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Map03 UV-Max in 1:48.71 jf303m148.zip2 points
So the discussion here inspired me to make 'Pridebars' a collection of 14 pride themed statusbars based on Skillsaw's statusbar from Valiant. I'd like to think I've struck the right balance of being colourful without being too distracting, but I'll let you be the judge. Feel free to use these in any of your mapping projects, including this one if there's any interest. I've posted a topic with slightly more details in the mods & resources forum. They are available for download from my Google Drive.2 points
Did you know Cacodemons are the most breedable?
BerserkerNoir and one other reacted to esselfortium for a topic
Sometimes it's better to not post.2 points -
Medieval style maps?
Lila Feuer reacted to qwaz for a topic
Hi, new to Doom. Been a Quake player for years and finally decided to get Doom and dive into it. I'm having a blast and should have done this sooner! I really love medieval style maps. Castles and villages and stuff like that. Are there any that you guys would recommend?1 point -
Hello! This is a community project is very similar in concept to fellow community project Amalgoom. Take two commercial Doom maps and use ideas from both to create a brand new one! While Amalgoom had map makers choose from pre-set Doom1/2 map combinations, Second Mix lets YOU decide what two maps to mix! The only catch is your chosen maps must be from two different Doom games (IWADs). For example, mixing MAP02 and MAP07 from Plutonia is not allowed. But MAP02 from Plutonia and MAP07 from TNT: Evilution is fine! Use your Doom wisdom and creativity to decide which two maps will blend together best! Alternatively, if you're feeling spicy, use a random number generator to decide for you! The final product will be a classic limit-removing 32 map megawad. Why no Boom/MBF? As I have experienced with other classic themed CP's, Boom features encourage some mappers to go a little too experimental, which can go against the theme of the project. Your goal is to create a new map using elements from your two chosen maps. What counts as map elements? Room layouts, aesthetics, traps, you name it. The idea is to not simply copy the layout of either map, but to create a brand new map with the "DNA" of both of your chosen maps. See the MAP01 of this project for an example. Get those creative juices flowing! The only other restriction is you cannot use monsters that do not appear in either of your chosen maps. Weapons, items and textures are fine to be added in as you please (though you will most likely use textures that appear in both maps). The monster selection adds a lot of identity to maps after all. What maps are allowed? You can choose maps from the following Doom games: Ultimate Doom (any of the 4 episodes) Doom 2 TNT: Evilution The Plutonia Experiment The two secret maps have exceptions. See the list below for details! To help you create your map, open two copies of Doom Builder. Start your new map in one, and open your one of your selected maps in the other. Select all the map geometry and copy them into your new map somewhere. Do the same for your other map choice. With both maps on hand you can easily enter 3d mode to refresh your memory on both maps! I would also advise removing all the line special tags and sector tags so they don't interfere with testing your own map. See the screenshot below for an example of how I was editing my map: Choose two different maps from either Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, TNT or Plutonia. Do not choose two maps from the same game! Do both maps have enough interesting things about them to create a new map? I must be able to visibly see the influences from both chosen maps. I've been playing Doom for almost 30 years, don't worry. If they're there, I will notice them! Map format: Limit-Removing (No Boom specials!) Target source port: DSDA Complevel 2. Please allow use difficulty settings with monster/item placements. If you don't I may roughly add them myself. Use this Resource pack for extra textures from TNT, Plutonia etc Your map must use some elements from both of your selected maps (see above for more info). I will judge whether your map meets this criteria. Your sky texture must be defined in UMAPINFO (and must be from either one of your map choices). If you don't provide one I will choose a sky. Do not use monsters