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  • csDoom Problems


    csDoom v0.61 has been released which fixes a bug relating to teamplay. However, there's some more important stuff to mention here. Apparently Fly has been putting certain "hidden features" into csDoom, two of which have been found. Here's the source code for one:

    This one basically bans two people from ever playing csDoom on any server which has this code compiled in. I'm not exactly sure why these 2 IPs were targeted. However, there's an even more serious one:
    This basically means that Fly, the creator of csDoom, can take over any server you may choose to set up, and perform "administrative" functions (kick people, change maps, etc). Now while banning 2 IPs may be marginally all right, leaving a back door so the creator can remotely control any server is not. Doomworld urges everyone to think strongly before using csDoom 0.61 -- there's no way to know what other "hidden features" they may contain. csDoom 0.5, while being less functional, have had their source released and thus can be swept for such unwanted additions.

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    Guest sponge


    Forgot to mention again that the people banned are tom (http://tom.alkali.org/news.shtml) and someone from the @home service. That's it. I swear =-p

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    Guest Germs


    strcasecmp is not in the ansi c standard; its popular, but its not standard.Fly shouldn't have to conform to the standard anyhow, just by including windows.h you've broken away from the standard.

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    Hey people, think about it....if Fly had meant to do anything to csDoom servers, would he have been so foolish to have it hosted on sourceforge and release the source?

    And I now know why tom was banned. If you don't know why, I'm not telling you. Just meet him, the person responsible for the takeover of #csdoom, and find out.

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    I heard about the tragic news about csDoom. For some reason, I knew it was coming.

    Being the next person who has helped Fly recently coding csDoom... I have decided to pick up the project where Fly left off.

    No more of this nonsense. No more backdoors! No more bullshit! I'm doing this now for the players and this will be FUN and not a power contest.


    First order of business is to get the csDoom site back up and a new design. The new CSDoom will feature teamplay, CTF, Domination, Assault, Last Man Standing gameplay modes. Bug fixes and new features will be added as csDoom progresses.

    And this WILL be open source!

    Any questions, email me at wsean@home.com

    Thank you.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    doomworld is good at publishing sensational news, but not good at catching up on them. 2 hours later 0.62 was out without the 'backdoor', still no mention anywhere, and yet linguica kenw about it.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    i posted the doomserv revisited msg, i did not do it anonymously somehow it posted it under that, i included my name fod_vile (just in case this happens again)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Fly has done what no one else has done, given us smooth internet Doom play. So theres some code that lets gives him admin access to CSDoom servers, big fucking deal. This code will hardly let Fly wreak havoc, your computers aren't controlling nuclear missle silos. As for Fly stopping CSDoom development, dude its an IRC channel, don't worry about it. Get over it.

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    Guest LordUnum


    What a change in atmosphere---all with one post! This project went from high-flyer, to the target of a lot of crap (deserved and not), to gone, to a (apparently) glorious phoenix---and all within one day!!! Good job, NightFang! Too bad Fly couldn't take on the finish of this project. That list of gaming options is *VERY* ambitious, too.

    Look forward to any improvements to the current csDoom.

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    "doomworld is good at publishing sensational news, but not good at catching up on them. 2 hours later 0.62 was out without the 'backdoor', still no mention anywhere, and yet linguica kenw about it."

    Shut the fuck up.

    I do have a life, you know. I don't spend every waking moment sitting in front of a computer screen waiting for the latest news to break so I can post it immediately.

    Now that I am back I see that the csDoom page is down so it's impossible for me to update about a new version anyway.

    This shit is making me sick. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with a handful of #doomroom people who feel it's their right to do shit like this.

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    Guest Norse Ghost


    The cheating thing is fine with me. If we are all so afraid that Fly is going to stop by and run the show on a server, I suppose a people could set up servers and not have them listed on the master. A master server with a different IP address could be set up...I think Fly should be talked to about these "exploits" and allowed to explain what's going on.

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    Linguica is right. Of course he has a life. Doomworld updating isn't his job. Many of the modern-day gaming sites get a lot more visitors, give advertising room on their site, and can afford to pay their news anchors to make it their job, and keep it up to date. Give Linguica a break. He doesn't make a profit off Doomworld. It's volunteer work. He's generously giving away his own spare for the DOOM community. And to do it nearly every day is just amazing. I still wonder how he does it.. Really, what else can you expect? I for one appreciate his efforts.

    Of course, you have to give credit to Mordeth and Covaro. The semi-regular news anchors. While I'm not sure exactly what they do besides updating, they have also done a very good job keeping the site up to date. So give them some credit. They don't need to expected to make any more of an effort than they already have. How often do they hear a compliment? It doesn't seem like too often. I'm sure they would appreciate a little more appreciation.

