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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/24 in all areas

  1. Lunar Strain is a new Moon-themed episode megawad for Doom 2 designed for limit removing source ports (complevel 2) made by the various members of Doomer Boards, lead by me, Matador. There are 22 levels plus a credits map but there are also two curiosities I threw in the MAP31/32 slots. MAP31 is a demo map showcasing the new monsters/props. MAP32 is a color swapped version of MAP13. >>> DOWNLOAD HERE (V1) <<< Old versions: Screenshots: MAPLIST: Previous Projects:
    52 points
  2. Hello! This is a community project is very similar in concept to fellow community project Amalgoom. Take two commercial Doom maps and use ideas from both to create a brand new one! While Amalgoom had map makers choose from pre-set Doom1/2 map combinations, Second Mix lets YOU decide what two maps to mix! The only catch is your chosen maps must be from two different Doom games (IWADs). For example, mixing MAP02 and MAP07 from Plutonia is not allowed. But MAP02 from Plutonia and MAP07 from TNT: Evilution is fine! Use your Doom wisdom and creativity to decide which two maps will blend together best! Alternatively, if you're feeling spicy, use a random number generator to decide for you! The final product will be a classic limit-removing 32 map megawad. Why no Boom/MBF? As I have experienced with other classic themed CP's, Boom features encourage some mappers to go a little too experimental, which can go against the theme of the project. Your goal is to create a new map using elements from your two chosen maps. What counts as map elements? Room layouts, aesthetics, traps, you name it. The idea is to not simply copy the layout of either map, but to create a brand new map with the "DNA" of both of your chosen maps. See the MAP01 of this project for an example. Get those creative juices flowing! The only other restriction is you cannot use monsters that do not appear in either of your chosen maps. Weapons, items and textures are fine to be added in as you please (though you will most likely use textures that appear in both maps). The monster selection adds a lot of identity to maps after all. What maps are allowed? You can choose maps from the following Doom games: Ultimate Doom (any of the 4 episodes) Doom 2 TNT: Evilution The Plutonia Experiment The two secret maps have exceptions. See the list below for details! To help you create your map, open two copies of Doom Builder. Start your new map in one, and open your one of your selected maps in the other. Select all the map geometry and copy them into your new map somewhere. Do the same for your other map choice. With both maps on hand you can easily enter 3d mode to refresh your memory on both maps! I would also advise removing all the line special tags and sector tags so they don't interfere with testing your own map. See the screenshot below for an example of how I was editing my map: Choose two different maps from either Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, TNT or Plutonia. Do not choose two maps from the same game! Do both maps have enough interesting things about them to create a new map? I must be able to visibly see the influences from both chosen maps. I've been playing Doom for almost 30 years, don't worry. If they're there, I will notice them! Map format: Limit-Removing (No Boom specials!) Target source port: DSDA Complevel 2. Please allow use difficulty settings with monster/item placements. If you don't I may roughly add them myself. Use this Resource pack for extra textures from TNT, Plutonia etc Your map must use some elements from both of your selected maps (see above for more info). I will judge whether your map meets this criteria. Your sky texture must be defined in UMAPINFO (and must be from either one of your map choices). If you don't provide one I will choose a sky. Do not use monsters not found in either of your choices. If you choose a map with an Icon of Sin fight, the Icon of Sin boss itself cannot be used (except for map30)! If you choose a slot with a secret exit, you must provide a secret exit. You may collaborate with others. Please let me know when this is decided and who you are collaborating with. It should go without saying, but *try* to make a good map. Even if you think both of your map choices are terrible maps, strive to make a good level! Choose any music you like, but please provide who made it and where you got it from so they can be properly credited. If your map is extreme low quality or shows a lack of effort, it may be rejected. Check the list below to find an open slot! Check if the slot has any special requirements too. Only one slot can be claimed (may change later if I'm struggling to complete a full 32 map set). Post in the thread that you wish to claim a slot. Specify the slot you desire and which two maps you have chosen to blend. Maps that are already being blended may be rejected (we don't want 5 copies of Plutonia's "Hunted"). I will allow exceptions if problems arise. If I accept your slot, I will allow 3 weeks to show visible progress. You will lose your slot if nothing is shown after I send you a reminder. Use the template below to post and claim a slot: @Cutman First map choice: Second map choice: Desired map slot: I will reply to you if your claim is accepted. Depending on the difficulty and size of your map, I may change which slot it takes up at a later time. Good luck! Here is a link to a spreadsheet I will be using which contains more information on slots and deadlines: MAP01 CutmanMike - Doom E4M1 x TNT MAP01 MAP02 DoctorNuriel - Doom E4M2 x Doom2 MAP04 MAP03 Meyland12 - Doom E1M1 x Doom2 MAP01 MAP04 mr-around Plutonia MAP05 x E3M9 Warrens MAP05 WASFDDDDD - Doom2 MAP02 x Plutonia MAP01 MAP06 DynamiteKaitorn - Doom1 E2M1 x Plutonia