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  1. why is mhrz invis liking everything like kuckkuck
    14 points
  2. Road To Hades A 32 map Boom compatible megawad for TNT:Evilution. IWAD: TNT:Evilution (tnt.wad) Compatibility level: Boom Maps: 32 Difficulty settings: Yes Multiplayer: No Build time: About a year and a half Tested in: DSDA-doom 0.27.5 Check rth.txt for MIDI credits :) Download:rth.zip
    12 points
  3. Gotta keep this up but maybe we need to try a more violent approach, I'll be hoarding some sick ks1 demos, if you want to see them, give us ks2, thanks.
    12 points
  4. Way 2 Many Dead Guys (Beta 1) by Urthar 5 Boom-format maps for Doom 2 Urthar is best known for his efforts in the style of Quake, but the unfinished W2MDG remains my favorite work of his. It was formative in my love of Shapes in Doom. Every map is built around its own shape motif, like looping semi-circles and triangles with beveled corners. The nonorthogonal architecture is designed to accommodate Doom's standard texture lengths, and this sometimes required multiple attempts* at areas to get right. Outside of that, the overall craftmanship is strong. Urthar gets how the stock textures work together, finding far-flung combinations and unusual recontextualizations that jell. The best are creative composites, like BROWN96 and BROWNGRN being combined to form a grimy dirt-caked wall. The texturing and detail, combined with the shaping, gives the set a sleek, futuristic sci-fi character. It evokes a modernized early Doom 2 starbase not so much through greatly increased detail as through amped-up stylization. Maps two to four, despite not being large, have an expansive character and wondrous mystery to them -- with secrets and dark side areas that lurk behind windows and gratings. The level design is consistently smart in how objectives are broadcasted, and in the subtle ways you can transform the environment. The creepy atmosphere hits the strongest in the dark sewers and empty back alleys -- or when odd shapes recur close-by at different scales like fractals, which creates the vibe that maybe the world was twisted into these forms. Fans of easier wads will appreciate how Urthar prefers using lots of Doom 1 popcorn enemies, and how Doom 2 enemies like revenants are treated with reverence, as if a group of three can be a mini-boss encounter. The abrupt hell finale is the clearest sign of unfinishedness, but even in this form W2MDG is very worth a play. *source of dev pics (what do you mean that "W2MDG" is cheating to lower word count I'd never do such a thing)
    11 points
  5. map23 max 1:37 lv23-13734.zip
    11 points
  6. ViolentBeetle

    Doomcute thread

    Some stuff from my Paint it Doom map. Motel parking lot: Motel room: Gas station shop:
    9 points
  7. Oh dear, look at the time, it's beta release o'clock. Check the OP post for the beta. I did finish the map, though I didn't 100% it. I did some changes after testing, but it shouldn't introduce any new issues. Enjoy.
    9 points
  8. Hi folks! How are you? Today I bring you Hunger, an E1M1 replacement inspired by it but with a hellish twist. This is a long map, aprox 30~40' playing it blind on UV. You need the 3 keys to exit, but you can get them in any order, so exploration is encouraged. There are secrets, but the level is beatable on UV without them. UV is meant to be hard, so expect heavy opposition right from the start. Tested with PrBoom Plus 2.62 and DSDA Doom 0.27.5, should run with any limit removing port. Screenshots UV Max playthrough by Astro X: Download Now! hunger.zip Cheers!
    8 points
  9. More updates to my RAMP 2024 map. Not sure what I'll call it yet, but the second half of it is about halfway done.
    8 points
  10. Kan3

    Share Your Sprites!