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    I'm sorry, but some of us have important things running on the computer of their DOOM server, such as a website. I've been waiting to upgrade my server to Windows 2000 to get my csDoom server running again, but now I'm not so sure I want to trust Fly with anything close to my computer. I don't know this guy. I haven't seen even a hint of a possibility of Cooperative play support anywhere in the near or distant future. I can't add a "//" to the beginning of line 630 or whatever. I'm not a coder. Maybe this v0.62 will offer something.

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    Guest Psycho


    So far, in less that 4 months, DOOMers seem to have struck both DoomServ and CSDoom. I think this says something about the doom community's ability to accept Internet play...

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    Guest Anonymous User


    geez, I mean we basically know that flys ip will always be in the 195.170.202.x range, so if you're REALLY scared of what he can do... just put up a damn firewall and block those ips for god sakes!

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    That's not the DOOM community (of which many are csdoom and even doomserv players), its just a couple of irc operators (and, oh, i've been talking to them as all this shit happened, you'll should have seen the things they said - one of them even hates DOOM). AndrewB, it certainly would have been better if this "security hole" thing wouln't have existed, but it's not the malignant black hole some people would have you believe.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    so what, use an older version of csdoom. not lame excuses and insults on a comment thread. -mantra

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    "This shit is making me sick. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with a handful of #doomroom people who feel it's their right to do shit like this" 1) This is tom_'s effort, not #doomroom. 2) #doomroom is not AT ALL affiliated with Doomworld. Just because the damn Java client points to us reflects nothing about affiliation. That whole mess is Linguica's idea and as such is not recognized or authorized by the channel owners. 3) #doomroom is not about Doom. 4) If you don't like us and/or what we do, then leave us alone. That goes to ANYONE who would disagree with one of us. We aren't here to listen to your opinions on this matter or any else. Go ahead and whine. Just don't do it in OUR channel. And don't expect us to let you.

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    Guest Dukrous


    There's a certain spirit which permeates the Doom Community. We round our wagons up and protect it. Sometimes it's done in really stupid ways, other times it's done with a bit of a clear head. Either way, it works so it should be applauded to see people with a clear vision of the way we should be, and not enjoying the way we are. Fly, although leading a good project, was not the kind of person that should be welcomed into the community. There are rules, though mostly unspoken/unofficial. Personally, if it's good enough for id Software, it's good enough for us. Carmack continually follows the philosophy that information wants to be free. He has freely given to us everything related to Doom. We should be just as giving with our works. Release source. Release information. This is a mantra many follow and wisely so. We should also strive to follow. There is no personal gain in keeping information to yourself. But you will gain the thanks of many for giving freely all that you know. In the end, we seek to learn all that we can. What I have learned, I give freely to others. What you know, you should give freely to others. This is the only way we better ourselves.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    too right aurican #doomroom is NOT about doom, perhaps its time you geeks changed it to #room or really tell the truth #gayboys

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    Guest Fanatic


    What a shame. Damn thing's dead now.

    I see some people saying it's DOOM World's fault for posting the sections of code that are obviously questionable. I thank DOOM World for pointing out a huge hole that is present. No wonder the souerce code was put off for public consumption. Imagine what we didn't see! Didn't we go through all this with id and Quake 3? We all freaked -id software, they have the nerve to put in a backdoor without telling us?

    I am sad to see csDOOM go, because it was a very good accomplishment. Seems like everyone has jumped the gun a good bit, and I still don't see a responce from the maker of csDOOM for his reasons for including such hazards. If he didn't, why isn't he defending himself? Or have I missed something in this fiasco?

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    Look at what where doing to our community. This reminds me of that whole birdman inncodent, a slight flaw and we ran a muck. So fly put in a little line that gave himself certin benifits that a few people didn't like, HE is the coder and it is his right to put in what he sees fit. I would like to ask a favor of those who are responsible for fly shutting down his port, why are you here? We are a dying community, so we need all the support we can get. If you do not wish to support doom and its devolpments, leave. I have been dooming for almost 4 years, and i support every coder, level desighner, texture artist in the community. So if your sole purpose is to break down the doom community, go fuckin play quake and bullshit there. I am not afraid of fly comming in to a server and kicking me out for no reason. So, for those who are responsible for the doonserv event, just leave. I have no respect for those who pride themselves on making trouble for things that took peole ages of time to create. p.s. xxenemyxx is an asshole (doomdamit readers will know what i'm talking about)

