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  • Doom's #1


    As expensive blockbusters with name recognition tend to do, Doom came in #1 its opening weekend, bringing in an estimated $15.4 million. Second place was Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story with $9.3 million. For those curious, Doom cost around $70 million to make. I'd estimate the movie will drop off half its profits every week, so it will probably end up making $25 - $30 million after four weeks. It's also got a rating of 5.9/10 on IMDB, which sounds about right, if not a little high.

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    Yay, my boycott worked. Now they are going to lose money on the movie... all because of me. Yes, had the movie been faithful to the game, I would have bought four million tickets. Yeah.

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    yeah i bet they're gutted they didnt get their hands on my £4.50. i envision their empire crumbling at my actions to undo them for their insolence!

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    Don't be too optimistic. That movie is guaranteed to make a nice profit after international box office and home video sales. And don't forget the money they make from merchandise.

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    Thank God I decided to see Wallace and Gromit last night. THERE is an example of proper translation of a franchise. :/

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    Who are you rkidding :P
    I'm sure everyone here will end up seeing for it...and PAYING!
    I can't wait!
    Everyone will probly be like 'pfft....fan boy'
    But what the hell. This game we've all been playing/living for over a decade.
    I can remember doom before anything else in life.
    No chance I'm missing this movie....5 times in the cinema. :) to make up for you all.

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    Guess Carmack can afford that nth ferrari ..

    I'm going to see it tomorrow with some friends. I know what to expect .. I'm going to see it anyway. I just can't say no to DOOM :P

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    Well hell, I'm sure the movie rights alone were upwards of $5 mil. John can buy quite a few new Ferrari's with that... although if I remember correctly hasn't Carmack gotten out of the car thing in favor of his aerospace project?


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    Must be a nice life where you can get bored of collecting Ferrari's and switch to collecting space ships.

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    There are some things I just need to have in my collection of useless junk that resides in the computer room. I have a strong feeling that the Doom DVD will soon take up residence next to the various Aliens and Warhammer 40,000 paraphernalia I have laying about. Why? It’s Doom, that’s why. No other reason need apply.

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    My brother took me to go see it, he was the one who wanted to go.

    It really wasn't that bad...if you keep the movie seperate from the game, it won't be as bad.

    Sadly, I will probably buy the DVD when it comes out :-/

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    went to see it too

    of course its no where related to the story from the game

    there just using the nameds and a few of the enemys to make a resident evil clone

    its a total disgrace to the doom game franchise and they should be sued for making such crap. i would have atleast thought ID would have some sorta of say in what they did for the movie

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    I decided to see Wallace and Gromit last night instead of DOOM.

    DOOM's grossed more than W&G at the box office. This makes me very damn sad.

    Carmack, up yours for this. :/

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    I actually hope it does make a profit, so they could make a sequel and get the shit right. But it doesn't look like this is going to happen, because they're basing success off box office, and I don't think it's gonna make it past 70 mil. Considering how bad the word of mouth for this movie is, everyone I know says it sucks ass. And they always come to me because they remember going apeshit for doom 3, just to look me in the eye, put their hand on my shoulder and say "I'm sorry." And this is when I turn into an imp and try to bite their hand off.

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    baronofhell said:

    I actually hope it does make a profit, so they could make a sequel and get the shit right.

    I assume they think something like this. If they make profit,then they why to risk modifying the story to make it fit with the true plot. If they don't make profit, then why to risk on a sequel.

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    I should support the efforts of a sequel too so I can lose money as well.

    Not really surprised that it's flopping. Many of the fans here didnt seem to like it too much, and it sure as hell doesnt seem to be appealing to general audiences.

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    I thought the movie was awesome! I would rate it an 8.

    There were only two short parts that seemed poorly done, but for a sci-fi movie, it was worth every cent. Good entertainment I thought!

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    Amaster said:

    Not really surprised that it's flopping. Many of the fans here didnt seem to like it too much, and it sure as hell doesnt seem to be appealing to general audiences.

    excactly, whats the point of making a movie with doom in the title if you not trying to get the attention of fans of Doom?

    Im not buying or watching it ever

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    baronofhell said:

    I actually hope it does make a profit

    I hope it fucking tanks so the rights come at a premium. Then maybe some screenwriter/director with balls and publishers who know when to shut the fuck up can pick it up and do what they're supposed to do.

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    Listen, you are all being WAY too hard on this film.

    For those of you who haven't seen it and talk about how terrible it is, see it first, then you may talk trash.

    For those of you who HAVE seen it and didn't like it, you have the right to talk smack, but I hope you're not just doing it to go along with everyone else.

    I for one enjoyed the movie. No, it didn't have Hell; and the Marines didn't act anything like Marines; but except for the ending of the movie (which didn't totally ruin it but made me give a big graon), it was a damn enjoyable time! It had gore, horror, suspense, and loads of action. It kept good pace and except for a few embarassing moments, the dialogue was decent.

    Being lucky enough to see it FOR FREE the night before it opened at a private screening, I went back the next day less than 24 houss later and threw down my matinee money to see it again -- AND I brought a friend who enjoyed it as well. If you guys were expecting Saving Private Ryan with Demons, I've got a newsflash for you: The original games had NO PLOT at all...Everything you loved about the game was in your head. You were the marine and you were making that marine's story as you went along.

    Before I see any more trash talk, I challenge you to actually see the film first. It may not be exactly what we were hoping for, but it's more DOOM than any other film that's come before it, period.

