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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/24 in all areas

  1. When i was working on overboard I started making an inflatable banana to replace the chainsaw, but had to give up because I didn't really know what I was doing.
    31 points
  2. E2M4 UV-Max 3:36.14 e2m4m336.zip https://youtu.be/Y-vO9WW814A E2M5 UV-Max 3:59.40 e2m5m359.zip https://youtu.be/JUGz9w6Qf4k E2M6 UV-Max 3:49.60 e2m6m349.zip https://youtu.be/sFM_ccEDMkE E2M7 UV-Max 3:19.66 e2m7m319.zip https://youtu.be/Sq_e9s2tKJE Also grats to Orii and Gosu for the E3M8 sweep :-)
    17 points
  3. A few things that come to mind: SpaceDM9 was originally planned to have significantly more than three maps, and a hub map where you could pick levels. There was going to be a gothic map (which used a bunch of textures that later appeared in BTSX E2), a blue-and-white Greek island map, a forest map, and more. It was very ambitious. A few years prior to that, SpaceDM5 was at one point slated to have a "submarines" gimmick map that would use ACS tricks and camera textures to simulate the sound and visuals of a team-based submarine battle. Most of the actual details of exactly how it was going to play never really materialized. Back around 2008, KDiKDiZD was originally slated to include ambient sounds and bullet casings, but when I revisited the project in 2020 and redid its dehacked patch from the ground up in DEH9000, I decided that my vanilla implementations of both those features were far too obviously janky to be worth keeping instead of using that precious dehacked-patch real estate for things that would actually be cool instead of awkward and half-functional. In 2020 I also very nearly got rid of the camtextures, because my original implementation of them was way too obviously a hack (and was also arguably too low-resolution to be useful), but then the half-circle projection approach came to mind, vaguely inspired by the weird projected computer displays in the movie Brazil, and everything fell into place from that. In BTSX, I heavily revised the layouts of some of my own maps before releasing them (or in the case of Navigating Flood Regions, I also did it a second time after release). Prior to E1's first public release, I'll Replace You With Machines and Navigating Flood Regions both underwent significant reworking in the form of "delete roughly 2/3rds of the map and start over", because their original layouts consisted of a lot of aimless corridor spaghetti that I struggled to do anything interesting with. In the case of Machines, skillsaw had been kind enough to finish up its original version into a playable form for me, and his comments about the thingplacing decisions he made for it were a big part of what finally convinced me to just scrap a lot of it. (Though I felt a bit bad about doing so right after getting his help with it, though some of his contributions are still there in the final.) Machines was actually the first BTSX map ever started, initially as a texture test map (the outdoor gazebo-in-lava scene was the first structure built for it), and due to my careless development it ended up being one of the last ones finished for E1. A handful of 2010-vintage screenshots from an early version of I'll Replace You With Machines, featuring some crusty ancient versions of some E1 textures:
    15 points
  4. Molkirill

    Doomcute thread

    just started to learning doom mapping, and immediately began to make doomcutes (mostly due to my CAD skills). (~80% of used textures are vanilla, rest ones are taken from cc4-tex (sheet of paper, wires and anything that is white) and DN3D textures (file drawer and speakers.) (the only i still don't know is to which textures i should change floor, walls and celling among vanilla ones to make it look decent (in 2nd screenshot)).