MAP16 MAP07 ViolentBeetle - Doom E3M6 x Doom2 MAP07 MAP08 SirPootis - Doom E1M7 x Plutonia MAP05 MAP09 Cutman 999 - TNT MAP16 x Doom2 MAP09 MAP10 AtticTelephone - TNT MAP11 x Doom2 MAP06 MAP11 capsailcin - Doom2 MAP06 x Plutonia MAP02 MAP12 Quin - Doom2 MAP09 x Plutonia MAP02 MAP13 Apex CHUD - TNT MAP02 x E2M4 MAP14 DankMetal - Doom E4M4 x Doom2 MAP14 MAP15 Argent Agent - Plutonia MAP24 x TNT MAP31 MAP16 Djoga - Doom2 MAP20 x Doom E4M6 MAP17 Gothic - TNT MAP16 x Doom E3M5 MAP18 DukeOfDoom Doom2 MAP08 x Doom E2M6 MAP19 Plerb - & Mystic 256 x TNT MAP19 Doom E2M2 MAP20 OPEN! MAP21 OPEN! MAP22 Bendy1 - Doom2 MAP24 x Doom E1M3 MAP23 roadworx - Doom2 MAP10 x Plutonia MAP23 MAP24 OPEN! MAP25 OPEN! MAP26 OPEN! MAP27 OPEN! MAP28 JackDBS - Doom2 MAP27 x Plutonia MAP31 MAP29 NiGHTS108 - Doom2 MAP01 x Plutonia MAP32 MAP30 CutmanMike - ??? ??? MAP31 Grizzly Old B - Sigil E5M1 x ??? (Secret Exit. One map choice must contain a Sigil map!) MAP32 DoomGuy999 - E6M9 Sigil 2 x Doom E1M8 (One map choice must contain a Sigil 2 map!) Here's a list of maps that have been used up from the different IWADS: Doom E1M3 Doom E1M7 Doom E2M2 Doom E2M4 Doom E2M6 Doom E3M5 Doom E3M6 Doom E3M9 Doom E4M1 Doom E4M2 Doom E4M4 Doom E4M6 Doom2 MAP01 Doom2 MAP02 Doom2 MAP04 Doom2 MAP06 Doom2 MAP07 Doom2 MAP08 Doom2 MAP10 Doom2 MAP14 Doom2 MAP20 Doom2 MAP24 Doom2 MAP27 Plutonia MAP02 Plutonia MAP05 Plutonia MAP08 Plutonia MAP23 Plutonia MAP24 Plutonia MAP31 Plutonia MAP32 TNT MAP01 TNT MAP02 TNT MAP05 TNT MAP11 TNT MAP16 TNT MAP19 TNT MAP31 Please use this thread to discuss the project and show your progress. This is my first attempt at a CP (outside of non-vanilla Doom projects), hope I didn't miss anything important. Have fun and don't be afraid to share your WIP map for feedback :) Resource Pack, contains all textures from required Doom IWADs. Second Mix MAP01, to get an idea of what the project is about! Progress Spreadsheet
    16 points
  3. Phoenyx

    B-Sides (MBF21)

    Hi! These are some maps that were made mostly last year from February to December for a WAD I was working on for 'Jukebox'. However, the project went in a completely different direction and the maps that I, Naps and Lonely made no longer fit. Originally, the project was going to be full of speedmaps with the time limits increasing for each episode. 1 hour for Episode One, 2 for Episode Two and so on. I got halfway through making Map 08 when I lost all motivation for the project so I decided to then release the WAD in chunks or 'volumes'. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the motivation to revamp all of the maps and rescale their difficulty accordingly and after talking with playtesters, Naps and Lonely, I decided that it would be best to completely restart Volume One and release these maps as a "outtakes" set just so they aren't rotting on my hard-drive for any longer than they have been already. This also includes a map that I made for Abyssal Speedmapping Shindig that was unfortunately never used as the project went in a different direction and some MIDIs that I have made that were also never used, with the exception of 'Staring...Breathing' on the epilogue map. These maps were not cut for being bad, just not in line with where I want the project to go now. I was in way over my head when I started Jukebox over a year ago, but now I have a clearer idea, I will be working on it quietly when I have time and I will ask Naps and Lonely back for the new Volume One when I am 100% sure I will finish it this time. Thank you and I hope you enjoy these maps! Credits: @Napsalm for Map 03 and playtesting @TheLoneliness for Map 05 @Billa for playtesting the first five maps in May 2023 @Meowgi for playtesting the first five maps in May 2023 @Maribo for playtesting the first five maps in May 2023 @kvothesixstring for playtesting the first five maps in May 2023 @BFGandorf for playtesting the first five maps in May 2023 Esselfortium for the 32in24-15 textures Plasma sound taken from Doom 3 Text made using Eevee's Text Generator Map and Music List Screenshots Download: bsides.zip
    15 points
  4. As long as Sandy Peterson didn't design my hometown, I'm as good as gold.
    14 points
  5. Dissension II. MAP05: "The Stygian Chasm".
    13 points
  6. Yes. It seems to me that life is an ongoing struggle against feelings of emptiness and/or pointlessness. When you are alone (or feel as if you are alone), the feelings of purposelessness and emptiness quickly multiply. I would normally suggest seeking solace in movies, music, or art made by or about people that you feel a connection with, or even better, making something of your own which reflects what you see in yourself or the world around you, but after doing those things for my entire adult life (while neglecting many relationships), I have concluded that, for me, there is no replacement for in-person human connection. If you can pin down a job (any job, really), you may feel a lift. Having an obligation to someone or something gives you a purpose, no matter how irrelevant you may believe it is. Offering your time to someone else or to a cause with no expectation of a reward (not even a 'thank you') might make you feel better. Giving feels good. Being outside walking, running, looking at things, passing people on the street, always makes me feel a tiny bit better than being inside. It usually distracts me from the emptiness, and at least offers the sensory satisfaction of putting one foot in front of the other. When I'm inside, I dread going out, but when I'm out, I'm usually glad I went. Walking to the grocery store (when you have that luxury) is one of life's unsung pleasures. It takes courage -- a lot of it -- to insert yourself into the world, and courage is a precious commodity these days. You probably have more of it than you think you do. Good luck to you, Grungo.
