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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/24 in all areas

  1. My attempt at adding torches to BRICK7 and BRICK9
    15 points
  2. It already logged all your info when it mounted to your PC. All the kids these days need is your IP address to get your internet banned and steal your identity. They make it look like the wad came with a free DVD but in reality it's using the DVD drive to scan everything in your computer. That's why I always recommend people to use Windows XP, it's the only 100% secure operating system.
    14 points
  3. What is Accelerated Arenas? This is a new speedmapping community project made to introduce new mappers / singleplayer mappers to deathmatch mapping! This set is to be constructed of maps from people who are new to deathmatch mapping. This can include mappers who have made a handful of deathmatch maps prior, but it is brand new DM mappers I am primarily looking for. This is intended to be a fun way to quickly try out a new genre of mapping - rules are not very strict, and I've tried to arrange this to allow as many people to participate as I can. If you've only made singleplayer maps before, or have never made a map before, welcome, you're exactly the type of people I'm looking for! If you've made a few DM maps in the past, but want to try your hand at making a DM speedmap / practice making more levels - that's also great - I'd love to include you as well! This set is not going to have a pre-set amount of map slots. I will take as many submissions as I am given, and submissions will be added in the order they are submitted. I will give a hard deadline once I begin receiving the first levels. I'll get into the rules in just a moment (they're very simple) but here's some important technical information, first: IWAD: Doom 2 Targeted sourceport: Zandronum. Accepted map formats: Zandronum: UDMF, Boom, limit-removing D2. Resource packs: GothMash + Doom 2 Resource pack download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ibzla9pfvlas1r4/GOTHMASH.WAD/file Skies: Mechadon's Box o'Skies v3. Skies download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/z69eyws7yzzw2az/boxoskies-v3.zip/file Jumping is allowed - but you do not need to incorporate jumping into your level if you don't wish to. I am allowing for multiple map formats to be used, as I didn't want to force anyone into having to work with a format they are unfamiliar with. Zandro:UDMF, Boom, and limit-removing D2 are all allowed. While Zandronum can feasibly run maps of other formats too, please keep it to the 3 selected formats above. RULES: 1) A strict 3 hour time limit. Your map must be made from beginning to end in 3 hours' time. You are NOT required to record or stream yourself. 2) To participate, you must be new to deathmatch design. If you haven't made a DM map before, that's great - I'd love to include you. If you've made some DM maps before, but want a chance to improve / practice making a new DM map - I'd also like to include you. Essentially, this is open to anybody who doesn't consider themselves experienced in deathmatch mapping. If you're new to the scene that's great, if you've only made a handful of levels prior, that's also great. 3) 100% symmetrical arenas will not be accepted. Symmetrical rooms are fine, but your entire level cannot be symmetrical. Any completely symmetrical level will not be accepted. 4) Maps can be of whatever size. Small duel maps are fine, larger FFA maps are also fine. 5) All deathmatch starts must be on a weapon. Pistol-starts are not allowed in this set. That's it for the rules! I've recently began streaming my mapping sessions on Twitch - I've decided to use my most recently completed speedmap as the beginning map for this pack. Here is a VOD of me completing the first deathmatch map in this pack from beginning to end in 2 hours, 26 minutes: Mapping starts at 0:3:50 and goes to 2:30:08. Remember, you are NOT required to record or stream your mapping session, that is not necessary - I'm just including this as an example. MAPSLOTS: 1) Keep of the Damned (by Arrowhead) 2) Here are some great resources for people new to deathmatch design: Decay's great multiplayer mapping guide: Doomkid's video on deathmatch design: You can also reach out to me directly if you have any questions about DM design - I'll try my best to help you out! DISCORD SERVER: I've made a Discord server recently, (Arrowhead's Arenas) in preparation for a simple community project like this! I intend for this WAD's development to mostly be discussed there. However, if you don't have Discord, or don't want to use it, I don't want to exclude you! This thread will also be a hub for this project - feel free to post your map here, too, or any questions about DM mapping you may have. Discord Invite Link: https://discord.gg/PBwDYdw8 When submitting a map, whether here or on Discord, please ping me directly when doing so. All maps will be accepted in this project, provided they follow the small set of rules listed above. Please include what you want your mapname to be, as well as the name you wish to be credited by. Also, if you have a specific MIDI you wish to use, you can either link the MIDI directly, or tell me the name of it + the composer's name. ______________________________________________________________________________ So yeah, this is my first attempt at something like this - I thought at first of just leaving the gates open fully, and accepting maps from veteran DM mappers too, but I think it will be more fun to try to introduce this type of thing to people who are new to it, or relatively new to it. I'll keep this thread updated the best I can - remember, you can always reach out directly to me w/ any DM mapping questions! :D
    13 points
  4. I want Gusta to return so we can stop bumping the Kama Sutra 2 begging thread.
    11 points
  5. Yes. It seems to me that life is an ongoing struggle against feelings of emptiness and/or pointlessness. When you are alone (or feel as if you are alone), the feelings of purposelessness and emptiness quickly multiply. I would normally suggest seeking solace in movies, music, or art made by or about people that you feel a connection with, or even better, making something of your own which reflects what you see in yourself or the world around you, but after doing those things for my entire adult life (while neglecting many relationships), I have concluded that, for me, there is no replacement for in-person human connection. If you can pin down a job (any job, really), you may feel a lift. Having an obligation to someone or something gives you a purpose, no matter how irrelevant you may believe it is. Offering your time to someone else or to a cause with no expectation of a reward (not even a 'thank you') might make you feel better. Giving feels good. Being outside walking, running, looking at things, passing people on the street, always makes me feel a tiny bit better than being inside. It usually distracts me from the emptiness, and at least offers the sensory satisfaction of putting one foot in front of the other. When I'm inside, I dread going out, but when I'm out, I'm usually glad I went. Walking to the grocery store (when you have that luxury) is one of life's unsung pleasures. It takes courage -- a lot of it -- to insert yourself into the world, and courage is a precious commodity these days. You probably have more of it than you think you do. Good luck to you, Grungo.