not found in either of your choices. If you choose a map with an Icon of Sin fight, the Icon of Sin boss itself cannot be used (except for map30)! If you choose a slot with a secret exit, you must provide a secret exit. You may collaborate with others. Please let me know when this is decided and who you are collaborating with. It should go without saying, but *try* to make a good map. Even if you think both of your map choices are terrible maps, strive to make a good level! Choose any music you like, but please provide who made it and where you got it from so they can be properly credited. If your map is extreme low quality or shows a lack of effort, it may be rejected. Check the list below to find an open slot! Check if the slot has any special requirements too. Only one slot can be claimed (may change later if I'm struggling to complete a full 32 map set). Post in the thread that you wish to claim a slot. Specify the slot you desire and which two maps you have chosen to blend. Maps that are already being blended may be rejected (we don't want 5 copies of Plutonia's "Hunted"). I will allow exceptions if problems arise. If I accept your slot, I will allow 3 weeks to show visible progress. You will lose your slot if nothing is shown after I send you a reminder. Use the template below to post and claim a slot: @Cutman First map choice: Second map choice: Desired map slot: I will reply to you if your claim is accepted. Depending on the difficulty and size of your map, I may change which slot it takes up at a later time. Good luck! Here is a link to a spreadsheet I will be using which contains more information on slots and deadlines: MAP01 CutmanMike - Doom E4M1 x TNT MAP01 MAP02 DoctorNuriel - Doom E4M2 x Doom2 MAP04 MAP03 Meyland12 - Doom E1M1 x Doom2 MAP01 MAP04 mr-around Plutonia MAP05 x E3M9 Warrens MAP05 WASFDDDDD - Doom2 MAP02 x Plutonia MAP01 MAP06 DynamiteKaitorn - Doom1 E2M1 x Plutonia MAP16 MAP07 ViolentBeetle - Doom E3M6 x Doom2 MAP07 MAP08 SirPootis - Doom E1M7 x Plutonia MAP05 MAP09 Cutman 999 - TNT MAP16 x Doom2 MAP09 MAP10 AtticTelephone - TNT MAP11 x Doom2 MAP06 MAP11 capsailcin - Doom2 MAP06 x Plutonia MAP02 MAP12 Quin - Doom2 MAP09 x Plutonia MAP02 MAP13 Apex CHUD - TNT MAP02 x E2M4 MAP14 DankMetal - Doom E4M4 x Doom2 MAP14 MAP15 Argent Agent - Plutonia MAP24 x TNT MAP31 MAP16 Djoga - Doom2 MAP20 x Doom E4M6 MAP17 Gothic - TNT MAP16 x Doom E3M5 MAP18 DukeOfDoom Doom2 MAP08 x Doom E2M6 MAP19 Plerb - & Mystic 256 x TNT MAP19 Doom E2M2 MAP20 OPEN! MAP21 OPEN! MAP22 Bendy1 - Doom2 MAP24 x Doom E1M3 MAP23 roadworx - Doom2 MAP10 x Plutonia MAP23 MAP24 OPEN! MAP25 OPEN! MAP26 OPEN! MAP27 OPEN! MAP28 JackDBS - Doom2 MAP27 x Plutonia MAP31 MAP29 NiGHTS108 - Doom2 MAP01 x Plutonia MAP32 MAP30 CutmanMike - ??? ??? MAP31 Grizzly Old B - Sigil E5M1 x ??? (Secret Exit. One map choice must contain a Sigil map!) MAP32 DoomGuy999 - E6M9 Sigil 2 x Doom E1M8 (One map choice must contain a Sigil 2 map!) Here's a list of maps that have been used up from the different IWADS: Doom E1M3 Doom E1M7 Doom E2M2 Doom E2M4 Doom E2M6 Doom E3M5 Doom E3M6 Doom E3M9 Doom E4M1 Doom E4M2 Doom E4M4 Doom E4M6 Doom2 MAP01 Doom2 MAP02 Doom2 MAP04 Doom2 MAP06 Doom2 MAP07 Doom2 MAP08 Doom2 MAP10 Doom2 MAP14 Doom2 MAP20 Doom2 MAP24 Doom2 MAP27 Plutonia MAP02 Plutonia MAP05 Plutonia MAP08 Plutonia MAP23 Plutonia MAP24 Plutonia MAP31 Plutonia MAP32 TNT MAP01 TNT MAP02 TNT MAP05 TNT MAP11 TNT MAP16 TNT MAP19 TNT MAP31 Please use this thread to discuss the project and show your progress. This is my first attempt at a CP (outside of non-vanilla Doom projects), hope I didn't miss anything important. Have fun and don't be afraid to share your WIP map for feedback :) Resource Pack, contains all textures from required Doom IWADs. Second Mix MAP01, to get an idea of what the project is about! Progress Spreadsheet1 point
[Community Project] Second Mix! Combine your favorite classic maps! (6 Slots Open)
DukeOfDoom reacted to Bendy1 for a topic
Here is the first (early) version of the Map 24 (Doom 2) + E1M3 map. The Destroyed Refinery What this includes -Full level -UV Max possible -Coop and Deathmatch starts + Deathmatch weapons What this does not include -Correct Sky texture -Difficulty settings other than UV and NM Feel free to critique certain aspects as well as the difficulty weather it be too easy or too hard.1 point -
Yeah, go for it.1 point
So, GZDoom has replaced its sector light options...