    10 points
  7. Working on map for TropicHELL community project. This is actually my first time working with non-vanilla custom resources, and I'm glad that I finally have access to proper vertical water drop texture without having to hide it as a COMPBLUE texture with a low brightness level.
    10 points
  8. I can't imagine shooting a Romero Head would be that hard...
    10 points
  9. e3m7 max in 1:39 e3m7-139.zip
    10 points
  10. I'm fine. The demon horde approaches my position, England Setting foot upon her his Majesty's grand fortress, the demons realise something is wrong The demons realise this island is of little value and nothing good is here They leave England wins by default Didn't even need to use my state sanctioned fully licenced butter knife.
    9 points
  11. I'm sorry that you're having a hard time but you got to try to find a way to stay positive and get meaning out of life besides high school and Fallout 2 As for having no goals or tasks givin to you, get out there and try to find something to strive for & create your own goals and tasks There might be some things out of your control for the moment but you can find other ways out of the rut and even just get out and go for walks get some endorphins I know we've had some unfortunate situations in the past working together and stuff but I do see that you're trying to make amends and stuff and being a better person and you also have that art thing too so Keep your chin up man
    8 points
  12. Map 22 UV-Max in 4:23 - s222m423.zip - https://youtu.be/YqNw2ixw4e8 Map 24 UV-Max in 7:49 - s224m749.zip - https://youtu.be/SJFJuMkE1ko
    8 points
  13. I had a negative experience with therapy around the age of 18 but I know people who had the opposite. And they certainly don't live with "cops in their head" like one post here implies, which is quite frankly insulting to me, insinuating that people with therapists become mindless drones reconditioned to become fully reliant on therapy in order to survive. I've seen the same thing said about Alcoholics Anonymous - that it doesn't work and everyone in AA becomes fully dependant on the program for life. Nobody I know in therapy or AA, or even the military, has been reconditioned to such an extent and I only know of one who remained in therapy after they felt their problems were solved well enough to get by. Honestly some posts here come across as though people don't want to empathize with people who had success with therapy. It's very simple: it works for some people, it doesn't for others.
    8 points
  14. This is not even what the person you're replying to was trying to say. If you have mental health problems, a potential partner: - Deserves for you to be treating your mental health as best you can prior to seeking a relationship and not conflating the dopamine rush that comes from a new relationship with the 'cure' - Deserves to have full disclosure about your mental health issues so that they can make an informed decision about committing to such a thing
    8 points
  15. Firedust

    DBP66: Lunar Strain

    I can hear The Final Countdown playing in the background...
    8 points
  16. I'm gonna pop a lock on this thread for the sake of keeping things above board and decently civil, but I will say that I agree with the general consensus that life has as much meaning as you give it. MtPain27 gives some excellent advice in terms of stepping outside of your comfort zone and I'd add that removing yourself from your regular surroundings is a good way to clear your mind and reflect as you need to: some places end up as reminders and reinforcement of your own negative emotions if you stay in them for too long and it can potentially hamper your efforts to change. And of course, don't be afraid to ask for help from the important people in your life.
    7 points
  17. I just completed high school and fallout 2, and I have no goals or taskes given to me. everyday I just wake up in my uncle's apartment, play some games listen to music, then go to sleep I can't get a job due to not having papers required for a ID and I have struggles making friends and the few friends I do have are too busy with IRL stuff (not that I blame em, I understand there's nothing I can really do about that) sometimes I wish I could feel something, I feel trapped in a state of limbo which it's easy to hear my regrets and sorrows and I just wish I didn't feel like this I feel empty.
    6 points
  18. Map 4: 'The Genome Labs' - Its a nobrainer maptitle that I didn't change from MtPain27's review, because its exactly what it says on the tin. If your playing with my patch, give a big thanks to @Quill for the fixed midi. Without the patch, the midi has massive periods of silence, generally resulting in IDMUSing to something else. As for the map itself, oh boy. First up is one of those impressive swinging doors made from sector trickery, I normally miss these as I often have my overlay map up as I approach them. It leads to a rare ammo stockpile, and you'll need it, for theres a slaughter on the lab floor. There are what feels like hundreds of zombies, imps and demons, mixed in with arachnotrons in a giant hallway connecting various parts of the lab together. Dont go too crazy blasting, as you'll still need the ammo drops, and theres a point where you cannot come back to pick it up again. Once the dust is settled, you'll find your way to the very first occurence of the now-staple 'monster silhouette in a glass tube', frequently featured in Skillsaw's work. These early versions are different though, you can see wires connected to the creatures. There are five switches to press, one of them permanently locks out a secret with a megasphere and the wads first rocket launcher (Not that you'll have any ammo for it), the rest open up various locked rooms in the lab halls. Make sure you save that invis sphere, you'll need it for a rude encounter where your flanked at the top of a viewing platform with arachnotrons on both sides and many zombies. You'll hear a cyberdemon down there, one of the experiments in the facility. The Equinox company is up to no good, as per the usual corporation in the Doom universe. (All universes?) Make sure you have all the pickups you can get from the lab floors now, as you cannot return from this point on. Lowering down into the lifts will give you a rude pain elemental, then you'll be in the 'Plutonian Halls', full of, you guessed it, chaingunners and revenants. This will eat your shells and bullets like mad, and you wont get much resupplying from now on till the end of the map, so make every shot count. Near the end you'll get to the worst point of the map, a lift up to the cyberdemon testing pit, where he can oneshot you at the top of the lift. BPRD's trolling nature is well known, and its on full display here. You get an invis shpere right before, but its not much help. Right before this fight you can get a plasma rifle, but you'll have at most 120 cells, not enough to kill the cyb with, but if you land all 120, he can be taken out with the SSG rather quickly. You can also just run from him, which is likely intended. Back into the Plutonian Halls, you can goad the chaingunners and revenants into fighting each other to help save ammo, and you'll need to, as theres a spot with three mancubi and a hell knight coming up, and I was at 14 shells, no cells, and 200ish bullets at this part. At this point I needed to chainsaw things to save ammo, and I had to chainsaw a chaingunner in a risky move, then get ambushed on all sides and lose a lot of my health and armour while I chainsawed imps, demons, a pain elemental, and even a surprise revenant(!). The home stretch is past here, and I got everything in the last corridor to infight, leaving just a hell knight to SSG (Dont chainsaw a hell noble unless its Doom 64), and you'll be wowed by the vast stockpiles of cloned hellspawn in a gargantuan 'warehouse' of sorts, with catwalks with zombies sniping you from both sides. Run up to the lever and pull it, and you'll set off a selfdestruct after two warnings. Make sure to back up into the alcove, or the explosions will kill you and force a pistol start on he next hub map. You do NOT want to lose your stockpiles in this wad. Very neat map on an aesthetic level, and the midi, when fixed, does set the mood well. The gameplay is not my cup of tea, but it DOES make me play outside the box and think up solutions I'd normally not bother with. I can see why most players quit at Map 4 though.
