Please welcome to Doomworld two new sites! First to move in is Afterglow, sporting a new layout for his site and who has also updated with a few new goodies such as two new texture sets, a new download of his map07 revamp called 'Deadly Simplified', an exclusive download of Nick Baker's latest ZDoom Deathmatch level called MorbidDM 2 (go grab now!) and lastly a new tutorial on how create to a spinning ceiling fan - in the style of Earth's rolling breakers and Batman Doom's flapping banners. Afterglow's 'DMDCTF1' level is still not out though.
The other site moving in is the demo site Public Dang. Finally freed from Xoom's random terror, these folks amaze us simple folk every time again with new and improved runs through Ultimate Doom, Doom2 and Final Doom levels. These demos range from the relative simple 'complete as fast as possible' runs to 'kill everything using only your fists'. We watch in awe.
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