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    I usually keep quiet on issues, but I’m about ready to explode. Fly developed csDOOM for the multiplayer crowd and did a hell of a job doing it. You guys slamming Fly can fuck off, and that includes the pricks at DoomWorld (“Doomworld urges everyone to think strongly before using csDoom 0.61 -- there's no way to know what other "hidden features" they may contain.”) Hey dumbasses, Fly, weather you like him or not has done something huge for the DOOM community which is the very game that we all play and what DOOMWORLD is based on, and to suggest that after all the time he has put into developing csDOOM that he has some master diabolical plan for doomers worldwide is LUDICROUS ! So fucking what if he adds a backdoor to make “administrative” changes, so what if he chooses to ban a few IP’s ? Who the hell cares ? He created the fucking thing he can do WHATEVER he wants and if you don’t like it, don’t use it! The guys having fun fragging each other via csDOOM over the internet don’t give a shit, and that’s what the client was developed for, not for some smart ass wanna be coders/developers that look to slam a guy for creating something they couldn’t. If you don’t like it, don’t use it, and don’t be an over zealous prick by discouraging others from using it. As far as the csDOOM project being disbanded, it seems stupid. By Fly disbanding the project, he inadvertently punished all the people that support his efforts and enjoy playing csDOOM. I completely understand why Fly is pissed. If you worked for months on a project and people ripped it to shreds wouldn’t you feel a little shitty ? It’s a shame, I just hope others will pick up the pieces and continue on with this project. Hopefully this is just a knee-jerk reaction and Fly will continue his work on csDOOM. Here is a novel idea, why don’t we try to support the people who make DOOM more enjoyable ? Isn’t THAT what you are on this site for in first place ? Pathetic and sad... Pit

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    Just as it's your prerogative to play csDoom as much as you want, it is our prerogative to put whatever we damn well want to put on our website. If we think people should be wary of the new csDoom, we'll post that. If we think it's safe, we'll say that. If we want to change our logo to a big graphic of the words "SHUT UP PIT" we can do that too.

    On another note you can find csDoom 0.61 here if you haven't already.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Heh, I knew about Fly banning Tom & Aurikan back a day or so after Tom set his bot up in #csdoom to try blackmailing Fly into releasing the csdoom source. He said he would release the old source, but would ban those 2 in the next version. I got a chuckle out of that, but I didn't know about the back door thing. It is a little sinister sounding, but I know Fly wouldn't do anything malicious except to someone who has screwed him over. Also, I am very glad to hear from Aur the awful truth about #doomroom. I have wondered, the last few times I was in there, why in the world it is called #doomroom when it is run by 2 guys who don't care about Doom. I watched people go in there to ask Doom-related questions, only to be abused & ridiculed. I have wondered why people go in there. It is like a bunch of friends who always go to someone's house where a drunk father screams at & hits everyone, yet they all just keep sitting there & taking it, & they even keep coming back to hang out. If it wasn't for friends who really care about making cool stuff for Doom, I would definitely hang this whole Doom scene up. -Capt.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Linguica is right to be upset at people harranging him for what others have been saying Doomworld was right to publish the backdoor code ( I still think it was wrong to publish exact cut and paste details on how to hack doomserve) as I said then, warn people let them make the decisions (Aurican's cut and paste info was just a bit too much info) but in the case of csdoom workarounds and fixes were already being published here. Inform and let users decide to use or not, that's fine, I think it was the smell of blood that aroused the #doomroom geeks to harrass Fly (steal #csdoom) etc that killed the project. Fly has/had (please make it has) made doom enjoyable for a *lot* of doom players old and new,since when have we seen so many new faces? Good luck to nightfang (you will need it, i suspect letter bombs may be next ploy from #doomroom geeks, oh sorry that would mean going out into the real world, substitute that for *mail bomb* unless they can talk their mommies into doing it for them Fly thank you from a person that has played DM doom since it was possible to, and if you can find it in your heart to forgive/ignore/kill the #doomroom geeks please do not abandon us real doom players who found your work made internet gaming once more fun this is from Fod_Vile (as every other post I made came up "anonymous" for some reason

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    Guest Street Spirit


    First off, SkaDoomer and Pit, right on! Lingucia, yer doing a good job too. Now to my little rant. Fly has every fucking right to put a backdoor in his program. Do you know why? Its because its his program and he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Lingucia, if you can make your banner say "SHUT UP PIT", then FLY has every right to but a backdoor in his program and change the name of the project to "FUCK OFF YOU WHINING BITCHES." This seems to be some sort of red scare or something... its cause you people honestly believe that fly is gonna get into your computer and fuck things up. It seems to believe that only the ignorant portion of the doom community believes this. If you're intellegent and believe this, i want you to go ahead and kick your own ass. I support all of fly's effort. Do you people know how hard it is to make your own masterpiece in DooM? It takes a lot of work. I suggest that everyone of you who complained about what fly did, or whatnot think about what you've done. You've killed yet another DooM project by doing nothing but bitching, and not offering a helping hand. The few of us left in the DooM community are tearing us all apart by there lack of judgement and brainpower. I do hope NightFang continues the work, but I will not believe what he's saying till i see if for myself. So, all of you, quit your bitching and lets stay together. Some of you people make me want to give up DooM and DooM editing. Lets think before we speak, and start realizing we are going to destroy eachother if we keep this up. Thanks!

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    Guest Street Spirit


    Mr. Anonymous 23:07:31 gave me an idea. If he continues this crap, i can send him an email bomb and really fuck him up. Hell, i can give anyone who has enough brains to configure the bomber properly the program, and we can gang bomb the doomroom bastards. Hehehe....... this promises to be fun.

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