    6 points
  19. dear grungo, art is the most valuable experience a human can have other than meaningful relationships with others. While pointless in the grand scheme, try to enjoy what time you have where you can lounge and experience art, because these moments can be rare in one's lifetime so it's worth trying to enjoy them as much as you can. I wish you luck on your goals of getting government papers sorted out, that can be a real bummer to deal with.
    6 points
  20. Hi Fai here this is Angmngthoo, a single build with brutalist style architecture, it serve as a side project to my currently work in progress WADII. I was thinking of making a Brutalist Community Project, but my last CP didn't went well so I was reluctant to do so. anyway enough words here's the info and download: WAD (might add different download site later) TEXTURE (OTEX) Boom ports required, complvl 9 as always no jump/crouching don't care about mouse look need to run with OTEX, or play with halls of mirror effect the map's music is a MP3 file, so some source port might not work music: "smell like napalm" by FAI1025 (I mean who else would it be) texture: OTEX1.1 by Ola Björling colour palette: Eviternity tree: Eviternity inspiration: Quake Brutalist Jam Build Time: Feb 6 to now, god knows what date it's today My other humble wads, shittiness is adviced :
    6 points
  21. The simple act of recommending therapy to someone suffering from mental health problems is a reasonable and responsible thing for a friend to do. Much better than the burnt-out "just try LSD/shrooms/weed trust me bro" people I encounter on a regular basis. And that's coming from someone with a 15+ year history of depression and drug use, who had zero benefit from therapy. It would benefit you more to unlearn the conditioned response to get angry at people trying to help you and instead say "I already tried therapy, it didn't help".
    6 points
  22. I'm not American, but based on recent events, I believe that what would happen if Hell invaded the United States is that your government would first deny the invasion, then recommend drinking bleach to stop the invasion, and finally shoot blacks, asians, and latinos, claiming that they are also demons. Maybe you'll stop the invasion in the end, but by then you'd be so immersed in fascism that you'd need doomguy to get you out of it. Edit: I just realized that this plot has already been described in The New Colossus. Good game, I have to say. In Spain, we would have Doom 2 in Spain only, which is considerably more difficult than Doom 2, so I don't feel bad saying that we would probably have a bad time too.
    6 points
  23. Equinox MAP03: A Chainsaw in the Dark (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, Woof!, complevel 2) Switching from DSDA to Woof! from here on out, for no other reason than to give the newest version of the port a spin. Same complevel as before, so shouldn't make a huge difference. Equinox's third map is another simple one, layout-wise. From the starting area (with vanilla rain effects that no doubt blew people's minds way back in 2001) you have a choice of two paths, one that leads to a fiery chasm and another that leads to the same chasm, but from below. After you figure out that you'll just have to take a leap down into the other end of the chasm, it's just a small maze of maintenance tunnels and a few larger rooms on the way to the exit. Simple... but it's going to make you sweat a little bit, especially from a pistol start. Equinox begins showing its hand in terms of gameplay design here, and the map reads a bit like a pop quiz in the skills the set expects from you from here on out. In particular, three elements that will frequently appear later make their presence known here: Ammunition deprivation. Almost all of the available ammo is dropped by zombies, who are thankfully in plentiful supply. You'll also be taking it slow and double-checking your targets, because... Darkness. Several areas are locked in near-total darkness, or have harsh separation between lit areas and the surrounding black. You'll be firing and sawing at a lot of vague silhouettes. Whether you play this with hardware or software rendering will probably make a big difference in how the maps play. Preknowledge recommended. Prior knowledge is of course valuable when playing any given wad, but I find that certain parts of Equinox can be rather awkward to play without knowledge of the secrets and certain aspects of level progression. In the case of this map, knowing the location of the chainsaw in particular will make a world of difference. It's not very modern design - but it's not exactly wrong, either. The third level is something of a watershed when it comes to player enjoyment of Equinox. I suspect that those who don't get along with the style of play here at all will find the rest of the maps lacking as well. I myself was turned away by this very map before, but several years of compulsive pistol starting seem to have changed my views on things. I find enjoyment here, for I am now habituated to this shabby ammo-free existence. I have to say, though: this is another case where I'm not a fan of the music. The melody makes the track sound more silly than anything, and I think this one could've really done with something understated and dread-soaked.