    14 points
  5. It's finished Orii.... E3M8 Tyson in 1:13 e3m8t113.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_JdNajy5h0
    14 points
  6. "HD Sprites" is one of those cursed project concepts that never, ever seems to work. The amount of time and effort it takes to replace Doom's entire sprite set, including every monster in the game, is absolutely herculean. Many people have tried (often having no idea how big the project is), and every attempt* has fallen well short of the goal in some way or another. That said, the sketches you're showing look less to me like an "HD Sprites" project and more like a "Stylized sprites" project -- which is actually a way more interesting concept. If you can produce sprites in the same style you're showing off in your sketches there, and just roll with that (rather than try and match the look of the originals "but HD" or whatever), you might just make something cool here. It's still a fuck-ton of work though. [*I'm talking Doom here -- other communities have managed to pull this off, e.g. Marathon, so it's certainly not impossible in theory. In practice, though, we're 30 years strong and still waiting. :P ]
    12 points
  7. ~ ~ ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY DASHIE!!! ~ ~ ~ Description Yesterday, on June 18, awesome person named @dashiefrickintyan had her 19th birthday, and this wad is a little present for her from me. Its a set of super short, mostly easy maps inspired by things she likes! Like purple color, or ugh... purple color? (stardate is also an obvious one lets be real) Overall, I, again, wish Dashie all best things, and I wish you a good short playthrough! Screenshots: MUSIC: Download and WAD info IWAD: DOOM2 Format: MBF21 Tested on: DSDA 0.27.5 Build Time: 2 days Download: Link
    12 points
  8. Thinking about making another megawad, I'm not entirely sure yet tho :>
    9 points
  9. My hard drive is littered with scraps and abandoned ideas. Some maps just don't work and collect dust, never to be finished. Others are fully complete but the project itself just doesn't come together so the map gets orphaned and sometimes reused in other projects. Two of my Pina Colada maps - 5 and 17 - were both originally part of a small solo project that I abandoned, but they found a nice home after a little bit of reworking. I ditched this idea because the core concept was really undercooked, and the maps sat on my drive for quite a while before finding a home. A handful of Simulacrum maps were scavenged in a similar way. Map 3 was originally developed for Altars of Madness, but got left on the cutting room floor about halfway into it's development. It had good bones but I wasn't sure what to do with it. During Simulacrum's development I fished it out and completed it. Maps 8, 19, 21, and 23 were all going to be in Altars of Madness 2. I had actually finished map 8 and the others were in various stages of completion when I first approached Muumi and asked if he wanted to collaborate on something. The idea to scrap AoM2 in favor of Simulacrum happened at some point pretty early in development. Maps 18 and 32 were also meant to be part of a 5 map set I wanted to put together. I won't spoil that one because it's an idea I'd like to revisit at some point. Map 11 (by muumi) was going to be in a solo project that he abandoned, but I don't know the details of that one. The secret map in Waffle House was originally part of a Swift Death inspired set that I abandoned. Only 2 maps were ever completed for this idea, and the other one has already been recycled into another collaborative map set that's being worked on right now. I can't say too much about this one but hopefully it'll be out this year. There are no cutting room scraps for Nostalgia, Nostalgia 2, or Obzen. I didn't scrap any maps, and any areas or parts that weren't working were pruned before even being finished. Honestly I barely remember making Obzen. It was made in like 4 months. Aside from that there are bits and pieces laying around that never went anywhere for various reasons. The rest I'll keep to myself, as I have a lingering sense that I'll revisit them someday and I wouldn't want to spoil any surprises.
    9 points
  10. Before limit removing source ports and node builders, a ton of content was cut from most projects. Doom City's text file describes crosswalks and stop lights but they were removed because it caused visplane overflows. When I was making in the late 90s, I had to scale down a bunch of detail in my map because DMapEdit had a hard limit of something like 700 sectors; I emailed the creator to ask that it be raised and he replied, "no, that's more than enough for any map."
    9 points
  11. I know I keep saying this mapset is nearly finished, but it really is. Just a few more adjustments ...
    8 points
  12. ebartleby

    Doomcute thread

    An update to UDB recently added a function that would have made this thing 100x times easier to make. Anyway. The screenshots are from a slightly earlier version, which explains the wonky floor textures. This guy is Brucifer. He's some kind of hover-semi/barge. I love him like a son and he's probably gonna show up in a map someday. If you want to walk around it...here he is in WAD form. Complete with an horribly out of tune midi version of a song that I hope you will ''enjoy''.
    8 points
  13. Map 02 Equinox at its best is able to bring its narrative elements out. It does this with four levels that are meant to act like a slowly decaying teleport hub, unlocking a new location with each revisit. Of course, this is impossible for limit removing to properly handle, so it has to settle for being a linear map masquerading as many potential locations without power. It does its job, makes the world feel bigger, and ultimately proves itself as the progenitor to the methodology that Back to Saturn X would use to split its episodes up. Beyond speculation, it is difficult to put more into an analysis of what is essentially one room with connecting monster closets. It definitely fits the role of a nexus for transportation, with so many work stations lined up on the east wall next to a large screen visualizing the entirety of Equinox itself. Having yet another giant planet in such a small office make the setting feel woefully corporate, braggadocious, almost asking for disaster to fall in the form of a demonic invasion. The singular secret is interesting, likely arbitrary for source ports, yet still valuable in the resources it provides. All of this is capped off by a song that holds back enough to put further mystique into a map that can be fully cleared out in thirty seconds. Combat here only consists of Zombiemen, Shotgunners, and Imps, but the lack of significant protection and powerups, and the fact that the Sergeants assault on all sides is enough to hold an attention span. The wave of undead has a relatively easy time working between the halls to follow anyone looking to hide, and the Imps are beefy enough to keep the Shotgun from being a sickle to effortlessly swipe through the crowd. It’s impressive mileage for twenty-seven monsters, more so to get a plurality of zombies to achieve this. It’s not possible for it to be truly difficult for anyone that plays with any amount of caution, but that’s what was allowed.
