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  • An Austere Announcement


    Tormentor667, our favourite detail meister, has made it known that his project "Austerity" - a tribute to AgentSpork's "Simplicity" - has been released with an optimised MAP01 and two more completely new maps inspired by Matthew McGee's latest project in terms of both gameplay and level design.

    I'll leave Torm to describe it in his own words...

    I tried to combine my style of mapping and resource choice with the way AgentSpork's maps in Simplicity, you will even find some interesting gameplay challenges to keep you entertained for a while ;)

    AgentSpork reinterpreted by Tormentor667? Will it work? Find out for yourself. Download Austerity v2 right now from the Realm667!

    I've only started playing it myself and it seems very nice so far...

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    Tormentor667 said:

    But why? Why don't you finish it on your own? Well.. I surely could do this and it'd be a great honor for me... though I wouldn't do it alone, 1 or 2 persons guiding me through this while working on Simplicity would be a big help, to make a consistency of quality and style sure...

    I think you could do good things with it. That and I don't feel like working on it so it'd be convenient to dump it on someone else (such as yourself). :P I could always provide a bit of assistance if necessary.

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    AgentSpork said:

    I think you could do good things with it. That and I don't feel like working on it so it'd be convenient to dump it on someone else (such as yourself). :P I could always provide a bit of assistance if necessary.

    I'd rather see you take a break and delay the release of Simplicity than to give it up completely to someone else. I don't want to insult Torm, but it's your project, and I think if anyone finishes it, it should be you. Then again, it's your project, so you can do whatever you want with it.

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    AgentSpork said:

    I think you could do good things with it. That and I don't feel like working on it so it'd be convenient to dump it on someone else (such as yourself). :P I could always provide a bit of assistance if necessary.

    I think I've corrupted you.

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    AgentSpork said:

    I think you could do good things with it. That and I don't feel like working on it so it'd be convenient to dump it on someone else (such as yourself). :P I could always provide a bit of assistance if necessary.

    Now that's kinda difficult :) On the one hand it's a big honor to contribute to Simplicity in such a great way and on the other hand I'd rather would like to see you finishing that piece... ;) Well, we should talk about that somewhere else, maybe sorta messenger? ICQ? AIM? YIM? MSN?

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    Tormentor's levels are too clean. They are boring for me for this reason. They require a much more brutality. The architecture should be dirtier. Do you understand me?

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    entryway said:

    Tormentor's levels are too clean. They are boring for me for this reason. They require a much more brutality. The architecture should be dirtier. Do you understand me?

    I share that sentiment. To quote an earlier post of mine...

    What I find disappointing in general is that many wad makers don't really have any sense of place. Their problem is that their map layouts are way too generic, and instead of trying to make us beleive like we're in a living breathing place, we're just in a bunch of boxy rooms that happen to have overloadedly textured walls. Tormentor in particular is pretty bad about this, he would be such a badass mapper if he concentrated more on a sense of place as a whole instead of designing detail by numbers or motif or whatever you want to call it.

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