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  • And What Do You Think?


    Well since Mord has been so extremely effective while Ling is away, I either have no news to do anything with when I wake up or when I get home from work. So I'm going to do my own part. What would you think if Doomworld started an uber-link section of all things great and Doomish? Would it be used? Any thoughts and ideas are more than welcome to be posted in the comments section. I've got some rough ideas down on how to do this. Now if we should bother with it, that's up to you guys. =D

    Oh... and while I'm thinking about it. There my be a little list of winners and their prizes from some contest I ran a while back soon too. I'm starting to get some money again, so I can finally afford to send out the prizes to winners.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Would be nice to at least have links to the semi-regular Doomers. BTW, what ever happened to all the pic's of everybody ? Did I miss something ? I was hopeing it would be slowly added to and revised as needed. I think that a FULL links page would just be overkill,heck,I got 9 or 10 folders of Doom links now,too many to find what I need.

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    Guest King REoL


    I think it'll be a good idea, but be sure to categorize things (like you didn't know that). :) I wonder how big it'll get when "DooM III" arrives?

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    Guest Anonymous User


    That's the only thing missing on DW dood =)

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    Guest Firebrandt


    ...wouldn't by any chance be the "Christmas" contest, now would it? ;)

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    Covaro old boy, it's time for the Doomers and their cars section you wanted a while back.

    I just bought an '89 EA Ford Falcon... 3.9 litre V6 engine, rear wheeled drive, power steering, air con, auto etc. It's so smooth and so damn fast it just flies. It could go way over 200 km/h. I'm sure you're all dying to see it, I just hope Mordeth doesn't ban me or something if this pic actually works.

    <img src="http://home.primus.com.au/chief_sv/easmall.jpg">

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    Guest Anonymous User


    My stupid ass sister got perfume all over my keyboard,mouse,and mouse pad i hate that dumb bitch she's 18 and still picks her nose and eats it.

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    The idea is certainly good. Its success depends on good implementation. If it improves and increases the "circulation" of DOOM stuff, great. Hey, anon down there, if you wanna pick on REoL for petty things like a lamer do it with a name. Chief: Heh, drive carefully there, now. Last anon: If your sis is pretty I'll forgive her:)

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    Guest Risen


    Links page? I told you to do that years ago. Categorized appropriately (not just alphabetical!) it would be an incredibly useful resource. I hate it when I miss a link that drops off the news page and ito the void for a week or so before cropping up in 'old news'... This would effectively avoid that.

    Gimme my prizes, dammit! ...again! :)

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    Guest ricrob


    I'm going against public opinion, but that's nothing new anyway...I say a links page is a bad idea. For 1...there aren't that many active doom pages around any more. At least none worth linking to. 2nd...dw will find themselves with a bunch of broken or busted links at all times...trust me on this covaro, so it's too high maintenance. Finally, that's why God created the search engine. Oh yeah....never buy a Ford people....

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    Guest oRaptoRo[VILE]


    Bah! Ford sucks! =) Drive a chevy! <img src="http://www.pcobsessions.com/audio/pictures/carmain.jpg"> =)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    of course you should do that! i've been wondering why you didn't have a big linnks page before...

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    Guest Argh!


    If it's well organized, searchable, and covers all Doom-related material (not just stuff for the classic games), then hell yeah! Something like the old Slipgate Central for Quake would be very useful.

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    Allright, anyways, cool idea on the links deal. We had a ton of linkage on the TI page I reckon we could donate once that page gets back up. And that Chevy looks gay BTW ;)

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    Guest Street Spirit


    I love the links idea. Also, who is in charge of the hosting requests? I send in a request, and i never got a reply. Is lingucia in charge of that?

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    Guest Spank Thru


    sure, why not? a links pagie would be neat-o-riffic idea der hay. oh yeah, lookie at my (old) chevy!! <img src="http://members.tripod.com/A1ucard/epbimages/car.jpg" width="50%" height="50%"> (which is no longer in my possession) '77 Impala, baby!!

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    Guest Spank Thru


    lookie like i can't do nuthin' anymore..oopsie, oh well, it didnt show my ugly car who cares

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I think a links page would be great. I would divide in into 3 pages: single level wads, multi-level wads, and total conversions. Get GoldeneyeDoom2 at: www.geocities.com/wario_81/gold.htm

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Maybe you should have a section promoting online play with CSDoom. You could poll users to either suggest, or create wads for a custom "best of" wad. You could also hold tournaments. There are countless things you could do to spice things up around here...

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    Err, what about pages for Souce Ports, resources (textures, music, etc), and just general personal pages? From what you're saying, you seem to be suggesting that it should just be a list of levels and projects, and I don't think that is the idea...

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    Guest destroyer



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    Ok, here is what I am talking about. This isn't some weak links page. This will be the comprehensive site listing for all things Doomish. I wanna try working on a rough layout for it soon... but atm it's just all in my head.

    Sections that will be included will be: <ul> <li>Source Mods</li> <li>WAD Development Tools</li> <li>Single Player/Co-Op Projects</li> <li>DM Projects</li> <li>Resources and Informative Sites</li> <li>Personal Pages</li> <li>Site Hosting Places</li> <li>News Sites</li> </ul>. I also plan to be including things in each site description. Such as addie, a description, owner name and email, along with a pic. I'll keep you guys all updated on this as I talk with the Telefragged guys about working a database up for this. I mean, I sure as HELL ain't gonna do this by hand.


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    I like it. A area that compares all the versions of DooM (PC,PSX,N64 etc.) would be good, as each game has different levels, features etc. I remember seeing something like it on a site long ago... I can't remember where. Perhaps there could be a link to this long, forgotten site. Also, don't forget Atari 2600 DooM. Heh. (check your local search engine! Honest!)

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