    I could finally get back to work on some sprites and finish the walking animation (front) for the undog Also, I'm going to finish rotations (one day...) for this "beauty"
    8 points
  11. Some more preview shots of my TC. All enemies are coded in now. I just got to populate and playtest the demo map.
    8 points
  12. True ultimate answer: So nothing in Doom has infinite height, this is a (annoyingly constant) misunderstanding brought upon by shit Youtube videos and GZDoom's horribly named settings. This even includes lines themselves, in which the height is actually a defined part of the sector reference, the organization of which is to reduce the amount of work needed for the renderer to calculate draw lists. Height collisions can be observed in many things such as projectile and hitscan collisions, item pickups, and general movement around geometry (this isn't just some weird camera trick, that would make multiplayer impossible). Heights even come into play for decorative objects such as trees, they all have a height of 8! You can't move over them because they are solid, but projectiles aren't and pass right over them unless you fire a projectile at the same level as them. What is obviously not possible that you may notice is you can't walk over enemies. If everything in Doom has height, why is that? While testing X/Y movement, if both objects are flagged as solid then the collision check explicitly ends early. This is to prevent a problem observable in later game releases on Doom's engine, very notably Strife: the physics has no way to reconcile what happens if an actor is pushed vertically into another actor. The keyword is pushed, such as a sector being raised. In Strife if this happens, the two actors become stuck inside eachother as the Z movement is never rejected. This is a problem that persisted even in Quake, Quake2 and Half-Life, but with a different outcome. Because brushes can move along arbitrary vectors (and thus an actor can be pushed in any direction) a different solution was needed, however in this case it's now "just crush the actor". You'll see this notably on some lifts, if an object lands on top of another (say an enemy jumps and lands on your head) while on a lift that's moving up, the middle entity (i.e you) gets immediately crushed to avoid having to resolve the recurrent collision.
    7 points
  13. Hi everyone! Long time no see. I have decided to join for this month, seeing the recent activity and two wads I was somewhat familiar with. As far as I can tell, both wads were released in mid November (Operation: Biowar in 1999, Equinox in 2001). I think I have played Biowar a decade ago in ZDoom with a gameplay mod such as Aeons of Death. The name of the wad sounded familiar and I definitely recognized the last few levels, though it is possible I may have also played the wad on a Skulltag server back in 2010 or so, which is why those parts seemed so familiar to me. I have also played Equinox a couple times before, similarly done once a decade ago in ZDoom with AEOD and may have used God Mode cheat in the last level because it was unplayable for me at that time. Both these very old playthroughs were probably done on HMP skill, as back then I wasn't that good at DOOM as I am nowadays. However, I have replayed Equinox a few times in last few years (2021, 2022 and 2023) using different versions of ZDoom (1.22, 1.23b33 and 2.8.1) on UV skill, getting 100% (or as much as possible) in each level, with mouselook and jumping enabled (and crouching in ZDoom 2.8.1, since crouching wasn't added until ZDoom 2.1.7 or so). The last Equinox playthrough was last November. As such, I will NOT revisit Equinox for this month and most likely never will, since it was quite exhausting, especially towards the end. But I will still review the levels while watching some YouTube videos to refresh my memory. For now, I will review BIOWAR which can be considered a semi-blind playthrough. I only looked up on Doomwiki.org for secrets and I guess the final level on YouTube to see if it's a standard IOS fight. I have played biowar.wad in DOOM2.EXE v1.9 using DOSBox 0.74-3, UV skill, 100% everything, continuous with saves, keyboard only controls. At the moment of writing, Biowar was done just a couple of days after the topic was started and these weeks I am revisiting Final Doom after a decade or so since I played TNT & PLUTONIA last time. Obviously I am playing them in DOSBox as well (TNT is done, currently revisiting PLUTONIA). Biowar seems to be fully playable in DOSBox, as the text file doesn't mention anything about source