    6 points
  24. MAP03 Besides its role as the main obstacle of the level, I appreciate that BPRD opted to still give the central chasm itself some character, making the player memorize it as a physical being. The bright lava draws you down instantly, but thorough players can find some supplies stashed in the cavernous dark, with the terraced, vertical design, in particular one long drop to a backpack that somehow also doubles as a minor worldbuilding detail, making it pretty fun to carry out the task. The chasm also rewards inferences about its shape and placement, particularly the symmetry and its roadblock nature, netting a megasphere for those who've stopped and listened to its simple riddle.
    6 points
  25. the entire combined military might of earth getting to map 5 then falling in love with the first hell knight
    6 points
  26. Sigil 2 intermission screen (WIP)
    6 points
  27. If the hellish invasion of Earth happened in real life, but with the Doom 2 monsters, would we be winning instead of being overrun? I mean if they went up against Islamic extremists who do not fear death, they would have quite a fight. But America has countless big guns like Barret rifles and large-bore elephant guns, so we would be set to win against the hellish hordes. Cybderdemons are bigger targets for mortars and large artillery. But is it a bleak or a positive thing to be invaded by brainless monsters that just keep charging ignoring the incoming fire? How would this really go in different countries?
    5 points
  28. A nonlinear hellish catacomb filled with gory details, furnaces and skulls. There's a lot of freedom to explore at your own pace, find secrets and collect the keys in any order you find them. All made with Doom 2 resources in UDMF format. Monster count: around 320. Length: 15-20 minutes. Enjoy. I'd appreciate any feedback you can share! >>>>>>DOWNLOAD LATEST VERSION V.1.2: https://mega.nz/file/Dh9DQIYL#FjeFfhr2N31XuSPdQctLyC-T7IDHRfziH1so9M2tSe4
    5 points
  29. Replace the "L" with a "B", the "U" with an "O", and the "A" with an "E" and that's what DBP content does to me. Congrats on the release!
    5 points
  30. Life kinda is pointless but on the flipside that means it's up to you to decide what you wanna do. The hard part is figuring out what exactly you wanna do. I'm 35 and I still don't know the answer to that question. Probably the best advice is to find something you enjoy doing and hone your skills at it. I noticed your art thread and while your piece are to the rough side as you scroll thru that thread there is apparent improvement. If you keep at something you'll improve. Being in limbo as you say isn't the worst place to be, you've got time to sort out your thoughts and try to figure out what kind of goal you wanna set for yourself
    5 points
  31. Map 03 Every time I play something suggested to me coming from BPRD, I feel like I’m being punked. I indulge the fawning over the imagination, character, engineering, and overall artistry far outside of the reaches of the community, and I’m left cleaning up a crime scene, rinsing away the gore a mapping paradigm. What happened? Immediately, anyone that did not prepare for how little ammo is present will find themselves stuck, maneuvering against monsters they cannot shoot, suffering damage they cannot stop. The overwhelming majority of ammo in this map comes from sources that require ammo to be spent in the form of the zombies, with the map treating the avaricious with a whopping twenty bullets already on the ground. This is compounded by the arrival of Pain Elementals, admittedly contained in isolated rooms yet still allowed to move. The ideas of such horridly tight ammo droughts and Pain Elementals are incompatible. Even if you dedicate yourself to chainsawing the souls that get produced, a weapon that doesn’t even appear until halfway through the map yet is seen as Equinox’s cornerstone, you would have to cautiously lead the Souls away from the Pain Elementals line of sight or risk your effort causing another three or four to emerge. It’s obliviousness, failure to understand the game. The one good thing that can be derived from this map is the custom rain created for a singular room that does not reappear for the rest of the map. It is an effect that does good to give the world character through ambient weather patterns, bettering the scale and separation of the location to which you have just teleported. The rest of the visuals are nearly impossible to describe because most of the map is pitch black. Simplistic stretches of claustrophobic cavern, rectangular ventilation ducts, the majority of the lab building across the canyon, huge stretches of gameplay are shadowed in impermeable darkness that strains the vision of the player simply to be able to respond to singular Pinkies. The tunnel east of the canyon is one of the worse offenders of this, funneling you from damaging floor into a hallway where a Spectre might as well be completely invisible. On its own, it would be a nuisance to take potshots to fight both the visibility and the blockmap in these areas, but under the constraint of the ammo problem, it’s asphyxiating, where every shotgun that glides just to the side of a demon is a pained groan. It doesn’t help that this map is as aggravating to navigate as it is. Not considering secrets or getting all kills, it is essentially a straight line through the canyon, vents, and out the back door of the lab. With consideration to those things, it is a repeated cycle of waiting on the ridiculous lifts that compensate for the size of the crevasse. Anything that requires a trip back to the bottom of the ravine adds another lift ride. Taking the Megasphere requires another lift ride since it teleports you from the north side to the south without any fast way back, and clearing out the east tunnel adds another lift ride because progression is blocked by a random wooden bridge found connected to nothing at the bottom of the gap. This pales in comparison to the drab, orthogonal, unilluminated void of the vent maze. At this point, you are either prepared with enough shells to punch through all twenty-seven Pinkies that take up the entire width of the paths, or you’re forced into a scramble somewhere between pistol, punching, and circumnavigating in the few loops that form in the mess of monochrome boxes loosely put together. It is a gameplay sinkhole where missing a shot with the Super Shotgun for any reason means condemnation to tedium. I really don’t know what could be done to salvage this. The best part of a Doom map should not be looking at rain, and yet everything else is abrasive, ugly, and unimpressive. It was hardly worth it just to cross off the list.