Lila Feuer reacted to Shepardus for a topic
If I could just mod it into the menu and have the cvar save like any other video setting, I wouldn't have anything to complain about. That it doesn't save seems to me to cause more problems than it solves. Or, more accurately, I don't understand what problems it solves. I can get behind the options being relegated to the console and understand the motivation behind that (even though changing the default is really the part that's doing the heavy lifting in the changes made), but why even the console option seems to be designed to prevent its use is beyond me.1 point -
Utopia [Doom 2] [MBF-21] RC1
Berubaretto reacted to Hebonky for a topic
I've been cooking this one for a long while. Utopia is a complevel-21 megamap Stellar views and punishing combat awaits! NOTE: please play in opengl or experience tons of visual bugs! (play with software rendering at your own risk!) DOWNLOAD Map List ================================================================= Map 01 - Intro Map 02 - Utopia Map 02 - End Map 31 - Moldy Nanner Map 32 - Bee's Knees Music List Title - Nirvana - msx2plus Intermission - Astrologist - msx2plus Map01 - Derelict Heart - msx2plus Map02 - Otherworld - Tristan Clark Map03 - The Binding - (for Time Tripper) - msx2plus Map31 - ap35b_loop - Ribbiks Map32 - Rachrachrach - Ribbiks Screenshots1 point -
good DOOM 2 WADS you'd replay more than once
Budoka reacted to Lizardcommando for a topic
Memento Mori 2 and Anomaly Report1 point -
Did you know Cacodemons are the most breedable?
BerserkerNoir reacted to Lila Feuer for a topic
You waited three years to post THIS?1 point -
Scythe and Scythe II have fun1 point
Did you know Cacodemons are the most breedable?