ports. There are also plenty of new textures, a new soundtrack by Mark Klem (who you may recognize from creating the soundtrack for old classic megawads such as Memento Mori series and Requiem) and even a new HUD graphic (this graphic predates the Community Chest series and the graphic itself might be based off Duke3D's save/load menus), with an older Marine being the protagonist of this wad, taking place of DoomGuy who has been killed. The HUD face definitely gives me HacX vibes (will eventually get into that game), as it has been mentioned earlier but I think it also looks like a graphic you could see somewhere in Quake 2. Oh yeah and there's some new sounds included, though the death screams of the zombies are obviously from Quake. The weird thing being that Ranger's death sounds from Quake are used, so it feels a bit weird to hear Ranger (aka QuakeGuy) dying whenever you kill zombies. Could have used the death sounds of Grunt and Enforcer or maybe some Quake 2 enemies instead. :P The only disappointing thing so far is that there are no new gameplay demos when loading the wad but thankfully there is a new story provided in the text file which makes up for the lack of new demos. Let's see how well BIOWAR holds up in 2024. I will keep my reviews rather short from now on. Total Deaths: 0 or 1. Depends if you count the random instant death upon destroying the IOS in last map, otherwise I had no other deaths in the wad. :) Screenshots: Overall, Operation: Biowar is not bad at all. In fact, I'd say it's pretty good, especially for 1999 standards. It is also easy and fun. Quite underrated wad, since I really like many of the levels and especially the soundtrack by Mark Klem who made the soundtrack for Memento Mori series, Requiem, etc. I already recognized a few songs that were from those wads anyway but I wanted to point out anyway. The only criticism I have is that some levels are really damn dark (even at Gamma Correction Level 2), it is hard to see the enemies in the darkness. And the occasional game breaking bug (MAP05) and unreachable secret (MAP08), though there are workarounds for both of these issues. Oh yeah and maybe there could have been some sprite replacements for weapons/monsters as well, especially since there are already new music, graphics, sounds and textures included but the problem is that this would have made the wad much more difficult to install in the original DOS version of DOOM2, due to having to use third party programs to merge sprites into the DOOM2.WAD and shit like that which I am not very familiar with, despite playing Doom wads since back in 2007 or so, it wasn't until a couple years ago when I started playing old wads in DOSBox, to get the authentic experience. Then I started to get familiarized with DEHACKED, DEUSF and other old modding tools, so I could properly install old wads in DOSBox. Otherwise, I like how the wad is fully playable in DOOM2.EXE in DOSBox. I never had a single crash, well other than loading the final level's save with the IOS active, caused DOSBox to freeze due to yet another vanilla Doom bug/limitation. Luckily, I had a save before entering the portal leading to the IOS fight, so I could redo the part and do it without dying, to give the wad a proper closure, as it's unlikely to ever play the wad once again in the future, unless the authors decide to update it one day. Which reminds me, I wouldn't mind if Biowar were to get remastered/remade one day. I can imagine it turned into a full 32-level megawad with remade maps, various issues fixed, more polish, more challenge in some maps, etc. It would be a worthy megawad and better remembered. I will review Equinox towards the end of the month. Until then, I hope to catch up with reading everyone's posts. Have a nice day everyone.
    7 points
  14. Made more good progress wit my map, though at this rate I'm not sure I'll actually meet the deadline unless I focus entirely on it. I've already cut down some ideas I had, so it's boiled down to 2 big fights with some padding between, then a final fight. More screenies:
    6 points
