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  • Community Chest 3 Released

    The Green Herring

    After more than a year's worth of work, Community Chest 3 has been completed. Like the previous Community Chest, it requires a Boom-compatible source port, and features 32 maps by members of the Doom community. It can be downloaded here at Andy Leaver's Doom Projects.

    EDIT (11/26/2007): A hotfix has been released that fixes errors in a few maps, along with some other changes. Use the same link as before to download it.

    User Feedback

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    Hooo map05 was great! Really nice spirit world remake with unexpected difficulty for map05. There is one visibly unclosed sector in that map but you probably haven't wanted to hear something like this, :-))) All maps I have played so far were surprisingly good!

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    I got stuck there too for a while. I think you were either supposed to find a switch or hit the brown wall on the left next to that column and it should create a staircase or something.

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    Great job Use3D, Aleaver, and Herring, and all you duds who participated, I'm glad to see it finally released. 8)

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    I made map03 so...

    Anyway if you "fall" there should be a switch that lowers them down again, and it should be be right next to the stairs. If not it somehow got deleted in the compilation or something. O_o

    I'd love to debug this but I'm on vacation and don't have my doom on me right now.

    Edit: judging from that screen the switch isn't there, who the hell removed it? :o

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    BlackFish said:

    I made map03 so...

    Anyway if you "fall" there should be a switch that lowers them down again, and it should be be right next to the stairs. If not it somehow got deleted in the compilation or something. O_o

    I'd love to debug this but I'm on vacation and don't have my doom on me right now.

    Edit: judging from that screen the switch isn't there, who the hell removed it? :o

    It didn't get removed... I moved it into the wall, implementing a mechanism to reveal it when the stairs are raised, and close it when the stairs are lowered... and yet, apparently, Spadger managed to trigger those stairs without revealing the switch. I don't know what happened there, especially since it never, ever happened to me in all of the times that I tested it...

    EDIT: I just found out for myself: It's a glitch that only occurs with ZDoom 2.1.7, because for some reason, it doesn't properly handle my voodoo doll script. Yet, in every other source port, including the latest ZDoom SVN and GZDoom, it functions properly. Weird.

    EDIT 2: Also, the reason I moved it in the first place was because in its original location, you could trigger it repeatedly, blocking yourself from getting back up there. I described the bugfix in the progress thread, in fact.

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    The Green Herring said:

    It didn't get removed... I moved it into the wall, implementing a mechanism to reveal it when the stairs are raised, and close it when the stairs are lowered... and yet, apparently, Spadger managed to trigger those stairs without revealing the switch. I don't know what happened there, especially since it never, ever happened to me in all of the times that I tested it...

    EDIT: I just found out for myself: It's a glitch that only occurs with ZDoom 2.1.7, because for some reason, it doesn't properly handle my voodoo doll script. Yet, in every other source port, including the latest ZDoom SVN and GZDoom, it functions properly. Weird.

    Agreed..When I went through the beta releases of this project, I didn't have this problem at all..I don't know what the deal is here. Very strange.

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    I'm pretty impressed that you guys changed the intermission texts, such attention to detail!

    Anyways, what I have played was pretty damn good (as I would expect with people like Use3d and TV on the project).

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    Personally I thought it would get a little more feedback..hopefully everyone is too busy playing it. :P

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    Well if you are gonna re-release this, in map05 its sector 170 that looks unclosed on the right side of the staircase (visible after taking YK and coming back), that's only bug that I have found.
    Tried later maps today, 29 is excellent :-) That repeatability didn't mind to me here, I was even enjoying it and wished that the map will never end :-)

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    I think this is easily the best of the three in terms of the overall quality of the levels. The only major gripe I have, which will probably always be an issue in a community megawad like this, is the lack of continuity and theme. Next time, maybe there could be some sort of guidelines for map slots as far as style and difficulty and whatnot.

