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  • Doom On Crack


    Or so I've heard. Tool-Assisted Speedruns has been updated with a few new demos, the most exciting of which is a full 32-level Doom 2 Nightmare run in 18:49. Remember that D2DQ, which was also built from individual level runs, was done in 21:16, and the fastest real NM run is 49:49 or so. This thing is freaking crazy.

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    Guest PerOxyD2S


    hey D2DQ and TAS demos are really not the same.... in D2DQ, as everybody know, level are recorded separatly, but the level is done in a row. in TAS demos you can restart your level everywhere so you can get perfect times

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    Guest Opulent


    Henning just did a 40:48!!!!!! --sorry about the exclamation points, I got a little excited.

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    I thought tasdoom.exe was the one that allowed you to tweak and polish a demo after recording it... these are played under MBF, so I figured they were just slomo.

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    Well, there is no way to tweak and polish a demo after it's recorded.. Once it's done, it's done!! Any modification would throw it out of sync, yes? Ahhh, that's cute.. :-b

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    Guest PerOxyD2S


    Just to clarify a point ... TASDooM allows using slo'mo'... but TASBMF doesn't... And the 30NM1849 have been record by Sedlo with TASMBF, he is the most impressive player i've ever seen !

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    okay, here we go: ddq runs, using ddqstats.exe: you can link between levels (MAP01 + MAP02 + MAP03....+ MAP30 = D2DQ) but you can't link within levels, i.e., you can't do first half of MAP02 plus second half of MAP02 equals complete run. both TASDoom and TASMBF allow you to link both between levels and within levels. the differences between them are the method of implementing this, and the fact that you can use slo-mo and TASDoom but not in TASMBF. The method of linking between sections is more precise and flexible in Tasdoom than in Tasmbf, but you have to watch the entire demo through before you can take over at the right point in tasdoom. In tasmbf you can just start off at the right point. so, this in practice means that 30nm4048 was recorded straight through, from scratch, map01 to map30 without stopping, on nightmare, a damn impressive achievement. d2dq2116 (which is, btw, a UV demo), was linked, but each individual map is a single run. 30nm1849 was linked together, and each individual map is not a single run, but has links within it. this doesn't take away from the fact that it's an _awesome_ run, but comparisons with d2dq2116 are a little unfair. of course, a much better d2dq could be done today, i don't know if it will be done though.

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