    8 points
  14. e3m7 max in 1:39 e3m7-139.zip
    7 points
  15. Well, imo there’s three uses to this approach: As mentioned by other posters, a breather, or adding a layer of respite and introspection. Mood-building. This is my favorite reason. Think of what this implies of the Equinox corporation. They have facilities and assets so vast that it isn’t reasonable for Doomguy to just stumble on them. Instead, there’s this convenient infrastructure, complete with a map. It drives home thematically the highly corporate nature of the wad’s setting. The presence of the organization itself can never be ignored throughout the setting. Not even the UAC ever felt this pervasive and inescapable, as the highly abstract id levels and the fact that UAC has long fallen for long stretches of Doom 1 (only E1 is a freshly defeated UAC) can make one forget about its power. Not in Equinox, however. Even you are, in a way, a product, judging from the HUD. Kinda cyberpunk-ish despite the glossy silvery spacebase aesthetic. The short length very much underscores the procedural nature of this visit. This isn’t a level — it’s a thing that needs to be done in order to get anywhere in Equinox. A ritual it is, although the music track gives it an enigmatic, detached mood. Last but not least, the “what happens next”, as you said. The contrast of the safe zone becoming… something else is quite affecting. Of course, I wouldn’t mind if it could be made even more elaborate. Even in its simple form, however, it is effective.
    7 points
  16. other people joke here, but grungo can't? sound stupid
    7 points
  17. I agree with this, but not in the sense that American healthcare is a scam (though it is) and more that therapy itself isn't actually designed to help anyone. Therapy is just a powerful tool for oedipianization (which means, in essence, training a patient to self-police into conformity and ensuring they return to producing surplus value, manifesting in things like self-repression and a desire for authority figures; in short, putting a cop in your head) managed by therapists who are paid by the hour to make unfalsifiable diagnoses. In short, therapy is a tool to train patients into embracing a police state, and, crucially, you don't need capitalism for that: many nominally leftist states and movements used therapy as a weapon against their citizens/members. There may be some value for people in genuine crisis, but the idea that therapy is universally helpful seems to be a self-replicating meme among patients (many of whom are unable to stop being patients) who treat therapy as an all-encompassing panacea and ascribe moral value to therapy as if not being in therapy is a sign of some sort of failing. They adopt an attitude that therapy serves a neutral function within capitalism and the process of production, as if something like that could ever exist, and my experience is that the people who make that assertion are little more than cultists. I'm not promoting alternate medicine or woo or anything like that; if anything, I think therapy is alternate medicine/woo, and the way therapy patients treat it is very similar to how people who believe in woo like essential oils act. There are many ways to work through one's problems in a healthy way, paying some nerd who can have you institutionalized on a whim doesn't seem like one of them.
    6 points
  18. TNT Map10 UIVMax in 1:56 Zip: ev10m156.zip Video: https://youtu.be/_Di1DhIkxSA?si=3L2d6yA9wFgyQtbZ
    6 points
  19. MAP17: Sacrilege Kills: 87% Items: 73% Secrets: 100% Time: 7:48 Surprisingly, it seems Chris Harbin actually pulled through for the last, well, serious map of Operation Biowar. I was, in fact, right to trust in his ability to make hub maps. As far as the hub itself goes, I had a good time not waking up the Cyberdemon as long as possible. You have to when you hit the red key switch in the center of the structure though. It's three simple little fast paced challenge rooms. I appreciate how, for the first two, you have to go between them somewhat frequently in order to make progress, though the last one is just a fun little challenge room. The Spider Mastermind was a neat touch to that last part as well. In fact, the whole last room weirdly reminded me of Plutonia MAP30. I think it's the strong reds and little alcoves off to either side. Anyway, this map isn't particularly the fastest map in this wad or anything, but it's definitely up there. Sacrilege didn't blow my mind or anything, but hey. None of these maps really did, to be honest. Strong ending. Grade: B Difficulty: B- - MAP18: Die Heuschrecke Kills: 76% Items: 100% Secrets: 100% Time: 2:17 Well, it's not MAP30 but Icon Of Sin time anyway. As far as these go, Biowar's is Perfectly Fine. Go through some micro challenge rooms with a BFG, then it's time for an Icon Of Sin fight. This one gets bonus points for me not needing to mess up timing rockets with the Icon Of Sin's brain. You just simply run around, hit 4 switches, then the cube in the center opens, which in . . . probably actually a really cool plot twist especially in 1999, you head inside the Icon Of Sin's mouth to finish the job. This reminded me of Wormwood AND Disturbia! Good job 1999 Icon Of Sin. Edit: I looked up the meaning of the name, why is this map called "The Grasshopper" . . . Grade: B- Difficulty: C- - FINAL THOUGHTS Overall kills: 1750/1884 Overall items: 357/627 Overall secrets: 19/51 Overall time: 