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  1. Most of my creativity can be accommodated by Doom format, and I generally prefer the lowest common denominator format unless there is a very specific reason to do otherwise. And I disagree with assertions that such a target is stagnant. MBF21, UMAPINFO, and DEHEXTRA are all example of grassroots evolution of previous standards. The trick is that if you want a feature to spread, the best way to do this is to implement it in a Chocolate fork or PRBoom+ fork, so it can spread to as many actively-maintained ports as possible. With a few rare exceptions, features from more advanced ports like GZDoom simply do not trickle down to other ports.
    1 point
  2. you need only play E1M1 of the ultimate torment and torture to know that creativity has nothing to do with what map format you decide to use. You want to talk about linear hallways connecting rooms? That map might as well be a Wolfenstein map- hey, wait a second
    1 point
  3. Really, though, if you can see no possibilities in Doom beyond making hallways, that is a limitation of your own creativity that no engine or mapping format can rectify.
    1 point
  4. You're welcome. You can call that a cheap shot all you want but your idle minded sentences just took a huge metaphorical shit on 50%+ of all the work this community has ever made, but for your own sake, let's disregard the offensiveness of your statement for a second, and reiterate the fact that your statements are objectively false. I say this as someone who has released works ranging from vanilla up to UDMF projects that exploit the latest in feature sets.
    1 point
  5. Doesn't look fractured to me. Vanilla, Boom, and GZDoom mappers have united in this thread to call out your lame take!
    1 point
  6. "I'm not being rude!! I said you have my support to make your samey identical boring maps! Why am I being attacked?!"
    1 point
  7. Never before have I read a paragraph as insanely ignorant and brain dead as this.
    1 point
  8. Clearly the best way to solve this is to bring in an impartial third party and see what they have to say. "Doom? Isn't that... old? Why would anyone bother making something for an old game? You should use Unreal, or Unity, or Source."
    1 point
  9. Impressively bad take. "Mapping for Doom is just deciding whether a hallway should go left or right. Mapping for ZDoom is deciding whether a sloped hallway with colored lighting should go left or right." edit: The "only" in "only with a different layout and different actor placement" is carrying a lot of weight.
    1 point
  10. You could apply this logic to more advanced mapping, if you really wanted to. One doesn't suddenly get brand new-feeling maps each time just because you're using ZDoom features. The creativity involved with shaping new and interesting places is what keeps stuff feeling fresh, which is possible to accomplish in all formats. I could boil down your logic even further and say that mappers have all been making the same map for twenty-seven years, only altering the layout and monster placement to make it feel new. That sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? The idea of "there's less fancy features to work with in these formats, which inherently equals less creativity and less reason to use it" is a baffling one, and it feels like you don't care about how features are used and instead just want them to exist for the sake of "more features". That's a sort of thinking that I can't stand, especially as someone whose mapping ethos tends to steer towards "less is more". My mapping is pretty straightforward, and that's the way I like it to be. Everything I want to work with is doable in, say, Boom (or MBF21 I suppose, now that this exists and supports a type of MAPINFO), and as a result I have no reason to use something like UDMF. Being limited to a source port I cannot stand using (GZ) for loads of features I can guarantee you I won't use simply doesn't sound worth it to me.
    1 point
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