    5 points
  32. Bosnia would win because the demons would get lost in the endless forests and eventually get taken out by the still active minefields \o/
    5 points
  33. Nyan Doom v1.1.2 is here! This update includes support for native widescreen lumps, animated menu graphics and backgrounds, and more. New Features: Added support for Boom Extended HELP screens (HELP01-HELP99) for Doom 2 / Plutonia / TNT (previously only accessible via Doom 1) - See an example/overview of the feature Added support for widescreen lumps (no more widescreen asset wads) Added animated backgrounds and menu graphics support (TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, M_DOOM, etc) "Play demos while in menus" (Default: yes) - allows for demos to play under the menu like in Vanilla "Pause after intermission" (Default: yes) - adds an additional pause before "entering" the next map (this is disabled when playing or recording demos to avoid desync) Simplified / Re-organised options menus Nyan Doom v1.1.2: Windows 64-bit Please let me know if you run into any issues.
    5 points
  34. ^teehee we despoiled everything ahead of time! look, we poured sewage into the rivers on purpose! we set fire to the moors all the time already
    5 points
  35. Map03: If you've kept your supplies from previous maps, it's a good level with ordinary combat. The dark maze with pinkies is definitely lame in this case, and I actually ran out of shells and started killing them with the pistol. Not quite as impressive as the first map, but a pleasant chapter in the adventure nonetheless. It's a far more interesting level when played from a pistol start. The available ammo can seem inadequate, but with the right strategy, it can all be done in a timely manner with hardly any pistol use. The dark pinky maze is more intimidating when you start from scratch, and for a while, I wasn't even sure if I'd have enough ammo for it unless I took the shortest possible path to the chainsaw. When that path is taken, you might only have to kill about 7 pinkies before reaching it. It turned out that I had plenty of shells, so I took the time to kill more that with the SSG. The amount of time spent waiting for elevators is excessive, but I actually really enjoyed this one.
    5 points
  36. Brick | 1 wad | 9 maps Adventure | 8 wads | 28 maps Infernos (2013) by ReX Claussen. 9 maps for vanilla Doom. This is the last in a trilogy where @ReX took each of the IWAD episodes and embellished the maps, adding detail, increasing combat difficulty (while still limiting enemies to their respective episode, eg no cacos in E1) and changing the map progression to create new surprises. In terms of the latter Rex doesn't go overboard, think Wonderful Doom and small rearrangements of familiar architecture, rather than KDIZ. I'm not a huge fan of some of the design decisions, Rex has a tendency to take more open-ended maps and make them much more linear, it's very noticeable with Pandemonium and I think the remake is a lesser map. I was also a bit irked by a bug in Mt Erebus, the BSK is not properly tagged and doesn't appear on all difficulties, making the map impossible to complete (it is needed for both exits). Elsewhere though the changes work really well, Unholy Cathedral is an unpopular map but the streamlining here has done wonders to make it more fun and less of a chore, and all while preserving almost every sub-section that makes the original so recognizable. Warrens follows a very similar concept to the original E3M9 but the map is much more dynamic than a simple there-and-back now and the Cyberdemon surprise is both more challenging and more fun. Dis is now a medley of familiar pieces that then lead to a final fight in several stages, the Spiders are still easy to defeat (the huge caco cloud helps more than it hinders), but it's a lot more substantial than the original E3M8. I was impressed with the aesthetics, E3 can be frankly more ugly than the other episodes but Rex has managed to improve it tremendously, sometimes with added detailing but often simply with better texturing choices, even Hell Keep looks nice now. Phobos Revisited is still my favourite (maybe because I love E1 so much) but I think Infernos is better than Slight Return, the whole trilogy is great fun though.
    4 points
  37. map04 I didn’t use Devalaous’ patch, but I wish I did in retrospect (if you haven’t played it yet, use it!). My solution to the silence was just to close and reopen DSDA lol. Anyway, I remember this map being a massive pain on pistol-start, frequently running out of ammo and constantly dying in the second half. On continuous it’s still tight on ammo but not nearly as crazy, it’s actually reasonable for the most part, with the obvious exception of the cyberdemon guarding the lift as Celestin pointed out. It’s almost as if the blursphere placement was designed for the ZDoom blursphere behaviour (where an idle enemy isn’t alerted with it) but by then the cyber is awake anyway. The first half of the map is hitscanner paradise (or hell :P) and was completely trivialised thanks to the megasphere I carried over from the last map. Had I not found it, it would probably have been a right PITA, even more so than on pistol start. Once you leave the comfort of the green techbase however and descend into the lower tunnels, the gameplay turns into a series of tight corridors and small rooms, with minimal ammo and not a whole lot of health either. I can safely say my experience with enhanced with carryovers on this one. I did think the ending was cool with the massive hell noble cloning facility that you have to destroy
    4 points
  38. Download RC 1: albldcrk.zip All Bloody Crackle is a set of seven Boom (cl 9) maps. The mapset was compiled from my loose standalone maps and two maps for a community project that sort of died, with some reshuffling the mapset even has a theme. For however little it matters The entire mapset can be completed in under 2 hours, plus all time lost to random deaths. Fair warning: MAP06 is large and sprawling, takes up about half the playtime, and has multiple dangerous fights including its finale, so be prepared for that if you are single-segmenting. As a palate cleanser MAP07 is a single arena fight. Difficulty settings are implemented; target difficulty level is somewhere in the vicinity of "hard"... which is very vague because I once again realised I don't actually play other people's works often enough to tell how "hard" is too much. UV was tested the most, so if something odd happens in HNTR-HMP please do tell. All maps have deathmatch starts assigned. MAP06 has especially terrible layout because of its size, and MAP03 practically all corridors; the rest are dubiously balanced. Still, if you ever try that feel free to comment on it. Some screenshots: Following are brief map descriptions, so read onwards at your own peril.
