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  • 10 Sectors Contest


    That's right it's Contest Time again at Doomworld, and this time we're actually going to announce the winners and give out prizes (*cough*Covaro*cough*). What's the contest about, you ask? Well... we're going to see just how creative your twisted little brain can be. See, we want you to make a single-player map... but we're only giving you ten sectors to do it with. Impossible, you say? Well then, I guess you won't be winning the Voodoo 5 5500 AGP on the line as first prize. Did that make your ears perk up a little? If so, head on over to the contest page and check out the nitty gritty.

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    This really cought me by suprise, what an incredibly good idea for a contest! I must start my map now! [fp]

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    This is really cool. I've made maybe half a map with pretty cool detail (small map of course). and I've only used 4 sectors. Wohooo. I'm gonna win a Voodoo5. (now what am I gonna do with my Matrox?)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    That's a really nice prize valued at around $299.99! Ten sectors you say? I could make an absolutely huge level with 10 sectors. Oh you're on, Doomworld!

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    Now that level I'd like to see.

    Mmm. My map is sweet. Added monsters to it. Really cool fighting in this map.

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    Me and Tarin was discoussing this contest yesterday and figured it would take about 1 hour to make this map. Hm I've been hammering with this damn map all day (5 hours or so) Still not finished. Must be all the playtesting ;). /me enjoy playtesting.
    /me enjoy pants. They hide my willie.

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    I'm using Legacy to test the map since I don't have boom yet. (gotta D/L it to contol the map when it's finished.) anyway. tehn I played the map with Vanilla doom and it was a horrible sight. I've grown so used to hires and GL so Vanilla doom look hideous.
    In just two months.

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    I won't for sure. Ling hate me ;) I'm just doing it for the sheer joy. It's really fun making this map. Several sectors left. Detail is sweet. Action is perfect. I'm satisfyed. (gotta stop posting now. this is *not* a chat room)

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    I'm gonna do the whole map with just one sector, then go back and add detail in (maybe even a door or something, dunno).

    Here's a hint: the "Block Sound" linedef tag and the "Deaf" sprite tag are both VERY useful for this contest :)

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    How about you and me do a map a day for this contest until the end, that'll totally screw up Ling 'caus he'll end up with more than 32 maps :)

    Hey, I'm just joking of course, I doubt I'd have enough time/energy/inspiration.

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    Guest Fanatic


    I'm in, but I don't need the card in the offchance that I actually win. I want to do it because of the challenge. Very interesting concept!

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Who the hell is paying for this card?
    Here in Canada that thing is like 459 bucks!

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I was thinking it had to be finished today! I was like - wtf! No way I'm finishing it in one day! Then I realized. I realized that, no, not today - in one month from today. Wow, I'm a smart one.

    Maybe I'm just not very creative, but I can't see very creative levels coming out of 10 sectors. I've got 3 sectors so far and it's coming along alright - but that just doesn't allow for very interesting architecture. and the floor and ceilings are all the same! not really sure how I'm gonna do this....

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Do we get more credit for using less sectors? I could finish this map with 4.

    There should be a scoring system - 1-10 for creativity. 1-10 for gameplay: it's fun to play. 1-10 for aesthetics: it doesn't look like crap just cause it's 10 sectors. And then bonus points for doing it with less than 10 sectors. Each category then would be graded on how important it is: 50% on creativity, 35% on gameplay, 15% on aesthetics. I'd get mad points for playability, aesthetics and bonus points... but not too good on the creative front! Don't know how to be creative with 10 sectors.

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    What. Can't be creative with only 10 sectors? I really have fun making this map. I might make more than one. (Nick, maybe once a day ;) It was really cool to see what I could do with only 10 sectors. It was really intresting to just figure out what would be best for good detail and yet having enough sectors for finishing the map w/o having just one room. (I got a door btw, and two keys so far.)

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    Guest Fanatic


    Yeah, that's the hardest part. Figuring out what you want each sector to do before you get started.

    I feel like Captain Kirk trying to make a primitive weapon with onlymaterials found on the planet. You will die sleestack monster!

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    Guest wondersmith


    I know the contest is for single-player maps, but it would be nice for us co-op guys if you map designers would include co-op starts.

    Now for the humor: I predict that George Fiffy (aka King REoL) will win. And in answer to the "who paid for this prize" question, it's probably someone who bought the Voodoo card, then opened his computer and saw that it only has PCI slots. :-)

    Seriously: Thanks in advance to Doomworld and all you map designers for the great megawad!

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    (skadoomer who still forgot his password) 10 sectors only? Maby i can spell out covorto sucks, or does it have to be playable? shit, well, i'll intergrate it into the floor in script!

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    Guest Kinoshkana


    If you don't mind having all of your doors open at the same time, that's one sector there. One sector for all damaging sectors. One sector for all lifts. Two sectors for all indoor areas. Two for all outdoor areas. Hmmm... there's still three sectors left. What to do with those?

    Have fun, fradlings...

    and if I give you time to think, you'll have to give me eternity because I'm not all that you've made me out to be

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    I'm really pleased that there's been no 3dFX bashing here. As a loyal 3dFX user, I've been very disturbed by the apalling lack of respect 3dfx recieves in the internet newsmedia. I'm not so blind as to say that 3dfx is the best company, or even makes the fastest cards, (though I haven't found anything yet that can touch the 6000), but geez, people, they were the FIRST, and they do make quality hardware. Thanks for keeping an open mind, people. ::smiles::

    For those of you who aren't entering because you're not excited about the prospect of winning a Voodoo5 card, why not? It's the 3rd-fastest (Geforce2, Radeon) consumer-level 3D accelerator on the market, and it supports a lot of fascinating features, like variable FSAA and T-buffer cinematics. (BTW, T-buffer will blow your mind when used right, not like that Quake 3 motion blur demo.)

    Of course, lotsa Doomers don't have AGP slots. Oops. ::winces::

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    Err, I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think they were first. I believe the first 3D card was the Diamond Edge. I could be very wrong though.

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    Everyone loved 3DFX back in the early days of hardware acceleration. Back when the original Voodoo was pretty much all people had, people worshipped 3DFX. I remember that I wanted to get a 4-meg Monster3D to play Half-Life and Quake 2 on. However, then after the release of the Voodoo2, 3DFX started lagging. There was a bit of a time gap after the Voodoo2 where NVidia started releasing nice cards, and they were quickly catching up to 3DFX in terms of speed. Then 3DFX basically said "16-bit color is good enough for anyone," and a lot of people were incensed that NVidia offered 32-bit color and 3DFX didn't, so a lot of the bad blood against started there. Then, the Voodoo3 didn't offer a particularly significant improvement over the Voodoo2, and now we're past even the Voodoo4 and on to the Voodoo5. Lots of people think that 3DFX isn't doing anything really new (how high will the Voodoo series go after all?) and stupid promotions like the motion-blur screenshots of Q3 which looked just retarded haven't helped them either. Personally I have had a Diamond Viper v550 and a v770, and my next card will probably be a NVidia-powered one as well. Not to mention that NVidia's cards seem to benchmark higher. And that the Unreal engine only supports 3DFX cards well, which pisses a lot of people off and makes them hate 3DFX more.

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