-esque vibe around the place, not just because of the color scheme heavy on the reds and browns but also because there sure are a lot of chaingunners (no archies, though). For my taste, the map takes slightly too long to yield the good guns, so you'll again have to contend with a fair number of mid-tiers while leaning on the shotgun and chaingun. At least the larger fights in the final stretch give you a reason to uncork the heavy artillery, so it doesn't feel like you're arming up for nothing. All in all, not bad. An idle thought occurred to me when looking at the satanic chapel near the start of the map. I know I've seen the same trope a dozen times at least, approaching the altar through the main aisle with every pew filled with demons intently listening to the sermon. Where did this start? This must've been one of the earlier examples, but can't have been the first time it showed up in a Doom map. It could be just one of those obvious trains of thought that have occurred independently to many mappers over the years, I guess.4 points
So, GZDoom has replaced its sector light options...
Toxisploder and 3 others reacted to NeoWorm for a topic
You may have made the map, but you are not playing it so it's not your choice. If a mapper wants to set the light profile, they can already (even if the correct process is actually not documented on wiki). If I want to change it anyway, or play level that does not have any light profile set up and looks not according to what I like I can't anymore. This is just net loss for everybody, only some people don't care. And that is not the solution - adding it to autoexec overrides the MAPINFO and setting it through console is not saved when exiting GZDooM and starting again. So both these options are bad and downgrade from what was available before. In my opinion even vanilla DooM campaingn looks better with DooM sector light mode. If you don't agree, that's your problem not mine. Now let me set this thing as I want, because I am the one who plays it. That's the whole problem.4 points -
What is the Doom monster who would benefit the most from the Spectre transparency effect?
knifeworld and 3 others reacted to yakfak for a topic
Energy Cell Pack4 points -
Bit of an old topic, but for what it's worth I fully support this change. I've seen plenty of new players butcher the intended way maps should be played by accidentally using the wrong lightmode and not even realizing they were doing it wrong. Keeping a smaller, more vanilla-accurate list in the menus and reserving the extended list in the console/auto-exec for more advanced users is a sound approach, and one I have no issues with. And for mappers: always, always put your desired lightmode in your MAPINFO if you care about the lighting in your map one iota.4 points
Map 14 is moody affair thats nowhere near the chaos of the previous map, but I still enjoyed it. These maps are getting very TNT-like as they go on, could probably retexture a lot of maps with the TNT iwad and have nothing amiss. The chapel got my Fuck-off BFG to cler out the horde...did not expect the baron to ambush me though. Or the second rise from the floor baron later on for that matter. The 6 chaingunner courtyard got me good. I see I wasnt the only one to think that! I nearly skipped today's map, as Kingdom Hearts came out on Steam today, but once I realised how bad the resolution is on the two movies on the first collection, I set the movie to play in the background for the unlocks, while playing Doom in the other window. Multitasking!4 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 3 others reacted to RHhe82 for a topic
MAP14: Absolution. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 148/148, S: 3/3, I: 34/38. Comp. time 19:21 Absolution's a fine map. The enemy numbers are toned down, and it never feels like a chore (except possibly the marble arched hallway with cacodemons patrolling outside - but only if you stop there to take care of them with a shotgun - you'll be better equipped later). But it's also a little bit less exciting. The battle for red key is fun, I even died there once to a face-rocket against teleporting HK. Fine map. These maps are getting longer, no more 2 minute fares... And now that I remembered to think about it: pistol starting hasn't proven a bad choice -- whatever their design philosophy was, almost all the maps have so far given ample ammo to deal with whatever mappers have thrown against the player.4 points -
None of them but the Specter itself makes sense. Giving that characteristic to any other monster the game wouldn't benefit anything, it would just throw the balance off. The pinky was chosen because it has no ranged attacks. Worrying about dodging projectiles from enemies you can't immediately see while also avoiding other projectiles would be very confusing in the mix and not fun. Also the specter being most effective in dark areas gives the game both the ability to surprise the player or surround them during combat if they don't notice them initially. By the way, if using GZDoom, there is an option to turn the Lost Souls translucent as well. Another melee monster to less.4 points
The DWmegawad Club plays: Operation: BIOWAR & Equinox
LadyMistDragon and 3 others reacted to E.M. for a topic
MAP14: Absolution DSDA-Doom, UV, Pistol Start This map is like Plutonia, but less fun. The Hell aesthetics are nice and I love the presentation of the starting room, but there's not enough health to mend all the damage you'll take from the many hitscanners. I appreciate how they give you a rocket launcher early on, but I don't like how they buried the only SSG in a secret that's incredibly easy to miss. Things improve somewhat after you're geared up. My favorite part was gunning down demons in a chapel. The part I hated the most was the ridiculously easy softlock. You can get past the yellow door early on, but if you don't go through the blue door and press the switch that lowers the red key pillar beforehand, then you'll be trapped in that arena because the only way to unlock the door that closed behind you is with the red key. I cannot believe that got past playtesting. Also, the big fight in the red key arena is underwhelming. I was able to run around, get them all to infight, and then rocket down the survivors.4 points -
4 points
What is the Doom monster who would benefit the most from the Spectre transparency effect?
Cinnamon and 3 others reacted to Maximum Matt for a topic
Imagine a mod where the enemies can pick up the sphere items when they walk over them - have a cyberdemon or an arch-vile standing right behind a blur sphere or an invun sphere, that would be a unique challenge4 points -
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Lizardcommando and 3 others reacted to DevilMyEyes for a topic
4 points -
maps that broke you, for better or for worse!
KeaganDunn and 2 others reacted to Lila Feuer for a topic
@Jimmy How'd you go about it? I played all of Sunlust on HMP and it's harder than most thing on UV so I think that was the right call for a first-time playthrough. I never save during fights (unless I can break line-of-sight and get into cover for a guaranteed breather) so needless to say that was probably the craziest battle I've had since MAP30 of Scythe II, which I totally had to savescum because that wad's difficulty went off the rails in the last five or so maps, at least on UV. Doing the final battle with the barons and arch-viles in the last room one by one in one go after like six or seven tries felt legit good but I was almost beginning to wonder if I'd met my match regarding skill ceiling lol.3 points -
Alright WAD [WIP]
knifeworld and 2 others reacted to yakfak for a topic
i get the vibe yr going for, downloading <3 congrats on releasing your first thing3 points -
What is the Doom monster who would benefit the most from the Spectre transparency effect?
Toxisploder and 2 others reacted to Gez for a topic
Why stop at spectre fuzz? Let's go all the way to stealth monsters, everyone's absolute most favoritest custom monsters from the late 1990. For bonus points, improved stealth monsters, instead of becoming visible, they become fuzzy.3 points -
Map14: Absolution Rich in gloomy corridors, tight encounters, and with a somber, suspenseful song driving and oppressive atmosphere, Absolution stands out as a tense, hitscan heavy, creepy crawl through a dark cathedral. It's easy to let health get knocked away and it's not overly generous on drops...3 points