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  • DWBS


    October 10... does that date sound familiar? If not, it ought to, as it's probably the reason you're here: exactly six years ago today, id Software unleashed Doom 2 unto the world. That's six years of mancubus-killing, Icon-of-Sinning, super-shotgunning action. SIX WHOLE FREAKING YEARS. And just think about everything which has happened in that time...

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    So what are you saying? Every good detailed memory you have means that you were obsessive about that occurrence? Think before you open your mouth ... it really works!

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    Woah! I've only been editing for about a year and 8 months. Been playing for just under 2 years(pc version). God, has everyone here been playing/editing longer than me?

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    Guest IconOfSin


    Yes, DOOM is certainly defined as a classics now! With the exception of Adventure (1969 and they still play it online!) DooM is one of the longest-lasting, and definitely most fun games ever. Happy Birthday DooM!

    And many, many many more...

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    Guest mantra_


    I didnt start playing doom much until 2 years after the game came out. For some reason I liked wolfenstein still and didnt want to waste time with another game when there were bad nazi men to kill. Didnt even know about editing the friggin game for years afterwards, having no internet access whatsoever.

    Gave up on wolfenstein pretty fast when I saw the cyberdemon. Almost wet myself at that dude.

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    I still think Doom 1 was the best. More realistic and the atmosphere rocked. Sure the Super Shotgun is great but it's just a weapon. A lot of the Hellish levels in Doom(not DooM) remind me of a Quake-style level-layout.

    Yeah, yeah, I remember, the first shooter I played was Doom Shareware, and I couldn't figure out how to open the door in that first area of Hanger. Like 3 years later I came back and discovered No-clip. Few years after that I discovered the Spacebar.

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    It is not very surprising that you haven't heard about a lot of people that have been playing doom2 for "6 years"... I mean why should you assume that only ever the people that have been part of this little doom community have played it for the last 6 years? never mind that a lot of people weren't on the internet back then.

    I myself have played doom2 (that, and wads for it) since atleast 5.5 years ago, but rather infrequently at times. I sortof "rediscovered" it at some point (about 2 years ago), and then got interested in editing for it (as a direct consequence of
    discovering editing quake a lot earlier).
    It somehow didn't occur to me way back when to make maps for doom(2), even though I've been on the net since '91 and knew of the existance of custom wads.

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    The first real Doom game i had was Final Doom on playstation. I had played it b4 but this was the first I had owned. I must have played onslaught 500 times. I loved that stage. After that, this is how it went:

    *Got doom/doom2 on playstation (if anyone knows where i can get the PC conversions of the levels exclusively on the playstation.. PLEASE TELL ME! i dont wanna try to make them myself, i'm lazy)

    *Played doom2 for a while by link cable with local frads

    *Local frad introduces me to PC version. I die when i see resolution compared to playstation.

    *We (me and local frad) figure out Modem connection and play from noon till 3 in the morning that day (no kidding)

    *I take a dump

    *I find out how to use custom wads

    *I play custom wads with local frad and take another dump

    *I start editing and get source ports etc, and am still doin it. (2 1/2 years or so)

    *I post this message

    *i'm going right now to take a....

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    a whole lot of bitching and moaning over what is true doom and not true doom has happened.
    thats the only thing thats happened

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    I'm 15. When Doom came out I guess I was 9 years old. My memory of that time is pretty fuzzy, so I have no idea when I discovered Doom, but I remember it was a while after the game came out. My friend said something like "There's a really cool 'walk through walls' cheat in this game I have called Doom." After a while I figured out that it was "like Wolfenstein, only better." I went to his house one day and saw Doom in action, and I was totally blown away.

    "There are STAIRS!?"
    "You can GO OUTSIDE!?"

    I quickly obtained Doom shareware and then registered it some time later (best $40 I ever spent.) I totally have no idea when I started editing WADs, but it was after I got a CD full of WADs/editors from Fred Meyer's (I don't remember what it was called, but I remember on the back it said "So, how's hell?" or something like that. Does that ring a bell for anyone?)

    My first levels were pretty crappy, as should be expected, but I quickly learned how to make really good ones. And, to tell you the truth, I'm pretty surprised at the stuff I made back when I was 10-11 years old. Especially my "Marble Palace" level (not released to the internet...yet...)

    I wouldn't call myself a total Doom veteran. I didn't even know about it until my friend mentioned it to me. But in any case, Happy Birthday Doom, I guess.