    11 points
  6. I have been working on something a bit out there for a GAYhem map. I've written a 7 stanza poem, and am writing it out for the automap, but I also feel like when it comes to poetry, fonts and text spacing can be incredibly important, and I didn't want to just crudely block out letters. So instead I took screenshots of my poem in Google Drive with the proper font and kerning, and then I used those screenshots as guide textures to let me draw sector letters that look really nice. I worked on the first stanza tonight, and I think the text looks really good and I wanted to show off this in development project on the picture thread.
    10 points
  7. Lunar Strain is a new Moon-themed episode megawad for Doom 2 designed for limit removing source ports (complevel 2) made by the various members of Doomer Boards, lead by me, Matador. There are 22 levels plus a credits map but there are also two curiosities I threw in the MAP31/32 slots. MAP31 is a demo map showcasing the new monsters/props. MAP32 is a color swapped version of MAP13. >>> DOWNLOAD HERE (V1) <<< Old versions: Screenshots: MAPLIST: Previous Projects:
    9 points
  8. About time I bumped an old thread. Michael Krause. Funny thing is that every time I mention Krause as one of my all-time fave mappers, I have to brag that I used to playtest some of his maps back in the '90s. Yeah, I jump up and down, waving my arms and screaming, "I used to playtest for Michael-fucking-Krause!!!!!!" Krause had a big influence on me, even though I never made maps in his style . . . yet! Glen Payne and Marshall Bostwick. I've always been obsessed with Osiris. A TC that wasn't really a full TC but a very extensive mod, dripping with atmosphere, fun level design and great style. Would love to see them go crazy with our modern tools. Sean Birkel. Just because Fava Beans is so great. Viggles. Among modern mappers, almost all of my faves are still active, and for all I know -- and hope! -- Viggles is, too, and a new masterpiece is already underway.
    9 points
  9. Map04: Holy Jesus, the ammo situation here is fucked. That was how I reacted after my first continuous playthrough, where I exited the map with 0 bullets, 0 shells, and several monsters still alive. The vast majority of ammo on this level comes from dead bodies in the first third, and after that, there is a point of no return (two of them, actually), so you'd better grab as much as you can before taking the plunge. As it turns out, none of my pistol-start playthroughs felt as tough as that oblivious first try, as good strategies solved a lot of problems. The level opens with a huge imp-and-zombie slaughter, with a few arachnotrons thrown in to make it challenging, while 'Mars, the Bringer of War' ensures that all of it is epic. Knowing what would happen later, I was constantly looking for opportunities to chainsaw things (the chainsaw is hidden in the dark, but can technically be grabbed very early), often doing it even when I knew I'd probably lose a little health. Trading health for ammo conservation makes a lot of sense in this map. Near the chainsaw, five switches open up new areas, except for one that permanently blocks a very important secret with a megasphere and rocket launcher; this is enemy territory, why should you expect it to be designed for your convenience? :^) By some miracle, after riding that elevator four times, the cyberdemon never killed me. It's still obvious what will happen if you get the wrong RNG: you'll get blocked and killed by a rocket and there's nothing you can do about it. It's bullshit, it's unfair, whatever. The cyb seems to consistently hover around the exit of the elevator, and even if you aren't blocked, he could fire into your little box while you're slowly being raised, still not high enough to leave. To make matters worse, BPRD tries to force an invis sphere on you, though it can actually be "avoided" by backing off the elevator and letting it run out. Yet, the most important tactic for the cyberdemon is to avoid waking him up altogether (or at least until you've entered his arena proper) by staying far away from the railing upstairs, prior to the first point of no return. I wanted to collect all the items for some reason, so I just dealt with an awake cyb. Most of what happens after the cyberdemon encounter seems a little dull on paper, but I think of it as a test of the player's resource conservation, possibly even a cruel punishment for poor decisions. The three mancubi blocking a required door may be nearly insurmountable, or completely trivial, depending on your ammo situation--I've experienced it both ways. Likewise, the walls lowering to surround you with pinkies and imps can induce panic, or maybe not. If all else fails, the chainsaw never runs out of ammo. I might just be crazy, but I'm pretty sure this map is fantastic.
    8 points
  10. You can tell FL posts from a really rough neighbourhood - instead of bullet holes in the street signs, they have 'em on the report buttons.