    4 points
  39. map03 After the short intermission map we reach the Genome Labs, starting with what is actually a very impressive rain effect. It doesn’t take long for a sense of decay to step in, with cracks forming and contrasting with the otherwise clean techbase look, and the canyon separating the two halves of the base. This level starts off the trend of being tight with ammo – at first it’s really not a problem, but then you get into the dark maze full of pinkies, which is an absolute ammo sink. It wasn’t too dark with my settings, but I can see how it could be worse with other settings / source ports. But in any case, it still wasn’t particularly fun. This map also shares Biowar’s love of egregiously long lifts. There was also one section towards the start where infinite height was a real pain. However, the rest of the map was fine. I like how the canyon breaks up the techbase, and I thought the path to the megasphere secret was neat (I didn’t get it on my first playthrough).
    4 points
  40. MAP04 Get ready for your first true Equinox experience, but not right away. See, I love the first half of MAP04. It's set in a similiar lobby as MAP01 and even more loaded with monsters. It's mostly imps, pinkies and hitscanners, so you'll be recovering more ammo than you are spending, health is hardly and issue and there's a backpack available that you'll need for the second part. It's a blast until you reach the cyberdemon. This is IMHO where the map takes a nosedive. I'm not talking about the visual, as the all-white arena is an interesting choice, but having a free-roaming cyberdemon while you have to ride up on a lift is just a bad design and I have no arguments to defend it. My condolences to anyone playing this saveless, not getting blasted to pieces is a lottery. Also, unless you want to max the map, don't bother killing him, the cyber is a massive ammo sink and you'll need the resources for the rest of the level. Instead, jump down into a hole on the edge of the arena and proceed. The second part leaves the futuristic halls and instead takes place in the utility part of the facility. I have no complaints about the visuals, but the monster roster changes here. There's less hitscanners (and, as I've mentioned yesterday, B.P.R.D. puts little ammo on the map, making scavenged weapons your only source of ammunition), so you have to rely on chainsaw and ration ammo on enemies that can't be killed in any other way. After an action-heavy start, this slows the pacing to a crawl. Save as much as you can for the room where lowering walls unleash a horde of imps and pinkies and the ending: a walkway overlooking skyscraper-sized cloning vats that you have to destroy. What a spectacular view. I have to spotlight the music, a MIDI rendition of "Mars, Bringer of War", despite being a century old, fits a grand, futuristic map like a glove. I feel like this map, and Equinox in general, is an acquired taste, it looks great and offers a sense of place unlike anything else, but man, it's so hostile I wouldn't be surprised it's where many players quit the wad.
    4 points
  41. Nyan Doom is based off of DSDA Doom. It is called Nyan Doom, because I am a cat - meow! The port aims to support all the features that DSDA Doom does (as well as speedrunning), while also adding back cut features and some new features I've been wanting to implement. I love DSDA Doom, but I find that many quality-of-life features tend to get removed… and so now I've decided to create my own. Support for GAMEVERS lump in combination with COMPLVL to further specify Vanilla compatibility. Support for `-limitremoving` or `-lr` to disable overflow errors and emulation under Vanilla compatibility Added new scaled fuzz effect for Spectres and invisibility effects in the software renderer (Thanks Lovey) Added support for Boom Extended HELP screens (HELP01-HELP99) for Doom 2 / Plutonia / TNT (see an example/overview of the feature) Added support for widescreen lumps (no more widescreen asset wads) Add animated backgrounds and menu graphics support (TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, M_DOOM, etc) "Linedefs w/o tags apply locally" (Default: no) - option to fix tag 0 maps "OpenGL blend animations" (Default: no) - enables crossfading animation frames for flats and textures "Play demos while in menus" (Default: yes) - allows for demos to play under the menu like in Vanilla "Pause after intermission" (Default: yes) - adds an additional pause before "entering" the next map (this is disabled when playing or recording demos to avoid desync) Simplified / Re-organised options menus NOTE THESE ARE NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED. MOSTLY JUST A TO-DO LIST. Add dark transparent menu background option (like in Woof) Add option / functionality for midtexture bleeds in OpenGL Re-add shrunken view (+ and - view) ENDOOM - Add proper support for ENDOOM on Windows (possibly thru an external ENDOOM.exe) - Add a 'wait for keyboard press' for the terminal ENDOOM output on Windows - Add check / option to view ENDOOM 'only if PWAD Modified' P.S. I will listen to suggestions and feedback, but don't expect me to implement everything you ask for. I tend to implement things that are 1) in my capabilities and 2) I feel won't ruin any other features in the port. P.P.S. I also do NOT plan on adding back the old OpenGL render mode, as this port is based on the latest DSDA Doom, and the amount of work to add that back in would be enormous. Please note that I don't consider myself a proficient C/C++ programmer. I have coded many things with javascript, web code, and even my own interactive programs, examples being the Codex app from RUST, or my infopacks for Hell Revealations and 200 Line Massacre. Anyway, the point is I see that alot of coding languages are very similar in structure, so I can navigate myself around adding / tweaking features, but I would in no way say I'm a program coding expert. So if there's something not working correctly on the DSDA Doom code end of things, I will probably not know how to fix it. :P Latest version: Windows 64-bit For more, check out the Github repo! If you have any feedback or suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. You can post feedback here on this thread, or on the #nyan-doom channel on the Slotter Sanctum Discord.