1:48:15 (thanks DSDA level table!) As a time capsule, Operation: Biowar is a fascinating little thing in the year 2024. I suppose you could almost say this wad was something of a microcosm for, well, what I percieve to be the community atmosphere at the time. It has a few good ideas here and there, makes numerous thoughtful choices, though it has a bad habit of holding itself back in my opinion. Several maps come *close* to being legitimate 90's classics, though I don't think Chris Harbin really thoroughly realised some of them enough. They're just a little undercooked. I don't think I risk controversy to say even in 1999, I don't believe Biowar particularly broke any barriers. This wad tends to kind of have a split personality, between its quiet tech bases and loud, sometimes still tech base shootouts, though there's not much here you can't find in spades in The Plutonia Experiment, Hell Revealed and TeamTNT, and even its fairly brisk quality and fusion of these two differing styles would go on to be enormously superseded in Scythe and Alien Vendetta respectively in the next few years. Chris Harbin's a little bit of an interesting character, though in 2024, it's kind of just another Fun And Chill Wad buried underneath the endlessly refilling pile. Having said that, I don't like to really talk about Doom wads in terms of "innovation" anyway, especially when it's a negative. I actually had a Rather Nice Time going through this wad, even if it's just to run around and enjoy Doom's elastic physics. I wanted a relatively no-nonsense little wad to hang out in, and I got it. What more could you want out of that? Final Grade: C+ Overall Difficulty: D+ - MAP RANKING Oh, and to add a little bit of optimism to this thread, I'm actually very excited to get to Equinox. I have some interesting things to say about that wad. Speaking of which... Equinox MAP01 Kills: 100% Items: 82% Secrets: 80% Time: 4:57 Man, what a haunting opening sight. Equinox gets off to a great start. Combat wise this MAP01 isn't particularly stylish, though the theme here really impresses me. Again even the first frame looks great, just in general I actually really like B.P.R.D's specific lighting style, the way the beams of light stretch out from the facility itself. Equinox MAP01 strikes a nice balance between welcoming and unwelcoming. The music and atmosphere feels distinctly alien and "un-Doom-like" though the interior of the facility is rather well lit and open. This is the kind of map I can really enjoy hanging out in. You know, maps where even after you've got 100% kills you can just enjoy walking around a little bit. Much like the combat, the structure is also quite simple, being your somewhat bog standard two areas on opposite sides of a hub with an area opening up at the opposite end of where you came, though still, I think this contributes to how weirdly homely this map can feel. Also I like the obvious not so obvious secrets, and how you can, for some reason, turn the lights of the facility off and can't turn them on again. Even outside! Also the little secret at the start with the tiny cabin in the mountain and footprints and the sand is great too. I love the confidently bizarre attention to detail here. I don't want to go 100% B.P.R.D. fanfare mode Literally one map into this wad, so I will say it's not the best opening ever or anything. As mentioned, when you strip the map down to its fundamentals, it is a rather simple opener all things considered, though there is absolutely a memorable, otherworldly atmosphere here worth praising. Grade: A- Difficulty: D+
    6 points
  20. Copy pasting from the trivia easter egg, here's some stuff cut from Reelism 2, as documented by Shadsy: Scrapped Maps Terror in Tastytown: A city under attack made entirely out of fast food products, inspired by Candy Planet from Reelism 1. Scrapped for being too similar to Pie in the Sky. IronWerx: A giant fire and steam factory. Originally scrapped in Reelism 1, this concept was brought back from the dead for Reelism 2. Re-scrapped in the blocking phase so we could prioritize other maps instead The Meat Vortex: A large, spinning funnel made out of meat. Players and monsters were whipped around like rocks in a blender. Hilarious and wholly unplayable. Scrapped Reels Fancy Hats: All monsters wear fancy hats. It was more of a programming exercise to get familiar with ZScript. Scrapped because there's no way to tell where a monster's head is relative to its body. (Looking at you, dogs.) Freak Out: Enemies shake around violently and fling themselves in random directions. It was funny but too chaotic to be playable. My Son My Son What Have Ye Done: Fighting against a bunch of knee-high miniature Doomguys. Wait, why didn't we do this? This is a great idea! Pestilence: The player carries a highly infectious disease that harms nearby monsters. This idea became much less funny in 2020 for some reason. Reelcraft: Weapons for constructing traps and obstacles. Scrapped late in production during the "bayonet-the-dying" phase of development. All Animals vs. All Humans: Like the Dogged reel, but with dozens of different animals. Scrapped because we didn't want to make 20 different animal sprites and behaviors. Scrapped Bosses Dr. Chairman: A supervillain with an obsession with comfy office chairs. Dr. Chairman was also floated for Reelism 1, but in both cases, he never made it past the brainstorming phase. The Entire Cincinnati Bengals: Reelism 2 supports bosses that use multiple enemies, which gave us the idea to try a boss with 46 enemies at the same time. We didn't go through with it. Scrapped Weapons Throw Your Own Head: Described in our notes as "an insta-kill projectile of the Doomguy's head with your camera attached," and you have to run over and pick it back up. Scrapped for obvious reasons. Frisbee: In addition to the basketball, we also thought about adding a frisbee weapon and a frisbee golf minigame. It would've been too similar, but man, now I want to play Doom frisbee golf! Psychic Mindwave: aka "Scanners Weapon." The player could blow up non-boss monsters using psychic powers. Originally part of The Elementalist reel, but replaced with Cold Snap because "psychic" isn't an element (except in Pokemon). Bucket of Scorpions: Toss the bucket on the ground, and dozens of scorpions would go skittering around, pinching everything in sight. Still a fun idea, but it was a low priority to add. Other Stuff Originally, the Babby Cacodemons would scream and run away when they got hurt. Scrapped for being too heartbreaking. Seriously, we couldn't bring ourselves to do it. As an experiment, the Mini Imps that fall off the Mega Imp were able to jump back on and restore the Mega Imp's health. But the Mega Imp battle is already hectic, and it was just too much extra. The man eating rocks in Town was originally supposed to sell rocks you could throw at enemies. We thought it would be funnier if he was just there for no reason.
    6 points
  21. TL;DR: I wanna remaster and make renditions of the in-game sprites, not the clay models. Are you interested in playing something like this? Yay or Nay? I've been thinking on making a doom mod/texture pack that replaces the old sprite textures (monsters, weapons, players [and maybe walls and floors]) with a completely new 2D HD style always trying to be faithful to the original. Would you like to see it in the long term future? I'd like to do it but wanna know if players would be interested on it before start working in something of that size. Imp Sketches, to show an example of what I'm refering to. Edit: Ok, I see a lot of confusion here. So maybe I'll do a new post with more detailed and better examples. First of All, as many of you already know, the original sprites were not hand-drawn, they were clay sculptures (not plasticine as someone said before) that were digitalized and compressed and renderized into a very low resolution to fit in the game as sprites (kinda like the oposite to the upscaling process), it is known as pre-renderization, it is a process that a lot of games in that era use to show mind-blowing graphics, like the Donkey Kong country trilogy, Mario Kart 64, Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct, even some of the current ones like Five night's at Freddy's. We don't have any way to get our own hands on those original models (if they still exist), and we don't have enough samples of every of them neither, so trying to achieve a 1:1, of the original sculptures before being renderized is impossible. That's what projects like the upscalings shown in other comments try to achieve, the problem is, upscaling tries to make an HD image from a low resolution sprite, so in order to do it, it has to invent information out of nowhere, turning out in very strange ways like looking as oil paintings while other look photorealistic, or misunderstanding some details. Also, when the sprites were renderized into such a low resolution, the lack of information made them look very different to their clay counterparts (not even taking in count most of them were edited to look different and fit better in the game), so the feeling of them is way different from what a real HD version would feel like. All those projects lack the sensitivity to realize that most of the final result of the 93' game is just illustrative to what's happening on screen, and that is the (my) main problem. So, what is my project about? what's my goal? I wanna make 2D renditions of the original in-game sprites, with the goal of capture the feeling of those sprites and how it actually feels to play it, that way it still feels the same, but with a completely new look, one that looks actually great in new LDC monitors without the lack of cohesion coming from very low-res Sprites/textures and high-res rendering. Achieveing in that way a faithful remaster not of the product, but the result, the experience and feelings of playing Doom. There are some other games that have made this with very great results, such as Wonder Boy The Dragons Trap, or Le'chuck's Revenge Special Edition. Imagine the result of it like what the Final Fantasy Origins did to the original, or Zero Mission with the original Metroid. I still have to decide what aproach would be better, if stylized with linearts (like the sketches but much more refined and colorized with shadows and lighting), or something lineless and more organic. This project won't be something simple or easy, it is a titanic work and will take a long of time, probably years, that's why am saying "in the long term". I'm an animation student, so I have a realistic idea of the size of something like this, that's why I'm pointing to only sprites, but MAYBE the project scope change allowing also the textures being reworked. So my goal for now is it being so faithful that the new monsters and weapons feel cohesive even in the low-res original environments.