    7 points
  11. Wow that's the funniest thing I've ever read.
    7 points
  12. Happy Summer Solstice, Doomworld. (click to see cover arts (a bit lazy as i like)) Yeah, just for this special day, i decided to release my finished project. This covers pack was contributed not just by me and @Some Spoony Bard, but also 3 more chiptune artists. (and each track was modified by me). some credits and info (sorry for pings) - TTL - A Path Beyond (@Mr. Freeze, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) INT - Intersection (@Mr. Freeze, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) TXT - Endless Suffer (@ClumsyDoomer, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP01 - Death Mask (@Lippeth, cv - @Molkirilll) MAP02 - Trigger (@Mr. Freeze and @Bucket, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP03 - Jade Empire (@stewboy, cv - @Molkirill) MAP04 - Claustrophobia (@ClumsyDoomer, cv - The Subinion) MAP05 - Sepulchral (@Shin Godzilla, cv - @Molkirill) MAP06 - Plusfort (@Bucket, cv - @Molkirill) MAP07 - Seasons of Insanity (@Jimmy and Russen Allen, cv - @Molkirill) MAP08 - Tower of Fire (@Jimmy, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP09 - Plutocrat (@Bucket, cv - @Molkirill) MAP10 - Denied (Machine says NO) (@Doomkid, cv - Mr. Saturn) MAP11 - Always Watching (@Lippeth, cv - @Molkirill) MAP12 - Blood Rush (@Tristan, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP13 - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (@Mr. Freeze, cv - @Molkirill) MAP14 - Plugged In (@Bucket, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP15 - Plummeting (@Bucket, cv - The Subinion) MAP31 - Cry of Desperation (@Tristan, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP32 - Plunge Saw (@Bucket, cv - @Molkirill) MAP16 - Run 'Em, Gun 'Em, Kill 'Em (@Jimmy and Flying Colors, cv - @Molkirill) MAP17 - Massacre Machine (@Lippeth, cv - @Molkirill ) MAP18 - Fire Hive (@Jimmy and Knife Party, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP19 - Lost in Place (@Lippeth, cv - The Subinion) MAP20 - Death's Domain (@stewboy, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP21 - Ascension of Satan (@Varis Alpha, cv - The Subinion) MAP22 - Stealth Mode (@Jimmy, cv - @Molkirill) MAP23 - Plug Ugly (@Bucket, cv - @Molkirill) MAP24 - Pluvious (@Bucket, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP25 - Contemplate (@Shin Godzilla, cv - @Molkirill and The Subinion) MAP26 - HOSILFU (@yakfak, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP27 - Infimum (@Ribbiks, cv - @Some Spoony Bard ) MAP28 - Dead Plumber's Song (@ClumsyDoomer, cv - @Some Spoony Bard) MAP29 - The Scarlet Citadel (@Shin Godzilla, cv - The Subinion) MAP30 - Plurry (@Bucket, cv - Micro) every cover was made using Furnace chiptune tracker (.fur files are under premiere's description), and was recorded using real Sega Genesis by @Some Spoony Bard (some flaws may be because of poor compatibility of VGM format with DualPCM mode of YM2612 chip). premiere (it contains some bloopers like delayed switch from MAP08 to MAP09, and MAP22 theme credited to Bucket instead of Jimmy, i'm sorry): download links: .wad - https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-ii/addons/plutonia-midi-pack-sega-mdgenesis-covers .fur - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y69h2h8pjuj79xh52lfsj/plutm_fm_fur.zip?rlkey=9r4cej3yjzsdpq2ix5en4kkah&amp;st=y0j8dr8u&amp;dl=0
    7 points
  13. Apologies for the wait! This wad has been finalized on idgames!
    7 points
  14. MAP03: Genome Entrance There's good variety for such a small map. We have what appear to be vents, a cavern, fancy high tech labs. Ammo can get a bit tight halfway through but there should be enough by the end to kill everything that matters. The dark maze filled with pinkie demons is just not good. It's the kind of thing you're hoping the typical mapper would realize is a horrible idea halfway through making it and completely start over. Oh well, It's a lot like eating a shit sandwich. Just gotta take it one bite at a time and keep reminding yourself there's going to be an end to it eventually. MAP04: Genome Labs In just one map, we go to over twice the number of enemies and massive rooms filled with hitscanners. They also start throwing Arachnotrons, revenants, and even a Cyberdemon at us. And there's not enough ammo to deal with all of them, even if you land every shot perfectly and conserve as much as possible. The Cyberdemon comes after a lift that I would put in the realm of patently bad design. But you know what? As soon as I dropped my 100% goals I started having a lot more fun with this. Most of it looks pretty damn good too. That huge basement facility with all the Hell Knight jar things was probably one of the coolest areas you could find back in 2001. Whoever designed this Equinox facility must have known they were doing some spooky shit. Why else would you place self-destruct switches all over the place? equinox03-04.zip
    7 points
  15. Equinox MAP04: Begun the Clone War Has (UV, pistol start, K: 100% / S: 100%, Woof!, complevel 2) And then we enter the Genome Labs proper. The fourth map is a natural extension of the previous map, but with a catch: the ammo shortage is not immediately obvious. But don't you worry, it's still there all right. The map can be neatly divided into two parts and you'll know you've entered the second part when you can't go back no more. The first part is a big open firefight with dozens and dozens of zombies gunning for your head and can turn out very differently depending on the way you approach it. It can be a tedious doorfight if you hang back or an exciting run-and-gun if you don't - crucially, you have enough medical supplies to make the second approach viable. You'll have no ammo issues here, as there are simply so many shotgunners around that you'll stay topped up on shells the whole time. Don't miss the SSG sitting smack dab in the middle of the ensuing corpse-pile and the backpack in one of the side rooms, you'll need 'em. The second part is a different beast entirely. The first section's plentiful piles of shotguns are gone, and so are its open and well-lit spaces. Now it's about dealing with hordes of chaingunners, revenants, mancubi, and other assorted fiends