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  • DD On Blue Boy's Place


    Doom, Damnit has made it onto Blue's page of pointless drivel. Here is the update they posted:

    Doom, Damnit! has posted what can only be described as a confrontation with id Software's Christian Antkow, that results in his admitting to creating some incredibly horrible maps for Doom way back when. Just because they like torturing him, they've even posted them, so you can see for yourself just how bad they were (for the record, I think I've made a worse level, but I never let anyone see it for obvious reasons).

    What do you guys think? Do you think that they thought it was real? Or do you think that they actually thought it was just funny and posted about it? And the culprit for leaking the info to the site is none other than, M... *crack* *gurgle* *thud*

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    I think half of them think it's real and the other half are smarter. Also Shugashack posted too and Xian himself actually posted but he didn't even say that the interview was fake. Hehe. Oh yeah, FIRST POST!

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Yeah Cyb you sexy thang. You should submit your picture over here so we can all bask in your godless sexual erotica...

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    Now that I have some clean chatting space, here's how I feel.. I didn't find the DD article all that funny. Well, sure, it was cute! Anyway, If anyone else finds it funny, that's OK. I give no insults to them. I just don't share the sense of humor as many others in this community do, that's all.. Have a nice day!! :D

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    Guest Xenocide


    I am very confused. Who's this JeffK guy? I looked at that site and it's a joke! I mean, did cyb spend hours and hours making a joke site or is JeffK a real person?

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    Guest Daggah


    If you had just made your original DD post like the one you just gave, there would not have been an argument, and I would have kept silent my personal distaste for you.

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    Guest Daggah


    There's a real person behind JeffK, but I doubt that he's as dumb as JeffK appears to be. It's all a humor thing; we all like to laugh at those of lesser intelligence. It provides entertainment in a sick, disgusting sort of way, and yet it's socially acceptable. Oh well, I suppose it's different when you're laughing at someone who is merely acting like a moron.

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    Guest Aftershock


    You're exactly right, Dagger. We do like to laugh at displays of lesser intelligence, which is why, I suspect, that you and Andrew's attempts at wit are tolerated at all.

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    Guest silverflesh


    Jeff K is another of Lowtax's (former God of PlanetQuake) alter-egos (like Cranky Steve, etc.)...

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    http://www.baseballboards.com/ubb/Forum9/HTML/000929.html http://www.baseballboards.com/ubb/Forum9/HTML/000913.html These are a couple of links from another community which I am involved in. Yes, even more so than this one. I think this is a fine example of how people should treat each-other. Read and enjoy!!! :-D

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    Guest Anonymous User


    ...andrew posts links to threads in which his "goodness" is being discussed. enjoy furthering your own ego, andrew?

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I dont care if you look like a gorrilla. I masterbate to beastiality anyway...

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    Since when do our outward appearances really matter? Do you think being popular among your circle of friends or even in your entire school or town makes that much difference to where you will go in life? I don't know aurikan very well, but I have talked with him in IRC, and he's more intelligent than any of you people who bashed him.

    I say this because I myself have undergone some years of torment from my real life peers, and it truly sucks. But like aurikan said, he has people who care about him, in real life and in the community, and I myself am intelligent enough to know that that matters more than anything else- to be loved.

    So all you people who think your popularity or so-called "outward beauty" will make your life for you will be unpleasantly surprised in the future. People like me and aurikan and many other people in other communities, whether physical or digital, can know this- we're smarter than you.

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    Guest DarkFang


    heh, quit trying to sound all important and stuff, cause your like, ....not. OHH! SHUT DOWN!! oh yeah, the DD post was in fact funny, i'll hand that to cyb great work!

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    Sorry if that seemed like I was, well, defending you. It just irritates me that scum like them worm their way in here and flame everyone and everything for no reason whatsoever.

    Cheer up aur, they mean nothing. :)

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    Ok, this may just be me... but did you guys ever think that all this crap that you have been flinging around on here is completely pointless? I mean really... these comment threads are designed so we can interact... not start poking fun at someone because of something. We are a small community of dedicated members, and sure things like Doom Damnit are sick and sadistic, but it simply shows that we can poke fun at ourselves and enjoy it. Everyone here who gets all pushy and stuff really needs to look at what this community is and get the fuck over themselves. The Doom Community means nothing in the big picture. It's just a bunch of people that enjoy playing and older game (because it's fun). There is no money involved here, no possible jobs. That all moved on LONG ago. This entire thing is about fun! FUN! This is a game. Doomnation, Doomworld, Doomshack, they are all run with love and care because we want them run that way. Not because we are making 50K a year off them or something. There is nothing at all like that in this community. Take a look at the big picture before you guys open up yer mouths. -Cov

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    Guest mystican


    big up to the megalyth massive. thats one of the most perceptive posts i've seen on here in a while .. and covs. and cyb should be commended for doing as much as he does for doom (doomdamnit, doomnation, constant maps .. and he has a real life job and somehow manages to find the time to appear on irc very regularly), i dont know how he does so much .. maybe he's two people or something.

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    The quote on the front page of UserFriendly.org reads:<BR><BR> "One of the characteristics of healthy cultures is that they can poke fun at themselves. I guess the hacker culture is in good health, because User Friendly is hilarious. Its irreverence, sophisticated in-jokes and surrealistic edge are a rocket straight out of the Internet's collective unconscious. - Eric S. Raymond"<BR><BR> Thus, the Doom community is in very good health because a site like Doom, Damnit! is allowed, and visited every time it's updated by a large segment of those in the same community.<BR><BR>Now all I have to do is something stupid so Cyb can make fun of me. :)

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