    5 points
  22. Hello guys! I'm new here and I want to show you my first 4 levels long WAD for Doom 2. I only wanted to make 1 level to test out the tools but I had so much fun making it that it kind of got out of control. I'd love to get some feedback from y'all, especially when it comes to map03 and 04 as they're the ones I've been making with much more knowledge about the tools. The WAD has been tested only with GZDoom, so I recommend using that. Info about the WAD: 1. Port needed: GZDoom 2. # of levels: 4 3. IWAD: Doom2.wad 4. Difficulty levels: Yes, but probably either too hard or too easy on Hurt me plenty or below. Ultra Violence shouldn't be too difficult for someone that finished Doom 1 and 2. 5. Length: 30-45 minutes infestation.zip
    5 points
  23. Sigil 2 intermission screen (WIP)
    5 points
  24. Year 2 Month 12 Day 04 I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped. [1] YOUR MOM by @gggmork, @TimeOfDeath666 (Chris Balch) (2010) Only the wisest of the mankind will be able to understand this refine form of humor and map design. Joke aside, "YOUR MOM" is a shitpost in the shape of a slaughtermap. Your mission will be to eliminate 1800-1900 enemies pullating inside a network of caverns displaying "YOUR MOM" on the map and training your 2-shots-BFG skills inside the giant penis made of flesh. As other janky slaughtermaps built by those two mappers, especially TimeOfDeath, cells ammo are so abundant that you can kill whole humanity twice and still not lacking of cells. And of course, medkits and stimpacks suck. Take a megasphere if you get a little scratch instead! I like this map because it shows that the ultimate goal of a slaughtermap is not necessarily to be a series of hyper-difficult battles requiring precise strategy or gigantic, over-detailed scenery, but just kick the shit out of a ton of enemies with big guns. It is as if I had in front of me a punching ball and that I took a pleasure to give big punchs in it, except that I throw balls of BFG in abundance here until I see tons of corpses littering the ground. Still, ToD/ggg's maps are really intimidating if you're not a bit used to slaughtermaps , but I guarantee that "YOUR MOM" figures as one of their easier works. Your worst opponents will be the gang of arch-viles that you will frequently meet but I repeat : ammo and health are so ridiculously prolific that camping becomes a reliable strategy, no matter how many monsters the viles had ressurected, except when it concerns barons of hells. Is YOUR MOM a good map? Objectively I'd say no, but from my point of view it's a fun hobby. I've got a penchant for this kind of crappy slaughtermaps, as long it's unbalanced in favor of the player. I stop here for today. Grade : B (14/20)
    5 points
  25. no, it isn't at all. thanks to it I'm still here after a strong and deep depression that almost ends my life. And why the hell are u asking this in DoomWorld? lmao
    5 points
  26. It would make me supremely happy if they would cut their losses and just skip multiplayer entirely for Dark Ages and put that extra dev time into campaign polish and more post-game modes and content. It's been clear from the last two games that their heart's just not in it and someone's twisting their arm to slap MP on to comply with some outdated notion of a triple-threat blockbuster all-in-one game. (Full disclosure I did reasonably enjoy D2016's deathmatch and a lot of cool art design was squirreled away in there, but it was clearly an obligatory effort and not something I'd return to over any serious length of time)
    5 points
  27. Well, my mental health's sound enough that I'm not terribly willing to discuss it on a public internet forum.
    5 points
  28. 5 points
  29. MAP01: Equinox Facility The name rang a bell, and this map definitely seems familiar. There's several new graphic and sound replacements as seemed to be the standard at the time. The pistol is now replaced by some sort of gray tube, and despite still being a glorified pea shooter sounds far more beefier. Seriously, this thing resonates like a damn cannon blast throughout the level. Can't say I'm quite onboard with the new fireball sound effect, however. Is this supposed to be a fireball from hell or a spaceship flying past our heads? Can't forget the MS Paint weather effects, either. Kids back in the day probably felt like they were playing Crysis. Anyways, the design and detail is pretty high quality so far. Gameplay is a bit lacking, though. It's practically nothing more than fighting zombiemen, shotgunners, and Imps in hallways and a few open rooms. Considering shotgun shells are a bit tight, you'll also probably end up spending a not insignificant amount of time slowly plucking through these bastards with the pistol. One of the secrets seems to open up a light switch that casts most of the level in darkness, which I guess is something you might want to happen? The stat screen midi is also replaced with a version of 'When Johnny Comes Marching Home', which I found to be an amusing choice. MAP02: Transport Hub Welcome to the first hub / transition map. Yeah, I remembered these from back in the day, too. A cute idea, but kind of hurts the flow of the club, doesn't it? I suppose I'll have to let it slide, but wad authors should have really had the foresight to realize a club might end up playing their wad one level at a time well over two decades later and design every aspect of said wad exactly to our varied tastes. Oh yeah, the map itself. Well, it's just kind of there, but not like I was expecting much else. The one secret is literally just going to the left and turning a corner. equinox01-02.zip
