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  • DWBS


    October 10... does that date sound familiar? If not, it ought to, as it's probably the reason you're here: exactly six years ago today, id Software unleashed Doom 2 unto the world. That's six years of mancubus-killing, Icon-of-Sinning, super-shotgunning action. SIX WHOLE FREAKING YEARS. And just think about everything which has happened in that time...

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    It's been some good times. I still think it's funny how my (now) worst enemy got me hooked on it, and level editing.

    To tell you the truth, I wouldn't be surprised if Doom(II) kicked even Doom III's ass, or any other game even 20 years from now.

    I remember when was first being explained the game in 4th grade at lunch. I thought it was some stupid Mario Bros. type game. But I was wrong. I'll never forget seeing the Cyberdemon on map08 for the first time.

    BTW, one idea- ZDoomGL: DreamCast Edition.

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    Since ike said he would like to see ZDoomGl on the Dreamcast (I'm not doing it so get your hopes up! That would be a good idea...)
    I would like to say that this post has been placed by using a Dreamcast! heheh Not that you would care but i though it would be interesting..


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    ZDoomGL using Dreamcast? That sounds AWESOME!!! Except, what about add-on levels? You'd have to figure out a way to upload/download them from the internet (hint: check out www.booyaka.com) and you'd have to store them on the VMU. That would mean unless you had one of those special 3rd-party VMUs you'd have a maximum level size of 128k. =( Oh well, you CAN fit a Doom level into 128k. Try doing that with, say, a Quake level! That's another one of the reasons Doom has survived so long.

    My point? I don't have a point, go away.

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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOOM!!! Thanks for all the good times! Btw, I'm 90% done with my Sector10 map, it has turned out to be a monster of Kraken-like dimensions. All functions functioning though, just needs a little playbalance. Rusty gears still operate DETH well enough. ;) Could someone tell me the best tool for swapping sprites these days? It's been a while since I last wanted to do that. Anyone?

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    Guest Battle_Zealot


    6 damn years? Doom is the greatest game ever made! Doom is gonna live forever!!!

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    I have serious doubts in the truthness of this ongoing poll.. Hass the majority of all the ppl who visit this place played the game over 6 years? HAHAHAHA laughing right at you!
    You guys are terrible liers. I bet some of you have played it from the beginning and there might be quite a lot of you, but the majority??

    Yeah, right, all you diehard doomfans, try to keep the fucking community alive then. ("who pissed in that guys cornflakes this morning?)

    *argh* why am I upset? Well.. I still think you are a bunch of liers who want to believe that you discovered this game in 94?

    I guess I can continue: You must be silent fuckers, since I never here much from you. usually when you talk with someone about it, they tried that game, left alone, played newer games, and now came buck 3 months ago to see what was going. Zdoom and csdoom has brought back many old players and that is great.
    But how many of the ones who voted has played this lovely game since the birtdate continuesly, every week, every month for these 6 years?

    I haven't... just the past 5 years.

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    Well put ;)

    I wish I could remember the first time I played Doom. I remember the playing but not WHEN.

    Cocoon. How old are you when you start ninth grade?

    I beleive it was the autumn of 95 I played it. Hmmm. I'm 21 btw.

    Anyway. I remember it quite clearly. (Pretty much only thing I remember from school was all the intese DM's I had in Doom and Heretic.) Sjöberg installed it one the computer in our classroom and on the other one next to it he installed Wolf3d. (never had seen either of them being the first time I used a PC for gaming. I'm an orig ATARI user)

    BTW Happy Doomday Doom2. But Doom1 was and is better not counting the third (3) episode.

    /me's fav map is E1M7: Computer Station

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    Doom1 is the best game ever created!
    Yeah, had been playing since 93. Before
    I played Wolf 3D!

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    We are from the same country remember.. 9th grade in Sweden is 15 anyway. Dunno about there other ones.

    I had the game half a year before being able to play it. That was wearing on my nerves.

    I noticed now that I might have stepped a litte bit out of line earlier.. Note: just a little. My main point still stands

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    I know that's why I asked you. ;)

    Hmmm. well My memory is a bit rubbled. I think I played Doom1 about when Doom2 came out.

    BTW I've finally finished the "canyon" area on my map10. Wohoo. It's not really a canyon though. More like a rock wall with a base built into it. Looks great as hell though.

    Just took me about a month to finish it. (10 sector contest came in the way but if you sum it up it took about a month)

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    Frankly i haven't played DOOM ][ SP since 96. I still play DOOM ][ in DM, but for the community maps/mods/TC's and source ports i wouldn't bother.

    DOOM ][ SP doesn't cut it anymore IMHO, Deus Ex does.

    No-one discovered DOOM ][ in 94, it was the most written about and anticipated game until Quack.

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    I don't know, I think the poll could be correct. I think we'll find that the number will slowly drop as more people slowly stop by. It's natural that the hard-core group that has been playing for some time would jump on top of it. Me? I voted 6 yrs for DoomII, but I won't be voting 7 for Doom when the time comes. So there, too, is another reason the numbers can be high.

