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  • And Under The Cover Of Darkness...


    They came in off the beach. Their target in their sights. This Op was going to be a cinch. Or so they thought. That\'s right girls and boys, the long awaited sequel to Twilight Warrior has been released. Covert-Ops has hit the \'net and is off and running. What is I believe the first completed Edge only TC has been released. To take some words right from the creators:

    We hope that people enjoy the full version of Covert Operations, and apologise for the time taken to get to this stage. We aren\'t planning on doing anything more with this project - at least not for the time being. However we\'ve decided to place no restrictions on the use of Covert Ops. Please feel free to use our code, graphics etc. We\'d really love to see people making extra levels (which we\'d be happy to post on this site) or otherwise doing cool things with Covert Ops. In particular, it would be great to see a counterstrike style multiplayer mod - terrorists vs special forces.
    You can of course download the full version of the game from it\'s homepage. Start posting those mini reviews here on the comments threads. Who knows, maybe we\'ll get a full blown review up around here sometime.

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    Savegames are disabled in EDGE 1.24, and are being rewritten for EDGE 1.25.

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    Why are you all so concerned about what post you get anyway? If you're that worried about such an insignificant detail, then you are retared. I think that was Ling's point with this whole thing to begin with.

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    Ebola, the normal doom shotgun is not in Covert Ops, unless you cheat.

    Quit cheating! The only cheat I ever use is the map skip code, because edge 1.24 can't save.

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    Bah. Of course I don't care about having the firs tpost. I was just being silly :P I *do* like to be silly a lot.

    /me points to the 8 billion silly, secret bots in Beta 8

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    I don't know what's wrong with your version of Covert Ops, but I just ran it again and hit IDFA to use all the weapons. Guess what? I didn't find the doom shotgun.

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    The Doom shotgun is in Covert Ops. It's on the second level at least once.

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    Guest IconOfSin


    Very cool...it's way better than TW. I wanna play this on coop!

    Ok I'm gonna try this... I am retarded! Did it change?

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    TW had it's ups and downs but generally I liked it. It would be nice to try Covert Ops, but Edge is too unstable and won't run on my box.

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    can anyone confirm it works with dosdoom? homepage says edge-only, and since that runs about a tenth of the fps of any other doom port on my machine, I won't be playing using it.

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    I must admit that I'm a little bit disappointed for the long development time. Most levels are the same as in TW, 3D floors are only used very rarely.
    Don't understand me wrong, I liked TW, and I like Covert Ops even more, but I expected more of it.

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    It won't work with DOS DOOM, too many new features are used that only exist in EDGE 1.24.

    Covert Ops always said it reused maps, and was more oriented around DDF and RTS, so the lack of EDGE features in their levels should be expected...

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    Well the cyberdemon is a link to be able to edit and remove posts in the comment threads.

    The shotgun from Doom is in a narrow path and in one of the buildings on map2. Plus in some places on otehr maps like the naval map I beleive.

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    Guest IconOfSin


    I didn't mind there not being 3D floors (The bad guys shoot thru them!) but almost all the levels were the same! The breifings were cool, and the levels were awesome, but once I've played TW there wasn't too much that was really new...still it was pretty cool considering the bugs and lack of new maps.

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