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  • Doom Builder officially released


    Version of Doom Builder has been released and provides mostly bug fixes, but also some small additions such as texture sizes in the browsers, new things filter options, command line parameters for other programs to launch Doom Builder with, and the DeepBSP nodebuilder. As always you can get the new version at the Doom Builder website. Please note that the unofficial GZDoom Editing plugin is not compatible with the new Doom Builder version until a new version of the GZDoom Editing plugin is made (most likely also unofficially).

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    Thanks for fixing the "drawing mode keeps jumping to (0, 0)" bug. It didn't happen very often, but when it did it kept happened constantly and was really really annoying.

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    Is there a way to get the View floor/ceiling texture/brigthness levels/wireframe buttons back to the toolbar? I regularly used those, and it would be kinda annoying to always click on the menus just to change the view.

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    Tools -> Preferences (or just F5) -> "View Modes" settings on the left bottom of the dialog. Check it and the view mode buttons will show on the toolbar.

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      Melon said:


    Thanks for fixing the "drawing mode keeps jumping to (0, 0)" bug. It didn't happen very often, but when it did it kept happened constantly and was really really annoying.


    this happens to me so often. i would have to make a room 5 times over because it would do this to me so consistently. glad to hear it's fixed.

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      Tango said:

    this happens to me so often. i would have to make a room 5 times over because it would do this to me so consistently. glad to hear it's fixed.


    While drawing, you can press delete(?) to undo the last vertex while keeping everything else, so you can fix it and keep going; no need to stop drawing and start over completely if a vertex gets placed wrong.

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    Improved texture filtering in Visual Mode. When filtering is Off, it interpolates the mipmaps to reduce the banding effect on walls/floors. With filtering On, it now uses anisotropic filtering up to level 8. (you can change the anisotropy level by editing the 'filteranisotropy' value in the program configuration)


    I'm not finding this in the options?

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    The option was already in the preferences (filtering in visual modes, probably on the appearance tab), the option is just improved. The 'filteranisotropy' thing is not in the user interface because it is not that important and very technical. It can be found in the Doom Builder configuration file though. Where that file resides depends on your windows version, but it is the location where all programs store their data files.

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    While drawing, you can press delete(?) to undo the last vertex while keeping everything else, so you can fix it and keep going; no need to stop drawing and start over completely if a vertex gets placed wrong.


    Jesus shit Doombuilder 2 is full of secrets. I really should look into all the shortcuts and stuff.

    I should also ask that sometimes when I draw a square or rectangle within a sector using all 45 degree angle lines, the sector sometimes is drawn with impassible lines. has this been fixed too?

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      40oz said:

    I should also ask that sometimes when I draw a square or rectangle within a sector using all 45 degree angle lines, the sector sometimes is drawn with impassible lines. has this been fixed too?


    You're not by any chance pressing Ctrl while drawing the lines? When you do that it draws a void space. IIRC it's also indicated by the lines being red while drawing.

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    I think I have had similar problems but iirc it depends on the direction of how you draw it, clockwise vs counter

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    Oh, right, anisotropic is merged into bilinear filtering. Guess that's why I couldn't find it. Figured the bit about editing the config file already.

    I've been getting those random snapping problems too, with larger grid sizes. Haven't tested if it still happens in the new version.

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    Thanks for the new release. I was hoping that the old bug in Map Analysis > Check stuck things would have been fixed. Presently only stuck things in walls get reported, not stuck things in each other. DB1 did this and DeepSea does.

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      hawkwind said:

    Thanks for the new release. I was hoping that the old bug in Map Analysis > Check stuck things would have been fixed. Presently only stuck things in walls get reported, not stuck things in each other. DB1 did this and DeepSea does.


    I second this. Many times I'll stack two things with differing (non-conflicting) skill levels, but sometimes I'll screw up and create a conflict. As hawkwind said, DB1 would report those stuck things (uhh, actually, I think it would report them even if the skill levels didn't conflict...which isn't too helpful either). In any case, if that feature could be added in a future release, I would greatly appreciate it :)

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    Is there a way to remove the undo/redo tab on the right? I keep clicking on it by accident in visual mode and undoing a whole bunch of stuff I did.

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      40oz said:

    Is there a way to remove the undo/redo tab on the right? I keep clicking on it by accident in visual mode and undoing a whole bunch of stuff I did.


    Tools -> Preferences (F5) -> Interface tab on the right bottom, set the side panels position to "None" and you won't have any of them.
    But it is weird that you can click on it while in visual mode, because your mouse should be 'gone' (captured in the view window).

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