  15. Map 17 "Sacrilege" Sacrilege was a disappointing penultimate map that didn't feel enough "finalish" to me. Let's start with the good points. As some people said, Chris Harbin had some skills at creating large memorable areas with few sectors. The central courtyard is the landmark of the level as it leads to all sections and it highlights the ominous red sky that scream "You're in hell now ! Prepare to die !". However, both keys' section lack of interest as they consist to randomly built tech-bases with unengaging combats designed on-the-fly. Am I supposed to be scared by a gang of teleporting imps at this point? Some arch-viles show up, but you don't need much strategy to defeat them. Music makes me feel like I'm on a mission that's riskier than it actually is. A cyberdemon inhabits the central courtyard but you can easily let him asleep until you obtain the easy-to-find secret containing the BFG. As for the last section, this is what the level should have looked like all along: infernal caverns surrounded by lava. Not the most imaginative theme, but for a penultimate map, it would fit like a glove. A "Hell Cauldron"-like map from Hell Revealed 2 without the high difficulty. I like the final section but the small platforming was more tedious than hard. This little passage tests your patience rather than your precision. Overall, "Sacrilege" was a decent map but it doesn't exude ambition. Grade : C+ (11/20) Map 18 : Die Heuschrecke Without surprise , "Die Heuschrecke" is a tasteless conclusion involving an Icon of Shit but the latter is so easy to skip that I didn't have the time to be annoyed. I can't dislike this map. I just consider this map has a filler, showing that Chris Harbin ran out of ideas and it was time to finish with this piece. The surreal floating platforms look cool though but that's all. Grade : C- (8/20) Overall opinion of Operation : Biowar The question to ask is, "Is Biowar a good wad?" Frankly, yes. For a wad released in the late 1990s, quality and consistency manage to maintain a certain consistency. Megawads like Hell Revealed or Memento Mori tend to have big flops in the mix. Far from thinking that Biowar has stood the test of time, no level currently suffers from major level design problems. There are a number of fillers, but the overall project is fairly solid, making this wad particularly accessible and easy to play. I have to say that Biowar looks like a convergence of influences between many, including Memento Mori I and 2, TNT evilution , Eternal Doom and other blockbusters released during the 1990s, but this wad feels much more conventional in its execution, which makes it more enjoyable to play than the wads I've mentioned. Memento Mori is too community-oriented at times, and the adventure aspect is too disorientating in Eternal Doom and TNT, for example. Chris Harbin succeeded in mixing adventure and action in Biowar. The megawad is easily finished in 2 hours, which is a decent, if not optimal, length. Within these few hours, Biowar manages to take us to a number of different locations, including a volcano, a dense forest, ordinary bases and even a few hellish places. Despite a particularly low challenge, this wad manages to immerse me in a kind of story, unlike other megawads which tend to be more of a "compilation". I don't think biowar has enormous replayability, but it's a typical case of a little adventure-oriented wad that's easy to play if you've got a few hours to kill. And for lovers of vanilla compatibility, it's a small classic. I think the main "detriment" that prevented this wad from being more popular was not reaching the sacred 32-maps format but honestly it wasn't necessary at the risk of more fillers. If I could give this wad an overall grade, it would be a B. There are a few hits, such as map 13 "UAC Prison" and map 15 "Heat", as well as a few not-so-good maps, such as the last two, but overall it's still enjoyable. Nothing breaks the ceiling, but no disappointment there. Above all, Biowar remains a wad from the 1990's. About the grades I gave : one A eleven B (4 B- ; 5 B ; 2 B+) seven C (2 C- ; 1 C ; 4 C+) My three favourites maps : 1 - Map 13 "UAC Prison" (17/20) - Really furious level in which the combats were way less procedural than the rest of the megawad. An exemple of "Proto-slaughter" kind of map I like. 2 - Map 15 "Heat" (15/20) - A heroic adventure inside a beautiful volcano full of hazards. 3 - Map 10 "Dark Forest" (15/20) - This map felt like a relatively peaceful stroll in order to reach the icy lands of Operation:Biowar. Really like this map for its outdoors settings. And the three worst ones : 1 - Map 18 "Die Heuschrecke" (8/20) - A bland IOS map. 2 - Map 07 "Apparatus" (8/20) - While I appreciate the idea of not following the usual mancs + arachnotrons trope, the combats remain poor for the most part and the progression annoyed me a bit. 3 - Map 02 "Terror Core" (9/20) - A bland and brief hub-based map. And the three hardest maps : Not needed. Even my grandma can beat this wad. Thanks for reading. Good luck with Equinox ! My reviews stop here for this month.