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    I was 24 when I first played DooM on the PlayStation. I had no idea that DooM was a great hit on the PC. That was back then in 1996. Now we got this new fangled thing called Quake 3 Arena and it ain't been the same since. Who'd of thought that you could click on the Quake 3 icon on the desktop and connect to a server lickety split as long as you were online.
    Yeah I remember command lines and baud rates...

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    Guest wondersmith


    Anyone remember that Doom 2 somehow got leaked a month or so before any official copies were shipped? I remember pirates discussing on alt.games.doom how to beat map 30--much to the annoyance of honest folks who had pre-ordered the game and were still waiting. So, technically, Doom 2 has sort of been around for more than 6 years. :-)

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    Hmm I didn't ever remember exactly when I started edit Doom. I did start when I bought "Tricks of the Doom Programming Gurus" book at a Barnes and Noble.
    I belive it was late 95. Damn near didn't graduate from high school because of it!

    Thanks iD!

    FREE HISSY! (Hey! A spinning Free Hissy button! Kick ass!)

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    Guest Excalibur_Z


    I started editing the second after my uncle bought me "The Doom Hacker's Guide" complete with "The Doom Hacker's CD"... took me awhile to learn but it was worth it.

    To this day I still don't know how the hell to make Quake levels... wtf is a "brush"? =P

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    I remember etting startled once by a Demon in edpisode 1 of DooM.

    I rememeber using noclip and running a long distance away from the main level in E3M6 and seeing that weird shit you can see out there (If yopu are pout far enough). Thought I'd gone mad...

    I wish that Super shotgun shot 14 pellets like it was supposed to, instead of 20 though.

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    I have been playing Doom in light of all these other shooters, and still consider it the best of them all. It blows my roomates away to see my super high-end computer playing old Doom all the time...six years, it seems like only yesterday I was hunting for all the secrets in The Waste Tunnels.

    Doom is the only game I have exclusively editied for. It just never gets old.

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    I started edeting Doom before I had a computer. Or even Doom. ;) My friend got this old crappy 386 that we were playing on. He had to ply in the lowest screen size possible. We were using DoomEd 2.6. Any idiot could make levels with it so it was very easy to start with.

    Aaaah. the good ol days. I didn't have Internet until 3 years later or something. And when I did get it it took me about 1 year to realise there still was a doom community. ;) So my maps was pretty basic for a long time.

    Now though. I can't contain myself. Alot of people will probably complain about this when they play my PC later (infoline). THose with a lowend computer that is.

    First DM I had was on e3m3 I think. I was playing my friend and his brother over the schools IPX. I won btw ;) So they teamed up to beat me. But then I won even more ;) MWUAHAHAHAHA

    Me and My friend was the wo badest DMers in our entire town.

    I remember playing my brother in DM after teaching him how to actually play doom. First time we played he never seen it before and I stood right in front of him and told him to follow me trying to teach him some. But he just said. There is something here. I got frustrated. Anyway. when we got a computer ourselfes we had another friend over to play DM over a holiday. My brother could play now but he was afraid of dying since we'd let someone else play then. I was running after him firing small bursts of the machinegun (we were playing mine and Markus TC) in his back and in the wall to taunt him. It was a blast.


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    Well, I don't know where all this 'I've been playing doom longer than you have' stuff sprang from, but does it even matter? We're still here now, so who cares.. Me personally have been around for awhile playing doom, since around xmas '95, maybe not long compared to everyone else but it seems like forever to me. But I was never really a part of the 'community' I guess. It was mostly just me and my friends having fun and playing games over our modems, and making levels and playing in our own levels, thinking how cool it all was..

    Of all my friends, I'm the only one who still has doom even installed on their system.. But then again I guess I was always the one who pushed it on everyone, and got all the source ports and wads and stuff when they released the source.. I've been around, but have never really contributed anything to the community as a whole, I always planned to realese some of my wads I made that were'nt so much shit as the others, but I just could never bring myself to finish any of them.. And before I knew it, Boom was released, and all this other stuff started happening.. Just too busy I guess with school, guitar, n64, manic suicidal depression or whatever else it was at the moment. And then everybodies wad making ability just skyrocketed, and I couldnt really compete with it all after that, heh.

    I remember being around when Sir Alien still ran his web site, Functional Entropy was still being updated, www.doomworld.com was just some cryptic (apocalyptic?) writing, teamtnt at their old URL, and the rec..doom newsgroups still had some traffic, and the big commotion that was made when AOLer's were banned from #doom2 (I was on AOL at that time *cough*). heh. I remember this one web page which was like the 'anti-quake' clan of doomers and had listed reasons why quake sucked and doom still ruled. I kinda faded away for awhile, but I still play doom and download the wads and stuff. I guess thats just me, I dont think I could ever get tired of doom.