    5 points
  30. Tiki torches
    5 points
  31. TNT Map32 UVSpeed in 1:51 Zip: ev32s151.zip TNT Map32 NoMo100s in 2:01 Zip: ev32os201.zip TNT Map32 UVMax in 3:53 Zip: ev32m353.zip Video: https://youtu.be/pXuIj7VQpzE?si=a4olEUaUx3ElynHz
    5 points
  32. E3M8 UVFast in 0:36 Zip: e3m8f036.zip
    5 points
  33. MAP03 The ammo famine Equinox is notorious of starts here - while B.P.R.D. loaded the map with hitscanners that let you easy replenish your resources, there's almost no ammunition available otherwise. This can become a problem by the end, when you run through a narrow maze of tunnels, where pinkies lurk behind every corner. I nearly burnt through the shells I had and was elated to find a chainsaw. The ending have several tankier enemies (cacodemons, pain elementals and a hell knight) that are hard to kill with no ammo left. There's also a secret with chaingunners, just like pistol, weapon 4 is replaced with a new graphic. Again, the dual miniguns look out of place compared to stock Doom 2 guns. I like the design of the place, it's a small techbase with a massive ravine in the middle. Also, midtex rain outside. I was confused about the progression and had to wait for the lifts a couple of time, it's a pain due to the map's height. MAP03 is a fine level, the controversial design choices of Equinox don't annoy me too much here.
    4 points
  34. SkidyBoobFish

    Maxime's Trial

    Hello Everyone. This is a Simple over the top Final Doom : TNT Evilution level i slapped togheter in 2 Hours. It isn't that hard or that good but i hope you like it regardless I made this for a friend instead of studying. You don't even have to comment, It's just ok. Have fun! Maxime's Trial.rar
    4 points
  35. Pacifist runs completed for the Ep2 maps*. All are table-fillers apart from M1. -------------------------------- E2M1 Pacifist in 0:22 https://youtu.be/WYiXL-2ZpCk dl21p22.zip -------------------------------- E2M2 Pacifist in 1:36 (~1.5k attempts to fill woooo) https://youtu.be/By_hUBLIklA dl22p136.zip -------------------------------- E2M3 Pacifist in 0:51 https://youtu.be/QVO_Pw4rEBQ dl23p51.zip -------------------------------- E2M4 Pacifist in 4:27 https://youtu.be/w7WmdtCsC20 dl24p427.zip -------------------------------- E2M5 Pacifist in 0:41 https://youtu.be/g7CHWX038pA dl25p41.zip -------------------------------- E2M5s Pacifist in 0:22 https://youtu.be/K67Llal7Zsg dl25sp22.zip -------------------------------- E2M6 Pacifist in 0:59 https://youtu.be/yU0eWR-1-7Q dl26p59.zip -------------------------------- E2M7 Pacifist in 1:34 https://youtu.be/BiBNt9txP3M dl27p134.zip -------------------------------- E2M9 Pacifist in 1:11 https://youtu.be/dybf9eyhxSA dl29p111.zip -------------------------------- * Except E2M8 which requires Cybers to die.
    4 points
  36. Skipped a pair of maps that have 200+ monsters, didn't want to do them now, sorry. bcs01 by Brian and Craig Sparks - Vanilla Doom 2, SP, 1 map, 1995, played with DSDA-Doom on UV difficulty A small level made by two brothers with some cute small sector art and detailing, pretty squarish looking layout but the level is clean and nicely realized and with balanced fights. Unluckily, this map misses of pretty important things like the yellow skull key for the exit door and inescapable pits. How charming. Days of Xornox The Earth Place by Frank Laing - Vanilla Doom 2, SP, 4 maps, 1998, played with DSDA-Doom on UV difficulty The second "Xornox" mapset I've encountered in these series, this time sets in the fabulous lands of Cheese Phobos where mountainous areas that tries to be the outdoor lands of Roger Ritenour "Earth", but failing on it. The levels are kinda easy despite big amount of monsters but the heavy usage of megaspheres and invuln spheres with big cell packs made me think of a older version of Junkfood,but more easier and less fun. I don't get the shooting walls gimmick of final MAP04.
    4 points
  37. It's the complete quiteness of Schabbs's zombies that is the most terryfing. The blue guys are pushovers, the zombies have incredibly fast attacks, no alert sound and move surprisingly fast. Depends on the distance, as Wolf takes distance into account for damage calculation. Point blank - yeah, 2 shots can easily kill.
