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  • Doom Quiz


    The Page of Doom has made up and posted another Doom quiz for everyone to test their mettle. I got at 80%, but some of those questions are just crazy.

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    i got that one right tho... failed at the e3m2 one, the one about the enviro suit, and the one about maximum doom

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    I managed to get an 80%. I missed the who thought of the name DOOM, and the number of add-on levels with Maximum DOOM.

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    Hey, I really desagree with the answer of the question about MAP07, I think the Marine release the Earth population on MAP11.
    Am I right?

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    70% hmm....maybe I'm not such a hardcore player than I thought.

    I missed the E3M2 one, the number of Maximum levels (Maximum Doom?) and the orgin question about where the name DOOM came from.

    Oh well, it could be worse... =)

    I am retarded! <-- I mean, NUMERO UNO POST!

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    I guess I haven't played doom at all then.. hehehehe sucky. But I wonder how many you guys guessed upon though ;)

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    Guest Slipgate


    I did well. Some of that was real
    miscellany that I happened to know.

    I am feeling really dumb about missing
    the Maximum Doom question, because in
    retrospect I recall what the correct
    number was and I had answered wrong
    when I could have answered right.


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    1. I had no idea about the maximum doom thing.
    2. I never actually paid attention to how long the rad suit is active. I thought it was 2 minutes.
    3. I answered a big skull. I haven't played through ultimate doom, but I figured a skull-shaped map isn't beyond id.

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    Guest The Archon


    I thought you freed the earth's population when you hit the skull switch at the end of MAP12....

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    Guest Mattrim.



    Risen: re-read the question. E3M2 (Slough of Despair) is shaped like a hand on the AUTOMAP, not on the STATS SCREEN. On the stats screen, the icon for the level is indeed two grave stones.

    Question 9 does not list the correct answer, though...the switch which releases Earth's population is pressed at the end of MAP11 ('O' of Destruction aka Circle of Death).

    Question 10 is incomplete...not only do rockets not trigger the door at the beginning of MAP18 (The Courtyard), but plasma and BFG attacks fail to trigger the line as well.

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    Archon, MAP12 ends with a teleporter, not a skull switch...

    Mattrim, Question 10 didn't ask anything about the other weapons in the game, just the weapons listed.

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    Guest Mattrim.


    Adam: it's a question of semantics. The way that question 10 is phrased, it could be interpreted two ways...

    10. In Doom2, Level 18 (The Courtyard) what weapon wont open the door you face at the beginning?

    The key words of the question are 'what weapon...'. 'What' could implies singular, meaning that only a) one weapon in the game can do it, or; b) one weapon of the three choices listed below can do it.

    Regardless of how 'what' is interpreted, the answer is still constant. The quesion should still be clarified, though...perhaps:

    10 (Revised). In Doom2, Level 18 (The Courtyard) which of the following weapons will not open the door you face at the beginning?

    Or even better, in order to avoid confusion, the question should not be phrased negatively, rather...

    10 (Revised II). In Doom2, Level 18 (The Courtyard) which of the following weapons will open the door you face at the beginning?
    a) Pistol
    b) Rocket Launcher
    c) BFG9000

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    Guest Excalibur_Z


    Risen - I was tripped up by the E3M2 question at first too, but then I noticed the Stats Screen part, and by process of elimination I chose the right answer.

    As for the Map07 question... there's no telling when the player releases Earth's population. All we know is it happens sometime between the start of Map07 and the end of Map11. Both Map07 and Map11 end with very large switches, which presumably have some extreme effect. It could be said that in Map07 you release the population, then in Map11 you descend to Earth.

    I got 100%. The Carmack question was a bit of a 50/50, but I figured since Carmack's the head guy on all projects that he'd come up with the name.

    Btw, if you don't know that the most shells you can handle without a pack is 50, then it's time to return to Quakeland and never come back. That question was such a gimme. =)

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    Guest The Mole


    Only 50%. Heh, luckily i'm still kind of a newbie. The people getting 100% must have played Doom for millions of hours already. I tought the Maximum Wad question was the hardest.

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    apparently the 'Doom' title was given by carmack after watching the color of money.
    Y'know the one with paul newman and tom cruise.
    One scene sees cruise stepping into a pool hall and somebody asks him: "What's in the case son?".
    Cruises reply was 'Doom!'
    throwaway but cool!

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    You were right about question 9, but i think question 10 is ok, the question says "what weapon" not what weapons and out of 3 possible answers two had to be wrong.

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    At the start of MAP07 it says you have to find the switch to release earth population, but at the end of MAP10 it says you actually did it.

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    Guest Excalibur_Z


    Map10 was Refueling Base and Map11 was Circle of Death ('O' of Destruction!) - there's no summary of your work so far ("cutscene") after Map10, only 11. So, you could have released Earth's population by pulling any of those switches.

    Just a small clarification.

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