in dark tunnels. Not only that, but genetic test subject 293895 is waiting to say hello with a rocket to the face in a harrowing, unavoidable point-blank encounter. This is no doubt where many players call bullshit, as you're semi-forced to eat a blur sphere before you go in, so your survival has more than a little to do with RNG. However, you can mitigate the issue if you know how. Speaking of which... Remember what I said before about prior knowledge? This map is where that really comes into play. You need to know (or be properly paranoid) about the ammo situation in the latter part, as you can't return to restock after you take the elevator down from the observation deck, and your guns will run dry down there if you're not careful. The secret megasphere is vital for surviving the cyberdemon encounter, so you need to know where to find it and ration it for that purpose. Oh, right: you also need to know that the megasphere secret will be permanently closed off if you press the wrong switch. Rude! I can't not mention the ending sequence. Emerging from the stifling corridors of the map's latter half into the final room and seeing the cavernous space filled with clone-pods is such a nice reveal. The self-destruct sequence, simulated by crushing modified Romero heads, ends up being fairly convincing too. Doomguy disapproves of GM cows! This map is no doubt divisive, in more ways than one, but I find myself still firmly in the positive camp. B.P.R.D's visual design chops continue to show and the combat design idiosyncrasies aren't enough to ruin the experience for me. Although... yeah, everybody and their uncle knows the problem with the map's midi, it's a bit broken, innit. I also think that the bombastic score doesn't really fit the second, less energetic part of the map.
    7 points
  16. Sometimes it's better to not post.
    6 points
  17. Missed a Vaporeon in your copypasta.
    6 points
  18. 6 points
  19. Here is my map submission: Map 17 - The Ashen Archipelago Music - 'Monologue For The Sun' by Isotype Par Time - 14:30 All Skill levels Implemented Some screenshots: Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/viv5khelybqpa02hx3gwx/Map-17_The-Ashen-Archipelago.wad?rlkey=dda29yq027m84fgpxn50y2oc4&amp;st=34w15f8t&amp;dl=0
    6 points
  20. Map 04 At what point does a plan become visible in the layout of a Doom map? It’s not feasible to really quantify the interconnection, reuse, or primary purpose of rooms as they continue to appear in the development process, but there is a certain critical point where you can tell that the creation of some are interconnected. This also goes in the other direction, as most maps that forego forethought and have each next step drawn sequentially are laid bare. Normally this is common in newer work as a definitive style is still being honed, but here we are, at a time capsule filled with a train of thought. Much like a siren steering a vessel towards the rocks, this map opens with what looks like a jackpot for ammo in the form of a zombie mosh pit. There’s about a hundred of them that will kill over with minimal interjection from the player simply due to their inaccurate nature, leaving behind a field of weapons to carry off with you. It is entirely a trick. After leaving the balcony of the Cyber pen, there is not a single point of non-secret ammo placed on the ground except for twenty-eight Shells in the final fight, and one Bullet Box in a secret by the Mancubi. The entire map after the Cyberdemon is a gray hallway filled with Chaingunners, a drip feed of ammo just enough to replace what you used. It is downright mind numbing, only briefly interrupted by a lifeless garage bay here and there. A grandiose space adventure sending me through what feels and looks like an abandoned nuclear bunker should be a premise to run with, but it’s repetitive and simultaneously nerve wracking as the ammo checkpoints come to pass. Comprehending exactly what went into the creation of the Cyberdemon fight is impossible. The Cyber will already be awake by the time you make it to the entrance, which is an extended ride on a very slow lift. The problem here is, due to how long it takes to rise up to the platform and the line of sight available for the duration of the floor moving, that Cyber can lob a rocket into the elevator shaft, killing you instantly. This is clearly terrible, even BPRD thought it was terrible because he attempted to remediate it, and he remediated it, not with a restructuring of the fight, not by holding the Cyberdemon back, not by creating a teleport pad, but by putting down a Partial Invisibility. What kind of brainworm thought this was a good idea? The Blursphere does nothing, the Cyberdemon can still wander over and shoot with a roll of the dice no matter how bad its aim is. It’s placed right in front of the lift controls as to be the unavoidable solution to the potential worst death a player can experience, and all it does is make the following Cyber fight worse. There was a simple problem to solve and the map design failed to do so. So many very minor things pile up on the already towering mountain of nonsense. The music is malformed such that it only plays for around a minute before being silenced for another four. The Megasphere is locked in a secret that can be permanently sealed off from hitting a switch in a group of five where you would have no idea what controlled what on the first time through. The explosion sound is cut off before any of the sustain can play out. Even getting a Plasma Rifle feels reduced because it is immediately tasked to the Cyberdemon in the lab. That first impression of ducking the mass of undead raining hellfire on you between sprays of Arachnotron plasma dwindles down into inadequate acupuncture, and the few rooms that do serve as fights are torn apart with ammo conservation. This level is a trainwreck of thought, digging out individual cubbies to hide supplies that are useful for maybe a couple seconds save the backpack, and lining up so much stop and start gameplay over the course of a potential fifteen to twenty minutes that it could make a man throw up. Blowing up the tubes at the end is the singular saving grace that keeps this map from deserving discarding from the annals of time.