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    Man, outta all the game's i've played, Doom 2 was my favorite. I remeber first hearing about it through it's own guide. I was in some store and it was lying on the ground and i was like: Hey cool, the new doom game! Back then i only had a black and white compaq laptop which could barely run Wolf and Doom 1 shareware! We bought a new computer along with Doom 2 and Warcraft 2 and since then, i've played for 6 years. LONG LIVE THE KING, hehe

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    I'm glad that so many of you remembered about doom2's birthday. It just shows that I am not the only Doom addict on the Web :). This is Virgil the Doom Poet saying:

    Long Live Doom2!!! I hope to Hell Doom2 lives on for at least several more decades. In my heart, Doom2 is immortal. :)

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    Virgil: but how many had remember this if not Linguica posted about it?

    Truthfully i wouldn't have

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    Guest Slipgate


    Actually, Doom 1 is December 10, 1993.

    Doom 2 is October 17, 1994.

    So it's still seven days (6 days now as
    of this message) before Doom 2 is 6 years

    BTW, I'm just going off what Hank Leukart's
    FAQ (last updated when Doom2 was first
    released) said on this matter... if I'm
    wrong let me know.


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    Guest The Gemini


    So... i'm really a Doom-freak... but you guys... you're just freaks. I mean, you act like this game opened up your eyes or something... like when a near-death experience..heh... "Happy birthay Doom-2!"???

    Oh yeah, Doom2 is better then Doom1. What would Doom be without the Super-Shotgun... no fast gameplay... And too few monsters in Doom1. Doom1 had better atmosphere though.

    And i've been playin for about 6 years i think... i'm not sure... I was playin it before Final Doom came out, and that was in 96...

    One last thing, Doom2 map24 (The Chasm), map14 (The Inmost Dens), and map18 (The Courtyard), and map22 (Catacombs) got great atmosphere too, sorta like Doom1.

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    Wow, 6 years.. Thats pretty old, and definately goes to show the lasting effect that the game has had on people for it to still be going so strong (heh, well relatively speaking anyway).

    As for the doom/doom2 thing, I think I'll always remember doom2 for its multiplayer, but when I look back on it all, I'll always remember doom the most. Most of my memories from the game (first playing it, etc) are from there.. I remember me and my friends used to huddle around and take turns trying to beat the cyberdemon with a shotgun or handgun.. And we used to see how long we could last with the chainsaw running around in E1M9.. Stupid things it may seem like, but we were pretty much little kids back then. (I'm 18 now). And it was very fun for us, and later on when we started playing multiplayer, and making our own shitty levels, well me helping my friends make their own shitty levels 'cos they didnt know how to do it themselves.. But it was all fun, and I only look back on it remembering how much fun we had.. And how much fun I still have (heh).

    Well, enough waxing nostalgic. Happy (belated on my part) birthday DooM ][, and here's to many more years (and levels and source port features to come). And the doom guy still kicks Duke Nukem's bitch-ass. So there :).

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    When I played Doom for the first time in that computer store i was talking earlier, it was homecoming. And I was a freshman in high school, and my older bro was a senior. He graduated in '94. I don't remember the date, but I think it was before Oct 10!. So maybe it was a beta i was playing.
    So there cocoon I have been playing for 6 years! Seven actually since I thought about when I played Doom for the first time.
    I'm 21 BTW...

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    I remember playing the shareware version of the original doom on my clunky old 386...thinking to myself how much this blows away wolfenstein. Hehe

    Oh...and to get better game play...I'd make the window small and put it in low detail mode.

    I bet most of you can't say the same thing. Shieeeeet....I remember when I was talking in one of my reviews, mentioning the fact that I kept getting TIME SUCKS at the end of each level...so many of you were like (you can't get time sucks) pfft...newbie wannabes

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    I new this was coming: "So there cocoon I have been playing for 6 years!"

    I wasn't making my point to the ones who actually _did_ play the game from the beginning.... All of a sudden everyone needs to come out and tell that "they sure didn't cheat on that poll!!!!"
    All you guys know you didn't so what is the problem really?

    My first network doom2 games... real late if you compare to others and it was on my high schools network... Played keyboard, low detail and minimum screensize of course. What a blur´!

    Oh and when the supervisors came in all computers suddenly said "bip bip" and restarted ;) everone was so innocent

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    I wouldn't have remembered. But I don't care. It doesn't make you a better person, just an obsessive.

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    Guest Fanatic


    How about a poll "how long have you been editing DOOM?"

    I've edited probably 80% or more of the 5 years I've actually owned the game.

    I have quite a few good games that I haven't played but maybe the first 10% of the game, then I want to see how they did it, and how I can change it.

    DOOM has ruined me........

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    Guest Excalibur_Z


    I remember the story of how I first got Doom2 (in '94, when it first came out). I kept bothering my parents saying "register Doom! I want episodes 2 and 3!" but they wouldn't listen. I opened up my Christmas present and I had received "Doom II"... at first I was like "wtf is this?! This isn't Doom episodes 2 and 3! This probably sucks!"

    Then I played it (didn't actually beat it though until about a year later... I was too into editing levels =P). I loved it. My dad asked "how is it?" and I replied "Well at first I was mad because it wasn't what I wanted, but it's actually better! There are new monsters and items and even more levels than all the episodes of Doom put together!" (This was before Ultimate Doom mind you). I was LMAO when I saw the Wolfenstein levels (I had become addicted to Doom's cheat codes).

    I've beaten the game on Ultra-Violence (no cheats) and TECHNICALLY on Nightmare since I idclev'd to level 30 in NM and won =).

    So that proves it. I've been playing for six years. 2000 - 1994 = 6. Well, a couple months before 6 years.

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