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  • csDoom Problems


    csDoom v0.61 has been released which fixes a bug relating to teamplay. However, there's some more important stuff to mention here. Apparently Fly has been putting certain "hidden features" into csDoom, two of which have been found. Here's the source code for one:

    This one basically bans two people from ever playing csDoom on any server which has this code compiled in. I'm not exactly sure why these 2 IPs were targeted. However, there's an even more serious one:
    This basically means that Fly, the creator of csDoom, can take over any server you may choose to set up, and perform "administrative" functions (kick people, change maps, etc). Now while banning 2 IPs may be marginally all right, leaving a back door so the creator can remotely control any server is not. Doomworld urges everyone to think strongly before using csDoom 0.61 -- there's no way to know what other "hidden features" they may contain. csDoom 0.5, while being less functional, have had their source released and thus can be swept for such unwanted additions.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    CSDoom has again proved the ability of this community to shoot itself in the foot. The fears (whether justified or not) about the backdoor code in CSDoom caused people to over react and allow people to screw over and then destroy part of the community. You complain about CSDoom have backdoor code, but if you ever used a microsoft product then I think you should be more concerned about that than of CSDoom. FWIW, I think that this Backdoor code should be removed and the fact that fly listened and disabled says something about him. On the whole I'm continuly disappointed by certain members of the doom community who seem unable to maintain a civil conversation - if you were face-to-face none of you would have the guts to go as far as you do, the word for that is cowardice. Specifically to Ling: I appreciate the effort that you put in to maintaining Doomworld, but I do believe that your should stick to fact and not over-hyped opinion in your reporting, you may have just destroyed an important piece of work as a result.

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    I've seen numerous people moaning about the Doom community continuously trying to destroy itself. To them I say: try looking around at the websites for other game communities and you'll find far worse. Recently there have been HUGE flame wars in the Starcraft and Baldur's Gate communities over various things, and there have been things splitting up the Quake 1 and 2 communities before. Someone's also just found a backdoor in Counter-Strike which does pretty much what the CSDoom backdoor does. The community will survive, but you doom-mongerers (no pun intended) won't help.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I don't think that posting the codes on Doomworld itself killed CSdoom. However people that couldn't accept these functions overacted and pretty much tore the thing apart. I really don't think Fly would have actually used the backdoor, it really would make no sense for him to change a server. We really need to look at all points of this issue, as it is a damn shame the project was terminated. Ah well, hopefully NightFang will continue it's work.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Perhaps if certain members of the Doom community would conduct themselves in a proper manner, and discuss these things in a constructive way - it would not have been such an issue. As for #doomroom & #csdoom, what do you expect? IRCers.. the most petty internet users in existence.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    NiGHTMARE, maybe just because some communities are worse is a good enough excuse for doomworld to start falling apart for you, but that is no excuse for this community to start splitting itself in half again! This is doomserv all over again, some people supporting it, some people hating it. I was gonna get an account, but I'm not sure if it's worth the time or effort now.

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    As long as there are different people with different opinions in any community, there are going to be arguments. Some people hated the Gothic DM series, most people loved it. A few people still use the original .exes, most people use the ports. In this community there are a few total idiots, a handful of deliberate trouble makers, but most people are pretty decent. There are a LOT of people who don't know decent grammar though...

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    Guest Clonic


    anyone want to take over the Securitron project? www.doomworld.com/securitron if so, mail me at clonic@priest.com

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Alright, maybe I don't use proper grammar. So sue me. At least I don't use that l33t stuff or whatever.

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    i wasn't talking about you (there didn't seem to be much wrong with your grammar to me) i was talking about the people who speaking like this saying lots of things but never using commas full stops question marks or exclamation marks it looks really stupid and whats more for really long things it can get quite difficult to follow oh and people who don't capitalize i's and people who say there instead of their and their instead of they're and general stupid things like that

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I know there are going to be arguments in any community, but do they have to turn into flame wars like doomserv did and this is now?