    6 points
  21. All the maps are now finished and beatable! Download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fDdY8Mrv3lOfF79jwjtIBtnnEskrvpFU/view?usp=sharing This is the first "finished" version of the mapset - I would be extremely grateful for feedback!
    6 points
  22. Equinox MAP04 (HMP, continuous, saves): I only just now downloaded Devalaous's quality of life patch for this WAD, which I set to autoload. I remembered being stuck on this map on my first playthrough a year ago, but luckily this isn't my first playthrough anymore! This map is perhaps the most cinematic-feeling one yet, filled to the brim with memorable scenes, enhanced by its intense music (which works better when it actually loops properly!). Despite being fairly mundane, the concrete hallway with revenants and chaingunners has always stuck out in my mind. If my mind was an aesthetic, it would be this area. Much better than the rather lame vent maze in the previous map. My very WIP 90's-themed TC has a tribute to this part in one of the very WIP maps. Unfortunately, just after this part you're ambushed by an difficult-to-impossible to avoid cyberdemon, a situation not helped by your mandatory blursphere. I doubt this part was properly tested. It's not worth the trial and error required for RNGesus to let you past him, so I just idclipped through it. Thank fuck I'm not a UV-maxer. After getting through a tiny hole, the map is back on track, where you're back into my beloved concrete vent maze. Unfortunately, by the end of it when the walls lower to a bunch of enemies, when I need it the most, I'm fresh out of ammo. Due to my familiarity with this map I was able to get through it ok, but still, it wouldn't've killed BPRD if he put more ammo here. The exit room is a fitting end to such a creative adventure of a map. Towers of Barons in vats, which seemingly stretch into infinity. You get to blow it all up with what's perhaps the most creative use of the boss brain in any WAD ever, especially considering the original WAD doesn't have any DeHackEd at all! Overall, with several memorable areas and only a couple parts which drag it down somewhat, this is one of my favorite maps in the WAD. I can understand why it would be a slog on a first playthrough, but I love Equinox's other strengths enough that once I got used to the quirks, I can't bring myself to do anything other than love it. Also, I started compiling a resource pack containing almost every BPRD-made graphical asset, assuming it's okay to disregard some old text files...
    6 points
  23. Hello, this is a TC project I've been working on and off for the last year. I finally finished a stage to serve as sort of a proof of concept. What I'll do with the project from this point forward I'm not so sure. Depends on what type of interest it draws. I would definitely need some level designers to continue it though. Level building is a very slow and difficult process for me that doesn't come as natural as working on the other aspects. FEATURES: - 16 new enemies - Lots of ZScript coding effects for the enemies and items. - An inventory system that combines Heretic and Duke Nukem style items - Custom shader effects for various sprites and textures - 3D models for the static decorations (All enemies use prerendered sprites). - No bullet type hitscans IMPORTANT NOTES: - For GZDoom only. Works with the DOOMs, FreeDooms, and Heretic, though do not expect any noticeable difference in gameplay. - Software Render mode will not work properly with this TC, due to the use of shaders and models for the static decorations. - The Alt Fire button functions as a "Quick Kick" melee attack that can be used with any weapon. - The are more options for hotkeys and feature toggles in the Options menus - Uses the inventory system - The level is setup for jumping. SCREENSHOTS: MORE SCREENS: DOWNLOAD LINK: https://mega.nz/file/paNB3JhR#A01n0Z_Z391WUgm_Wr9MGuTAm-6_ExLMXiGmV0CkwUY BIG LIST OF CREDITS:
    5 points
  24. The title got cut off on the link I used to get here, so I legit was thinking it was gonna say "Good DOOM 2 WADS you'd report to the police"
    5 points
  25. it's about an edgelord who plagiarizes a bunch of content and then tries to sell it. not very good, 5/10 at most tbh
    5 points
  26. Ive been a bit busy lately, too busy to get write ups out, but not too busy to continue to play the levels each morning or read everyone elses reviews during cigarette breaks at work. I missed my reviews for the last two maps of Biowar and Im not gunna bother now, I'll just give an overall, final thoughts type dealio. I for the most part enjoyed Biowar. Its no where near a favorite, nor is it even up there with the middlest of the road stuff, but it isnt the worst levels ever or even a genre of gameplay/map design that I am turned off by. The strongest thing it had going for it was its atmosphere, environments and visual story telling. That being said, it really did sell itself short by not doubling down on all of those things by taking the time to delve further into any of them. I could imagine a remake of this, that uses all of the original maps but adds on to them, doubling or even tripleing the size of them, while retaining the concept and texturework throughout the additions, creating engaging arena combat in some and vast exploration areas in others, raising the overall difficulty of everything, becoming enhanced enough to be popular with modern audiances. Its core is that good. Outside of that there were at least four, if not five or six maps that I absolutely would kill to get expounded upon by Roofi. Just think how great playing something like his contribution to Tangerine Nightmare, but set in the forest of map 10, the ice caves of map 11 or map 15s heart of the volcano would be. Thats all I got. 😀
    5 points
  27. Played some Maps a little last night, really impressive stuff guys!
    5 points
  28. While nigh-impossible... Leo Martin Lim of the UAC_DEAD.wad fame, just because.
    5 points
  29. Map27 Pacifist in 37.63 cy27p3763.zip
    5 points
  30. I'm gonna pop a lock on this thread for the sake of keeping things above board and decently civil, but I will say that I agree with the general consensus that life has as much meaning as you give it. MtPain27 gives some excellent advice in terms of stepping outside of your comfort zone and I'd add that removing yourself from your regular surroundings is a good way to clear your mind and reflect as you need to: some places end up as reminders and reinforcement of your own negative emotions if you stay in them for too long and it can potentially hamper your efforts to change. And of course, don't be afraid to ask for help from the important people in your life.