    6 points
  16. Operation: Biowar MAP17: Sacrilege (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) Third time's the charm, apparently, since Harbin's third and final attempt at the teleport hub concept yields the best results. Sacrilege definitely earns the penultimate map slot and just about edges out MAP15 for my favorite Harbin map of the bunch. From the start, your mission is clear: scoot past the cybie and into each of the two teleporters to get gear and keys, then duel the bull for access rights to the final area, which contains a fairly spicy (by this wad's standards) spider encounter. The map even expects you to do some platforming on rising and lowering platforms to reach the exit, which must've drawn some ire from keyboard players back in the day. Experienced players probably won't find the map all that challenging, but the fights are lethal enough to keep you on your toes. Medical supplies may run dry if you make a dumb mistake like, say, take a rocket to the face when BFG-ing the cybie. This can led to some tedious gameplay while avoiding hitscan in the mastermind's domain. Just an example, you know, no specific reason for bringing it up. As an aside, while the visual design of the hub is some of the best in the wad with a great sense of scale and verticality, I kinda wish Harbin didn't use RROCK19 for the floor. It feels a little out of place in Hell. Uh, this is Hell, right? MAP18: Die Heuschrecke (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, DSDA-Doom, complevel 2) A relatively painless Icon of Sin map, one that even includes a brief section of level to clear before the obligatory goat-face fight. A win in my book. As expected from a vanilla IoS outside the 30th map slot, the enemies spawned by it will get harmlessly stuck on each other while you do your business and throw the switches that force open the beast's maw. After that you can leisurely hop down the goat's throat and end the wad on a high note by admiring one of the gnarliest room designs in the whole set. The flesh-vine midtextures really help sell the aesthetic. One last silly mapping move for the road: the last two pre-placed enemies will probably never appear, unless you specifically make 'em. The flame bros are supposed to emerge from their monster closets when you shoot the core (SHOOT THE CORE!), but only hitscan weapons trigger those lines in vanilla. And as everyone knows, only rockets will work on the Romero head that's in there, so why would you even try hitscanning it? Operation: Biowar - Overall thoughts As my running commentary might indicate (if anybody's been reading it), my opinion on Biowar went up and down as the wad went on. On the negative side of things, we have a generally low level of challenge, which leads to many brainless and perfunctory combat encounters. The theming and level of detail feel inconsistent from map to map, with the early levels putting a lot of work into immersion with custom texturing and environmental audio and the later levels going more for broad strokes and being clearly split between spacious maps with lame combat and tighter maps where the fights are more interesting. These traits lead to a grab-baggy feeling, like the set lacks a clear identity. However, there is also a lack of real stinkers in the map line-up, with the low points not going all that low in the grander scheme. And so, in the end, my opinion settled more on the positive side, owing to some stand-out maps in the latter half (13, 15 and 17) and the simple fact that you can easily manage a casual playthrough of Biowar in an afternoon. Sometimes the mood strikes to play something short and relaxed, and Biowar fills that niche nicely. All in all, though I'm unlikely to be revisiting Biowar anytime soon, I don't regret spending the time to play it. Honestly, I've been something of a slacker when it comes to playing 90s releases, so playing Biowar is another step in gaining some perspective on that original golden age of Doom.
    6 points
  17. One of the monsters for my WAD called a titan. Basically a combination of the Heirophant and Hellion from Vault667. I didn't come up with any of the original sprites, but the scaling and combination looks pretty good imo. Needs tons of cleanup though as the legs had to be stretched to fit. Also added some gore to the Zombie Fodder gibs cuz they were very tame lol.
    6 points
  18. I'm not worried because Doom and Doom II will still be around regardless.
    6 points
  19. All Hell is Breaking Loose has some great ones
    6 points
  20. I recently finished Wolf 3D and Spear Of Destiny. Not my favorite games but they were enjoyable and I found the challenge of using the lives instead of saving to be even more fun. I liked it so much that I finished both games without any saves. I just replayed through the original episodes of Doom a moment ago and I also did the same thing, didn't save a single time and if I died I just accepted the punishment. Only died twice in the original episodes, I've died maybe 4 or 5 times in Thy Flesh Consumed so far. Haven't felt any need to use a save. Has this happened to anyone else? I know a few people prefer Pistol Starts but this feels much more different.
    5 points
  21. Hey guys is this the texture filtering thread
    5 points
  22. Give Me All Your Love Map01 UV-Max in 4:51 ul01m451.zip Map01 Pacifist in 2:15 ul01p215.zip
    5 points
  23. It originally existed for optimisation so the CPU doesn't need to check for height of each entity. But as a mechanic it's used to force the player to kill the enemies before being able to advance.