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    Anyone want to start a NEW doom community? Pretty much the same as the current one, only if you argue with someone, insult someone, use bad language or be offensive in any other way you get kicked out. Nah, wouldn't work... =p

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Just because _some_ other communities are as equally immature, its not excuse to drop to their level. I know if you realised this, but a lot of people may have stayed around a lot longer if it wasn't for all this flaming. Personally I blame legacy for starting this when they flamed Chi's DOSDoom, That effectively killed that project.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I think it's a good idea, give all those flamers a good "kick" every once in a while........:)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    While I was waiting for new posts, I took a look a doomhq.com. So, my question is: Which came first, DoomWorld or Doom Hq? 'Cause it looks like one copied the other or something...though I think Doomworld is better. :)

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Dang it Ling ! Where do my post keep disappearing to ? (and I talked good about you too!)

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    Since some people didn't seem to see/understand/agree with what I posted before, here are the most important parts:
    1) The takeover of #csdoom was tom_'s doing, not #doomroom's.
    2) I, aurikan, had nothing to do with csDoom at any point. I did not publish the flaw, I did not take over the channel originally or the second time, I was never "in league" with tom_ at any point about this issue. My IP was never banned from playing csDoom.
    3) That being said, I respect and support tom_'s actions based on the available information.
    4) If you want to come to #doomroom to whine about it, expect to be kickbanned.
    5) #doomroom is not about doom, and we will not change the name just because you people think we ought to.

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    Guest mystican


    i designed the doomworld site and doomhq copied it much later

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    Guest Dukrous


    Doomworld was first...technically, Doomworld is the second Doom news webpage since Doom Central was first, but DW was first on the block of Doom-related news sites with a .com.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Hey Anon. User, are you sure you put subjects? 'Cause if you don't, I don't think your posts will show up.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Ah, I see. I just wondered which one copied which, since doomhq also has the pic-of-the-day thing, a similar website layout, etc.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    NiGHTMARE: This community likes people that develop good stuff, but people if people weren't going to be jeered everytime they tried producing something, I would imagine there would be a lot of people still here who had left. If you can't see that the doom community is a shadow of what it was once and that it was the attitude of the community that drove people away and not so much the aging of Doom. Anonymous User: The reaction of people was stirred by the sensationalist reporting on Doomworld. If people had had an _intelligent_ debate/discussion then their would of been no need for all this carping.

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    Sorry, but I can't think of a single person who left because they were being flamed, insulted or whatever. At least no-one who didn't come back. As far as I can tell most people who've left have just grown tired of the game itself and have moved on to newer things (e.g. most of the Gothic DM (2) team).

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    Guest Anonymous User


    All this discussion about "Doomworld is only a shadow of what it once was" has made me curious. What WAS Doomworld like back when it first started? I wouldn't know, I just started coming to Doomworld regularly.

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    Guest Dukrous


    Doomworld wasn't very different. The core of the group was always Ling, Mord, and Cov. It's actually maintained itself rather consistantly with few changes (all those changes bettered DW). People who talk about what DW used to be don't know what they're talking about (I would know, you'll find me in the Contact Info page as a founder). As for so-called 'sensationalist reporting'...try growing outside your own head. This is the type of information people need to know, and the conclusions Ling came to were factually provable. Try checking it out..a backdoor means he could. He never said he would, did he?

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    Guest Anonymous User


    nope ,I didn't put a subject on the first one. thanks

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Despite an earlier post, I have decided to get an account, first of all because I was tired of typing my name in every time, and second of all so I can post things on the forums. Question: How do you create your own "face" and use it?

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Why is it that all major arguments pop up around playing Doom on the Internet? First Doomserv, now csDoom...There have been no major arguments around anything in Doom3, has there?

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    Guest Risen


    With Doom having one of the oldest continuing gaming communities, you'd think most of the people in it would act like they've actually been alive for at least that long.

    I don't like the backdoors either, but with some gentle persuasion I bet they would have been removed without incident. I, for one, am just here to build my own interactive environments and play the greatest FPS of all time. The rest of you who like to ram small failures down the throats of others can all have a nice day.

    Preferrably somewhere else.

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