    5 points
  31. Dissension II. MAP05: "The Stygian Chasm".
    5 points
  32. Hello! This is a community project is very similar in concept to fellow community project Amalgoom. Take two commercial Doom maps and use ideas from both to create a brand new one! While Amalgoom had map makers choose from pre-set Doom1/2 map combinations, Second Mix lets YOU decide what two maps to mix! The only catch is your chosen maps must be from two different Doom games (IWADs). For example, mixing MAP02 and MAP07 from Plutonia is not allowed. But MAP02 from Plutonia and MAP07 from TNT: Evilution is fine! Use your Doom wisdom and creativity to decide which two maps will blend together best! Alternatively, if you're feeling spicy, use a random number generator to decide for you! The final product will be a classic limit-removing 32 map megawad. Why no Boom/MBF? As I have experienced with other classic themed CP's, Boom features encourage some mappers to go a little too experimental, which can go against the theme of the project. Your goal is to create a new map using elements from your two chosen maps. What counts as map elements? Room layouts, aesthetics, traps, you name it. The idea is to not simply copy the layout of either map, but to create a brand new map with the "DNA" of both of your chosen maps. See the MAP01 of this project for an example. Get those creative juices flowing! The only other restriction is you cannot use monsters that do not appear in either of your chosen maps. Weapons, items and textures are fine to be added in as you please (though you will most likely use textures that appear in both maps). The monster selection adds a lot of identity to maps after all. What maps are allowed? You can choose maps from the following Doom games: Ultimate Doom (any of the 4 episodes) Doom 2 TNT: Evilution The Plutonia Experiment The two secret maps have exceptions. See the list below for details! To help you create your map, open two copies of Doom Builder. Start your new map in one, and open your one of your selected maps in the other. Select all the map geometry and copy them into your new map somewhere. Do the same for your other map choice. With both maps on hand you can easily enter 3d mode to refresh your memory on both maps! I would also advise removing all the line special tags and sector tags so they don't interfere with testing your own map. See the screenshot below for an example of how I was editing my map: Choose two different maps from either Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, TNT or Plutonia. Do not choose two maps from the same game! Do both maps have enough interesting things about them to create a new map? I must be able to visibly see the influences from both chosen maps. I've been playing Doom for almost 30 years, don't worry. If they're there, I will notice them! Map format: Limit-Removing (No Boom specials!) Target source port: DSDA Complevel 2. Please allow use difficulty settings with monster/item placements. If you don't I may roughly add them myself. Use this Resource pack for extra textures from TNT, Plutonia etc Your map must use some elements from both of your selected maps (see above for more info). I will judge whether your map meets this criteria. Your sky texture must be defined in UMAPINFO (and must be from either one of your map choices). If you don't provide one I will choose a sky. Do not use monsters not found in either of your choices. If you choose a map with an Icon of Sin fight, the Icon of Sin boss itself cannot be used (except for map30)! If you choose a slot with a secret exit, you must provide a secret exit. You may collaborate with others. Please let me know when this is decided and who you are collaborating with. It should go without saying, but *try* to make a good map. Even if you think both of your map choices are terrible maps, strive to make a good level! Choose any music you like, but please provide who made it and where you got it from so they can be properly credited. If your map is extreme low quality or shows a lack of effort, it may be rejected. Check the list below to find an open slot! Check if the slot has any special requirements too. Only one slot can be claimed (may change later if I'm struggling to complete a full 32 map set). Post in the thread that you wish to claim a slot. Specify the slot you desire and which two maps you have chosen to blend. Maps that are already being blended may be rejected (we don't want 5 copies of Plutonia's "Hunted"). I will allow exceptions if problems arise. If I accept your slot, I will allow 3 weeks to show visible progress. You will lose your slot if nothing is shown after I send you a reminder. Use the template below to post and claim a slot: @Cutman First map choice: Second map choice: Desired map slot: I will reply to you if your claim is accepted. Depending on the difficulty and size of your map, I may change which slot it takes up at a later time. Good luck! Here is a link to a spreadsheet I will be using which contains more information on slots and deadlines: MAP01 CutmanMike - Doom E4M1 x TNT MAP01 MAP02 DoctorNuriel - Doom E4M2 x Doom2 MAP04 MAP03 Meyland12 - Doom E1M1 x Doom2 MAP01 MAP04 mr-around Plutonia MAP05 x E3M9 