The 'Aliens Doom' TC by Justin Fisher... those who were there in Doom's first hours sure remember this one. Andrew Francis has tweaked this classic to make it compatible with any Ultimate Doom source port.
This version remedies texture problems including the hand rails and HOMs,critical bugs such as bad sidedefs and non-functional doors, addresses a fewplayability issues such the one-use switch in E2M7, fixes not being able towin the game in E2M8, includes a few minor balance tweaks such as amount ofammo/health in different difficulty levels, and a few minor aesthetic repairshave been made.
I have NOT gone out of the way to change texture alignment or theme in anybut a few minor cases. I feel the appearance of the levels is part of thetrue atmosphere of this total conversion and shouldn't be altered.
There you have it. You can grab the file from this site.
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