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  • DeePsea


    The naming contest for DeeP has been won by Justin Goodman with his entry "DeePsea". There's also word that a new version of this Win32 level editor can be expected within a week containing several new features and enhancements.

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    Heh heh, they told me that my entry was was the "runner-up". I guess "WinDeeP" wasn't quite good enough to make it.. But whatever, I've already got a copy. I've won enough stuff from the DOOM community in the past. And hey, check out those new features they've got planned!! That draw across lines thing just sounds too good to be true.. And now we can drag vertexes in any mode!! No more repedatly pressing v, l, ctrl-d, esc esc, v, l, c, v, l, etc etc... It'll be just like DCK!! Well, I simply have no choice now but to upgrade. Seriously, these guys really seem to care about the customer!! :-b

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    Guest Anonymous User


    WinDeeP? Isn't that a bit more obvious?

    I wonder what's wrong with KneeDeeP, anyway. It's appropriate to Doom.

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    DeePsea? now i know my reason for calling Deep "Deep begginings" was egotistical: "why do you think it should be called this" "cause i made it up" but DeePsea? unless sea='s something like "special edition authorer" is authoror even a real word?

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    I think "KneeDeeP" would have been a great name, and quite punny as well, but then again I couldn't code a level editor to save my life...

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    Guest Anonymous User


    WinDeeP, maybe. KneeDeeP, cool. InDeeP, that's a good one, but DeePsea? That doesn't make me want to buy it...

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    OK, so now we can draw one line across another... hasn't every single other editor been able to do that since the beginning of time? Been doing that with WadEd for about 5 years now... It is about time they got a little bit of brains behind DeeP and started making it just slightly easy to use.

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    Lüt, it's obvious you don't know exactly what they mean by this. Let's say you had a rectangle sector going across the room. You drew another rectange sector over-top of it, going the other way. It would split up the two rectangles into five seperate sectors!! That is how it works, isn't it? Yeah, well that's the idea, I guess. I think that if you tried to do this in any other editor, you'd have two rectangle sectors that cross each other that the node-builders would refuse to build.. But hey, now that's solved!! Wow, this is a great feature! :-b

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    Drawing "across" lines, splits all the lines it crosses automatically. Since this gets my brain confused in all the permutations, the resultant "rectangles" for now will all have the same sector (but different from the ones it crosses). As it is, this feature is for PII's on larger levels since it's fairly cpu intensive:) It's pretty trivial to make a unique sector out of each "rectangle" afterwards (shift+Ins), however, I'll give it some more thought later (heck, this took me a while to figure out a simple way to do it). FYI - NO other editor splits the lines when you draw across other line(s) - drawing across lines just makes a mess<g>

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    Don't 3d-bridges depend on being able to draw crossing lines without a vertex being created ?

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    Guest Anonymous User


    Dude you gotta quit smokin the crack, that is not a special feature.

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    Yes, 3D bridges depend on drawing across lines without joining them. Sharx, you're right. Of course, you can turn this feature off! On! Off! On! Off! You see? Not a problem!! :-b

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    Hyena, didn't you see them say that no other DOOM editor on Earth has this feature? I guess you simply can't realize the advantages of this feature unless you actually use it. I love creating levels in my own private little world, and this editor makes it easier AND fun. It's less of a chore, and more of a game to actually see how fast you can build a stunning room, and see if you can beat that record! I used to use DCK to build levels, down in the cold, dark, damp dungeons of DOS, now I'm up in the balmy, air-conditioned comfort of Windows 98 editing! At least that's how it feels.. I guess all that's important is that I spent my $60+ (with the exchange and shipping and ridiculous taxes and all), and to this day I don't regret spending that allowance money on what could have gone toward a new wristwatch, or a trackball, or a good video game.. No, this was worth it! :-b

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    Guest Anonymous User


    I am a die hard fan of the "Line by Line" level creating method, instead of first creating a sector and then modifing it. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but I will argue that the Line By Line method has more depth and potential in level creating. If you are restricted to first create a sector with X number of sides, then try to change a couple lines to adjust the shape of the sector, it will have taken longer than drawing the lines individualy. Waded is the only Line By Line editor I know of - and it uses good ol' dos. (thats right - I am die hard dos fan too. I guess it comes with age.)Unfortunently, the last version, V.1.83B, only has support for DOOM,DOOM2, and HERETIC. With no scripting capabilities. So I have to use a Win-based program to set my line tags to run a script. This is all,of course, my opinion.

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    Guest Anonymous User


    DeaPsea is the best and most powerful editor by far :-b

    It can work as an operating system, virus checker, MP3 player, Fax, and can also defrag your HD if needed :-b

    I think it can edit Doom levels or something as well :-b

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