BerserkerNoir reacted to galileo31dos01 for a topic
Yeah I'm signing off again..1 point -
To new players, my #1 recommendation has always been Vanguard. It's made by a rather popular mapper, is pretty short, not too hard, and it'll introduce you to a fair amount of common long standing Doom community tropes.1 point
Would recommend checking this thread to see what people like if you don't have anything specific in mind.1 point
good DOOM 2 WADS you'd replay more than once
Budoka reacted to Lila Feuer for a topic
It will instead lead to incredible bias! My personal favorites tbh for w.e it's worth ig (keep in mind I have not played everything and some of these I have to go off memory as it's been a while): Alien Vendetta Operation: BIOWAR Community Chest 3 and 4 Epic 2 (rapidly rising to the top of all-time favorites still need to finish it) Eviternity II (first one's OK but sequel is crazy good) Icarus: Alien Vanguard Kama Sutra Memento Mori 1 and 2 NOVA: The Birth and its sequels especially New Dawn Obituary Osiris Plutonia 2 Plutonia Revisited Community Project (the first one) Phobos: Relive the Nightmare Requiem Realm of Chaos 25th Anniversary Edition Scythe II STRAIN Sunlust TNT: Revilution There's a lot more than that but these are the ones that come to mind in recent memory as having enjoyed the most overall.1 point -
good DOOM 2 WADS you'd replay more than once
Budoka reacted to LadyMistDragon for a topic
180 Minutes Por Vivre Alien Vendetta No End in Sight Ancient Aliens 1000 Lines 3 Those are just the ones I'd play again but that's not exactly saying I will either :P1 point -
good DOOM 2 WADS you'd replay more than once
Budoka reacted to vanilla_d00m for a topic
Unholy Realms (Map30) is the reason Icarus - Alien Vanguard (Map19) Reverie (Lots of good maps with good music) Alien Vendetta - Got this one because it’s well known in the DOOM community.1 point -
MAP05 DSDA-Doom, UV, Pistol Start This is just like the first hub level, except harder. And by harder, I mean it's now full of chaingunners. There are also a few pinkies and imps and even a hellknight. You can make them all infight. Not much else to say.1 point
Equinox MAP05 (HMP, continuous, saves): It's the second hub map. I don't have anything new to add here.1 point
TropicHELL - A tropical island themed MBF21 Community Project (OPEN SLOTS)
Frank Harper reacted to AshtralFiend for a topic
Here is my map submission: Map 17 - The Ashen Archipelago Music - 'Monologue For The Sun' by Isotype Par Time - 14:30 All Skill levels Implemented Some screenshots: Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/viv5khelybqpa02hx3gwx/Map-17_The-Ashen-Archipelago.wad?rlkey=dda29yq027m84fgpxn50y2oc4&st=34w15f8t&dl=01 point -
map05 Back to the hub, but the first signs of decay are setting in. A crack has opened up to the left just past the entrance, leading to a blue armor. The enemies are also tougher, with chaingunners and hell knights added to the mix. The former actually killed me on my first attempt, thanks to being a bit careless. Once cleared, the teleport this time leads you to the Storage Facility.1 point
MAP04 "The Genome Labs" This is the first real challenge, a much more expansive map with many highlights. I'm always impressed with the doors-swing-open trick in Doom, and here it opens into absolute madness. There are a ton of hitscanners and imps, with some very strategically positioned arachnotrons, and it was not safe no matter where I ran. Establishing a foothold is tricky, and scoring this crazy beginning to Holst's Mars is very fitting. Even after things settle down there are some more surprises. Going into one of the dark labs, only to have the walls slide open and reveal shadows of test subjects makes for some fun visual storytelling. The main hallways are expansive and impressive, with the bright light contrasting well with the darker areas. The cyberdemon is announced quite a bit before getting to his arena, though BPRD does The middle finger of these fights and gives us a blursphere, which makes avoiding the rockets harder rather than easier. The plasma rifle softens him enough to finish him off with the SSG, but you could also just run past him (this might be luck-dependant, it worked for me but it seems others had more trouble). I got to a point eventually where I was down to the chainsaw but it's not so long as to be obnoxious, ammo is well balanced to be a problem but not a showstopper. The finale with the self-destruct button blowing up the army of inactive clones is such a satisfying cinematic cap. It's a great map... at least on continuous HNTR. MAP05 "Equinox Transport Hub II" We return for another very shot trip through the hub, but with a few small changes. There are visible signs of damage compared to the much cleaner MAP02, the small underground passage in particular holds a nice protective bonus. Ammo continues to be extremely scarce, the chainsaw saw much use. Not much else to say for such a tiny map. I like the reuse of the MAP02 music theme.1 point
No need to apologise! Happy to see the sub-2 on this :)1 point
MAP03 UV Max in 1:59.11 jf303-15911.zip Sorry Phoenyx :')1 point
That gladiator looks sick. If you have the rest of the sprites can I use it in my mod (with credits of course)?1 point