Warrens MAP05 WASFDDDDD - Doom2 MAP02 x Plutonia MAP01 MAP06 DynamiteKaitorn - Doom1 E2M1 x Plutonia MAP16 MAP07 ViolentBeetle - Doom E3M6 x Doom2 MAP07 MAP08 SirPootis - Doom E1M7 x Plutonia MAP05 MAP09 Cutman 999 - TNT MAP16 x Doom2 MAP09 MAP10 AtticTelephone - TNT MAP11 x Doom2 MAP06 MAP11 capsailcin - Doom2 MAP06 x Plutonia MAP02 MAP12 Quin - Doom2 MAP09 x Plutonia MAP02 MAP13 Apex CHUD - TNT MAP02 x E2M4 MAP14 DankMetal - Doom E4M4 x Doom2 MAP14 MAP15 Argent Agent - Plutonia MAP24 x TNT MAP31 MAP16 Djoga - Doom2 MAP20 x Doom E4M6 MAP17 Gothic - TNT MAP16 x Doom E3M5 MAP18 DukeOfDoom Doom2 MAP08 x Doom E2M6 MAP19 Plerb - & Mystic 256 x TNT MAP19 Doom E2M2 MAP20 OPEN! MAP21 OPEN! MAP22 Bendy1 - Doom2 MAP24 x Doom E1M3 MAP23 roadworx - Doom2 MAP10 x Plutonia MAP23 MAP24 OPEN! MAP25 OPEN! MAP26 OPEN! MAP27 OPEN! MAP28 JackDBS - Doom2 MAP27 x Plutonia MAP31 MAP29 NiGHTS108 - Doom2 MAP01 x Plutonia MAP32 MAP30 CutmanMike - ??? ??? MAP31 Grizzly Old B - Sigil E5M1 x ??? (Secret Exit. One map choice must contain a Sigil map!) MAP32 DoomGuy999 - E6M9 Sigil 2 x Doom E1M8 (One map choice must contain a Sigil 2 map!) Here's a list of maps that have been used up from the different IWADS: Doom E1M3 Doom E1M7 Doom E2M2 Doom E2M4 Doom E2M6 Doom E3M5 Doom E3M6 Doom E3M9 Doom E4M1 Doom E4M2 Doom E4M4 Doom E4M6 Doom2 MAP01 Doom2 MAP02 Doom2 MAP04 Doom2 MAP06 Doom2 MAP07 Doom2 MAP08 Doom2 MAP10 Doom2 MAP14 Doom2 MAP20 Doom2 MAP24 Doom2 MAP27 Plutonia MAP02 Plutonia MAP05 Plutonia MAP08 Plutonia MAP23 Plutonia MAP24 Plutonia MAP31 Plutonia MAP32 TNT MAP01 TNT MAP02 TNT MAP05 TNT MAP11 TNT MAP16 TNT MAP19 TNT MAP31 Please use this thread to discuss the project and show your progress. This is my first attempt at a CP (outside of non-vanilla Doom projects), hope I didn't miss anything important. Have fun and don't be afraid to share your WIP map for feedback :) Resource Pack, contains all textures from required Doom IWADs. Second Mix MAP01, to get an idea of what the project is about! Progress Spreadsheet
    4 points
  33. Mods, give this user a "B" for "Band Kid Humor". He really deserves it.
    4 points
  34. I hope you know that when you commented on this I got a big fat windows notification on my monitor with the title of this thread and your pfp.
    4 points
  35. map02 max in 14:35 ab02m1435.zip
    4 points
  36. the "author" attempted to sell it at first until everyone rightfully told him to fuck off
    4 points
  37. Given how expensive storage is nowadays, I'd be glad to have a random wad make me new hard drives.
    4 points
  38. Corruption is a thirty-five level MBF21 mapset created by @NinjaDelphox, @EVILNECK, and @Arsinikk, comprised of detailed and action heavy maps inspired by Back to Saturn X2 and Hell Revealed II, along with other games such as Final Fantasy, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Metroid, Resident Evil, and Mega Man. Corruption.wad on idgames Suggested prefix: corr Map 01 UV-MAX in 6:13 YT link: corr01m613.zip
    4 points
  39. MAP03 UV Max in 1:59.11 jf303-15911.zip Sorry Phoenyx :')
    4 points
  40. More table filling runs: E1: 16 max in 1:18-10lne116-118.zip E3: 2 max in 0:06-10lne302-006.zip 6 max in 0:11-10lne302-006.zip 7 max in 0:12-10lne307-012.zip 8 max in 1:00-10lne308-100.zip 9 max in 0:56-10lne309-056.zip 10 max in 0:10-10lne310-010.zip E4: 1 pacifist in 0:09-10lne401p009.zip 2 max in 2:40-10lne402-240.zip 3 pacifist in 0:03-10lne403p003.zip 4 pacifist in 0:07-10lne404p007.zip 5 max in 1:14-10lne405-114.zip 6 max in 0:25-10lne406-025.zip 7 max in 0:34-10lne407-034.zip 8 max in 1:32-10lne408-132.zip 9 max in 3:23-10lne409-323.zip 10 max in 1:13-10lne410-113.zip 28 max in 0:41-10lne428-041.zip 10lne306-011.zip
    4 points
  41. i made a scaled version of oldschool flamethrower
    4 points
  42. Jan Van der Veken would be my vote.
    4 points
  43. Well, every mapper here is a hobbyist. Everyone does it for free, because they like doing it! Regarding megawads, I simply don't have the time or energy to make something that would qualify as a megawad on my own (so at least 18 maps, maybe 32, maybe more), and even if I did I don't think I'd want to. I don't have the free time I had as a younger person to be able to consistently do that over a timeframe I would find acceptable. I have to be in the right spot for even one map or one room to work out sometimes. Even doing a 9-map Ultimate Doom episode, I felt creatively spent by the time it was over. I really enjoyed doing it, but it was fucking exhausting. I like making single maps, but a habit I have is making something that feels like a spot-on MAP01 and going "now there has to be a MAP02", and a MAP03, and it basically turns into "you're making an episode". I typically make vanilla maps so I naturally fall into the vanilla structure of episodes. This ties me up a bit because releasing anything less than that would feel like unfulfilled potential in a way. I don't make big maps so it feels like there always has to be "more". I'm trying to break away from that mentality, because I like playing miniwads and bite-sized mapsets, I just struggle a bit with the notion of doing that myself without asking myself "where's the rest of it?". Its a tricky one!
