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  • April Foolage


    Well, that was fun, and I didn't get any heated complaints like last year when Doomworld sported animated hamsters and a blaring, looping, unstoppable WAV file. I didn't get as many letters as I would have hoped, but we got a few. There were the frantic:

    what the fuck happened to your beautiful web page!!!!!!!! it is now an exact clone of doomnation.com but doomnation SUCKS!!!!!!! what happened??? are you guys closed forever??????????

    And the obvious:

    Doomnation.com goes to doomworld's page and doomworld.com goes to doomnation's page.

    If you missed all the fun, here's yesterday's front page.

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    Guest Swiss_Cheeseman


    Assholes, you tricked me! =P Yes, Doomnation does suck. Too many "heh"s

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    Guest MegaManX


    Por un momento creí que Doomworld había desaparecido ... que buena broma ... jajajaja

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I was confused for a good minute or two. Sure, I knew there was a prank immediately, but it took me a little bit to say "gee, maybe I should try typing 'www.doomnation.com'." I still dig it (better than the PlanetQuake prank). The PQ LvL prank was pretty good too, just because it was still kinda fun.

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    Guest HellKnight


    Doomnation does not suck. I used to say that but then I actually stopped being so dumb and visited it. Both DW and DN hold their own. And plus, how can you hate Cybs sense of humor. Anyways, that april fools joke was pretty funny, especially drunk looking for messed up parts. Bye then.

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    Guest Swiss_Cheeseman


    Well, I have to agree with megamanX, hes got a good point. jajajaja, Thats a good argument. MegaManX, im on your side!

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    Guest Swiss_Cheeseman


    Anyway, I just feel more comfortable with trusty old doomworld, its more serious and doesnt have a joke in nearly every news post... (it does sometimes, but the jokes are actually funny, which makes a large difference) Although I must admit, Doomnation has a much prettier layout, but I prefer the simple stuff (why do you think im still playing doom?)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Dammit Jim you tricked me GOOD!!!! hey why cant i get hosted here ive tried it 3-4 times now

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    "For a moment I believed that Doomworld had disappeared... what a good joke... jajaja" my spanish skills are paying off :P

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    Before the pictures loaded up and I saw their outlines, I thought for a moment that Doomworld had a site design. Then I remembered what day it was.

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    If DN can get the forums back up again it'd kick arse. People that never went there always said it was just flames but that was total bullshit.

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    Point your mouse at the main title picture of Doomworld and look what things pop up. Then, refresh or reload and point to it again. Or just turn off images and look at the alt text.

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    ... I've been complaining about that for months! ... Then again, who am I??

    Seriously, I couldn't bring myself to make a serious complaint about that ugly thing. I'm too scared. :O

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    Guest cocoon


    It was pretty Funny Mile girlfriend loaded the site for me while I was doing something else and when I got it I was like "nono doomWORLD, not doomnation" I checked the adress and it really made me thinking a few seconds. It was a good april fools joke. ACtually, it was.. Hilarious! ;)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I went to a number of different sites yesterday, and by the time I got to DOOMWORLD I was totally *@~#ed off with shit jokes and April fool stuff, especially as, when I got to the site, it was almost April 2 here. My usual habit is to load DOOMWORLD, have a look at any new links and then, once finished, go to DOOMNATION. I must have loaded DOOMWORLD 3 times at least before checking the address bar (Doh!) and realising I wasn't doing things in the wrong order and my favorites menu wasn't somehow screwed. Well done, you got me, and even after all the other stuff I saw that had pissed me off, yours was genuinely funny. Yup I actually sat and laughed at what an arse I had been. Good one.

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    >>Anyway, I just feel more comfortable with trusty old doomworld, its more serious

    Riiight. This is coming from a guy who goes by the nick 'Swiss_Cheeseman'

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    I'd have to agree that DW is more serious. That's not a bad thing for DN though! Variety is the spice of life! ;)

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    Guest pagb666


    Doomnation never got so good... Doomworld should be more serious...

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    I happen to like Doomworld and Doomnation. The only problems I see are that one site will often post a news item at least a day before the other. Both have this affliction.

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    Guest micpp


    For a moment I thought that Doomworld had been taken over by Doomnation.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    if website would take over another, it would be doomworld take over doom nation. World is bigger than Nation, get it?

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    The headquarters are taken over by the nation, the nation is taken over by the world, and little old mad professor with his test tubes, and his hunchback, and his electrical monster, in his secret hideout shack, plans to take over the world!!

    Mawwaaahahhahahahahaaaaaaaa!! :D

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