    4 points
  42. Thank you! I've replaced those graphics and included you in the credits. Pirate Doom 3: Call of Booty
    4 points
  43. There are many, many, forms of therapy, and many of them do not obviously fit the crude generalisations that you've sketched here. I'm not interested in having a discussion, but I encourage anyone who thinks they might benefit from some form of therapy not to be dissuaded by posts like these.
    4 points
  44. PIK (Please, it kills!) | Cosmic Wraith | 2001 Can't sleep so I decided to play some Doom. Got lucky (or not so lucky) and landed on a 7-level episode WAD for Doom 2, from the era of the decline, 2001, this little piece of crap has some interesting and not so interesting qualities. For one, by this point it had already been proven that you could made quality WADs despite the still rudimentary tools from the era if you took some time and had some patience, and for two, by this point it was generally understood what made a good Doom WAD, or at least what made it work. PIK is more or less a very amateurish attempt at trying to create an episode, but it fails due to its very poor execution despite some interesting ideas. There's a very noticeable lack of detail, terrible texturing, very rare layout design, and odd choices of floor/walls that at times make it feel more like a fever dream. It does seem to have an idea of proper mapping, but doesn't really follow through and fails at it. You can even tell that the mapper was getting better and more experienced with each map, as the last maps start sporting more interesting gameplay and neat tricks (such as instant-floor monster ambush or monster-closets), but still, doesn't quite land the mark and we end up with a, sadly, forgettable episode. OUT OF PHASE 3: ONE CLOUDY AFTERNOON | Karthik Abhiram | 2002 Only one year later and we already can see a staggering difference in quality and style; as the saying goes: less is more! Out of Phase 3 is a superbly small and compact single-level WAD designed around close-quarters combat and a tight layout. As it is apparent from the get-got, you are welcomed to a flooded demon-infested techbase in the middle of a cloudy afternoon. Despite its rather simplistic design and usage of stock-textures, it manages to convey a palpable atmosphere thanks to how well it balances the realistic appearance of its level with the gameplay philosophy. Not only is it small in terms of geometry/size, but it is also very low on enemy numbers, with only 26 monsters on HMP. Yet despite that, as a /idgames reviewer rightfully said: "a compact watery techbase that feels larger than it is, because the design is very intricate." Intricate is a good way to put it. There's plenty of detail without feeling overwhelming. This is the kind of level I really enjoy. Short but challenging, enjoyable, atmospheric, and fast-paced. I also tend to enjoy very tight maps, it gives the game a sense of urgency, however, if there's a minor complain I have with this particular map is the over-usage of elevators. It adds some depth, yes, but it does get a little annoying having to press E and wait and wait and wait for every lift to come down. Still, an enjoyable and very good experience that I wouldn't mind playing in larger format, such as an episode full of maps like these. Simple Map 1 | @ARMCoder | 2022 Very simple yet very good. A Simple Map 1 is, despite the rather unassuming title, an enjoyable vanilla experience that takes around 10 minutes of good fun from your time. Starts in a very closed and dull room, but soon opens up to reveal a satisfying chainsaw-massacre corridor, and starts expanding more and more with rooms to explore that develop the level with a proper style. Rooms are connected smartly through intertwined corridors that allow for fast backtracking, with a very easy layout to follow that entices fast gameplay. And while it is small in size, this one has a respectable number of enemies, rocking more than 100 demons in HMP, yet it is very well-balanced and understand the thin line between challenge and enjoyment. Plenty of ammo and weapons to go around for the basic doom rooster. I really enjoyed the way it also evolves visual styles with a certain degree of subtlety, like the dungeon-like basement with a flesh-corrupted room, and the rusty and brown exterior filled with mancubi paying tribute to Dead Simple. A solid effort right here and a savory meal for any Doom fan out there, particularly vanilla enthusiasts. Go take a bite. The Crush | Matthew Parrish | 1995 Welp, my good luck ran out and now I have to play a 90s deathmatch map. Well, here it is, The Crush. A single-level WAD designed for multiplayer fun. Frag the fuck out of your friends in an extremely dark map with a circular layout that resembles a surprised face. As usual back then, most DM maps didn't even come close to being balanced, lacked a proper understanding of gameplay and flow differences between SP and MP, and well, looked rather ugly. The Crush is no stranger to such idealizations from the 90s, and suffer from the archetypal mistakes every other map does. This one is more of a curiosity, and wouldn't recommend to anyone. An interesting thing is that most vintage DM maps, despite being made explicitly for multiplayer, were still balanced for SP. I don't know if it was just because of the way mappers thought back then, but the majority of maps from the 90s made for DM have monsters and an exit, and this one even has keys and an attempt at progression. Still sucks though.
    4 points
  45. "america would win because we have bigger weapons" OK not to sentence this thread to oblivion, but this principle has never worked out in real life so why would it work on demons. Anyway. Demons would win because 70% of them can be infinitely revived, and 64% of them can be infinitely manufactured by the demons' convenient wall skull thing.
    4 points
  46. From the Rules page on the RAMP website 🙂
    4 points
  47. Idk man let me ask the indomitable human spirit Edit: The indomitable human spirit says yes
    4 points
  48. ~ ~ ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY DASHIE!!! ~ ~ ~ Description Yesterday, on June 18, awesome person named @dashiefrickintyan had her 19th birthday, and this wad is a little present for her from me. Its a set of super short, mostly easy maps inspired by things she likes! Like purple color, or ugh... purple color? (stardate is also an obvious one lets be real) Overall, I, again, wish Dashie all best things, and I wish you a good short playthrough! Screenshots: MUSIC: Download and WAD info IWAD: DOOM2 Format: MBF21 Tested on: DSDA 0.27.5 Build Time: 2 days Download: Link
    4 points
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