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    On a quick scan of the thread, I'd say 60% have seen it, the other 40% are going off reviews and just general anger that there's no hell.

    Another newsflash: If you go into the movie saying "I will hate this", then you will hate it. You're setting yourself up for failure.

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    In fact, I'm going to go see it tomorrow and bring my brother, and then see it every day of the week until it leaves theatres with a new friend or relative each time. And If I don't have someone available, I'll buy three tickets and pass them out to people at random.

    You folks are some of the most diabolical haters I've ever seen.

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    Sorry dude, but without hell, it's kinda hard to fall in love with the film. Yeah, doom didn't have much of a plot, but one thing we know for sure there was no fucking virus or chromosome shit. It just takes "DOOM" right out of it, just like that. I was enjoying the movie, until dr. Samantha revealed these "creatures" are in fact human mutants. I'm just hoping they do make a sequel and expand on this plot and somehow get hell involved, or demons at least. John Carmack himself said that he wished the hell/satanic theme would've been left intact.

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    By not seeing the movie, you people are taking Caviar off of the Rock's Huge Table, you know, the one he eats off of, and then smashes people through when hes done . . . you know, eating

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    Actually the movie makes many references to hell, and barely goes into any depth about the whole chromosome experiment.. In fact, the movie goes as far to say that 'evil chooses' who gets infected.

    I really liked the movie. I am a huge fan of doom, i've been playing it hardcore since the doom1 beta;

    I didn't go into the movie with giant expectations, and didn't expect it to be like the game.. Thus i enjoyed it. It was a lot more similar to the game than i would have expected.. doom3 that is..

    Even if you hate it, it's just a movie; knowing the industry, it'll be remade in x number of years anyway.


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    The SuperFly said:

    You folks are some of the most diabolical haters I've ever seen.

    All right, allow me to elaborate on my reasons not to go and see this movie.

    I don't go to the theatre to watch movies unless I have some expectation that the movie will at least not piss me off. In fact, I tend to only go when I feel absolutely certain that I'll like the movie. That means it's extremely rare for me to go to the movie theatre. Why? Because I like to spend my money on things that matter to me and not throw them away.

    Now this, heh, "Doom" movie is bound to piss me off one way or another. I've tried being reasonable in my views on it, I've tried to disregard bad reviews and simply look at what the movie is: An action horror movie that had best not be regarded as Doom.
    Guess what? I'm still not enthused. I will, however, give it a small chance. I will not see it in the theatres because I'm convinced it will be a basic, but probably fairly entertaining action horror movie. But I might one day rent it when I feel I can afford to waste money on something less-than-brilliant.

    Now, onto the actual game-to-movie deal.

    Doom to me is all about the demonic, supernatural stuff. In fact, I'm so in to that part and considering it so much the core of Doom that I even tend to go ballistic if other people/fans suggest otherwise ("The demons are really aliens" - yeah right, that's why there's satanic references everywhere in the game and that's why the text sequences frequently mentions "Hell" and "Demons", oh I'm convinced all right - not!).
    Without Hell or truly supernatural, mythical Hell demons, it just isn't Doom to me. Taking this away is like taking a big, smelly bug-filled dump on the games I love. And you want me to spend my money getting really pissed, right? They could have gone with a hero-heroine love deal, they coulda made this a PG-13 flick, they coulda set it on Planet Oldu-fucking-vai and have it be about a space SWAT team fighting the demons from Hell, and it still wouldn't have angered me anything like this. Hell, I could even have put aside my finer feelings and enjoy the crap outta it in that case.

    I mean, if someone raped me in the ass, I wouldn't turn around and reward the swine. I would rew up my chainsaw and cut him to pieces - after I shredded the crap outta his dick. Hence, why should I reward Hollywood for ass raping me and other Doom fans like this? Ok, I'll be nice and scrap the whole chainsaw shredding deal (after all, it's their job to make Hollywood money, they're only doing their ungrateful job), but they sure ain't getting my money.

    I'd rather watch Aliens once again than watch a movie that's basically a more action-oriented Aliens flick - at least the Aliens marines wear proper militaristic outfit.

    Now if they actually went with the whole "Space Marines vs. Hell" theme, the movie would've actually been interesting. But oohhhh noooo, Hollywood are so shit scared of anything remotely politically incorrect that they can what I consider to be the most badassed concept in video game history. I sure haven't seen anything like space marines fighting demons with conventional weapons in any movie. Enlghten me if there's actually such a movie out there. Event Horizon is currently the movie closest to Doom, but it doesn't have physically manifested demon critters that can be sent back to Hell with conventional, but heavy firepower and it doesn't have elite fighting units afaik.

    References to Hell and demons isn't good enough either. There needs to be a definite, physical Hell in there that gradually takes over the space station, slowly morphing it into an outpost of Hell.

    If you guys were expecting Saving Private Ryan with Demons, I've got a newsflash for you: The original games had NO PLOT at all

    Will you forget about the game's lack of a story for a second? The basic concept is good and can be explored easily. It's not only possible to make a different and *gasp!* in-depth plot set in the Doom universe, but there are even many ways to do it. Nobody said it had to be a faithful retelling of the plot in the games. Hence, there's no excuse not to at least try and get a decent plot out of it.

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    No plot? Doom has a brilliant, intricate plot that advances throughout the entire game. It could have made an awesome movie. It would have made a great plot for Doom 3 as well, much better than the generic crap they used a science fiction writer to come up with for that game.

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