    4 points
  44. MAP04 UV Max in 1:12.03 z304-11203.zip MAP11 UV Max in 1:48.26 z311-14826.zip
    4 points
  45. hop hop bunny bun (still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testosterone high" and all it entails)
    4 points
  46. I've got a fun idea for a deathmatch community project! It will be for mappers who have never published a deathmatch map before! This will be a speedmapping session, essentially - mappers will be given 3 hours to complete a DM map from beginning to end. This will be very free-form, in the sense that only one major rule, (other than the time limit) is to be followed: Maps that are perfectly symmetrical arenas will not be accepted. Everything else will be fair game - this is a speedmapping session after all. I've been experimenting w/ speedmapping in my recent mapping streams on Twitch. My most recent deathmatch map was completed in 2 hours 26 minutes. Here's a VOD of the stream - I'll likely include this as the first map in the project - mapping begins at 0:3:50 and ends at 2:30:08. : I'll make a full project thread some point soon, once I've got things fully figured out, was thinking of 'Accelerated Arenas' as a potential name - but yeah, that's the gist of it! The project will be organized on my personal Discord server, - here's an invite link if anyone is interested: https://discord.gg/yGBp4c8H Thanks to @Ludi for encouraging me to do such a project!
    4 points
  47. MAP04. Played on UV, continuous. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 370/370, S: 3/4, I: 109/110. Comp. time 28:37 Kill count rises, and most of it consists of fodder, which I'd love to mow down... if not for slight ammo starvation looming very near in the horizon despite continuous play. Another flaw: I found out only after passing point of no return that you can't backtrack for long, and that you can permanently lock yourself out of a secret that would have somewhat alleviated resource issue. I'm still not sure what the five switches in one room did. Other than that, I suppose MAP04 is a fine map. Linear, very silvery, and the end sequence is cool (for a moment there I thought my laptop was dying). I suppose that helped me dip the scales on positive after all. The cyberdemon fight with forced blur sphere is nothing to reminisce (surprisingly enough I never got splattered climbing up from the elevator into the arena), but I really like BPRD's sector work, the hole in the arena looks very good. I guess the thing is I'm just not that keen on some of B.P.R.D's design philosophies. Ample ammo, backtrackability and having no softlock situations are not exactly basic human rights -- but I hold those values in high regard. AFTERWARDS (day after first playthrough): I decided to replay the level, and I even tried to do a pistol start, since my continuous had already been overwritten on MAP06. The beginning was a little harder, but knowing a bit of the ambushes, I managed to complete the map with considerable ammo surplus, and suddenly I was feeling somewhat more chipper about the map. Also, I found out that DSDA-Doom does not record level completion time unless you pistol start (but it does record K/I/S). That's actually very fine and preferable to me, I just didn't realize until now. MAP04. Played on UV, pistol start. DSDA v0.27.4. K: 370/370, S: 4/4, I: 110/110. Comp. time 28:02
    4 points
  48. Road To Hades A 32 map Boom compatible megawad for TNT:Evilution. IWAD: TNT:Evilution (tnt.wad) Compatibility level: Boom Maps: 32 Difficulty settings: Yes Multiplayer: No Build time: About a year and a half Tested in: DSDA-doom 0.27.5 Check rth.txt for MIDI credits :) Download:rth.zip
    3 points
  49. This is less conceptual and more structural, but just thought of maybe a project where the end product is not one big honkin' wad but a bunch of small (like 5-7 maps apiece max) wads that are listed together, but can be downloaded separately? Like "let's make a whole bunch of miniwads together!" Each one can have a bit of its own character, either aesthetically, conceptually, gameplay-wise, but the idea would be to give people the choice of downloading the wads that sound most cool and interesting and playing them one at a time. It may not be that different than just dividing a megawad into episodes, but I suspect people may be keen to check out more bite-sized wads and get over the psychological barrier against skipping ahead to middle episodes, or feeling of being swamped (or, worse, having their map me swamped) in the middle of a 40-50+ map set. It also can leave a little extra room to try a bunch of different ideas, compartmentalize, have different enemy replacements or whatever (think of all the MAP07 replacements you could do!). If there's a concept that gets a lot of people extra excited then it can be divided into multiple Parts or whatever you want to call them, still as separate wads. And if not a lot of folks contribute or they jump ship or whatever then you just scale down and release two or three or one little community miniwads. And there’s always room to do more next time! I dunno it may not make any difference but there's something about like "these wads are only 5 maps long and I can play each one in an hour or two" that may be appealing to some. I kinda like the idea anyway
    3 points
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