    5 points
  24. Map17: Sacrilege Better than the previous map in nearly every way, but that isn't saying much. It's not quite as empty or rectangular. Still, it's nothing to write home about. You could find yourself uncomfortably close to a cyberdemon after blindly teleporting back to the central hub, but he was very polite to me, never in view from my teleport destination. The spider mastermind encounter succeeds at making you cling to cover for a while before slaying it in typical peekaboo fashion. Map18: Die Heuschrecke Right away, you get a BFG and rocket launcher with what might as well be infinite ammo. Yet, health is scarce until the megasphere toward the end (I could have saved the berserk for a much-needed heal, but I didn't). My health situation may have been caused by carelessness, but I did feel some tension nonetheless. Once you get the mega, the level is over. Nothing puts up a fight compared to what you have at your disposal. Overall: Operation: Biowar can be described in one word - inoffensive. It has clear highlights and lowlights, but nothing that will alienate many players. It tends to be fast-paced, is rarely tedious, and is mindless at times. If you want to play a chill wad from the late 90's, Biowar fits the bill. Just don't expect awe-inspiring visuals or daunting challenges.
    5 points
  25. Work in progress of a new area. Still need to create some skewed texture versions for some slope structures.
    5 points
  26. A nonlinear hellish catacomb filled with gory details, furnaces and skulls. There's a lot of freedom to explore at your own pace, find secrets and collect the keys in any order you find them. All made with Doom 2 resources in UDMF format. Monster count: around 320. Length: 15-20 minutes. Enjoy. I'd appreciate any feedback you can share! >>>>>>DOWNLOAD LATEST VERSION V.1.2: https://mega.nz/file/Dh9DQIYL#FjeFfhr2N31XuSPdQctLyC-T7IDHRfziH1so9M2tSe4
    4 points
  27. Mostly using carryovers for Equinox. MAP01 For a mapper who's best known for his larger than life spectacles, and his levels here tend to be the ones where scale of both the journey and the physical setpieces is most overtly felt, I always thought of Equinox as being impressive for how alive it is on a minute level. The narrative ellipse of the hideout near the beginning, the little storytelling textures and sprites, the fact that there is a weird sidequest to the building's electrical maintenance: positively jam packed opening on an environmental-informational level. This sort of eye for the accumulation of little tidbits of life in the midst of such a grand canvas is what sets Equinox (and, indeed, a lot of BPRD's works) from its era. Only realized this on this playthrough, but for all the fancy SHAWN & lightstrips geometry, it's the blue carpet that is doing so much work in making the base seem snazzy.
    4 points
  28. To piggy back on what @Edward850 is explaining, I once asked Romero what the reasoning was behind this, and it was literally because they couldn't finish the collision in time, and found it didn't hurt gameplay dramatically. Same reason for any other cut aspect of Doom, such as vertical aiming, sliding doors, slopes (allegedly). The task was just too difficult at the time and would have delayed the game.
    4 points
  29. I recently obtained these floppy disks from Jeff Hughes, former product manager of Sculptured Software. I reached out to former programmer Randy Linden, who responded excitedly as he saw his handwriting on the disks. It took some tinkering, but I managed to restore this Amiga HDBackup set, and extract the contents. Randy uploaded the source about 4 years ago, but it was missing some xband multiplayer code, and assets such as levels, music, art, etc. AFAIK, this backup is complete with all code and assets! I have uploaded for all to enjoy here (source.zip is what you want): https://archive.org/details/jeffs-doom-snes-disk-images
    4 points
  30. Well, we're trying to get this ready for "release" ASAP, but certainly very soon. Fine-tuning certain maps so they actually work together (because a lot of connections are currently broken.. consider for example that Supply Depot 2 alone has exits to at least 4 other maps), adding or removing story elements, having a functional pause menu, and so on and so forth. The main problem is that we all are currently extremely busy to consistently grind away at the project. @⇛Marnetmar⇛ is starting a new job, and I have a ton of work IRL as of late, for reasons I can't really go into. The reason "release" is in quotes is because this will be a mostly-completed, mostly-playable preview. Because we don't have an artist, things are gonna be a little bit rough-looking. Some maps will likely not be in their finished state either, but playable enough for everyone to see.