    4 points
  38. I put some rebalancing and bug fixes in the OP, but I didn't have time to test it, unfortunately. Should still work. It will likely take another revision to shuffle big pickups around, but at least all disconnected sectors should be re-joined. I'm debating with myself whenever I should flip MAP31 segment, there's a merit to have it either direction.
    4 points
  39. Map02: A little hub map. It appears we're headed for the Genome Labs.
    4 points
  40. Grungo commencing ptersaurous airstrike on bot hoster's mother's basement!
    4 points
  41. bot bad, player good! go destroy bots and destroy bad place!
    4 points
  42. OANJEE

    Doom 3: Phobos

    I'm very impressed with this mod. So I made a full map overview.
    4 points
  43. MAP01 Now that's an opening shot. The only thing that belies that this is a MAP01 is that the combat is pretty basic. Everything else - the atmosphere, the detailing, the custom assets and (loud) sound replacements - oozes the kind of ambition uncommon in this slot. Being able to turn off lights throughout the complex is a great touch. Also I got stuck behind a wall at one point. Ah well. MAP02 I see someone is a TNT fan. I thought there would be more to this one...? Just some hallways of hitscan, some optional doors, and a teleporter? Odd. (And yes, I know what ultimately happens here. Doesn't explain why this map is so small.)
    4 points
  44. I thought 2016's multiplayer was ass. It just isn't satisfying to kill other players and the whole thing felt like an obligatory bolted-on multiplayer mode from the PS360 era when every game was required by law to include a multiplayer mode. Snapmap was pretty much ass too, way too shallow to make anything
    4 points
  45. Nothing bad ever happens in Brazil
    4 points
  46. MAP03 DSDA-Doom, UV, Pistol Start It's at this point you'll realize that B.P.R.D.'s conception of "fun" involves ammo deprivation and chainsaw combat. I do not like his conception of fun. I do not like it one bit. If you thought you could avoid that problem by playing continuously, you're wrong. You're screwed either way. The dark maze full of pinkies was one of the most horrible forms of Doom torture I've ever endured. That section was deliberately designed to eat up all your ammo. Through autistic stubbornness, I saved up shells, pushed through it, and got the chainsaw hidden in there. Once that happened, the combat became tedious. So tedious, in fact, that I didn't even bother going for a UV Max. I just rushed to the exit. There's some nice detailing, but I was too frustrated by the gameplay to care about any of that.
    3 points
  47. More Biowar mini-blurbs map 15 Other than carryover gear (which neuters the start by removing any need to scavenge for ammo), this level doesn't play very differently from conventional play when going for an ironman survival. My route ends up killing everything anyways either because they're right in the way or to prevent things from sneaking up from behind later on. map 31 Gratifying with carryover. BFG lets me delete the spiderdemon in 5-10 seconds instead of an extended cat and mouse scenario. I still skip the 4 barons in the blue key section. And hahaha, no way I'm fighting the cyberdemon. I just want the megashpere and ammo in the area it patrols. So I evade it while hitting the switches to open up the exit. map 16 Don't really recall much about this map since I use the speedrunner shortcut to skip almost the entire map. From scratch, anything over a minute would be considered slow. On a continuous recording, I suppose it's fair a bit more generous about what is considered a good clear time in an ironman survival context: somewhere abouts 1:15-1:30 or better is probably good enough.
    3 points
  48. It was the end times in November till February. That was the first time in what, 15 years? That i geninuely had a dark spell. Fortunately, as i got older, i automatically went into self-rescue mode and did some (admittely drastic) stuff to get out of it. I've realized that my mind, instead of feeling helpless, goes into a state of self-preservation: The ego takes over and does what it can to sustain and improve. It has helped tremendously. What also helped is that in that dark spell, i still socialized and did things to distract myself. As such i can't subscribe to what i would call the classical signs ive seen written here aswell - No social contact, etc. I did display withdrawal signs, which is my way of coping with things. And i generally wasn't a nice guy, to the point that i just didn't respond anymore. Lately, however, it has been a bit dire again. Not as bad as back then, but definitely not alright. Recognizing this, ive taken some days off. That has helped. However the cause (Too few people at work) has not changed, so you immediately go back into that funk. So i am now taking a slightly different approach and i am a bit more upfront with things. Sucks to people getting the recieving end of it but sometimes you cannot sustain playing nice. Sometimes being direct is the way to go. As long as you keep realizing that a lot of people are idiots, it makes you feel better. Atleast it did for me. Why get sad over idiots?
    3 points
  49. More updates to my RAMP 2024 map. Not sure what I'll call it yet, but the second half of it is about halfway done.
    3 points
  50. Kan3

    Share Your Sprites!

    I could finally get back to work on some sprites and finish the walking animation (front) for the undog Also, I'm going to finish rotations (one day...) for this "beauty"
    3 points
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