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    I feel for anyone who tries to tackle map12 in maxkills, not just because of the size but the possibility of missing a monster somewhere in this gargantuan level. Excellent stuff so far, though. The Gene Bird remark was more a comment about the padding of the second one to get the wad up to 32 levels, which broke up the feel a bit more than it did here.

    I think Use3D is right... we made our initial assessments and are now just busy playing it.

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    Kaiser said:

    Map29 appears to be suffering from the copypasta syndrome

    Yeah, sorry about that. It's what happens when I get Mapper's Block (TM). I tried to vary the repeated areas as best as I could, though.

    Also did anyone else find Map 05 to be as insanely difficult as I did?

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    Mista_T said:

    Also did anyone else find Map 05 to be as insanely difficult as I did?

    Yes. I found the main problem was how repetive the gameplay was (pick up a object, walls lowers, monsters appear, repeat).

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    Downloaded it friday and played the whole weekend.
    My wrists are aching and I' ve hardly slept. Thank you.
    Finally, the good DOOM feeling is back at last!


    Thanks for all the work, the time and dedication.
    I am sure, this will revive DOOM again :-)

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    Well damn it, I got to map06 and thought something looked familiar. Seems I typed -file cchest.wad, not cchest3.wad o_o

    Guess I'll try again later.

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    Lüt said:

    Well damn it, I got to map06 and thought something looked familiar. Seems I typed -file cchest.wad, not cchest3.wad o_o

    Guess I'll try again later.

    Oh lüt, keep reaching for that rainbow!

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    So I take it because it requires Boom 2.02 or something similar that we can use jump? I just wanted to make sure. I noticed on the first two levels somethings out of reach but were easy to get to when I jumped. Also, is anyone using GZDoom 1.29 to run it? Just curious.

    I love the 2nd level btw (Haven't finished it yet), reminds me so much of Doom1's gameplay. *Goes back to playing CC3*

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    Arch-Valentine said:

    So I take it because it requires Boom 2.02 or something similar that we can use jump? I just wanted to make sure.

    Uh, no. Boom doesn't let you jump, either. ;p

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    Gusta said:

    Hooo map05 was great! Really nice spirit world remake with unexpected difficulty for map05. There is one visibly unclosed sector in that map but you probably haven't wanted to hear something like this, :-))) All maps I have played so far were surprisingly good!

    Thank you.
    Unclosed sector??? Where?

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    doom2day said:

    Thank you.
    Unclosed sector??? Where?

    He's talking about a nodebuilding error that causes the texture on one of the sides of the staircase that lowers in the center of the map when the invulnerability in the throne room is obtained to bleed through the floor. That problem, along with a few others in the wad, will be fixed in the second release, which will be made as soon as Aleaver is available (a few hours from now.)

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    Level 5 = wtf? I love the Spirit World Remake, but damn, the first 4 levels do not prepare you for Level 5. I love that! The Imp/Vile maze was quite the battle on UV. Especially since I got trapped in that room with only a shotty, 200 bullets, and a chainsaw. :)

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    First and foremost, just want to say, what a great project this is, very very nice maps!

    I had a question about Map12, (spoiler warning)!

    Anyway, when I tried to take the BFG, the ceiling came down on me and I was stuck, no way to get out, and I couldn't die. Is this intentional, and can i grab the BFG without dying/getting stuck?

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    Map05 was rather uneven for me.
    I like it's gameplay "in medias res and you're hunted".
    I found the routes I took with my skill (+ I don't save)were nearly impossible.
    But then I saw the amount of secrets and that central hall reminded my of tricks and traps anyway. And I decided to do a nomonster run.
    Choosing a route I didn't notice in my first runs changed it's gameplay way too hard. It became much easier then the previous 4 maps.
    I killed almost everything (3 monsters left somewhere) and plenty armor/health left, because I didn't need it.
    Fights were still entertaining though and I still like the map (and the map28 reference) but the challenge was gone.

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    Maybe if you saved once in a while it would be a better experience. I'm having a hard time understanding you coldfusio, but are you saying you nomonstered the level after getting pwnt by the map (Because you won't save)and then say its too easy? wtf

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