    4 points
  31. this persons pfp hasn't loaded in for me yet istg if its that fucked up dog
    4 points
  32. Making a bit of progress on the AmigaDOS script. It mostly works AFAIK it's just the substitutions are finicky, more work is needed
    4 points
  33. Map01 UV Tyson in 1:30.60 mdnt01t130.zip
    4 points
  34. So far, I have written the script on the Windows side, but not the Amiga side. I also improved the documentation, using my experimentation with porting maps from TNT. I've also read a few more scripts and included some missing build tools and added a bit more to the directory structure. Of course, forked from Sunlitspace542 who has done a phenomenal job on creating a dev environment out of the floppy disk release. https://github.com/lunarmeadow/DOOM-FX
    4 points
  35. Doom does check height for collision between projectiles and other things because that's relatively easy, all you need to check is a binary "did it hit or did it not." But when you have collision between monsters you have to figure out how they collide. Is one standing on top of the other? If the one on the bottom walks away, does the one on top fall down? If the platform they're standing on moves up/down, do they move with it? Suddenly it's more complicated and filled with edge cases, and for Doom they decided it just wasn't important enough to deal with. The height check would be implemented for Heretic, Hexen, and Strife, but that has its own problems; I remember monsters getting stuck in each other fairly often when playing Heretic.
    4 points
  36. Map 17: Sacrilege by Chris Harbin Crispy Doom, UV, pistol-start We are in pure metaphor territory now with a start probably feared greatly in 1999; a Cyberdemon facing away from us in the center of a stark wooden fort. Well turns out that the rest of the map doesn't quite match up but at the same time, the action's far more consistent than the last map and if the ambushes are largely easy, they are still respectable. Like the Caco cloud that floats into a cave from a ledge with a rocket launcher probably intended for them. The hardest section comes at the very end though, with a large open crimson-rocked area with a lava lake in the center and pillars that go up and down like something out of Level 7 of Turok once switches on the sides activate them. But this section also contains a Mastermind across the lake from us with a collection of Lost Souls in front, a Mancubus and Revenant occupying ledges on either side and Imps directly in front. Taking into account that ammo and particularly health are at a premium here when compared to other maps and it's easy to see how this one might turn out moderately difficult. Although there's oddly no Arch-vile at the ending. Map is kind of flash in the pan atm, but there was something else I wanted to look into atm. I can say that Chris made possibly the best he could of limited resources to make a number of impressive places, despite the many less ambitious corridors that can be found as well.
    4 points
  37. As far as the team is aware, no co-op ports currently support DSDHacked and MBF21, so this is simultaneously focusing on solo-net and co-op.
    4 points
  38. Vanilla doom City 17 demo: I used chocolate doom to test this so I would recommend using that to play it but Smack my marine up 3.30 (or any other port) should be able to run it Since I used alot of custom assets with Whacked4 using any other mods with this mod WILL break doom This is my first wad I've ever uploaded so it's a bit small and unimpressive Make sure to give Feedback! (I need attention! >.>) This wad shows off: Custom assets,Voiced dialogue(that can run on dos btw), Real world scale(something that was hard for me when I started mapping) Download: c17 release.7z Asset Credits: Half-life doom - some textures Duketex - some textures Ghost busters doom 2 - some textures Area 51 doom - fence texture Half life alyx - some textures Gmod - some textures Freindly Npcs - https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/114696-stupid-dehacked-tricks/ Everything else - me Tools used: Slade Ultimate doom builder Gcfscape vtfedit Hlmv Photopea Mspaint
    4 points
  39. Favorite - Arch-viles. I don't know who came up with the idea of adding what is essentially a sniper necromancer but they did too good of a job, so many scenarios where archies are just gamechangers in completely unique ways compared to any monster in any other shooter on top of amazing visual and sound design just amazing. Least favorite - Choosing the Icon of Sin or Wolfenstein SS is a cop out imo so I'd give it to the lost soul, they're so unsatisfying to kill compared to everything else and in 90% of situations you're better off using another demon anyways, even in obnoxiousness they're outdone by the Pain Elemental.
