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    Status update: the judging of the 10 Sectors contest is going well, with the judges continuing to slog through the 138 levels submitted. Matt Dixon has sent me his list of his 10 favorite levels, and they are all, for lack of a better word, "kickass." Still no timetable on a release but hopefully the judges will get their asses in gear (AndrewB, Mordeth, Martin Friberg, Malcolm Sailor, ahem).

    User Feedback

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    Okay, so first of all the FAQ says this:

    John Carmack has stated it will be a heavily modified Quake 3 engine.

    Then later on part of a quote from Carmack says this:

    "...but I firmly believe that the power of the new engine will enable a whole new level of game content."

    Whoever wrote this FAQ must be a total idiot.
    I wish these people would get their facts straight.

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    Dammit Ling, take 2 seconds out of your wad judging, and FREE HISSY!!! Oh yeah, and put up the POTD I sent you while yer at it.

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    Iv'e found some texture alignment gaffs in my level, and it's not hard enough on UV. I take it we'll see a megawad pretty soon now?

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    Where is the Megawad?
    We worked so hard to make the levels, and now, we must whait to the next milenium to play it.

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    Guest Confusion


    My God that is a bad FAQ. How many factual errors are contained within, I wonder? Too many to count, surrly. I was particularly astonished by the noting that the new game probably won't be called "Doom 3" because there have been two new DOOM games since what they called "Doom ][" was release. New? Ultimate DOOM was just DOOM with knobs on. Final DOOM was two games, not one, which id probably don't regard as official anyway. Therefore, DOOM III would seem a pretty accurate title to me. "Doom2000", on the other hand, defies belief.

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    Guest IcarusWing


    Not DooMy, but I'm going to see Placebo at the end of the month. Yeah!

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    Guest Fanatic


    Whatever happened to the DOOM World "new DOOM" FAQ?

    We should be the ones to own that puppy! WOO!

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    Jeez...let the judges judge at there own pace. I am itching to see what everyone did with the 10 sectors contest, too, but I give the people judging more than 20 minutes to pick the best.

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    Who would be better for it?

    I mean They who made that faq probably don't even know that the Doomguys actual name is Baphomet and is nicknamed Hero. And that the big demon shoot boxes with skulls that never ever hit you, is called FlynnT.

    BTW anyone know where all those monsters come from in map30? I've looked at the map in a editor but i couldn't find a origin. Is it scripted?


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    Lutz are right.

    Lets make this the right way. Don't rush them.

    Mmmm. Trash punk.


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    heh I haven't found any errors at all in my level... but thats almost certainly a bad thing...

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    I got a few alignment errors. But they're in Marble areas. So there's no biggie. I hate aligning textures.

    BTW www.newdoom.com/unholy is updated.

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    Guest Mattrim.


    Do not rush us judges. Wading through 138 levels is no easy task, and to accurately judge and catalogue them has already been very time consuming. Patience, please. You will have your results soon enough.

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    Guest Slipgate


    Hey Ebola,

    The monsters come from the monster spawning
    entity. Look in the map editor and you'll
    see that there's thing which throws out the
    "bosscubes" which spawn monsters. It starts
    doing this once it wakes up (And the "to
    win the game..." sound is made when it wakes
    up). If you put it in a pwad you'll see that
    it spawns monsters there too upon being woken.

    However, it never stops spawning monsters.
    The only way to stop it once its started is
    to exit the level (which in Map 30 is accomplished by destroying the Romero head,
    the Romero head thing is keyed so that whenever its on a map, the map auto-ends when it's destroyed... you can verify this in a pwad too).


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    I'm telling you this contest is fixed. It's all an evil plan by Linguica to keep the voodoo5 "in the family" and keep Hissy out of the hands of Carnevil. How so you ask?

    While scrolling thru the archives I noticed an obscure reference linking AndrewB to Martin Friberg. It was then I realized they were long lost brothers. This would explain why they are both level reviewers which is too much of a coincidence.

    I then made the connection that "Friberg" sounds similiar to "Iceberg". If I were a sailor, like Malcolm, what is the one thing I would try to avoid? An iceberg, duh! Can you say Titanic? But then I was confused as to how I could find the relation between Malcolm and Matt.

    I stumbled on this one for hours. I kept thinking about Titanic as I knew the answer lied therein. But I couldn't get past the "tit" part. Suddenly I realized that the Titanic was a big hunk of metal and that Matthew Dixon is a cyborg. How else could you explain his ridiculous attention to detail and his insatiable appetite for violent levels?

    And now I was on a roll. I cyborg who has an insatiable appetite for violent levels wants "Mordeth". So, in conclusion: Linguica has fixed this contest with members of his family (well matt is a cyborg - so pet of his family would apply also) to win it himself. This strictly violates all moral codes and all of Telefrag's rules for contests with ten sectors.

    I feel dirty now. I am going to take a shower.

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    It is very odd that no one ever figured that out when it is that obvious. All the connections you make are a good example of good reasoning and logic *cough cough NOT cough* :)

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    Oh cool, you play the drums. So do I. I'm interested in hearing exactly what "power metal" is - even after reading that description. I have a very similiar setup to yours so I'm thinking of downloading those MP3's on your website to see what you can do. :)

    Anyways, the real reason I went to your site was to gather all your doom level releases. But there is no mention of doom on the site!

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    Guest Slipgate


    Hey Fish,

    You appear to be drunk today. Hook me up
    with whatever you're on.

    I should warn you, though, that you will
    never beat me at insanity/drivel, because
    I invent my shit when I'm SOBER. So imagine
    when I'm drunk!



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    I sent in two levels for the contest (It was so fun the first time, I couldn't resist doing it again, because I had time.) My first level actually does have a small area that has the GRAY5 texture (default in DEU), but it is on a small pillar that uses SHAWN2 for the rest of it, so you can't really tell it's there unless you look for it (which means if you see this in a level, I probably made it.) For my second submission, I have no clue, but I finished it up on the last day of the contest, and I was a little rushed, so there's bound to be at least one texture problem.

    I am not retarded.

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    Well among other things this contest has taught me that you really can't expect to do any kind of major editing on a level the day of a deadline. If I had planned things properly I should have finished several days beforehand to give myself the time necessary to tweak everything just right.

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    You guys play the drums too eh? Neato. Dunno what power metal is though, never listened to Iron Maiden or whatever. I play more punk and grunge type stuff.

    If you guys want some really, really good double bass stuff to challenge yourself with, download some mp3s of Fear Factory and get the tabs at http://www.fearfactory.com/ . FF kicks ass too, Cyb likes em so they must be good.

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    I'm not a huge fan of punk, I like some of it, but the bassist and guitarist in my "band" like punk, so I'm stuck with it anyway :P I like grunge though.

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    Guest Retter


    "Many thought that they were faster, but they couldn't last and they died as they tried..."

    Hellbent For Leather

    My God, I can feel the Metal course through my veins...

    "...99% of the people out there know what they really want in life, that's why we are here to give them some direction..."

    -Deegan [Metal Militia]

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