    So I dunno, I think I'll still be around, as long as people still feel the need to create stuff.. Or until doom3 comes out and everyone jumps ship, leaving me and my piss-poor P166 behind. heh.

    Wow. I really must have no life if I just wrote all this shit. I am a true doomer after all! heheh.

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    Wow, 6 years. Very cool, even though I've only been playing DOOM for about 4 of those 6 years (I didn't even have a computer before then). I discovered DOOM because my dad had played it at his work, and he came home and told me about it and told me to go find a place to dowload it from the internet (which took forever since we had a 14.4k modem). I installed it and was completely blown away by the fact that there could be such realistic 3D graphics on a 486 computer. Actually, that was partly due to the fact that I had never even heard of Wolfenstein. I got interested in level editing soon after, because it came with a DOOM FAQ and I read it and learned about level editing, but I never really got into it until I got DOOM II for my birthday, and could actually PLAY the custom WADs that I made. I have been level editing ever since, even though currently I have not released a single level because my level editing skills are terrible, and I'm hoping that they will eventually get alot better. BTW, if they keep their schedule, I think the new Skulltag beta, which is supposed to be released Friday the 13th, would make an excellent birthday present for DOOM II.

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    Guest Demi|inX



    So How's Hell?

    Now you can build your own levels, fill them with legions of the damned, then sit back and let the fun begin. Or discover the secrets of those who have gone before you. Learn strategies that will you that winning edge.


    :) That's The Ultimate Add On collection for DOOM / DOOM II. I purchased mine from a Fred Meyer's in Vancouver, WA. It wasn't worth the money really but I only paid something like $3.99 so no big loss. There were only something like a dozen WADs that worth playing a second or third time through.

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    I just about remember the community before even "Doom news", later transformed into the news section of Doomshack, existed =p Mind you, I wasn't exactly very active in those days ;)

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    fishy: If you know the date which a computer game is released on then your obsessed. I never said obsession is a bad thing.

    Heck I need reminding when my birthday is coming up.

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    Uhm... Doom is kewl.

    /me like Doom.

    BTW I've finished this really cool underground bridge. Rocks and metal in a beatiful mix.

    It's coming together.

    BTW Fish. aren't you getting enough of something pink and wet or something? Just wondering cause you seem to be a bit on the rampage.

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    I was never really in the community or up to date on the current doom happenings until Junior year in high school. I had started my Twice Risen project and had gotten a few e-mails, but I never knew what kind of a watchful eye I was under. Then one day I was looking up random things in the library and I typed in 'Twice Risen' and FuncE came up. I didn't know what it really was, and didn't think too much of it. Later on I got an e-mail from someone who wanted me to join their new Doom news site. A week later I got an e-mail from Doomworld signaling their opening. So I got myself hosted with Doomworld. Turns out it was Doomnation who mailed me first. Heh, well, glad I'm here now! From then on I really became what you would call an active member.

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    Guest q.pixel[rex]


    Hmm...I started playing doom when I was 10 (15 now)...that was only the Mac shareware though. When I got doom2 a few months later, I felte pretty proud that I was playing MacDoom since it had high-res ;-) That was before the ports came and blew MacDoom out of the picture lol. I joined the community with a MacDoom page hosted on Doomworld (gone now btw) and well...it flopped. I was a 12-year-old doomer who messes around with Photoshop making worthless pages and need I mention the crappy levels I made and also the PlanetDoom story ;-)
    My level editing career really started when I walked across GothicDM2 one day after seeing how SlaughterDM started out based on their textures and Dagger's little blurp about how good GDM was. It inspired me to make a DM map with GDM style detail and textures, I sent it in to Cov as an app to Crucified Dreams and before I know it, Dagger asked me to join after seeing a shot of that small symetrical map I made.

    time to mess with DCK again and made weird stuff.......

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    Demi|inX: Ah, yes, I remember that text from the back of the CD. I think I got it for $15 or $10. And, yeah, most of the levels were total crap, but the editors included (plus a useful DEU tutorial) made it worth the money.

    Jon: I know the date that some games were released. Specifically Sonic 2, because to do the debug cheat you must enter the date of the game's release. Also, Sonic 3 was released on Groundhog Day of...1994, I think. It was part of their ad campaign. And Sonic Adventure (plus a few other Dreamcast games) was released 9-9-99, and I also remember that because it was their ad campaign.

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    Demi|inX and Kinkajoy, I got that CD too! From a friend.
    Heh, I'm just a player.
    The extent of my editing was to add movie posters to a couple walls in the Theatre.wad on that CD. Just for the hell of it.

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