    4 points
  40. MAP17: Sacrilege. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 137/137, S: 2/2, I: 46/46. Comp. time 16:01 I feel this one continues in the same vein as the last map, Killing Fields, but is somewhat more fun -- although I didn't appreciate the platforming near the end as I didn't appreciate the SMM sitting somewhere you can't one- or two-shot her with BFG. Speaking of which, being able to two-shot cybers probably wasn't a thing in 1999, and it's a wonderful way to conserve ammo in these older wads (as, I think, is berserks, which modern player can easily use against hell nobles and revenants -- or was that a thing already in 1999? I know I didn't learn to appreciate berserk in that manner until early 2020s). Anyway, decent map that suffers a bit from TNTitis, namely for being too long for its own sake. * MAP18: Die Houseschrecke (sic?). Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 34/34, S: 1/1, I: 3/3. Comp. time 5:22 Eeech, the starting room makes me smell Icon of Sin, and what do you know, it is an IoS map... But, to my surprise, a rather pleasant one. Nothing to write home about, but a decent end to a mapset. I guess the one decent use of IoS is to make it some sort of area you have to survive long enough, but *NOT* do any stupid platforming (with enemies knocking you off) and precision-shooting the brain (having enemies cause constant face-rockets). Maybe this one was even a little bit too easy, but I'm not going to complain. * * * Thoughts on BIOWAR: Honestly, while Operation: BIOWAR won't land in my Desert Island wad folder nor give any reason to tweak my TOP Wads point allocation, and while the overall quality wasn't quite exactly A-tier, I liked it considerably more than I initially expected. BIOWAR presents 19 inoffensive, but mostly nice maps that are just a proper amount of difficult for someone who has only done original IWADs (not TFC or Plutonia, though).
    4 points
  41. New updates/hotfix!! (v.1.2.0) MEDIAFIRE GDRIVE Improve overall text screen visuals including different flat that match the episode's theme Updated both txt file and the post with Music and Mapper credit merge on the txt file, and a map list with author and map number, because @Insaneprophet's gripe (I don't even know what gripe mean, It look negative, so I fix the stuff)
    4 points
  42. 4 points
  43. could a merciful moderator please finally put this thread where it belongs?
    4 points
  44. Looking to submit an initial version of my map soon, here's a sneak peek:
    3 points
  45. I do usually play individual fights saveless, but I've never been interested in playing an entire map completely saveless. If you die a bunch, it largely just teaches you to memorize what to do in the early parts of the map. I'm getting too old and redoing stuff I've done before several times no longer holds any appeal to me - my time is more valuable.
    3 points
  46. Originally from the Monster Resource WAD. Originally created by @Jimmy for the Realm667 "beastiary", way back in 2007. Okay, the behavior is original to Valiant, though the sprites are those of the Diabolist from Demon Eclipse. The Devils of Demon Eclipse, again with a different behavior. (Though much less different, since they haven't been promoted to boss monster status.) Those were originally created by Tormentor for the Realm667 beastiary, way back in 2007. And, obviously, they're based on the Serious Sam enemies. Those are the Guardians from Hell-Forged, themselves an evolution (with brand new sprites) of the Guardians from Demon Eclipse, which used recolored spawn cube sprites originally. Reason is that historically, the wiki editors have been rather reluctant about having pages for fan-made monsters, weapons, or other free-floating resources -- a whole mod, okay, but a mere resource for a mod, eh, nah. Now it's okay to have pages for custom monsters if they're relatively common, at least commonly enough to be used in several notable mods.
    3 points
  47. Very possible. The biggest issue is that texture replacements are tricky. I think it's been done but I can't figure it out. The sounds and music are also quite cryptic, although I've made slight progress on sound replacements. It is possible but would take a while, probably with a team. I think there might still be some missing components, especially related to sound.
    3 points
  48. ViolentBeetle

    Doomcute thread

    I didn't think of it, but maybe I should.
    3 points
  49. First demo with my son :) E1M1 NM100S Co-op in 0:12 Players : megasphere308 and Draw&play c1s1-012.zip https://youtu.be/8lZqzemghHM
    3 points
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